Son of Lazarev Sergei Nikita - latest news, photos, videos, mother, biography. Sergei Lazarev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo What happened to the mother of Sergei Lazarev’s child

Sergey Lazarev - the idol of Russian girls, a super successful singer, actor and showman was born in Moscow on April 1, 1983. That is, now Sergei Lazarev is 34 years old.

How could an ordinary boy from a simple family reach such heights in Russian show business? Today we will tell you his story.

Family and childhood

When Sergei Lazarev was still very young, his parents Valentina Viktorovna and Vyacheslav Yurievich divorced. Seryozha and his brother Pavel were raised by one mother. Sergei is very grateful to his mother for the love and warmth that she gave him and his brother in childhood.

“Although we lived without a father, my mother managed not only to give us love and care, but also to divide it equally between my brother and me. We have always been her assistants, and thanks to her we became real men.

When Sergei was 4 years old, his mother took him to the gymnastics section. Gymnastics certainly helped Sergei get stronger and get in enviable shape, but it did not become his life’s work.

Gradually, Sergei became interested in music and began performing in children's musical groups.

For two years, Sergei Lazarev, together with his brother, participated in the musical ensemble of Vladimir Loktev, and together with this he played on the stage of the Boris Pokrovsky Theater.

The key moment in Sergei Lazarev’s children’s “career” was his participation in the children’s group “Fidgets,” which became a stellar springboard for many performers.

Together with “Fidgets,” Sergei successfully performed at numerous festivals, and also managed to appear on television.

At the school where Sergei Lazarev studied, his museum was opened on his 25th birthday.

In 1995, he also appeared on the silver screen, starring in Yeralash, where he received his first acting experience. As Lazarev later recalled in a humorous film magazine, he got the role with almost no words. I had to use more facial expressions, play with my face, so to speak. But it was those shootings that gave him valuable acting experience back in early childhood.

Sergey Lazarev in Yeralash - video

After graduating from school, Sergei Lazarev entered the Moscow Art Theater School, from which he graduated in 2003.



The experience of participating in “Fidgets” played a role, and in 2001 Lazarev began his professional conquest of the pop Olympus together with his friend from the children’s group Vlad Topalov, becoming a member of the boy group “Smash!”

Lazarev and Topalov dreamed of a joint group back in “Fidgets”. And for the first time, the boys tested their duet by recording, at the request of Vlad Topalov’s mother, a musical birthday present for Topalov Sr. in the form of an aria from the popular musical “Notre Dame de Paris.”

Smash - Notre Dame de Paris - video

The group's manager was Simon Naper-Bell, who had already achieved success with the Wham! team.


And already in 2002, at the annual “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, Lazarev and Topalov won, and their first video clip for the composition “Belle” from the same “Notre Dame de Paris” became the leader of the hit parades of music channels, and first of all, MTV, for as long as six months.

But despite such stunning success on the music stage, Lazarev did not give up the theater stage. So at the same time, he played the main role in the production of “Romeo and Juliet” at the Pushkin Theater.

Sergey Lazarev in the play “Romeo and Juliet” - video


The band's debut album, Freeway, was also a great success - just a few weeks after its release, it sold more than a million copies and the album went gold.

Sergei Lazarev, meanwhile, was expanding his theatrical repertoire. This time he played the role of Alexei Karamazov in the play “A Few Days in the Life of Alyosha Karamazov,” this time at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

Sergei Lazarev in the play “A few days in the life of Alyosha Karamazov” - video


The second album of the group Smash!! called “2Nite” became their last. Despite the success of the group, at the end of 2004 Lazarev left it and began his solo career.
Sergei begins cooperation with the recording label “Style Records”, and writes his own material and searches for his own style.

At the same time, he returns to the Pushkin Theater, where he participates in the production of “Borrow a Tenor.”

