Russian Tatar dictionary. Tatar letters

It is human nature to express their emotions out loud. To this end, many swear words and expressions have been created and interpreted in all languages ​​of the world. The Tatars were no exception and came up with their own, unique Tatar curses.

Bizarre "basurman" expressions

The etymology goes far into the past. What is considered obscene and condemned today was once used in pagan rites. The designation of male and female genital organs had sacred meaning, personified fertility, which means the prosperity of all things. Over time, these words changed their function and began to be used as basic curses with many forms and declensions.

Tatar swear words are closely related to Russian profanity. The main words here are also the names of the reproductive organs. There is an opinion that the Russian language is rich in obscene language. Tatar is not left behind. In his arsenal there is a huge number of words and speech turns that form original curses in the Tatar language.

Tatar profanity

How exactly does obscene language sound in Tatar? This list is varied, but among them are the most popular curses in the Tatar language with translation. Most of them are rude and obscene, so their Russian counterparts will be given in a slightly lighter version.

Swear words in Tatar

Here is their extensive list.

  • Kut segesh - an extreme degree of fatigue after a long and tedious work.
  • Engre betek is a stupid person.
  • Cheesecake! - Don't get on my nerves, don't "make" my brain!
  • Avyzygyzga tekerep siim - usually pronounced when nothing works out and it seems that life is going downhill.
  • Avyzny yab! - Shut up!
  • Kyup suz - bug suz - it is better to remain silent than to offend someone severely.
  • Chukyngan, zhyafa - a narrow-minded, stupid, stupid person. Initially, the word "chukyngan" was translated as "baptized", later it began to be used as an insult.
  • Duane is an idiot.
  • Bashhead is a reckless person who does not think about the consequences of his actions.
  • Pinuk chite is a softened curse, literally it can be translated as "stupid".
  • Enenen kute - similar to the Russian "pancake".
  • Minem bot arasynda suyr ele - is used as a rude refusal of a request when one does not want to fulfill it or is too lazy to fulfill it.
  • Kutak bash is a swear word that has several meanings. Usually used when they want to get rid of a person or simply send him "to the bath."
  • Uram seberkese, kentey koerygy, fahishya - a girl of easy virtue, a harlot, " moth».
  • Kut - the designation of the "fifth point".
  • Pitak, plague, byatyak - the designation of the female genital organ.
  • Segesh, haryaschiryabyz - to have sex.
  • Segep vatu - rowdy, destroy everything in its path.
  • Segep aldau - to deceive, to fool.
  • Kutak syrlau - to masturbate.
  • Sekterergy - to laugh, to mock at someone.
  • Kutagymamy - used as obscene language interrogative pronoun(why, for what reason?).
  • Kutagym - used as introductory word, interjection or exclamation.
  • Secten! - You got it already!
  • Kutyak baaish, Kutakka bar ele! - Go "to the bathhouse", "to hell"!
  • Amaves is a sick man in his head.
  • Kutlyak is a female dog.
  • Kutak is the male reproductive organ.
  • Segelme! - Do not lie!
  • Kutaklashu is an expression of sincere and genuine surprise.
  • Segten inde mine, ychkyn mynan kutakka! - You got me, go to all four sides!
  • Ekarny Babai is a grandfather with an unhealthy attraction to small children.

Close interweaving of two languages

Russian and always closely coexisted with each other and borrowed words from each other. In the twentieth century, some linguists even formed the opinion that Tatar curses (or rather, Tatar-Mongolian) became the source for Russian obscene language. Today, many experts recognize this version as erroneous, since the Russian mat has pronounced Slavic roots. However, the Russian language nevertheless borrowed some expressions, for example, such a common expression as “ekar babai”. Other Tatar curse words with translation from the list above are used only by native speakers.

Cursing in Tatar in Russia

The Republic of Tatarstan is part of Russian Federation, and the Tatars have long begun to consider themselves true Russians. Most of the population of the region speaks and swears in Russian. Some native Tatars in Everyday life they mix two languages, aptly diluting their speech with biting Russian obscenities. Purely Tatar is spoken and cursed only in small villages, whose inhabitants do not speak Russian well or do not know it at all, for example, some elderly people.

