Collecting forest gifts: how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones

Not all mushrooms are suitable for aromatic soup or fried potatoes: some of them are considered only conditionally edible, others are completely poisonous - accidental ingestion of this into the body can lead not only to terrible poisoning, but even death. Look in the Sputnik help for how to distinguish edible mushrooms from false or poisonous ones.

It is not at all difficult to recognize a fly agaric with a red cap and familiar white specks in the forest - it is almost as easy to be deceived by a false boletus or chanterelle, not knowing the main rules for distinguishing them from edible ones.

General differences between poisonous mushrooms and edible ones

There are few clear signs, but sometimes knowing them can be very useful. The first difference between a poisonous mushroom is the characteristic volva that frames the stem from below: it seems that the mushroom is growing in a kind of pot. A significant feature mushrooms that can be eaten (with the exception of satanic mushrooms) have a cap with a spongy structure.

Still poisonous specimens often thicken towards the very base, and also have an olive or even slightly pearlescent tint. Some poisonous mushrooms have a distinct odor of industrial alcohol. But the statement that insects avoid poisonous mushrooms, rather a myth.

Difference between edible mushrooms and false counterparts

To distinguish a real boletus (or porcini mushroom) from the false one can be determined by the typical color of his hat: he always wears beige, never red or brown. And if you break off a piece from it, the flesh of the poisonous mushroom will change color, but the real one will remain unchanged. The gall mushroom is also similar to the boletus mushroom, we can distinguish it only by the pattern on the upper part - a black or dark gray mesh.

It is quite difficult to distinguish edible honey mushrooms from false ones: mushrooms grow in groups and even choose identical places - stumps or roots protruding to the surface of the ground. Characteristic sign An edible honey fungus - a “skirt” that goes from the cap to the stem - is never found in the false mushroom. The hat itself can give away the “deceiver”: it is devoid of “scales”, and besides, the false honey fungus is brighter and smells unpleasant.

You should be especially careful when collecting chanterelles. False and edible chanterelles are distinguished mainly by the edge of the cap - it should be as if corrugated. Another difference is color, but it is most convenient to evaluate it in comparison, placing it on one palm, guaranteed edible mushroom: A false chanterelle will be bright red or orange, while a edible chanterelle will be more of a pale pink or pale orange. Some experts say that from the broken false chanterelle white juice is released.

Real boletus from false mushrooms It is distinguished by the “oily”, sticky skin on the cap that gave rise to the name. Most often this is noticeable in damp conditions, but in dry weather the cap edible oil can It will be shiny, the skin can be easily removed with a knife, and you can even stretch it a little. False boletus is recognized by breaking off a piece of the cap and observing the flesh: it will take on a red or blue tint. The poisonous pepper mushroom, similar to an oil can, has yellowish-cream flesh, and its stem tapers towards the base.

It is very important in the forest to be able to distinguish the extremely toxic pale grebe. An inexperienced mushroom picker can easily confuse it with a forest champignon, however, it has a smooth and round cap, white or gray, there is a film at the base of the stem, and the plates under the cap darken when touched. In addition, toadstools grow in deciduous forests, and forest champignons grow on sunlit edges, along roads and near swamps.

How to recognize poisonous mushrooms during cooking

Conditionally edible mushrooms can be eaten after a long heat treatment: cook for at least 45 minutes, then rinse hot water and only then start cooking. This category includes milk mushrooms, morels and honey mushrooms, which are usually collected in the fall.

However, heat treatment does not neutralize the harmful effects of poisonous mushrooms on the human body. Some mushrooms can be disinfected by boiling in a solution with the addition of vinegar and salt, but after this the toadstool will not become less toxic.

But it is believed that they can be identified during the preparation process using traditional methods. For example, if you put a silver spoon into a pan during cooking, it should darken, and the onions and garlic added to it should turn brown. Some housewives test mushrooms with milk: it curdles when it interacts with the poison.

