Real exam tests in social studies

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies is an exam that graduates take at their choice, often paired with history if they plan to enter universities with a certain specialization: law, management, management and a number of similar areas. This item is also popular because it is considered one of the easiest. As part of the course, the features of sociology, social studies, and political science are studied - this knowledge will be useful not only in the exam, but also in ordinary life. After entering a university, thorough knowledge in this field allows you to quickly understand many specialized disciplines.

Like other tests, social studies tasks are divided into three types according to difficulty level: basic, advanced and high. The number of tasks may change every year, but this figure is in the range of 28-32 questions. All work is divided into 2 parts:

  • To determine the level of basic knowledge and mastery of theory, test tasks when you need to choose the right option from several offered. The answer is entered on the form. Within this block there may also be tasks to establish correspondences and indicate a short answer to the question.
  • The second part involves writing an essay on a given topic, detailed answers to questions, and formulation of terms and concepts. It is important to give answers with scientific justification, based on theoretical knowledge.
    The most valuable task is the last task - the essay. At its core, it is a small essay where you need to not just express an opinion, but back it up with facts, state your own position, structure the text logically and competently, and be concise. This skill must be practiced in preparation for the exam.
    To write an essay, the subject is offered several topics - you can choose according to your taste. Topics concern politics, social thought, culture, the development of science, sometimes aphorisms and proverbs are taken as a topic.

  • Come on in online testing to determine weak points, knowledge gaps - this will help you focus on correcting these errors during the preparation process.
  • Study the theory: terms, patterns, concepts.
  • To prepare thoroughly, use textbooks, reference books, and recommended manuals.
  • Beginning of preparation - familiarization with , it gives a clear outline of what to look for.
  • Rationally allocate time for working on tasks different levels complexity.
  • Be careful! The cause of many mistakes is inattention to assignments - you should not be lazy to read the question to the end.
  • Preparation should begin in advance - it is unlikely that you will be able to understand all the features of the course in a couple of months.
  • Exercise

Social studies is a core subject. The Unified State Exam in this discipline is taken by graduates who want to connect their lives with law, management, state and municipal administration.


In 2019, changes were made to the Unified State Exam tests in social studies:

  • The wording of task No. 25 will now be more detailed. The number of points that can be earned for this question has also changed. Now it is equal to 4.
  • In tasks No. 28 and No. 29, the wording was detailed and the assessment system was changed.
  • The highest number of primary points for the entire work has been increased from 64 to 65.

Test structure

In total, during the exam you need to solve 29 tasks of varying difficulty. They are divided into two parts.

Part I. This block presents 20 test questions, to which you need to give a short answer, choosing the correct one from several proposed ones.

Part II. Includes 9 questions that require detailed answers. Assignment No. 29 is a short essay on one of the proposed topics. Topics are presented in the form of quotes.

Point distribution

Preparation rules

  • Start preparing for the exam as early as possible. Do not forget that social studies is a fairly broad subject, including sections on law, economics, philosophy, sociology, and political science.
  • Solve USE tests for previous years. In the process of work, you will be able to identify gaps in your knowledge and eliminate them in a timely manner.
  • Don't forget to prepare for question #29. Write an essay on different topics. The more you write in preparation, the easier it will be for you in the exam.

How is the exam going?

The Unified State Examination in social studies takes 235 minutes. You are not allowed to bring any equipment to the exam. additional materials. Everything you need during the work process will be given in the classroom.

Our website contains Unified State Exam tests in social studies with answers to. Decide to prepare well for the exam. Remember that only hard, systematic work will lead to success.

We wish you successful delivery!

11th grade – last year learning at school. And if the graduates did not choose future profession, there is nowhere to “pull” further. The options for majors are different: economics, humanitarian, legal, medical. How not to make a mistake with your choice.

Professions such as lawyer, manager, sociologist, psychologist, lawyer involve passing the Unified State Exam in social studies. High USE results will give you the opportunity to choose any of these specialties. The subject of social studies studies the relationship between man and society, the spiritual sphere, social and economic relationships of people in society, familiarization with political science, and basic knowledge of jurisprudence. The social studies course is an interweaving of different subjects and scientific fields:

  1. philosophy;
  2. story;
  3. economy;
  4. sociology;
  5. ethics.

Social studies is a complex subject that requires the following skills:

  • think logically
  • find cause-and-effect relationships;
  • understand politics;
  • to think philosophically;
  • identify patterns of economic development.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies requires a serious approach, and it must begin as early as possible. The test materials consist of 2 parts and contain 29 questions. The first 20 questions with a short answer consisting of 1-3 words or numbers. Part 2 is more complex and requires detailed answers. The tasks of the second part are aimed at graduates with increased level knowledge on the subject.

