Profession driller of oil and gas wells

Today, such an industry as drilling is developing at a very fast pace. Improved technical equipment, applications are being developed, this contributes to a large demand for specialists, namely professional drillers.

A driller is a drilling specialist, one who drills wells, strengthens them, opens mineral deposits, and maintains equipment. Quite a rare and sought-after profession.

What does a driller do?

The main duties of a driller are:

  • construction of new wells;
  • assemble and disassemble drilling equipment;
  • be able to operate and, if necessary, repair equipment;
  • engage in the operation, carry out the installation and dismantling of wells;
  • carry out drilling and blasting operations;
  • keep records and technical reports.

The listed skills can be used by specialists both in direct drilling of wells, and for geological exploration, research purposes, in the search for new mineral deposits, in the development and implementation of new technologies for drilling.

Who can become a driller

This professional direction is considered a male affair, as it is mainly associated with hard physical labor. No one forbids women to become drillers, but according to a number of requirements, this work female gender does not fit.

The driller must have excellent health and physical endurance. Also, a person who decides to work in this profession must have the ability to overcome prolonged physical and psychological stress in different weather conditions and types of terrain with an irregular work schedule. Work activity takes place on a shift, that is, a person leaves for several weeks, or even months, to a place of work, often in Spartan conditions. It is important that a person knows how to work in a team, since it is almost impossible to cope with drilling alone. From the foregoing, we can conclude that this is a job for real men who are not afraid of difficulties.

driller salary

It is also worth highlighting one of the advantages of this work, qualified specialists are very much appreciated and their wages are high. In Russia wage, depending on the position and local conditions for work, starts from 70 thousand rubles.

Do not miss:

How to become a driller

This profession can be mastered both at a technical school (secondary specialized education), at an institute or university (higher specialized education). Today, almost all major cities There are universities in Russia where you can get a specialty.

The first step in the career is the position of assistant driller, then, with sufficient work experience, you can rise to the driller of the first, second or third degree.

Apart from general idea that a driller can only work at gas and oil production enterprises, rocks, the application of this profession has also found its place in such industries as metro construction, mining mineral waters, waste disposal, construction of underground reservoirs. Research activities of the geological direction and the direction of studying and finding mineral deposits are not complete without specialists.

Oil and gas production in Russia is a priority area of ​​activity. Employees of this area are engaged not only in their own provision, but also raise the level of the country's welfare. The specialty "Drilling of oil and gas wells" today is considered one of the most promising. How much do employees in this industry earn? The income in this direction is described in the article.

What work will have to be done?

Under what conditions do drillers and people of related professions work? How much do they earn? What do the specialists of the direction "Drilling oil and gas wells" do? The salary, conditions, duties of employees in this area depend on the position held. and oil is considered an industry National economy where people of many professions work, including:

  • geologists;
  • engineers;
  • drilling technicians.

Each specialist has his own tasks. For example, a geologist is engaged in the discovery of oil and gas fields. Petroleum engineers create the layout of oil and gas producing stations and ensure their proper operation. Drilling technician performs

Usually, work is carried out on a rotational basis, far from home, as well as in areas with a harsh climate. Some professions are especially harmful to human health. Therefore, in the direction of "Drilling oil and gas wells" the salary is quite high. But at the same time, the incomes of all those who work at such enterprises differ, and depend on the scope of employment.


How much does a well driller in Russia earn? Income depends on the profile, region, financial policy of the institution. For example, the average salary of Gazprom Neft employees is 355 thousand rubles, and in Lukoil - 161 thousand. In Rosneft, on average, they receive 141 thousand rubles, and in Surgutneftegaz - 60-70 thousand.

The colossal salaries of top managers are of great importance for the overestimated level of average income. In smaller organizations, employees usually receive less income. average salary in this area is approximately 150 thousand rubles.


Employees of an organization working in the direction of “Drilling oil and gas wells” will have different salaries, it directly depends on their specialization. The averages look like this:

  1. Member of the Board of Directors - 1170 thousand rubles.
  2. Director for drilling, geology - 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Drilling engineer - 115 thousand rubles.
  4. Ceramist - 86 thousand rubles.
  5. Geologist - 81 thousand rubles.
  6. Drilling rig operator - 67 thousand rubles.
  7. Submachine gunner - 60 thousand rubles.
  8. Chief technologist - 59 thousand rubles.
  9. Well driller - 45 thousand rubles.

