The boar's dental system. Kaliningrad hunting club - hunting and game management - boar tusks - a valuable trophy What to put in boar tusks

At your request, Podorov’s taxidermy workshop will produce various trophy craft products from boar tusks. Large assortment, high quality, aesthetics appearancedistinctive features our works of taxidermy art.

Boar - animal symbolism

The wild boar has long been considered a powerful symbolic animal. He has strength, pressure, intelligence, cunning, perseverance. Another name for wild boar is boar. Not every hunter was ready to take on him alone, and only the most courageous, dexterous, and successful were able to defeat such a powerful enemy. Since then, the wild boar has been considered a symbol of military valor. It is also a sign of perseverance in achieving a goal. All these meanings are carried by amulets made from boar tusks.

Quality plus attractiveness

Products made from boar tusks can become interior decorations and a nice gift for both men and women. We will design the craft according to your wishes. This can be either a client’s hunting trophy or a product made from raw materials that we select ourselves. We pay great attention to raw materials and use the highest quality. Today it is not a problem to buy plastic imitation of fangs, animal claws, or “homemade” - real teeth, claws, filled with resin or varnish. However, such inexpensive trinkets are not durable. We use it in the manufacture of products modern technologies. The raw materials are carefully processed and high-quality materials are used.

Range of offers

In addition to the durability and attractiveness of the trophy, we seriously work on the design. In this regard, boar tusks are very convenient and profitable: a huge number of different products can be made from them.

Thus, we offer boar tusks in the form of:

  • amulet - the fang is placed in a frame equipped with a loop for a chain or cord; can be used as a pendant, a pendant around the neck, as a keychain or in another suitable capacity;
  • wall decoration - a pair or two pairs of animal fangs are used, this is especially suitable for immortalizing hunting trophies; a wooden or plastic medallion base is made, onto which the fangs themselves are attached, and decorated with appropriate decor.

We decorate products depending on their purpose. Thus, a wall decoration made from fangs will differ depending on the interior in some details that help the product fit more successfully into a particular style of the room. And the design of the amulet is chosen taking into account whether it is made for a man or a woman, the age of the future owner, and in what capacity it will be used. Silver, plastic, wood, leather and other materials can make completely different interesting jewelry from the same blank.

Good to know: Sometimes clients want to order the largest fangs possible, believing that they carry the most powerful energy of a seasoned animal. And simply according to the principle, more means better. In fact, it is worth knowing that boar tusks of 20-22 cm with a width of approximately 25 mm are ideal for trophies. They are characteristic of boars 4-5 years old. Of course, with age, fangs still grow, but broken or worn-down elements are often found. If you need miniature, elegant, sharp fangs, for example, for feminine decoration, then these correspond to the age of a two-year-old pig.

It is important not only to make a high-quality product, which Podorov’s workshop guarantees, but also to store it correctly. Sudden changes in temperature, mechanical damage, excessive humidity, and for wall decorations - direct contact with sun rays. It is necessary to remove dirt and grease in a timely manner without using strong chemicals.
At correct handling Our taxidermy product will delight its owners for a long time.

Boar tusks are one of the best hunting trophies! A boar hunting- this is definitely a dangerous activity with a lot of thrills, adrenaline in the blood, and, possibly, piercing wounds for the dog, which often falls under the sharp fangs of the cleaver. In this article we will talk about one of the best trophies of a hunter, how to correctly remove boar tusks, how and with what to process them to preserve them. for many years and how to avoid cracking and deterioration of fangs.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the best fangs for a trophy are considered to be fangs 20-23 cm long and a uniform width of about 25 mm. Choppers at the age of 4-5 years have such fangs. In old boars, 6-8 years old, the tusks can reach 25 cm in length and 30 mm. in width. But in boars over seven years old, very often (compared to younger individuals) the fangs are broken off or ground down by several millimeters. A piglet at the age of one year already has small fangs about 2 cm long. And already at the age of 1.5 years they can reach 4 cm. After another year, the fangs protrude by 5 cm or more. At this time they become razor sharp.

