Let's learn animals for kids. The voices of pets will be the best role models for children. Animal games for children

Recently, my daughter Masha (who is 1 year and 4 months old) and I visited our grandmother. I was looking through old good editions of the Soviet printing house and came across the book “ Animal world land."

On one of the spreads of this wonderful book, a friendly crowd wandered somewhere in the background globe elephants, hippos, giraffes, lions... There are about twenty animals in total.

“Mashulya, where is the elephant?” — I show the picture to my daughter, knowing that she will probably find the elephant. But what about the rest? To our surprise, the little finger accurately indicated all the animals that we listed one by one.

The most curious thing is that Masha saw this picture for the first time, which means she not only recognized the animals, but learned to identify them by the corresponding signs.

If, in addition to mammals, we remember birds, insects and fish, there will be a couple dozen more recognizable Mashas in any form (on the street, in a picture, on TV) of living creatures.

Where did this knowledge come from? Maybe I set out to make a doctor out of a one-year-old baby biological sciences and stuffed her with relevant information around the clock?

No, everything happened by itself, without tension or special effort on my part, with my daughter’s sincere interest and participation.

So, where can a child get knowledge about the animal world? Let us consider the sources in order, in descending order of their importance in the subjective opinion of the author.

Firstly, from direct communication with the outside world.

This inexhaustible source knowledge is available to the baby from birth, if, of course, you help him with this.

Make your walks contemplative and educational, not sleep-in-a-stroller.

Take your baby for walks in your arms and talk about everything you see around: dogs at the entrance, pigeons to whom you sprinkle seeds, titmice in the forest “trinket-trinket”! Black-winged crows are cawing, gentle pussies are basking in the sun, butterflies are fluttering over the flowers...

Regardless of whether it’s winter or summer, there are so many interesting things in the world for your baby!

If you have the opportunity to show your child the village pets, be sure to do it!

My six-month-old daughter and I went to feed grandma’s livestock - chickens, sheep, rabbits. When driving past a herd of cows in a car, we always stopped to look and listen. I noted what animals like to eat, focused on how they “speak”, and Masha did a great job of copying barks, meows and moos.

IN big city There are few opportunities to see a live cow, but there is an opportunity to take your child to a zoo, terrarium, or oceanarium.

A trip to the aquarium amazed our one-year-old daughter; she still enjoys watching videos about fish.

Secondly, Read as many age-appropriate books to your child as possible.

Look at the pictures, show the animals.

Previously, I tried to show my daughter only the most realistic images of animals. I was confused by unrecognizable computer hares, giant mice, blue foxes...

But it turned out that children are easily given the defining signs and even in little similar images they are able to recognize a kitty or a dog.

In the first year of life, cardboard books with Russians will go great folk nursery rhymes about animals.

Make reading vivid. When reading a nursery rhyme, show each named character in the picture, perform a small performance, for example, hide the geese with your baby’s palm. gray wolf, show with gestures the words “YES”, “NO”, “RUN”, clap, beat out the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.

The cat sat on the fence
The sparrows have flown
Clap your hands for them!
Fly away sparrows
Beware of the cat!

Rhyme “Where did you have dinner, sparrow?” Samuel Marshak will introduce the baby to a lion, a fox, a walrus, an elephant, a rhinoceros, a kangaroo, a bear, and a crocodile. I almost forgot, and with a little sparrow, of course! Kids especially like to listen to this rhyme when each character is depicted separately.

The third way to unobtrusively introduce your baby to the fauna of our planet is hang pictures of animals on the walls.

Here you can try and pick up beautiful photos animals, birds, insects, buy posters “pets”, “who says what”. Of course, you must look at all this splendor together.

You can arrange an exhibition for several weeks - a “reserve”, attaching images of animals in the corridor or in the room. As you carry your baby past the “reserve”, talk about its inhabitants, their colors and habits.

At the bottom, hang posters and pictures that your baby can crawl to on his own. When you see your child's interest, go up and read him a funny rhyme about animals or sing a short song.

Horned goosefoot, butted goosefoot
She ran away behind the fence,
I danced all day.
Goat legs - stomp stomp,
With the eyes of a goat - clap-clap.

Choose quality and interesting presentations about animals.

