Had an erotic dream. I had an erotic dream - what does it mean? I had an erotic dream. What to do

Text Psychology:

Dreams reflect everything that worries people, and the sexual side of life, as we know, occupies a significant part of human thoughts. If you dream erotic dreams, this is quite natural. But perhaps they indicate some psychological circumstances? You can try to figure it out.

Most common reason

Despite the fact that people are very much concerned with the sexual side of life, very few people can say that they are engaged in regular sex life and I am very pleased with it. If you have a lack of sex or its low quality, then the appearance of erotic dreams is quite natural. The body is “waiting” for orgasm, and sleep only indicates this. Even if everything is fine with sex in life, such dreams still occur from time to time, although rarely.

Both women and men have erotic dreams, but to an unequal extent. According to studies, they visit men slightly more often than women. But, as psychologists note, it all depends on temperament, in which some women can give a head start to any man.

At the same time, there are some differences between women's and men's erotic dreams: the fair half of humanity more often has psychological overtones.

Even if you have a very naughty dream that may embarrass you, this is completely normal. Standards of morality and decency are acquired in the process of education; these are restrictions that are necessary for a person to exist in society. But in a dream there are no such restrictions, so you can see anything there.

What could an erotic dream mean?

Sometimes dreams don't mean anything, but sometimes they can indicate something psychological characteristics person or reflect the situation in which he finds himself. The frequency of erotic dreams, for example, suggests that in real life you really miss sex. The more you think about sex, the more often you dream about it.

To understand what exactly your dream is about, it is useful to write down as many details as possible immediately after waking up. Ask yourself, what did you like about what happened? What shocked you? Did you experience pleasure? It is important what your partner was like, how he behaved with you. All this may reflect your secret desires or fears.

Try to build associative series. Is there something in your dream that hints at some recent events in your life? Were some of your secret and strong aspirations reflected in your dream?

It happens that dreams tell people about psychological trauma and suppressed emotions. Try to spin things that resonate deeply with you, even if you don't understand why. Don't forget to write everything down to make it easier to draw conclusions.

Whatever you find, don't forget that dreams are often just dreams. The subconscious does not always try to tell or explain something to you; sometimes you just see interesting “pictures”.

Our dreams very often reflect certain areas of life in which there is tension or an unresolved problem. And if you are in lately often began to have, for example, erotic dreams, then this is a reason to think about how things are going for you in the love and sexual sphere. And at the same time, think about what signs of the future such dreams carry.

Mind games

IN modern society It is not very common to discuss your intimate life and related sexual problems. And if your period active search finding a suitable partner has dragged on for an indefinite period of time, then sharing such difficulties is also somehow awkward. This is where a problem arises, which seems to exist, but there is no one in particular to tell about it. Most people immediately switch to solving financial and professional issues, making hobbies and friends based on hobbies. But the problem itself remains and is only repressed into the subconscious, from where it is extracted during our dreams. Both men and women see erotic dreams, however, according to psychologists, representatives of the stronger sex more often see scenes related to sex in their dreams. Dreams with erotic content are sometimes very far from the cinematic templates of “roses, candles and silk underwear.” Sometimes dreams are so shocking in their content that a person begins to seriously think about whether it’s time for him to see a psychotherapist. However, psychologists are convinced: if you see something unusual in a dream, you should not immediately think about whether everything is okay with you. In the process of education, moral norms dominate us so much that they crowd out many thoughts and desires. But in a dream, the locked doors are removed, and pictures of content that is completely unusual for you appear in front of you.

Erotic dream or betrayal?

Many people are concerned about the question: is an erotic dream considered cheating? And here the opinions of psychologists are divided - some are convinced that these are just dreams and it is necessary to evaluate symbols and plots, without reference to the actual characters, while others are inclined to think that in erotic dreams we see those to whom we feel sexual attraction, even at times repressed. If in your erotic dream you saw as your partner a beautiful stranger or a person you know well, with whom you have no relationship in real life, then this may be a signal that something in your surrounding reality urgently requires change. IN in this case Sex scenes are nothing more than a reflection of your life reality, which needs change. Unsatisfied curiosity can also take the form of sexual contacts in dreams with those with whom you have never had a relationship. Vivid physical sensations in erotic dreams also often indicate that there is some kind of unresolved problem in life that requires its release. And if in real life you cannot yet deal with it once and for all, then in a dream you simply receive physical satisfaction.

