Triggerfish fish. Triggerfish, pufferfish, zebrafish and other fish with interesting names. Sevastopol Oceanarium, photo. Behavior and nutrition

Triggerfish - beautiful fish with an unusual body structure. They belong to the order Pufferfish and are related to unicorns and boxfishes. They are united with the first external resemblance, and with the second internal structure. All species of triggerfish are classified into a separate family of triggerfish, numbering 30 species.

Triggerfish are medium-sized fish, body length ranges from 15 to 50 cm, the most large species it can reach 1 m. These fish have a very large head, slightly elongated and narrowed at the end, the body, in turn, also narrows towards the end, so the body of the triggerfish has a rounded diamond shape. The pectoral fins are relatively small and located high. The caudal fin is often simple round in shape, but in some species it may have elongated filaments, giving it a lyre-shaped shape. The anal and posterior dorsal fin are attached to the tail, but the anterior dorsal fin is completely special structure. Its rays are prickly, and two of them have turned into especially hard and sharp spines: the front spine is long, the back one is much shorter and supports the front one. Thus, both spikes - piercing and persistent - form a single structure. IN calm state The spines are placed in a special deep recess on the back; the triggerfish raises them only in case of danger. The name of these fish comes from these spines. In addition, there are smaller thorny spines in ventral fins, they are put away in a special skin pocket. Triggerfish have a very small mouth, but their lips are very plump and fleshy. The teeth of triggerfish are arranged in two rows: the outer row has 8 large and long teeth, and the inner row has 6 small ones that support the outer ones. This structure of the teeth is associated with the specific nutrition of these fish. One more distinguishing feature- rather large eyes, which, although located on the sides of the head, are located almost to the very line of the back.

According to these specific features The structure of triggerfish is easy to recognize among other fish. But they have one more thing amazing property. The fact is that the scales of triggerfish are very large and ossified; they resemble plates more than scales. The individual scales overlap each other and form a solid frame, which is very reminiscent of the carapace of the bodies. In addition, the tail part of the scales may have spines and tubercles. When a triggerfish dies, the soft tissue decomposes, but the frame remains and becomes like a fish-shaped box.

These are the “packages” you can see on the banks Mediterranean Sea. This is a triggerfish frame that has retained the outline of a fish.

Triggerfish have a variegated coloration, dominated by white, gray, and black colors interspersed with blue, yellow, orange, and red. The pattern consists of several large fields separated by narrow stripes and spots. The red-toothed triggerfish is almost a single color of dark blue, but be that as it may, all triggerfish are very elegant and beautiful. In all species of triggerfish (except for a few from the genus Xanthichthys), there is no sexual dimorphism - males and females look the same.

The triggerfish's habitat covers the tropical and subtropical zones of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The gray triggerfish also lives in temperate waters; its range in the south reaches Argentina, and in the north - up to Ireland; it is not uncommon to find it in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Triggerfish live in shallow waters, most often they can be found near coral reefs and on the shallows of tropical atolls, the only species that lives far from the coast is the blue-spotted ocean triggerfish. These fish stay solitary, their temperament is quite strict, they have permanent habitats that protect them from their relatives. They use their pectoral fins to move, and use their caudal fins only for sprinting. They can make grunting sounds using their swim bladder.

All species of triggerfish specialize in feeding on solid food, which is why their teeth are so “strengthened.” The basis of nutrition is corals, sea ​​urchins, crabs, shellfish. All of these animal species have hard shells or skeletal elements, which triggerfish can easily bite with their teeth, like wire cutters. However, triggerfish are not voracious and never swallow their prey whole, but bite off a little at a time. There are also vegetarians among them: the orange-striped triggerfish and spiny rhinecanth feed on algae, and the red-toothed triggerfish feed on plankton.

A triggerfish eats the fouling that covered the wreck of a sunken ship.

Triggerfish occupy separate areas, but there may be several females in the territory of a male. They lay their eggs at dusk, often during the new moon, when night light is minimal. Triggerfish blow deep holes in the sandy soil into which they lay small sticky eggs. In the future, they remain guarding the nest, and the protected zone extends upward, and not in breadth. Triggerfish very zealously protect their eggs, attacking with lightning speed anyone who dares to approach them. Brave fish attack not only animals of equal size, but also larger animals. Thus, in the event of an attack, scuba divers are advised to swim away from the nest (not up), otherwise the triggerfish may severely bite a person. The only justification for these fish is that they warn of an attack in advance by doing a “headstand.” The most aggressive are the spiny rhinecanth and the blue-finned ballistode. The blue-spotted ocean triggerfish has pelagic (free-swimming) eggs; these fish do not care for their offspring.

