The coolest weapon of the Russian special services. Russian police officers are being attacked more and more often. Weapons only harm them Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle

  • Weapon special purpose is a professional tool for a certain level owner training. It is extremely diverse in terms of types of striking elements, device and methods of application.

We offer to consider the weapons of Alpha, one of the best special forces in the world.

AS "Val"

Developed in the late 80s by a group of designers from the TsNIITOCHMASH enterprise, led by the legendary gunsmith P.I. Serdyukov, AS "Val" quickly gained confidence among domestic special forces. Thanks to the silencer, the sound level of a shot from a machine gun does not exceed the sound level of a shot from a sports small-caliber rifle. This not only contributes to the secrecy of the use of weapons, but also reduces the acoustic load on the shooter himself and provides the possibility of voice communication during special operations in tight spaces.

The rate of fire is 800 - 900 rds / min, the combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rds / min. The magazine is designed for 10/20 rounds. A special cartridge 9 x 39 mm SP was also developed for the machine. 6, which at a distance of 200 m can penetrate bulletproof vest 2-3 class.

SR-3 "Whirlwind"

SR-3 "Whirlwind" is a compact assault rifle, created in 1996 on the basis of the same "Val". Engineers from the Klimov TsNIITOCHMASH did their best, managing to combine such important qualities as small size, convenience and power into a weapon. Unlike AS Val, the SR-3 Vikhr is not equipped with a silencer, but has a smaller barrel.

The rate of fire reaches 900 rds / min., Combat rate of fire - 40 - 60 rds / min. 9 x 39 mm SP cartridges are used. 6. A machine gun from 50 meters successfully hits class 5 body armor.

VSS "Vintorez"

Sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez" is an excellent, balanced weapon, and due to its good range and high rate of fire, it becomes a real killer in the hands of an experienced specialist. Gained fame for its unique silent shooting.

For the rifle, a special SP sniper cartridge is used. 5 and an automatic cartridge with increased armor penetration SP. 6. A PSO-1 optical sight is also installed. The range of destruction is 200 meters, the rate of fire is 800 - 900 rounds / min, the combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rounds / min. The magazine is designed for 10/20 rounds.

SR-1 "Gyurza"

The most powerful pistol of the special forces. He replaced the automatic genius of Stechkin, but confidently established himself in the ranks of the special forces. In the tests of the Gyurza, a bullet with a lead core from a distance of 10 meters pierces a block of dry boards 18 cm thick; at a distance of 50 meters, penetration of class A bulletproof vest or titanium armor plate up to 4 mm thick is guaranteed.

The store is designed for 18 rounds. Special cartridges are used: armor-piercing, low-ricocheting, expansive, armor-piercing tracer. Sighting range- 100 meters.

Knife "Antiterror"

Anti-terror was specially made by the Kazan company "Melita-K" for the power units of Russia. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it has a petal shape, which allows the maximum use of the working area of ​​the blade, which increases its secant properties. Due to the special configuration, the knife has high penetrating properties.

The Commandments of the Special Forces

1. Sweat saves blood.

2. The volume of the biceps does not affect the speed of the bullet.

3. The gun is just a working tool, the weapon is you.

4. It is not the weapon that needs to be brought to a normal battle, but the head of the employee.

5. The main value of the anti-terror unit is the instructors. (Signed: Instructors).

6. If a mistake is made at the selection stage, training is meaningless.

7. Equipment, like life, has no price.

8. The winner is not the one who shoots first, but the one who hits first.

9. For gaps in fire training, the opponent's bullet puts the mark "failed" in battle.

10. A weapon is not a source of increased danger, but your friend and working tool.

11. The best weapon the one you work with.

12. Your skills are the best fuse.

13. The level of the shooter is his worst shot.

14. best pistol- it's an automatic.

15. A pistol is needed in order to get to your machine gun, which did not have to be left anywhere.

16. The main means of preparing the anti-terror unit is realistic professional training.

17. Darkness is a friend of a trained employee.

18. Are you afraid to use weapons in the crowd? Get on your skis!

19. Errors in tactics can be corrected by quick and accurate shooting, errors in shooting cannot be corrected by anything.