Nowadays you can choose presentations to suit every taste on the Internet. List of our favorite animal presentations:

  • "How Animals Sleep"
  • "What the Animals Say"
  • "Birds"
  • "Animals at Home"
  • "On the Farm"
  • "Dolphins"

When viewing presentations, do not forget to talk about animals and birds so that your baby will have sensory associations.

For example, when we watch a presentation of “birds,” I simultaneously voice the crow and sparrow. I show with folded palms how “small, small” the hummingbird is. I tell you a poem about an owl:

Little owl, big head
She was sitting on a tree, looking in all directions.
With the eyes of an owl, lup-lup, (we burst our eyes expressively)
The owl's legs tap and tap...

Play with toy animals with your baby.

Why did this item come in last place? It’s just that, as a rule, all parents remember about it without prompting in the first place.

It is good to study body parts on toy animals (eyes, mouth, ears, tummy, back, trunk, neck). It’s good to play shows with toys, feed them, wash them, put them to bed...

Unfortunately, it's hard to find now good sets with animals that look like real ones. Usually the bag of rubber cows smells terrible of paint and chemicals. But perhaps you will be able to find something worthwhile and arrange a real farm, jungle or savanna on the table!

Have fun playing!

Today's article, as you already understood, is dedicated to animals. Today we use toys, scrap materials and the power of the Internet. When writing this article, I focused on the age of children from 1 to 3 years. Choose games taking into account the age and level of development of your little one.

So, let's begin our journey into the animal world:

1. Presentations about animals.

Studying animals using computer presentations. And, of course, first of all, I will provide a link to my presentations about domestic and wild animals - here you can meet a horse, a hare, a bear, a cow, a fox, a goat and a pig. Subscribe to site updates so as not to miss the release of new presentations about animals.

In addition to my presentations, you can find on the Internet many presentations about all animals, as well as videos and educational cartoons. For example, we really like Aunt Owl’s lessons, where each individual cartoon tells about one animal.

Show your child 1-2 presentations a day about the inhabitants of the animal world. Periodically repeat the material you have already covered, since the baby, naturally, will remember little from one time.

2. Description of animals.

Now alone important point! During all classes devoted to the study of animals, it is advisable for you to tell your child as much as possible about each of them. Sometimes it can be difficult for a person to put together all the information known since childhood and put it on a plate. To make it easier for you to communicate with your baby during classes, I publish a description of each animal immediately after the presentation. Read it to remember everything we know from childhood. Although, I admit honestly that I did not know everything about the animals about which I made the presentation. I taught biology poorly!

3. Wild and domestic.

Well, now let's play! Let's divide animals into wild and domestic.

For this game, you can use regular animal figurines, cards, or, if you haven’t already acquired one or the other, I suggest the following option.

If you’re not really having trouble with drawing, then we draw animals on paper, preferably on thick cardboard. If your imagination doesn't work, just copy it from somewhere. Now we cut out the animal, cover it completely with tape and that’s it, the visual aid and the toy are ready!

Another option is to cut out animals from children's magazines that you have already studied and read. For example, we love to cut out educational magazines with stickers. After studying, reading and sticking the stickers once, there is nothing more to do with them.

Well, the simplest thing is to find pictures of animals on the Internet and print them out.

My daughter loves these toys very much, we have new ones every day. Very economical!

First option: draw a wide road on a large sheet of paper. On one side of the road we depict a forest, and on the other a house for humans and a house for animals.

Second option: we build houses from cubes, construction sets or empty boxes. We lay out the path from any materials. On the other side we install trees. If you can’t find toy trees, you can also make them from construction sets, cubes, or mold them from plasticine.

Everything is ready, let's start playing. We put our toys on the path and communicate:

“Baby, do you know that animals are wild and domestic! Wild ones live in nature, for example, in the forest, and domestic ones live next to humans. Just imagine, our little animals got lost, look, the bunny even burst into tears. They can't find their way home. Let's help them?

Let's play out this story and help the animals find their home.

4. Who will be who and where is whose baby.

For this game it is very good to use books with pictures of cubs and parents, as well as cards or children's lotto.

My daughter also really enjoyed studying the cubs using a beautiful online game (if anyone is interested, I’ll give you the link). Well, I will suggest the next lesson.

