Eighth lunar day. Dreams on the eighth lunar day

8 Lunar day will be for you not just a day of rest, but also a day of transformation. It will allow you to dot the “I” and deal with all the problems that have arisen.

You will be able to analyze everything that happened to you before. Evaluate and weigh everything decisions made and change your life if needed. On this day, it is not recommended to take any global solutions and commit new and rash acts. You need to objectively evaluate all your decisions, and your future condition and well-being will depend on them.

By noting the wrongness in your decisions and actions, you are given the opportunity to cleanse yourself of everything bad and change everything in your life and be reborn, start all over again. With the help of the Phoenix, you will be able to be reborn in your mind and rise from the ashes of the problems and difficulties that have befallen you. This day is the second lunar phase, the result of which will be nothing more than a full moon.

This is the period when you are in a state of formation of your worldview and consciousness. Everything that is destined for you in the future will be the result of working on yourself and your mistakes on this very day. At this time, all your efforts and labors take on a tangible form. You will feel the impact. It will make you irritable and emotionally unstable.

Characteristics of the Eighth Lunar Day

This day is characterized by passive moods that will manifest themselves in all areas of your life. In terms of energy, you will feel some instability. All your potential, and what was done by you before this period, goes into a fundamentally new state. In light of the overload of the emotional state and the excessive influence of the Moon, you will be inclined to change your lifestyle, thought process and the emergence of a new, more meaningful and improved meaning of life. During this period, there is a change of all life values and the transformation of your entire inner world.

It is precisely because you will be in a state of being unable to give a true account of your actions and actions, as well as prone to aggression, that you must try to limit yourself from any kind of communication. Try your best to avoid crowded places and do not enter into discussions that cause a conflict of interests and views. Try to spend this day alone with yourself and your thoughts - this will give you the opportunity to understand yourself and your inner world, and will also allow you to avoid many unnecessary conflicts and quarrels.

This day is characterized by:

  • You will go through a kind of rebirth process, the rebirth of your ideas, thoughts and values;
  • Self-analysis and an objective assessment of your actions and deeds will help you move to new level in their emotional and spiritual development;
  • The need for solitude, in order to independently understand yourself and your attitude to the space around you;
  • After finding meaning and meaningfulness in your actions, you will be able to give yourself inner freedom;
  • In order to realize and comprehend everything that happens, as well as to accept yourself, you will have to show extraordinary courage in the fight against fears and phobias;
  • You will feel ready to transform your life and open to everything new;
  • This day is characterized by a state of some relaxation, but this does not mean that you are not capable of doing important things;
  • This day does not tolerate haste, not in business, not in work, not in personal life.

It will help you get rid of misunderstanding. Many people live in the "Bottle" - in their own closed little world with some kind of set of knowledge and experience. During this meditation, each participant has the opportunity to get out of this bottle and destroy it.

Eighth lunar day for the wedding

This day will be favorable for marriage between those couples who do not seek to settle in one place for a long time. A marriage entered into on this day requires constant openness to adventure and travel.

Who is not ready to spend all his life in search of new passion and new emotions, then it makes no sense to appoint a wedding on this day. For those who have decided to neglect the instructions and advice for the wedding on this day, all living together will become a struggle of interests and constant conflicts. Do not tempt fate and schedule a wedding for this day without being prepared for the consequences.

Signs of the Eighth Lunar Day

On this day, you will manifest the inner and true qualities of people. Should be paid Special attention on those who on this day for no reason had a stomach ache or ears turned red. These people are considered evil, they are capable of deceit and committing low and vile deeds. You should definitely stay away from them.

Dreams on the Eighth Lunar Day

On this day, all your dreams will be aimed at indicating to you everything that you have not fulfilled before. They will indicate exactly what was not done before and what should definitely be completed now.

Sex of the eighth lunar day

For sex on this day is not the right time. But, if you still decide, then you need to be extremely careful and careful. On this day, there is a high probability of physical injuries and sexual diseases.

Spend this day alone with your thoughts and do not help, influence you negatively.

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The 8th lunar day is the day of decisive actions, remission of sins and repentance, purification by fire. It is good on this day to repent of your own sins and forgive the sins of other people. All unresolved tasks are especially acute on this day, and forgotten problems remind of themselves. An active day on which unforeseen events may occur.

