Homemade currant pastille. Step-by-step photo recipe for preparing blackcurrant marshmallows in the dryer for the winter at home. Recipes for making homemade blackcurrant marshmallows

Cough is a common and common occurrence. We rarely pay attention to cough, even if it becomes systemic. We only realize it when it begins to be accompanied by pain, significantly changing the quality of life. Bad thoughts immediately pop into your head. It's scary to go to the doctor. But you have to. Ostrich's position in this case will not lead to anything good. Having quickly established a diagnosis, you can begin treatment, avoiding unpleasant consequences.

First, let’s clarify: the expression “lungs hurt when you cough” is incorrect. The lungs by their nature cannot hurt because they do not have nerve endings. Pain receptors are located in the trachea and bronchi. Can they cause pain when coughing? Of course they can. But not only that.

You will be surprised. Pain when coughing has a variety of etiologies. Many diseases and conditions human body lead to pain in the chest, accompanied by coughing.

It is commonly believed that this phenomenon occurs only with problems such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and tracheitis.

Few people know: pain often radiates from the inflamed organ located below chest, giving, including, to the sternum.

Diseases that provoke this symptom:

  • colds and respiratory infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart disease;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • injuries: fractures of ribs, spine;
  • thrombus blocking the pulmonary artery;
  • oncology;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • sudden pneumothorax;
  • muscle pain;
  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis.

As you can see, the list is extensive.

With heart disease, a paroxysmal cough appears in the morning, literally tormenting the patient with its intensity. Accompanied by pain radiating to left hand. In this case, this is a sign of coronary insufficiency.

Banal acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are characterized by a hacking cough with a scratching effect and pain. May be accompanied by inflammation of the trachea. The pain is localized in the lower chest. Coughing attacks cause the diaphragm muscles to contract strongly, which provokes pain.

A common situation: we were skiing, skating, fell and broke a rib. We decided to rest. But a cough reflex occurs, accompanied by pain. They are mild, aching in nature, intensifying with a deep breath.

Oncology in the lungs begins with a dry cough, gradually leading to pain. No antitussives will alleviate the condition in this case. The cough is regular, not very strong. It occurs intermittently and goes away. The pain is sudden, sharp, stabbing, girdling, aggravated by movement. It is necessary to regularly undergo fluorographic examination to stop this insidious disease in the initial stage.

A common occurrence is sudden pneumothorax resulting from injury, as well as due to improper treatment of tuberculosis, emphysema, abscesses, and lung cysts. The patient experiences sudden weakness, difficulty breathing, dry cough, palpitations, rapid pulse. The pain that accompanies the disease is varied and can even be unbearable. The covers of the body turn pale, turn blue, panic increases.

Intercostal neuralgia and thoracic radiculitis are often accompanied by the described symptoms. Sudden, shooting pain changes its intensity depending on the patient's movements.

Never make a diagnosis yourself. Visit a doctor. You may miss valuable time. Before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to clearly determine the nature of the pain. What you tell the doctor will help in making the correct diagnosis.

Types, signs, nature of pain when coughing during a cold

Listen to your body, analyze:

  • what is the nature of the pain syndrome;
  • is there wheezing when taking a deep breath or exhaling;
  • cough is dry, paroxysmal or exhausting;
  • temperature level;
  • localization of pain: from the back or front;
  • is there shortness of breath?

And yet, this phenomenon most often occurs with colds. Advanced bronchitis can develop into pneumonia, accompanied by a strained, debilitating cough that gives no rest day or night. Severe pain in the back and front of the sternum. Breathing becomes difficult.

If the cough is accompanied by severe pain, in most cases the disease has entered an acute period and the pleural area is affected. Breathing is difficult. Pleurisy is divided into dry and exudative.

With dry pain, the pain is typical only on one side and increases with inhalation, laughter, and coughing. Localized in the lower chest. When changing position there is slight relief. The patient tries to lie on the painful side.

