Biography and personal life of Larisa Guzeeva. Personal life and children of Larisa Guzeeva The son of Larisa Guzeeva married an old lover

59-year-old TV presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva said two days ago that she and her daughter Lelya flew to Tbilisi, and today announced the wedding of her son George.

« Lelka and I are in Tbilisi! ❣️ and I can finally devote all my time and attention to her!❤️ We chose best hotel ?Very central but very quiet! Wood, lots of light and air, huge room, comfortable beds and!!! Pillow Menu!!!?In short buzz!”, Larisa wrote under the photo.

And today the TV presenter said: Today my only, unique, beloved SON IS MARRIED!»

Larisa announced the wedding of her 26-year-old son George in the morning, promising to show fans pictures from the wedding later: “ There will be a lot of photos: I will thank everyone who loves us and helps us!».

« Well, everything! I went for my boy! For your beloved SON!”, signed photo Guzeeva.

The fact that George Tolordava is ready to marry his beloved Anna became known back in August last year. The TV presenter was happier than ever, because she is familiar with her son's bride, and has long accepted her into the family. Guzeeva calls her beloved George "my dear and beloved girl" and treats her like her own daughter.

« Anya is an amazing girl, wise, loving and understanding, the TV star says. - We have long accepted her into our family. George is very lucky to have her. And even more so for me!»

At one time, it was Larisa who insisted that the lovers settle together. She was bribed that the girl is economic, modest, avoids vulgarity in clothes and makeup, and will surely become a good mother. Guzeeva dreams of several grandchildren at once: one or even two is not enough, she believes.

In April of this year, information “surfaced” that Larisa Guzeeva, a well-known Russian actress and TV presenter, has an illegitimate son.

This news was shown on the first TV channel on the program "Let's Get Married".

This TV show is aimed at ensuring that people find their mates with the help of matchmakers. So on the first of April, a guy from Cuba came to the TV show with his mother, who told a terrible secret.

According to her, twenty-nine years ago, she came to the house of her boyfriend, with whom she had a relationship. She had long suspected that he was not being honest with her, but had no idea by how much. Arriving without an invitation, she saw in her arms a beloved baby, who, as it turned out, was his son.

This boy was the fruit of forbidden love with a Russian woman. The woman said that he could not leave the child without a father, but he also could not tell his relatives about the violation of the rules. Therefore, he stole the child from his beloved Larisa and asked her to become a mother for the boy.

In the woman's story, the secret was revealed that Wilkin's mother is Larisa Guzeeva, who was in Cuba 29 years ago. Naturally, such news was a shock not only for viewers, but also for the colleagues on the TV show themselves. The TV presenter nervously left the audience and returned there only some time later. Thereafter foster mother the guy showed everyone a photo of the actress and her husband in his youth.

This news shocked everyone and literally scattered on the Internet. Everyone discussed that, indeed, Larisa is the mother of this guy. Few people believed in this information, since there were quite a few reasons for this. It was clear that this could not be broadcast, as it would greatly affect her reputation.

And Guzeeva's reaction was not natural. The viewers' doubts were correct, as this information turned out to be a common April Fool's prank. Thus, the motherhood of the illegitimate child of the actress is refuted. Despite this, talk about it has not subsided to this day.

The story of the son struck Larisa Guzeeva. But then she admitted that she really had an affair with the father of a 28-year-old Cuban, and that indeed, as a result of this relationship, she had a child. After that, the TV presenter continued the program and helped find a bride for her illegitimate son from Cuba.

The son of Larisa Guzeeva, 28-year-old Wilkin from Cuba, left the Let's Get Married program on April 1, 2015, not alone. The young man wanted to find an educated girl with blue eyes who will take care of him. As a result, the Cuban chose the mother of three children, the president of the Pole Dance Federation, as his bride. His fiancee is 28 years old.

Does Larisa Guzeeva have a son from Cuba or is it a hoax - this question worried users social networks who started discussing the "Let's Get Married" program on April 1, 2015. Later it turned out that the story of the illegitimate Cuban son turned out to be an April Fool's joke. Some of the bloggers noted that they did not believe this story and wrote that it was played poorly.

Larisa Guzeeva - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. She is currently the TV presenter of the Let's Get Married program.