Signs of the future

Since ancient times, it has been noted that our dreams carry a certain information “charge”, that from them we can quite easily predict the future, tune in to events that are only destined to happen. Vivid and frank erotic dreams can suggest what awaits you in your personal life, and at the same time they can give valuable advice how to avoid serious problems in the near future. If you dreamed of your lover’s betrayal, then the next morning you shouldn’t frantically delve into his mobile phone or guess passwords to his accounts on social networks. Perhaps this is just a figment of your imagination or the result of dissatisfaction with your individual qualities, for example, appearance. Did you get the role of a traitor in a dream? It's time to think about what you are missing in your relationship with your loved one and decide on a couple of experiments in bed. Public sex with your loved one or the sudden appearance of people at the hottest moment is nothing more than a desire to show off something related to your personal life or a desire to convey to others the news of your success in business or others important issues. However, intimate life- this is something that is usually protected from the curiosity and envy of strangers, and therefore such scenes indicate that you should take measures to ensure that something secret and significant for you does not become the property of others.
A beautiful stranger - tender and romantic or, on the contrary, dangerous and unbridled and depraved - he is often dreamed of by those who are in a state of active search for their partner. The appearance of such an image speaks of a strong subconscious desire for close contact with a partner, not only physical, but also psychological. However, it depends only on you whether you can meet in real life the one who appeared to you in a dream. Such erotic dreams indicate your readiness for a new relationship and that the first step is yours. Both those who lack sex in real life and those who seem to have everything in order with this area have erotic dreams. Sexual themes in dreams often signal to us about problems both in love and in other areas of life. You can learn more about the meaning of such dreams from experts in the field of dream interpretation. But still, although people love to argue about this topic, they agree on one thing: sometimes dreams are just dreams that need to be treated carefully, but still with a bit of light humor.

Despite the fact that people are very concerned about the sexual side of life, very few people can say that they have a regular sex life and are very satisfied with it. If you have a lack of sex or its low quality, then the appearance of erotic dreams is quite natural. The body is “waiting” for orgasm, and sleep only indicates this. Even if everything is fine with sex in life, such dreams still occur from time to time, although rarely.

Both women and men have erotic dreams, but to an unequal extent. According to studies, they visit men slightly more often than women. But, as psychologists note, it all depends on temperament, in which some women can give a head start to any man.

At the same time, there are some differences between women's and men's erotic dreams: the fair half of humanity more often has psychological overtones.

Even if you have a very naughty dream that may embarrass you, this is completely normal. Standards of morality and decency are acquired in the process of education; these are restrictions that are necessary for a person to exist in society. But in a dream there are no such restrictions, so you can see anything there.

What could an erotic dream mean?

Sometimes dreams do not mean anything, but sometimes they can indicate some psychological characteristics of a person or reflect the situation in which he finds himself. The frequency of erotic dreams, for example, suggests that in real life you really miss sex. The more you think about sex, the more often you dream about it.

To understand what exactly your dream is about, it is useful to write down as many details as possible immediately after waking up. Ask yourself, what did you like about what happened? What shocked you? Did you experience pleasure? It is important what your partner was like, how he behaved with you. All this may reflect your secret desires or fears.

Try to build associative series. Is there something in your dream that hints at some recent events in your life? Were some of your secret and strong aspirations reflected in your dream?

It happens that dreams tell people about psychological trauma and suppressed emotions. Try to spin things that resonate deeply with you, even if you don't understand why. Don't forget to write everything down to make it easier to draw conclusions.

Whatever you find, don't forget that dreams are often just dreams. The subconscious doesn’t always try to tell or explain something to you, sometimes you just see interesting “

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

To whom?

It is generally accepted in society that those individuals who, in fact, lack intimate relationships, often have erotic dreams, that is, single people without a partner or those who have a shortage of love pleasures in the family. In fact, this is not true. Neither presence or absence, frequency of proximity, nor social status the number of such dreams is not affected. But gender matters. According to statistics, men have frank dreams 15 times a month, women only five.

And also, again, based on statistical data, you need to download that on average every third woman has ero-dreams, while almost all men see them, starting from adolescence. The peak of such male dreams is age period at 20-25 years old - this is due to active “games” of hormones.