Exudative pleurisy is a sign of tuberculosis. It begins with a dry cough that becomes debilitating. It is also accompanied by pain in the side. The pleura affected by the disease makes a characteristic sound. As the inflammatory fluid accumulates, the pain goes away. The patient begins to experience heaviness in the intercostal space, which becomes slightly swollen.

Tracheitis is characterized by increasing scratching pain in the chest area.

A dangerous disease is lobar pneumonia. The cause of the lesion is a microbe - pneumococcus. Patients complain that their lungs hurt and their temperature fluctuates. The fever gives way to heat, it is difficult to breathe. The cough is dry and painful. When the cough progresses to the wet stage, it is accompanied by thick sputum.

How to get rid of pain, what to do? It is not the pain that is treated, but the cause of the disease that is eliminated. The diagnosis must be made by a doctor. If you were not hospitalized, the doctor prescribed treatment, prescribed medicine, it is important to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions. Serious colds can be cured with injections and antibiotic tablets.

At home, proven traditional medicine is used.

Few people know the recipe of our grandmothers:

  • take a medium-sized black radish;
  • peel;
  • cut the top edge, use a knife to hollow out a hole in the middle;
  • put a couple of spoons of honey there;
  • let it brew;
  • Take several times during the day before meals.

An excellent recipe for treating coughs in adults and children. It has a pleasant taste and is very popular with children.

Do not neglect expectorant mixtures, herbal infusions and teas. Folk medicines will help transform a cough from dry to wet, and promote the removal of sputum.

Milk with honey and a piece butter, drunk at night, will soften inflammation. If there are no contraindications, you can prepare it yourself burnt sugar and suck it, periodically washing it down with herbal tea. It is necessary to warm up the body well at night.

During treatment, you should strictly adhere to the algorithm prescribed by the doctor. Be patient. The disease will not go away immediately. By stubbornly and persistently fighting its manifestations, you will get rid of the debilitating cough and be able to sleep peacefully at night. The main thing is not to relax and complete the started course of treatment. There is nothing worse than an untreated infection dormant in the body, capable of shooting out at any moment. Take good care of your body, and it will not cause you problems in the future.

Anatomically, the lungs do not contain nerve endings, so no unpleasant sensations arise in them. But often among the complaints of patients you can hear that their lungs hurt when they cough. Why is this so? The answer suggests itself: the sensations are associated with problems in the tissues that are located around this organ.

Pain in the lungs requires careful diagnosis to identify the cause.

List possible diseases huge. This sign indicates pathologies with the bronchi, spine, and nerves. A dry cough indicates tracheitis, and pain is felt from the shoulder blades and behind the sternum. But a person cannot independently examine the larynx or listen to the lungs, so a specialist is needed. If pain is felt only on one side, we can talk about pleurisy, which increases discomfort with a deep breath. It is important not to forget about the influence of smoking, as well as the nature of the symptom: cutting, sharp, dull or aching.

Reasons to worry

When a person experiences unpleasant symptoms, he turns to different sources and diagnoses himself with thousands serious illnesses. Should you be so worried, since coughing is a common symptom of a cold? If another part of the body is bothering you at the same time, you should quickly find the provocateur so as not to trigger a possible serious illness.

The following problems can provoke a persistent cough with pain that radiates to the lungs:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • bronchial asthma;

One of the causes of pain in the lungs is tuberculosis

  • stomach diseases;
  • the body's reaction to certain medications.

If chronic symptom began to bother a woman after menopause, and also in parallel with an acute respiratory viral infection; doctors will not be able to determine the cause of this condition. This disease is called idiopathic cough, for which there is no treatment. The patient will have to constantly take antitussives.

Do not worry if the symptom occurs suddenly and with acute manifestations. In this case, a diagnosis is possible: a cold, acute respiratory viral infection or flu. These are seasonal diseases that are treated quite quickly and without impact on the side or other organ.

