Biography. Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov: biography, scientific works, memory He was an easy-going person

Slide 2. 2016 marked the 95th anniversary of the birth of Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov, an outstanding scientist of our time.

What do you know about G.A. Ilizarov?

Slide 3. Ilizarov Gavriil Abramovich is an outstanding surgeon, specialist in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

G.A. Ilizarov short, energetic, with a bushy mustache and lively brown eyes under his thick eyebrows, he somewhat resembled a wizard from oriental tales. It was this man who was able to bring the fairy tale to life.

Doctor Ilizarov is called the “Kurgan magician”, “healer of the century”, “genius of orthopedics”, “wizard”...

His invention ranks among the greatest discoveries of the 20th century. The method, which seemed like a miracle, is now successfully used all over the world.

Slide 4. From 1944 until his death, the biography of G.A. Ilizarova was closely connected with the Trans-Urals. In 1971, he was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Kurgan", and in 2003 (posthumously) - the title "Honorary Citizen of the Kurgan Region". Academician G.A. Ilizarov is business card Kurgan region.

Considering the invaluable contribution of G.A. Ilizarov to domestic and world science, as well as to the development of healthcare in the Kurgan region, 2016 was declared the “Year of Ilizarov” in the Kurgan region.

Biography of G.A. Ilizarov

Slide 5. Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov was born on June 15, 1921 in the city of Belovezh, Belarusian SSR. Soon after his birth, the Ilizarov family moved to relatives in the village of Kusary, on the border of Azerbaijan with Dagestan. The future scientist spent his childhood years here.

The large Ilizarov family lived poorly. Gabriel was youngest child. The family had 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Life in such a family in those years was difficult and hungry. It was necessary to earn bread for himself, and Gabriel tended the livestock of his fellow villagers.

Slide 6. He developed a desire to be a doctor after he became seriously ill and a local doctor saved the boy from certain death. The goal was clear - to become a doctor to heal people!

He went to school only at the age of 11, but having passed his exams primary classes, was immediately enrolled in 5th grade. He finished his seven-year school with excellent marks, and continued his studies at the workers' faculty in the city of Buinaksk. In 1939, as an excellent student, he was sent to study at the Crimean medical school.

Slide 7. In 1944, Ilizarov graduated from the Crimean Medical Institute and, as a young specialist, was assigned to the Kurgan region to work in a rural hospital.

Working conditions: hunger, devastation, poverty and almost complete absence medical service. There was no question about a medical specialty - the only doctor in the area should provide assistance to everyone who needs it. So I had to work - for everyone at once.

Slide 8. During the war, and even after its end, disabled front-line soldiers returned. Compassion for them makes the doctor enthusiastic about finding a method for treating bone fractures and restoring musculoskeletal functions.

“One of the first patients was a village accordion player, unable to move without crutches. Gavriil Abramovich brought him to his feet. It was like a miracle."

Slide 9. The problems of treating bone injuries interested G.A. Ilizarov while still studying at the institute. At the same time, the first original ideas appeared. But through research, invention and experimentation (on own funds and in his free time) he took it seriously when he became a qualified doctor. Ideas took on real shape and took shape in a unique methodology. In 1951 he proposed his own, new way healing of bones during fractures. The device he built seemed like a “magic machine” from a fairy tale - it lengthened limbs, corrected congenital and acquired defects as a result of injuries. Thanks to the Ilizarov apparatus, it is possible to restore missing parts of the limbs, including the foot, fingers, and also lengthen the limb.

Slide 10. In 1952, the Krasny Kurgan newspaper reported that he had lengthened his limb by 12.5 cm. This was the first report in the world of lengthening a limb by such a large amount.

Slide 11. Having accumulated a certain number of treated patients, having completed, one might say, albeit unofficial, clinical trials of his methods and equipment, an orthopedic surgeon from the outback went to the capital for support.

