Mercury system for retail. Mercury, automated system (fgis)

This article is a continuation of a series of articles devoted to the transition from 01/01/2017 of manufacturing and trading enterprises to working with the Mercury system:


  1. The need to work with Mercury
  2. Organizational matters
  3. New version of Vetis API 1.5


Target working group: organizing interaction between participants in the food supply chain during the implementation of the Mercury system. The participants of this group are food manufacturers, distributors and retail chains (AUCHAN, Dixie, Lenta, METRO, OKAY, etc.)

1. The need to work with Mercury

Benefits to the State from the introduction of Mercury:

  • the ability to track what raw materials a product in a store consists of;
  • control the movement of goods within Russia and the Unified Customs Union

Benefits of the Enterprise from the implementation of Mercury:

  • savings on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents (hereinafter referred to as VSD) (several billion rubles per year)

Briefly about the Legislation:

  • from 01.01.17, registration of VSD is possible on paper and electronically;
  • from 01.01.18 - registration of VSD only in electronic form;
  • employees of enterprises can register VSD without involving veterinarians.

2. Organizational issues

The working group determined that for the successful implementation of Mercury it is necessary to resolve the following issues:

  • unify labels on boxes and pallets
  • supplement the electronic document management (EDI) message format "Shipment Notification" (DESADV)
  • make changes to the Mercury operation scheme

Unification of labels on boxes and pallets

The Mercury system reflects the movement of goods by production batches. This task cannot be completed manually. Therefore, the information that must be encoded in the barcodes of box and pallet labels is unified.

Labels on boxes

Unfortunately, manufacturers and retail chains were unable to come to a consensus on the composition of the barcode, so there is a compromise solution to include an additional 2 barcodes in the GS1-128 format (the third barcode - EAN13 or EAN14 is already included in the label).

manufacturers(recommended barcode length - 48 characters, barcode height - 25mm):

  • Production batch (tag 10, length 14 characters)
  • Net weight of the box (tag 3103, length 6 characters) - required for weight products

Any other tags are acceptable, but it is recommended not to exceed 48 characters.

Harmonized Barcode Requirements retail chains(recommended to be placed at the top, barcode height - 32mm):

  • GTIN product code (tag 01, length 14 characters)
  • Number of pieces per package (tag 37, length 8 characters)
  • Production date (tag 11, length 6 characters)
  • Expiration date (tag 17, length 6 characters)
  • Gross weight (tag 3303, length 6 characters) - required for weight goods

Labels on pallets

The label barcode must be encoded in GS1-128 format and must contain the SSCC code (sender's unique pallet code). SSCC consists of 18 digits:

  • 9 digits - taken from the sender's GLN code (first 9 digits)
  • 9 digits - serial number of the pallet

EDI message "Shipment Notification"

The working group took the initiative to make changes to the format of the DesAdv (Shipment Notice) message. This initiative was supported by EDI provider Corus Consulting. DesAdv will additionally include information about barcodes of shipped pallets and barcodes of boxes. As a result, we went even further and are now implementing a solution where the information contained in the modified DesAdv will be automatically loaded into the Mercury system. When shipping goods to retail chains with which it is organized electronic document management, there will be no need to send information separately to Mercury.

3. Changes in the work of Mercury (New version of Vetis API 1.5)

If we talk about the transition to Mercury, taking into account the requirements of retail chains, then it is necessary to organize the registration of veterinary documents in the context of product barcodes, and not in the context of product groups. Such changes are provided for in new version Vetis API 1.5:

a) Initially, Mercury’s work provides for tracking the movements of controlled goods in the context of transport consignments. What did this mean? It is required to keep records of the movement of goods in the warehouse in the context of each delivery to the warehouse. For example, goods arrived at the warehouse in 10 vehicles. When shipping, you must indicate which product is being shipped and what vehicle it was originally delivered to the warehouse. Looks paranoid for distribution warehouses. This principle has been changed and now accounting needs to be organized by production batches (therefore, the barcode of the box label includes the production batch).

b) Information is required not only about veterinary groups of goods, but also about a specific product (GTIN of the product on the box label).

c) Additional identification of enterprises using GLN codes has been introduced.

d) Includes information about the pallets and boxes being shipped.