20. Be a professional in combat, let the enemy die a hero.

21. The strength of the special forces is not in the muscles, but in the brains.

22. To destroy the enemy is a craft, and to make him shoot himself is an art.

23. All commandos died in fire contact, and not in hand-to-hand combat.

24. If you have reached the change of store in fire contact, then before that you missed too much.

25. No one has yet managed to miss so quickly to win.

26. The main means of combating terrorists is weapons. The rest is secondary.

27. Effective fire - accurate fire.

28. Nothing replaces a quick and accurate shot.

29. TEST: Night, distance 15 m. Target - the head of a terrorist. The hostage is your child. (Answer: Yes - employee / No - sportsman).

30. An employee of the anti-terror unit is the master of each of his shots.

31. Treat every shot like the only one.

32. Did you miss? Welcome! (Signed: Military Prosecutor's Office).

33. Good luck reinforces bad tactics.

34. The main quality of an employee is the ability to make an informed decision and make a quick and accurate shot in any conditions and at any range of actual fire.

35. What is worth your shot is worth another shot.

36. Anti-terror unit - the highest professional specialization of the special purpose unit.

37. No need to quickly dismantle a weapon, you need to quickly shoot from it.

38. Mental clock - balance of accuracy and speed.

39. Worse than a miss can only be a slow miss.

40. It makes no sense to shoot faster than you can hit.

41. Nothing is more inspiring than being shot at and not hit.

42. It's better to hit once with a PM than miss twice with a Glock.

43. You can’t nail a firing course to an employee’s coffin.

44. Money, information and cartridges do not happen much.

45. If a bully at a distance of 10 meters at the same time hit one knee with a 5.45 mm bullet and the other with 7.62 mm, then he will not notice the difference.

46. ​​Win and survive to win again.

47. Special Forces - quality, not quantity.

48. An effective anti-terror unit cannot be created on command - it takes decades.

49. People are more important than technology.

50. Employee - weapons - equipment - personal protective equipment and communications - equivalent elements of the combat kit.

51. In hand-to-hand combat, the one with the most ammo wins.

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"Falkatus" - armored car TsSN FSB Israeli special forces. The structure of the Israeli special forces Mosin rifle - native trilinear

Developed in the late 1990s on the basis of a biathlon rifle for arming OMON and FSB special forces. At low for sniper weapon ballistic performance has a very high precision shooting and the quiet sound of a gunshot.
Reloading is done manually. Detachable magazine holds 10 rounds.
Stock symmetrical shape (equally convenient for shooting from the left and right hand), consists of two parts. The buttstock is detachable, of skeletal construction, equipped with a recoil pad and a cheek piece. In the lower part of the butt, under the hinged cover, there is room for two spare magazines. Instead of a butt, a pistol grip can be installed. The forearm has a groove for attaching a height-adjustable bipod.
On rifles of the first years of production, the stock and stock were made of lacquered wood, however, in 2007, the SV-99 received a stock and stock made of durable aviation plywood in a dark green color of the SV-98 type, and in 2009, an improved version of the stock and stock from black plastic.
open sights no, but the rifle has a dovetail mount for mounting an optical sight.
What special tasks are performed by special forces units with the help of such a weak and short-range (what a word!), Almost toy weapon?
1. Covert destruction of enemy manpower not protected by personal protective equipment. The .22 LR cartridge used gives a very quiet and accurate shot at short distances. “The accuracy of a shot with such a cartridge at 20-30 meters is simply amazing, and the weak recoil allows you to make two or three very accurate shots in a row. When combined with a silencer, the sound of a shot is no longer heard even from two steps with the usual noise background on a city street, and a properly selected ammunition can inflict a rather serious injury to a criminal. By the way, a shot from this weapon at a distance of up to 100 m affects not only people, but also service dogs.
2. Stealth defeat technical means enemy. True, not any technical means, but only those that are affected by such a weak cartridge as the .22 LR. Lighting equipment, video cameras, signaling units, electrical distribution boxes, radio communications, car wheels ... That is, in other words, a small-caliber sniper rifle with a silencer is an almost ideal means of preparing a bridgehead for assaulting those objects that are technically possible to approach at a distance direct shot from a small-caliber rifle (50-70 m.)
I must say that when ordering the development of such a peculiar weapon as a "sniper small thing", the Russian military were not pioneers in this area. American special forces have been using small-caliber .22 LR weapons ever since similar weapons appeared at the end of the 19th century. And, apparently, they are not going to refuse it yet.