The best prognosis for recovery is if the cough is caused by a cold or flu

You need to be wary of a prolonged but not persistent cough. It may suddenly appear and then disappear for a while. Usually this is a dry cough without sputum production, which does not respond to medications. In this case, cancer may be suspected.

Sometimes you feel a slight pain in your throat when you cough. right lung. Medicine knows more than 20 ailments with this symptom. The most basic may be disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, injuries, abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive organs, neurology and bone problems. In this case, the patient has difficulty breathing.

Changing body position will help determine the disease. Having studied his body, a person will accurately describe to the attending physician the type of cough, the location of the discomfort in different positions. For example, when there is a kickback to the left hand and unpleasant signs behind the sternum or between the shoulder blades, they speak of heart pathologies. Sharp lumbago in the area of ​​the right lung indicates gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers or problems with the gallbladder).

Sometimes a cough indicates the development of gastritis or ulcers

It is especially important to take good care of your health during pregnancy. To avoid the development of dangerous illnesses, the woman is constantly examined. Her blood is taken for analysis, which makes it possible to rule out serious illnesses. Pregnant women become hypothermic, become infected, and then cough. Pain and fainting are explained by the condition of the woman and the pressure of the uterus on internal organs. Expectant mothers often suffer from back pain in later stages, and there may also be a pinched nerve.

Possible ailments

Why a person has such a condition, only a doctor knows after a thorough examination, questioning, studying the results of analysis and examinations. It is strictly forbidden to independently diagnose yourself, especially with prolonged and chronic coughing. The most common diseases that occur in this case:

  • a cold or flu that has complications;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bruises, fractures of ribs and pectoral muscles.

Pain when coughing occurs with lung cancer

One mild scenario is coughing after an injury. Apart from being painful, it does not pose any serious danger. These symptoms can be managed at home without medical help. This also includes the painful condition of a person if he has a cold or he has strained his back after sports or physical activity. Usually the discomfort disappears after a few days, otherwise you need to go to the clinic and get checked for a crack or fracture.

Complications of colds should not be left without the attention of a physician. If a person does not receive treatment or does it incorrectly and not fully, the disease may become complicated by pneumonia, tracheitis or bronchitis. In this case, the patient feels pain in the lung when coughing severely, high temperature. You need to immediately visit a doctor and eliminate the cause.

The condition is deadly when blood is released during a strong and prolonged cough. It can be either wet or dry. Special feature– sharp pain in the lungs and chest during breathing.

Smoking accelerates the development of cancer

The same danger is signaled by a prolonged and sharp cough, when the patient feels discomfort in the body. Diagnosis: lung cancer. In addition to these options, the patient may be diagnosed with: myocardial infarction, osteomyelitis or abscess, thoracic radiculitis, pneumothorax. Even herpes zoster develops with a similar clinical picture.

Every cigarette you smoke brings you closer to a dangerous, fatal disease.

Discomfort depending on side

If a person has pain in the lungs and a cough when inhaling, you should understand all the auxiliary symptoms. It is necessary to describe whether there is a runny nose, sneezing at the same time, which side is bothering you. In this combination, a cold may occur.

Discomfort may increase with deep breaths

Depending on the affected lung, adhesive or dry pleurisy is diagnosed on the right or left. Main symptoms:

  • increased pain during a deep breath, changing body position;
  • discomfort is felt in the lower ribs on the sides;
  • when turning to the painful area, unpleasant symptom disappears.

With tuberculosis, effusion pleurisy or pneumonia, cirrhosis, patients complain of paroxysmal dry cough. It is difficult for them to breathe, and pain is felt on the affected side until it accumulates large quantity liquids. Over time, the symptom subsides, but heaviness appears.

It radiates to the stomach with lung cancer, but this disease is diagnosed too late in half of the patients. The pain in this case will be stabbing, sharp and girdling. When coughing and inhaling, a person complains of discomfort both behind and in front. When nerve endings are compressed by a lesion, oncology develops on the spine or ribs.