Despite their dubious popularity, Tatar curses remain part of the national language, giving it a peculiar flavor and distinguishing it from many other languages ​​spoken on the territory of a vast country.

Choose the letter that starts the word.

The Tatar language (Tatar. Tatar tele, Tatarcha, tatar tele, tatarça) is the national language of the Tatars. Official language Republic of Tatarstan and the second most common and the number of speakers of the national language in the Russian Federation. It belongs to the Volga-Kypchak subgroup of the Kypchak group of Turkic languages.

Distributed in Tatarstan, in the center and north-west of Bashkortostan, in Mari El, Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk regions, Perm region Russia, as well as in certain regions of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The modern Tatar language has undergone many changes in its development, formed from a mixture of ancient Bulgarian with the Kypchak and Chagatai dialects of the Turkic languages.

The Tatar language was formed together with the native speakers of this language in the regions of the Volga and Ural regions in close contact with other, both related and unrelated languages. He experienced a certain influence of the Finno-Ugric (Old Hungarian, Mari, Mordovian, Udmurt), Arabic, Persian, Russian languages. Thus, linguists believe that those features in the field of phonetics (changes in the scale of vowels, etc.), which, on the one hand, unite the Volga-Turkic languages ​​among themselves, and, on the other hand, oppose them to other Turkic languages, are the result of their complex relationships. with Finno-Ugric languages.

The earliest surviving literary monument - the poem "Kyssa-i Yosyf" - was written in the 13th century. (The author of the poem Kul Gali died during the Mongol conquest Volga Bulgaria in 1236). The language of the poem combines elements of the Bulgaro-Kypchak and Oghuz languages. In the era of the Golden Horde, the Volga Turki became the language of its subjects, a language close to the Ottoman and Chagatai (Old Uzbek) literary languages. During the period of the Kazan Khanate, the Old Tatar language was formed, which is characterized by big number borrowings from Arabic and Persian. Like other literary languages ​​of the pre-national period, the Old Tatar literary language remained obscure for populace and was used only by the literate part of society. After the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, an active penetration into the Tatar language of Russianisms, and then Western terms, began. With late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. Tatar intelligentsia began to actively use the Ottoman socio-political vocabulary.

From the second half of the 19th century, on the basis of the middle (Kazan) dialect, the formation of the modern Tatar national language began, which ended at the beginning of the 20th century. Two stages can be distinguished in the reformation of the Tatar language - the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century (until 1905) and 1905-1917. At the first stage, the main role in the creation of the national language belonged to Kayum Nasyri (1825-1902). After the revolution of 1905-1907. the situation in the field of reforming the Tatar language has changed dramatically: there is a rapprochement literary language with vernacular. In 1912, Fakhrel-Islam Ageev founded children's magazine"Ak-yul", which marked the beginning of the children's fiction in Tatar. In the 1920s language construction begins: a terminological apparatus is being developed, first based on the Tatar and Arabic-Persian vocabulary proper, and from the 1930s on Russian and international using Cyrillic graphics.

The modern literary Tatar language is close in phonetics and vocabulary to the middle dialect, and in morphological structure - to the Western dialect.

The company "My House" presents to your attention a series Tatar dictionaries. The section contains the most complete selection to date Tatar dictionaries various topics, made in the format e-books.

Tatar explanatory dictionary

Tatar explanatory dictionary based on the work of Zubaer Miftakhov (Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny). The dictionary assumes that it will be used mainly by people who know the Tatar language. In the explanatory dictionary vernaculars of the Tatar language are also widely represented, which are used in literature and in colloquial speech. An entry in the dictionary includes an interpretation of the meaning, a description of the structure of the word, if it is ambiguous, examples of use in literary and colloquial speech, and grammatical characteristics of the word.
Real version explanatory dictionary Tatar language is presented in the form of CHM and EXE files and can be viewed on most computers with operating system Windows

Four-volume Russian-Tatar dictionary

In this Russian-Tatar dictionary, along with the translation of Russian words into the Tatar language, interpretations of the most difficult words and terms are given. Many political, scientific, philosophical and other terms are provided with interpretations. AT Phraseological combinations and idioms, stable turns of speech are included, to which the corresponding Tatar equivalents are selected. In addition, the dictionary contains a short grammar guide on the main issues of the morphology of the Russian and Tatar languages.