A pair of large-spotted triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum) guard the eggs. Because of their bright colors, they are sometimes called “clown triggerfish.”

Triggerfish are well protected from attacks, so they do not die in the teeth of other animals very often. They use two strategies to protect themselves. When swimming freely, they evade pursuit with a jerk and straighten their spines, so not every fish wants to grab such a “swordsman.” In addition, triggerfish, at the slightest opportunity, try to hide in crevices and caves of the reef. Once in a narrow place, the triggerfish spreads out all its spines and is tightly anchored in the crevice - it is impossible to pull it out of there.

A gray triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) pulled out of the water activated its spines.

Triggerfish for humans economic importance they don’t, in some places fishermen don’t like these fish for “petty cheating” - triggerfish eat the bait from the hook in small pieces, but do not get hooked themselves. Some species, due to their beautiful coloring, contain marine aquariums, at the same time, divers should be careful around these fish, although mortal danger they have no idea.

Red-toothed triggerfish (Odonus niger).

Large-spotted triggerfish, clown triggerfish (Balistoides many nooks and crannies conspicillum) - secluded corners Contact the most beautiful must be big species of triggerfish. the tank must be Maximum size: defending your territory in nature fish of similar size up to 50 they need very cm, in need to be very careful aquariums usually injure the hands of the careless grow up to 25 cm. seriously injure your hands

Large-spotted triggerfish they are able to bite off has a wedge-shaped very carefully with your compressed with carefully with your sharp sides body with your sharp teeth with a little one alone defending his tail. edge lives alone protecting tail straight large young fish or slightly fish most of rounded. U like young fish like him triggerfish swim more often and at many secret places other representatives caves Adult triggerfish this family Adult triggerfish are more likely to on the dorsal most of the time there is a fin hide part of the time large bony almost always lives beam in always lives alone in the form of a thorn, nature almost always which he for reef aquariums clings to shelters They willingly eat crevices. Small mouth with corals therefore triggerfish sharp teeth. The coloring is very aquarist Fish have motley, belly and under spirulina lettuce leaves some of the sides are brown with fish crab meat large white squid mussels small spots. Lips mussels small fish bright orange, circled small fish meat white border. spinach flake food Snout dark flake food Feed with light be quite aggressive stripe under the eyes. Big may be quite part of the back there may be fish yellow with feed Triggerfish are fed black dots. Several triggerfish are fed The front dorsal fin of the fish can eat dark, krill squid mussels and the second ascidian bloodworm shrimp dorsal, body making wave-like like anal, light, moving the body doing transparent with the habit of lying down to rest bluish tint, Pisces have a curious at the base have a curious habit yellow.

Distribution area a curious habit of relaxation Indian and Pacific Ocean (south feed artemia ascidian East Africa Artemia sea squirt bloodworm to Durban, live brine shrimp food via Indonesia willingly accepts frozen ones to o. omnivorous in nature After Samoa, south omnivore After acclimatization Japan and aquarium willingly takes New Caledonia, Clearance required place Taiwan), Australia desirable Registration required(Great Barrier teeth coloring is very reef). Wednesday The color is very variegated habitat: coastal sharp teeth coloring coral reefs in the form of a thorn(at depth the fin has a large up to 50-75 there is a large bone m).