Painful cough is often caused by uncontrolled use of medications

If a person has heaviness in the lungs but no cough, they may have pneumonia. This often happens due to uncontrolled use of antibiotics, as well as antitussives. Patients kill the immune system with such actions, suppress symptoms, but do not remove the cause.

Lung soreness and fever

During lobar pneumonia, the same sensation is observed with a strong cough. Additional signs:

  • increase in temperature;
  • headache;
  • the person sweats profusely;
  • chills and general malaise.

Osteomyelitis of the ribs and chest occurs with fever, because suppuration spreads to the bones. The patient experiences swelling and tenderness in this area, and fistulas develop.

With pneumonia, cough is accompanied by high fever

It is also necessary to treat all colds that are accompanied by a cough with mucus, drowsiness and high fever. Provided timely and correct therapy is carried out, no complications are observed, and therefore pain in the lungs goes away quickly.

Factors not related to the respiratory system

Treatment should be carried out necessarily, because self-therapy at home can erase clinical picture, but will not get rid of the problem. Thus, people aggravate their condition, bringing their health to an extreme degree of exhaustion.

Among other reasons that cannot be determined without a doctor:

Severe cough is provoked electronic cigarettes, especially people who tried them for the first time suffer from this.

Medical assistance

Instead of worrying and worrying about ambiguous symptoms, you need to act immediately. If there is pain in the chest, contact a therapist, who will issue a referral for examination by specialists. If your throat hurts, you most likely have a cold. But if there is discomfort on outside neck visit an endocrinologist.

To get advice you need to see a therapist

Other specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist.

If you have tuberculosis, you should immediately go to a phthisiatrician. This disease can be treated, so there is no need to delay consultation. With bruises, fractures of the chest or ribs, patients are sent to traumatology, and to get rid of cancer they will need an oncologist. A pulmonologist can help rule out common lung diseases.

The video will introduce the main symptoms of pneumonia:

Despite the absence of nerve endings on the axons in the lungs, this organ can actually hurt due to any inflammation and injury to the pleura, diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system.

An experienced doctor, hearing that a person experiences pain in the lungs when coughing, will think at least 20 possible diseases and about even more reasons for them. And the reasons vary from serious problems respiratory system to disruptions in other organ systems, such as digestion. That is why it is important to pay attention to each symptom in order to quickly establish a diagnosis and its cause.

Pain in the lung cannot appear out of nowhere - it is necessarily preceded by some kind of illness or damage to tissues and bones. Based on the medical history compiled by the doctor in the clinic after examinations, tests and conversations with the patient, a diagnosis is made and it is explained how the patient will be treated.

The diagnosis may include:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • rib injuries;
  • silicosis;
  • abscess;
  • pulmonary infarction;
  • pneumothorax;
  • pleurisy;
  • lung cancer.

If a patient's lungs hurt when coughing, this indicates a potentially dangerous disease. If treatment is not started in time, there is a risk of serious and irreversible consequences.


This disease of the respiratory system affects the walls of the bronchi. Due to exacerbation ecological crisis the air is increasingly filled with toxins and becomes harmful to the human body. There are acute and chronic bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis

This form involves inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, accompanying other existing inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

Causes of the disease:

  • pathogenic bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • cold;
  • hypothermia;
  • smoke or polluted air.

Acute bronchitis is accompanied by acute pain during breathing in the lungs from the back (from the back), a dry cough, fever and active secretion of sputum, which in the first days has difficulty leaving the back of the throat.

Chronic bronchitis

With this form of the disease, the bronchial tree is affected and sputum is produced profusely. Causes of the disease:

  • smoking;
  • dirty air, smog;
  • dust;
  • toxic fumes;
  • acids;
  • dampness and cold;
  • hot dry air.

