The eldest daughter of Elena Proklova tried to disown her. Secrets of the past: scandals, pregnancies and suffering of actress Elena Proklova Who is the eldest daughter of Elena Proklova

// Photo: Ekaterina Tsvetkova /

Famous actress Elena Proklova spoke about one of the most dramatic episodes of her life. Her eldest daughter Arina, having learned that her mother was getting married for the second time, refused to live with her. The 12-year-old girl decided that she would live with her grandparents.

Once, before the performance, Elena Proklova called home, where she thought Arina was. But no one picked up the phone. Then the actress dialed the number of her parents, it turned out that the girl had gone to them.

“She told me that she would live with her grandparents,” Elena Proklova recalled in the program of the NTV channel “Secret for a Million”. - So she said: “I don’t want to live with you, and if there is a court, then I will renounce you. At the age of 12, I have the right to do so.” I fainted after these words. I don’t remember how I came to my senses, how I finished playing until the intermission. My legs gave way, I lost my bearings.”

The actress admitted that she then understood that she herself had brought to such a situation. After a divorce from her first husband, Arina's dad, documentary filmmaker Vitaly Melik-Karamov, she went on tour and took care of her personal life. The widows of Elena Proklova's lovers responded to her apology

Arina was with her grandmother almost all the time, only occasionally her mother took her to her place. “Of course, she got used to a different routine - a house, a school in the yard, friends, a caring grandmother,” says Elena Proklova. - And when she was with me, I gave her tasks and appeared late at night. Of course she didn't like it. I realized for myself that I missed the child. It was my parents' daughter."

The actress also recalled that Arina, at the age of 15-16, reproached her for being bad mother. Meanwhile, Elena Proklova herself does not think so. She tried to do everything so that her heiress did not need anything.

“My concern was that she was well dressed, and that there was the most beautiful thing on the table. best food", says Proklova.

Over time, the relationship between mother and daughter warmed up. But even now, Arina says that after the departure of her grandparents, she feels orphaned, and even both parents cannot fill the resulting void.

Elena Proklova has a difficult relationship now with her granddaughter Alice. The girl is 21 years old, she studies in architectural institute and is not very eager to communicate with the famous grandmother.

“We see each other very rarely, and she calls once a year, when her mother already knocks her on the head. I'm only calling to wish her a happy birthday. This is how it is in our family - the younger ones should call the older ones. I and my youngest daughter are not invited to her holiday. I gave my granddaughter an apartment so that she could live and study there. They didn't even invite me to the housewarming party. It's a shame, ”admitted Proklova.

Elena Proklova became the heroine of the "Actually" program. Dmitry Shepelev, together with her, invited two former spouses actresses: Alexandra Savelova-Deryabin and Andrey Trishin.

The actress said that in her marriage to Alexander, with whom they lived for four years, her two twin sons died. Babies were born dead. According to Elena, she was very upset by the death of her children. On the program, Proklova named the cause of their death.

The artist noted that this was not a mistake of the doctors, because then the specialists did not have the opportunity to fully examine the body of the woman in labor. " It's more of a medical ignorance. At that time, they did not do an analysis of hemostasis - blood clotting, but my blood is very thick. Because of this, my children died. The fetus does not receive enough nutrition, the child develops incorrectly, becomes unviable by the time of birth. I have two sons died from Alexander and one from Andrey", - said Proklova.

Savelov-Deryabin never reconciled himself to the loss of his children. After the tragedy, a discord began in their couple. Elena admitted that she was shocked by her husband's statement. " For me, Sasha's phrase: "Everything that is done is for the better" became a knife that cut off relations", - said Proklova.

In turn, Alexander shared with the experts that he loved his wife and did not want to hurt. " I said this to calm her down, to explain that everything is ahead, because we were young.", - said the ex-husband Proklova in the studio.

Experts asked Deryabin whether he blamed the actress for the death of the twins when they were a family. Alexander replied in the negative. This turned out to be true. But after a while, when he found out that his wife had repeatedly terminated her pregnancy and did not tell him about her health problems, he began to condemn Proklova.

The man admitted that he still has not apologized to her for the death of her sons. " Deep down, I didn't forgive. And when I found out about abortion..."- said Alexander.

Proklova said that she terminated her pregnancy for the first time at the age of 18. " I lived in an atheist family. I am a big sinner”, – shared the actress. According to her, she did it against her will. " It was native and close person my grandmother took me", - added the movie star.

It turned out that also ex-husband Elena Andrey Trishina also had difficult memories from living together with the artist, about which he also told guests and experts in the studio. At the same time, he did not stop repeating that he still loves his former chosen one, which experts recognized as a lie.

The bar was called RVS. I never knew how it was deciphered. In the early nineties, I got a job there as a waitress, then I became a bartender, mostly cops and bandits walked in the bar. But I'm not from the timid ten. Once one of our regular visitors brought a magazine with an article about Elena Proklova. Here's my photo with the caption: eldest daughter actresses Arina Melik-Karamova.