But the venerable surgeons of the capital did not want to recognize Ilizarov’s new technique. Ilizarov’s technique was very progressive for that time; all traditional surgery, orthopedics and traumatology suddenly became obsolete. A huge number of doctors would have to retrain and master new methods of treating injuries and congenital pathologies. Most novice traumatologists knew nothing about the Ilizarov method due to its silence.

Soon the name of the Kurgan surgeon was hung with all the label titles - false scientist, healer, shaman, irresponsible bone-breaker, etc.

Slide 12. But then something happened that saved the almost hunted Ilizarov. In 1965, a motorcyclist was involved in an accident. Not quite ordinary - this was the world record holder in high jump, the legend and pride of Soviet sports Valery Brumel. The tragedy, as a result of which an athlete crowned with every conceivable award turned out to be disabled, was experienced by the whole country.

The broken jumper, of course, fell into the hands of the officially best surgeons of the USSR. They did what they could at its best. A famous athlete was literally assembled from pieces of broken bones.

Brumel was brought back to life, put on his feet, but - alas! - one of them became much shorter than the other. We had to forget about sports and especially world competitions.

Slide 13. And then someone advised: you have nothing to lose, contact a Kurgan surgeon. They say a lot of amazing things about him, and even more write that he is a worthless bone breaker. What if?..

This is how Valery Brumel ended up in Ilizarov’s hands. And another slow miracle began in a modest Kurgan clinic. Probably, it is still necessary to explain what the specifics of the Ilizarov method are, because you may not know this. Broken bones (as a result of injury or artificially) are moved apart a millimeter to one and a half per day - just enough so that new bone tissue has time to grow. To prevent the fragments from moving and injuring each other and the surrounding muscle tissue, the entire supporting load is taken on by the outer metal frame. It has a screw thread and nuts, with the help of which you can lengthen the limb in strictly measured doses. Regeneration is controlled by x-rays.

Slide 14. The athlete was treated using the device, lengthening his crippled leg by 6 centimeters. Valery began training, and after two months he reached a height of 2 meters 5 centimeters. However, in 1969, during the competition, Brumel received a new injury - he tore the knee ligament on his push leg. And again after treatment with G.A. Ilizarov, was able to return to the sport and reach a height of 2 meters 7 centimeters. In 1963, the world record set by Valery Brumel was 2 meters 28 centimeters. These sports results became a revolution in world traumatology and orthopedics!

Slide 15. It was thanks to the worldwide popularity of Valery Brumel, the bar, which was not knocked down at a phenomenal height for a former disabled person, that helped the Ilizarov method become famous and enter into widespread medical practice.

The news about the miracle device and the magician doctor from Kurgan spread throughout the country, and then throughout the world. The research results began to be widely covered in scientific medical literature and special journals. Thanks to G.A. Ilizarov, Russian orthopedics and traumatology took a leading position in the world.

Slide 16. In 1971 G.A. Ilizarov created the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology (KNIIEKOT).

Slide 17. For the sake of imagery, Gavriil Abramovich compares his invention to a children's construction set - there are such wonderful games for children. The box contains various pieces of hardware, fasteners, squares, and wheels. If you want, make a car out of them, or if you want - an airplane or a ship. You can even build something unusual of your own design.

There are about thirty different parts in Dr. Ilizarov’s apparatus - rings, rods, nuts, squares; short and long plates with holes.

With a good imagination, you can assemble many different interesting toys from a children's construction set. So it is with the Ilizarov apparatus. It seems that the details are the same, but the modifications and purpose of the devices are different depending on the nature of the disease.

Slide 18. Ilizarov constantly modernized his apparatus. His new products corrected club feet, bow legs, and eliminated the so-called false joints formed as a result of non-union of broken bones. He modeled feet or hands in their complete absence and created a living “prosthesis”, performed “cosmetic” operations to straighten or lengthen ugly legs and much more, which fully deserved both the highest awards and folk tales.

Slide 19. One Italian newspaper published material about the work of KNIIEKOT, which said that Ilizarov’s technique gives limb lengthening by 20 - 35 cm. Then no one could even think about a five-centimeter lengthening - and suddenly such a statement.

