Dreaming of sewing on a typewriter. Dream Interpretation from A to Z. Ahead of household care, changes are possible

Stitching in a dream is an ambiguous dream. Sometimes it dreams of the emergence of favorable situations in life, positively characterizes a person from the economic side. But often stitching is a symbol of some danger, rash actions and decisions.

What if you dream of sewing?

When interpreting a dream, one should pay attention to the surrounding details and the sewing process itself, namely, what exactly the person is sewing. In any case, many people ask why they dream of sewing something up. For example, if a person dreamed that he was sewing up his pocket, then this may indicate that he will soon part with the money. You should be careful when making transactions or correctly calculate your expenses. In general, sewing up something in a dream is a good omen, promising quick changes for the better or success in business.

It is worth paying attention to a dream in which a person sews his own clothes. Most likely in real world someone plots against him, spreads unpleasant gossip and rumors. Sometimes such a dream can mean resentment and intrigues of evil people.

I must say that sewing up your own clothes is a very bad sign. Possibly in real life the person had a serious disagreement with someone. Probably this person will become a target for enemies who will prevent him from implementing his plans. It is worth being very careful, it is recommended to analyze the people around you and understand which of them wants evil, and from whom one can expect betrayal. If a person in a dream sewed up boots with a thick needle and at the same time pricked his finger to blood, it is worth remembering the closest relatives. Most likely, through the fault of this person, the relatives had enemies.

What portends?

If in a dream you finally sew up a hole, then this good sign who says that all financial troubles will soon be settled. By the way, oh financial position tells a dream in which a person sews up socks. This indicates that the state of poverty will pass, and financial situation will improve soon. Things are different if you have to sew something on yourself. Such a dream indicates a probable operation. But if they are sewn up on another person, then the one who dreamed about it will awaken the feelings and interest of this person.

Recognition, respect and admiration of society are provided if a person dreams about how he sews up a wound. This suggests that he is outstanding and very interesting person. It is not ashamed and even proud to attend various social events with him.

Thus, sewing up something in a dream, a person subconsciously wants to restore integrity to this, and this is something dear to him. It is worth considering the dream in more detail, remembering all the details. If the dream has a negative meaning, then you should be careful and more attentive in dealing with people.

Sewing - You obviously "have hands" and they must be used. Sh. clothes - you can make good money if you make something and needlework. Sh. pieces of fabric (curtains, banners) - you will achieve great success in craftsmanship. Someone Sh. - someone is preparing an event in which you have to take part. It is also desirable for you to participate in the preparation, this will increase your prestige.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do dreams mean to sew

If you dream that you are sweeping sewing, then you have to think over a plan. If you finish work in a dream, then you will be offered to participate in a big and profitable business. Cutting fabric in a dream is a sign of division, strife, divorce, squabbles. Finishing some sewing in a dream is a harbinger of a successful end to the case. But if in a dream you are disappointed with your work, then in reality you will face failure, disappointment and grief. See interpretation: clothes, needle, tailor, scissors, thread.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to sew in a dream

If in a dream they sew a wedding dress for you - do not flatter yourself with the words of hasty recognition. A dream in which you sew something yourself means that you should better control your feelings, because any breakdown can lead to irreversible consequences.

If the sewn thing sits on you like a glove and suits you very much, in reality you will be generously rewarded for the service rendered to a high-ranking person. Poorly tailored clothes mean additional difficulties at the final stage of the undertaking.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

The meaning of dreams to sew

"to sew a case" to fabricate compromising evidence.

"sewn with white threads" to make noticeable.


"shitokryto" disguise.

"sew" to kill or tie to oneself.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

Interpretation of sleep Sew

To sew something from silk or woolen fabric - such a dream promises the well-being and comfort of your family hearth. If the fabric is cotton - to health. Sewing from thick fabric special purpose(for example, parachute) - your home is not afraid of any adversity.

Imagine that you are sewing beautiful clothes from the finest silk. You dress your whole family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What in a dream predicts Sew

Seeing yourself sewing clothes is a sign that you will have a lot of trouble associated with some kind of change in life.

If the clothes that you sew turn out to be elegant and please you, the dream definitely portends a change for the better.

If you sew a nondescript robe, in reality you should prepare for a difficult period in your life.

Darn old clothes: a sign of a deterioration in your situation, which can be caused by conflicts and friction with others. After such a dream, it is better for you not to give others a reason to quarrel and try to settle disputes in peace.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does it mean to see Sew in a dream

A sign that you need to put your house and finances in order.

To prick with a needle while sewing is an unpleasant acquaintance.

The seamstress dreamed - an unexpected joyful event will keep you at home, interfering with a meeting that is extremely important for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Sew

To sew something - to hope.