After that, they began to treat me at work with distrust. We decided - since the daughter of a star, it means she's showing off, she's mad with fat. Usually everyone reacts this way, so I don’t advertise my pedigree. I remember, as a girl, when I came with my mother to her at the Moscow Art Theater, I heard behind my back: “Wow! The beautiful Proklova has such an ugly daughter!” It became terribly uncomfortable in front of my mother, as if I was letting her down. Since then, a certain complex has remained - to weigh everything that happens in my life, with the expectation of publicity. back side medals...

It so happened that my mother and I never lived together: I was raised by my grandparents. She tried to take it to her, but every time it didn’t work out. We are completely different, Elena Igorevna is a much more purposeful person. Still can't sit still for a second. She loves to sew, knit, dig in the garden. I am completely different. More calm and measured. Favorite pastime is to lie on the couch with a book. So if we are similar in some way, it is by the strength of our characters. That is why the relationship did not develop easily: once they quarreled so much that for five whole years they did not see each other and did not talk. That's when I ended up in a night bar.

Today the old storms have subsided. I got older, my mom got wiser. We communicate daily. It’s just a pity that you can’t return the years crossed out from common history. And the most annoying thing is that we did it with our own hands ...

When I received a passport, I could choose a surname and nationality. I didn’t intend to become Proklova, but I didn’t want to offend my mother. And she signed up: "Melik-Karamova, Russian." Mom joked: “Thank God, not “Proklova, Armenian”. My parents divorced when I was two years old. Since then, my mother has lived several women's lives, and dad, Vitaly Melik-Karamov, never married again. In my childhood he worked sports commentator at the Novosti press agency, then filmed documentaries, now writes scripts, published a book of memoirs.

In the family, it is customary to believe that dad still loves mom. He recently admitted: “Yes, I love Lena - but that eighteen-year-old. I snub. The woman I see now is completely alien to me: she has a different character, different habits, even a different face.

Parents met in the company of my mother's older brother Viktor Proklov. Dad, an Armenian from Baku, studied with Vitya at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Mom was only sixteen then, but she was already a famous actress: she began acting in films from the age of eleven, when director Alexander Mitta chose her for leading role in the picture "They call, open the door." Then she played Gerda in " snow queen", Christina in" Burn, burn, my star "...

Dad recalls that Lena was a very correct girl. She didn’t like to hang out, at nine in the evening she went to bed. And one day she suddenly asked:

- Do you have a suit?

- Not.

Find it somewhere.

- What for?

- We're getting married.

Uncle Vitya just proposed to his mother best friend. She was already sewn a wedding dress, and her mother was simply jealous. This is her version: they say she wanted Nice dress- so I made an offer to my friend Vitalik. She was not yet eighteen, so she had to get special permission. We got married, I was born. But dad began to be jealous of mom for the profession, forbade kissing in love scenes. For example, in the performance of the Moscow Art Theater "Valentin and Valentina" - by Soviet standards, very erotic. She could not think that she would leave the cinema and the theater, and left her father.

Let me remind you that this is the version that exists in the family. And although I have heard it since infancy, today I do not believe that such a frivolous occasion as the desire to show off in a new dress can be the reason for marriage. And in the reason for the divorce, the share of truth is not the greatest. Of course, a normal man is hardly pleased that his woman is hugged by others. Yes, and I would hardly have been pleased with such a work of my husband. But you never know what we don’t like in the profession of our other halves, when there is love, respect, mutual understanding - everything is solved. In any case, this cannot cause the breakup of the family.

I think everything was simpler and more banal: few marriages made at the age of eighteen, people manage to save. Too irresponsible age.

When I came of age, my father gave me his manuscript. It contained a note: “I ask you never to let anyone read. This only applies to you and me. You are now an adult, I want everyone to know. He wrote a story about his separation from his mother - the feelings and emotions that he experienced. Of course, I will skip the details.

Mom then went on tour with the theater for two months. As soon as she got settled in the hotel, she called her father: they say everything is in order. A day later, she announced that they were breaking up. Of course, dad had long understood that relations were going wrong, but he did not want to admit it. They were just too different in temperament: a slow, solid dad and an explosive, impulsive mom.

They lived with their mother's parents. But after the divorce, my mother did not stay in the apartment in Bolshoi Karetny. I have long been accustomed to independence. Yes, and personal life had to be arranged: it was only the twenty-second year, she was miraculously good, many looked after her. Rented a house and moved out. Couldn't pick me up. real star, my mother disappeared endlessly on the set, on the road, played in the theater in the evenings. There was simply no one to leave the child to. Then dad moved to a rented apartment. I stayed in Bolshoi Karetny with my grandfather Igor Viktorovich, my grandmother Inessa Alexandrovna and my great-grandmother Irina Mikhailovna.

If mother quarreled with Baba Inna, she sometimes said in her hearts: “What kind of mother are you? She threw her own child!” But only as the last argument - from the desire to step on a sore spot. Everyone in the family understood very well that my mother did not live with me, not because she did not want to, but because she could not. Nobody saw anything strange and shameful in this.

The fact that my family is arranged differently from the rest, I found out only when I entered school and started visiting my girlfriends. They lived with their parents - both of me were “coming”. But they were! I saw my dad almost every day. Mom, for objective reasons, appeared less often, already having time to get bored: she kissed, squeezed, showered with gifts. And around there was a bunch of crazy relatives who were shaking over me.