I) Implementation and registration

1.1. Services for organizing the Company’s work in information systems Federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor), namely:

A. Registration of the Company and its retail outlets (warehouses) in the information systems of FSIS "MERCURY", AIS "CERBERUS", FSIS "VETIS". For registration in information systems, the Company provides the Contractor with the EDS (electronic signature) of the General Director of the Company. If there is no CEP, we will release it for free.

b. Setting up the administration of the information systems FSIS "MERCURY", AIS "CERBERUS", FSIS "VETIS", including, but not limited to, the distribution of roles of the Contractor as an Authorized Person and the CS Administrator.

1.2. Services for the preparation of methodological recommendations and work instructions, namely:

Conducting training and education for Company employees on the methodology of operational work, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

1.3. Introduction of automation of registration of cycles of work with products of animal origin, namely:

A. Development of integration modules for data exchange on the movement of regulated goods between the information systems of FSIS "MERCURY", the Company's commodity accounting system, including, but not limited to, the implementation of mechanisms and setting up exchange regulations.

b. Analysis of the current nomenclature directory and coding of nomenclature according to the FSIS "Mercury" directories

V. Development and adjustment of methods for monitoring the completeness of reflection of the movement of regulated goods.

II) Monthly support:

2. Services for monthly support of registration of cycles of work with products of animal origin of the Company/, namely:

2.1. Reflection of the movement of regulated goods in the FSIS "MERCURY" with extinguishing/releasing eVSD at each work cycle, namely:

A. Cancellation of products received via electronic VSD to Mercury. HS.

b. Drawing up a statement of non-compliance in the event of a discrepancy in quantity and quality upon receipt of information about the input batch

V. Registration of return eVSD:

  • acceptance of part of the product batch and registration of return eVSD for the remaining part
  • registration of return eVSD for the entire batch of incoming products

d. Maintaining a warehouse journal of the enterprise, in particular a log of input products, a log of products produced at the enterprise

d. Creation of an act of non-compliance in Mercury. HS (inventory)

e. Maintaining a directory of enterprise nomenclature in Mercury. HS

and. Registration of transactions and adding applications for registration of eVSD.

h. Carrying out reconciliation acts on redeemed/issued eVSD with counterparties

And. Interaction with the Company, including, but not limited to, informing the Company about discrepancies/errors in the actual and accounting movement of regulated goods.

2.2. Administration of information systems and users, namely:

A. Registration of new retail outlets (gas stations) of the Company as they are put into operation in the information systems of FSIS "MERCURY", AIS "CERBERUS", FSIS "VETIS".

The Company/Retailer notifies the Contractor about the opening of new retail outlets at least 10 working days before the delivery of the first batch of goods to the gas station.

b. Distribution of access rights and user roles in information systems as necessary

V. Health administration and technical support integration modules for data exchange between information systems.

About GIS "Mercury"

What is the Mercury system?

This is a system designed for electronic certification cargo subject to state veterinary supervision. The system allows you to track their movement across the territory of Russia and helps create a unified information environment to improve the safety of the biological, veterinary and food industries.

Goals of the Mercury system:

  • Automation of accounting of arrived products
  • Tracking the movement of products across Russia
  • Reducing costs for registration of VSD
  • Minimizing human errors
  • Creation single base data
  • How will your interaction with the system be structured?

The Mercury system is available as a web application. Connecting to it occurs online, through any of the browsers available to you ( Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.). After the user registration process is completed, you will receive a personal login and password to log into the system.

Among the functions available when using the Mercury system, special mention should be made of the ability to configure automated data transfer with integration into 1C, with their further processing, which greatly simplifies the work.

For whom is the implementation of the Mercury system mandatory?

  • Breeding farms
  • Meat plants
  • Dairies
  • Poultry enterprises
  • Seafood producers
  • Farms
  • Wholesale bases
  • Retail Stores
  • How does the Mercury system work?

