Biography of Polina Bulatkina: Yegor Creed's older sister, actress and producer. Yegor krid - biography, information, personal life Does Yegor have a brother when

Yegor Creed is a favorite of the female audience, a talented performer and songwriter, a former member of the Black Star label. By the age of 20, Yegor had become one of the most sought-after performers of the Russian stage.

In his youth, love for music and personal experiences led Yegor to the Internet, from which his career began. Creed is a stage name that Yegor came up with at the age of 14. Real surname performer - Bulatkin.

The childhood of Yegor Creed

Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. Yegor's father, Nikolai Bulatkin, who is now known as the owner of a large nut processing factory, started his business when Yegor was still a toddler. He devoted his free time to creating songs in the chanson genre. Mother, Marina Bulatkina, helped her husband in business and sang in her spare time.

Egor's older sister, Polina, who is 3 years old, is now known as Polina Michaels and Polina Faith - she is an aspiring actress. In 2012, she sang a duet with her brother in the song "Distance".

The guy's family was considered quite wealthy and very musical, which contributed to Yegor's early immersion in the world of music. But the young man had many other hobbies: he studied at the Lyceum with in-depth study of English language, was fond of chess, played football, basketball, tennis and billiards.

Despite the favorable financial position families, the parents of the son did not indulge and forced him to achieve everything with his work. Mobile phone he appeared last in the class, he never had fancy gadgets at home, but now the performer knows the value of every penny and does not scatter money.

To get 10 rubles from my dad for my favorite ice cream, I had to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes.

AT high school the guy was fascinated by rap culture. Egor listened to the compositions of the rapper 50 Cent, who managed to awaken in the guy the makings of a talented author of "songs that come from the heart." At the age of 11, Bulatkin first wrote the text and recorded his song on a dictaphone - it was called "Amnesia".

In 2008, when Yegor was 14 years old, he invented the pseudonym KreeD for himself. According to the author himself, his stage name is just a consonant combination of letters, he has no deep background.

Carier start

Yegor Creed got his first fame thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted a song on his VKontakte own composition- “Love on the Web” (originally it was called “The word“ love ”has lost its meaning”). With the help of friends, Yegor shot a video in 2 days, which gained a million views in a few weeks. At the time, that was a huge number.

Egor Creed - Love on the Net (2011)

In the same year, the 17-year-old rapper recorded a cover version of Timati's song "Don't Go Crazy" and shot a video for it. This was noticed by one of the producers of the label Timati Black Star Inc. and contacted Yegor.

Around the same time, friends persuaded Yegor to take part in the VKontakte Star contest. The guy became the winner in the nomination "Best hip-hop project", leaving behind thousands of talented performers. After a resounding victory, the guy began to be invited to perform at the best concert venues in Penza, and in April 2012 Yegor Creed signed a contract with the Timati production center and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the production department Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins, but in 2015 he took academic leave, citing a busy touring schedule.

Career heyday

In 2013, Yegor sang a duet with popular singer Alexey Vorobyov. The composition was called "More than love."

In April 2014, Creed presented the listeners with the single "The Most Most" - he conquered all Russian charts and became the singer's most recognizable hit.

Egor Creed - "The Most Most" (2014)

In February 2015, Yegor Creed won the Breakthrough of the Year nomination at the Soundtrack music award.

In early April 2015, the artist released his debut solo album "The Bachelor", which included the songs "The Most", "The Bride", "Jealousy" and others. The album contains 19 songs in total. A month later, the song "The Most Most" won the winning place in the "Best Song of the Year" nomination at the 5th RU TV award.

June 2015 replenished Egor's awards with the prestigious Muz-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination.

The Yegor Creed project is successful in every sense - in 2015 he won 4 awards and became one of the most sought-after artists of Timati's music label.

At the New Year's Blue Light 2016, Yegor performed the song "Hope" along with Iosif Kobzon. In the same year, a joint song by Creed and Timati “Where are you, where am I” was released, later a video was released for it, which gained millions of views on YouTube. This composition was included in Timati's album "Olympus".

Timati ft. Yegor Creed - "Where am I, where are you"

In May 2017, Yegor Creed's second album "What They Know" was released, which included 12 songs, including a duet with rapper Mot "Sleep".

Soon the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina "If you don't love me", later recorded the song "Team 2018" with the participation of DJ Smash and Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

The hero of girlish dreams, Yegor Creed does not lack women, but to build strong family he still has not succeeded, although the singer himself is already dreaming of trying himself as a father.

In 2012, on the set of the Starlet video, Creed began a relationship with actress Miroslava Karpovich, who was 8 years older than the singer, at that time still a schoolboy. The lovers met for six months and broke up because of the huge employment and mismatched schedules.

