According to weather forecasters, spring will be late and cold. According to weather forecasters, spring will be late and cold. When does spring begin in

Spring in 2018 in Ukraine will be different from the previous one and will present several unexpected moments, according to weather forecasters. In particular, Nikolai Kulbida, director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, is confident of this. Since the winter this year was abnormally warm - the warmest in the last century, spring may also be pampered with good weather, although it will not be without frosts and unexpected snowfalls. Let's take a closer look at each of the months.

Weather for March 2018

We should not expect that winter will recede without a fight; frosts await us in March, snowfalls are still possible, and this is due to cyclones coming to our country from Europe. March will be, to put it mildly, “wintry” and it will seem that spring still won’t come. But a significant increase in temperature is just around the corner: it will be warm in the south starting from March 7th.

However, this warmth will not last long - from March 16 the temperature will begin to drop, and on March 17 most of Ukraine (except for the south and east) will experience a full-fledged frosty revenge of winter with snow and frosts down to -10 degrees or more. Snowfalls will gradually stop after March 19, but frosts will remain, although not as severe - up to minus 6 degrees during the day. In the south of the country there will be above-zero temperatures; no significant cooling is expected there.

At the very end of the month the temperature will rise (slight cooling with sleet or rain is expected only on March 28-29) to +6...+11°C. This warming will be accompanied by wet weather, rain, and on April 1, increased winds are expected, up to storm gusts.

In short, March is a rather unusual month this year. It is warm and cold at the same time, with variations that have led to the month being recognized as the coldest in recent years.

Weather for April 2018

But the beginning of April will be warm. Only closer to the middle of the month will there be a slight drop in temperature from “summer” to “spring” levels.

Until April 17, most regions of Ukraine will be quite warm - up to +18 o C in the south and up to +24 o C in the west and center of the country. Starting the weekend of April 14-15, the likelihood of rain and thunderstorms will increase, especially in western regions. On April 18-19 in Ukraine it will become colder, rainy and strong wind will be observed on larger territory countries.

Frosts are not yet expected for most of the country, although frosts at night are not uncommon in April. April 2018 looks like it will be an exception to this rule - the probability of frost will remain only in the northeastern regions in last days month.

Weather for May 2018

May in 2018 will be almost summer in Ukraine. Already at the beginning of the month, the temperature will rise above 20°C, and then it will reach +26-28, and in some places +30°C.

From Sunday, May 6, a slight decrease in temperature will gradually begin, and it will rain in most parts of Ukraine. The weekend of May 12-13 will be just as cool and rainy. Unstable weather will continue into early next week.

This is what Ukrainian weather forecaster Natalka Didenko writes in her blog about the weather in mid-May:

The cold snap will not last long - the thunderstorms will quickly recede, and the thermometer will creep up again. In the second half of the month it will be warm and even hot again. The temperature is up to +24°C, it will be hot even at night, so you can safely go out into nature and spend the night, and you don’t even have to stock up on warm clothes.

But at the end of the month they promise real heat - 30 degrees and above.

Little rain is expected in May, and those that do fall are likely to be warm summer thunderstorms.

Spring is the most troublesome time for gardeners and summer residents. The spring of 2018 in Ukraine promises to be warm and abundant in precipitation, so planting and work on garden plot It will be possible quite early.

After long winter I really want the sun, to smell the fragrant spring flowers. I want to take off my thick winter clothes and shoes and walk in light shoes. It doesn’t matter what kind of winter it was this year – snowy, frosty or with rain and slush. The main thing is to feel the warm touch of the spring sun after prolonged cold weather. Forecasters promise late spring in some regions of Russia this year.

In 2018, spring will be much cooler than in previous years. There will be more precipitation, but a warm, sunny spring will come after March. Forecasters have predicted that spring this year will be unpredictable, with sudden temperature changes possible.

When spring comes in 2018, weather forecasters: what March will be like

After prolonged cold weather, human body wants to recover and enjoy the warm rays of the sun, but this year April, March and May will not be very warm like last year. IN different regions Spring will come to Russia at different times.

March will be very cold in some regions, possible severe frosts, ice and snow cover. The first days of spring will not talk about its arrival. The sun will appear in the sky much more often than in winter, but it will not warm the earth well. According to weather forecasters, frosty weather is expected in Moscow in the first days of March; winter does not want to give up on spring. The thermometer at night will show up to -12 degrees, daytime temperatures will fluctuate from +0 to -8 degrees.