This edition Russian-Tatar dictionary is the most complete to date and is intended for a wide range of people studying Russian and Tatar languages. The dictionary is in djvu e-book format and can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

Tatar dictionary
Tatar dictionary

This dictionary of Arabic and Persian loanwords is reference dictionary for a wide range of readers of Tatar literature, for school teachers and students, translators and scientists. The dictionary is compiled on the basis of the vocabulary of the works of Tatar writers and poets (from the 13th century to the present), on the material of periodicals and Tatar textbooks on various branches of knowledge. The dictionary is executed as a PDF file

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aintl 1. expresses an unexpected guess, surprise; 2. expresses joy or gloating; 3. expresses disappointment
lampshadenoun fern, kochedzhnik, bracken // fern
abagaliknoun ferns
abagasimannarnoun fern bot
abai buluch be careful
abaylamychabunk accidentally, accidentally, by chance
abaylauch 1. feel, feel, smell 2. guess, guess what, 3. notice, notice, notice, notice 4. in meaning bunk abailap carefully, deliberately, prudently
abalanch hurry up, hustle
abayintl depending on intonation: 1. expression of slight fear, disgust, dislike: fu, fu-you, oh 2. expression of fear, strong fear: oh 3. expresses pleasant surprise, admiration: oh-you, well, well, well, here it's true
abzarnoun barn, stall; outbuilding for storage of grain, etc.
abzar iyasenoun in the mythology of the Kazan Tatars: the spirit of the barn, the spirit of the courtyard
abzar-kuranoun collect barn and other outbuildings
paragraphnoun uncle is a respectful term for an older man.
abruinoun honor, authority, prestige, reputation
abruylyetc authoritative, venerable
abruilylyknoun authority
abruisyzetc disrespectful, disrespectful
Abkhaznoun Abkhazian // Abkhazian
Abkhaz Khatyns (Kyzy)noun Abkhazian
Abkhazbunk in Abkhazian, in the Abkhazian language // etc Abkhazian
anynoun 1. older brother, uncle 2. uncle
abyly-senelleetc brother and sister brother and sister
abyly-eneleetc brothers
abyna-egylabunk stumbling, stumbling
abyna-sörtenәbunk stumbling, stumbling
abynusch stumble, stumble, stumble, stumble
abystainoun 1. wife of a clergyman 2. aunt, addressing an older woman
Avaznoun 1. sound // sound 2. voice, sound; exclamation
avaz biruch respond
Avaz Iyartemnoun ling onomatopoeia
Avazdashetc 1. consonant 2. ling homonymous
avazdashliknoun 1. consonance 2. ling homonymous, homonymy
advanceslauch advance, advance
advance paymentbunk in advance, in advance
adventuresnoun adventurous // adventurous
adventureretc adventurous
avarnoun avar // avar
avar khatyny (kyzy) avarka
ava-tunabunk staggering (staggering) from side to side
aviationetc aviation
avtoberlashmanoun auto-join
autokutargechnoun car lift
automaticetc auto
machine gunch automate
avtomobilchenoun motorist
automatnoun driving school
autodashnoun co-author
autodashliknoun co-authorship
autolashtyrylganetc authorized
autosaugychnoun milking machine
autosuytkychnoun auto-refrigerator
avtotyagechnoun forklift
avtohuҗalyknoun car fleet
avtoshәһәrnoun motor city
autochargernoun autodrinker
avtoүlchәgechnoun truck scales
avuch 1. fall, fall down, fall down, fall down 2. tip over, tip over 3. lie down, lie down (about bread) 4. lean (lean) to one side; to agree, agree, succumb
avyznoun 1. mouth; mouth, pharynx (in animals) 2. mouth, muzzle (furnaces, cannons) 3. throat, neck (at the bottle, at the tank) 4. entrance, manhole, passage, passage (into a tent, lair, tunnel) 5. edge ( forests) 6. fistula, hole (in an abscess, wound) 7. crater, vent (volcano, funnel)