Example: A farmer sends a delivery to a meat processing plant, registering electronic VSD for the party. Upon receipt, the meat processing plant puts a mark in the Mercury system, confirming that this batch was accepted with a veterinary certificate under the appropriate number, thus “redeeming” it. Then, sausages and minced meat produced at the plant from a batch of meat are sent to outlets. Each of the deliveries has a new VSD, which, upon receipt, must be “extinguished” by the store in the same “Mercury” system.

In the Mercury system itself, after registration, a list of suppliers is compiled who send goods to the point. In addition to viewing all the information on the network, the system allows you to draw up acts of disagreement with the supplier if there are complaints about the product. Also, “Mercury” eliminates the need to store VSD in paper form.

What are the advantages of working with Bridge Group?

  • Qualified specialists
  • You will have at your disposal the whole team qualified specialists
  • We will do everything for you
  • We will completely take care of all the concerns regarding the implementation of GIS "Mercury" into the structure of your enterprise
  • Always in touch
  • We will provide you with full consulting support and technical support
  • Saving money and time

With Bridge Group you significantly save your time, and at the same time money.

Many people know about the Mercury GIS, but who benefits from it? Today this question is answered CEO CJSC "ASP" Sergey Baryshev.

First you need to say what categories there are: the consumer himself, who receives the products and will see a transparent composition in the future. This way he can choose, for example, which sausage he wants to buy with 100% meat content or not. Further retail chains. On the basis of Mercury, retail chains want to organize their batch accounting, movement of goods and control it. Due to this, they can save a lot of money on staff, plus there will be fresher goods on the shelves. It will be easier for them to track deadlines and delays, which means the likelihood of losses will be less.

The following who benefit from “Mercury” are distributors who supply goods to stores. For those who previously issued paper certificates, electronic certification provides quite a big benefit. Because if previously they spent 50-60 rubles on each delivery, on the day of delivery, say, 300, then every day they spent about 18,000 rubles on paper certificates. If you multiply this, for example, by 20-22 working days, the networks spent about 400 thousand rubles a month on issuing paper certificates. And, accordingly, when they switch to manual or automatic EMU, their expenses amount to about 100 thousand. The average savings of 300,000 rubles is obvious.

For manufacturers GIS “Mercury” is also beneficial. But they are the most fearful, because previously they were very dependent on veterinarians, who could or would not allow them to work, could suspend production with their checks and actions. And over the past 2 years, manufacturers have switched to EMU with extreme caution. Today, veterinary medicine itself understands that they need to switch to the Mercury GIS, they are starting to switch to electronic view, in manual, someone starts in automatic, their processes are more complicated since there are incoming raw materials, production, outgoing batches. At the same time, they are one of the main beneficiaries.

I would say now who is not very profitable or who does not understand what the benefit is- this is for retail and catering. They don’t understand why they need “Mercury” at all, since before its appearance, perhaps there wasn’t even any control. But in fact, those who were supposed to be controlled, but did not have time, it is generally unclear why “Mercury”. This, for example, is like “milk”, which was not controlled before and suddenly they said that now we will control you because you have a product - the composition that needs to be checked. And they often say: why control us? Why do we need these difficulties? Although milk is no different from the same meat or fish. Now there are a lot of such participants in the market, and they are trying to make money from them, retail. Although, in essence, Rosselkhoznadzor says: register on the website, get the details and just turn it off. There are no difficulties for them in this. And some, out of misunderstanding or those who want to make money on them, offer them right away ready-made solutions, who essentially do the same thing, but they want money for it. Or there are veterinarians themselves who say: you must pay us money and then we will pay for you. Although in fact, retailers only need to register, press a button, and there is nothing complicated about it. This is more of an educational question for catering. It, of course, adds some kind of load to them, but as a result it will give a good return. Because public catering and retail will receive higher quality products. Although on this moment Few people understand this.

And wholesalers who sell retail. For them, perhaps, there is also a weak understanding - what is the benefit of “Mercury”? Because they, too, were uncontrollable, although they should have been under control. The Mercury system, if previously it covered 60% of all points that were supervised, now they will be covered 100%.

Within the framework of Mercury, if a problem is found somewhere, then the entire batch can be tracked. Plus, production control is already underway.