When spring comes in 2018, weather forecasters: what April will be like

April 2018 will be warmer than March. The air temperature will warm up to +2 degrees, perhaps in some regions it will be much warmer +15. Precipitation will be in the form of rain and sleet. Closer to mid-April, spring will knock on the door. The air temperature can be from +10 to +16. In the Russian capital, the air will warm up to +17 degrees during the day.

When will spring come in 2018, forecast by weather forecasters: the month of May

At the end of May, the air temperature will drop sharply. At night the air will warm up to +0, +3 degrees, daytime temperatures will be from +4 to +8 degrees. May will surprise residents of the country with sharp temperature changes from + 2 to + 18. The first days of the month of May will be cool. At the end of May the air temperature will warm up to +20 degrees. Night temperature +16.

When will spring come in 2018, forecast by weather forecasters: folk signs

The weather is unpredictable, many people do not trust the forecasts of weather forecasters, since very often they are wrong, but they believe in folk superstitions. If the larks have arrived, this means that there will be warming. If it starts to appear on the street green grass, that means it will be early spring.

If the snowdrops on the bud have opened their petals, the weather will be warm and dry, if they have closed their heads, spring will be cold and rainy. If there was a thunderstorm with thunder in April, it means the weather will change, it will be cold and damp.

If February is warm, then March will be cold. If in the last days of February there is frosty and cold weather, which means March will be warm. Ancestors predicted what spring would be like based on the temperature in winter. If the winter was cold and harsh, then spring will be warm and early. If birds hide in their nests, it means that winter will not give way to early spring. It snows on the first day of spring, which means the warmth will come very late.

According to surveys of the Russian population, the majority of residents favorite time year is spring. After all, not only nature is waking up from its winter sleep, the weather is getting better, the temperature is rising, and the sun is setting more and more often.

With the arrival of spring, things change and people seem to come to life, become more positive, and activity increases. Many summer residents are also looking forward to it, listening attentively to the forecasts of weather forecasters, who are very careful in their statements.

What the weather forecasters say

Scientists do not make assumptions; they use data from long-term weather observations in different regions and take many points into account when analyzing and making forecasts. IN in general terms, the spring of 2019 may present many unpleasant surprises to Russians.

This time of year has always been unstable, since at the beginning of the season there was a serious struggle with winter, and at the end of May there is already an active onset of summer. The situation is aggravated by the fact that anticyclones and cyclones replace each other much faster, so next spring we should expect both strong, Epiphany-like frosts and clear sunny days with rapid melting of snow, and friendly drops, giving way to snowstorms and winds.

Weather forecast for Russia

It is difficult to make a weather forecast for spring for Russia, which occupies vast territories in Europe and Asia.

While in Kaliningrad region The sun will be shining with all its might and the first tulips and primroses will bloom, in the Urals sub-zero temperatures and fairly high snow cover are the order of the day, and in Vladivostok it will be foggy and cloudy.

The first month is unstable throughout the territory; residents will feel the weather changes most of all southern regions countries, coastal regions, residents of megacities.

But the inhabitants of Siberia, Far East may not be in a hurry to hide winter clothes in closets; the time for a wardrobe change has not yet come. Heavy precipitation is possible, and again in the south - rain with sleet, and in the central part and beyond the Urals, more likely, snowfall, in the east also accompanied by strong winds.

By the middle of the calendar spring, warming will be felt in most regions; the thermometer will definitely rise above 0°C. In the southern regions you can expect daytime heat up to +15°С, at night drop to +5°С, in the center and north it is cooler.

Precipitation in the form of snow is still possible, but not everywhere; the first rains will fall in most of Russia, delighting summer residents and gardeners.

Unfortunately, according to weather forecasters, May will not be too warm, temperature regime in most regions it will correspond, rather, to April. Summer too does not boldly remind itself of itself, also shifting to autumn.

Weather forecast for Moscow and St. Petersburg

The main city of Russia will notice the arrival of spring only by mid-April; until this time, the weather will change dramatically almost every day, presenting gifts in the form of snow or rain.

By the end of April you can change your wardrobe, expect more warm days, but keep umbrellas at the ready. In May, isolated warm weeks are possible, followed by slight cooling.

Residents of St. Petersburg will greet spring a couple of weeks later than Muscovites, and this season will be, as always, northern capital, wet and windy.