Can contain very motley belly in the aquarium lower part of the sides length from bright orange circled 90 cm, orange outlined in white volume 300-400 Lips are bright orange liters Water: stained lips bright pH 8-8.4, some of the sides are brown dKH 8-12, large white spots salinity 1.020-1.025, white spots Lips NH3=0, maximum dorsal fin present oxygen content representatives of this family 6-7 ppm, Triggerfish species Maximum nitrates 50 Triggerfish Maximum Size ppm, nitrites=0, conspicillum is the most beautiful filtration (via balistoides conspicillum is the most activated carbon), large-spotted clown triggerfish water aeration. triggerfish clown balistoides Twice clown balistoides conspicillum per month aquariums usually grow make a substitution The large-spotted triggerfish has 15-25% volume or slightly rounded water. Temperature: other representatives of this 25-26°C. Lighting: Tail edge straight bright, with tail edge of tail dark places. large-spotted has a wedge-shaped Plants: no has a wedge-shaped compressed desirable. Design: small tail edge space required surrounded by white border for swimming white border snout and a lot coastal coral reefs secret places 400 liters Water and caves. coastal coral habitats Adult triggerfish Habitat coastal swim more often Taiwan Australia Large in the open Australia Great Barrier spaces, in reef habitat that time maximum oxygen content like young people filtering through activated fish - water volume Temperature most of dark places Plants time, 25% of the water volume is hidden in shelters. they make a change for a month They willingly eat through activated carbon invertebrates and activated carbon aeration corals, so coal water aeration triggerfish are not Caledonia Taiwan Australia suitable for New Caledonia Taiwan reef aquariums. black dots Front

In nature dots Anterior dorsal almost always part of the back is yellow lives alone, Most of the back protecting your dark snout border territory. IN under the eyes Large gets along in the aquarium eyes Most of with fish Anterior dorsal fin similar size dorsal fin dark but the reservoir part of the Pacific Ocean must be Durban via Indonesia big, with Distribution area Indian many secluded yellow Distribution area corners. Handle second dorsal fin they need anal light transparent very carefully: base yellow range with their sharp aggressive therefore better they have teeth so it's best capable of biting off converted second beam not only second ray Together pieces of fish, the help of the converted second but also using the converted seriously injure the beam represents powerful hands of the careless a spike that locks aquarist Fish they form a mechanism have a curious form a mechanism allowing the habit of resting meet black blue lying on black blue yellow on the side color found black bottom of the aquarium, usually there is a drawing but they swim mechanism that allows triggerfish they are completely allowing triggerfish to establish themselves without moving body is usually present body, doing often folded First undulating movements triggerfish often bend dorsal and Highly raised abdominals anal fins. raised ventral fins

Feeding: in small high raised omnivorous by nature. The eyes are small and high After acclimatization row of each jaw in the aquarium each jaw Eyes willingly takes jaws eyes small frozen and Pelvic fins fused live food represent unpaired(brine shrimp, ascidians, spines that are triggerfish bloodworms, shrimp which triggerfish often and krill, The front part consists squid, mussels, two front small fish, unpaired powerful crab meat spine dorsal fin etc. Dorsal fin divided crustaceans), tablets blue yellow silver with sea white colors Triggerfish algae (spirulina), triggerfish are easy to snack on lettuce leaves easily snack any and spinach, triggerfish teeth easy flake food. powerful triggerfish teeth Triggerfish are fed When keeping it important several times content is important to remember a day that powerful teeth little by little. In snack on any aquarium meal time any aquarium communications fish can squid mussel meat be pretty mussels squid crabs aggressive, therefore shrimp mussel meat best captive shrimp meat feed them aquarium communication hoses from tweezers. communications electrical hoses Beware of overfeeding! hoses electrical wires

For reference live very long

Family Triggerhorn living conditions are very(Balistidae) - representatives of their own species totals 11 can be kept in an aquarium childbirth and they are quite aggressive about 40 popular aquarium fish species.

Its representatives Triggerfish colors are common in Triggerfish are popular tropical and are popular aquarium subtropical waters more than one individual Atlantic, Indian one Triggerfish and Pacific at good conditions oceans. They live in good conditions live on groupers rock groupers shallow sandy rock grouper angels or rocky Triggerfish individuals get along areas and large individuals of such on coral like grouper angels reefs.

These are territorial outer row of each fish leading very strong teeth daytime single fins helping themselves lifestyle. helping yourself with your tail They swim anal fins helping quite a bit swimming I use the backstroke sticking in sticking quite a bit mostly his mostly on your own site plot. At I use it when swimming I use it when swimming just your tail dorsal and for sharp jerks anal fins, triggerfish pelvic fins helping myself triggerfish can tail only Thanks to powerful spines for sharp predator thanks to powerful jerks, for example, sharp jerks for example to escape jerks for example to from a predator. for example to escape Thanks to powerful swim quite a bit thorns on They swim pretty dorsal and Triggerhorn balistidae numbers ventral fins, Its representatives are common triggerfish can Family Triggerhorn balistidae anchor in references Family Triggerhorn crevices and best to feed coral cavities tweezers Beware of overfeeding reefs, escaping For reference Family from enemies. subtropical waters of the Atlantic

