R&D and innovation. Chemical methods for increasing oil recovery. Improving drilling and well completion technologies

>50 technological projects launched as part of the Technological Strategy for Exploration and Production of Gazprom Neft in 2016.

Priority innovative development Gazprom Neft PJSC are technologies that ensure the achievement of strategic goals for a cost-effective increase in production and an increase in the technological effectiveness of oil refining. The Company has implemented a system of long-term technological planning: long-term technological challenges and solutions necessary to overcome them have been identified.

In 2016, the Company updated the Innovative Development Program, which now covers the time horizon until 2025. The core of the Program was the implementation of a set of technologies that increase well productivity, the development of the Bazhenov formation, the improvement of tertiary methods for increasing oil recovery in depleted fields, as well as the development and launching the production of oil refining catalysts.

In addition to the key projects mentioned above, production automation projects in the mining and oil refining segments occupy an important place in the Innovative Development Program.

Since 2014, the Company has had a Technological Strategy in the field of exploration and production, which combines technological challenges in priority areas. Key technological tasks include involving hard-to-recover and unconventional hydrocarbon reserves in the development, increasing oil recovery from mature fields, developing carbonate and fractured reservoirs, and increasing drilling efficiency.

Energy program about development hard-to-recover reserves hydrocarbons at Gazprom Neft

Modernization of the Serbian oil refinery in Pančevo by NIS

Documentary“Prirazlomnaya. No room for error"

Improving drilling and well completion technologies

One of the key directions in the development of drilling technologies is increasing the length of the horizontal section of the well. At the Novoportovskoye field, the length of the horizontal wellbore reached 2 thousand meters, which is the maximum for the Company.

Another key area is increasing drilling speed. Salym Petroleum Development Company – joint venture Gazprom Neft and Shell drilled a well with a depth of 3.3 thousand meters at the Verkhnesalym field in less than 8 days. The speed of construction of this well has become a new technical limit for this depth.

A landmark technological event in 2016 was the opening of an updated drilling support center at the Gazpromneft STC site, which monitors the process of drilling horizontal wells around the clock. The center is for the first time in the domestic oil and gas industry combined the functions of geological and technological support for well construction work.

A key area for increasing the efficiency of well completion is improving the technology of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. In March 2016, Gazpromneft-Khantos, for the first time in the Gazprom Neft Group, carried out 18-stage hydraulic fracturing at the Yuzhno-Priobskoye field in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Before maximum value there were 15 hydraulic fracturing stages in one horizontal wellbore. In July of the reporting year, a 30-stage hydraulic fracturing was performed at the Yuzhno-Priobskoye field - the first such operation for the Russian oil and gas industry.

Modern technologies drilling of Gazprom Neft

Gazprom Neft Drilling Support Center

Modern geological exploration technologies of Gazprom Neft

Involvement in the development of unconventional reserves

The strategic priority for the Company is the cost-effective involvement in the development of reserves of the Bazhenov formation. Technology development is carried out in two directions:

  • increasing the accuracy of forecasting the oil and gas content of Bazhenov deposits;
  • increasing the efficiency of drilling and well completion technologies.

In the first direction, a consortium with the participation of the Company and domestic scientific organizations developed the world's first hydraulic fracturing simulator for the Bazhenov formation.

In the second direction, the Company carried out the construction of high-tech wells in order to optimize technologies and reduce the cost of wells.

Chemical methods for enhanced oil recovery

Taking into account the high share of assets at a late stage of development, increasing oil recovery from mature fields is one of the Company’s technological priorities. To solve this problem, Salym Petroleum Development is developing the technology of soda-surfactant-polymer flooding - a chemical method for increasing oil recovery, which involves injecting a surfactant, soda and polymer into the reservoir. The injection process began in March 2016 as part of a pilot project at the West Salym field. The goal of the project is to evaluate the technological and economic efficiency soda-surfactant-polymer flooding. Successful completion of the tests will allow the Company to move on to large-scale industrial implementation of the technology in Western Siberia.

Downstream Innovation

18 patents 26 applications 2 international applications received in 2016 for key technical solutions in the field of oil refining at Rospatent

In 2016, 18 patents were received and 26 applications (including 2 international) were registered with Rospatent for key technical solutions in the field of oil refining, in particular for oligomerization technologies, solid acid alkylation, and hydrotreating diesel fuel and vacuum gas oil, reactivation of hydrotreating catalysts and production of catalyst carriers, ensuring the achievement of the Company’s strategic goals.