The newspaper asked the famous Italian orthopedic professor Monticelli to comment. He, having familiarized himself with the material, rendered a verdict: “Two mistakes are likely here. Firstly, the journalist could have made a mistake by not understanding the essence of the issue. Secondly, Professor Ilizarov may be deliberately misleading us.”

Slide 20. In 1987, the institute became All-Union, and in 2005 received a new name - Russian science center“Restorative traumatology and orthopedics” named after academician G.A. Ilizarov. Center G.A. Ilizarov has its own emblem with the inscription “Directing the Forces of Nature.”

Slide 21. The structure of the Center includes a consultation and outpatient department, a hospital with 800 beds, an animal clinic, pilot plant. The RRC employs 6 academicians, 11 professors, 29 doctors of science and 102 candidates of science.

Slide 22. G.A. Ilizarov conducted ongoing international courses teaching his method of fusion and lengthening of bones. In Kurgan in 1983, 1986, international conferences, in which more than 500 scientists and practitioners our country and 89 foreign guests from 21 countries.

Method G.A. Ilizarov is used in many foreign countries: Spain, France, England, USA, Mexico, etc.

Slide 23. Within the walls of the Center, patients of different nationalities live and become forever friends, from different countries peace.

There is a children's department in the Center. It was literally imbued with kindness, spontaneity and sympathy between the sick and their healers. Unusual psychological climate, tenderness and care pushed into the background the suffering and pain in the wounded arms and legs, helped not to be afraid of blood, and to be more courageous about upcoming operations and procedures.

G.A. Ilizarov was the kids' favorite. Not a single matinee was held in the children's department without his presence. Forgetting about the high status of the leader, Dr. Ilizarov entertained the young audience with the tricks of a real illusionist with the mysterious appearance and disappearance of balls, ribbons, cards and other props.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, laureate of the Lenin Prize, among many awards, especially highlighted the Order of Smiles.

Slide 24. The Order of the Smile is an international award given to famous people that bring joy to children. These are doctors, writers, teachers, musicians, famous politicians and religious figures.

Dr. Ilizarov became the second in the Soviet Union (after the famous puppeteer actor Sergei Obraztsov) to receive the only order in the world that is awarded to the children of their adult friends.

Slide 25. Not only people, but also “lesser brothers” can count on help and salvation. It happened that homeless mongrels and crippled geese ended up on the operating table. Unique orthopedic mechanisms adorned the mangled wings and paws. Probably, the hero of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, Doctor Aibolit, was just like that, kind-hearted and competent, unable to refuse a single living creature.

Slide 26. G.A. Ilizarov went from a district hospital doctor to the director of the All-Union Kurgan Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.A. Ilizarov:
Honored Doctor of the RSFSR (1965),
Honored Inventor of the RSFSR (1975),
Honored Inventor of the USSR (1985),
Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1991).

He has been awarded many domestic and foreign awards, medals and prizes.

Slide 27. In 1992, in the seventy-second year of his life, G.A. Ilizarov died suddenly of heart failure. He was buried in Kurgan in the cemetery of the village of Ryabkovo.

Slide 28. Memory In 1982, the astronomer of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Lyudmila Karachkina named the asteroid 3750 Ilizarov, discovered by her on October 14, 1982.

In September 1988, artist Israil Tsvaygenbaum flew to the city of Kurgan, where he spent 6 days with Ilizarov to make sketches. Later a portrait of Dr. G.A. was painted. Ilizarov.

June 15, 1993, on the initiative general director RAMS V.I. Shevtsov opened a museum of the history of the development of the Ilizarov Center.

In 1993, the Foundation named after. G.A. Ilizarov.

Slide 29. A monument to the founder and creator of the method and center, Academician G.A., was unveiled on the territory of the RRC “VTO”. Ilizarov.

Since 1995, in memory of G.A. Ilizarov is published practical journal"The genius of orthopedics."

In 2011, a Russian postal envelope dedicated to Ilizarov was issued.

Books are written and films are made about Ilizarov.