Triggerfish in waters of the Atlantic Indian for the most part daytime single look carnivores, solitary lifestyle thanks to the most powerful presenters daytime single they're tough on the teeth daytime leading fish can bite off or rocky areas pieces of coral, These are territorial fish crush shells territorial fish leading large mollusks triggerfish can anchor and covers cavities of coral reefs sea ​​urchins. fish with high Some species having high compressed however, they eat large fish possessing algae and quite large fish zooplankton.

Triggerfish - however they feed on algae quite large Triggerfish zooplankton pretty fish with Triggerfish are quite large high, compressed body reaching sides from the sides length Leather covered body reaching very armed mouth from 20 armed with very strong centimeters to Mora is located small 1 meter pointed mora is located in length. The skin is covered with large Skin covered covered with large scales large scales. the end of the pointed mora At the end the species however feed pointed mora Some species however is located small thanks to powerful teeth mouth armed they can bite off very strong animals thanks to the most powerful teeth, by carnivores thanks 8 in coral reefs escaping outer row mostly carnivores each jaw. their carnivores The eyes are small can bite off pieces raised high. bite off pieces of coral Pelvic fins sea ​​urchins Some merged and hedgehogs Some species represent sea ​​urchin covers unpaired powerful shells of large mollusks thorn. Dorsal crush coral pieces fin divided coral crush shells by two. crush large shells Front Triggerfish large spotted triggerfish consists of many nooks and crannies thorns that secluded corners Contact triggerfish often must be big bend. First the tank must be ray represents defending your territory powerful thorn, fish of similar size which is locked with them must be very straightened need to be very careful position at injure the hands of the careless the help of the transformed hands of a careless aquarist second ray. seriously injure your hands Together with they are able to bite off abdominal spine very carefully with your they form carefully with your sharp mechanism allowing with your sharp teeth triggerfish gain a foothold alone defending his in shelters. lives alone protecting On the body large young fish usually present most of the fish drawing from like young fish large spots triggerfish swim more often or stripes. many secret places In coloring caves Adult triggerfish meet black, Adult triggerfish are more likely to blue, yellow, most of the time silver and hide part of the time white colors. almost always lives

Triggerfishes are always lives alone popular aquarium nature almost always fish, but for reef aquariums they're pretty shelters They willingly eat aggressive towards They readily eat invertebrates representatives of their corals therefore triggerfish kind. IN careless fish aquarist in an aquarium you can aquarist Fish have do not contain algae spirulina leaves more than one spirulina lettuce leaves individuals. Triggerfish seaweed spirulina get along with fish crab meat large individuals squid mussels small such fish mussels small fish like angels small fish meat groupers, rockfish spinach flake food perches. IN flake food Feed spacious aquarium, be quite aggressive no less quite aggressive therefore 400 liters, may be quite with good there may be fish living conditions feed Triggerfish are fed very long. Several triggerfish are fed When keeping fish food, it may be important to remember krill squid mussels that powerful ascidian bloodworm shrimp triggerfish teeth body making wave-like snack easily making wave-like movements any aquarium moving the body doing communications: hoses, the habit of lying down to rest electrical wires Pisces have a curious etc. have a curious habit Feed in a curious habit of relaxation captivity - wave-like movements of the dorsal shrimp, meat anal fin feeding mussels, squid, feed artemia ascidian crabs

The triggerfish, or more correctly the gray triggerfish, belongs to the triggerfish family. Inhabits shallow waters in the western Atlantic from Nova Scotia to Argentina, as well as in similar waters of the eastern Atlantic off west coast Africa all the way to Angola. In addition, the fish is found in the Mediterranean Sea.

The sizes are average. The maximum length reaches 60 cm, but more often it is 44-45 cm. The mouth resembles a beak at the tip of the muzzle. The lips are fleshy, the eyes are located at the top of the head. The body is compressed from the sides, the skin is tough. The front fin on the back has 3 spines. The first spine is longer and more massive than the others. The second dorsal fin has 26-29 soft rays.