If you sew clothes for yourself, you hope that your future will bring joy, save you from troubles and worries.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation sew up

If you sew something up in real life, then it can be assumed that you do not have the opportunity to buy a new one. This is how the interpreters of dreams argue.

Why dream of sewing? Ahead of a sleeping person is a difficult life period, a lack of money and troubles will begin. The dream interpretation promises the appearance of obstacles on the way and disappointment in some people.

Actions at night

I dreamed of darning clothes

You can sew up clothes or wounds in a dream. At this vision there are so many interpretations that it is worth trying to analyze it in detail.


Often in reality we have to bring items of clothing back to their original form. In a dream, you may also need to sew up a hole on a certain thing, and each of them will have its own unique prediction.

Brief interpretations

If the dreamer has absolutely no time to thoroughly study the interpreters, then he has the opportunity to learn a brief prediction. The sleeping person can only indicate what thing he sewed up:


According to the dream book, sewing up things that belong to your friend in a night vision means that soon you will have troubles, and the dreaming friend will become the cause of them.

Dreaming of repairing a wedding dress

If you mend the things of a complete stranger to you, then life's difficulties will arise unexpectedly.

hem Wedding Dress- changes in life for the better are coming.

Do you dream of torn pants that you are trying to bring back to their original form?

The interpretation of sleep is bleak, it is believed that you will create trouble for yourself.

If at the time of work you were pricked with a needle, then soon you will meet a dangerous person.

A hole is sewn up on a shirt - a sleeping person will have to make an effort not to part with his soulmate.

Work in a dream with a needle

In night vision, you didn’t see what exactly you sewed up, just worked with a needle? You make every effort to make your family members comfortable and cozy.

Surgical intervention

Did you dream of wounds on your body that you sewed up yourself? Soon a difficult time will come, obstacles will appear before you, but you will be able to overcome them.

If you sewed up the wound of another person, then the dream book will give the following interpretation: soon a certain person will turn to you for help, and you will be able to help him.

Did you dream about the stomach that you sewed up? The interpretation of the stomach in a dream comes down to the fact that it is responsible for the material sphere of the dreamer's life. If there was a wound on it, then you will have a difficult financial situation.

Dreamed of a surgical darn

Thus, if you sewed up a wound, washed it, then you will make every effort to correct the situation that has arisen.

To attempt to sew the edges of the wound in the abdomen - you will part with a person close to you for a while.

True, in the end you will reunite again, feelings will be even stronger.

Vision details:

  • your hand was sewn up - you will have a new friend;
  • mouth - you are overly emotional;
  • why dream of sewing up the eyes of another person - you will deceive people.

If in night vision your mouth is sewn up with threads, then soon you will fall into difficult situation and no one will ask for advice. You will have to make an important decision alone.

Hem cast-offs

If in a dream you have to mend very old clothes, then soon your communication with other people will deteriorate significantly, this will negatively affect general position affairs.

The dream interpretation says that any conflict should be settled peacefully.

Hemming dirty, soiled clothes - you will try to correct the mistakes that you made earlier.

When a woman darns pantyhose in a dream, then her chosen one, the second half, will greatly disappoint her behavior.

When you had to darn dark clothes with white threads, then in reality you are doing your job in bad faith. It seems to you that no one notices this, but in fact everyone around already considers you a frivolous employee, they are waiting for your resignation.

I had to hem an old torn dress - soon you will receive a reward for your labors.

For the first time, they tried to interpret dreams back in Ancient Greece, and Plato believed that dreams can inspire and give rise to ideas. The first attempts to systematize visions were made by Freud at the beginning of the 20th century. Later, other psychologists, soothsayers, mystics were also engaged in interpretations. What does it mean to sew in a dream? Let's try to figure it out using different dream books. At the same time, we will consider the meaning of various attributes, without which it is impossible to sew.

In classical interpretations, if in a dream you new clothes sew on yourself, then in reality you will find comfort and warmth in the house that you will create yourself. It's really good dream, you can fill your home with happiness, create strong family if you are not yet married. And for those who already have a husband, he informs that the strength of the relationship depends only on their desire and aspiration.

Miller's dream book

Miller is an American psychologist who became famous precisely for writing a collection of interpretations of dreams. When creating it, the researcher relied on his personal experience and theoretical basis psychiatry. Tens of thousands of dream stories were analyzed before the book was published.

Not in his dream book exact interpretation what does it mean to sew in a dream. But many related dreams are considered. It is clear that you can sew from fabric, so to see it in your dream means that there are “friends” in the environment who wish you harm and interfere with your happiness. Because of them, troubles and losses await you. But if the fabric is elastic and smooth to the touch, then you will withstand everything, and good luck will accompany you, no matter who causes trouble.