Viewers know Larisa Guzeeva from the films "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", "Cruel Romance", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson". The actress and presenter is 55 years old. She has two children: son George from her first marriage and daughter Olga.

The whole country is familiar with Larisa Guzeeva in absentia, and not only from numerous photos from the Internet. famous actress theater and cinema, for many years now appears daily on television as the host of the Let's Get Married program. Biography of the honored artist Russian Federation Deserves attention. Fans want to know about her children and personal life.


Larisa Andreevna was born on May 23, 1959 in the small village of Burtinskoye, Orenburg Region. Her mother worked all her life as a history teacher, and the girl never saw her biological father. When she was 5 years old, her mother got married, so a man appeared in the family. In a joint marriage, they had two children, half-brothers of Larisa. One of them, at the age of three, died by choking on water from a hose from washing machine. Unfortunately, the baby could not be saved.

The second brother, becoming an adult, worked as a ski coach in one of the Orenburg schools. Viktor Makurin, the stepfather of the artist, died in 1997. As soon as 40 days passed after his death, Larisa took her mother to live together.

The future actress has been a fidget since childhood. She began to wear mini-skirts, use decorative cosmetics and smoke before her peers. All this made her stand out from the crowd. Albina Andreevna more than once had to blush for her daughter's behavior, listening to the reproaches of her colleagues that she raised her daughter incorrectly. The woman could not understand the reason for the girl's youthful rebellion, especially since she and her husband tried to keep it strict.

Meanwhile, in the depths of her soul, Larisa dreamed about acting career. Parents didn't mind, except maybe they don't pay for it big money. But, on the other hand, they believed: the main earner of the family should be a man, which means that the main thing is to get married successfully.

After graduating general education school, the girl went to St. Petersburg, where she applied to the Institute of Theater of Music and Cinematography. Wanting to stand out from the crowd, nothing better came to her mind than to shave her head, hitting her competitors. The originality of the act of a desperate girl did not go unnoticed - she was enrolled in the first year. One of Guzeeva's fellow students was Alexander Lykov, the famous Casanova from Streets of Broken Lights.

Student years

During her studies at the institute, Guzeeva was not a timid girl - she didn’t go into her pocket for a word, smoked Belomor cigarettes with the guys and used them. Then, it absolutely did not correspond to the screen image.

I had to provide for myself and future actress worked as a model. She was a frequent visitor to the Saigon cafe, where all the bohemia gathered then. The girl was personally acquainted with Viktor Tsoi, the idol of millions. And with Sergei Kuryokhin she had a short romance.

With classmates at Guzeeva were complicated relationship, perhaps, the wayward character of the girl is to blame. Feeling the core and charisma in herself, she behaved somewhat arrogantly, which, naturally, many did not like. Once, as part of the exchange of experience, there was an opportunity to go to Bulgaria with the whole course. Then all classmates, as one, voted against Guzeeva. She was upset, but didn't show it. As soon as the opportunity arose, she took revenge on the offenders and did it beautifully. On the occasion of the return, a banquet was arranged, to which the star appeared in an impeccable manner, making a splash on everyone.

The beginning of the creative path

After graduating from high school, Guzeeva got into the Orenburg Drama Theater by distribution. But pretty soon I realized that I was dreaming about cinema. It is not known how it would have turned out creative biography if not the case.

Larisa found out about the casting announced by Eldar Ryazanov, and realized that this was her chance. Bright makeup and torn jeans - in this form, the girl appeared before the famous screenwriter and film director. His talent and professionalism made it possible to discern a diamond in a daring, challenging beauty. Out of a thousand well-bred applicants, the master chose her. And as it turned out, he did not lose. The girl perfectly coped with the role of Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova in the film adaptation of "Cruel Romance". The photo is on the web. The convincing game of the actress was accepted by the audience with a bang, and Larisa Guzeeva became a popular favorite.

    Liked by Larisa Guzeeva

During that period of her life, she did not even think about her personal life (meaning serious relationship) and children.

Self-confidence and ambition have always prevailed in the character of the actress. She dreamed exclusively of the main roles, not wanting to exchange for trifles. There were many offers to act in films, but most of them were supposed to intimacy. Which is not surprising, given the bright appearance of the artist. She was not interested in getting roles in this way, in part this adversely affected her creative destiny.