When the Proklovs were invited to become the heroes of the My Genealogy program, the editor proudly announced that she had found out our roots to the third generation. It's funny to hear: we know much more ancient relatives. It is customary in the family to give birth early and live long. And how can you not find out where you come from if several generations have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same table? Suffice it to say that at the moment I am the most old-bearing: daughter Alice was born when I was already twenty-two. She found one of her great-great-great-grandmothers.

In Bolshoi Karetny Lane, life revolved around Baba Inna. While I was little, she worked as a bartender at the Moscow restaurant. She did not like this place, contemptuously called herself a "merchant" and on the day she turned fifty-five years old, she immediately retired.

She was surprisingly light and carefree person. We are all trying to lay straws, to calculate the options in advance. She was not afraid of anything, it seems that she did not even think about anything like that. She lived not in the afternoon - in a moment, she did not even make plans for the evening. The hostess was hospitable, but completely careless, there was noise and din in the house. My dad constantly visited, uncle Vitya “thrown” his parents to his son Igor, my cousin, my mother came with her next husband. They constantly received guests: my grandmother attracted people like a planet into her orbit. Dogs barked, cats meowed, thank God that fish are by nature silent. And Baba Inna felt great inside this whirlpool! She was such a fanatical dog person that she once even turned a piglet into a greyhound. I decided to take a pig for the summer to fatten it, and slaughter it in the fall. The pig's name was Mike, she became everyone's favorite, ran with the children to swim. She became lean, with a retracted stomach. Naturally, in September, no one could even imagine that Mike could be “resolved”, they were sent somewhere to the village under a common cry. Grandmother kept marble dogs. I dragged them to dog shows: “bitch Proklova” always took first place.

Somehow the goddess Lutya had to be taken for mating. They rushed to collect documents, medals and diplomas. It was only a miracle to find something in our apartment. For several days, from all corners, grandmother's sound was heard: "Damn, damn it, you joked and give it back." Finally, we found everything, we got into the car.

- Inna, I know you, - the grandfather grumbles, - check everything again. Did you get a pedigree?

- I took it.

— Medals?

- I took it.

- Right? Okay, let's go.

Five kilometers later it turned out that they forgot ... Lutya.

Baba Inna was the real soul of the family, a source of warmth. It was simply impossible to offend her, any quarrel resolved instantly. Although she herself could hurt a nerve. My mother and I couldn’t understand in any way - either the character was harmful, or she simply “didn’t catch up”, how unpleasant it was to hear: “Something you got better. And the hairstyle is terrible, and don’t wear such a dress again. ” At the same time, it was difficult to pick her up herself. Naturally beautiful, she never took care of herself. He will only wave his hand at any criticism addressed to him: they say, stupidity - who sees me. Although grandfather, Colonel tank troops, a reveler and a joker, my grandmother adored. He taught computer science at the military academy, was engaged in the first computers.

Everything was easy for Grandma, that's why she didn't finish anything. What required extra effort was dismissed as unnecessary. I began to show character early, it was not easy to cope with me, so she did not try.

Some attempts were made by grandmother's mother Irina Mikhailovna, a former NKVD officer, the widow of a major general. I remember her playing solitaire, with Java in her teeth and a lapdog on her knees. Compared to the accommodating and careless grandmother, she seemed like a real Gestapo. What does "Eat soup!" mean when it's cold? I sat at the table for hours, gritting my teeth. Stealthily did dirty tricks to the lapdog. Then, finally, Baba Inna appeared and waved her hand: “Come on, let him not eat.” Today I regret that my great-grandmother and I were always in conflict and I by and large, never knew.

Mom says that I started to show my character very little. We spent the summer at a dacha near New Jerusalem, in the NIL settlement - Science, Art, Literature. Grandfather's parents lived here - Viktor Timofeevich and Nadezhda Georgievna. When my mother came, I tried to keep her. At the age of three, she begged me to spend it: to drive together in the car to the well, three sections from ours.

“You won’t get back, you’ll get lost,” Mom tried to resist.

“I will,” I said stubbornly. And she stood her ground.

I remember that it was scary when she dropped me off, but even then I understood: if I said that I would go on my own, I had to go. Mom later told me that, of course, she didn’t go anywhere. I stopped in the woods and watched from behind the Christmas tree as I stood, stood and hobbled to the dacha on spread legs.

Mom's influence was magical. It was impossible to dress me in a very small winter: there were no overalls yet, and I refused to endure that they dressed like cabbage in mittens. “Only Lena could deal with you,” recalls dad. - She read poetry, and serious poets. As soon as he starts from Boris Slutsky: “People got into boats, got into boats, horses swam just like that ...” - and you can twist ropes out of you.

Every appearance of my mother was akin to fireworks. I remember playing in the yard, and she arrived from the filming of the painting "Late Love" according to Ostrovsky - without removing her makeup and in a chic velvet dress of cognac-cherry color, in a hat with a veil. It was unbelievably good! The girls-girlfriends were already stunned, they threw the toys, their mouths opened. And I just choked with delight: what a mother I have, the best!