Any reaction mentioned above can in some cases be caused by substances contained in non-poisonous mushrooms, so there is no reliable way to identify poisonous mushroom not during cooking. Sputnik recommends paying attention to distinctive features false and collect only edible ones.

All experts advocate that you should only put in the basket those mushrooms that do not make you doubt their edibility. As a beginner, it is better to seek help in this matter from experienced fans of “silent hunting” - show off your harvest to them and make sure that there are no poisonous mushrooms in it.

There are quite a few of them, and even fewer that are tasty and satisfying. However, it would be useful to learn more about them. This is what we propose to do after reading this article. In it you will find photos and names of mushrooms on a tree, and at the same time the answer to the question: are they edible or not.

Is it possible to eat?

As we wrote above, among the mushrooms growing on trees and stumps, there are those that can be eaten. Although it should be noted that there are much fewer of them than among those that grow in the most famous among the mushrooms found on trunks are this popular name groups of edible mushrooms that belong to various morphological groups. That's what the mushroom was called - honey fungus, because most often it grows on living or dead wood, on stumps.

Did you know? Honey mushroom is an important product for human health. Thus, it contains microelements involved in hematopoiesis. By consuming 100 g of these mushrooms per day, a person will satisfy his daily need for such important elements as copper and zinc.

There are quite a lot of honey mushrooms included in the category various mushrooms. They can also disguise inedible specimens, which are called Therefore, it is very important to know characteristic differences between dangerous and non-dangerous mushrooms. Below we provide photos and descriptions of mushrooms that grow on trees and are most common.

How not to make a mistake in choosing?

Among the mushrooms on wood, there are not only honey mushrooms, but also polypores and scales. They can be edible, poisonous and medicinal. Let's get to know them better.


Not all of the mushrooms listed below are tasty and nutritious, however, they do not cause harm to health. Some of them are well known and popular among experienced mushroom pickers. Here is a list of edible mushrooms growing on trees, with photos and descriptions:

  1. . It has a cap in the shape of a horn or a funnel. It is light, slightly gray in color. It has a diameter of 3-12 cm. The leg of the oyster mushroom is located in the center, strewn with descending plates, 2-6 cm long. The pulp of the oyster mushroom is white, fleshy, elastic. The mushroom has a slightly pronounced, almost imperceptible aroma and taste. Inhabits deciduous crops from May to September.
  2. . It also has other names: ram mushroom, dancing mushroom. The specimen is easily recognized by its pseudocap joint and light-colored stem. Its flesh is white and fibrous. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. Fruits from June to October. It is most common at the base and can weigh up to 10 kg.
  3. . It has a convex brown cap and stem. The center of the fruiting body is darker. The leg is covered with villi. Its diameter is from 2 to 10 cm. The leg is brown, about 7 cm long. The pulp is white, tasty and fragrant. It is most often found on damaged deciduous trees that have dried out and grows in groups from autumn to spring, and can even be found under snow.
  4. . Inhabitant of deciduous forests. Fruits from April to November. It has a small cap - its average diameter is 6 cm. Like all honey mushrooms, it is convex in youth, and in old age it levels out and becomes flat. Color: brown or yellow. The leg of this honey mushroom is smooth, 7 cm high. The flesh is yellowish in color, refined, with a mild taste.
  5. . Hat with a diameter of 17 cm. Painted in different shades of green and brown. The legs of autumn honey mushrooms are 10 cm long, light brown in color, and covered with scales. The pulp is dense, white. The mushroom is tasty and has a pleasant aroma. Most often they can be seen on the stumps of such trees:

    Important! Many of the mushrooms have dangerous doubles. The main difference by which honey mushrooms can be distinguished from false honey mushrooms is the presence of a ring on the stem under the cap on edible mushrooms.

