What not to do on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Church Orthodox holiday of September

IN Orthodox Church Birth is celebrated on September 21st Holy Mother of God. But this is a significant day not only for visiting the temple. Since ancient times, September 21 has been associated with folk signs and rituals that were performed annually on this date. Some of them have long been forgotten, but, nevertheless, certain observations can be very useful.

history of the holiday

Joachim and Anna, the future parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, lived in Nazareth. Being righteous Christians, they prayed to God for a long time for children. After a while, when Joachim was in the desert, and his wife was alone in the house, an Angel appeared to them at the same time. He told the couple that Anna would be able to conceive a child, the Virgin Mary, through whom salvation would come to people, and they would know about her all over the world. Immediately after this they met at the Golden Gate in Jerusalem. Having embraced, the couple already knew that they would have a daughter.

Just 9 months after conception, on September 21, the Virgin Mary was born. She lived in her parents' house for only three years, after which, according to her vow, given to God, was sent to the temple. On this day, Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What should we pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary for?

Since ancient times, the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been considered a holiday for all women and mothers. On this day you should put on your best clothes and go to the temple for service. Here the Virgin Mary is thanked for the birth of the Son of God.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, omens will certainly come true, and prayers will be heard. Requests, anxieties, troubles - this is what people turn to the Virgin Mary with. Women always prayed for the well-being of their homes and the health of their children. They turned to the Mother of God not only for themselves and their family, but also for other people.

A festive candle was always lit in the church, celebrating the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21. The following signs were associated with this. A piece of paper with a request was tied to the end of the candle. When it burned completely, it meant that the Mother of God had heard all the prayers. On this day, women must give alms, food and money so as not to become infertile.

Folk rituals and customs

On this September date, the 21st, folk calendar celebrated or Second Autumn. They fell just on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The signs and rituals that were carried out on this date by our ancestors have been preserved in some regions to this day.

By September 21, almost the entire harvest from the fields was collected. Beekeepers hid their hives to prevent the bees from freezing. Onion week has begun. Not only onions were removed from the fields, but also the remaining vegetables. There was a popular saying: “When the Most Holy One comes, it will become pure and pure.” From this day on, evening gatherings began in houses.

After this, early in the morning the women went to ponds with oatmeal bread and jelly. There they sang songs and thanked the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, for the harvest, while welcoming the autumn season. The bread was broken into pieces and distributed to the cattle.

After the rituals on the banks of the reservoirs, everyone went to visit the newlyweds.

Holiday September 21st. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: family signs

On this day, parents, village elders and other relatives visited the young people. Since this date fell on the Blessed Virgin Mary, signs at the bridesmaid ceremony were necessarily taken into account. The hostess greeted the guests with a pie. If it was tasty, she was praised. If the pie was not a success, the young housewife began to be taught wisdom. There were other dishes on the festive table that were rated by the guests. The owner showed his buildings and livestock to visiting relatives. He was praised or taught for this, just like his wife.

Also on September 21 (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) the signs concerned future life spouses. In the evening they went to their parents. To protect herself from the evil eye, the wife tied a braid with the embroidered letters “P” and “B” onto her sleeves. If she got lost or untied, it meant that there were envious people nearby.

With the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary began new life. It was customary to extinguish the old candle in the house and light a new one.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs of folk weather forecasters. What will winter be like?

It is known that people always monitored weather changes outside the window and already in the summer they knew what kind of winter to expect. IN autumn holiday On September 21, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signs indicated the following:

  • if the day turns out to be clear, then this weather will continue until the end of October;
  • if there is fog in the morning, rainy weather should be expected;
  • if the fog clears unexpectedly quickly, the weather will be changeable;
  • if it started to rain in the morning, it will rain for another 40 days, and the winter will be cold;
  • If bright sun In the morning it quickly dries the dew on the grass - you shouldn't expect a lot of snow in winter.

On this date it was not allowed to work, but the day should be devoted to spiritual reflection and prayer.

How to protect children from harm and disease?

Family and children are the main things women addressed in prayers to the Virgin Mary. For their well-being folk traditions on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Signs confirmed that in order to cleanse children from damage, old torn clothes and shoes were removed from them and burned on that day. All adversity and failures had to go away with the fire. After that, when the children crossed the threshold, they were doused with water from head to toe.