We select animals (how they can be made has already been discussed above). We give the baby children, and expose ourselves to the parents. For starters, 3-4 species of individuals are enough.

“Tell me, do you love your mother? And dad? And I love you. But your animals also have parents, and every baby wants to be close to his family. Look, who is mooing so sadly (we pretend to moo)? Yes, this is a calf - he wants to see his mother. Who is his mother...?”

We distribute all the animals. Next time we change roles, and now let the mothers look for their babies. Don't forget to name all the animals.

5. Studying animals.Who lives where?

This activity is more pet oriented. We build houses for animals from scrap materials or draw them again on paper. If we have built it, we put a piece of paper next to it with the inscription of the house we built; if we have drawn it, we simply sign it. For example, a stable, a pigsty, a cowshed, a barn, etc.

“Karapuz, look, our friends have returned from a walk. But they forgot who lives in which house. But it’s already late, night is coming and it’s time for them to sleep. Maybe we can help them return home?

We tell the kid who lives where and send everyone home.

“And suddenly morning came and everyone again went out to graze in the meadow and eat grass, and closer to night they again came to their houses. The friends are confused again and don’t know where to go. Are you going to try to send everyone home yourself?”

You can also get ideas from the Internet.

10. Let's draw.

We draw the animal world with watercolors or gouache, while telling an unobtrusive story. You can simply color coloring pages.

The most interesting option is finger paints. For example, look at the hedgehog we made.

You will find many examples on the net.

11. Musical break.

We listen to music and dance with the baby.

Song about a puppy:

Song about a giraffe:

Audio recording: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

A song about a horse. The clip can be viewed at the end of the article.

Audio recording: Adobe Flash Player(version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

And this is before bed, about the bunny:

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12. Finger games

Here's the music:

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

You can have a lot of fun dancing!

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And finally the video

The topic of today's article is games about animals for children. They contribute to the development of speech, memory, and attention of the child. And, of course, they are the foundation for further study natural sciences. The article will be useful to parents of very young children and older preschoolers.

  1. Where to start?
  2. Games for children about animals
  3. Link to download images
  4. Programs for preschoolers

Hello, dear readers! An older preschooler knows about 10-50 different animals. Most of these are mammals and birds. Introduction to the inhabitants underwater world(fish, molluscs, amphibians) and about insects, as a rule, more modest. At the age of 5-6 years, children are quite capable of connecting this or that animal with its habitat. You can read about that in a separate article. So, how can you start introducing your baby to this fascinating world?

Where to start introducing children to animals

There is probably no child who is not interested in animals. From the very early childhood Every baby gets his first ideas about the nature around him: plants, birds, insects, animals. Over time, he develops a fairly solid knowledge base about their behavior, characteristics, sounds made, habitat, and food preferences.

Pictures for kids

Pictures can be useful especially with kids. First of all, they won't scratch or bite. Secondly, you will have the opportunity to show small child those representatives of the animal world that you cannot see on a walk in the park. I advise you to laminate the cards and cut their corners in a semicircle, then they will serve you for several years.

To begin with, just show your child from the age of one year pictures with domestic and wild animals, not forgetting, of course, to say their names. It is important that the image in the picture is realistic and contains only one individual. When the child begins to speak, it turns out that he is able to recognize many of the images in the real world.

Cards are also useful for older children who are mastering the science of reading. The picture can be supplemented by the letter with which the image begins, or by a whole word. My son learned to read using the Doman system, so all our cards had the name of the animal depicted. For example, how we studied where animals and birds live when Alexander was 2 years old. I hung pictures of “houses” on the wall and asked the child to correctly house their inhabitants. The son was happy to help the squirrel come home to the squirrels, and the fox to the cubs. Thus, at the same time, the information “mother-cub” was repeated.

Sorry for the quality, the photo was taken with an old phone model.

Moreover, each picture was accompanied by a short quatrain.

The squirrel's house is a hollow,
It's cozy and warm there.
Stocks it without haste
Squirrel cones and nuts.

They begin to introduce the child to domestic animals: name, sounds made, mother-baby relationship. Moreover, you need to remember both the names of adults and cubs. Then you need to name the child’s parts of their body: head, torso, paws, tail.