The influence of the day on a person's personality: On this day, internal changes take place that involve voluntary refusal from what has been achieved. Now you need to moderate your ambitions, stop overestimating your strengths and focus on shortcomings, a critical look at your actions and plans will help you choose the right path. For many, there is an aggravation of perception. The eighth lunar day is the time of biochemical and alchemical transformations, when the subtlest energies turn on in the body.

Business and money: A day of stress, which contains a lot of tension, relationships in the team may be unstable. Court cases and litigation have every chance to be decided in your favor. Today is an unfavorable time for working with large cash flows Therefore, it is better to solve only small financial issues.

Relations: Day of repentance, repentance, forgiveness of sins.

Marriage: Not the best day to conclude family unions. A marriage entered into at this time will be constantly tested for strength.

Health: On this day, it is good to starve, to cleanse the body. Attention should be paid to the stomach and peripheral nervous system. A critical day for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. The day is favorable for the manufacture of multicomponent drugs. Even the mildest cold that occurs on this day can pose a serious threat. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures and not be in situations where you can get infected with something.

Haircut: Haircut on the eighth lunar day will give you longevity, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

Magical rites and rituals, dreams and: Day of transformation, alchemy. Conspiracies are recommended from prison, to fair judges, during litigation, to win the court, to resolve disputes and quarrels. Dreams seen on the eighth lunar day often turn out to be prophetic. Fortune telling on this day is true, especially for the distant future.

Stones - red granite, chrysolite, morion.

8 lunar day - today begins the second quarter lunar month. Time is favorable for a variety of changes: both external and internal. This feature is clearly demonstrated by the symbol of the day - the Phoenix. The mystical bird burns in its own fire, only to be reborn from its own ashes. This is a special magic of getting rid of the unnecessary and transforming into something better. Changes - main characteristic most of the events that take place in these lunar day. You need to be ready for them!

The day is characterized by changes - external and internal.

Internal changes can be on several planes. The body is undergoing a major transformation. Transformations occur imperceptibly, at the cellular level. The body is energized, the person feels a surge of strength. On the eighth lunar day, people are given strength and the opportunity to start living the life that they have always dreamed of.

A deeper plan of internal transformations - changes in the soul, its purification. On the eighth lunar day, it is good to do introspection. Forgive the people who have hurt you, offended you - any negative experiences, whenever it was. Ask for forgiveness from people (perhaps even mentally) in front of whom you feel guilty. Start a controlled fire in your soul! Let the negative from the past burn out in the fire, so that it would be much easier to go further.

Good practice today:

  • New deeds, plans;
  • Repair or relocation;
  • Rest in a small company;
  • Any real estate transactions;
  • Travel.

Today to avoid:

  • Large gatherings of people, parties, meetings;
  • Disputes and conflicts;
  • Nervousness and slowness.

What to expect

The eighth lunar day is a kind of milestone, a change in the phases of the moon. Something new is starting, it's exciting. The borderline extends to the entire the world, and events may not unfold as you planned. You may not be ready for surprises, unexpected events of the day.

What will help you cope when events are so unpredictable? Composure, organization, which should be maintained throughout the day. Be "on the alert", be ready to adjust plans, behavior literally on the go. On the 8th lunar day, passivity and slowness should not be allowed, it can be dangerous both for your goals and for health.

Career and business

The main characteristic of today is activity, tension. Because of this, there is a high probability of conflicts, stressful situations. It is better not to contact the authorities with global issues. Avoid large financial transactions. Activity can be shown in the search for new partners.

Be prepared to look for a non-standard approach to solving problems. The eighth lunar day is a time of change, do not be afraid to change your methods and look at emerging situations from an unusual angle. Try not to overexert yourself today. Do not take on a lot of things, avoid decision important issues, maintain moderation in work. If possible, it's good to go home early.

Love and relationships

The tension of today and some nervousness "in the air" can greatly affect people close to you. On the 8 lunar day, you should not take everything to heart. Farewell. Keep calm. Give love and warmth. Disputes and conflicts that arise today, try to end as early as possible.

Today it is good to play a wedding if your significant other is a searching nature that is constantly developing and improving itself. Family bonds will be strong, and family relations will be positive, friendly. If your chosen one (chosen one) does not differ in such qualities, then it is better not to marry on this day.