Ranking of tasks by level of complexity of CMMs in 2017

Difficulty level Number of tasks Highest score
Base 12 19
Elevated 10 20
High 7 23
Total 29 62

In 2017, there were not many changes in CMMs:

  1. Added task No. 17, in which you need to choose the correct judgment.
  2. There were changes in the numbering of questions (tasks 17, 18 became 18, 19).
  3. Task No. 18 for 2016 has been removed.

No major changes are expected in 2018. Therefore, to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies, a demo version of the testing and measuring materials for 2017, located on the FIPI website, is suitable. By carefully studying the materials of CIMs, you can get maximum quantity points.


Job number

Part I

Group I 1-3 Tests knowledge of concepts and terms.

The difference between the biological and social essence of man. Patterns of development of society. The civil and political role of man in society.

Group II 4-19 Contains questions that determine knowledge on 5 topics:

  • 4-6 “Man and Society”
  • 7-10 "Economics"
  • 11-12 “Relationships in society”
  • 13-15 “Politics”
  • 16-19 “Law and legal relations”

Part II

20 Tests the ability to summarize and systematize information
21 Tests the ability to find and reproduce the necessary information in the author's text.
22 – 24 The ability to highlight main information in the text, supplement it by using logical thinking or other sources of information.
25 Determines the level of knowledge political aspects in society.
26 – 27 Determines the level of legal literacy. The ability to give examples based on the studied theoretical material, specify concepts and provisions, analyze and apply knowledge to solve specific social science problems.
28 Knowledge of economic patterns in society. Tests the ability to differentiate information and generalize. Analyzes skills in drawing up a plan, reflecting the functional and hierarchical features of phenomena in society.
29 Variation task. Select 1 of 5 proposed topics and write a mini-essay in which you need to expand on the topic, describe the facts, using special concepts and terms, and life experience. Tests the ability to define a problem, state one’s attitude towards it, support it with arguments, and draw conclusions.

If there are changes to the Unified State Exam by 2018, they will become known at the beginning academic year. The date of the exam will be officially published only in January 2018.

Social studies is one of the most popular elective subjects on the Unified State Exam, but at the same time one of the most controversial. It is with this direction that the most large number disapproving comments from examinees. On the one hand, this situation is due to the fact that the certificate in social studies is accepted by a huge number of different universities in the country. On the other hand, this particular subject is often chosen by graduates who, before the start of the graduation campaign, were unable to decide on their future specialty and often did not bother preparing for exams.

So, let's try to understand the most important issues, exciting graduates of the 2017-2018 academic year, namely:

The most popular combination of the Unified State Exam “Russian language + mathematics + social studies” opens up a wide choice of directions for the future applicant. With high scores in these subjects you can compete for budget places at faculties:

  • pedagogy;
  • psychology;
  • economics;
  • sociology;
  • management;
  • service;
  • personnel management;
  • state management;
  • merchandising;
  • business informatics;
  • economic security.

Please note that to enter a number of the listed areas, a necessary condition is passing profile level! You should check the information on the official website of the university of your choice.

If the scores do not allow you to enter one of the best universities in Russia, you can consider the prospect of studying in colleges that also accept graduates of 11th grade based on the results of the unified state exam.

When will the Unified State Exam in Social Studies take place in 2018?

To date, only preliminary dates for the Unified State Exam 2018 have been announced.

  • Eligible for early delivery exam can be guided by the start date of the preliminary stage of the Unified State Exam — 21.03.18.
  • The main exam session starts on May 28 and should end by July 9, 2018.
  • Additional numbers for social studies tests will be announced after the start of the school year.

You can find out about all the news related to exams for grades 11 and 9 on the pages of our website!

Possible changes in 2018 social studies tickets

Since the dramatic changes introduced in 2017 were successfully tested and received many positive reviews from both teachers and examinees themselves, we can expect that the format of the 2018 tickets will be very close to that taken in the previous season.

When preparing, you should not rely on materials and manuals for the Unified State Exam of 2016 and earlier, since they do not correspond to the new KIMs. Last year, the following significant changes were made to the structure of the tickets and tasks themselves:

  1. Traditional single-answer tests have been completely removed from tickets.
  2. All tasks were combined into thematic blocks, which should make it easier to navigate the topics.
  3. Not included in task descriptions exact quantity correct answers. Now there may be 2 or 3 of them.
  4. A system of primary and secondary points has been introduced when calculating the Unified State Examination result, according to which 62 primary points correspond to 100% completion of tasks.
  5. For correct answers, the examinee can receive from 1 to 3 points, and for a correctly written mini-essay, a maximum of 5 primary points.
  6. The minimum passing score in social studies will be 43 final points.
  7. The duration of the exam is 235 minutes, during which you need to complete 29 tasks. various levels complexity.