Weapons for special forces have always been elite, some samples were produced in small batches, others almost individually, such as, for example, the ShAK-12 assault rifle system (uses powerful 12.7 × 55 mm cartridges), the SKTs-9 sniper complex, the Blizzard machine gun " and others.

Some of these weapons were shown at an exhibition organized during the Cyber-Antiterror-2016 exercise. 42.TUT.BY chose the most interesting samples.

When Ksyusha needs SIG Sauer

The stand of the Special Training Center was literally bursting with a variety of weapons and equipment. Employees of the organization train all special forces units of Belarus. Since 2007 - training of special forces of foreign states.

The head of the training department of the CSP, Vladimir Evdokimov, said that special requirements are imposed on the weapons used by the specialists of the center, so the cost of the “body kit” is often several times higher than the price of the machine itself, as was the case with the AKMS, AKS74U, Vepr-12 carbines shown at the stand and Vepr-1V.

Mainly used in the center Russian weapons. In addition to machine guns, carbines and sniper rifles, MP and IZH-71 pistols are used to train personnel, with Russian-assembled Glock on the way.

According to Vladimir Evdokimov, these pistols are in no way inferior to the Glocks assembled abroad, the only problems were with the cartridges of the Barnaul plant with a metal sleeve. When using the latter, the shutter quickly breaks, unlike brass.

Accuracy is the key to success

If in the DSP they prefer to use expensive American devices, then ordinary army units choose cheaper products, and Belarusian sights are very popular here. unitary enterprise"STC "LEMT" BelOMO".

In the hands of the boss commercial department"LEMT" Nikolai Surko sight POSP 12×50, which is able to withstand 5 thousand shots from a large-caliber sniper rifle.

The specialists of the enterprise developed the PC-28S sight for the AK-12 assault rifle, which is part of Russian equipment soldier of the future "Warrior", as well as a sight for the Russian RPG-32 "Nashshab" grenade launcher system, manufactured by Jadara Equipment and Defense Company, and many others.

10,000 hours on one battery

The PC-28S sight was developed specifically for the Russian AK-12 assault rifle. The requirements for the collimator were quite strict - the Belarusian product had to withstand the recoil when firing from the GP-25 underbarrel grenade launcher. It was necessary to expand the field of view, to make the device as compact as possible, shorter and more unpretentious.

The sight is made in a closed hermetic case and is able to work in any climatic conditions. The PC-28S is capable of withstanding a shock load of 1000g, for comparison: conventional scopes are designed with an ultimate strength of 300-500g.

The sight for the "Warrior" is able to work on one conventional AA battery 10,000 hours. But even with a minimum battery charge, the PC-28S sight is able to function by adjusting the brightness depending on the degree of battery discharge.

Maximum protection

When assaulting urban high-rise buildings, it is impossible to hide behind the armor of an armored personnel carrier, so it is best to carry armor with you, and it weighs a lot. In the photo below - a bulletproof shield placed at the stand of the NPO KlaASS enterprise.

According to the head of the marketing department, Irina Maysarova, the Buckler-K-R ceramic-composite shield is able to protect against a B-32 armor-piercing incendiary bullet fired from an SVD rifle at point-blank range. The shield glass holds a 7.62 mm OPS bullet.

The Spetsnaz body armor is capable of resisting the fire of a Kalashnikov assault rifle almost point-blank. The vest is equipped with an emergency release system, operated with one hand. On the outer side of the outer covers there are rows of belt loops in the form of horizontal stripes for attaching pouches with elements of weapons and special equipment, as well as shoulder rests for carrying weapons. The weight of "Spetsnaz" can reach up to 14 kg.

Weapons for the FSB

The ShAK-12 assault rifle system was created by order of the Russian FSB as a highly effective melee weapon. Thanks to large caliber(cartridges 12.7 × 55 mm are used in the machine) a high stopping effect of the bullet is provided.

Weighs ShAK-12 - 4.5 kg without cartridges, there are two types of stores for the machine - for 10 and 20 cartridges. Fire from weapons can be fired by single shots or bursts.

The ammunition used is PD-12 subsonic bullets (a cartridge with a double (duplex) bullet, two bullets are inserted one into the other), supersonic bullets with a high stopping power PS-12A (a cartridge with a light aluminum bullet, at a distance of 100 meters it loses speed so much that unable to kill a person, such as a random civilian).