Nevertheless, I always knew that you would not spoil with her. She is determined, even tough. Somehow she took me and my cousin Igor to her place for the weekend. We were delighted - a real adventure! On the way we stopped at a grocery store. Even then a supporter healthy eating, in the direction of the sausage department, my mother, of course, did not even look. Brought to the dairy: "Choose what you want for dinner." On the counter, among the dull kefir, a beautiful box with curd mass with raisins stood out. Like all children, we reached for a bright wrapper.

“We’ll take one for two,” Mom decided. But we started to whimper:

— No, buy everyone!

- Well, look.

Planted at home in the kitchen:

- Eat.

Igor and I tinkered:

- Fu, what a mess! We do not want!

Mom was furious:

— No, wait a minute. Until you eat, you will not leave the table.

I tried, of course, to whimper, but I knew my mother well and understood that it was useless. She ate everything quickly. Brother did not immediately appreciate the scale of the disaster. And he cried into this mass, and let snot go in there. It was only then that he began to push himself in. I, beaming with happiness that I had already eaten everything, jumped up and from overflowing feelings sang: “Kostroma, Kostroma, my sovereign!” Igor roared even more bitterly. But my mother broke off the whole buzz: she allowed her brother not to eat up. It was terribly unfair!

At one time I dreamed of becoming a princess. I even persuaded my grandmother to call me Eleanor. I begged my mother to sew a dress with a crinoline. And she brought from a business trip abroad ... jeans. How I cried! Mom, without thinking twice, grabbed these pants and tore them in two. And I have not received any gifts for a long time. It was only when she grew up that she realized how hurt she must have been. They didn’t change much per diem, I had to save money, deny myself everything, then I chose these jeans, I was worried whether they would fit ...

Apparently, I'm not a lucky person. Mom managed to appear at the very moment when I messed up. Picked me up somehow kindergarten, the teacher complained, and my mother scolded the whole way back. Frowning, I was silent. At home she said, “Go to the corner. You won't leave until you apologize." It ended, however, with the fact that my mother herself persuaded me to leave: I categorically refused to apologize. She never asked for forgiveness if she thought she was not to blame.

Mom was indignant, cursed, complained about my unbearable character. However, after another educational session, she always left. The older I got, the more I resisted such a "point" effect. It’s one thing when you are dealt with daily, it’s quite another if a person whose arrival you are waiting for as a holiday begins to “preach”.

At the age of nine, they took me to the Moscow Art Theater to see Amadeus. They put me in a box. The performance was so impressive that I watched the second act in tears - already from behind the scenes. The scene where the dead Mozart is thrown into the pit made me faint. Mom, who also played in the play, even asked the housekeepers to find valocordin for me. And suddenly I saw that the artist who played Mozart was walking past along the aisle, calmly chewing an apple. This deception caused a real shock. The next time they could drag me to the theater only at the age of twenty: I resisted with my arms and legs.

The only one who seriously tried to educate was dad. He made sure that I made my bed, brushed my teeth, took me to cartoons and walked in the Neskuchny Garden. When I went to school, I checked the lessons. But one in the field is not a warrior. I grew up very spoiled. Once dad saw how my grandmother was trying to feed me, a two-year-old, with soup. To make me open my mouth - apparently in surprise - my great-grandfather and his brother danced on the table. It made him so angry! Well, I still didn’t know how Baba Inna shoved black caviar into her granddaughter: she cut sandwiches into airplanes and sent them to my mouth on the fly. Dad was terribly worried about the lack of any upbringing in my life. But he hit me only once, at the age of sixteen. I quarreled with my grandmother and, going into my room, muttered through my teeth: “Fool.” Dad slapped him in the face: “I won’t raise my hand against you anymore. But once again I hear that my daughter speaks of her elders like that, she will cease to exist for me.

Even if my father could not influence me, then my mother's husbands did not have the right to vote at all. Moreover, over time, each of them understood: firstly, she does not expect their participation in my fate, since she is not looking for a father for the child, and secondly, the child has such a character that you can only touch it.

The fate of my mother's men was unenviable. Elena Igorevna is too emotional, even explosive. It seems that I myself behaved this way with boys only up to the age of eighteen. Mom didn’t expect flowers, but meticulous explanations: why he looked wrong, why he suddenly changed his tone. She demanded that a man catch every look, every breath. Literally melted into it.

More than once I saw her run out into the street when she was arguing with one of her husbands: sobbing, almost barefoot, into the night, and not to be stopped. On the other hand, sometimes it seemed that all this extravaganza was superficial, a very rigid rod holds the mother inside. And no matter how seething with passions, she did not fall in love herself, but only allowed herself to be loved.

I first saw Alexander Adamovich in Sochi, where my mother took me to shoot the film “Be My Husband”. He was a decorative artist and the father of Philip, who played mother's son. In Sochi, I turned seven, Philip was a year older, we constantly bullied each other. When my mother got along with Sasha, Filya went to his mother in France and rarely visited Moscow.

I think Mom truly loved Adamuha. It was not just a novel, but rather civil marriage for several years. In some ways, Sasha was like a bon vivant, women like them, and my mother is no exception. The wonderful, intelligent, educated and well-read Adamovich had one drawback - he drank heavily. Could hold on, and then flew off the coils for a few weeks. With all the consequences. It is impossible to live with such a person, a woman is always on the lookout, forced to guard, no matter how it happens again ...