Thus, managers have the highest incomes. The work of deputies and production employees is less paid. Among workers, incomes can also vary greatly, it all depends on the qualifications and experience of the specialist. Thus, the profession of a technician-technologist for drilling oil and gas wells requires a diploma of special education, a person who holds such a position receives in the range of 45-100 thousand rubles. Although some industry professionals do not earn very much, the oil and gas sector is still considered highly paid.

Foreign income

The specialty "Drilling oil and gas wells" is in demand not only in Russia, but also in other countries. At the same time, the income of workers is different everywhere. Australians are considered the world leaders in wages in this profession. Their average monthly salary is about 13.6 thousand dollars.

After Australia comes Norway (12.7 thousand dollars), New Zealand(10.6 thousand dollars), the Netherlands (10.3 thousand dollars), Canada (10.25 thousand dollars), the USA (10.1 thousand dollars) and France (7.7 thousand dollars). As you can see, the level of salaries in comparison with Russia in other countries is higher.

This difference is associated not only with more high level average income of the population living in these countries, but also with a large shortage of qualified specialists in the above states. Employers are forced to raise salaries for employees of oil companies. Salaries in Russia are higher than in Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Sudan, Iran and other countries of the Middle East.

Professional skills

Specialists need to have real professional skills, and not just get an education in the direction of “Drilling oil and gas wells”. Salary will depend on the competence of the employee. The higher the income, the more requirements are placed on the applicant. Mandatory criteria include:

  1. Availability of secondary specialized education for workers, and higher education for engineers and researchers.
  2. Minimum seniority in the specialty - one of the most important conditions for teaching the desired position.
  3. A candidate for a vacant position must have a sufficiently high level of computer proficiency, the requirement for the ability to use specialized programs is highlighted.
  4. Technical English skills.
  5. Willingness to travel.

Even higher requirements are imposed on managers, for example, experience in organizing geological events, experience in difficult conditions, knowledge of special software. A mandatory skill is also considered the ability to immediately take effective solutions to carry out planning. The level of responsibility of managers is an order of magnitude higher than that of an ordinary oilman, which affects their income.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of being an oilman include:

  1. Interesting job. Employees travel to new fields, use progressive research methods, and make non-standard decisions.
  2. Regular business trips and moving, visits to picturesque areas.
  3. Prolonged exposure to fresh air.
  4. Performing socially useful work.

But working in the oil field also has significant drawbacks. These include:

  1. Work in conditions close to extreme. Many people feel uncomfortable working in this industry, because they have to live in tents, eat in the field kitchen.
  2. Frequent business trips lead to conflicts in the family.
  3. Limited number of jobs.
  4. High competition.
  5. Work falls under the category of occupations with increased level danger.


Professions in the extraction and processing of oil and gas are popular with many applicants. In the educational market, there are many offers for obtaining this specialty. The leading educational institution is the Russian State University oil and gas them. THEM. Gubkin. It has branches in Orenburg, Ashgabat and Tashkent. Graduates of this institution will not have difficulties with employment.

It trains specialists and Ufa University. When learning a profession, students perform Scientific research And practical work. You can also get such an education at the Tyumen, Tomsk, Yugra universities. To acquire working specialties in the oil and gas sector, it is not necessary to graduate from a university, it will be enough to enter a technical school or college.

What are they teaching?

In the specialty, they teach various skills that are sure to come in handy for the job. Graduates can:

  1. Conduct observations and prepare the necessary documentation.
  2. Describe rocks.
  3. Determine industrial types of deposits.
  4. Set the amount of water inflows into mine workings.
  5. Choose the best well wiring.
  6. Compile geological and technical work orders for drilling.
  7. Determine the properties of materials, rocks.
  8. Control the parameters of drilling fluids.
  9. Perform work in wells.
  10. Prevent and eliminate accidents.
  11. Design and calculate work.

This is just a basic list of skills acquired by graduates. They are needed for correct execution work. In addition to direct training, graduates undergo practical training. Usually it is carried out in coal mines, mines, quarries, drilling, oil and gas producing enterprises. Only with the passage of all theoretical and practical training is a specialist allowed to work.

Prestige and danger of work

In our country, the specialty "Drilling oil and gas wells" has been in demand for more than a decade. The salary and reviews about it are very different, because people work in this area in different positions. For example, if a top manager has a very high income, then a driller earns quite a bit compared to him.

It should be borne in mind that drilling oil and gas wells is very dangerous. Employees face a variety of risks, many of which relate to health, high physical activity, stay in places with unfavorable climate. Therefore, high incomes in this industry are well-deserved wages.