Our ancestors glorified the Mother of God and prayed to her; they believed in omens and honored the customs of their people. This helped them protect their family, children and home from harm and collect good harvest. We should not forget about the customs and rituals of our ancestors today.

On September 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main Christian holidays– Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called the Second Most Pure Mother of God. (The First Most Pure or Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on August 28 and is dedicated to the memory of the death of the Mother of God. The third is on December 4, also called the Entry into the Temple; it was on this day that the parents of the Mother of God took three-year-old Mary to the temple and left her to serve God). People say about these holidays: “The first Most Pure rye sows, the second waters it with rain, and the third covers it with snow.”

The very event of the Nativity of the Mother of God is not mentioned in Holy Scripture, but the Orthodox obviously considered it an omission not to celebrate the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Believers began celebrating this day back in the 5th century.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated by the Church as a day of universal joy. On this day our ancestors tried not to do heavy work. physical labor, and general cleaning of the house was also prohibited. On this day it is recommended to fast, and not only in food. It is important not to quarrel with loved ones, not to conflict, not to raise your voice. Thoughts must be pure: you cannot wish harm to someone or think badly about someone.

But what you need to do on holiday is pray and go to church. On the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox women who cannot become pregnant ask the Virgin Mary for the gift of offspring, oh imminent conception, about an easy and happy pregnancy.

Since the Virgin Mary personifies fertility, prosperity and family harmony, for this holiday our ancestors tried to complete the main work in the field. They thanked the Mother of God for the harvest and the autumn riches already collected.

There are also many things associated with the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. folk signs. According to one of them, it is believed that a woman who washes her face on this day before sunrise will be able to maintain her beauty until old age, and unmarried girl the happiness of being matched will smile. You can use this chance even today, but it should be taken into account that tap water is unlikely to help beauty and matchmaking. You must wash your face with river water.

Signs for the Second Most Pure Church

This day was also used to determine what autumn and winter would be like:

If it’s a clear day on this holiday, the weather will be the same until the end of October.

If in the morning the sky is clear, clean and the stars are visible, expect cold weather soon, but without rain.

If there is fog on this day, it will begin to rain.

If on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary it's raining, then it can last another 40 days, and winter will be very early.


Mary's parents were the righteous Joachim and Anna. Until they were very old, the couple did not have children, but they continued to pray to God and ask him to give them a child, promising to give him to serve Him. One day, after a long and frantic prayer in the desert, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the righteous Joachim and said that he would soon have a daughter, who should be named Mary, and that through her salvation would be granted to the whole world. Soon Joachim and Anna had a daughter. Until the age of three, Maria lived in her parents' house. At the age of three, the girl, according to her parents’ vow, was sent to the Jerusalem Temple to be raised. In the temple she occupied herself with reading books pleasing to God, fervent prayer, and handicrafts (embroidering robes). She was distinguished by humility, submission, and devotion to fulfilling the will of God.

At the age of fourteen, the Virgin Mary decided to devote herself completely to the Lord God and made a vow to remain a virgin throughout her life. From the age of fourteen she was betrothed to Elder Joseph, who came from the royal family of David through Solomon. Joseph becomes her guardian and nourisher, taking full care of her. The Virgin Mary lived with Joseph the betrothed in the small Galilean town of Nazareth. It was in Nazareth that Archangel Gabriel the Evangelist told the Virgin Mary the good news that she would give birth to the Savior of the world.

Having learned from the Angel about the pregnancy of her relative, Elizabeth, the Virgin Mary went to visit her. Having stayed there for three months, she returned to Nazareth, and after returning, Joseph the betrothed was in great confusion about the pregnancy that had become noticeable. Noticing signs of pregnancy, he decided to secretly release the Virgin Mary. However, as soon as Joseph thought this, an Angel appeared to him in a dream, who confirmed that the Virgin Mary was pure and innocent and the child born was from the Holy Spirit. And then Joseph took the Angel’s command to accept his pregnant wife as a command from God. Thus, it was Mary who became the link between the earthly world and the heavenly world.