Sergei Lazarev in the production of “Borrow a Tenor”


After much work, Sergei finally releases his first album “Don"t Be Fake” in December 2005. The album consisted of 12 tracks on English language. They were all recorded in London. In working on the album, Lazarev was assisted by the famous producer Brian Rowling, who is famous for his work with such showbiz “sharks” as Britney Spears, Enrique Iglesias, Rob Tomax, Craig David and Celine Dion.

At the end of the same year, Sergei received recognition as an actor - at the Chaika theater award he received two statuettes for “Best Love Scene” and “Breakthrough of the Year”, as well as an award from the Oleg Tabakov Foundation for “Talented fusion of the art of a comedian with musical talent" for his work in the play "Borrow a Tenor".


In 2006, Sergei Lazarev decides to diversify his repertoire and releases a song in Russian - “Even if you leave”, which also becomes popular on music TV.

In the summer of 2006, Lazarev received another theater award - “Crystal Turandot” for best acting debut. His achievements on the music scene do not go unnoticed - MTV awards him the title of “Best Performer” at the annual Russia Music Awards competition.


Sergei Lazarev’s second solo album, “TV Show,” did not take long to arrive. In the same year, 5 new video clips were released for songs from the new album.

In 2007, Lazarev again participated in the “New Wave”, where he presented his performance of the song “ Earth Song» Michael Jackson.

This year has become very eventful for Sergei and ends with his triumphant victory in the most complex project"Circus with the Stars"

Question answer:
How tall is Sergei Lazarev?
Sergei Lazarev's height: 181 cm


Sergey Lazarev participates in the popular project “Dancing on Ice”, in which he takes an honorable second place.

Continuing to work on recording a new album in England, Lazarev devotes Special attention improving your English. Passion for language bears fruit. Since Lazarev sings mainly in English, many do not even realize that it is he who performs his hits, and his songs are associated with certain foreign performers. And only at the concert the listeners are surprised to learn that it is he who sings - Sergey Lazarev.

Of course, this does not apply to numerous fans, or rather female fans of Lazarev, who eagerly await the release of each of his new songs.

2010 - 2011

Sergei enters into a contract with another well-known label - Sony Music Entertainment. With him, Lazarev recorded his third album entitled “Electric Touch”, which also became gold by mid-2011.

In July, Lazarev performs at New Wave in a duet with Ani Lorak with the song “When You Tell Me That You Love Me.”


This year brings Lazarev a duet with Timati, a joint composition “Moscow to California” with Dj Meg. A new one awaits him on the theater stage. the main role in the play “Talents and Dead People”. By the way, her actor successfully plays to this day.

The singer’s fourth album was called “Lazarev”. The album first became available in the iTunes Store, but soon began to be sold on disc.

The fourth album of Sergei Lazarev, like most of the previous ones, received the status of a gold disc. In addition, it was the best-selling album in Russia that year.

Question answer:
What is the weight of Sergei Lazarev?
Sergey always tries to keep himself in excellent condition physical fitness, which he demonstrated at one time on the show “Circus with the Stars”. Lazarev's weight is 78 kg.


In the spring of 2013, the singer presented his album, staging a big show at the Olimpiysky. A little earlier, he recorded the single “Cure the Thunder” together with American rapper T-Pain, and soon Sergei performed this single and one.

In May, a video for the composition “Tears in My Heart” from the same album “Lazarev” is released on music TV. Later, the singer records another song in Russian, “Drunk Song”.


Sergey receives the Muz-TV award for “Best Show of the Year.”

This year, Sergei’s first “video album” appears, recorded during his exclusive show at the Olympic Stadium back in March 2013. The video album is called “Lazarev”.


The show “Dance!” is airing on Channel One, hosted by... well, you understand who.

The collection of the singer’s best songs, which Sergei Lazarev released on April 1, 2015, was no joke, marking 10 years of his solo career with this event.

At the end of the year, Lazarev was chosen as the representative of Russia at Eurovision 2016. Sergey made it to the finals of the European competition, but he only took third place, despite the fact that he was the leader in audience votes.

Sergey Lazarev - gay?