With the onset of spring, many are looking forward to changes. And of course, first of all, the weather. I would like to finally throw off my heavy winter clothes and go into nature as soon as possible. The editors of “Pro City” decided to look into the future and find out when not only the calendar, but also the real, warm spring will come.

The proposed weather forecast for the spring of 2018 was compiled based on the report of the director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia R. M. Vilfand. However, experts note that the accuracy of long-term forecasts does not exceed 70%, so they should be considered only as indicative data.


The month of spring with a taste of winter. In the first week, frosts will continue to persist at night, for example, on the night of March 5-6, the air temperature will reach -17 degrees. But already on the first spring holiday, March 8, the daytime temperature is expected to rise to +2 degrees, but rain mixed with snow is possible.

In general, March will be remembered for its changeability. Until the middle of the month it will drop to -10, and rain will alternate with snow. The only thing that will please you is the end of the month: the sun will finally come out, and the average daily air temperature will be +7 degrees.


The month will be more relatively stable. If at the beginning of the month daytime temperatures average +10 degrees, then by the end of the month it will be +17. However, lingering and prolonged rainfall is possible.

The beginning of the month will bring significant warming. Generally May holidays promise good weather, no precipitation. In our region, average daytime temperatures in the middle of the month can be +19-20 degrees.

The editors of “Pro City” remind you that no one can guarantee the complete reliability of forecasts for such a long period. However, weather forecasters do not deny that folk signs developed over many years of observations can be no less accurate.

So, today is March 1st, at folk calendar- Yarilin's day. Yarilo is the sun god of the ancient Slavs. Until 1492, in Rus' the beginning of the new year was celebrated on this day, and the first days of March were called Yarilin’s days. The earth heats up from the sun - it “rages”, all living things are drawn to it to gain strength and get stronger.

On this day, if snow fell at night, mothers sent their children to place a path to the well and a bridge on the pond or river. They believed that this should bring happiness to the house and give health to the children. Since in ancient times they celebrated Yarila New Year, a tradition developed of not working on this day - and it persisted for a long time, until the 19th century.

However, there was no point in rejoicing at the imminent warmth. People said: “If from the first days spring is wild and not shy, it will deceive, there is nothing to believe.”

Here are a few more of the most common signs.

  • Warm January can bring cold March.
  • If the first half of February is warm, then the beginning of spring will be early and stormy.
  • Cold winter marks a very warm spring.
  • - to a long, rainy spring.
  • Early Easter - for an early and warm spring.

March is typical for meteorologists winter month, and for most people this is already the beginning of spring. We will have a forecast for spring no earlier than March 20, and this forecast will describe the temperature situation, humidity regime from April to September inclusive, and now information is being accumulated.

At the same time, it is noted that a forecast for spring can be made no earlier than in a month. This is due to the fact that temperatures will rise above zero degrees only at the end of March.

When spring comes in 2018: Forecast of weather forecasters

The onset of spring is now expected on the 20th of March. At the same time, the average March temperature will be slightly higher than normal.

“The third ten days of March will already be quite spring,” said the chief forecaster, adding that accurate forecast so much long term It's not possible yet. But on the holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland, the weather will be harsh. Frosts are expected in the North-Western, Central, Primorsky, Southern and Siberian regions federal districts. In Moscow, February 23 may become the coldest day of the entire winter: there the thermometer will drop to -20° -28°.”

In the Vologda region, the passing winter also, apparently, decided to loudly slam the door. Already this night, the 21st, in cities and regions the thermometer will show -19° -24°, and in some places -29°. During the day it will also be “fresh”: -11° -17°, and on Saturday – up to -21°. And this weather will last until the end of February. However, the beginning of March also does not promise much warmth and, according to preliminary data, it will be cooler than usual. Pavel Bulin, the weather forecaster on duty at the regional hydrometeorological center, told the Vologda Region news agency about this.

According to him, spring in the Vologda region, as a rule, comes in late March - early April, when the air temperature steadily rises above zero.

When spring comes in 2018: Folk signs of spring

If fog often occurs in the first month of spring, you should expect a rainy summer.

When there is little rainfall in March, this means a rich harvest, and when it rains too often, this increases the likelihood that crop shortages are expected.

If it blows in March warm winds- summer will be dry, with clear and sunny weather.

If the first thunder is heard in March, then you can expect crops to fail, but overall the year will not be warm.

You can tell whether spring will last for a long time or whether it will be quick and warm by the length of the icicles: long ones indicate that it will be cold and its arrival will be extended over time, and short ones promise a rapid spring and a quick onset of summer.