And my mother left, began to meet with her future second husband Alexander Deryabin, Adamovich found out and drank heavily. And just like that, winter holidays began at school. Mom took me and my brother Igor under the arm and took me to the dacha, where Uncle Vitya was resting with his honest company.

Mum younger brother for six years, but all her life she protected Vitya: from the boys on the street, from relatives, from his own vices. I do not know a single person who would not fall under the uncle's charm. The family took pity on Vitya, dragged him out of various troubles, constantly shoved him money. Here it remains big baby. From time to time, my mother, with her characteristic enthusiasm, comes to her brother “to save”. Puts in order first uncle, then his workshop. Disperses friends, buddies, sits at the table, stands behind his back and watches how Vitya works. He dutifully agrees with everything: “Lenusik, I promise, from this day on, no, no, I swear.” And his friends at this time look out the window: have you left? Of course, at some point, mom gets tired of acting as a teacher, more important worries appear ...

Adamovich was friends with Vitya. Seeing Sasha at the dacha, my mother commanded: “Under your responsibility!” She fused Igor and me and flew away about her business. My brother and I found ourselves in the company of painters and sculptors who continued to have fun celebrating New Year. I still can’t understand why the grandmothers didn’t track our whereabouts?

For some reason, Adamukha took his mother's order seriously. And although, being on a drinking binge, I did not understand well what was happening around, I tried during those holidays to match the image of my father and educator. We fought terribly. Once he did not let me go for a walk. I stand pouting, angry, and he sits drunk by the fireplace and says:

- I will now read a poem that I composed especially for you:

Why is he flying?

Because this elephant

Gently in love with a butterfly.

All right, girl, go.

Calls again five minutes later. I'm coming. Everything starts all over again:

He brought me to such a frenzy that even thirty years later I remember the verse!

I was then eleven. The next time we saw each other was at eighteen. The case took place again in the winter. me, mom and her current husband Andryusha went to visit Alik Tsigal, a wonderful sculptor and brother-in-law of the late Lyubov Polishchuk. Suddenly, from somewhere in the bowels of the workshop, Adamukha comes out in a dressing gown. He completely drank himself, and Tsigal sheltered him. He saw us, began to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm untidy." He quickly dressed, washed himself, sat down at the table:

- Lenochka, Lenusechka, how glad I am for you! - and he looks at me strangely, as if he doesn’t recognize me. Mom couldn't resist.

- It's Arisha!

As a child, I really was ugly, but in my youth, as they say, I got better.

After some time, the men went for drinks and snacks, and he was with them. He returns and gives all the women - there were several of them in the company - a gorgeous scarlet rose. And he opens his coat in front of me, and there is a whole bunch of white daffodils! Where it was possible to get daffodils in snowy Soviet Moscow, I can’t even imagine. They were still dried in a vase when Adamukha died. His death is a mystery. I only know that Sasha was shot at the airport when he was flying to Paris. They said in this dark history special services were involved and, therefore, no one really knows any details.

I think my warm memories of Adamovich are primarily connected with the tragedy of his departure. While he lived with his mother, he did not feel much curiosity for me, and he did not occupy my thoughts either. But with my mother's second husband, Alexander Deryabin, I happened to live together for some time.

From time to time, my mother tried to take me to her. But living together didn't add up. It first happened when I was three years old. Mom had a fight with her grandmother and decided to become independent. The room she rented in the theater hostel was a monstrous mess. The next day we leave kindergarten.

- I have a surprise for you.

- Doll? I start to wonder. - Dress like a princess?

- Now you will see.

We arrive at the hostel, mom opens the door and proclaims:

- Look how great we cleaned!

Naturally, I am in a roar. Mom was terribly upset. After all, she tried! And the child showed disrespect for her work. She put me to bed and went to her friends in the next room. I remember lying alone at night and feeling sorry for myself.

When my mother married Sasha Deryabin, she already had a cooperative apartment on Krasina Street. And I grew up: at the age of twelve I could independently drive from school and go to bed. In short, my mother decided to pick me up again.

Sasha was a famous healer in Moscow. Mom was introduced to him by the actress of the Moscow Art Theater Lilia Zhurkina - the then wife of Evgeny Evstigneev. When my ulcer opened up, Zhurkina told me about a wonderful doctor who helped her get rid of her addiction to drinking. The sessions were held in the Evstigneevs' apartment on Suvorovsky Boulevard. Fifteen people gathered. Sasha sat in a circle, like an inveterate guru, uttered his healing mantras. The members of the "sect" - there is no other way to call them - reverently listened. After that, Deryabin gave everyone a teaspoon of oil and gave everyone an enema. So in a row - some on the floor, some on the sofa - and lay priests up. Once, just during a session, Evstigneev returned from the theater. Looked into the room from the corridor sad eyes, took off his hat and, without saying anything or even saying hello, quietly went into the bowels of the apartment, tightly closing the door behind him.