Many fans, and even ordinary people, are still arguing about whether Sergei Lazarev is gay or not. Rumors about the singer’s gay orientation are not accidental. He himself has openly spoken more than once about his tolerance for LGBT people and vehemently opposed the law prohibiting the propaganda of homosexuality in the Russian Federation.

Some claim that Sergei Lazarev is bisexual, and in connection with this they attributed to him an affair with Mikhail Dvoretsky, his concert director.

Question answer:
How old will Sergei Lazarev be in 2018?
Sergei will turn 35 on April 1, 2018

Personal life

Sergey Lazarev and Lera Kudryavtseva

The romance of these two luxurious representatives of show business came as a surprise to many. Someone didn’t believe in him, someone was jealous and constantly spread rumors about their separation, but there were no indifferent people - that’s for sure. This is understandable. Firstly, Lera is 12 years older than Sergei.

It would seem that such a huge difference, and even if the girl is older, it certainly becomes a problem. However, this fact did not in any way affect their relationship, which lasted for almost 4 years.

Secondly, the couple was inseparable both at bohemian parties and social events, and on vacation. And many believed that this was the usual mutual PR of two stars, nothing more.

And as soon as the tongues of envious people calmed down, new reason for rumors - Lera Kudryavtseva began to show signs of attention on Twitter to the famous hockey player Alexander Radulov.

However, Lazarev and Kudryavtseva quickly refuted the gossip about their imminent separation by traveling together to the USA, where they had a full rest, attending a Celine Dion concert and having a blast at an erotic show.

In Miami, the couple in love looked like strong family- they were always together, talked, joked, had dinner, went to parties.

After this almost family vacation, everyone was shocked when the couple collaboration presenters at the Jurmala Music Festival announced a breakup.

It is believed that Lera Kudryavtseva, who at first was satisfied with the framework of the guest union, decided to end the relationship, but over the years began to realize that she needed something more - a family, a strong relationship. Sergei was not suitable for the role of a convinced family man.

The frantic pace of their careers became the reason for their separation. It is impossible to pay due attention to your loved one with such constant employment and involvement in dozens of projects. Lera has said more than once that Sergei Lazarev is a perfectionist and careerist who is ready to give up everything for the sake of his success.

The couple separated quietly and peacefully, maintaining warm friendly relations. Soon rumors spread about Kudryavtseva’s affair with Igor Makarov, a forward for the SKA hockey club. As a result, Lera and Igor got married, but that’s a completely different story.

Rumors about love relationships Sergei Lazarev with the former lead singer of a popular group VIA Gra Santa Dimopolous was born after they filmed a video together.

And after their immodest walk along the red carpet at the MUZ-TV awards ceremony, when Sergei hugged Santa around the waist, the conversations intensified a hundredfold.

But if this relationship did exist, it ended as quickly as it began...

A mystery shrouded in darkness

In October 2015, Lazarev let slip during an interview with one of the newspapers that he had a relationship with a girl. It also became known that new darling The singer is also from show business.

But this was an exception to the rule, since usually Sergei Lazarev does not talk about his personal life at all, and after breaking up with Kudryavtseva, he practically stopped talking about this topic.

“I’ve already brought my personal life into the light enough. Now I understand that it was a mistake, and I have realized this lesson. When you put your life on display, it begins to affect it itself - envy, gossip, rumors. Now I want to have my part closed life no public romances,” Sergei Lazarev told reporters.

Despite such an iron curtain, in 2016 journalists managed to unearth that, it turns out, in 2014 Sergei Lazarev had a son, Nikita. Photographers managed to photograph the singer while he and his son were visiting a temple in Moscow.

Lazarev had to confirm his paternity to journalists, but he did not disclose details, and the most main question Who the mother of Lazarev’s son is remains a mystery.

However, at the beginning of 2017, Philip Kirkorov himself intervened in the matter, who lifted the veil of secrecy about the appearance of Lazarev’s son.

In the talk show “Secret for a Million” he said that Sergei had a child from a surrogate mother.