The next step is getting to know the representatives wildlife: hare, fox, bear. With older children, you can also consider animals such as turtles, snakes, and insects. If a preschooler is seriously interested in fauna, familiarize him with the forms of protection of its inhabitants from enemies: poison in snakes, mimicry in insects, threatening poses- in some reptiles, the disgusting smell of the protective fluid of a skunk. A visit to the zoological garden and circus is also a good contribution to the treasury of knowledge.

Pets will help you get to know the animal world better

It is important to form a positive attitude towards living beings in the little researcher and instill responsibility for caring for them. If there is a pet in the house, gradually teach your child to take care of it. For example, picking grass for guinea pig or a parrot.

Pets in the house are a real storehouse of positivity. The child learns to care for an animal, becomes kinder, more affectionate and responsible. If you entrust him with the responsibility of ensuring that the puppy or kitten always has food in its bowl, this will make the little owner more disciplined. Our son has been feeding 2 cats living in our home since he was 3 years old. Talk about “infection” has nothing to do with the truth, of course, if the pet is well-groomed and vaccinated. All this applies to children without allergies.

Animal games for children

Let's consider interesting board (not computer!) games for children about animals. Almost each of them will need cards; you can make them yourself by printing pictures from the Internet, as I showed above. Or download from the link that I will give after the description of the games. So read the terms and conditions carefully so that you can choose the right set for downloading at the end.

Game “Whose Tail”?

Even the youngest children can think logically. Let's get acquainted with the game about animals for children “Whose Tail?” Cards with images of various animals, as well as their tails, are laid out in front of the baby. The goal of the game is for each animal to get its own tail. The baby recognizes animals such as lion, tiger, donkey, monkey, hare, skunk, etc. Maybe he already knows some animals. Well, it's nice to meet old friends. While playing, the child simultaneously learns which of them has a long, short, fluffy, thin tail, etc.

Educational games like this one help kids develop logical thinking, speech and memory. And the cards themselves develop fine finger motor skills. You can play at home, in kindergarten or in the center early development. You can draw animals and their tails yourself. If your artistic abilities are more than modest, there are pictures on the Internet.

And at the end of the game, you can watch an interesting cartoon with your child about how everything is given to us by nature for a specific reason.

Zoological lotto

This game about animals for children allows you to consolidate knowledge about the names of domestic and wild animals. Lotto is suitable for children aged three years and older. There can be any number of players, as long as there are enough cards. Children are given cards - 6 images in total. The presenter has similar pictures in his bag. The presenter takes a picture out of the bag and names the animal. The child on whose playing field there is such an image responds, takes the picture and covers the corresponding part of the playing field with it. The winner is the one who covers all the images on the playing field the fastest.

For children 5-6 years old, the game can be complicated. For example, call common feature for animals. The player must place only inhabitants of a certain region on the field:

Kangaroos, koalas, platypus, dingoes - living in Australia.
Tapir, sloth, armadillo, jaguar, anaconda, chinchilla - from South America.
Elephant, lion, wildebeest, giraffe, leopard, baboon are African animals.
Polar bear, seal, reindeer, polar owl - from the Arctic.

Everyone has their own home

The goal of this game about animals for children is to associate the image of a particular inhabitant with the place where he lives. For the game you can use pictures from Lotto animals. There are 6 large fields depicting the habitat and 48 cards - silhouettes for placement on the playing fields. The child sorts the pictures: the wild ones go into the forest, and the sea ones into the water. It is useful to memorize a few poems; they are prepared in advance.

The beaver built a house in the spring
In a quiet river backwater.
Without saw and ax
The house was built by a beaver.

Or these:

The barn is a home for piglets,
There they all sleep and eat.
They love to go out into the yard
And wallow in the mud during the day.

And here is a cartoon about how a sparrow built a house:

Collect a picture

This is a more complicated version of the tail game described above. The child is given a card with an animal drawn on it. The card is cut into several parts. The older it is, the more parts there are. The kid collects the picture. After he succeeds, he tells everything he knows about the received object. For example, a cat: kind, affectionate, fluffy, lives in the house, knows how to catch mice, loves sour cream, fish and milk.

Now my son is almost 6 years old, we have modified this game into assembling puzzles. Alexander collected these beautiful tiger cubs a month ago. At his age, this develops perseverance and concentration. But in addition to putting the picture together, my son had to tell me everything he knew about those depicted on it. For this purpose, the child is provided with children's encyclopedias and a selection of programs about the animal world. We'll talk about all this below.