In 2011, in Kurgan, director Andrei Romanov filmed documentary“He dedicated his life to people,” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of G.A. Ilizarov.

Slide 30. G.A. Ilizarov left behind a good memory and a rich heritage: thousands of students who mastered his methods, more than six hundred scientific papers, about two hundred inventions, more than two hundred methods of treating previously incurable diseases of the musculoskeletal system...

Materials used:

Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov is an outstanding surgeon of our time who has made an invaluable contribution to the development of traumatology, clinical physiology of the musculoskeletal system and orthopedics.
Gabriel Abramovich was born in 1921 in the village of Belovezh, Belarusian SSR. Was the sixth child in a poor family Jewish family. Soon after the birth of their son, the family moved to the village of Khusary, Azerbaijan. From childhood, the boy worked as a shepherd - first for rich people, and then on a collective farm. He went to school quite late - at the age of 11. But even then the outstanding mind of the future doctor was evident; the boy was enrolled in the fourth grade, as he immediately passed the exams in the primary school curriculum.
Gabriel Abramovich was an excellent student, and for his academic success in 1939 he was sent to the Crimean Medical Institute to study. When the war began, the institute was evacuated to Kazakhstan. After graduating from the institute, the young specialist Gavriil Ilizarov was sent to the Dolgovsky district hospital of the Kurgan region. He started as a doctor at a regional hospital, and, after a long and difficult journey, in 1987 he became the director of the Kurgan Scientific Center for Rehabilitation Traumatology and Orthopedics.
Gavriil Abramovich's contribution to medicine is difficult to overestimate. In 1951, he designed a device that made bloodless treatment of bone fractures possible. Today this device is widely known to everyone as the Ilizarov apparatus. Also, the genius of his time developed unique method compression-distraction osteosynthesis, thanks to which millions of people in the world have the opportunity to restore missing parts of the limbs, such as the foot and fingers. This method is also widely used for limb lengthening. In 1968, thanks to the high assessment of this work, the chairman of the dissertation council of the Perm Medical Institute, Professor Wagner, was immediately awarded the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences without receiving the title of candidate. Ilizarov wrote more than 600 scientific papers, he has 194 inventions and 13 foreign patents. Thanks to his work and perseverance, a research center for restorative traumatology and orthopedics was created, which continues to operate successfully today. During his life, the outstanding doctor was awarded various awards and titles, and he was also posthumously awarded the title of honorary citizen of the Kurganin region.
On July 24, 1992, the heart stopped outstanding person of his time, Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov. But the achievements that he gave to humanity still help people all over the world.

Tombstone (old)
Tombstone (new)
Scientific center in Kurgan
Monument in Kurgan
Memorial plaque in Kurgan

AND Gavriil Abramovich Lizarov is an outstanding Soviet surgeon, specialist in the field of traumatology, clinical physiology of the musculoskeletal system and orthopedics, director of the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Born on June 15, 1921, Belovezha, Polesie Voivodeship, Poland, now the village of Belovezha, Pruzhany District, Brest Region, Belarus in peasant family. By nationality – Mountain Jew. Soon after his birth, the family returned to their father’s homeland in the village of Khusary (now the city of Qusary, Azerbaijan). WITH early years worked, herding sheep for the rich, and then as a shepherd on a collective farm. I went to school only at the age of 11, but after passing the primary school exams I was immediately enrolled in the 4th grade. He finished his seven-year school with excellent marks and continued his studies at the workers' faculty in the city of Buinaksk.

In 1939, as an excellent student, he was sent to study at the Crimean Medical Institute. With the outbreak of war with the institute, he was evacuated to the city of Kzyl-Orda (Kazakhstan). In 1944, upon completion of his studies, he was sent to the Kurgan region, to the Dolgovsky district hospital. He worked his way up from a doctor at a district hospital to the director of the Kurgan Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics (1987).