At first, I really wanted to live with my mother. But again nothing happened. First of all, I was very homesick - the one I was used to. The daily routine, habits rooted from infancy, after all, banal food - everything was different with my mother than in Bolshoi Karetny. Grandmother fed cabbage rolls, fried potatoes, homemade cutlets. Mom was on diets, applied some kind of yoga practices, endlessly “cleansed”. Like all actors, she is a passionate person, and then there is the “herbalist” Deryabin nearby. At school, they gave me buckwheat calcined in a frying pan - naturally, raw and without oil. In the mornings, it was necessary to drink a special decoction according to Sasha's recipe - a collection of forty-two herbs. So nasty that now I probably won’t even feel the bitterness of wormwood.

On this wellness diet, I lasted a couple of months. Sausage in the house was bought only for a dog, a basset Pear. I'm ashamed to say, but when my mother went to the theater, I stole from her bowl. If you want to live, you will go and not on this.

In addition, rightly deciding that my grandmother “lazy and dismissed” me, my mother zealously set about my upbringing. By the age of twelve, resistance had been trained: no one had ever drilled me, but hello here! In short, discontent grew and rainbow pictures of a happy family life, which we both drew for ourselves, crashed into everyday life. One day I confessed to my grandmother:

I don't want to live with my mom anymore. But I don't know how to tell her.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’m on my own,” the compassionate woman Inna promised.

Mom had a performance that day, she called during the intermission. Now, they say, finish the game and come for me. Grandmother said: you can take your time, Arina is not going to return.

I think my decision was a blow to my mother. She still wanted to take me away, tried to squeeze me by force. On this basis, they had with their grandmother serious conflict. Over time, everything got better and settled, but for about a year after my escape, my mother and I did not talk. Found a scythe on a stone. Although, of course, both were very worried.

The family did not like Deryabin. In the summer at the dacha, the whole family gathered at a long table on the terrace. It was worth being five minutes late, great-grandfather deprived him of breakfast or lunch, he even handed out cuffs to his son-colonel. And just imagine: everyone is already sitting, Sasha enters. He watches how Viktor Timofeevich cuts off a piece of fragrant pork, and loudly exclaims: “Dead! How can you eat it? Then he bites off a cabbage leaf: “Royal food, divine food!” There was some kind of exaltation in him, and not natural. Once Igor and I saw how he ... secretly eats sprats. And Deryabin saw us! And so he froze: one fish in his mouth, the second dropped out of surprise.

But I admire the sincerity of my family. My stepfather sometimes brought sick people to the house, once he settled a boy with his mother from his native Zaporozhye in the same dacha. He had cancer of the lymph, monstrous ulcers on his legs. As a rule, we try not to see someone else's suffering, as if it does not concern us, and here my family sheltered someone else's sick child for several months.

When they told me that two brothers were to be born soon, I did not feel any threat. I had my own family, my mother had her own. In my childhood head, they did not intersect in any way. But, unfortunately, the children were not destined to be born. Mom and Sasha could not survive the loss of the twins - grief divorced them.

In general, only fragmentary pictures remained in the memory of that tragedy. Here I am sitting by my mother's bed, putting cold towels on her head. Mom is sick, bricks are placed under the bed: the doctor ordered to keep her legs above her head.

I run from volleyball, I find out that my mother has left for Moscow. Sasha stayed at the dacha: they probably had a fight. We are all worried about how mom is feeling, we walk three kilometers to the rest home, where there is a booth-machine and you can call Moscow. Sasha's mother visited Krasin, and she said: “Lena is in the hospital. She lost her children." The next frame is Sasha sobbing on his knees. Right on the pavement. Well, on the final credits, a few days later, my mother appears, as happy as always. We take long walks with her in the meadow.

Only after a while I realized how hard it was for my mother then, what I had to endure. She didn't show it. And children are cruel, death simply does not exist for them. They begin to feel someone else's pain only when they have experienced their own.

Like any child, some phrases heard from adults stuck in my head. And in the family they said: maybe everything that happens is for the best? It's good that Lena divorced Sasha. And about a year later, they sat in her dressing room before the performance. There was a conversation about children, I take it and blurt out:

“Maybe it’s for the best that the twins were not born,” and for the first time I saw what an upturned face looks like.

Mom did not swear, she only said:

“Think for a second: you rejoice in the death of two children. How is that possible?

That conversation was an important step in growing up for me. Understood: everything should be looked from different points vision, and for this you need to take a closer look at who is nearby, get out of your narrow rut. If a person does not show suffering, this does not mean that he does not experience it. It seemed to me that my mother was going through everything easily, then I realized that she was just very strong. From that alone: ​​she cannot share her grief with anyone. Not from pride or distrust, but from impossibility. Not by chance, but my mother never had girlfriends.

Mom divorced Sasha. She also could not stay in the apartment where they lived. To change the situation, she moved to Vita's workshop. At the same time in once more took care of his education.

But at that time she took up her brother especially zealously. One fine day they called the basement, my mother opened it. At the door is an unfamiliar young man.

When my mother met Trishin, Andrei worked in a watch shop. In Perestroika, he got a job as a driver in a German company: it was difficult with money in the family then. Today he is mainly involved in construction.