Find the odd one out

Purpose of the game: to teach the child classification according to certain characteristics.
Children are given five cards with pictures of animals. You need to find the extra ones, and combine the remaining ones using one word. For example: GOAT, PIG, BOAR, CAT, COW. The boar is clearly superfluous here, since it belongs to wild animals, and the rest are domestic ones. However, older children may also call pig extra, since the others begin with the letter “K.”

A creative approach to a task is always a plus. If several people take part in the game, then for each correct answer the child is awarded a chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

Whose child?

This game trains attentiveness and ability to analyze. Variant of zoological lotto. There are images of animals on the playing field. The presenter takes out a picture - the baby’s task is to help the cub find its mother. During the game about animals for children, it is possible to reinforce such concepts as big - small, biggest - smallest. The game can be played by one person or several.

Continuing the topic, you can dive into. Interesting games and activities that are suitable for children 2-4 years old are described in a separate article.

At the end of the game, watch a wonderful cartoon together about how great it is to find your mother!

Cunning beasts

This game will seem interesting to children 7-9 years old. One child or several can play. Give the children cards with pictures of a kangaroo, snake, giraffe, antelope, etc. The child needs to be told what qualities nature has endowed each animal so that he can live comfortably. For example, a giraffe can reach high leaves. The koala is able to survive in arid areas by extracting moisture from eucalyptus leaves. Kangaroos can move quickly across barren Australian desert to find food. A chameleon is able to completely merge with its environment, changing its color. By the way, you can ask your child a question: what will a cunning chameleon look like against a background of green leaves and brown branches?

Feed the animals

To play you need animal cards, as well as pictures with images of treats: carrots, hay, grain, cabbage, apples. Act out a story with your child that he is a zoo worker and needs to feed its inhabitants. For example:

  • hay – antelope, zebra;
  • meat - lion, tiger, panther, wolf;
  • fruits - elephant, monkey;
  • carrots - elephant, hare.

And here is a charming cartoon about food and the dangers of gluttony:

If you are ready to play serious educational games with your child, then you will be interested in an article on. From it you will learn about the experiment with an ostrich egg and interesting facts about snails.

As you can see, dear readers, for board games about animals you will need pictures and cards. Once again, it is not so difficult to find a picture of a cat mother and her kitten, a cow and a calf on the Internet. But we are all limited by time and try to find resources with ready-made material. For several years, organizing thematic classes for my son, I use Lyuba’s cards. She writes the blog Never Be Bored. You can see his logo among my friends in the right column. This beautiful woman and mother of the boy Arseny works wonders in Photoshop. But besides this, she takes seriously the selection of information that is given to the child at back side cards.

On Lyuba’s blog you can download absolutely free lotto, cards, creativity kits, and all this relates to our topic – animals. All material is located, it is designed for different ages, but I’m sure that you can show your imagination and resourcefulness by using pictures in different games, which I wrote about above.

Programs about animals for children

One of the best programs about animals for children is the “Life of Remarkable Animals” series. It will be interesting and understandable to children aged 4-9 years. From the programs the child will learn:

  • how to care for a pet;
  • which dogs are best trained;
  • what breeds of dogs are even considered therapeutic;
  • what competitions can hamsters participate in?
  • can a cat make friends with a snake;
  • what kind of fish travels on sea creatures;
  • who are Baboons and who is the largest of their kind.

These are only some of the questions to which the little viewer will receive answers. Each broadcast lasts 20-25 minutes. Alexander was so engrossed in watching that it was impossible to stop at 1. My son has been dreaming of hamsters for a long time, but since we have cats living with us, purchasing them would be unwise. And just from the program “The Life of Remarkable Animals”, my child learned that hamsters sleep during the day and are awake at night. And his ardor subsided a little.

I made this collection for Alexander, it includes only complete episodes. I will be glad if it is useful to you and your children.

Dear friends, that’s all for today. The topic under discussion is very vast and almost never-ending for study. I hope I was able to unite useful information about animals for children in this article. Please tell us in the comments if your children have had periods of fascination with animals. Did this interest grow or disappear with age? Are there any pets? Can the child cope with caring for them?