Increase in the number of intellectual property objects Source: Company data

Modern combined oil refining unit “EURO+” at the Moscow Refinery

Main projects in the field of innovative development in 2016

Development of production of oil refining catalysts

The Russian Ministry of Energy awarded the Gazprom Neft project for the development of catalyst production national status.

The Russian Ministry of Energy has assigned the Gazprom Neft project to develop catalyst production national status. As part of the project, in 2016 Gazprom Neft opened the first engineering center in Russia for testing catalysts for secondary oil refining processes in Omsk. As part of the center, the first pilot catalytic cracking unit in Russia began operating, which allows testing catalysts involving various types raw materials, as well as determine the conditions and modes of their maximum effective use at the cat cracking production complexes of Russian oil refineries. The complex also provides for the construction of a regeneration and reactivation unit for spent hydrotreating catalysts. Full launch is planned for 2019.

Russian equipment was delivered to Omsk for the modernization of the Gazprom Neft Omsk Refinery

Development of catalyst production technologies

Development innovative technologies Catalyst production is carried out by the Company in collaboration with leading Russian research centers in the field of catalytic processes - the Institute of Catalysis named after. G.K. Boreskov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) and the Institute for Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Omsk). The result collaboration in 2016, the development of domestic catalysts for a number of technological processes began. The developed catalysts are superior in efficiency to existing imported analogues, which will improve product quality and production margins.

Energy program about the Gazprom Neft engineering center for testing catalysts in Omsk

Creation of solid acid alkylation technology

In the field of increasing environmental friendliness production processes key project R&D is the creation of solid acid alkylation technology. The project is being implemented jointly with the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. A.V. Topchiev RAS. In 2016, construction of a pilot plant for solid acid alkylation was completed at the site of PJSC Elektrogorsk Oil Refining Institute (Elektrogorsk). The introduction of this technology will eliminate technological process hazardous and corrosive components, involve low-grade raw materials in processing, and also increase production volumes of the Euro-5 high-octane gasoline component.

Development of innovative products

Unique opened interindustry Research Center at the Ryazan plant site bituminous materials.

Based on the results of studies carried out in 2016 jointly with the Perm National Research polytechnic university R&D has developed a formulation of road bitumen BND 70/100 (according to GOST 33133), including oxidized high-viscosity tar and an extract for selective purification of residual oils. Together with scientists from the All-Russian Research Institute of the Petroleum Industry (JSC VNIINP), the development of a formulation of unleaded aviation gasoline with an octane number of 91 and improved performance properties for the needs of small aviation has been completed. Gazpromneft-SM and Gazpromneft-BM have developed and launched a number of new products that meet GOST requirements and consumer expectations. A unique inter-industry Research Center has been opened at the site of the Ryazan Bituminous Materials Plant.

Gazprom Neft opened Russia's largest research and development center for bitumen materials

Industry 4.0 solutions in the field of industrial automation

In 2016, the concept of automation of production management was formed taking into account innovative solutions of Industry 4.0. We started creating “digital twins” of production facilities. Pilot projects on predictive management of equipment condition (reliability management) and projects using engineering data in a 3D environment have been implemented. These projects are among the first in oil refining in Russian Federation implemented using Industry 4.0 solutions.

" url="http://newgaztech.ru/news/default/view/id/121">

Gazprom's innovative development program until 2025 was approved in June 2016. The main goal of the program is to constantly increase the technological and organizational level of development of the company to maintain its position as a global energy company and a reliable supplier of energy resources. As part of Gazprom's innovative development program until 2025, much attention is paid to research and development (R&D) and pre-investment studies. The company annually allocates a significant amount of funds for these purposes. In 2017, Gazprom allocated 8.2 billion rubles for research and development.