  6. . The specimen is named because in cross-section it resembles a piece of liver. It has a semicircular brown, slightly red or brown cap 10-30 cm in circumference. Grows on a short lateral stalk. The pulp has a reddish tint and is fleshy. The fruit body is sour in taste and fruity in smell. Prefers to grow on living trees. Usually settles on oak trees, it can rarely be seen on deciduous plants. The mushroom can be found from late summer to autumn.
  7. The cap of this specimen grows up to 4-8 cm. It is painted in light shades - it can be white, yellowish, or walnut. Covered with dark brown or black scales. The leg is curved, 3-8 cm in length. The pulp is hard and has no special smell or taste. Characterized by high protein content. The collection period is from mid-summer to autumn. Grows on deciduous trees.
  8. . His hat is oval or semicircular. It has a yellow color with a reddish tint. Covered with small scales. Reaches a diameter of 2-8 cm. The leg is white, short (about 10 mm), located on the side. Some specimens grow without a stem at all. The pulp is hard and white. Its smell and taste are inexpressive. Fruits on deciduous crops from April to August.
  9. is one of the popular mushrooms growing on trees - you can see it in the photo and description. This specimen grows with a leathery cap yellow, dotted with brown scales. Its dimensions are about 30 cm. The leg is also covered with scales and is brown. Reaches a length of 10 cm. The pulp is characterized by density and juiciness, with a rich, pleasant mushroom aroma. The tinder fungus is edible only when young; if it is too old, it will already have hard flesh. Its fruiting period falls in spring and summer. Usually grows in parks and deciduous forests. Likes to live on elms.
  10. . Popularly nicknamed chicken mushroom. It grows with a yellowish cap in the form of a drop, 10-40 cm in diameter. Its leg is poorly defined, just like its cap, it has a yellowish color. The pulp is elastic and juicy. Grows on a variety of deciduous trees and can attack fruit trees. Fruits from late spring to early autumn.

Important! Since mushrooms are a heavy food for the human digestive tract, they should not be eaten at night. They also do not need to be fed to children under five years of age. Before eating, any mushrooms must be boiled for at least 20 minutes.


  1. . The cap of this specimen is flat and very large – up to 40 cm in diameter and up to 13 cm in thickness. It has brownish, gray, brown shades. Almost no legs. The pulp of the fruiting body is soft, brown or reddish in color. Likes to settle on poplars, oaks and
  2. . The fruiting body of this mushroom can be up to 20 cm in diameter. It has a bronze, brown, reddish color. When the ishnoderma is actively growing, drops of red liquid are released on the cap. The flesh of the mushroom is juicy and white. Ischnoderma is found from August to October in deciduous forests (most often on beech, birch, linden). Calls u
  3. . It is characterized by a large oval or fan-shaped fruiting body 10-15 cm in diameter with a velvety surface. The color can be white, brown, yellowish. It grows on living plants, most often on oak trees.
  4. . This specimen is very common and can be recognized by its white fruiting body. various shapes. Young mushrooms are covered with drops of liquid. They have juicy and fleshy pulp with a bitter taste. They mainly grow on conifers.
  5. . The caps grow 10 cm in circumference. Their surface is gray with various shades. The pulp is white, leathery. Most often found on stumps and dead wood. Likes to settle on birch and coniferous trees.

Important! Be careful - poisonous mushrooms can be just as attractive in appearance and very fragrant as edible ones.


Some mushrooms, merging with a tree, form fruiting bodies that have medicinal properties. Traditional healers use them to make medicines. These, for example, include mushrooms growing on trees, the photos and names of which you can find below.

Using stumps to grow mushrooms

Stumps can be used for growing oyster mushrooms. This is easy to do, for example, on To do this, you will need a shady area or room and several stumps from deciduous trees (birch, aspen, poplar). Coniferous crops are not suitable for these purposes.

The stumps should not be old, ideally if they are freshly cut. Dry ones will need to be soaked in water for several days. Their sizes do not make a fundamental difference. Convenient sections with a diameter of 15 to 40 cm and a height of 40 to 50 cm.

Oyster mushrooms can be grown both in open areas and indoors. If you plan to place stumps outside, the place should be in the shade and well ventilated. At temperatures below +20°C, agrofibre cover will be required. The optimal time for planting is April-May and August-September. The mycelium germinates within three months.