In the spring of 2013, Yegor Creed began dating the VKontakte star, model Diana Melison. As the girl recalled, Yegor was an incredibly romantic lover, showered her with flowers and carefully considered each date, trying to surprise her. Alas, the relationship did not last long - the singer was against the fact that his lover was filming in candid photo shoots and was terribly jealous. Melison said that Yegor was not yet ripe for an adult relationship.

Then for several months Creed met with a stage colleague - singer Victoria Daineko, but they turned out to be too different tempers so that feelings result in something serious.

Then the singer was not for long with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's daughter - Anna Stryukova. She was not yet twenty, and tender age was the main reason for their separation. The girl chose to devote her free time to studying, rather than relationships.

A bright and discussed event was the novel by Yegor Creed and Nyusha, which began in 2014. It was about her that the guy subsequently spoke: “This is the one from whom I wanted children.” Although neither of the couple officially confirmed the relationship, their romance could not remain a secret.

Many fans first saw Yegor's sister. Fans noted that the girl is very cute and is not like the role of the eldest, but the role younger sister. They expressed their opinions on Creed's Instagram page.


"She's so sweet! She's like a little sister to you."

“This is true brotherly love. You speak so affectionately about her, ”the followers said.

It is known that Polina lives in America. The girl, like her brother, is very creative. In her native Penza, Polina studied at a theater studio, and later, having moved to Moscow, she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. Now she is testing her strength in the United States, dreaming of becoming an actress. In addition, the girl is fond of producing.

By the way, the parents of Yegor and Polina were not noticed in creative manifestations. Both of them are executives in their own food production company.

It is interesting that, like her brother, Polina took a pseudonym for herself. AT in social networks the beauty calls herself Paulina Michel. The real name of the brother and sister is Bulatkina.

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Egor Creed is a young and mega-successful singer, hip-hop performer, who has an army of fans and admirers. For his concerts he collects full halls, and his songs always occupy a leading position.

As they say, much in life depends on the person himself, but the main foundation is laid in the family.

So what is the famous rapper like? The family of Yegor Creed is very friendly, musical, plus everything else and rich.

Yegor's father is Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin. Lives with his wife in Penza. He is the director of the Unitron group of companies: the largest enterprise in Russia for the processing of nuts and other food products.

Starting your business in crisis time In the 1990s, Nikolai Borisovich is still, with incredible diligence, engaged in the development of an enterprise that is flourishing.

In 2017, information appeared in the press that Nikolai Bulatkin was suspected tax authorities in bad faith. But the owner of the company was able to prove the opposite in court, regaining his reputation as an honest businessman.

According to the son, his father is a kind-hearted man. Bulatkin Sr. is not only an exemplary family man and successful businessman but also a musician. The group "B - Studio" created by him periodically gives charity concerts in the city concert hall.

Nikolai Borisovich is the leader of the band, he sings and plays the guitar. Nikolai Borisovich tries to spend as much time as possible with his family. While on a business trip in Moscow on the eve of 2018, I met New Year together with his son Yegor on Red Square.

- mother of the singer. wonderful and beautiful woman, a wonderful mother and mistress, faithful and loving wife. She works with her husband, holds the position of deputy director of the Unitron company. In addition, Marina Petrovna sings beautifully. Now it is not surprising where such a love for music and creativity comes from in children.

Handsome Creed has a no less beautiful and talented elder sister- Polina Bulatkina. From childhood, the girl knew that she wanted to become an artist and singer. She graduated from a music school in her native Penza, studied in a theater group.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, she left for the capital and entered the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO. Then Polina went to conquer the overseas show business in Los Angeles. Here the girl lives and works. In the USA, the beauty works under pseudonyms: Pauline Faith and Pauline Michaels.

Her career is rapidly going uphill: she acts in films, records singles and writes lyrics herself. He also acts as a producer and screenwriter. He actively participates in the promotion of independent cinema, helps in organizing festivals.

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She has the same busy and busy schedule as Yegor. Despite this, the brother and sister recorded the joint song "Distance", and shot a video for it. In general, Polina and Egor are very friendly. Creed often comes to visit her in the states. Yes, and she does not forget about Russia. Periodically flies to visit relatives and friends.

On the this moment, the family of Yegor Creed is the closest people of the famous artist. He regularly invites them to his concerts and performances. own family and the rapper has no children yet.

With enviable regularity, the press lays out details about Creed's new lovers. But these are only short-lived novels. According to the artist himself, he is still young to start a family, and believes that he will someday find a worthy life partner. Perhaps participation will help the guy find love. In the meantime, the young man devotes himself entirely to the stage and creativity.