In 2017, more than 325 R&D results were implemented at Gazprom Group facilities, the expected economic effect of which exceeds RUB 310 billion.Let us recall that the effect of the R&D results implemented at Gazprom in 2016 was estimated at more than RUB 279 billion . Gazprom is improving its corporate management system intellectual property. In particular, the company’s patent strategy until 2025 is being developed. It will allow optimizing work in the field legal protection created technical and technological solutions. It's about about the large amount of work - in 2017 alone, Gazprom received more than 200 patents and filed over 250 new applications. A program has been formed and implemented since 2017 scientific research and developments carried out by institutes Russian Academy sciences in the interests of Gazprom. An important area of ​​implementation of the innovative development program is cooperation With Russian institutions and universities. In 2017, 4 new research and development programs were approved that universities are doing for the company. Gazprom actively participates in the development of new and improvement of existing educational programs that meet the strategic long-term interests of the company. In 2017, such work was carried out in 72 programs. In addition, Gazprom closely cooperates in the scientific and technical field with companies in related industries and foreign partners. The Board of Directors approved a report on the progress of implementation of the innovative development program for 2017 and the updated Gazprom innovative development program until 2025. Previously, the Gazprom Management Board

The main results of the research are: cost-effective involvement in the development of fields in new gas producing regions (the waters of the Ob and Taz Bays, the Yamal Peninsula, the shelf of the Barents and Kara Seas, Eastern Siberia And Far East), as well as the creation of technologies for the effective development of small gas fields and unconventional resources, such as coalbed methane.

Much attention OJSC Gazprom devotes its attention to the development and use of Russian high-tech innovations. In particular, one of the company’s priorities when implementing new projects for the production of liquefied natural gas(LNG) is an increase in the Russian component in terms of the use of domestic equipment.

The development of our own gas liquefaction technology will eliminate Gazprom’s dependence on foreign developments, and will also create the possibility of supplying Russian-made equipment to LNG plants.

For autonomous power supply of cathodic protection stations, communication systems and telemetry of main pipelines, the first demonstration model in Russia of a fundamentally new environmentally friendly power plant based on fuel cells with a proton exchange membrane was developed. Currently, work has been organized to master its serial production. The implementation of the installation will ensure a reduction in costs for the purchase of imported power plants with a capacity of 3-5 kW and thermoelectric generators, as well as a reduction in costs due to gas savings for own needs.


Projects are being implemented to create a pilot plant for the production of synthetic liquid fuels with a capacity of 100 thousand tons per year, as well as a small-scale installation for the production of high-octane gasoline for use in low-yield and low-pressure wells.

Technologies are being developed for the rational development of helium-containing deposits complex processing raw materials for the production of LNG and the release of helium, as well as technologies and technical solutions for the transportation and storage of helium. In order to increase the depth of processing of liquid hydrocarbon raw materials and improve the quality of produced motor fuels in accordance with Euro-4 and Euro-5 classes, secondary processes processing stable gas condensate and oil. In addition, the creation of technology for processing high-sulfur fuel oil at the Astrakhan gas processing plant using electron-stimulated cracking continues.

Gazprom is trying to improve quality highways in our country through the use of sulfur asphalt concrete in their construction and repair. Sulfur asphalt concrete is produced in the same factories as conventional paving material. It contains about 2% modified sulfur, and this additive practically does not increase the cost of the material. At the same time, road surfaces using sulfur asphalt concrete do not require repair for 5-7 years.

Motor fuel

Gazprom also strives to solve one of the world's main problems - air pollution in major cities. It is no secret that the largest volume harmful substances In megacities, cars that consume petroleum products are thrown away. Converting them to compressed natural gas (CNG) dramatically reduces the level of these emissions. If we take Euro-4 gasoline as a standard, it turns out that in terms of nitrogen oxide emissions, CNG wins almost three times, in CH - 14 times, in benzopyrene - more than 16 times, in soot - three times (in comparison with diesel fuel - 100 times).

In 2010, the Gazprom Group opened four gas filling stations in Russia, one in Germany, one in the Czech Republic and a natural gas liquefaction complex at GDS-4 in the Sverdlovsk region, and also began operating a gas filling station in Kuzbass, which uses coal bed methane . In addition, car conversion centers were opened in Saratov and Krasnoturinsk. Plans for 2011 include the construction of 21 more gas stations.

Sergey Pravosudov

Corporate magazine "Gazprom"

Andrey Vladimirovich, tell us about priority areas R&D of Gazprom Neft. What's first on the agenda?

As you know, we have approved strategic guidelines until 2025. By this time, we must take a leading position in the catalyst business and introduce our own technologies and establish itself as a leader in the development of fundamentally new products and technologies. Among them are catalytic cracking catalysts, catalysts for hydrogenation processes, and reactivation technology.

- What do you see as the company’s key advantage in developing the catalyst business?