avyz iҗatanoun oral (oral-poetic) creativity
avyz achargach 1. to yawn, to yawn 2. to speak 3. to break the fast, to break the fast
avyzlanuch taste, taste, taste, taste
avyzlyknoun 1. bit 2. snaffle, mouthpiece
avyzlyklauch 1. bridle, bridle, bridle, bridle, bridle, bridle (horse)
avyzlyklyetc bridled, bridled, bridled; tamed
avyzlyksyzetc without a bit, unbridled; indomitable
avyzchyknoun 1. smart-weasel mouth 2. stigma bot (in flower) 3. stoma bot (in leaves)
avylnoun village, village, settlement, aul // rural, rural
avyldashnoun villager, villager
avaricenoun rustic, rustic // rustic
avyretc 1. heavy; heavy; weighty // bunk hard 2. heavy, difficult, difficult, difficult, burdensome, difficult // bunk hard, difficult, burdensome, difficult 3. heavy, dangerous, grave, big (misconduct, grief, illness, crime) 4. transfer heavy, heavy, heavy, clumsy (about a person, language) // bunk heavy, clumsy, heavy 5. transfer heavy, heavy, painful, depressing (feelings) // bunk hard, painful, depressing, depressing, depressing 6. transfer heavy, hopeless (position)
vyryuch 1. to become heavier, to become heavier, to be weighed down, to become heavier, to put on (in weight), to become heavier
avyraytuch 1. make heavy, weigh down, burden, weigh down, aggravate
avyrlashuch see avyray
avyrlyetc pregnant, in position
avyrlyknoun 1. heaviness, weight, load // weight 2. difficulty, difficulty, burden, burden 3. burden, burden, burden
avyrlyklyetc physical weighty
avyrlyksyzetc 1. physical weightless 2. light // bunk easy, no problem
avyrsynch 1. find it difficult, find it difficult 2. be burdened
avyrsynusyzbunk easily, willingly; without objections
avyrsynypbunk reluctantly, reluctantly, reluctantly
avyrttyruch to inflict (cause, cause, cause) pain
avyrttyrypbunk hurt
avyrtulaetc painful
avyrtach 1. get sick, get sick 2. hurt, whine, get sick
avyrch to be sick, to be ill, to fall ill, to fall ill, to fall ill; to be unwell, to be sick
avyrnoun 1. disease, disease, malaise, ailment 2. sick // etc sickly, unhealthy, ill
avyrulyetc sick, unhealthy, ill
avyruchanetc sickly, disease-prone, disease-prone
avyshetc 1. oblique, inclined // bunk obliquely, with an inclination 2. sloping 3. inclined, leaning, slanting, slanting // bunk obliquely, obliquely
avyshlyknoun 1. tilt, slope // sloped 2. slope 3. roll
avishmanoun mat inclined
avyshtyruch 1. tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, mow 2. tilt, tilt 3. pull over, pull, tilt, tilt someone to someone's side
abovech 1. lean, lean, lean, squint, squint 2. lean, lean, lean (about a ship, wagon) 3. lean, lean, evade, evade (to the side) 4. lean to lean, lean to someone's side 5. pass, pass, pass, minute (about time) 6. slope
yeahnoun 1. older brother 2. uncle 3. added to male names when respectfully addressed or mentioned
againoun uncle, uncle, courtesy to an older man
agai-enenoun collected 1. relatives, relatives 2. brothers 3. friend, brother
agai-eneleknoun 1. relationship, family relations// related 2. family, clan
agai-enelerchәbunk 1. in a related way 2. in a familiar way
agaltynnoun platinum // platinum
Agali Senelleetc brother and sister
agaly-eneleetc brothers, older brother with younger
agarch flowing, fluid
agarganetc 1. gray-haired, gray-haired 2. pale, pale 3. faded, faded, faded
agarganchybunk white, white
agartkychnoun tech bleach // bleaching, bleaching
agartuchinoun 1. whitewasher 2. enlightener
agarthach 1. whiten, whiten, bleach, bleach 2. clean, clean, clean 3. enlighten, enlighten
agarynch turn pale, turn pale
agarch 1. turn white, turn white, gap 2. turn pale, turn pale 3. lighten, brighten, fade, fade, fade 4. turn gray, turn gray 5. clean, be cleaned