In addition, chronic bronchitis can be a consequence of allergies and other diseases that weaken the body's defense mechanisms.

Treatment of bronchitis

It is necessary to go to the hospital at the first signs of any illness, especially if a person feels pain in the left or right lung when inhaling. If treatment is not started in time, the patient is at risk of reversing recovery.

The doctor can draw up a treatment plan only based on the patient’s individual answers: daily routine, habits, environment, nutrition. By the way, if you have bronchitis, it is recommended to switch to a high-calorie diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink more warm, fortified liquid.

Bronchial asthma

This is a chronic disease of the respiratory system, when its sensitivity to external stimuli increases significantly. The main symptoms are as follows: the lungs hurt when coughing, attacks of suffocation, spasms and wheezing occur.

Causes of the disease:

  • dust;
  • pollutants ( chemicals emanating from ovens, adhesives, varnishes and smoke);
  • dirty air;
  • sudden changes in air temperature and humidity;
  • household chemicals;
  • active lung metabolism;
  • fungus;
  • food products that have an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • viral infections;
  • genetic defect.

There are enough types of asthma to describe them all possible reasons its occurrence. This is why self-medication at home can only do harm: most likely, a person will misdiagnose himself and will treat the wrong thing.

Treatment consists of therapy that relaxes the muscles and eliminates swelling of the bronchi. The doctor prescribes sympathomimetics, monitors the reaction to a particular drug, and may write a prescription for another drug as treatment progresses.


This disease can affect any organ of the system, but mainly affects the lungs. Inflammatory process always occurs with pronounced intoxication.

This is what tuberculosis looks like

Causes of the disease:

  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • frequent colds;
  • weakened immune system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • chronic diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress;
  • alcohol;
  • poor nutrition;
  • congenital pathologies.

Characteristic symptoms, in addition to pain in the lungs when taking a deep breath, are: coughing up blood, sweating, rapid weight loss, low-grade fever, and weakness. Tuberculosis, like asthma, has many varieties, and identifying the disease at first can be difficult. You shouldn’t think alone about what to do next—this is the case when emergency assistance is required. medical care and long-term, persistent treatment.

Treatment of tuberculosis

The tuberculosis bacillus enters the human body in childhood, but is dormant and does not harm health. However, if conditions change and become unfavorable, the rod will begin to actively reproduce.

Pulmonary tuberculosis carries the risk of complications such as internal bleeding and pneumothorax. In this case, the symptoms may differ sharply from the initial ones.

Treatment consists of putting the stick to sleep. Despite the fact that it seems as if the disease has gone away forever, in fact the resulting mycobacteria are not removed from the body, but are only preserved. If you stop treating the disease, the infection will gain momentum and the wand will be activated a second time.

Pneumonia and pneumonia

Pneumonia is a common disease, divided into acute and chronic. In this disease, the infection affects the lungs (alveoli). The mortality rate is about 5%.

Causes of the disease:

  • pneumococci;
  • hemophilus influenzae;
  • anaerobes;
  • viruses;
  • weak immunity;

Acute focal pneumonia

This form of pneumonia is considered an independent or secondary disease that occurs against the background of diseases such as measles, bronchitis, influenza or stroke. Infection occurs mainly in the posterior and lower locations in the throat.

Symptoms are characterized by the rapid development of inflammation, which means high temperature, intoxication in the form of headache and weakness, chest pain when sighing, wheezing wet due to phlegm and a dry cough that turns into wet when mucus is coughed up.

Chronic pneumonia

It is usually the result of untreated acute pneumonia, influenza or acute respiratory infections. It completely affects the lungs and bronchi. Exacerbations may be accompanied by coughing up blood, asthma, changes in the shape of nails and weight loss.

Treatment of pneumonia

In case of timely treatment, the chance of a favorable outcome of the disease increases. Even at home the patient will be able to perform certain rules in order to recover quickly. Requires bed rest, chest massage, leg massage, mustard plasters, lots of vitamins, healthy food and special gymnastics.