They have been together for over twenty years. Why did mom choose Andrey in the end? My dad likes to say that Lena would make an excellent general's wife. By mentality internal structure molecules, she is not an artist at all. Against the background of colleagues - like a powerful tractor surrounded by lawn mowers Actors tend to mix reality and art, to play with real people as with partners on stage. And mom clearly shares life and cinema. Elena Igorevna can twist her finger at her temple at these words: they say, who are you listening to? Am I not an artist? But it seems to me that acting for her is only a profession, not a way of life. Because of this, she managed to maintain a sober look at her colleagues, in whom, as a rule, there is a lot of femininity. And my mother always respected men with absolutely brutal interests. And she followed her passions. She became interested in medicine - she married Deryabin. Over time, she wanted a home, family, comfort, and her mother created all this together with Andrey. Having found common interests in hunting, fishing, traveling.

When they came together, I was fourteen, Andrei was twenty-five: he was even drafted into the army, my mother went to visit. And at these ages, men and women are approximately at the same psycholevel. Somehow, even before their wedding, she stayed overnight at Krasina. ironed school uniform. For some reason, mom didn’t have a board, she laid out the suit right on the floor, on the carpet. Mom was at the show. Andrei suggested: "Let's arrange a dark pear." We started to catch the dog, wrap it in a blanket, it squeals, we laugh. And then they smelled burning: I left the iron on the carpet and it burned a rather big hole. Both realized that it would fly in from their mother, and came up with ... put a note under the carpet: “Mommy, I love you very much.” We, of course, enjoyed it. But without a note it would be worse.

Of course, insulting words hurt. But such a shake-up was given that I began to take care of myself. Mom taught me how to paint, let me put on my sweaters to school, bought a crab hairpin that had just appeared then. I felt like a princess at a ball. We missed each other and entered the game "how good we are together." But a month later, it was off and on: unwashed dishes, a full trash can ...

Somehow I come, Andrey and his mother are sitting pompous: “We looked at the diary, you have another deuce.” I thought habitually: “Interesting thing! My mother was never interested in my grades. What are the claims now? She was probably waiting for an explanation, and I got into a pose and drove off back to my grandmother. I was fourteen, and any teenager has grudges against his parents - a wagon and a small cart. It does not matter at all whether they live in the same apartment or in different cities.

I studied very badly and had difficulty imagining the future. Dad dreamed of entering the Moscow Architectural Institute, where he studied, uncle, dad's sister Lena,

which, God willing, my daughter Alice will also complete. But I fell in love and instead of going to tutors, I kissed on the porches. It ended badly. They took me to the institute, but already at the first session they informed me that the family had its black sheep. I never got to the retake - I took the documents. Which I later regretted a lot.

No one had levers to control such a freedom-loving girl. She could do what she wanted. But for a woman it is very important to master a profession: we are constantly on the verge of falling into dependence on men. And any lack of freedom destroys, it is a road to nowhere. Today I think: maybe I had a happier childhood than Alice, but I hope she will have a more prosperous and calm life.

Mom and I gave birth at the same time. I have with younger sister Polina is twenty-two years apart. When she told her mother that she was pregnant, she immediately took matters into her own hands. We have hereditary health problems, and by this time my mother understood them as well as any doctor. For several years she begged, tortured, begged for the happiness of becoming a mother again. After all, after the twins, it fell to her lot to lose another boy - already from Andrei. I was older and took this tragedy more bitterly. The child was born on time, the mother felt happy. She lived with the thought that she gave birth to a healthy baby and would soon take him away. Andrei and I constantly visited her. Doctors reported that the child had health problems just before his death. Mom was never prepared. The boy was born without adrenal glands and lived only a week.

We gave birth to our daughters in the same clinic, with the same doctor. Even their bellies were the same purplish-brown color from the six hundred self-administered blood-thinning injections given to both of them. When she entered “for preservation”, my mother was just taken on a gurney to give birth. They put me in her room, on her bed, it seems that they even decided not to change the bed linen: after all, native people.

I remember how Andrei and Lesha and I toiled in the corridor while my mother was having a caesarean. The gender of the child was not known. Andrew was terribly worried. Doctor Anna Aramovna came out: “Everything is fine. Girl. Congratulations". Andrei was so nervous that he did not express any emotions at all. He is a brutal man, I think he dreamed of a boy, a successor to the family. Especially after the tragedy with the dead child. He calmly said: "Good" - got into the car and was like that. Came back the next day. It seems that mom still cannot forgive him for this “escape”.

Andrey got used to the fact that his daughter was born for a long time. I had no idea how to approach her. And now, like any parent, he does not allow the thought that there could be a boy instead of his beloved Polina.

By the way, Andrei was also a wonderful stepfather. He has helped me many times in my life. When a few years later she decided to leave her husband, my mother was in the hospital, my father was away. It was Andrey who moved my things to my uncle's workshop, where I settled for the first time. I called my mother: "I did everything, everything is in order." I hope I helped him in some way.

My first marriage forever saved me from the temptation to look at wealthy men. I was too proud, I never asked for anything. When I left, I took only my clothes.

The youngest daughter of the popular TV presenter Elena Proklova presented general public her fiancé. As it turned out, 18-year-old Polina is dating the groom's son.