agachnoun 1. tree // wooden; log 2. forest, tree, wood // wood, wood 3. peren block, club, blockhead
agach tobenoun stump
agach khazerlәүnoun logging
agachlanch to become stiff, to become stiff (about plant cells, shoots)
agachlyknoun a plot (area) overgrown with trees; small forest, grove; thickets of trees
agachsyl, agachsyletc woody
agachsymanetc treelike
agentliknoun 1. agency 2. agent occupation
agitatorlyknoun occupation of the agitator
agitationetc propaganda
agitationch campaign, campaign
agrarianetc agrarian
aggregatesnoun aggregator
aggressiveetc aggressive
aggressivelych become (become) aggressive
aggressivelynoun aggressiveness
agu Ich 1. flow, leak, leak, leak 2. flow, drain, drain (from the roof, across the face) 3. flow, flow 4. flow, flow, run 5. flow, crumble 6. swim, swim; flow, flow 7. leak, leak, leak 8. transfer to flow (about time) 9. transfer to melt, swim away, swim away (about money, wealth) 10. transfer to flow (about money, about wealth)
agu IInoun 1. poison, potion, poison 2. agricultural herb 3. peren dope, opium, poison
agu kaitargychnoun antidote (of medicine)
agu utynoun hemlock bot
agulagychch mordant, mordant // mordant, poisonous
agulanuch 1. to be poisoned, poisoned, poisoned 2. to be poisoned, poisoned, infected, infected; to be fooled, to be fooled
agulauch 1. poison, poison 2. agricultural pickle, pickle, pickle
agulauchyetc poison // poisoner
Agulsetc 1. poisonous, venomous 2. feather poisonous, malicious, caustic // bunk poisonous, caustic, maliciously 3. poisoned, infected 4. pickled
agulyliknoun 1. poisonousness 2. infection
agusyzetc non-poisonous, non-poisonous
agyzuch 1. pour, pour, pour, pour, pour 2. pour, pour 3. pour, pour, pour, pour, drain, drain (from one dish to another) 4. draw, draw (water from a column) 5. let, let, lower, lower, drain, drain 6. fuse, fuse, melt, drive, drive; let, let (on water) 7. pour, shed, shed (tears) 8. demolish, demolish, carry away, carry away, carry, carry
agyly: agyly belan tagylyjokel two inseparable friends; do not spill water (do not spill)
agyluch 1. flow, pour (stream) 2. swim, flow 3. transfer flow, pour, spill (about music, melody) 4. go, move, pass, bring down (stream, crowd, mass, shaft) 5. flock (crowd) , mass) where; retreat, fall off, roll off (stream, crowd) from where
agymnoun 1. flow, flow // flow 2. jet, trickle, flow (of liquids, air) 3. flow, direction 4. flow (in production) // flow, conveyor
agymdagyetc current (repair, events)
agyntsnoun 1. flow; puddle, puddle 2. drip, streaks 3. jet, trickle // jet
agyshnoun 1. flow (of a river, life) 2. change course, flow (of events, thoughts)
adashnoun namesake
adashkanetc misguided, misguided
adashtyruch 1. knock down (knock down) off the road 2. lead (take, lead) to an unknown place 3. change to mislead (mislead)
adashch 1. get lost (in the forest) 2. wander, stray
adamnoun 1. human // human 2. myth Adam
adam aktygy (kaldygy)noun degenerate, scoundrel, unfortunate person
adam balasynoun human, human child
adamietc folk, human
adamchabunk humanly // human, human
addresslanch 1. addressed, directed, sent to someone (letter, parcel) 2. addressed, intended for someone (criticism, remark)
addresslauch 1. address, direct, direct 2. address, allocate to someone
addressesetc with an address, addressed
addresses frometc unaddressed
Adyghenoun Adyghe // Adyghe
Adyghe Khatyns (Kyzy) Adyghe
Adygeibunk in Adyghe, in the Adyghe language // Adyghe
adymnoun 1. step 2. gait, step, gait 3. swing (in animals when running) 4. change action, step 5. change shift, step, stage, stage
adymlauch 1. measure (measure, measure) in steps
adymlyetc 1. quick (about a person) 2. trotting, wide-spread (about animals)
aeketc 1. sober 2. sober, healthy // sober