And yet, self-medication may not be as effective as inpatient treatment, or may be completely ineffective. Hospitalization is necessary to prevent pneumonia from developing. At home, a person often decides to start taking antibiotics, without knowing anything about the types and characteristics of drugs in this group. Because of this, it turns out that the patient uses ineffective antibiotics, while the hospital prescribes the necessary medications, starting with antibiotics and ending with biostimulants and glycocorticosteroid hormones.

Silicosis of the lungs

Inhalation of air containing silicon dioxide causes an increase in connective tissue and further formation of nodules. Silicosis is considered an occupational disease of workers dealing with various types dust (miners, potters and others).

This is what lungs look like with silicosis

The manifestation of symptoms directly depends on one of the three stages of the disease. For example, in the first case, the patient experiences shortness of breath mainly only in case of severe overexertion, and in the second case, a less severe load on the body is enough to cause it. Wheezing, coughing and pain only get worse. At the third stage, shortness of breath does not leave the person alone at all, along with expectoration of sputum with blood and attacks of suffocation. Also, with silicosis, dizziness occurs, the heartbeat accelerates significantly, and functions digestive system slow down and fail. A complication is pneumothorax, when the pleura fills with air or some other gas.

Cough and pain in the lungs can be described as a broad concept, since these symptoms are characteristic of more than 20 different diseases.

Pain may appear as a result of lung disease, as well as as a result of respiratory dysfunction.

In addition, pain may have a cause unrelated to respiratory system. So, pain in the lungs is sometimes a sign of:

  • digestive diseases,
  • bone diseases,
  • disruptions in the nervous system.

There are several reasons leading to pain when coughing. The most common is intercostal muscle tension. When there is a frequent cough, the muscles are overstrained, and the lactic acid that accumulates in them causes increasing pain.

In addition, pain when coughing appears due to inflammation of the pleural tissue, lungs and infections. In these cases, one-sided pain is felt, which manifests itself along with a dry and severe cough. At the same time, sputum is poorly separated.

When the lungs hurt when coughing, this may indicate that pieces of the mucous membrane are being torn off, which is typical for bronchitis and tracheitis.



  1. chest pains,
  2. dry cough,
  3. minimum sputum,
  4. feeling unwell
  5. temperature rise to 39 degrees,

While listening to the lungs, the doctor notices dry wheezing. Therapists effectively treat bronchitis.

Lobar pneumonia is a serious disease with an acute onset and sudden malaise. After some time, the patient feels chills, sweats, a severe headache and the area near the nose and mouth becomes paler.

The temperature rises to 40 degrees, sometimes there is confusion. The temperature does not subside for about a day; when it decreases, the person feels very weak.


  • cough,
  • pain on the affected side during breathing.

The sputum has a rusty appearance, breathing is heavy, and the patient’s wheezing can be heard from a distance. With x-rays and blood tests, doctors detect strong changes. Pneumonia is treated by pulmonologists and general practitioners. Severe forms of the disease require hospitalization.

An abscess is similar to pneumonia in general symptoms. Available:

  1. temperature rise,
  2. bleeding when coughing,
  3. general weakness,
  4. chest pain when breathing,
  5. dyspnea,
  6. toxicosis.

In this case, a wet cough occurs, the temperature decreases, and the person’s condition becomes better. If symptoms are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance.

This is a spontaneous condition characterized by shortness of breath, chest discomfort, interruptions in heart function, blue discoloration of the limbs and the area around the mouth.

The pressure can be so intense that the sick person will lose consciousness. The temperature also often rises and a cough with blood discharge appears. Breathing weakens when the lungs fill with blood. To save a person's life, urgent hospitalization should be performed.


A disease that is characterized by:

  1. sluggish flow,
  2. weight loss,
  3. malaise,
  4. low-grade fever,
  5. enlarged lymph nodes.