PS-12B - this cartridge is capable of penetrating most body armor and is even dangerous for lightly armored vehicles.

No silencer, but silent

PSS-2 is upgraded version Russian silent pistol PSS Vul. The novelty surpasses its predecessor twice in terms of the power of the bullet at the target.

PSS-2 fires specially designed for him silent cartridges with locking powder gases in the sleeve. Pistol weight - 850 g, caliber - 7.62 mm, starting speed bullets - 300 m / s, and weight - 10 g. PSS-2 is capable of hitting targets in body armor of the 2nd class of protection at a distance of up to 50 m.

Only for special forces snipers

The 9-mm target sniper complex SKTs-9 is designed to engage enemy personnel at a distance of up to 1000 m. It includes a SR4 sniper rifle and a specially designed 9 × 69 SP14 cartridge.

The weapon provides accuracy at the level of 1MOA, reloading is carried out manually, it is possible to install a silencer. The rifle weighs about six kilograms, the length with a silencer is 1490 mm, without - 1230 mm. The initial speed of the bullet is 860 m / s.

We did a short historical digression to find out how law enforcement officers were armed before. different countries. Let's now look at modern police weapons. Let's start, perhaps, with the shirt that is closer to the body - with our native Russian police(although honestly: for me, the word "police" in our realities is associated not with a policeman, but with a policeman). Of course, listing all conceivable models is a disastrous business. We will try to limit ourselves to the most common or popular.

The previously mentioned tendency to combine Russian army and police weapons continues to operate today. All the "trunks", which will be discussed later, are used not only by various law enforcement agencies, but also by the military.

Until now, the 9mm Makarov pistol remains the most massive pistol used by the police / police. Developed in 1948 and put into service in 1951, it replaced the famous revolver.

In the early 90s, it was modernized (the main changes were a higher muzzle velocity and an increased magazine capacity) and received the designation PMM. The second "M", as you understand, means "modernized".

The obsolete PM began to be replaced by the Yarygin pistol, designed for the use of 9-mm Parabellum cartridges. Created at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, the model turned out to be quite heavy (950 g without cartridges) and bulky, with a high center of gravity, threatening to “blockage” the weapon. Almost the main drawback, many experts consider the lack of a function of safe descent of the cocked trigger.

Of course, he also has advantages: less recoil and toss when fired compared to the PM, a more capacious magazine (for 18 rounds), high penetrating and stopping action. In addition, a Weaver bar and a tactical flashlight with a laser designator can be installed on the PYa. But in general, the design of the pistol is considered obsolete by the time it was created.

Not just pistols...

The police also have machine guns. The most massive, of course, is the AK-74U, which uses a cartridge of caliber 5.45x39 mm. The thing is certainly formidable, but somewhat outdated. It is not surprising that gunsmiths were asked to develop a new, more modern machine gun for use as a police weapon.

At the Kovrov Mechanical Plant in the late 90s, the AEK-919K "Chestnut" was created, using the common PM cartridge.

True, police patrols are not equipped with them, this is a special forces weapon, which will need a small-sized machine gun in a limited space.

Since 2006, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has been equipped with 9-mm PP-2000. A very interesting unit with a plastic case and a magazine for 20 or 44 rounds of 9x19 Parabellum.

Light weight (a little over one and a half kg without cartridges), the ability to shoot with thick gloves, as well as the installed Picatinny rail for a bunch of "bells and whistles" (silencer, optical or IR laser, tactical flashlight, collimator or optical sight) will allow him to become a worthy replacement for the old good "kalash".

Izhmash made it even easier: here they developed the PP-19-01 Vityaz submachine gun, which is based on the AK-74U design (unification of parts is 70%). The main difference is the cartridge.

The Vityaz uses the 9x19 cartridge, both domestic and foreign firms. Well, the "trifle" in the form of a Picatinny rail is a thing that goes without saying for modern weapons.

Describing the police weapons of Russia, one cannot fail to mention another well-known development - PP-91 KEDR. It is KEDR, and not "Kedr", as they often mistakenly write. After all, this is an abbreviation for "Evgeny Dragunov's design." This submachine gun has a long history. It began to be developed back in the 70s of the last century for the army, but due to the small effective firing range, it was not accepted into service. Yes, it is understandable, because the cartridge used here was a pistol 9x18 PM.