If you have not yet removed tusks from a boar’s skull, then it is better to ask a more experienced hunter to help you the first time. If this is not possible, then use the recommendations below, and you will succeed!

First of all, we remove the skin from the boar’s head, cut out all the muscles in the jaw area and the tongue. After this we will need a hacksaw for metal. But we will not be sawing off fangs, but jaws. The lower jaw of the cleaver is sawed off at a distance of 10-15 cm from the fangs, the upper jaw - at a distance of 5-8 cm. The sawing should be parallel to the growth of the fangs.

After we have extracted the jaw, it must be boiled. Pour into some container (bucket or pan) cold water, place the boar jaw there and simmer over low heat. You need to boil until the tusks can be freely removed from the boar’s jaw. This is usually achieved by boiling for just over an hour. Then you need to wait for the water to cool and remove the fangs. After extracting the fangs, they must be freed from the soft tissue adjacent to the fang using hard tissue. Then the internal soft tissues of the tooth (pulp) are removed. Ordinary tweezers will help us with this, or, if this “tool” is not available, then ordinary wire. The fangs are wiped with a soft cloth inside and out. Some hunters wipe their fangs with a rag soaked in alcohol. Dry the fangs for no more than a day, since due to a sharp change in temperature they crack and fall apart. After drying, the fangs are poured.

Important!!! Before filling, the fangs must be degreased with gasoline or alcohol.

Some hunters use wax or paraffin for filling. But these materials are suitable for filling fangs that will be constantly in one temperature conditions. If the temperature changes, sooner or later they will crack. The most reasonable solution would be to fill the boar's tusks epoxy resin. After pouring, until the resin hardens, it is recommended to insert a wire into the fangs (with its help we will attach the trophy to the stand board). But filling only protects the fangs from cracking, and it cannot prevent the destruction of the enamel. To preserve the enamel, boar tusks are coated with two layers of colorless varnish or colorless glue. Treating fangs with fat can also prevent enamel destruction.

The choice of place where the trophy will be stored is also important. There is no need to hang it in the kitchen, where there is constant heat from the stove, near heating appliances and wherever it gets sunlight. In short, avoid high temperatures! Good luck on your hunt and great trophies!

Boar tusk in silver.

In our country, the most common species and the most valuable object of hunting are wild boars. They are very common and live both in the western part of Russia, for example, in the Tver, Smolensk, Pskov regions, and in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, in Far East. For lately wild boars are spreading ever closer to the north, to the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Sverdlovsk, and Tyumen regions. This animal is valued by hunters for its bold, sometimes daring nature; it is very unpredictable and therefore the most dangerous beast. Due to its qualities, a mature boar is also called a cleaver, or boar at the moment when it reaches its full power. Even such large and dangerous animals as bears and tigers avoid this beast. There were cases during the hunt when about 30 dogs were released at the boar, baited by a wild boar, but he hid from pursuit, scattering them. Many paintings and stories are dedicated to boar hunting. If the hunt is successful, the trophy becomes more valuable.

And boar tusks are its main trophy value. Despite the fact that wild boars are hunted a lot, a properly extracted and processed boar tusk is a rarity. Most fangs have defects due to improper extraction from the mouth, improper processing, and this subsequently leads to the formation of cracks or complete splitting of the fang.

Boar tusk in silver filled from the inside special composition indistinguishable from bone cartilage, and thereby protected from possible splitting. The outer part of the fang does not have enamel that easily cracks like that of wolves and bears; the surface of the cleaver fang is very durable and therefore does not particularly require external coatings. But at the customer’s request, the outer surface of the fang can also be protected with a thin transparent coating, similar to lamination.

The fang itself is suspended using a 925 sterling silver cap molded to its shape, and has a soldered cast silver eye through which you can thread any leather cord or silver chain up to 7 cm thick.

The wild boar is a fairly large animal that can reach up to one and a half meters in length. Weight adult varies from 150 to 300 kilograms. The boar's bristly fur resembles the coloration of a bear with a slight reddish tint. Their distinctive feature can be called large lower fangs, the size of which can be about 25 centimeters. This dexterous and agile animal is capable of accelerating up to 40 km per hour, which makes it elusive for both wild animals and hunters. On top of that, the wild boar swims well and jumps at a distance of 3.5 meters.