On September 21, 2017, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the first twelfth holiday after the advent of the new year, the church new year. We will tell you what the essence of this holiday is, what you can and cannot do on this day, how to ask the Mother of God for health, prosperity, love and family well-being.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the essence and history of the holiday

The Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a great consolation for childless spouses. This day opens a new church year - the whole history of the New Testament begins with the birth of a little girl, who will be called the Throne of God, who will become the Door through which the Savior of the World Christ will appear.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of a miraculous event that is described in the Bible:

The mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, was born in the city of Nazareth from pious parents, Joachim and Anna. They lived to an old age, but were childless, which became the source of their grief and caused public censure. One day the high priest did not accept a sacrifice from Joachim, and he, inconsolable, withdrew into the desert, where he began to pray fervently. Anna stayed at home and also prayed. At this time, an angel appeared to both of them and announced to each: “The Lord has heeded your prayer, you will conceive and give birth, and your offspring will be talked about all over the world.” Having learned good news, the couple met at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. And soon a daughter was born into their family. The happy couple made a vow to dedicate their child to God and gave their daughter Mary to the Jerusalem Temple, where she served until she came of age.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary: fasting or not, what you can eat

You should fast on the day of the Nativity of the Mother of God only if the holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday - fast days. But even in this case, the church allows the consumption of fish and seafood.

In 2017, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on Thursday, this is not a fast day, which means housewives can prepare both Lenten treats and meat dishes.

In every family, it is customary to set a large table in honor of this holiday. It is believed that the more richly the housewife prepares for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the more bountiful the harvest will be next year. Therefore, do not forget to pay tribute to nature by placing a basket of apples, pears, plums and grapes on the table.

What you can and cannot do on the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

There are no special or special prohibitions on September 21, but, like any other religious holiday Believers should adhere to certain rules.

According to tradition, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary they try:

  • do not engage in physical labor unless absolutely necessary.
  • You can’t do “black” things on this day homework– wash floors, clean the house, burn garbage in the yard, etc.
  • You should not start cleaning the house on a holiday;
  • It is considered a great sin to sweep crumbs from the festive table onto the floor;
  • On this day, women did not pick up a needle and scissors, did not cut bread, did not sew or embroider.
  • On a holiday you can’t quarrel or make trouble.

Here's what you need to do on this day:

What to pray for on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

On this day they pray for the gift of a child. If there are no children in the family for a long time, then they turn to both the Mother of God and Her parents Joachim and Anna, who, as is known, did not have children for a long time.

On the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary they also pray during troubles and difficulties. family life. Righteous Joachim and Anna are a Christian example of family life.

The prayer of the Mother of God on her Nativity will not go unanswered: ask the Mother of God for what you sincerely desire with all your heart and your wish will certainly come true.

Prayer to the Mother of God for healing from infertility and conceiving a child

“Oh, my Most Holy Lady Theotokos, my indestructible hope, accept these prayers with great hope and faith in Your immeasurable mercy, have mercy on the servant of God (name) and grant me healing from my infertility and the opportunity to conceive a child from my husband "

“Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, asked of God with holy prayers, dedicated to God, beloved by God, and chosen for purity for the sake of Your soul and body by the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Who will not please You or who will not sing of Your glorious Nativity for the Birth Yours is the beginning of our salvation.

Accept your praise from us, the unworthy, and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we fall to You in tenderness and we ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother to intercede quickly: ask Your Son and our God to give us sinners, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that the opportunity to live is pleasing to God and beneficial to our souls.

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, look mercifully on Your servants who have not yet been able to bear offspring and through Your all-powerful intercession have granted them healing from infertility. O Mother of God and Nourisher of our life, help us and faithful children Save the Holy Church, hear our prayers, heal the sick, quench sorrow, direct courage for good.

In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: ask us from the All-Merciful Lord God for forgiveness of all our sins, voluntary and involuntary, for salvation, peace, silence and piety for our suffering fatherland. And ask us for everything that is so necessary for our life and salvation from Thy Son, Christ our God.

You are our hope in the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. Together with all the saints, we tirelessly ask you for your intercession and glorify the one True God, in the Holy Trinity we worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

On September 21, the Orthodox Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was born in the Palestinian city of Nazareth, into the family of the righteous Anna and Joachim, who remained childless until old age, but did not lose hope and believed that the Lord would have mercy on them. They promised that if a child was born, they would devote his life to serving God in the Jerusalem Temple. Their prayers were answered. Archangel Gabriel told them the good news that they would have a daughter, Mary, with whose help salvation would be granted to all humanity.