Photo of Yegor Creed's family

Photo: DR With parents and sister

Singer Egor Creed gave a solo concert in the Moscow club "Izvestiya Hall". This was the first big performance of the artist in the capital, and therefore the performer of the hit "The Most Most" loved by many prepared many surprises for his fans. Egor always says that he treats his audience with great respect. When he performed the song “More than Love”, photographs of the artist with fans appeared on the screen, and this made a huge impression on those present, who bathed Creed in a standing ovation.

And during the performance of the track " Father's daughter» Yegor brought one of the fans onto the stage. Emotions overwhelmed the girl. With a tremor in her voice, she was barely able to say her name and thank the singer for inviting her to the stage.

But probably the most touching moment of the show was the acquaintance of the audience with Yegor's older sister Polina. The girl lives in America, where she works as an actress and producer. She specially flew to her brother for a concert, and together they sang the song "Distances".

Despite the fact that brother and sister live in different countries and rarely see each other, they always support each other. Polina admitted that she was very proud of her talented brother. But the surprises didn't end there.

At the concert, a presentation of a completely new and modern project called Clip and Snip. The Galaxy track, which became the leitmotif of the project, had not been performed anywhere before and brought the audience into complete delight: fashionable sound, rays of light, video visualization, dance gravity and, at the end, Yegor's “rise” “above the earth”.

In Russia, Polina Bulatkina is known, first of all, not for her creative activity, but a close relationship with the famous performer Yegor Creed. In fact, the girl has a lot of talents, including writing lyrics, performing them, Polina has several film roles, and she is also a producer. All about the biography of Polina Bulatkina, her roles, creative projects, as well as relations with his brother - in this article.

Youth and family

Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina was born on April 28, 1991 in the city of Penza. The girl's family is quite wealthy - her father is in business, thanks to which Polina knew from childhood what beautiful life. In addition to her, the family has another child - brother Yegor. There is a three year difference between brother and sister. Despite the fact that Polina and Egor live in different countries, they meet at every opportunity and have a great time together.

In various interviews about her biography, Polina Bulatkina talks quite calmly, shares interesting facts from life. For example, an actress and singer once said that their family is musical: grandfather played on seven musical instruments, dad has his own musical group Mom sings great too. As a child, together with Yegor, the girl organized home concerts, which she approached with all responsibility, carefully choosing costumes, thinking over makeup and even selling tickets to relatives for a symbolic price.


My creative biography Polina Bulatkina started at the age of four, when she entered the theater group. At the same time, she began to study at a music school. Despite her young age, Polina was distinguished by diligence and responsibility.

After school, Polina Bulatkina entered one of the most respected universities in her native country - MGIMO. There she studied at the Faculty of Journalism, which she successfully graduated from.

What does he do?

Since Bulatkina chose Los Angeles as her place of residence, she decided to come up with a pseudonym for herself in order to organically integrate into the local society. With a new surname, Polina chose for herself a rather popular surname in America - Michaels. She uses it mainly when producing, as well as while working in films.

Acting activity

The biography of Polina Bulatkina has several dozen roles, the first of which happened at the age of seven. Then the girl was entrusted with one of the main roles in musical performance. After that, Polina shone for many years on the stage of her native Penza children's theater"Juno". Polina continued to work in the theater and filming after leaving Russia. In the filmography of Polina Bulatkina there are roles in such films as "Agoraphobia" and "Trust Me", which are also known to Russian viewers.

Bulatkina as a singer

Polina herself writes songs and performs them. She has a rather gentle voice, and her songs are distinguished by the same melody. As a pseudonym for working on stage as a singer, she chose the surname Faith for herself.

The track "Distances", recorded by Polina together with her brother Yegor, became so popular that it literally blew up the country's music charts, for example, the top 10 of the Music of the First channel and the similar top channel of MTVA. Unfortunately, this joint composition with Creed in the biography of Polina Bulatkina remained the only one widely popular in Russia.

Other projects

The first television project in which Bulatkina took part in America was the most popular in the United States, "The Evening Show with Jay Leno". Also, American viewers could see Polina in a show on the E!

It is known that:

  1. Polina took part in all-Russian competition"Creativity of the Young", where she won the Grand Prix in composition. It was this event that played in the biography of Polina Bulatkina important role: there she was noticed by the producer, who invited her to the TV series "Maybe".
  2. Pauline's father is CEO"Unitron" company.
  3. Polina promotes independent cinema and even organized the AFI Film Festival.
  4. AT family archive The Bulatkin family has a video where one-year-old Polina sings songs. The girl herself says that from the very early childhood I knew that I would be an actress and a singer.