In 1951, he first introduced into practice the bloodless treatment of fractures of tubular bones using an apparatus he designed (Ilizarov apparatus), which made it possible to develop a new method of compression-distraction osteosynthesis - replacing defects in tubular bones by lengthening one of the fragments (1967). Thanks to this method, it is possible to restore missing parts of the limbs, including the foot, fingers, and also lengthen the limb.

In 1968 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

In 1966, Ilizarov was appointed head of a problem laboratory (at the Sverdlovsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics) to substantiate and implement the proposed method into clinical practice. In 1969, the laboratory was transformed into a branch of the Leningrad NIITO, and in December 1971 into the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology (KNIIEKOT).

U Kazakh Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 12, 1981 for great services in the development of medical science, public health and in connection with the sixtieth anniversary of the birth of the professor Ilizarov Gabriel Abramovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In 1987, he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1991, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1987, the institute became an All-Union Institute, and in 1993, the Russian Scientific Center “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics” was named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov. The Center's scientists study the processes of regeneration and growth of bone and other tissues, conduct fundamental and applied biomedical and medical engineering research, develop and implement new technical means and methods of treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic and traumatological patients. Scientists and doctors of the Center have defended more than 200 candidate and 50 doctoral dissertations, published 3.5 thousand scientific papers, prepared 150 methodological manuals for practicing doctors, more than 30 monographs and 40 thematic collections scientific works. The Center provides training for orthopedic traumatologists using the Ilizarov method, a dissertation council, graduate school and clinical residency.

Lived in Kurgan. Died on July 24, 1992. He was buried in Kurgan in the cemetery of the village of Ryabkovo.

Awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, medals, as well as orders and medals foreign countries. He was assigned honorary titles: “Honored Doctor of the RSFSR” (1965), “Honored Inventor of the RSFSR” (1975), “Honored Inventor of the USSR” (1985), “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR” (1991).

Lenin Prize laureate (1978). Honorary citizen of the Kurgan region (2003, posthumously).

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2001, the Russian Scientific Center “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics” named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov for achieving significant results in the field of quality medical services and the introduction of highly effective methods of treatment quality management was awarded a prize from the Government of the Russian Federation. Since 2005 official name Center - Federal government agency Science "Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics" named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov Federal Health Agency and social development" There is a bust monument in front of the center building, and a memorial plaque on the house where the scientist lived.

Ilizarov Gavriil Abramovich is an outstanding Soviet surgeon, specialist in the field of traumatology, clinical physiology of the musculoskeletal system and orthopedics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov was born on June 15, 1921 in the city of Kusary. The future scientist spent his childhood years here. I went to school only at the age of 11, but after passing the primary school exams I was immediately enrolled in the 4th grade. He finished his seven-year school with excellent marks, and continued his studies at the workers' faculty in the city of Buinaksk. In 1939, as an excellent student, he was sent to study at the Crimean Medical Institute.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and together with the institute, Gavriil Abramovich is evacuated to Kazakhstan. In 1944, the young specialist was assigned to the Kurgan region to work in a rural hospital, and in 1955 he became the head of the surgical department of the Kurgan regional hospital.

In 1951 G.A. Ilizarov, proposed a fundamentally new method of healing bones during fractures. Thanks to this method, it is possible to restore missing parts of the limbs, including the foot, fingers, and also lengthen the limb. For the first time, methods of bloodless elimination of deformities and lengthening of limbs, regulation of bone growth and their thickening began to be used. The very difficult problem of eliminating large bone defects using surgical and conservative methods without the use of grafts was solved. The art of doctors was capable of correcting false joints as a result of improperly healed fractures and treating injuries complicated by osteomyelitis.

In 1966, Ilizarov was appointed head of the problem laboratory (at the Sverdlovsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics) to substantiate and implement the proposed method into clinical practice. In 1968 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. In 1969, the laboratory was transformed into a branch of the Leningrad NIITO, and in December 1971 into the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology (KNIIEKOT). In 1987, the institute became an All-Union Institute, and in 1993, the Russian Scientific Center “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics” was named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov. The Center's scientists study the processes of regeneration and growth of bone and other tissues, conduct fundamental and applied medical-biological and medical-engineering research, develop and implement new technical means and methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic and trauma patients.