September 21: traditions and customs of the day

In Rus', the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated with a solemn service. Church hymns: stichera, canons, troparia in honor of the Virgin Mary are called “Theotokos”. They are included in all daily services. Each holiday in honor of the Mother of God has its own Mother of God.

Among the people, the Mother of God was especially revered. Her image was clearer, closer and more accessible to the people’s consciousness than the image of the Savior. The Mother of God, ascended into the divine world, remained associated with ordinary people. She worried like a mother and stood up for them.

The popular cult of the Virgin Mary is expressed in numerous epithets: “Most Pure”, “Most Holy”, “Mistress”, “Deliverer from Sorrow”, “Queen of Heaven and Earth”, “First Helper”, “Healer of Diseases and Passions”, “Heavenly Intercessor” ", "Defender of evil spirits, troubles, suffering and adversity." In popular imagination Mother of God she was seen as merciful, comforting, responsive to any misfortune and relieving pain; she was often turned to with prayers, incantations and spells in various life situations.

Conspiracy from diseases to the Mother of God

This day is also known as the “Spozhinki” holiday, or harvest festival, which was organized in honor of the end of the harvest. Spozhinki have been celebrated since ancient times, and could last a whole week. The larger the harvest, the longer the celebration lasted, celebrated by widespread hospitality and visiting.

Presentation Day - this is what our ancestors sometimes called September 21, because the custom of newlyweds treating their relatives was dedicated to this date. Usually all relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The guests were invited by a “caller” specially appointed for this matter, who asked to visit the young people, to look at their life and to teach them wisdom.

On September 21, they not only visited the newlyweds, but also invited them to their parents (mother-in-law and father-in-law) along with their mother-in-law and father-in-law to establish good relations between families. After the holiday, grandchildren often stayed for several days visiting their grandparents.

By the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the coming autumn was making itself known very clearly, so the holiday was filled with another meaning - the second meeting of autumn (the first on, the third on).

In the morning, women with oatmeal bread went to the shore of a river, lake or pond to meet Mother Osenina. The older woman held the bread in her hands, and the young women sang songs, then broke the bread into pieces according to the number of those present, and took it home, where they fed it to the livestock.

With Autumn, the time for gatherings began. Girls with yarn gathered in one hut, guys came to them with treats and a harmonica, and game songs were sung:

Just like the day spring equinox, On September 21, the fire in the huts was renewed - the old one was extinguished and a new one was lit. To avoid the evil eye, damage and disease, old and unnecessary shoes and clothes were burned, and children were doused with water on the threshold of the house.

September 21: signs and beliefs

  1. What the weather is like on this day, so will autumn be. If it’s warm outside, then autumn will be warm and fine.
  2. The more peel there is on the onion, the colder the winter will be.
  3. A scarlet sunset or dawn means windy and rainy weather.
  4. In the morning, frost on the grass means bad weather.
  5. Almost all the leaves have fallen from the trees - winter will be early.
  6. There are a lot of cobwebs on trees - this means warmth.
  7. Hares dig holes - for a harsh winter.
  8. Migratory birds fly low - to cold weather.
  9. Bread baked or purchased on this day should be eaten with family. You cannot share it with strangers.
  10. On September 21, all the water in the springs is holy.
  11. Childless women who dream of becoming pregnant should pray on this day for the Lord to send them a child. You also need to order a prayer service in the church and give alms to the poor.

To the person born21 September, you should wear diamond and tourmaline. He will grow up to be responsible and hardworking.

Video: September 21 - New Year, Malaya Prechistaya, Ospozhinki

Each sacred holiday has its own background, customs and signs, including the feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which happened on September 21. This day has a long and interesting story. Thousands of believers eagerly and reverently await this holiday, honoring the memory of the Mother of God and offering prayers to her.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated by Orthodox Christians around the world

Background of the holiday

To this day it is not known exactly where she was born Holy Mary, but there are two versions:

  • birth took place in Jerusalem;
  • she was born in Nazareth.

The version of the birth in Nazareth is characteristic of the views of the Russian church, starting from the activities of St. Demetrius of Rostov. Nazareth itself was located in the north of Jerusalem, in a separate mountainous area. This area has not previously had any distinctive events. The family of Joachim and Anna became Mary's parents. According to legend, they were chosen as the parents of Mary, the future mother of Jesus, due to their lifestyle.