The release of Andrei Malakhov's program "Tonight" was dedicated to actress Elena Proklova, who turned 60 on September 2. Came to the show youngest daughter actress Polina. The girl brought her to the studio young man and presented it to the public for the first time.

As it became known, with Anton Polina studied at primary school, later their paths diverged, and they began to meet ten years later, when they unexpectedly met again. " It so happened that Polina's horse is in my mother's stable, and my mother is her coach, - Anton told the story of acquaintance. - I practically didn’t go to the stable, and then I drove in once, I saw Polina. We talked for two minutes, then parted ways. A day later, I wrote a message to her - I was embarrassed to call, we met, drank coffee and after that we already started talking.

Proklova fully supports her daughter, but she does not consider it necessary to interfere in Polina's relationship with her boyfriend and does not give advice on formally strengthening these relations, they write "7 days". “Let them sort it out themselves,” the artist says.

In the same time TV presenter clearly approves of her daughter's choice. “I really like Anton: young, handsome, talented, smart, kind,” lists the advantages of Proklov’s potential son-in-law. beaming face: "Tosha is calling!" - I think: "Lord, what happiness!"

Polina herself speaks simply and sincerely about her relationship with Anton: “We have been dating for almost two years. Everything seems to be fine. Mom always reacts calmly and does the right thing, she says that this is my choice and if I found something in this person So that's the way it should be."

At the age of 15, Lena went to a gypsy woman to find out about her future. She predicted her death from water. The fortuneteller's words turned out to be true. Only saved Elena from the water Lucky case. Once Elena and her brother went to the swamp to find a tank from the time of the war. Only at the last moment the guy was able to pull Elena out of the quagmire.

Later, Proklova more than once had to escape from the water. She drowned in a pit of water and lime, in the river and in the sea. A few years ago, she almost died in pacific ocean when it was covered by a big wave. But Elena is not the kind of person who will hide from her fear. She learned to swim, loves fishing and scuba diving. She boldly goes through life, not letting fear into her soul. According to the actress, thanks to this, evil fate bypasses her.

Forbidden love

We might not have known Elena Proklova as an actress. Already at the age of 10 she became a master of sports in art and gymnastics. She was destined for a bright future. But even here Elena took fate into her own hands and decided to choose a different path. She received her first role in the film "They call, open the door", where her grandfather Viktor Proklov was the second director. At the age of 16, she fell hopelessly in love during the filming of the film "Burn, Burn, My Star." The chosen one was 34-year-old Oleg Tabakov.

There were a lot of dirty rumors about their relationship. But Proklova never went into intimate details. Although somehow in one interview the artist admitted that Tabakov became her first love and it was he who taught her to feel.

Family or career?

Already in her first year at the Moscow Art Theater Studio, she married journalist Vitaly Melik-Karamov. Then she was only 17 years old, a year later their daughter Arina was born.

Proklova quickly gained popularity, there were many offers in the cinema, and her husband forbade her to kiss partners on the set. Vitaly wanted her to be at home and take care of the family. But it wasn't about her.

In this marriage, Elena was a “Sunday” mother, she was rarely at home and spent all her time at work. Unable to bear such a life, the husband set a condition: family or career? For the obstinate Proklova, the choice was clear.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped

After the divorce, the actress enjoyed freedom, although she had fans. There was also a constant boyfriend doctor Alexander Deryabin. He met her at the theater, gave her flowers and always hoped that they would be together.

One day Arina's daughter was hospitalized with an acute stomach ulcer. Alexander cured the girl, and then Proklova finally drew attention to him. A stormy romance began, and soon the lovers got married.

According to Proklova, they loved each other madly, but what happened in their lives destroyed everything. Elena and Alexander lost their sons, who did not live even a day. This grief could not unite them even stronger. The actress fell into depression, and Alexander went into himself. They could no longer be around. And this marriage Proklova broke up.

She always comes back

After the loss of her children, Elena went to her brother to recover from the tragedy. There she met Andrey Trishin, who was 8 years old. younger actress. The couple got married, although many did not believe that this marriage would last long. But Andrei and Elena always fought for their love, despite the fact that fate constantly tried to divorce them.

In the early 90s, misfortune happened again in the life of the actress. This time she had a terrible accident in which her face was badly damaged. After the treatment, it was difficult for Proklov to recognize: the branded “duck” nose disappeared.

At this, fate did not stop inflicting new blows on Proklova. The couple lost two children, but this time common grief only brought them together. Andrei and Elena overcame all difficulties together. Elena left the profession and took care of her health. When she became pregnant again, Proklova spent all 9 months in the hospital for preservation. at 41, the actress gave birth to a long-awaited daughter Polina.

For eight years, Elena took care of the child and the family. All these years, what only rumors did not go about her disappearance. It was said that she drank herself, became a drug addict or died altogether. But at the beginning of 2000, Proklova reappeared on the screens. Renewed and full of energy.

A couple of years ago, a message appeared that Trishin and Proklova were getting divorced after 30 years of marriage due to the fact that they had cooled off towards each other. But six months later they got back together. The actress believes that the divorce only helped to understand that they actually have a happy marriage.