If you are not sewing, but a seamstress, then some event awaits you, due to which an important meeting will not take place. But the event is good and joyful.

But to see a tailor in a dream - to worries after the trip. If you quarrel with the tailor, give up your plan, it will not bring satisfaction anyway. Taking measurements from you - a quarrel and disappointment await in the near future.

Another related sewing item is a thimble. If you sew in a dream with a needle and use a thimble, then soon you will be able to give someone joy. And to see a thimble in the hands of a woman - you are going to commit some serious act.

But to see a needle in night visions is a warning of approaching grief, suffering or loss. A needle with a thread in the ear speaks of the appearance of worries to the detriment of oneself and one's interests. A broken needle is a symbol of poverty and possible loneliness.

To look for a lost needle is to feel a sense of anxiety, and to find it is to make friends who will appreciate you highly.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Michel Nostradamus is known not only for his predictions, but also for the interpretation of dreams. It is up to you to believe or not to believe his definitions, but many of the predictions have already come true ...

In his dream book, sewing is associated only with a needle, symbolizing deceit and revenge, witchcraft and vulnerability. If traces of blood are visible on the needle, then the dream warns of sabotage by relatives.

Sewing in a dream with a needle and thread, and a very long one, prophesies the coming to power in the country where you live, of a dictator who will inspire respect for his enemies. His will will be tough and cruel towards the people.

Freud's dream book

The famous psychoanalyst Freud interpreted dreams as a manifestation of a person's hidden desires. Moreover, the more fantastic they are, the more significant the experience. He tried to reveal the meaning with the help of psychoanalysis. How to relate to these interpretations is up to you.

Sewing is interpreted by Freud as sexual intercourse. And if a woman enjoys the process of sewing, then in reality she likes to have sex. If a woman in a dream sewed to earn a living, she is prone to promiscuity, it is possible that she is engaged in prostitution.

Sewing with threads in a dream using a thimble means isolation and alienation. It is very difficult to evoke reciprocal feelings in such a person. Even the most innocent flirting is immediately stopped. Maybe you should reconsider your attitude towards others?

To see in a dream a lot of thimbles made of different materials, of different sizes and diameters, means a rich and varied life. You are waiting for meetings with new people, among which, perhaps, your future sexual partner.

If in a dream the thimble is small, almost childish, it means complete disappointment in your sexual experience. Look for something completely different.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov is a Russian writer who gained popularity precisely thanks to the interpreter of dreams he wrote. After all, he devoted more than 30 years to this issue. It is distinguished by its closeness to the reality of the 21st century, it is simple and understandable specifically for the Slavs.

In his interpretation, sewing in a dream means hope for a favorable outcome of all undertakings, especially if a woman does it herself in a dream.

But if you don't sew new thing, and darn the old one, this means acquiring a new friend. If someone darns and you see it - to gossip.

If a tailor takes your measurements in a dream, someone has a strong love for you. A dream takes on a completely different meaning if you are a tailor, which means you are waiting for false accusations or you show excessive gullibility. And sewing something for yourself is an absolutely unnecessary experience.

Seeing a needle in your hands - to troubles and disputes, and pricking - means falling in love.

To see a thimble in a dream - to new clothes.

Erotic dream book

Sewing on your own in a dream means your readiness for changes in life. It may also be an opportunity to try something new in sex that will bring more pleasure and taste.

But if someone else is sewing in a dream, and you are watching the process, gossip is circulating about you, and perhaps you yourself are to blame for them. They appeared because of your irrepressible sexual appetite or because frequent shift partners.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

He interprets what he saw as follows: the time has come to combine all your skills and develop a new proposal that will amaze your friends, colleagues, and bosses. This dream may also mean marriage in the near future.

If, while sewing, you pricked your finger to blood, the dream warns of a dangerous acquaintance.

To make a dress

Separately, in all dream books, a dream is interpreted in which you sew a dress. It doesn’t matter if you started sewing a dress in a dream for yourself or for others, its meaning is that your efforts are not in vain and will be rewarded in the near future. And yet, the hassle cannot be avoided.

If the dress turned out to be elegant and fits well, the changes in life will be positive, and vice versa - if the dress is ugly.

You can find other interpretations of your dream about sewing, which one to believe is up to you. But remember with what feeling you woke up after this dream, and you will understand whether this dream is good or bad. If there was a feeling of anxiety, it means that he warns you of troubles, and if you woke up with a smile, then everything is fine, and some positive results await you.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

trouble, dispute; prick - fall in love.