Do you dream of becoming a driller and working in such large oilfield service companies as Naftagaz, Alliance, Burservis-Perm? Then this article is for you: we will tell you about the features of this profession. If you decide to become a driller, then first we advise you to get the appropriate education. Acquired theoretical knowledge in a technical school, college or secondary school vocational school help to master the profession a short time- depends on the motivation for the growth of the employee himself. It is possible that you can take a leading position in the field of drilling. Many famous drillers went from pomburs, assistant minders to heads of enterprises.

Features of the profession of a driller

The profession of drillers is associated with hard physical labor, requires endurance, health. Work on the rig does not stop even for a minute, it is carried out around the clock, in any weather.

The driller has an additional burden:

    He leads the watch;

    Follows technological process drilling;

    Performs complex work on the management of expensive equipment;

    Responsible for safety in execution complex work(SPO, running casing strings, building tools)

    Monitors the serviceability and timely repair of equipment;

    Follows the instructions of the drilling master;

    Complies with the rules of work, avoiding emergency situations;

    Responsible for the state of safety;

    Maintaining a drilling log.

This is the main scope of duties, but besides this, there is a reception, handing over a watch, checking preventers (air defense - blowout protection equipment), and auxiliary work.

Modern technologies have made adjustments to the training preparatory programs. At oil companies training centers for professions and improvement of knowledge have been established. The courses teach new technologies:

    directional horizontal drilling;

    methods of damping oil, gas and water intrusions during drilling operations;

    practical courses on working out the alarm "Blowout";

    Regulations in the oil and gas industry.

The profession of a driller will be in demand for more than a decade, ahead of the development of the Arctic shelf. Work on oil platforms is the dream of every driller, not only here in Russia, but also abroad. Of no small importance is the material part of the issue: drillers earn good money, and working on a rotational basis month after month, it turns out six months of rest per year. True work for 12 hours is not for the weak. The driller is a male profession, which means that it is courageous.

In preparing the material, data from company cards for vacancies was used Naftagaz , Alliance and Burservice-Perm

Drilling crews staffed at the beginning of the work should be kept constant, achieving high labor discipline, a clear distribution of responsibilities and advanced training of each member of the team.

The drilling rig operator is the shift leader, directly performing the most important operations for controlling the drilling rig and organizing technological processes.

The assistant driver of the drilling rig is responsible for the health of the mechanisms, monitors the operation of the pumps and the quality of the drilling fluid. The duties of the assistant include performing all ancillary operations, cleaning and lubricating the mechanisms, preparing the tool.

Drilling engineers are trained by universities, which include the Department of Technology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits.

Specialists in the technology and technique of exploration of mineral deposits are engaged in drilling exploration, engineering and survey, production and technical wells. Well drilling is the main way and technical means deep geological study earth's crust, prospecting and exploration of deposits of all types of minerals (solid, liquid, gaseous), development and exploitation groundwater, oil and gas.

Professional training of graduates is focused on the implementation of design, development, production and technological and research activities in the field of drilling wells for various purposes.

Profession DRILLER.

In order to work as a driller, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained at a college or technical school, or it is enough to complete special courses.

Vocational training is aimed at acquiring professional education for persons of different ages to work with drilling equipment, drilling technologies and other means, and at obtaining qualification categories for workers.

Many drillers now working in the profession did not have a diploma in that specialty, but their profession was partly related to the education they received. Most often this happens when a person decides to change his profession to another and either receives additional education or undergoing retraining.

Having mastered the profession of a driller, some of the representatives organize their own business. Some create small company, whose founders and leaders become themselves, some prefer to work individual entrepreneur. Another part of the specialists is arranged in private or public organizations.

Currently, the profession of a driller is considered to be very popular in the labor market. Many drilling companies are in need of qualified specialists, because drilling technology is developing rapidly, and specialists are still being educated.

The profession of a driller can be categorized as a "male profession", meaning mainly physical work. The candidate must have a good physical training, high strength endurance and good health.

special hallmark The profession of a driller is the need to make decisions on his own without anyone's help or advice. Drillers must be able to carefully and quickly think through all their professional decisions and actions.

What is a profession in general terms?

A driller is a specialist who controls from the surface of the earth deepening the bottom of a well, fixing rocks on the walls of a well, creating a kind of formwork from high-strength pipes and cement mortar, opening productive deposits and causing an influx of oil and gas, eliminating complications and accidents. A driller is a profession of real men. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and labor.