Exists several ways of laying logs. In each of them you will need to dig a ditch at least 30 cm deep and wide, corresponding to the diameter of the wooden blanks. If you have supports for the logs, you don’t have to dig the ground, but place the stumps on its surface.

There are also several ways to introduce mycelium into a stump - for example, by drilling holes, by sawing off the top part, by building a pyramid of logs with several layers of mycelium, etc.

In winter, the stumps will need to be brought indoors or covered with agrofibre.

When growing oyster mushrooms indoors, you need it disinfect. For example, you can use a 4% lime solution. After disinfection, the room will need to be closed for 48 hours and then well ventilated until there is no odor in it. The room must have ventilation, lighting, and maintain the required temperature (+15°C).

It is most convenient to lay the logs horizontally, on top of each other, after seeding them with mycelium in a basement or barn. On top they are covered with burlap or perforated film.

When installing logs vertically, they are made into columns and covered with straw. The sides of the columns are covered with film or burlap.

The air in the room should be constantly humid. Frequent ventilation is mandatory.

In May, the stumps can be transplanted outdoors.

The effect of fungi on tree bark

Mushrooms have destructive effect on the trees. It concerns both the bark and its roots. Typically, fruiting bodies are formed on old, diseased, damaged, infected trunks. They can hit like forest plants, so fruit crops. They often provoke the development of various rots, others. As a result, the tree can completely die.

But some of the tree fungi, such as tinder fungi, are called forest health workers, since they contribute to the decomposition of old and diseased wood and enrich the soil with nutrients.

Mushroom pickers, while conducting a “silent hunt,” most often look intently at their feet, looking for the desired prey among them. However, some of the fungi prefer to grow on tree trunks and roots. And among such mushrooms you can find quite tasty and aromatic specimens, suitable for preparing various dishes. If you don’t have a forest overflowing with mushrooms nearby, then you can grow them for yourself using recently cut down stumps.

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Now we will tell you how to check whether mushrooms are poisonous. Eat different ways. We'll look at them. They will be useful to housewives and mushroom pickers.

Even on a dreary cloudy day, the forest looks incredibly beautiful. A slow walk along it will help you forget about the daily hustle and bustle for a while and immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere wildlife. He is generous with his gifts - picking berries and mushrooms brings not only pleasure, but also benefits, because many village residents are worried harsh winters thanks to the supplies they make from early spring until late autumn. City dwellers go to the forest more often to relax, so not everyone knows well how to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one.

How not to get poisoned?

A variety of dishes with mushrooms are present in almost all cuisines of the world. However, you should not engage in independent collecting if you are not confident in the accuracy of your knowledge and ability to distinguish edible from poisonous. Observing the period (1 day) and storage conditions (in a cool place without direct sunlight). You can safely prepare a delicious product.

Advice: mushrooms are not prepared or stored in aluminum, zinc, or ceramic dishes with glaze to avoid oxidation or reaction of some substances contained in them with the material of the dishes.

Careful handling will help avoid poisoning. quiet hunt, as mushroom pickers call collecting the gifts of nature. Take only those that you know well. Do not pick mushrooms near a highway, railway track or industrial enterprise.

You have come from the forest, you feel pleasantly tired, and on the table there are only collected mushrooms, alluring with their smell, waiting to be processed. And then you realize that you are not sure that you can eat them. How can you check whether a mushroom is poisonous or not at home? There are many ways to do this. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to reliably determine whether there are poisonous mushrooms among the collected mushrooms.

Here are a few options to help you check. We will also consider myths in parallel.

Silver and garlic

How to check whether a mushroom is poisonous or not? It is said that a silver object can be dipped into a pan containing this product. And if the silver darkens, it means there is a poisonous mushroom there. But this theory is not 100% correct. Since a reaction may occur with a substance that is released from edible mushrooms.