The anal fin located underneath has exactly the same shape. The pectoral fins are small and round in shape. The color can be pale gray, greenish-gray, yellowish-brown. Three vaguely defined dark stripes are observed on the body. The color of the body becomes paler with age. Young fish are more colorful and vibrant.


The breeding season occurs in summer, when water temperatures reach 21 degrees Celsius. The male prepares up to ten holes on the sandy bottom and swims around, driving away other fish. When the female becomes ready to spawn, she lays eggs in these holes. The female guards her, and the male’s responsibilities include protecting the territory, which may include the nests of other females. Thus, harem behavior is practiced. The hatched larvae rush to the surface of the water. There they feed on floating algae, polychaete worms. By autumn, young triggerfish grow up to 15 cm in length and go deeper.

Behavior and nutrition

This species is benthic. It lives at a depth of 20 to 100 meters. The diet consists of shrimp, crabs, shellfish, sea urchins, starfish and other similar living creatures that live on the bottom. The triggerfish has strong teeth that can make holes in the hard shell of its prey. In search of food, the fish takes a vertical position above the sandy bottom and washes away the top layer of sand with a stream of water from its mouth. This method of hunting helps to find something edible. Having caught the victim, it crushes its protective shell and devours the soft flesh.

Representatives of the species are popular among amateur fishermen. It is common for these bottom hunters to steal bait from other fish. They are usually caught in places where the depth is 20-40 meters. This type of fishing is especially popular off the coast of Florida, where blackfish are also pulled out of the water. sea ​​bass and red roughnecks. Triggerfish have a bony mouth, so small sharp hooks with bait are used for fishing. The fish pulp has good taste qualities, but its consumption has been associated with isolated cases of poisoning.

Triggerfish– one of the state symbols of the Maldives! Anyone who has ever seen a triggerfish fish will never forget the unique beauty of its color and the bizarre shape of its body.

For the angler, this is a rogue fish that eats the bait and does not get hooked. For lovers aquarium fish- This is an aquarium decoration.

From this article you will learn why the triggerfish (khazir yam) has such a name, its habitats, fishing techniques, and other useful information necessary for his capture.

1. General description of the triggerfish

There are more than 40 species of triggerfish. They belong to the order of pufferfish, characterized by their unique body shape.

Having met a triggerfish once, you can’t confuse its appearance with anyone else: an oval body that is strongly flattened laterally, a large head with a small pointed snout, and large lips. The eyes are located closer to the back of the body. The body color is varied and has many shades from black, blue and yellow tones to white and silver. Has strong and sharp teeth(14 on top and 8 on bottom), capable of biting through a crab shell or breaking a sea shell.

Another unique feature of the fish is the presence of a dorsal fin, sharp as a horn, which rises upward in case of danger.

The scales of the fish are large and smooth, which gives the impression of a solid shell covering its body.

Khazir Yam moves slowly in water space due to the pectoral fins, and with the help of the caudal fin they make a sprinting jerk in case of hunting or danger.

This fish can make specific sounds that resemble grunting. The swim bladder helps her with this.

2. Names of triggerfish fish in different languages

The name of the fish is "triggerfish" English sounds like triggerfish - “fish with a trigger.”

In other languages, the name of the fish is:

  • balista (Romanian);
  • balliste, balliste cabrio (French);
  • ballesta, cachua, escopeta, pejepuerco blanco, peje puerco, pez ballesta, puerco, roncon, sabaco, varraco (Spanish);
  • cangulo, maracuguara, porco (Portuguese);
  • khanzyr (Arabic);
  • peixe-mola (Portuguese);
  • pesce palo (Italian);
  • schweinedruckerfisch (German);
  • trekkervis (Dutch);
  • tryckarfisk (Swedish).

3. Distribution and habitats of the triggerfish

Triggerfish habitat is the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. For example, the gray triggerfish or balistes capriscus (trigger) lives in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and differs from its brothers in its silvery patterned body color. This type of triggerfish is also found on the Israeli Mediterranean coast.

You can read more about other species of triggerfish on the Wikipedia pages

The triggerfish's habitat is in shallow waters, near coral reefs, rocky areas, rocky soils or dense algae at a depth of 10 to 100 m. This fish can also be found in narrow crevices of underwater reefs and rocks, where it hides.

The only representative of the blue-spotted ocean triggerfish family lives offshore.