Brother of Sergei Lazarev - Pavel

Sergey Lazarev with his brother Pavel

A big blow for Sergei was the death of his older brother Pavel as a result of an accident in 2015. The brothers were very close from childhood.

When their father abandoned the family, Sergei and Pavel supported their mother and each other in every possible way.

The cause of death of Pavel Lazarev, who was only 37 years old, was an accident in which he got into on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow while driving his car.

Ironically, Pavel remained alive after the accident, but received serious injuries. He was diagnosed with a concussion, a broken nose and bruises.

Despite his injuries and the persuasion of doctors, Pavel Lazarev refused hospitalization, deciding to be treated at home.

But after some time, Pavel was still hospitalized with severe headaches, but, unfortunately, it was too late. As doctors established, brother Sergei Lazarev suffered from blood poisoning and extensive internal hemorrhage.

Sergei Lazarev did not talk about the trouble until the funeral. He later canceled all events planned for the launch of his new album and his birthday celebration.

Today Sergey Lazarev continues to actively engage in music and theatrical activities, driving his many fans crazy.

Who do you think Sergei Lazarev is?

Sergey Lazarev is a popular Russian performer, whose personal life received special attention in 2018, because he celebrated his 35th birthday summer anniversary. This is the time to take stock of the first results and an occasion to look back on the life we ​​have lived.

Childhood is an ambiguous period in the biography of the future actor and singer; his parents’ divorce left an imprint on him. Seryozha and his brother Pavel grew up virtually without a father, who was later replaced by a stepfather. Mom met the children halfway in everything and encouraged the development of their musical talents. Sergei managed to be a member of the Loktev ensemble, then there was the B. Pokrovsky Theater, the famous “Fidgets” and filming.

Sergey Lazarev in childhood

At the school where he studied, a whole museum named after him was subsequently created, where you can see unique photos and other materials of those years.

In 1999 he entered the Mkhatov Art School-Studio. After graduation, he began playing on the stage of the Pushkin Theater.

Lazarev in "Fidgets"

Group "Smash!!"

The future star met Vlad Topalov as a child. In 2001, friends recorded a cover version of the aria “Belle” from the musical “Cathedral” Notre Dame of Paris", which instantly became a hit. Thus, in 2001, the group “Smash!!” was born, the successful promotion of which was facilitated by the famous producer Simon Naper-Bell. A contract was signed with UMG, and the ascent to the top of the charts began.

Sergey with Vlad Topalov

Even then, rumors began to spread that “something was wrong” with the singer’s personal life.

A year later, the guys won the “New Wave”, and the first disc “Freeway” became gold. The next album, “2nite,” was released two years later and became the last, since Sergei, to the horror of fans, announced that he was leaving the team. There were many rumors. They were fueled by the fact that the real personal life of Sergei Lazarev remained behind the scenes, and numerous novels with girls turned out to be fake.

Solo career

Having started his solo career, Lazarev immediately showed that he had international ambitions. The songs on his first disc were only in English. The most popular compositions were:

  • "Eye of the Storm"
  • "Fake"
  • "I'm lost without your love."

The first hits in Russian appeared in his repertoire only a year later.

His success did not go unnoticed: he was awarded at the MTV Russia Music Awards. Today, Sergei has three more solo discs: “TV Show”, “Electric Touch” and “Lazarev” and as many as 30 video clips.

In the videos, Sergei appears as a hero-lover

In 2016, Lazarev competed for Russia at Eurovision in Stockholm, where he took third place and won the audience award.

Personal life. Orientation

Rumors that Sergei Lazarev is gay in his personal life have been circulating for a long time. The singer himself never came out, that is, did not admit his sexual preferences.

For four whole years, Sergei dated Lera Kudryavtseva, but many considered this novel to be false, designed only to hide the truth. Some representatives of show business openly called Lazarev gay.

Sergey and Lera

They were called as his friend different names: director of the singer Mikhail Dvoretsky, dancer Evgeny Gorenyatenko and others.