As Guzeeva now says, it would be unfair to blame all failures. Just then, she did not understand that somewhere it did not hurt to be more accommodating and not to chop off the shoulder, refusing to shoot a movie of the classical genre.

Few people know that not even in the most better times for cinema, the actress starred in various films, but, unfortunately, she was not seen in all of them.

Films with her participation:

  • "The meeting place cannot be changed" - episode (dancing in a restaurant);
  • "Meet me in the subway" - Lelya;
  • "Rival" - Natalya Nikolaevna Ozernikova ( the main role);
  • "Lonely bus in the rain" - cashier Lyubov Ivanovna Litvinova;
  • "The Mysterious Prisoner" - Larisa Rossetti
  • "The Life of Klim Samgin" (TV series) - Elizabeth Spivak
  • "Executioner" - Sveta, Olga's friend; mannequin;
  • "Seven days with a Russian beauty" - a noblewoman;
  • "Women's Logic" - the secretary and mistress of the murdered Korzun, Elena Pavlovna Drozdova;
  • "House" - (TV series) referent Anastasia Vitalievna Lopakhina;
  • "Graffiti" - Maria (crazy);
  • "Family Dinner" - Irina (main role);
  • "Roof" - Ninel Stalievna (mathematics teacher).

Personal life

The personal life of the presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva has repeatedly become the subject of discussion. Her biography is of interest to many today. The woman was married three times. She met her first chosen one on the set of the film "Rivals". Passion broke out between the young people and they soon got married. life together Larisa and Ilya cannot be called cloudless. Shortly after, it became clear that he was suffering drug addiction. All attempts to help a loved one, refused in vain.

Exhausted by such relationships, the woman began an affair with Dmitry Nagiyev. Passion quickly passed and both returned to their families. Larisa did everything possible for another seven years to get her husband out of the abyss, and when she realized that it was useless, she left him. He soon died of an overdose.

Against the backdrop of the stress experienced, the woman became addicted to alcoholism, but found the strength to overcome this

After some time, Guzeeva remarried. In the second marriage, a woman who dreams of children finally became a mother, having given birth to her husband's son. Judging by the photo, they get along well with each other.

The creative biography of the actress is closely intertwined with personal relationships. To become truly happy, Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva was able only in her third marriage. With Igor Bukhalov, the TV star had exclusively friendly relations for many years before they signed. He is younger than his wife by a year. It was with him that her personal life gained meaning. A man gives the impression of a reliable person with whom you can build strong family and have children.

The couple has a joint daughter, Olga. She often falls under the sights of cameras, accompanying her mother to social events. Now the actress and TV presenter loves and is loved. She values ​​\u200b\u200bwhat she has, constantly warming up her husband's interest in her person. Larisa carefully monitors herself. When you need to turn to professionals for the correction of appearance. But she does it carefully, remaining natural.

Larisa Guzeeva today

There are many interesting things in the biography of the actress. Despite her infrequent appearances in films, she is loved and appreciated. This woman commands admiration and respect. Today Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva is the permanent host of the program of the first channel "Let's Get Married". She admits in her interviews: if it was possible to return everything back, she would not allow herself many novels. But at the same time, he has no regrets. Her personal life was a success - after all, she is a loving and beloved wife and mother of two children. Larisa is an active user of the Instagram network, where she often shares recipes for her own dishes with subscribers, uploads photos and answers questions.

TV presenter suffered from mistakes in raising children

Photo: Mila Strizh.

58-year-old Larisa Guzeeva is the mother of 17-year-old daughter Lelya (from current husband Igor Bukharov) and 25-year-old son George (from the second husband of Kakha Tolordava). In the life of an actress and TV presenter were different periods motherhood. There are situations that she regrets.


It is now that the son of George has a tattoo with the name of his mother. BUT star mom blows dust particles off his son and his beloved woman. And before, the artist could argue and sort things out with George as if he were an adult. Guzeeva admitted that she sometimes broke down on the boy and now she wanted him not to remember this. The artist recalled that when the child was not yet 10 years old, she let him go alone to get a haircut, and then she did not like her son's hairstyle, and she made a scandal.