Today, be especially careful with your health. A disease that starts today can last a long time. Potential for serious complications. Be especially careful with the liver, stomach, peripheral nervous system. The magic of today will help well in cleansing the stomach and intestines.

Don't drink alcohol. Don't overeat. Don't get physically overloaded. Try not to smoke or do it less. Be careful in water, fire and electricity! For prevention or treatment, it will be good to drink healing teas, tinctures from medicinal herbs.


Dreams at this time can be trusted. They may mean something important to you.

Correctly interpreted dreams can suggest a solution to some situations in life.

They can help both with what happened in the past and with what is only destined to happen. Perhaps you have a burden on your soul from the past. The dreams seen today will help you get rid of it.

Characteristics of those born on this day

The main features of people born on the 8th lunar day are diligence, a sharp mind, conscientiousness. They love to learn, but this does not mean that obtaining knowledge from them is associated only with educational institutions. They get information from different sources, accumulate it and can remember what they learned for a long time.

The benevolent nature of those born today captivates others. Their originality is amazing. A person whose birthday falls on these lunar days is able to become a wonderful actor.

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The symbol is a phoenix, a treasure chest. Stones - red granite, chrysolite, uvarovite, olivine. The body is the stomach.

The eighth lunar day is at the junction of two lunar phases. There was a transition from the first phase to the second. Therefore, this lunar day is energetically unstable. The symbol of the day is the Phoenix bird, which represents rebirth. This property is transferred to the day itself. The eighth lunar day is a day of changes, transformations at all levels, both energetic and spiritual, and physical. The internal forces of the body are gaining growth. On this day, a person is transformed, as if born again.

On the eighth lunar day, you can notice variability in everything, both in yourself and in the world around you. It is advisable to carefully consider everything that happens. Then you can take a fresh look at life. This will allow you to painlessly get rid of old habits and adopt new ones, change not only your behavior and views, but even change your principles. Moreover, such changes, with careful attention, will affect your life only from a favorable side.

The changes are reflected in emotional state. This is due to changes at the internal level. As a result, your mood may change throughout the eighth lunar day. It is good to keep awareness and reasonableness today. It is recommended to carefully monitor your reactions and not succumb to provocations. It is good if today you can forget about your personal ambitions and pride. It is very undesirable to be angry and nervous, as well as to fall into irritation. It is better to spend this lunar day with a large share of positive.

Today you may want to contact with fire. This carries a very symbolic meaning. The symbol of the day is the Phoenix bird, which, as you know, burns in fire, and then is reborn from the ashes. That is the image of purification by fire. In Christianity, the image of the bird is transferred to the resurrection of Christ, who is destroyed by the fire of passions and rises again on the third day.

No wonder it is believed that the eighth lunar day is the day of purification. Therefore, if you want to be close to the fire, do not resist it, it means that you intuitively strive for spiritual purity. And this is very good. If possible, sit near a fire or fireplace, listen to the crackling of firewood, feel the power of fire. And if you live in the city, you can light candles. But it is advisable not to forget about the power of fire and handle it carefully. This is your assistant and the respect shown to him will only benefit you.

During contact with fire, it is good to meditate, or do spiritual practice. You may notice that you are ready for both external and internal changes. It is good at this moment to look into yourself, analyze the past, realize your actions, collect all the bad things and let go, repent of your sins and forgive those who offended you or harmed you. All this contributes to internal cleansing. The purer you are, the purer your intentions will be, and therefore you will gain more strength to implement your plan, and the more successful the result will be.

There is a belief that an unkind person has a stomachache on this day, there are also chills, sometimes ears burn.

general about the day

Symbol: fire, phoenix, peacock, treasure chest

Stones: chrysolite, red granite

Energy 8 lunar days tends to inner work above oneself. Outwardly, you can remain very passive. In magic, this is the time of chemical transformations, alchemy, purification by fire. 8 lunar day - the beginning of the second phase. This is a rather difficult day when you should not overload yourself either physically, mentally or emotionally. This is a day of deep changes, today it is good to spend repentance. Ask for forgiveness from all those whom you voluntarily or involuntarily offended, and also forgive others if they harmed you.