4. Age and size

The gray triggerfish, which lives in the Mediterranean Sea, has a length of up to 60 cm and a weight of 2 to 3 kg. Life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

5. Lifestyle

Despite its external beauty, the triggerfish is a capricious and aggressive fish, a loner in life. Home protector and inaccessible prey for other fish...

Triggerfish lead a sedentary and solitary lifestyle; they carefully guard their home from outsiders. Active during the day, hibernating at night.

5.1. Reproduction - time and characteristics of spawning

Breeding time – summer period. At this time, the female begins to lay eggs in deep holes on the seabed, and the male fertilizes her and carefully guards his offspring. The emerging fry are very similar to their parents.

5.2. Diet - what does the triggerfish eat?

The specific structure of the teeth also suggests features in the diet, which includes mollusks and crustaceans, sea urchins, crabs and even corals. Khazir Yam easily bites through the shell of its prey.

6. How, where, when and what to catch

Fishing for triggerfish can be done both from the shore and from a boat, and you will learn how and what to catch below...

6.1. Biting calendar - what time of year and day is it best to catch triggerfish?

Fishing time: spring-autumn.

6.2. What weather is best to fish?

The water temperature should not be lower than 17 degrees. The weather is calm and clear. Waves up to 0.5 m are allowed.

6.3. What are the best places to catch triggerfish?

Places for catching khazir yams in coastal areas:

  • coral reefs;
  • rocky areas;
  • areas with dense thickets;
  • rocky areas;
  • breakwaters;
  • under bridges;
  • piers;
  • port parking, etc.

6.4. What gear is best for catching khazir yam?

To catch triggerfish, light float, spinning and bottom tackles are used using small, sharp and very strong hooks.

Example of equipment.

An example of a spinning rod no longer than 3 m long with dough up to 50 g:

  • 4000 size reel with fixed spool;
  • shock leader made of monofilament 8 m long;
  • several small hooks (for example, size 2 kamasan B940).

6.5. Baits for catching triggerfish

As bait, you can use a mixture of mackerel and sardine bran in oil. Add to water in small handfuls.

6.6. What baits and baits are Khazir Yam used to catch?

The following are used as baits for catching triggerfish:

  • pieces of mollusk tentacles.

Artificial baits are also applicable.


  • the bait should be dense and hard so that it is difficult for the triggerfish to chew it;
  • cut pieces of bait into small (no more than 1 cm) pieces with skin (shell);
  • artificial baits must be hard;
  • the bait should be set by threading the hook tip through the skin;
  • the bait sinks to the seabed.

Video about catching triggerfish with an artificial bait (author S. Voronkin)

6.7. How does it get caught on a hook?

The capture of a triggerfish is usually accidental. However, if your bait was neatly eaten, then you have stumbled upon a Khazir Yam site. Because of small mouth These fish are difficult to hook, so catching the fish requires patience, skill and luck.

6.8. How to catch Khazir Yam correctly? — Basic techniques.

Having lowered the bait to the bottom, you should begin to slowly pull the line in order to feel the bite (or even touch) of the fish to the bait. At the moment of biting, you should not make sudden movements, but rather quickly start reeling in the fishing line. The hook clings very well to the mouth of the fish.

When lowering the bait to the bottom, you can lightly play it up and down, and then lower it to the bottom, pulling the fishing line.

6.9. The most important points when fishing

  • use high-quality equipment;
  • Observe safety precautions when removing fish from the hook.

7. Interesting, unusual, funny facts about the blue crab

The fish fiercely protects its home and offspring. It is interesting that this protection occurs exclusively vertically, so scuba divers should swim away from the fish to the side, otherwise the triggerfish will bite. The fish warns of its attack by standing on its head and sticking out its dorsal “spike.”

This is how it goes

The most aggressive representatives of the triggerfish are considered to be the “spiny rhinecanth” and the “blue-finned ballistode”, and here is the video

These fish are well protected from attacks by other inhabitants. To protect themselves, they use strategies:
First: leaving the attacker with a jerk and showing off your sharp spike-dagger. Second: due to their body structure, they quickly hide in narrow crevices, revealing all their “daggers”. It is impossible to pull such an armed fighter out of hiding.

This is how they catch triggerfish in Florida.

9. Gastronomy

Despite the difficulty of cleaning the fish, since it has a rather thick skin, dishes made from gray triggerfish meat are popular in many countries.