In the upbringing of Guzeeva's son, the mother and third husband of the restaurateur Igor Bukharov soon began to help, who doted on the boy and raised him from the age of 6. In her youth, Larisa worked hard and did not hide that she could drink. In one of the interviews, she admitted: when she drank, it was as if another person moved into her. Once made a scandal on children's day birth. She never let go of her hands, but she was unrestrained with her tongue. These habits remained from acting youth, but over time, Guzeeva refused alcohol.

In an interview with TV Program, Guzeeva said: “I am very glad that Igor’s example is before my children’s eyes - he doesn’t drink or smoke. Given his abilities, he could, from morning to night, as they say, "walk around the buffet." But Igor understood in time: if you want to be a respected person, live on a sober head.

Now Guzeeva doesn’t even smoke, the artist recently admitted to us: “She scolded her son for smoking. But once I heard how, after my reproaches, he said that, they say, she smokes herself, but she teaches me ... Therefore, she decided not to smoke.

Guzeeva gave birth to her daughter at the age of 40, but her mother, who used to work as a teacher, and after the death of her husband, moved to her daughter in Moscow, was more often engaged in the baby. Mom helped Larisa a lot with her daughter Olya. The girl in the family is called Lelei. Lelya even called her grandmother mom. Guzeeva admitted that she was worried and jealous, but she worked three jobs, so there was little free time. But when Lelya began to grow up, Larisa made every effort to find an approach to her daughter and now they are best friends.

To establish contact, she took the child to Paris, and then every year they traveled around the world. Larisa gave her daughter a trip to Austria, to the Albertina Museum. Mom let her daughter dye her hair different colors, pierce seven holes in the ear, and gave only unobtrusive advice.

Best friends

Lelya refused to become an artist. Guzeeva, in an interview with TV Program, said: “She is absolutely a museum child. From childhood to shaking loves museums, painting. I took her to VGIK: Alexander Mikhailov and my closest girlfriend Tamara Akulova are gaining a course there - she took Lelka from the hospital, her aunt was on her knees from birth. Aunt Tamara fed her in the dining room, they chatted and kissed. My daughter looked at this theatrical world, at the worried girls and boys who were preparing to enter. I tell her: “Lelya, if, acting in Theatre Institute, I had at least a cleaning lady I knew, then I would already consider that I was lucky and I act almost according to pull. But Lelka eventually said that this whole world is not hers. She paints, her whole room and library are in books about art and painting albums. Children, as if a photocopier is one another! The same, despite the age difference of 8 years. First, both are smart. Secondly, they are friends. Lelya Georgy slavishly loves. son graduated higher school economy, works in the advertising business. Together they discuss music, painting. Lelka worries if her brother, for example, does not like the music she listens to. I say: "Georgy, stop it, she's a girl - she can't like the same music as you." I look - after a while Lelya listens to his music ... "

Larisa Guzeeva with her son. Photo - instagram.

Guzeeva's daughter is a 1st year student at the Russian State Humanitarian University, her son works in the advertising business and is happy with his beloved Anna. The family lives together and gathers at weekends parental home, and in the summer on vacation, George's father joined them.

Many stars try to inform the public as little as possible about the ups and downs of their personal lives, but Larisa Guzeeva decided to go against this trend. She told her Instagram followers about the wedding that her son George and daughter-in-law Anna will play.


"Today (September 1. - Approx. ed.) My only, unique, beloved SON IS MARRIED! (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.)," the presenter shared her joy. She attached a photo from the preparations for the holiday to the message.

Later, a picture appeared on the pages of the actress, in which she appeared before the audience already assembled and in a dress. "Well, that's it! I went for my boy! For my beloved SON!", - said Larisa Guzeeva.

Her subscribers not only congratulated on the coming in the life of the young important event, but noted. How beautiful is the presenter herself. Some of them could not help but notice the touching attitude of Larisa Guzeeva to her son, it is not for nothing that she writes about him every time in capital letters.

How will the leader deal with it? what now young man there will be a family, is still unknown. However, the relationship is unlikely to change much, because George has known Anna for a long time and the wedding was implied by itself.

There was no jealousy between the two ladies. George, Anna, Larisa Guzeeva and her daughter had a great time on a joint holiday in France. In addition, the leader wise woman, always says that he respects the choice of his children and is not going to interfere with them with unsolicited advice or comments.