The role of fangs

The main function performed by the fangs of a wild boar is defense and attack. Most main threat for this animal a pack of wolves, hunters or a bear can act. When attacked, a boar is capable of inflicting lacerations thanks to its tusks. Everyone knows that the boar is an animal that people hunt with pleasure. You should know that this beast is not so stupid. There have been many cases when wild boars lured a person to the reeds using various tricks, after which they suddenly attacked. It is very difficult to escape from the fangs of an angry boar; they are deadly. When an animal is wounded, it becomes enraged and may attack in response. In such a wounded and enraged state, even the wolves do not touch him.

Wild boar habitats

The boar (wild boar) is a fairly common species that lives throughout Europe, Asia, America and other tropical places. This animal has taken root in coniferous forests, and in deserts. The most favorite place for such wild boars is oak forests. Very often like this big boar found in the Caucasus, Transbaikalia mountain rivers. The boar is a herd animal. Females are smaller in size than males and have a smaller habitat with piglets than a male. Its territory depends on the saturation of food in a particular place. These stray animals are capable of traveling several kilometers in one day in search of food.

Animal nutrition

The boar is an animal that eats quite varied. The boar's most favorite delicacies are:

  • Bulbous plants.
  • Various roots.
  • Nuts, acorns, berries.
  • Herbaceous plants.
  • Frogs, lizards, snakes.
  • Various insects.
  • Bird eggs.

Wild boar offspring

An animal such as a boar (boar) is divided into 25 subspecies, for which characteristic features are stocky body With big head, wide ears and small eyes. All adults protect their herds. Each female is capable of producing approximately five piglets annually, each of which can weigh about half a kilogram after birth. Nature itself took care of the safety of the babies and painted them with stripes, which makes small wild boars less noticeable, unlike adult boars with a dark color. Since wild pigs most often unite in huge herds in autumn time In order to protect their young, even wolves do not always decide to attack pig offspring.

Boar character

Most boars prefer to spend their day in gray, marshy areas, wallowing in holes. In case of danger, this huge boar is able to escape through thickets impenetrable to other animals and swim across water obstacle, and, if necessary, attack. After all, everyone knows that the best defense is an attack. The big boar tries to avoid meeting people, but there are often cases when hunters and dogs run into trouble themselves and they can find it. A pig's hearing is quite well developed, so for everyone's safety, feeding is done at night. The behavior of females should also be noted, because for the sake of their offspring they are ready to go into fire, into water, and even into an armed man, whom they will pursue to the last.


In order not to once again run into such a deadly animal as a boar, it is recommended to act as follows:

  1. Be as careful as possible and do not come close to a flock of wild boars. It's best to leave before the person is spotted.
  2. If you happen to stumble upon a piglet, you should keep in mind that the mother is definitely somewhere nearby.
  3. If tracks of a boar were found, it is better to go in the other direction, away from this pig trail.
  4. When a boar takes a person by surprise, there is no need to attack him. The best way out of this situation is to climb onto tall tree and hide for a while.

Hatching of offspring

Pregnancy of females can last about 120 days, after which they are temporarily separated from their herd to build a nest in some quiet place. The new “home” for the brood looks more like a hut made of branches. During this crucial period, the mother becomes as aggressive as possible, which allows her to reliably protect and protect her cubs. Unlike males, the female does not have huge, terrifying fangs, but this does not mean at all that she is harmless. When defending or attacking, she is capable of overpowering and trampling her victim to death. After the offspring grow up, all family members return to the herd.

Life in the wild

Nature provides everything, but this does not mean at all that life in this world will be without difficulties and obstacles, even for wild boars. Without a doubt the tusks of the boar are powerful weapon and assistant during the entire period of their existence. But to predict weather conditions, which significantly complicate their lives, is impossible. Snow makes it difficult for them to move, as a result of which the animals are able to overcome only one and a half kilometers, which threatens them with hunger and no fangs or speed of the animal will help with this.