Needle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The needle is a symbol of wounding, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, hard work. Seeing a needle with traces of fresh blood - this dream warns of the evil intentions of a relative. Seeing a needle with a very long thread is a symbol of the fact that a person who comes to power without elections will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects. Seeing a lot of scattered needles is a harbinger of deceit, gossip and intrigue that will overwhelm everyone en masse and lead to the death of some objectionable persons. Seeing a beast with steel needles sticking out of its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect about, the fight against it will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly the enemy will be difficult to distinguish from the usual appearance of earthly inhabitants. Seeing a person sticking needles into himself is a symbol of the fact that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself in order to atone for all the bad things done on Earth with his death. Seeing the letter "X" written with needles pointing up is a sign that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve better life, to avoid the fate of guinea pigs in more advanced civilizations. To take a needle out of a person's heart means to take a direct part in a scientific discovery that will move humanity much forward. Getting caught in the rain of needles is a symbol of the activation of black forces, which in once more eager to subject mankind to severe trials.

Why is the dress dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

put on - success among friends, ambition; new - new love; sew or hem - give an answer, a personal decision; to buy - envy; dirt on the dress - slander of friends (girlfriends); many dresses - insult, resentment; multi-colored - to roads, sidings; new - make a decision; receive as a gift - new novel; dress carefully and elegantly - you yourself or you are neglected, white - for the wedding, see Colors.

Dreamed of a dress

according to Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees in a dream an elegant, well-tailored blouse or dress, this means that she will arouse universal admiration for her art and pleasant manners. If she sees that her dress is torn, this portends a condemnation for unlawful deeds. If a woman tries on a blouse dress, she will unexpectedly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she is following her figure in order to buy the dress she likes, she will successfully overcome her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Dreamed of a tailor

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a tailor, it means that the upcoming trip will add to your worries. A misunderstanding between you and the tailor suggests that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction. If in a dream you are measured, it means that quarrels and disappointments await you.

Why is the tailor dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

takes measurements - they love you; to be him - false accusations; the sleeping person is to blame (it’s not for nothing that they say “to sew someone’s business”); (for a woman) - dangerous gullibility; see - increase in income; unexpected departure, travel; personal satisfaction; they measure you - they will love you or you want to please; sewing something for someone - unfair suspicions; be careful with loved ones; beware of jealousy or empty suspicions; sewing something for yourself is an unnecessary experience.

Why dream of darning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

himself - new friend; see a darn - gossip.

Dreamed of a thimble

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you use a thimble, it means that soon you will have an opportunity to please other people. If you see a thimble on a woman's hand, it means that soon you will do some serious deed. The loss of a thimble in a dream means sadness and need. If you see an old crumpled thimble in a dream, it means that in the near future you will behave unwisely in a matter that is very important to you. If in a dream you buy a new thimble or give it to you, this portends communication with people who will soon surround you and will bring you joy and satisfaction. If in a dream you want to put a thimble on your finger and find that the hole is closed, this means that serious trouble awaits you, but friends will help you avoid serious consequences.

Why dream of a thimble

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of sleep about a thimble

according to Freud's dream book

A thimble seen in a dream is a symbol of the isolation of personal life. You do not allow anyone into your heart, except for the closest people. Many people would like to get acquainted with you, but you do not allow even the most innocent flirting. You better be more open, free, then communication with the opposite sex will not be so painfully difficult. To dream of a thimble that you lost in real life and cannot find - in the very near future you will want to see no one and be alone, because you are in recent times led a very active life. You will feel the beauty of loneliness, but long time it is contraindicated for you. The wider the circle of friends and the more opportunities for flirting, the better. To see several thimbles of different sizes at once, made of different material- a rather busy week awaits you, during which there will be several meetings with new people, among whom you may find someone who suits you or, more precisely, your nature, prone to all kinds of experiments. If you dreamed of a broken thimble, then such a dream means that you will soon experience difficulties that will test your feelings. Be prepared for these trials, they can start quite unexpectedly. In a dream, make a thimble yourself - expect unexpected changes, they will concern your personal life. Perhaps you will meet a person thanks to whom you can combine sex and love in your mind. Such a meeting can happen in the most unexpected way - do not immediately refuse any offer, even if it seems ridiculous or has nothing to do with you. In fact, if you get to know this person better, you will understand that he is the right one for you. A dream in which you see a small and almost childish thimble suggests that you are currently very disappointed with your sexual experience and are looking for a partner who is completely different from the one you have had to deal with so far. In a dream, accidentally step on a thimble and break it - you absolutely do not appreciate the relationship that you have with a long-time partner, it always seems to you that you deserve something better. In fact, you have exactly what you need, do not try to change anything. Buying a thimble in a store in a dream - a dream suggests that soon you will have trouble and they will be connected with the person with whom you were close for some time, but then broke up. What could be the trouble? This person knows the habits and characteristics of your sexual life he can use this knowledge.