aektusknoun 1. sobriety, sobriety 2. change health, sobriety
villagenoun 1. girth // girth 2. buckle, fastener // buckle
airatabunk see aerucha
aergysyzetc 1. inseparable, inseparable, inseparable // inseparable, inseparable 2. inseparable, inseparable 3. indistinguishable, indistinguishable (type, image)
aergych Inoun 1. separator // separator (card) 2. separator
aergych IInoun ling definition
aermanoun 1. difference; difference; difference 2. divergence 3. fork, crossroads 4. mat difference
aermalsetc 1. different, different, excellent, different, having a difference 2. difference mat
ayermalyknoun see aerma 1, 2
aermastanbunk without distinction, without distinction
aermasyzetc 1. having no difference 2. the same
aermachykbunk very clear, crisp and clear; exactly, definitely
aermychabunk wholesale, wholesale, without sorting
aertach 1. forced from aeru 2. skip, skip, separate (milk): aertkan sot obrat
aeruch 1. divide, divide, divide, divide, break, break, dismember, dismember 2. disassemble, disassemble, sort, sort 3. push apart, push apart 4. disconnect, disconnect, separate, separate, dismember, dismember 5. breed, breed, separate, separate, separate, separate 6. separate, separate, isolate, isolate, single out, highlight 7. separate, separate, isolate; excommunicate, excommunicate 8. distinguish, distinguish, distinguish, distinguish, highlight, highlight 9. take away, take away (a child from the breast) 10. breed, breed (spouses) 11. separate 12. swarm, stand out (about bees) 13. tear off , tear off, divert, divert
aeruchabunk 1. especially, especially, most 2. with special (special, exceptional) 3. introductory sl in particular, especially
aerchanoun 1. bifurcation, fork 2. lobe bot // petal 3. lobe bot
aerchalyetc 1. forked, forked 2. bladed bot
aeraetc see aerim 1; aer toyaklarylar hoofed animals
airlgasyzetc cm aergysyz 1.2
airmassetc 1. inseparable, integral 2. inseparable, bosom
aerilmaslyketc see airmass
aerylmychabunk without interruption
ayrilmyshnoun ling defined
airluch 1. to divide, to divide, to subdivide, to subdivide, to dismember, to dismember 2. to understand. sorted out, sorted out 3. move apart, move apart, divorce; divorce 4. disconnect, disconnect, separate, separate, separate 5. separate, separate, separate, separate, separate, separate 6. separate, separate, part, separate 7. fight back, fight off, separate, separate , separate, stand out, stand out 9. delimit, delimit 10. differ, distinguish, differ; stand out, stand out by what, for what; differ in what, in what 11. get divorced, divorce (with a husband, with a wife) 12. swarm, swarm (about bees) 13 feathers
aerylyshuch 1. disperse, disperse, disperse, disperse, miss each other 2. disperse, disperse 3. separate, disperse 4. divorce, divorce; dissolve (annul) a marriage
aerimetc 1. separate, separate // separately, separately 2. single, private, separate 3. sole 4. isolated // isolated, apart 5. special // especially
aerim-aerimbunk 1. separately, separately, separately 2. randomly, one by one
aerimlanuch 1. separate, separate, separate, separate 2. dissociate, dissociate, dissociate; dissociate 3. ling separate
aerymlyknoun difference, distinction, difference
aerepbunk separately, separately
aerep algandaintroductory sl in particular
azhgyrynch see azhgyru
azhgyruch to rage, to rage, to be in a state of extreme rage
azhdahanoun myth 1. azhdaha, dragon, serpent 2. peren fiend, blood drinker
openworketc openwork
aҗagannoun lightning
azbunk 1. little, a little; slightly // small, small, insignificant 2. not enough 3. little, not for long 4. in the syllable, the sl is translated by the component little-, a little- (az sanly is a small number, az suzle is laconic, taciturn)