The skin of a boar is quite thick, especially in the thigh area. Many hunters know this firsthand. An animal wounded in the thigh is worse than a healthy one, since such an angry animal is capable of fighting the offender to the last.

Everyone knows that the boar is an animal that emits a terrible roar that can put anyone into a stupor. When meeting an animal, you need to remember that it has an excellent sense of smell and hearing, but its vision is slightly lame - this can be used in certain situations for your salvation. IN wildlife When this huge boar comes face to face with an opponent, he will never retreat, no matter how many enemies surround him.

wild boar

The boar is an animal with a rather unusual appearance. Its body can be divided into two parts: back and front. From the front, the boar is huge and massive, with a smooth flowing body that tapers strongly at the back. That's why he looks slightly hunched over. The comb, which stretches along the entire back, gives aggressiveness. Upon reaching three years of age, the boar develops two pairs of powerful tusks. Females are very different in this matter from their partners. These weapons can become sharper and more dangerous over the years, as wild boars constantly sharpen them on stones and frozen ground. The wild boar is an animal that resembles a kind of tank, capable of making its way through even the most impenetrable thickets with lightning speed. This allows you to save your life if necessary. And the animal’s favorite pastime is mud baths.

The body of a boar is so dense and knitted that it more closely resembles a bristly shell, which not every hunter can pierce, but can easily irritate the animal. This animal is unusually strong and is capable of turning over huge stones and picking out ground frozen to 10 centimeters. Of course, meeting one-on-one with such a powerful killer as a boar is a sad story, but one should not give in to panic, even if the beast squeals and tries to intimidate a person. You must always soberly assess the situation. If you do not approach the animal and its cubs, do not provoke it, and do not get noticed, then problems can be avoided. As a last resort, it is recommended to climb the nearest tree - this is the only correct option.

It doesn't matter what year it is, what era, and what path development is underway civilization, the magic of animal amulets, boar's tusk amulets, is still in each of us in the blood. Created by Svarog in the world revealed by the Rod, we remember the dull bitter smell of forest and snow, we hear the howling of wolves and blizzards, our ear sensitively catches the ringing of a fired arrow. And may we, children of megacities and high technology, have never experienced this, our genetic memory stores these memories.

The cult of wild animals in an archaic society, where hunting was one of the main types of human activity and a guarantor of human survival, is associated with the use of animal parts in cult practices. It was believed that with the help boar tusk amulet, a warrior or hunter could receive the spirit of the beast as an ally. But, having acquired the spirit, a person receives not only strength, but a whole kind of strength. The spirit animal has its own characteristics and capabilities, and a person who enters into a spiritual union with it has a chance to develop the corresponding abilities.

If your totem is a boar, you can become a good healer, you can learn to heal ailments. The Pig is reasonable and careful, but sometimes in moments of danger it goes ahead, regardless of the real risks.

Boar, dedicated to Perun, strong amulet Boar's Tusk

The boar is mighty, he is the real master of the forest, the wolves are merciless, the lynx is cunning and fierce, but the hunter was not as afraid of them as he was afraid of facing a boar one on one. This beast is cruel and obstinate. Having angered him, he won’t have to wait long for his cruel death. The features of this predator inspired respect and horror in people. The Slavs dedicated the boar to Perun, the god of military power, the lord of thunderstorms. The boar symbolizes military valor, but at the same time – greed, irrepressible pride, lust and violation of innocence. So much for this to a ferocious predator observed everywhere. Thus, it is known that boars were depicted on the helmets of warriors in Ancient Greece, in order to emphasize military power states.

Real boar tusk has been used since ancient times as amulet. Despite the fact that this is a male amulet that bestows strength and perseverance in achieving a goal, it was also worn by women in the form of pendants, on the neck or on the belt. Two boar tusks, connected in the shape of a crescent, were used to protect the horse. Boar Tusk can be used in an amulet, as an attunement to the Boar totem, as a key to a powerful egregor.