On the 8th lunar day, this will be much easier to do than on another day. Try not to miss this opportunity. This step will give you a great impetus to your spiritual development, and after that, prosperity. It is useful to go to church, talk with a priest or spiritual teacher. Standing in the temple, look at the flame of a candle, it will cleanse you of the accumulated negativity. The eighth lunar day is considered one of the best for repentance, spiritual focus and prayer. Very good at this one. Sit by the fireplace, light a candle and imagine how all grievances burn in a flame. In general, mentally or quietly speaking aloud, burn in a flame, as in a fire, everything that interferes with your life. Free yourself to receive new, clean energy. With sufficient concentration and concentration on the subject of meditation, revelation can be received.

A bad omen on the eighth lunar day will be if you get burned, your electricity is turned off or the candle goes out. This means that you made serious mistakes or went in the wrong direction, and you will have to start all over again.

It is worth noting that without doing any “cleansing” work on yourself, you may experience an emotional “explosion” when all the tension accumulated in the previous days will spill out in an instant. Therefore, it will be much more useful to start life with " clean slate”: to forgive all the offenders, to ask for forgiveness from those who were offended and replay those situations with the result of which you are unhappy, or in which you made a mistake.

It's good to get up at dawn today and meet the sun. Feed on its life-giving power. Fasting is very useful on this day. It will contribute not only to physical cleansing, but also spiritual. On the eighth lunar day, it is good to start new business, move to a new place of residence. In general, this day is favorable for any undertakings. You can also go back to the unresolved issues you have, reevaluate the situation and succeed by making changes and corrections to it. Today, all the tasks that we once did not solve will be especially acute for us, and forgotten problems with new force remind themselves. This can apply to all aspects of our lives: and love relationship, and career, and health, and in general all plans and projects. Today it is worth thinking about the fact that team actions sometimes bring more results than if you act alone. But, avoid people who are emotionally unbalanced. Today, they will be especially prone to mood swings and “jumping” from one extreme to another. Do not fall into irritation: this feeling is dangerous and can cause illness.

Dreams dreamed on the 8th lunar day can be trusted. They can give a hint, information that will be useful to you later in life.

If you have lived according to lunar calendar, then today, on the eighth lunar day, you will be able to notice signs of future changes. Get ready for a new stage in your life, reconsider your opinions, actions, principles and, forward ... to achieve your dreams.


In general, the eighth lunar day is favorable for dates, but remember that today is the day of forgiveness. Be lenient if your loved one confesses to any of his sins. Show compassion and understanding. Perhaps the person is very long time I walked with a load around my neck, and today, finally, I decided to confess everything. On the eighth lunar day, people are frank. So even on a first date, you can inadvertently lay out such information that others should not know at all.

On this day, it is better to refrain from sexual contact, including marital contact.

Household affairs

8 lunar day is suitable exclusively for the smallest and most insignificant household chores. A very good day for alterations, repairs and altering old clothes.


The 8th lunar day is quite difficult for the body, since an energy restructuring takes place, requiring relatively large internal costs. In addition, on this lunar day, a person is prone to nervous breakdowns. And stress on this day is especially dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Also today, against a general unfavorable background for health, injuries are possible. Therefore, do not overwork at work, allow yourself to rest more often. You should protect yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can lead to complications.

If you can’t fast, then at least exclude meat food.

On the eighth lunar day, the stomach and nervous system. If you are worried about stomach cramps, earache, chills, these are all signs of an excess of negative emotions. Starve, cleanse the stomach and intestines. Today is the best day of the lunar month for self-preparation of complex medicines.

You can cleanse the body of toxins. Hydrotherapy is not recommended. An illness that began on the eighth lunar temperature will pass faster, so it is advisable not to bring down the temperature if it does not exceed thirty-nine degrees (if you have a healthy heart, of course).

business and money

On the 8 lunar day, you should not be overloaded at work and you can only solve small financial matters. What you started or planned on this day will come true much slower than you would like. This applies to work, and money, and all plans. Unexpected turns of events, conflicts, emergencies are possible.

Good luck will be brought by business trips and work trips undertaken on this lunar day. Risky deals and ventures are possible, but only if the situation is critical and you take risks in order to save the business.

The more work you put into your business, the greater the return. A very auspicious day for finding new partners who will accept your ideas and help bring them to life.