azagynachabunk to end
azaergach 1. decrease, decrease, decrease, decrease, grow thin 2. decrease, decrease, decrease
azlapbunk see az-azlap 1.2
az-azlapbunk 1. little by little, little by little 2. in parts 3. gradually
azaituch 1. reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce 2. reduce, reduce
Azaknoun 1. end, ending, ending 2. outcome, final
Azakkachabunk to end
azaccaetc 1. last 2. final
Azactabunk at the end, in the end, finally
azaktagsetc last, final
Azaktanbunk 1. after, then, subsequently 2. last, last
azamatetc folk valiant, courageous, brave, courageous, courageous // good fellow, daring
Azapnoun 1. flour, torment, torment 2. ordeal, suffering, adversity
azaplanuch 1. suffer, suffer, suffer, toil; torment 2. mess around 3. try, struggle, push
azaplauch to torment, to torment, to torment, to torment, to torment
Azaplyetc painful, exhausting, depressing, difficult, difficult
azaplyk: azaplyk belәncm. azap belan
azapsyzetc 1. easy, hassle-free, easy // easy, without difficulty 2. carefree, serene, without suffering // serene, without worries and worries
azatetc free, free; independent // freely, freely, independently
Azat ituch 1. release, release, deliver; release 2. dismiss
Azat itchenoun liberator
Azatlyknoun freedom, will, liberty // liberation
Azau: Azau Tesh molar
Azgabunk 1. not for long, for short term 2. a little bit
azgynetc 1. spoiled, immoral, unbridled, riotous, dissolute, licentious
azgynlanuch see azu
azgynlyknoun 1. spoiledness, immorality, unbridledness, licentiousness, dissoluteness 2. depravity, depravity, debauchery, lasciviousness, lust
Azdyruch 1. spoil, condone; unbridle, unbridle; give (allow) unbridled, unleash 2. corrupt, corrupt, seduce, seduce, corrupt, corrupt 3. run, run (illness) 4. irritate, irritate (wound)
asiyalenoun Asian
azlyknoun 1. insufficiency, lack; paucity, paucity 2. paucity
az-mazetc small, insignificant; some // little by little, little by little, little by little
az-mazlapbunk see az-azlap 1.2
Azmannoun 1. biol bastard, mix 2. etc unbridled, dissolute, self-willed
azmanliknoun see azgynlyk
azmy-kupmebunk 1. more or less 2. several, a certain amount; a little, some
azotylsetc 1. nitrogenous, nitrogenous
Azsynuch consider insufficient (quantitatively), dissatisfied (quantitatively)
azuch 1. to be spoiled, to loosen up, to be unbridled, to be unbridled, to unravel, to be dissolved 2. to be corrupted, to be depraved, to be seduced, to be seduced, to be corrupted, to be corrupted 3. to be launched, to be neglected (about illness); to be irritated, to be irritated (of a wound)
azchyliknoun minority, lesser part // smaller, small
languagenoun 1. food, food // food 2. food, products; provisions, provisions // food, grocery 3. feed // feed
azyklan ch feed, feed, feed, feed
azyclatabunk products, in kind, food
azyklyketc 1. food 2. feed (forage)
azykzyzlyknoun starvation
azyktamyrnoun root vegetable
azyk-töleknoun food, groceries, provisions // food, grocery
azyndirch see Azdyru
azuch 1. to be mischievous, to act outrageously, to rage, to rage; to debauch 2. to debauch, to debauch
Azerbaijaninoun Azerbaijani // Azeri
azәrbaiҗan khatyny (kyzy)noun Azerbaijani
Azarbaiyanchabunk in Azerbaijani // Azerbaijani
ahnoun 1. moon // lunar 2. month
aibaltanoun axe, berdysh
aibalyknoun moon fish
ah wai 1.intl oh oh oh 2. noun ah-ah
ah wailauch 1. show (show) dissatisfaction (anxiety, severe annoyance, regret) 2. heart-rendingly scream, gasp and groan
aigyrnoun stallion // stallion
aikala-chaikalabunk waddling, staggering
aikaldyruch 1. greatly excite (swing, swing, toss)
aikaluch 1. to worry a lot (to swing, to sway) 2. to get excited, to alarm, to alarm 3. to hang out, push, loiter (interfering with others)