A drilling engineer designs these works. A drilling technician is engaged in drilling exploration wells and conducting exploration workings. Drilling is the most important, practically the main way to obtain reliable information about geological structure the earth's crust, obtaining samples of rocks and minerals occurring on great depths. Any exploration of deposits is unthinkable without drilling. Drilling is carried out in a variety of conditions - on land, from the surface of reservoirs and seas. Currently, the demand for drilling technicians exceeds the pace of their training, which is associated with a gradual increase in the volume of exploration work and rapid construction in Russia. A driller is not only an interesting, but an eternal profession. As you're exhausted formation energy deposits of oil and gas and a decrease in the level of production at old fields Buryats additionally a large number of wells. In addition, drillers are exploring deeper deposits.

The future of the drilling profession

The profession of a driller is in great demand in the labor market. Representatives of the profession of a driller are really rare in our time. Not everyone decides to become a Driller. There is a high demand for specialists in this field among employers, so the profession of a driller has the right to be called a rare profession.

As a rule, the career of this specialist begins with the position of assistant driller. There is administrative growth (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree driller, supervisor, trainer)

The salary of a driller depends on the professional level, position held and, as a rule, consists of a fixed salary and bonuses to it: regional coefficient, field allowance, coefficient for work in high-mountainous, waterless and other difficult conditions.

The salary of drillers is high - from 70 thousand rubles.

In order to work as a driller, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained at a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

In addition to drilling oil and gas wells, people who have the specialty of a driller can work in the field of drilling water wells (wells, etc.). They can get higher education and work as mortar workers, assistant drillers, horseback riders, engineers, fitters, fitters and other professions.

In the Leninogorsk Oil College "LNT" you can get, in addition to the main profession of a driller, additional education as a slinger, welder, electrician, engineering graphics, drilling equipment fitter and specialties that are not related to the profession of a driller, such as a programmer, accountant, geophysicist, surveyor and others.

Requirements for individual features

  • excellent health and physical endurance;
  • the ability to endure prolonged physical and mental stress in various weather conditions and in various areas;
  • the ability to quickly navigate the environment;
  • high level of concentration;
  • ability to work in irregular working hours;
  • responsibility;
  • perseverance;
  • emotional and volitional stability;
  • teamwork skills.

During the course, students will learn:

In the process of learning, students can acquire additional professional education in the areas of working professions that are necessary for subsequent employment in the specialty:

  • Well control. Well control in case of gas-water-oil shows
  • Personnel serving pressure vessels
  • Drilling rig service technician
  • Driller assistant overhaul wells
  • Locksmith - repairman
  • Slinger
  • Underground well workover operator

Upon graduation from the Leninogorsk Oil College, graduates can continue their education at higher educational institutions in the specialty "Drilling of oil and gas wells" full-time and in absentia learning.

Scope of the profession

After training, students can choose among largest companies gas and oil industries. Among these companies are:

At the end of the course, you will know and be able to:

The driller must know:

  • techniques and methods of drilling;
  • purpose and arrangement of tools, fixtures, machines, mechanisms and equipment used in drilling operations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures and industrial sanitation;
  • techniques and methods of providing first medical aid
In the course of training you will study the following disciplines:
  • Drilling technology
  • Drilling, cement slurries
  • Ecology of oil and gas
  • Automation of production processes
  • Drilling equipment
  • Operation of drilling equipment
  • Hydraulics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Psychology

As well as basic items.

Additional education in disciplines

  • Compass Graph
  • Materials Science
  • Engineering graphics
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Information Systems
  • Geodesy

Achievements of students in various conferences and olympiads

Participation in the "Youth-Practical Conferences of MC TATBURNEFT", "Seminars of Supervisors of PJSC TATNEFT", in the "All-Russian Olympiad on drilling oil and gas wells".



Students in the specialty 21.02.02 Drilling of oil and gas wells, undergo internships at the facilities of PJSC TATNEFT

  • Leninogorsk drilling enterprise,
  • LenRemService,
  • Leninogorsk management of cement slurries,
  • NGDU,
  • AznakaevRemService,
  • Yelabuga drilling enterprise,
  • Nurlat drilling enterprise,
  • Menzelinsky Oilfield Corporation,
  • Horizon,
  • TNG group.

Further education in universities

After graduating from the Leninogorsk Oil College, majoring in 21.02.02 Drilling of oil and gas wells, students continue their studies at such universities as:

  • Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
  • Samara State Polytechnic University
  • Ufa Oil Technical University
  • Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
  • Institute of Oil and Gas named after M.S. Gutseriev (Izhevsk)
  • Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
  • October Oil University