System for converting the primary score into Unified State Exam result has the following form:





For each primary score from 17 to 46 only 1 resulting point is added.

The ticket is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Short answer questions.
  2. Assignments with a detailed answer and a short essay (mini-essay).

Despite the apparent ease at first glance, in order to pass the Unified State Exam successfully and receive not just a passing grade in social studies, but a competitive high score, graduates of 2018 will need thorough preparation.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the subject of social studies

The secret to successfully passing the Unified State Exam is actually simple:

  • Preparation for effective methods, started on time (in 10th or early 11th grade).
  • Good social studies textbooks and manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which will take into account all the changes adopted in 2018.
  • Practice and practice again in solving standard tasks from the 2017 and 2018 Unified State Examination tickets.

The social studies exam is aimed at testing knowledge in the following 5 blocks:

  1. economy;
  2. right;
  3. policy;
  4. sociology (social relations);
  5. philosophy (man and society).

Each of the blocks is equally important to achieve the desired high grade, and therefore you will have to process a fairly large amount of information and learn:

  • confidently operate with basic concepts;
  • analyze information presented in the form of tables and graphs;
  • quickly work with the text (insert missing words, highlight the main thing, look for quotes expressing certain thoughts);
  • supplement texts using your own knowledge of social studies;
  • reason and give examples within the framework of a given problem;
  • solve cognitive problems, justifying the chosen solution;
  • express your thoughts briefly and concisely in writing, based on the basic concepts of the subject.

Among school textbooks on social studies in 2017-2018, preference should be given to the authors: Bogolyubov, Bordovsky or Nikitin. Also for preparation it is worth finding textbooks on law (Bogolyubov and Pevtsova), on economics (Lipsitz or Kireev). For those who want to delve deeper into the subject in order to obtain the highest possible score, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with specialized level textbooks that cover serious questions economics, sociology and law.

For many graduates, the greatest difficulty is the mini-essay. We invite you to watch a video lesson that tells you everything about how to correctly write an essay in social studies. The video was filmed 4 years ago. But the requirements for this type of task have not changed, and therefore the advice given in it is still relevant in 2018.

Hi all!

Anyone who wants to pass this discipline with decent scores in 2018 should familiarize themselves with the draft of the latest KIM Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2018. Decent scores are scores above 90 because good universities countries cannot do otherwise.

The released KIMx contains: a demo version of the test, a codifier of topics on society, specifications with additional information

Characteristics of the Unified State Exam test in social studies 2018

According to the project demo test, it will remain the same in terms of task types as in 2017. The changes affected only the assessment part: for the second part of the Unified State Exam test, two points are now given more than last year. This suggests that in subsequent years the assessment and, in general, the role of the second part will increase significantly, while the first will decrease.

You should also expect that the questions to the text (tasks 21 to 24) will become more difficult. In particular, they will become more comprehensive. Decide online tests you can in our training courses. Also on the website you can watch FIPI tests online so that you get a first impression of what can await you in the real exam. The tests are located in the “Unified State Examination Bank” section.

It is clear that in order to answer such a group of questions, one must seriously focus on theoretical material. It is also necessary to strictly connect theory and practice, that is, what was studied in theory must be seen in real life. This is the most difficult thing in social studies.

Characteristics of the codifier

Social studies topics remained the same as last year. It is important to understand that many people simply take these topics and study them mindlessly. In fact, the underlying theme is the social sphere. Therefore, immediately after studying the topic “Man and Society,” it is logical to move on to studying the topic “Social Sphere.” By the way, this is exactly what happens at our training courses.

Why is it important to arrange topics logically? Because the material on society is very abstract, and it is necessary to have a clear organization of the material, first of all, in the student’s head.

Social sphere includes many basic topics that are then further developed in other topics. For example, from social groups and communities, the theme emerges in politics political parties, movements. And from the topic “ Social norms” Law generally follows logically. Thus, each subsequent topic logically follows from the previous one.

For this reason alone, you need to go to our training courses : it’s really easier to understand and, therefore, remember the material. Because understanding is the basis of memorization. And you can cram as much as you like, but then the results will be appropriate.