The fact is that we not only develop, but also test all technologies ourselves on our own assets. This allows us to verify the high degree of reliability of the results obtained and that the new technology will increase production efficiency. During testing, we receive objective information about how promising the technology is and how quickly it can be implemented into production processes.

- Tell us about the catalystoligomerization. What is its advantage?

It was developed jointly by specialists from Gazprom Neft and the UN T company. This year, industrial testing of the new oligomerization catalyst was successfully completed. An experimental run has shown that its technical characteristics exceed those of similar catalysts available on the Russian market. The developed catalyst is guaranteed to demonstrate an increased mileage between regenerations, 2.5 times in comparison with its analogue. The yield of oligomerizate is increased by 30%. In this case, the octane number of the oligomerizate is more than 93 pp.

- Is it now possible to evaluate the economic effect of using this catalyst?

Yes, the achieved economic effect at one installation of the Moscow Oil Refinery (ORP) per year, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to more than 180 million rubles. It is also important that a typical oligomerization catalyst requires regeneration after a month's run to restore catalytic activity. The service life of the catalyst we developed between regenerations is 55 days. Total term catalyst service life increased from 2.5 to 5 years. Accordingly, this will greatly affect the effectiveness of the technology.

Experiments at the Omsk Refinery

- Tell me aboutaroforming. What kind of technology is this?

Aroforming is sweeping the planet - similar technologies are being intensively developed in China, the UAE and especially in the USA, for example in Houston. Here you need to understand that the time of discovery is over, it is difficult to invent something new. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to enter into technologies that already exist and are effective on the market, and in return for introducing them to patent holders, bear the costs of commercialization and promotion. This is exactly what happens with aroforming.

In the future, the aroforming installation at the Omsk Oil Refinery will be able to produce 450 thousand tons of high-octane component of motor gasoline per year.

- The component will be called "aroma format"? What are the benefits of the technology?

Yes. Aroforming, by the way, is a registered trade name. It is important to immediately note that the composition of the aroforming catalyst does not contain platinoids. It is possible to use the raw materials from our catalytic factory as co-components for this catalyst. The pressure is low - 5-10 atmospheres, several times less than in reforming. The equipment is lighter and cheaper. The aroforming catalyst processes fractions with a predominance of C7 hydrocarbons, which are not suitable for processing by classical methods such as catalytic cracking or reforming. They are low-margin because there are no reasonable methods for processing them. We have to pour them into stable gas gasoline, which contains a lot of low-octane components and further processing is difficult.

And aroforming makes it possible to obtain high-octane commercial gasoline with low benzene and sulfur content from a low-margin product. Such low-octane fuel cannot be processed using other technologies.

100% recovery

If we talk about the most popular catalytic cracking and hydrotreating catalysts on the market, what are their further fate? What are the R&D priorities?

The main priority is catalytic cracking catalysts (FCC), of a very high degree of readiness, with real economic effect. We will move towards reducing the sulfur content in products, towards Euro-6 environmental standards and, possibly, even higher. In the world it's already underway development of these standards, and we must be ready.

Some plants have certain advantages - and FCC catalysts can highlight them if the catalyst composition is rationally adapted to the needs of the consumer. Let’s say that for the Serbian company NIS we developed and specially selected a catalyst that made it possible to produce less gas and gasoline, but more kerosene and diesel fuel. Which, of course, turned out to be in demand on the Serbian market and allows for increased economic efficiency.

We are also actively developing in the field of hydrocracking catalysts. We received very good firsts the results are at the level of foreign analogues. We will move further, including providing batch loading of catalysts for two-stage hydrocracking, which is now actively spreading throughout the world and in the future will also be available at large factories in Russia.

- And if we talk about hydrotreating catalysts?

Regarding hydrotreating, we observed a good effect when using the technology for reactivating the diesel fuel hydrotreating catalyst, developed by the company together with the SB RAS. We took a spent catalyst from a hydrotreating unit at the Omsk Oil Refinery and carried out oxidative regeneration, that is, the removal of carbon compounds deposited on the surface of the catalyst during the hydrotreating of diesel fuel. Then they carried out a reactivation procedure - restoration of active centers with special reagents. An industrial batch of a catalyst for deep hydrotreating of diesel fuel, reactivated using the developed technology, showed high efficiency- at the level of fresh catalyst - at the L-24-6 unit of the Omsk Refinery as part of the production program. The reactivated catalyst demonstrated the necessary stability and stability under changing conditions of the technological process and the properties of the processed raw materials (up to 11% of catalytic cracking gas oil was involved in the raw materials) from May 2016 to April 2017, ensuring the production of Euro-5 diesel fuel.