If you had an erotic dream, this does not mean at all that you saw in this very dream the most frank scene of intimate relationships. Quite often in dreams of such content there is nothing at all directly related to intimacy. The main thing is the sensations that arise after this very dream.

So, for example, Freud said that erotic dreams are those dreams in which a woman’s breasts or manhood were seen, and “not in their natural form,” but in the form of a so-called “phallic symbol.” Even Big Ben could be considered such, according to Freud.

However, it also happens that a person has dreams of an erotic nature with very explicit content. In this case, according to statistics, the lady will see herself in the arms of a familiar person in her dream. But men, again, according to statistics, most often dream of scenes with strangers.


Do you constantly have erotic dreams and want to understand why this happens? Firstly, we hasten to assure you that such dreams are not necessarily associated with the lack of a sufficient number of intimate relationships in your life (we have already discussed this above). A frank dream may indicate completely different life problems, situations, desires and anxieties. So, for example, intimacy while sleeping with a boss or boss may indicate a desire to take his position...


The interpretation of erotic dreams is a rather complex process in which not only the person himself, but also an experienced specialist should take part. However, there are some common cliches that can understand what an erotic dream means. However, again, those stamps that we will talk about later are not at all one hundred percent accurate. Accurate interpretation, we note once again, this is only possible in personal consultation with a specialist.

Intimacy in a dream with that person who is unpleasant to you may well be a protest against the way of life that you want at the moment you lead.

Hot hugs with exes are often a signal of remaining feelings or that you have common unfinished business.

Love in front of the public will be a signal that you are experiencing some discomfort at this point in your life, and this discomfort may have nothing to do with the intimate sphere.

The meaning of an ero-dream in which you indulge in pleasures with a familiar person may be as follows: you would like your partner to be somewhat like the hero of this dream.

Dreams are an integral and uncontrollable part of our lives. Dreams are emotionally charged ideas perceived by the sleeper as subjective reality. Dreams may include: real events that took place in reality and fantasies. Researchers believe that every person has erotic dreams about 5 times a month.

Erotic dreams do not characterize deviations in sex life, this is a sign of puberty and sexual health. The subconscious is focused on the continuation of the human race, which explains the reasons for frequent dreams with a hint of intimacy. People dream either of the sexual act itself, or with a hidden sexual connotation, filled with romantic experiences. You should not be upset and consider the presence of outright depraved dreams in erotic dreams as a deviation from the norm. The fact is that moral standards acquired in the process of life are absent in a dream; the subconscious is freed from limiting beliefs while the mind is dormant.

Sex dreams begin as we grow older. That is why erotic dreams in adolescents are a normal phenomenon, suggesting that the body is changing and preparing for procreation, acquiring new functions.

Sometimes an adult begins to have erotic dreams if in his life long time there was no sexual contact. Having experienced an orgasm in a dream, some people think that they have realized their desire, but this is only a sign that a person is ready to experience it in reality.

It happens that a person has an erotic dream with behavior that is non-standard for him, for example, same-sex intimate relationships. The next morning a person may experience anxiety and discomfort about this. If you are disturbed by such a dream, this means that you are depriving yourself of attention and you should take care of yourself and your body, relax and unwind, visit a cosmetologist or massage therapist. Maybe the inner self wants to draw attention to itself in this way.

If the problem of erotic dreams has become very exciting for you, then try to write down in a notebook all the exciting images that you dreamed of and then unemotionally read what you wrote down. This outside perspective will help you sort out your worries and worries.

The most common prerequisites for the appearance of erotic dreams.

1. Fatigue.

When the human body is overstressed, in a dream it unconsciously strives to get pleasure and wake up the next morning with a smile. This means that you need to properly distribute the load throughout the day, alternating between relaxation and work.

2. Highlights.

Sometimes a very emotional event happened during the day, for example, you met ex-lover. This can also be reflected in an erotic dream.

3. Dissatisfaction in your personal life.

Scientists say that sometimes dreams of a sexual nature can mean two problems in your personal life:

  • dissatisfaction with the partner;
  • inability to open up and enjoy intimacy.

It happens that a woman cannot realize her fantasies in reality; in a dream she is emotionally free and completely surrenders to her fantasies.

Sexual satisfaction is one of the human needs, which is why dreams are common. Don't worry if you have erotic dreams, just treat them the same as normal dreams.