The changed color of garlic added during cooking also does not one hundred percent confirm the presence of dangerous stalks. After all, a reaction with the enzyme tyrosinase could have occurred, again.


There is an opinion that insects do not even land on poisonous mushrooms. This is not entirely true. Some sit and even feed on them. There are simply insects in nature that are resistant to poisons.

Taste and smell

Some people believe that poisonous mushrooms are tasteless and smell unpleasant. Is this so? It's impossible to say for sure. After all, there are several types of toadstools and fly agarics that smell very pleasant and are quite tasty (you should not try it yourself, since this information was obtained through the sad experience of careless tasters).

Souring or curdling of milk

How to check whether a mushroom is poisonous or not? Have you heard somewhere that milk will turn sour or curdle if poison gets into it? Yes, this can happen. But this can also only happen due to the enzyme pepsin, which is found in both normal and .

Salt and vinegar

You can neutralize some mushrooms in the following way. It is necessary to boil them in salted water with the addition of vinegar. Some conditionally toxic mushrooms, for example, stitches, can actually be neutralized in this way. But very toxic varieties will still remain deadly.

Alcohol won't help!

There is a widespread belief among the population that if you drink mushroom dishes with alcohol, then if poison enters the body, the latter can be neutralized due to this. This myth is one of the most dangerous. Because alcohol only enhances the effect of toxins. Such actions increase the risk of death.

How to check if mushrooms are poisonous when cooked?

You can use the following folk method. All you need is an onion. So how to check for poisonous mushrooms? When cooking these products, throw an onion, cut in half, into the pan. If the vegetable turns blue, then the mushrooms should be thrown away, as they are poisonous. These products can cause serious poisoning.

How to check whether a mushroom is poisonous or not? As can be seen from the many verification methods, it is difficult to know for sure. Remember that using such unscientific methods can result in mortal danger!

How to give first aid correctly

If trouble does occur, you should immediately contact a medical facility by calling ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, your actions can not only alleviate the suffering of the victim, but also save his life. Act clearly and quickly:

  1. Don't panic.
  2. Perform gastric lavage and induce artificial vomiting several times.
  3. The victim should be placed comfortably in a horizontal position and covered with a blanket.
  4. Drinking regularly will help prevent dehydration and fight toxins. To do this, you need to drink milk, salted or just clean water.
  5. Someone should always be near the patient to ensure that the victim is conscious and give ammonia to sniff in case of loss of consciousness, otherwise a coma may occur.

A little conclusion

So how can you check whether mushrooms are poisonous or edible? Mushroom pickers have one rule: “If there is even a slight doubt that a mushroom is edible, then we interpret it as poisonous.” Many edible specimens have doubles that are very similar to them.

Therefore, without first studying the classification and parameters of mushrooms, you should not go into the forest to get them yourself. The best solution would be to buy mushrooms in a store, where you can speak with 100% confidence about their quality and suitability. And you won’t have to give up your favorite delicacies!

Who doesn’t love aromatic and incredibly tasty mushrooms!? Some people prefer to buy them in supermarkets and bazaars, while others find it much more pleasant to eat the prey they collected with their own hands. However, before starting such a “hunt” it is worth collecting as much as possible more information about mushrooms.

What a novice mushroom picker should know

Every experienced mushroom picker is well aware of the fact that all mushrooms are divided into three main categories. The first group consists of mushrooms that are absolutely harmless to health, the second is poisonous, and eating its representatives can be fatal to humans. But the third includes conditionally edible mushrooms, which require special processing before being eaten, as a result of which all toxic and irritating substances are eliminated. How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones if we're talking about about your first trip to the forest?

What are the characteristics of poisonous mushrooms?

Before you start searching for and collecting mushrooms on your own, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the main signs that may indicate the toxicity of the mushroom. Otherwise, the prey brought home may cause severe poisoning of the entire family - and this is in best case scenario. So how to distinguish inedible mushrooms? And what information should you have so that only safe and edible mushrooms end up in your basket?