When the consumer knows that he can track the composition of the product, he will be able to objectively choose what to buy. There will be complete confidence in the composition that will be written on the product packaging. Now “product composition” is a play on words and no one is 100% sure that the composition on the packaging corresponds to reality. Expiration dates on products in stores can be found with future date. Also, he may now be interrupted, and there is no way to check him now. The expiration date can be punched on the network itself because an error by operators, even if not intentional, within the network means that the entire batch may be expired. Expiration dates are not always correct. And then, in the event of an intentional/unintentional mistake, chain employees try to get out at the expense of customers by exceeding expiration dates. Such schemes will not work in the Mercury GIS. Everything will be 100% as transparent as possible. The manufacturer will have to put the composition in order. Nowadays, buyers focus not only on price, but also on quality.

Distributors - direct savings. If certificates are issued via web access, then at least 1-2 operators are involved, whose labor is estimated at an average of 30-40,000 rubles. When issuing an EMU, the cost is 10,000 rubles. Plus, manual labor is prone to errors, and sometimes it is necessary to release cars in 1-2 hours and in manual mode- this is very difficult to do. And in automatic mode, they did it all in half an hour, printed it and sent it, that is, efficiency.

Trading networks are batch accounting. It's more difficult questions. If they receive a tool for monitoring expiration dates, movement of goods across the network, and prompt elimination of low-quality products, then this will be a significant saving.

Manufacturers are a separate issue. They are similar to distributors, but they have a peculiarity with production, interaction with state veterinarians and I think that they are worth discussing in a separate article. Outline their problems and what they get as a result. Because there is a struggle between the benefit itself and everyone’s desire to make more money from it. Manufacturers have one of the hardest paths, but still it is the path to freedom and saving money, and most manufacturers have already realized this.

Nika Vinogradova

Sections of the article

With this article we begin to introduce our readers to the problems of automated systems developed and promoted by the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor).

At the moment, Rosselkhoznadzor is developing a whole complex computer programs necessary for qualitative improvement of the existing Russian Federation situation and provision modern level biological food safety. Moreover, the introduction of such new solutions will improve and optimize the methods that Rosselkhoznadzor and the State Veterinary Service themselves currently use in their work.

Currently most of programs about which we're talking about, completed and successfully tested. Moreover, 13 of them are in working condition and are actively used in practice. According to Nikolai Vlasov, deputy head of Rosselkhoznadzor, such a large set of software products is necessary to create a convenient digital environment that ensures biological food safety and comfortable operation of veterinary services throughout the country.

Product traceability system

Several decades ago two large organizations– The UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Office of Epizootics have joined forces to formulate a simple, understandable and convenient principle for monitoring the entire production chain. It traces products from the field where a particular product is grown to the store counter where it is sold. This system takes into account absolutely all the nuances, from the selection of fertilizers for specific plants or animal feed, to quality control of milk or meat on store shelves.

This mechanism is called product traceability. In other words, it allows you to accurately track the entire chain of growing plants or animals, their nutrition, their growth conditions, as well as all subsequent stages necessary for the production of a finished product of plant or animal origin. This means that even if you take an ordinary piece of meat in a store, you can quickly and accurately determine which animal it belonged to, in what conditions it was kept, how it was processed and stored.

Of course, for the competent implementation of such a mechanism at each stage of production, you need to have convenient mechanisms for determining the location of the product, tracking all routes of its transportation, processing methods, and so on. At the same time, it should be possible to find out absolutely everything about the product at any stage of its movement from the field to the counter. Obviously, the practical implementation of such a system is not an easy task, but, nevertheless, absolutely all civilized countries preferred it, and there are many reasons for this. Here are just a few of them:

  • Reliable protection against counterfeit and low-quality products of unknown origin reaching store shelves.
  • Convenient control over the level of food in the country, allowing for timely regulation of the agricultural sector.
  • Effective fight against corruption among supervisory authorities.
  • Ability to deal with fraud in the industry.
  • Minimizing bureaucracy and providing a convenient transparent mechanism for the comfortable operation of private businesses.