The family of Saint Mary's future parents was wealthy; they had livestock and housing. They were not poor, but they were religious and lived in peace and love. Despite the religiosity and humanity characteristic of this family, they for a long time could not give birth to a child. No matter how hard they tried, there were still no children. Long years the family prayed to God for children, they brought gifts and read prayers, but everything was in vain.

It got to the point that people around them reproached them for being childless. At that time, such a phenomenon negatively characterized the family and caused disgust among the public.

Saddened by his fate future father Mary went into the desert to read prayers and bow to God. Anna, looking at the torment of her husband, became even more upset and more earnestly prayed to the Lord for help.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was customary to extinguish the old candle in the house and light a new one

After much suffering and torment of these two people, their prayers were heard and their daughter Mary was sent to them. Bequeathing what to name her and explaining what awaits their child in the future and what is her ultimate mission on this planet.

The same voice appeared to Mary’s father, notifying him that their prayers had been heard. The Angel also told him to go to Jerusalem, where the latter would meet his wife. The happy parents who found each other discussed their impressions and brought gifts to God and the priests. Nine months later, their daughter Maria was born, who was named Angel according to the will.

Signs associated with the holiday

After twelve months had passed since Mary’s birth on September 21, the father organized a celebration for which he called the clergy and asked to bless his child by introducing everyone to the baby. Nowadays they celebrate the birth of Anna’s fetus, which occurred on December 9th. Because this event is a sacred event.

The only disagreement of church ministers is that this conception cannot be virgin, and what happened naturally. Ministers think so catholic church, disagreeing. Servants of the Orthodox Church refer to immaculate conception only Christ. Complete holiness characteristic only of Christ, who was born immaculately and himself remained chaste.

Until now, September 21, like the conception of Mary, has many divergent opinions. Differences in views on the sanctity of Anna's conception still exist. Associated with the birth of Mary various signs and rituals.

  • Rituals associated with September 21 are associated with prayers. It is a common belief that every prayer on September 21 will be answered.
  • The Virgin Mary always hears the prayers of those asking, regardless of the day or time of day.
  • The holiday lasts from three to fourteen days, and the celebration is closely related to the year's harvest. The more abundant the harvest, the longer and brighter the celebration on September 21st.
  • The table is set luxuriously and richly, since the state of the table is associated with the future harvest.
  • On this day, September 21, life begins anew. On this day, candles are lit in all houses. At the onset of September 21, the candle was extinguished and the fire was renewed.
  • By changing the fire, a person saved himself and his family from adversity and illness.

Associated with the celebration of the birth of the Virgin Mary climatic features next year. Looking at the state of the weather on this day, people judged the upcoming climatic conditions environment. If the weather is good, it will be warm until the end of October. This holiday falls on Indian summer. If there are no clouds in the sky, and it is too clear and transparent, then there will be early cold weather.

Foggy weather indicates upcoming rains. The soon-to-disappear fog promises unknown weather that cannot be predicted.

Morning rain is an indicator cold winter, and the duration of the rains will be more than a month. Drops of moisture that disappear early promise a winter without snow. In addition to the celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there are many prohibitions.

When the holiday arrived, the field work

Holiday restrictions

When the holiday arrived, field work was completed. During this period, people relax after long hours of work. Restrictions for this day:

  • It is prohibited to drink alcohol and eat meat.
  • You cannot work on September 21; the celebration is entirely dedicated to prayers.
  • You should control your speech, as foul language and swearing are unacceptable.

The girls celebrated this day near the water. There was a superstition that women who washed themselves with water before sunrise would retain youth and beauty for a long time. Another tradition is to visit newlyweds; their parents must teach the newlyweds married life, and the bride baked a pie for the guests. The husband showed the guests the state of their household; if everything was good and organized, then the newlyweds were given gifts.

The young people themselves visited all family members on this day, going around them with a baked pie. In the morning in church it is customary to light candles wrapped in flowers in order to preserve the well-being and condition of the house. A leaf with a prayer was attached to the bottom of the candle. Whichever side was burned on the leaf, that prayer was answered.

Many customs are associated with the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Religious people who regularly celebrate this day treat the birth of Mary with special warmth. In addition to celebrating this day, a lot is expected, people offer prayers with anticipation, and ask for the most secret and problematic things.