  1. Unlike green russula or champignon, pale toadstool is characterized by the presence of white plates with a greenish tint and a bag-like wrapping near the base of the stem, as well as the absence of the smell familiar to mushrooms.
  2. If a satanic mushroom was picked instead of a porcini mushroom, then when cut it will first turn pink and then acquire a blue tint. But the oakberry, similar to this mushroom, will begin to turn blue immediately.
  3. U false value there are no ribbed edges, and its flesh has a smell similar to horseradish or radish.
  4. If a poisonous pepper mushroom gets into the basket, it will show itself by turning red.
  5. False chanterelles have a brighter color; they are characterized by large red-orange plates.

But if it is still not clear how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, then it would be wiser to go for mushrooms in the company of experienced mushroom pickers.

Oh, these toadstools...

If it is quite difficult to figure out how to distinguish false mushrooms the first time, then identifying fly agaric or toadstool will not be difficult. First of all, it should be noted that all varieties of these mushrooms have a pronounced spherical bulb located in the lower part of the stem. And what is especially important is that the stem (or rather the lower part) of such a mushroom is wrapped in a thin white film with torn edges. But edible mushrooms cannot boast of such an unusual “decoration”.

False porcini mushroom: how to recognize an “impostor”

Surely many people know well what a porcini mushroom looks like, but there are many similar species that are unsuitable for consumption. How to distinguish false porcini mushrooms?

As in the case of boletus (also called porcini mushroom), bitterling is characterized by the presence of a massive stalk, swollen at the base. The tubular layer located under the cap can also be misleading. And to find out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, you will need a more detailed examination of the stem:

  • In order to accurately determine which mushroom you have caught, you need to cut it off and wait for further reactions. If it turns out to be a gall fungus, the cut site will turn pink.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the very top of the leg: the presence of a dark mesh is characteristic of the gall fungus.
  • Another feature of the gall fungus is its pinkish or off-white tubular layer.
  • The most telling sign is the taste of the mushroom - false porcini mushrooms are very bitter, even after careful heat treatment.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers: what to expect from a poisonous mushroom

If the advice on how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones did not help, and a poisonous type was included in the basket, then you should have an idea of ​​exactly how such a mushroom will affect the body.

Depending on the nature of the effect on the body, poisonous mushrooms are divided into the following groups:

  1. Mushrooms that contain local poison (not fully cooked) autumn honey fungus, poisonous red champignon, etc.). They cause eating disorders, the first symptoms of which appear after eating within the first 2 hours.
  2. Mushrooms that contain poison that acts on the nerve centers (red and panther fly agaric, mushrooms belonging to the genus Inocybe). Within 2 hours after eating such a mushroom, diarrhea, vomiting, and profuse sweating appear. The person seems to be in an intoxicated state, which is accompanied by bouts of crying, laughter and hallucinations.
  3. Mushrooms containing poison, the effect of which affects the kidneys, liver and other internal organs important for human life. Such dangerous varieties of mushrooms include gray-yellow honey mushrooms, pale toadstools, etc.

From childhood, parents teach every child to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous and dangerous ones in the forest. But there is another category - inedible mushrooms. These are non-poisonous mushrooms, which, nevertheless, people do not eat because of one or another of their properties.

From childhood, parents teach every child to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous and dangerous ones in the forest.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Very small sizes. The saying about mushrooms, “pick one at a time, you’ll get a whole bunch,” is not always true. Some of their varieties have a certain set of nutrients, but are very small in size, so collecting them is simply impractical: the project will be labor-intensive, and the volume of “production” will be too small.
  2. Unpleasant taste or smell. In the kingdom of mushrooms there are species that have a persistent unpleasant or even unbearable taste - bitter or burning. Other species have a repulsive odor. All this makes them inedible, especially if the taste or smell does not disappear after cooking. The exception is the spicy varieties: their pulp is used in seasonings, alcoholic tinctures, or included in another culinary project.
  3. Unsuitable consistency. Species that are too hard, fibrous or, conversely, have a mucous-gelatinous consistency are also practically not eaten.
  4. Toxicity. A number of families are classified as inedible due to their content toxic substances in small quantities. They are not considered poisonous to humans, since they have little effect on the body, and their accidental use does not lead to serious consequences, but digestive system may not cope with such mushrooms.