"Reanimated" KEDR in the 90s, when the police needed funds to suppress the surge in crime. It can be equipped with a silencer and a laser designator. It is currently the second most common submachine gun as a Russian police weapon in law enforcement.

At all times, it was believed that special forces units have the best weapons. The secret services are no exception. Russian Federation and former USSR. Which of the unusual domestic developments are used in the FSB and the GRU - further in the review.

VSS "Vintorez"

In the 1970s, the question arose in the USSR about the need to equip snipers with silent weapons. It was not possible to simply “screw” the silencer onto the rifle, it was necessary to develop in principle new design. In 1981, the 6P29 sniper rifle was introduced, the capabilities of which amazed experts. The weapon weighed only 2.2 kilograms and at a distance of 400 meters easily pierced a metal helmet and a 25 mm pine board. Also in design office the weapon was called "Vintorez", which then took root.

The State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR and the Main intelligence agency The USSR General Staff (GRU GSh) were the main customers for such weapons. Under their requirements, a new 9-mm cartridge was developed. The combination of the design of the rifle and the cartridge gave silent and flameless firing both single and in bursts. Only in complete silence could one hear the whistle of a bullet and the sound of metal parts of the trigger mechanism.

After the advent of the VSS in Russian army, Kalashnikov assault rifles with silencers, as obsolete, began to be sent to warehouses. "Vintorez" was used by special forces in the First and Second Chechen war, the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, in antiterrorist operations. Snipers "Alpha" and "Vympel" highly appreciated the possibility of hidden shooting. Also, the rifle is used in the protection of the first persons of the state. When disassembled, the VSS is placed in an inconspicuous diplomat suitcase.

On the basis of "Vintorez" a special silent machine "Val" was developed. The differences are small: a 20-round magazine and a folding stock.


In the early 1950s, the famous weapons designer Igor Stechkin received an unusual order. For the KGB of the USSR, he designed a compact silent weapon. The TKB-506 three-shot pistol had a case imitating a cigarette case. The device fired special cartridges of increased power. Thanks to this, from a distance of 5 meters, the bullet pierced 3 pine boards. Unfortunately, due to the specifics of use, the details of the use of TKB-506 are not known.


In the early 1990s, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Tula Design Bureau developed the PP-90 submachine gun. It is a compact melee weapon designed for concealed carry. When folded, the PP-90 is a small pencil case 28 centimeters long.

The PP90 and PP-93 submachine guns are used by soldiers of the SOBR, OMON, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and collectors. The PP can be additionally equipped with a laser designator and a silencer.


Automatic Underwater Special (APS) became the first in the world automatic weapons, which can be fired underwater. It was developed to arm saboteur divers. The development of Soviet engineers was accepted into the troops in 1975 and is still in use. The main highlight of the weapon is 12-centimeter 5.66-mm bullets, which experience reduced resistance when moving in water. Sighting range under water is 30 meters, and in the air - 100 meters. For comparison, bullets fired from conventional weapons fly no more than a meter under water.

Despite the excellent underwater results, the APS is not very suitable for use ashore. Therefore, the Tula gunsmiths modernized the design, creating new Automatic Double Special (ADS).


In 1965, Soviet cosmonauts Leonov and Belyaev landed in the taiga, where they had to survive for two days among wild animals. Of the weapons they had a Makarov pistol, the capabilities of which are very limited. Visiting Tula gunsmiths, Leonov proposed to create special weapon for Soviet cosmonauts.

TP-82 SONAZ ( Weapon The Wearable Emergency Supply is referred to as the "Astronauts' Pistol" as it was officially included in the list of items that fly to and from space. TP-82 three-barreled, chambered for 12.5 mm and 5.45 mm cartridges. It is easy to make a carbine out of a pistol by attaching a machete butt. Using it, you can pave a path, chop branches, dig a hole.

In total, from 30 to 100 TP-82 pistols were produced, which were taught to handle by all Soviet and Russian cosmonauts.

laser pistol

Other weapons designed for astronauts are fundamentally different from anything previously created. In 1984, employees of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces presented their development. The laser gun uses disposable flash bulbs that produce bright light and temperature. In the direction of action laser pistol can injure a person's eye, optical instruments. While the trim spaceship and the spacesuit remains intact.

The thermal and light effects of a laser pistol are achieved at a distance of up to 20 meters. A compact weapon with an 8-shot magazine can even fire semi-automatically.