It is obvious that an analogue of this system should be present in every country, including Russia. Moreover, modern solutions and the possibilities already make it possible to realize it. However, product manufacturers themselves across the country are divided into two completely opposite camps. Some are completely in favor of such changes and the introduction of such a promising and easy-to-use mechanism, while others are categorically against it. However, it is obvious that it is entrepreneurs who are resisting who do not conduct their business honestly and do not produce high-quality products, because then strict and unbiased control will put an end to their business, or at least require serious changes in the usual and established working mechanism .

However, the control system itself will improve people's health, expand the range of products, improve their quality and increase the well-being of entrepreneurs who honestly and responsibly engage in this difficult task. That is why Rosselkhoznadzor is the only organization in the country that invests enormous effort and resources in the implementation of a complete and high-quality world-class traceability system.

Their goal is to create conditions under which it will be possible to freely take any product of animal origin at any stage of its circulation and without problems obtain any information about it, from the source of raw materials for production to the retail points where it is sold. Moreover, if, for example, a problem arose on a farm and the cows were poisoned by poor-quality feed, then using this system you can quickly track all the stores where the milk went in order to remove it from sale and protect people’s health.

Veterinary certificate as the main element of traceability

Veterinary certificates are the basis on which traceability systems are based all over the world. In fact, this document has much in common with an ordinary passport of any person, because without it we cannot do practically anything in society - neither find a job, nor go somewhere. It is to control the transportation of products that veterinary certificates are needed, because without them, goods cannot be sent outside the country or even to another region.

If we talk about Russia, then the classic veterinary control and certification service is archaic, paid and completely unbiased. It is destroyed by corruption, the need to comply with a lot of unnecessary bureaucratic formalities and a strong dependence on resources. Such a system is ultimately inconvenient both for producers of goods and for the state itself, but worst of all, it carries potential danger for the end consumer of the products.

Every year, several million paper certificates are issued in the country. This is a huge and waste of resources and time, but it does not guarantee any quality of the product at all. With the help of these documents, it is purely physically impossible to track the entire path of the goods from the field to the counter.

Let's assume that a shipment of smuggled meat is brought into the country. There is no information about it, but there is a high probability that it was produced in violation of regulations, since otherwise it would have simply been imported with official permission without the slightest problem. Further, on the territory of the country, with the help of a corrupt veterinarian, this meat is officially registered, then sent to other regions, where the batch is divided, and each part receives new certificates. This is how the legalization of such counterfeit products occurs.

Existing reporting forms, despite their high cost and security, can be easily counterfeited with some effort. For example, you can freely delete information written laser printer, and then reuse this form for your own purposes.

In fact, at this point, no additional effort needs to be made to distribute illegal products. To do this, you don’t even need to look for any loopholes in the law, since now not all products require a veterinary certificate. For example, milk is subject to certification, but butter made from the same milk is no longer certified. A very large percentage of finished products are not tested, and additional additives are quite officially mixed into them. In the production of oil, palm oil, which is harmful to health, is often used, which has a low cost and allows one to obtain a huge volume of finished low-quality goods from a small amount of starting materials.

Automated system "Mercury" from Rosselkhoznadzor as a solution to the problem

Most countries have long been engaged in full automation of not only production, but also its accounting. Manual labor cannot bring such results, because with this approach the possibility of unintentional errors or deception is completely eliminated. Moreover, process automation speeds up the work process and makes the mechanism simple and transparent for all participants.

In the field veterinary certification Such innovations are simply necessary, according to employees of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Control. Moreover, they are already implementing such changes in practice and, with the support of Rosselkhoznadzor, have assembled a team of experienced programmers who have created a unique and unparalleled system called “Mercury”. It will allow you to completely abandon the use of paper certificates and implement convenient and modern system traceability of products throughout the country.

The program began to be developed by Rosselkhoznadzor in 2009, and was initially intended for electronic certification of various cargoes, and further recording of their location in Russia and abroad.

In fact, with the help of this program an electronic database will be created. Only authorized users will have access to it; moreover, all of them will provide detailed information about themselves, and their actions will be saved and any changes made by each of them can be tracked in real time. At the same time, paper certificates will completely become history and give way to their more progressive digital counterparts.