The cough lasts for several months, causing chest pain. There is also difficulty breathing and hemoptysis. The disease is treated by a phthisiatrician.


With spontaneous pneumothorax, severe stabbing pain is felt on the affected side, it radiates behind the sternum, into the neck and arm. Discomfort is higher with:

  • cough,
  • breathing and movement.

Severe fear, shortness of breath, blue or pale appearance, and respiratory failure appear. A dry cough is often observed. Prompt hospitalization to the surgical department is required.

Characteristic is the appearance of sharp pain during breathing, which is localized in the affected area. Typically, this zone is the area of ​​the lower ribs.

The pain may increase during deep bending to the opposite side of the affected area. There is weakness and a disturbance in general health, a mild increase in temperature.

A person’s breathing becomes shallow, the affected area of ​​the sternum takes less part in breathing. All patients, as a rule, lie on their right side.

To cure pleurisy, a person is admitted to a hospital in the department of therapy or pulmonology.

Pain in the lungs when inhaling

In most cases, pain in the lungs when inhaling is associated with lung diseases. The main cause of discomfort is dry pleurisy. As a rule, pain is felt in a specific area of ​​the chest and is expressed:

  1. sudden loss of strength,
  2. chills,
  3. night sweat.

The pain is stabbing in nature, since as a result the interpleural ligaments become shorter.

Pain that intensifies when you inhale are symptoms of the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis,
  • flu,
  • pericarditis,
  • inflammation of the pericardial sac,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • rheumatism.

Also, as indicative, it can also be a symptom characteristic of oncological diseases and osteochondrosis.

Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by increased pain when inhaling, which feels like a needle prick. During breathing, the symptom also appears due to chest injuries or rib fractures.

Pain in the left or right lung

Symptoms indicate pleurisy: dry or adhesive. In this case, the lesion is localized on one side of the chest. Discomfort increases with deep breaths, turning the body, sudden movements and coughing.

Often pain is felt in the lower ribs. When a person in a lying position turns over to the area of ​​pain, they subside. With pleurisy, patients lie on the painful side, trying to move less. Another cause of pain in one of the lungs is exudative pleurisy.

At the beginning of the disease, while there is little fluid in the lungs, the pain is localized on the affected side. Breathing gradually becomes difficult, and attacks of dry cough appear.

In the affected area, the doctor hears a specific noise. The pain subsides as fluid collects in the pleura. Heaviness appears, the spaces between the ribs bulge or smooth out.

Spontaneous pneumothorax, caused by air entering the pleura, is another cause of pain. Air can enter the pleura from the outside, for example, due to hip fractures, trauma or injury.

Pneumothorax can also be caused by:

  1. tumors
  2. cyst ruptures,
  3. foreign bodies in the bronchi and lungs,
  4. tuberculosis,
  5. abscesses.

Most often, young women suffer from the pathology. There is pain in the lung, it increases with rapid breathing and physical activity. However, the pain continues long time and the condition is rapidly deteriorating:

  • the face and fingers of the limbs turn blue,
  • the body turns pale
  • cold sweat appears
  • blood pressure decreases,
  • Shallow breathing occurs.

The area of ​​the chest where air accumulates is not involved in breathing. The person requires immediate medical attention.

Increased temperature with pain in the lungs

An increase in general temperature appears in diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, such as:

  1. pneumonia,
  2. often happens
  3. exudative and dry pleurisy.

As a rule, a person feels severe manifestations of a disease such as pneumonia. The severity of symptoms depends on how large the affected area is and whether the pleura is inflamed (in this case, pleuropneumonia appears).

The main symptoms of pneumonia are:

  1. severe sweat and chills,
  2. temperature rise,
  3. toxicosis,
  4. cough and wheezing in the lungs.

In many cases, a person’s lips turn blue, difficulty breathing occurs, and consciousness becomes clouded. To better understand the problem of cough and chest pain, we recommend watching the video in this article.