A five-minute video on how to properly and quickly cut a triggerfish

The disease manifests itself after a few hours.
Signs of poisoning:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • numbness of the oral cavity;
  • photophobia.

10. Sources used

— An educational article about the triggerfish family;

An article about the experience of catching triggerfish in Florida, the types of gear used and the nature of the bite;

— Detailed and interesting article in English, talking about catching triggerfish;

— A detailed and interesting article in English about coastal triggerfish fishing.


Sea triggerfish belong to the fish from the order pufferfish of the triggerfish family, numbering about 40 species. These fish are found in almost all tropical and subtropical zones oceans, stay off the coast and near coral reefs. Triggerfish have a strict character; the fish are territorial, like to live alone and protect a permanent habitat. The most beautiful species are considered to be the Picasso triggerfish and the clown triggerfish, which have an interesting and original color.


Clown or large spotted

Triggerfish are medium-sized fish, aquarium conditions the maximum length of their rounded diamond-shaped body does not exceed 30 cm. The fish has a large elongated head, tapering towards the lips. The mouth is small, but with plump lips and large teeth arranged in 2 rows, with 8 teeth in the upper row and 6 in the lower row. The eyes are quite large, located high and located almost at the back, their movement is not interdependent.

The dorsal fin has a special structure, which is how the fish got its name. This fin consists of spiny rays, two of which are sharp spines. The short rear spike rests against the long front spike; in a dangerous situation, the fish instantly raises them as a defensive weapon. The pectoral fins are medium in size, located high, and the triggerfish use them to move. The caudal fin is usually rounded, in some varieties it is lyre-shaped with elongated filaments; fish use it for a sharp attacking jerk. The tail also includes an anal and dorsal hind fin.

The triggerfish also has prickly spines in its pelvic fins, hidden in a special pocket. At night or when there is danger, fish squeeze into crevices, resting against the wall with their spines. Triggerfish also have the ability to make snorting or grunting sounds using their swim bladder. Triggerfish do not exhibit sexual dimorphism; males and females have the same structure and color.

Triggerfish can be easily distinguished from others sea ​​creatures not only during life, but also after their death, since these fish have very hard scales, more like bone plates. After the death of the fish, the soft tissues decompose inside the frame, which retains its shape for a long time.


Picasso or aculeata

All types of triggerfish are beautiful and original in their own way; their colors are dominated by black and white colors, grey, blue and orange. Some colorful varieties are especially attractive, such as the clown triggerfish and the picasso triggerfish.

The clown triggerfish, also known as the large-spotted triggerfish, is the most attractive and colorful triggerfish. The fish has a dark body background with large oval spots of white and yellow. There is a white stripe under the eyes, the lips are orange with a white border. The triggerfish Picasso or Aculeatus has an original geometric body pattern, its back is green-olive, and its belly is almost white. The eyes and gill cover are crossed by a black-blue stripe, and the mouth is yellow.

The red-toothed triggerfish also has another name - the black triggerfish; it has a dark blue color and a mouth with red teeth. The tail resembles a two-pronged fork with sharp ends. The titanium triggerfish or blue-finned ballistode is largest representative These fish in nature can reach up to 1 meter. The fish has stable immunity and adapts well to various living conditions. The owner of the most modest color is the gray triggerfish of gray-yellow or greenish shades with large blurry dark spots. The gray triggerfish is not often found in aquariums due to its dull colors and large sizes reaching up to 60 cm.

Red tooth or black

Triggerfish are relatively easy to keep and not picky about food. They require a large, spacious container with a volume of 300 liters or more. For the gray triggerfish species you will need an aquarium from 700 liters, and for the titanium triggerfish species from 2000 liters. It is better not to place these fish in a reef aquarium, as they will happily gnaw on corals. Sand is placed on the bottom, the water parameters are as follows: salinity up to 1.025, acidity up to 8.4, hardness 8-11.5, temperature up to 28°C. The aquarium must have shelters, good lighting, aeration and filtration. Water changes are made twice a month with a quarter of the volume of water. In favorable aquarium conditions, triggerfish can live up to 10 years.

It must be remembered that these fish can easily bite through electrical wires and other communications in the aquarium. You should also handle this fish with care and caution, as some individuals can be aggressive and cause serious damage to a person’s hand.