It is worth noting that the Mercury system successfully works with other programs developed by Rosselkhoznadzor specialists, such as Vesta or Argus. All this allows us to create a unified information space in the field of food safety and veterinary medicine in the country. It provides many advantages, among which it is worth paying attention to:

  • The ability to trace all products throughout their production.
  • It will create fair competition, in which everyone will be on the same terms.
  • Will help protect consumers from low-quality goods.
  • Will eradicate corruption and eliminate the costs associated with it.
  • Allows control and supervisory authorities to easily control the entire process.
  • It will help save money for all participants in the chain, because now the cost of paperwork and other issues will be reduced.

If we talk separately about the Mercury program itself, then it sets itself a number of goals, which should include:

  • Saving time on getting everyone official permissions for transportation of food cargo.
  • Full automation of all processes and documentation.
  • Automatic accounting of all products, both received and departed from a specific enterprise.
  • Creation of convenient mechanisms for precise tracking location of the cargo on the territory of Russia, even after dividing it into small shipments.
  • Reducing the cost of issuing veterinary certificates due to a reduction in the number of people involved in the process and the complete elimination of expensive physical forms.
  • Elimination of the human factor and related errors.
  • Formation of a transparent database that makes it easy to analyze this or that information.

Who works in the Mercury system and how?

The system has several modules for the separate work of state veterinary inspectors of Rosselkhoznadzor, and regional veterinary departments of the country. They are the ones who oversee all food cargo entering Russia and moving within its borders.

In order to understand how the whole system functions, it is worth imagining the following situation. Let’s assume that 200 kilograms of fish from Bulgaria arrived in Moscow via air delivery. This cargo is addressed to the Vector company, located in the Vladimir region. The permit to import the product itself was issued at Domodedovo airport, at the local border checkpoint. This was done using the Argus system, part of shared network Rosselkhoznadzor software products.

The next step for the cargo is to enter a special temporary storage warehouse, where Rosselkhoznadzor inspectors inspect it and re-issue all documents. In parallel with this, information about current situation Pisces is reflected in the Mercury program. There, the inspector enters the name of the cargo, its weight and volume, production date, expiration date, and also describes such points as the next destination of the cargo, and provides permission for its free sale.

The most interesting thing is that the next stage of verification is automatic, and the Mercury program performs it independently. After full approval of all aspects and confirmation of the accuracy of the information entered, the cargo is sent for sanitary and veterinary control, where specialists make a decision on its quality and suitability for use and sale.

If the cargo raises any suspicions among the inspector, he can take a sample of it and send it to the laboratory for analysis. An act for these actions is issued in another program of Rosselkhoznadzor, called “Vesta”. Since all software products are connected, the experts’ answer will come and be displayed not only in the Vesta system, but also in Mercury.

If there are no questions about the cargo, then a sanitary and veterinary inspection report is drawn up on the spot. The Mercury system checks all the information and makes a decision on whether the cargo should be allowed through. Next, the inspector agrees with him and draws up a new veterinary passport. Here, Rosselkhoznadzor specialists complete their part of the work and transfer the initiative to the employees of the state veterinary service. For them, the system has its own module called “State Veterinary Expertise”.

They inspect imported products after they arrive at a specific enterprise. Inside the system, they receive all current information about it, verify and confirm it. Then they transfer the information to another special journal, in which all subsequent actions with the cargo will be recorded. Moreover, tracking will work even if a large batch needs to be divided into smaller ones in order to be sent to points of sale. In this case, the veterinarian will need to complete the transactions.

These transactions involve any action with cargo, be it transportation, processing or sales. All information is entered into a special form, including the type and number of transport on which transportation will be carried out and the addresses of specific stores where the goods will be sold. Additionally, the volume of goods is indicated so that forgery or fraud can later be identified. As a result of all these actions, a special veterinary accompanying document is generated, which can be printed on any ordinary office paper, because all its protection is based on the presence of a special bar code and an additional identifier, with the help of which you can obtain all the information about a specific product in the system.