Not long ago, the network exploded with news that Lazarev became a father, and his son’s name is Nikita. How he could be born if Lazarev did not have a wife remained a mystery.

Lazarev with his son

In one of the TV shows, Philip Kirkorov revealed the singer’s secret, saying that he resorted to the services of a surrogate mother.

Today, if you believe the latest news, Sergei Lazarev has stopped so zealously hiding the features of his personal life, and now Dmitry Kuznetsov appears as his possible boyfriend.

Emergency with Sergei Lazarev

Sergey for the time creative activity got into it more than once extreme situations. So in 2010, his concert in Rostov-on-Don was suddenly interrupted; he was not allowed to finish singing to the end, explaining this by the start of fireworks in honor of City Day.

This was followed by a trial with the Vkontakte network, from where all his compositions disappeared one fine day. Then, at one of the concerts, Sergei fainted right on stage, and the concert was canceled. This incident was explained by the extreme degree of overwork of the artist.

The artist works until he is completely dedicated

In addition, part of the public had an ambiguous attitude towards Sergei due to his outspoken statements in support of the LGBT community.

In 2011, the singer spoke negatively about protests in Russia, calling them the result of manipulation and a manifestation of herd feelings. He opposed the entry of Crimea into Russia.

There are facts in Sergei’s life that are well known to his ardent fans, but which the general public is not so familiar with:

  • In 2007, Sergei became the winner of the “Circus with the Stars” show.
  • Lazarev took second place in the show “Dancing on Ice”.
  • to his lucky number the singer counts one.
  • The artist’s filmography includes 13 roles in various projects.
  • Sergei played the role of Figaro on the stage of his native Pushkin Theater. He also showed himself in the play “Romeo and Juliet” and in the role of Karamazov.
  • Lazarev became a laureate of the Golden Gramophone 5 times.
  • Sergey is the owner of a confectionery for cats and dogs “Poodle Strudel”

Sergei at the opening of the Poodle Strudel confectionery
  • For his achievements in the theater, Sergei was awarded the “Seagull” and “Crystal Turandot” awards.
  • Lazarev has the 1st youth category in artistic gymnastics.

Sergey Lazarev now

2018 is an anniversary year for Sergei Lazarev. At 35, he is full of energy and creative plans. In addition to concerts and performances, he devotes a lot of time to caring for homeless animals and recently took home a dog from a shelter, which he named Fox. Now he already has two four-legged pets.

Dmitry Kuznetsov joint photos with Sergei he posts more often and more willingly

Lazarev was invited to the Children's New Wave competition as a jury member. Interestingly, his niece Alina, the daughter of his brother Pavel, who tragically died in 2015, took part in the same competition.

One of the not very pleasant pages in Sergei Lazarev’s personal life today is that fans began to actively hint that there is no similarity between him and his son Nikita. He is called upon to admit that his son is not his own. IN in this case, people are cheated on basic decency. What difference does it make if Sergei treats his son like his own and is actively involved in his upbringing?

Lazarev with his son Nikita

Recently, rumors have been actively circulating that Lazarev is ready to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest once again in order to take revenge for his third place and win.

Sergei's brilliant performance at Eurovision

So far, the singer himself answers questions about this vaguely: he neither confirms nor denies. In any case, if he makes such a decision, he will have a chance of winning.

Sergey is actively involved in producing activities. Now his wards are members of the group “Dvoe” Svyat and Kostya. So far, their first single “Fallen” has entered rotation.

After the video with Bilan, rumors about Sergei’s gay orientation intensified

Those interested can find out about all the details of Sergei Lazarev’s personal life in 2018 on his official Instagram page. And he has almost three million subscribers! No rumors or gossip reduce the number of his fans, and this is the best guarantee of creative longevity.

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Lazarev is a well-known singer, theater and film actor throughout Russia, who previously worked as a TV presenter and was a former member of the group Smash. The singer is the producer of the popular duet Dvoe.