Ilizarov is the author of more than 600 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 194 inventions, 13 foreign patents. Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, medals, as well as orders and medals of foreign countries. He was awarded the honorary titles: “Honored Doctor of the RSFSR” (1965), “Honored Inventor of the RSFSR” (1975), “Honored Inventor of the USSR” (1985), “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR” (1991). Lenin Prize laureate (1978). Honorary citizen of the Kurgan region (2003, posthumously).

G.A. died Ilizarov July 24, 1992 Buried in the city of Kurgan. In 1993, the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics was named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov. Since 2005, the official name of the Center is the Federal State Institution of Science “Russian Scientific Center “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics” named after Academician G.A. Ilizarov Federal Agency for Health and Social Development."

Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov was born on June 15, 1921 in the city of Belovezh (now the territory of Belarus) into a poor family, which soon after his birth moved to Kusary (now Azerbaijan).

He went to school only at the age of 11, although he passed several classes as an external student, so he ended up straight into the fifth. Having graduated in $1938, he continued his studies at the workers' faculty in Buinaksk, after which he entered the Crimean Medical Institute.

In $1944, Ilizarov received a diploma of higher education. Due to the evacuation of the institute during World War II, Ilizarov completed his studies in the Kazakh SSR. First, he got a job as a doctor in a regional hospital, and later went to a rural hospital in Dolgovka, Kurgan region, where after some time he became the head physician. The hospital was small, and Ilizarov had to work for several specialists at once. It was here that he became interested in traumatology and, in particular, the possibility of treating fractures using an external fixation device.

Note 1

In $1966, a problem laboratory of the Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics was opened in Kurgan, with Ilizarov becoming its head. The main task The laboratory's work was to study the method of transosseous osteosynthesis.

In $1968, Ilizarov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic he was working on recent years: "Compression osteosynthesis using the author's apparatus."

In $1969, a branch of the LNIITO named after. R.R. Vreden, which after two years of successful work was transformed into the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology. There was no more suitable leader for the new institute than the head of the laboratory, Ilizarov.

Until the end of his life, Gabriel Abramovich worked as the director of this institution, which was eventually reorganized into the All-Union Kurgan Scientific Center “Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics.” The center had $10$ branches in various cities of the USSR. In $1991 he became an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

Gabriel Abramovich Ilizarov died on July 24, 1992. The national center where he spent the last years of his medical practice was named in his honor.

Contribution to medicine

Ilizarov always found inspiration in traumatology. While working in a rural hospital, he drew attention to the problems of tissue regeneration after bone fractures. He developed and presented his own theory of osteogenesis, which became the basis of a new treatment method - compression-distraction osteosynthesis. To fix the bones in the manner necessary for the new method, he created a special metal structure - an external fixation apparatus. He first presented his method at a meeting of the Kurgan Regional Scientific Society of Surgeons in $1951.

A little later, Ilizarov proposed using the same apparatus to replace defects in long bones. This method earned him the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1968 without receiving the title of candidate.

Note 2

Until 1968, Ilizarov's methods were not taken seriously. However, everything changed after the famous athlete and world record holder in high jump Valery Brumel turned to him for help. After the injury, the athlete's leg was shortened, and therefore he lost the opportunity to continue his career as an athlete. Gavriil Abramovich, using an extrafocal osteosynthesis apparatus, lengthened his leg by 6 centimeters. Just two months after the device was removed, Brumel returned to sports. His new achievements showed the world the effectiveness of Ilizarov’s techniques.

Ilizarov authored about six hundred scientific papers, including three monographs, about two hundred inventions, and thirteen foreign patents. In addition, he was one of the editors of the journal Orthopedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics.

For his practice, Gabriel Abramovich was awarded many domestic and foreign awards, medals, orders and prizes.

In memory of the great scientist, a monument was erected in Kurgan.