Automated Mercury system for food production

According to a similar, but somewhat more simplified principle, documents for domestic products are drawn up in the system. As a result, the program contains information about all stages of production, starting from the place where animals are raised, their quantity, feed used for them, to slaughter places, warehouses where meat is stored, enterprises where it is processed and stores where it is sold .

What is important is that at each stage a certificate is created, which allows you to create a direct chain of electronic documents that can be used to track the product to any stage of its production. Because of this, it will simply be impossible to enter counterfeit products into the system, and therefore to sell them and make a profit from them.

At the moment, situations arise in which some dairy plant received a ton of milk and produced three tons of butter. This is due to the fact that milk is subject to certification, but products made from it are not. At the same time, now find out the exact volumes finished products It's simply impossible. Using a control system like Mercury, this simply will not happen, because all interested parties, including the end consumer, can see all the information about the product.

A good example would be control over the harvest of aquatic biological resources. Suppose that in one of the regions fishing is prohibited for some reason. In this case, the system contains information about this, and it is simply impossible to obtain a certificate for such products and put them into circulation.

How is Mercury useful to ordinary buyers?

Let's assume that you visited a store and purchased cottage cheese. Next, you made cheesecakes from it and soon realized that you were poisoned. If the cottage cheese is issued through paper certificates, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to actually find out where it came from. If we talk about Mercury control, there is a special bar code on the product packaging, with which you can find out all the information on the manufacturer and product yourself at any time. Of course, this will help Rosselkhoznadzor employees find the source of the problem, punish those responsible and, what is very important, quickly remove the entire batch from sale, saving the health of other people.

All electronic documents are processed only on the basis of older documents already existing in the system. This creates a chain of digital documentation that cannot be falsified.

Why hasn't Mercury been introduced everywhere yet?

It is obvious that the use of Mercury will become a real problem for many dishonest manufacturers, and therefore they do their best to prevent the introduction of this system. However, they are not alone against such an initiative. Regional veterinary services they are also often against it, because with the new mechanism of interaction they will not be able to draw up documents for money. Moreover, they are simply not ready and do not want to switch to a new, unfamiliar electronic system that they need to understand.

Fortunately, the Mercury system development team trains specialists using a range of various methods, starting with the organization of video conferences for individuals or entire groups, ending with the direct arrival of employees to undergo advanced training courses. They also conduct on-site training sessions. Moreover, even now you can get training at the Moscow Veterinary Committee, which actively took part in the development of the Mercury system. Also, the entire Vladimir region has already integrated the system into its work, and local specialists are training young staff.

Advantages and prospects of a multi-level traceability system

Rosselkhoznadzor has come a long way and achieved the implementation of a product traceability system in Russia. Already now the issuance of electronic certificates is a reality. However, this is just the beginning and there are still many important tasks ahead. The next stage will be the establishment of work in the field of electronic veterinary certification and interaction with major supplying countries, which will bring the issue of traceability to the international level.

At the moment, the entire cycle of electronic control begins with goods checkpoints at the border. But this path can be expanded and brought directly to foreign manufacturers with whom Russia cooperates. Thus, it will be possible to completely eliminate the possibility of transporting counterfeit products and smuggling under the guise of registered products. If even before arriving at the border it is known about the arrival of some specific goods, then the customs control process will be simpler and faster.

Of course, countries with underdeveloped internal traceability and product control are encouraged to integrate Mercury. If we talk about countries that already have their own system, the convenience of work will lie in the mutual support and integration of these two specific systems. Mercury system developers are actively in contact with foreign IT specialists and agree on integration work. At the moment, there are also first successes in this direction, as mutual cooperation has been established with New Zealand.

Mercury is the guardian of quality products!

The Mercury system has complex structure, on the implementation of which highly qualified professionals have been working for many years. And even now, when the program is working successfully, they are constantly improving and developing it in order to make product control more perfect.

Rosselkhoznadzor employees hope that their work will make the traceability system convenient and inevitable. With the help of the Mercury system, every year work will become much easier for all respectable producers and consumers, and control over all turnover will be stricter and more accurate. Of course, this will have a positive impact on the standard of living of all residents of the country.