In 2014, the singer had a son, Nikita. All people, of course, were interested in the question of who the baby’s mother was, but Lazarev did not disseminate this information. Quite recently it became known from whom the singer has a child.

From whom does Lazarev have son Nikita, where is his mother: the baby’s surrogate mother

In December 2014, all people were shocked by the news that the famous singer Sergei Lazarev, who has neither a girlfriend nor a wife, had a son. Sergei decided to name his son Nikita. The artist managed to hide the birth of the baby for two whole years, but still everything secret became clear. After everyone learned about the birth of their son, people began to wonder who the child’s mother was.

A couple of months after Nikita was born, Lazarev got a tattoo in honor of his son. Many stars were also shocked by this news, for example, best friend Lazarev, the king of pop Philip Kirkorov, give your comment on this matter.

‘’As Seryozha’s best friend, I learned about Nikita’s birth, you can tell right away when it happened. And also from a surrogate mother. After the birth of my daughter Alla-Victoria and son Martin, the stars of domestic show business began to quite often use the services of surrogate mothers. For example, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, who also became the parents of beautiful twins, Garik and Elizaveta, in 2013,” Kirkorov said.

Despite the constant gossip that the singer got married, Lazarev always denies this.

''IN Lately There are many rumors that I got married secretly, but this is not true! Moreover, it is complete nonsense that I am credited with marrying both women and men. I want to completely dispel this rumor - I am not married to anyone! And in the near future I don’t plan to get married at all. I am completely calm about marriage; I believe that marriage is not proof of love. My parents divorced when I was still just a child and I was raised by one mother, but in no way do I feel any inferiority due to the fact that I was raised by one of my parents,” Lazarev frankly admitted to journalists.

On this moment Lazarev does not hide his son, posting a bunch of photos with him on social networks.

From whom does Lazarev have son Nikita, where is his mother: the singer’s career ladder

Sergei Lazarev's stellar career began with the famous music group Smash. The artist created this group together with his friend Vladislav Tapalov. In August 2002, the group won the music competition‘’New Wave’’, which took place in Jurmala. The first video of Topalov and Lazarev gained incredible popularity.

Started in 2005 Solo career Lazarev, after he released his own album ‘’Don’t be Fake’’.. At the end of 2012, the artist’s fourth album was released. At the moment Sergey Lazarev is popular singer in Russia

Sergey Lazarev proudly told subscribers about the creative achievements of his little son Nikita.

Photo: DR Instagram

4-year-old Nikita Lazarev is growing up as a very creative child. The boy demonstrates numerous talents in dancing, singing and even foreign languages. The other day, the proud man shared his son’s new talents. Sergei posted a new photo of the baby on Instagram and proudly talked about his new hobby.

My miracle! my meaning! Now we are artists - Lazarev Sr. touchingly signed the photo

In a matter of minutes, the singer’s subscribers left hundreds of admiring comments on this publication: “What a cute, sweet boy,” “Sergey, how lucky you are to have such a son, he’s just smart,” “What a sweetheart, such talent at 4 years old.” Joined the numerous emotions star friends Sergei Lazarev: so, Yana Rudkovskaya left emoticons with a heart and wrote: “Sweet baby,” and Anita Tsoi admired creative abilities boy: “Handsome! He’s good at drawing,” and former colleague Sergei from the children's ensemble "Fidgets" Yulia Malinovskaya suggested that all Nikitas are talented artists, to which Lazarev finally offered to introduce his sons (they are both called Nikitas).

Let us note that Sergei Lazarev can safely be called an exemplary father. The artist does everything possible to ensure that his son Nikita has a childhood. He spends a lot of time with his son and devotes every free minute to him. The singer even named his new album in honor of his son.

Let us recall that Sergei Lazarev managed to hide his son until he was 2.5 years old. Earlier, Philip Kirkorov reported that Sergei carried and gave birth to a child surrogate mother.