In the kingdom of mushrooms there are species that have a persistent unpleasant or even unbearable taste - bitter or burning

The use of inedible mushrooms

It was mentioned above how inedible mushrooms can be used in the food industry. Another area - traditional medicine: her recipes, along with the usual edible ones, include inedible mushrooms. IN official medicine products based on them are also found: more than one pharmaceutical project using them has already been implemented, and research in this area continues.

A number of families are classified as inedible due to the content of toxic substances in small quantities.

Inedible mushrooms (video)

Inedible mushrooms of central Russia

Anyone who likes to be in the forest should find out how to distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible one.

Directly during picking, a mushroom picker can help out with a reference book or a printed table with descriptions of inedible mushrooms, but it is better to find out in advance how to determine the variety of these fruits.

The names and photos of the most common of them are given below.

  1. Boletus is inedible. It is very similar to white, but differs in that it is completely tasteless. The inedible boletus has a round brown cap with a yellowish or dark olive lower part. If you press on the tubular surface or cut it, blue spots appear on it. The leg is yellow-red, with a mesh surface.
  2. Valuy is false. Contains toxins that may cause breathing problems or paralysis. Outwardly it is similar to the edible valuu, but the false valuu has an uneven leg and is covered with scales. A young false valua has a convex cap, while a mature one has a flatter, wavy cap. How to distinguish inedible mushroom easiest way when in doubt? Smell: it has a recognizable strong smell of radish or horseradish.
  3. Orange talker. This is a “double” of the familiar chanterelle (although they belong to different families). To know how to recognize a false chanterelle, remember that its color is brighter than that of a real one, and the outer part of the cap is always lighter than the central one. The edges of the false chanterelle's cap are smooth, correct form. In addition, edible mushrooms differ from inedible chanterelles in that they grow only in groups (talkers can also be found alone).
  4. Gall mushroom. Other names are mustard (due to the very bitter taste that does not disappear, no matter what cooking methods are used), false white. The convex cap comes in different shades of brown, its tubular part is pinkish, which distinguishes gall mushroom from edible white or boletus. The leg is widened downward, its pattern matches the color of the cap.
  5. Scleroderma, or false puffball. These “tubers” begin to emerge from the ground in small balls and grow up to 6 cm in diameter. At the end of growth they may be covered with small warts or scales. When ripe, their color is dark yellow, the flesh is purple or brown, powdery. False puffball is inedible, and if eaten in large quantities it is poisonous. However, chefs believe that it makes sense to add a pinch of them to individual dishes: scleroderma gives the food a truffle aroma.
  6. The dung beetle is white. It can be found not only in the forest, but also in vegetable gardens, near the walls of wooden buildings, and if the design of a residential building involves a wooden floor, then the dung beetle can even grow through the gap between the floorboards (hence the second name - brown dung beetle). An oblong cap in the shape of a dome or egg, covered with large scales that puff up in all directions and, like all dung beetles, turn black over time. Previously, dung bean spore powder was used to make ink. In this regard, it becomes clear meaning proverbs: “The toadstool is bad, yes, you need to know” - application can be found for all, even inedible mushrooms.
  7. Pepper mushroom. Another name is sheep. The sign that determines its inedibility is its spicy peppery taste. As you can see in the photo, its cap is brown-orange, with a yellowish tubular part. This mushroom can be confused with an oil can, but real butter mushrooms are usually larger in size.
  8. The row is sulfur-yellow. Slightly poisonous, found in forests throughout September and half of October. Bright yellow, lamellar, on a long, thin, uneven stalk. It has an extremely unpleasant aftertaste.

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