Service life - up to 8 years

- Catalyst production technology has recently been developedreformingstationary layer. Tell us about this technology.

Its developer was the Omsk (SB) RAS (IPGTU SB RAS). The first pilot batch of 15 tons will be produced at the Angarsk Catalyst Plant in 2018. The advantage of this catalyst is the reduction aromatic hydrocarbons by 4-5% compared to imported and domestic analogues. Starting operating temperatures are also significantly lower - by 10-15 degrees. Octane number is at the level of 95-96 pp.

Thus, the quality of the final gasoline increases, the total aromatics decreases, and the yield of reformate remains at the level of imported analogues.

Currently, an international application has been filed to protect the company's rights on the international market (in 150 countries). The service life of reforming catalysts is up to eight years. In 2019, a pilot run is planned on the L-35-11/300 unit at the Moscow Refinery.

- In general, should the experience of cooperation with you be considered successful?

Our strategic partner in the development, production and application of cracking catalysts. Thanks to this partnership, Gazprom Neft regularly updates its production range of catalytic cracking catalysts, meeting the growing needs of the market. During a meeting of the scientific and technical council of the logistics, refining and sales block of Gazprom Neft in December last year, a general agreement was signed: Gazprom Neft, Gazpromneft-ONPZ, Gazpromneft - Catalytic Systems and agreed on cooperation in the field of development highly efficient catalytic cracking catalysts for the company's refineries and its catalyst business until 2025.

Small category catalysts

At Gazprom Neft plants there are not only hydrotreating processes, but also hydrorefining of raw materials?
- Right. In October, the Omsk Refinery began a pilot run of the new isodewaxing catalyst GIP-14, developed as part of R&D for the production of winter and Arctic diesel fuels. As part of the production program, the catalyst ensures the production of winter diesel fuel that complies with GOST 55475-2013 with a maximum filterability temperature in the range of −42...-44 °C (at a standard of −38 °C). The project was carried out within the framework of the import substitution program in the cooperation of Omsk Oil Refinery/VNII NP; the resulting catalyst does not contain precious metals, and when used, diesel fuel is obtained with the required low-temperature properties under milder conditions compared to the imported analogue.

- What can you say about the “minor” catalysts, so to speak, of the small categoryAnd?

If, for example, we develop a catalyst that allows us to obtain at least 2 times more paraxylene instead of the entire amount of xylene, that will be great!

To summarize, we can say that we will strive to ensure that within a few years the company is almost completely provided with its own catalysts. Which will ultimately bring closer the independence of domestic oil refining from external suppliers for the main catalysts.

  • Oleg Martyanov: we are moving from fundamental research to ready-made solutions within one structure

    ​In March of this year, as a result of the merger of the Institute for Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing SB RAS (IPPU SB RAS, Omsk) to Novosibirsk Institute catalysis of the SB RAS, the Federal Research Center “Institute of Catalysis SB RAS” was created.

  • Gazprom Neft is developing a catalyst production project in Omsk

    ​Gazpromneft-Catalytic Systems will receive pilot installations for testing catalysts for hydrotreating and hydrocracking processes. This was reported by the Gazprom Neft press service on March 12, 2019. The unique equipment will complement the fleet of pilot installations of the engineering center, which is an important part of the large-scale Gazprom Neft project » on creation in Omsk modern complex production of domestic high-tech catalytic systems for key oil refining processes.

  • The Federal Research Center (FRC) “Institute of Catalysis SB RAS” was established

    March 13, 2019 is the date of formation of the Federal Research Center (FRC) "Institute of Catalysis SB RAS", specializing in the field of catalysis and related sciences. The Catalytic Federal Research Center arose on the basis of the Institute of Catalysis SB RAS by joining the Institute for Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing SB RAS (IPPU SB RAS, Omsk) as a branch called the Center for New chemical technologies IC SB RAS.

  • KPI “Resource and Energy Efficient Catalysts and Processes” was formed

    Federal agency scientific organizations organized the development and formation of a Comprehensive Research Plan (CPRP) “Resource- and energy-efficient catalysts and processes.” KPIs are built according to the design principle.