Sergey Lazarev was born in 1983 in Moscow. He was not the only child in the family; he also has an older brother, Pasha. The family of Sergei Lazarev, after his father left, consisted of three people. The mother raised two children on her own. In early childhood, Sergei achieved good results in artistic gymnastics. Having reached the age of 9, he realized that he did not like sports as much as creativity. Then Lazarev began studying in the theater. The young man performed both in dance performances and on the theater stage. Thanks to the Fidget ensemble, which Sergei joined three years later, he often performs on various programs and shows.

The school from which Sergei Lazarev graduated created a museum dedicated to the singer.

While studying at the Moscow Art Theater, he works in a theater troupe and plays a role in many theatrical productions. Critics note high level acting Sergei Lazarev, for which he was awarded more than once.

In 2000, Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov created their own group. The idea came from Topalov’s relatives when the young people were still part of the “Fidgets” group. The new group “Smash” began its journey with the famous song “Belle” on French. The group's song aroused great popularity and sympathy among music lovers. The very next year, Smash signed a contract with a recording studio. Two years later, the duo becomes the winner of the song competition " New wave» in Jurmala. Next, Sergey and Vlad record their own songs and lyrics, and shoot a video clip. The group's first album, "Smash", which was released in 2003, quickly gained popularity, and the duo for a long time topped the charts.

Then two more albums followed, which were also very successful, but Sergei Lazarev decided to leave the group for a solo career.

The singer began his independent career in London recording studios. There were a lot of hits that in the future will bring Sergei not only impressive fees, but also very great popularity.

The biography and personal life of Sergei Lazarev becomes available to the press. The tall and handsome brunette excited the hearts of many fans of his work. But he got a girlfriend only at the peak of his creativity.

Lazarev recorded both compositions in English and Russian. All of them were incredibly successful and sold well. In 2006, Sergey Lazarev was awarded the title Best Singer according to MTV Russia Music Awards.

A year later, the performer again releases an album in which there are English-language songs, one Russian-language song and several remixes.

Lazarev also released his next album in England, having previously adjusted his knowledge of the language. Sergei's subsequent albums were successful and well received by the public. There are also several works paired with other performers - Ani Lorak, Timati and others.

In 2012-2013, the singer recorded a new album and created an updated concert program.

For his birthday (32 years old), Lazarev is releasing a collection of his most popular songs and remixes.

Last year, Sergei Lazarev set out to conquer the Eurovision Song Contest. There he was confidently in the lead in audience votes, but did not take first place due to the jury's ratings. New system voting was introduced just the day before, and before that the winner of the competition was the one who gets the most points from viewers from the participating countries. As a result, Sergei found himself on the third stage.

In addition, Serey Lazarev took part in the filming of various television shows, hosted several programs, and did voice-over work for cartoons. The singer also managed to take part in the “Dancing on Ice” competition, where he took second place together with Anastasia Grebenkina.

As for the singer’s personal life, to everyone’s surprise, Sergei, at 33 years old, had only one serious relationship. The singer started an affair with famous TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva, who is 12 years older than him. She is a beautiful, popular, independent and independent lady. At first, the couple hid their relationship. Even when working together, they didn’t show that they were in love. But soon they stopped hiding it. After four years of relationship, Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev broke up.

Who is the wife of Sergei Lazarev: photo

Most fans of Sergei Lazarev's work have no idea that he may have a wife. After breaking off relations with TV presenter Kudryavtseva, he was credited with an affair with Ukrainian singer Santa Dimopoulas. But the rumors were not confirmed.

Who does Sergey Lazarev live with?

Two years ago, Lazarev mentioned to the press that he had a lover, but he did not want to reveal her name, since she a famous person in show business circles. So far, the press has not been able to find out who Sergei Lazarev’s wife is and whether she even exists.

Sergey Lazarev and his son

Popular singer Sergei Lazarev was seen accompanied by little boy, some claim that this is his son. There is no exact confirmation of this, but even his friends admit the possibility that it was Sergei Lazarev and his son, whom he can hide from prying eyes for obvious reasons. Today we can only guess whether the singer has a child and who his mother is.