Proper behavior in public places. Behavior in public places

The rules of etiquette in society are the ability to behave in all situations in which a person can find himself. AT modern world it is extremely important to know them, to have good manners in order to be pleased with yourself and others, to treat all people with respect, affability, benevolence, naturally. So that any, even the best elite society, willingly accepts you into its ranks.

Interpretation of the term

Etiquette in modern society- a list of generally accepted rules that relate to human behavior in relation to other people in certain life situations.

There are several main types of such rules.

  1. The ability to present oneself - the rules for the formation of a wardrobe, appearance, self-care, physical form and posture, gait, postures, gestures.
  2. Speech etiquette - the ability to correctly say greetings, compliments, thanks, give remarks; farewell rules, politeness, manner of speech.
  3. Table etiquette - manners at the table, serving standards, the ability to eat.
  4. Rules of etiquette in society - how to behave in a museum, at an exhibition, in a theater, restaurant, court, library, shop, office, etc.
  5. Business etiquette - relationships with colleagues, superiors, good business manners, leadership skills, etc.

Ability to present yourself

Good manners, the rules of etiquette, the ability to be a kind person - all this requires not only skills, but also knowledge in these areas. should know how to behave in any circumstances, be able to behave accordingly, be amiable, friendly and self-confident.

Etiquette in clothes

The first impression is the strongest and most memorable, and in addition, the mind is manifested in the choice of clothing for the occasion. To make a good impression, it is not enough to be fashionable or expensively dressed. If you want to please others, you must reckon with them and take into account different circumstances. Therefore, even in the formation of a wardrobe, it is customary to observe the rules of etiquette in society. It is important that the clothes are beautiful and suit you, but it is much more important that all the details of the appearance are organically combined with each other, and that it matches the time, place and atmosphere. It is not customary to wear evening dresses during the day, and to wear leisure clothes to work. Each time, choosing what to wear, you must take into account the situation, the appropriate occasion, time, place, do not forget about your own age, body features. Everything you wear should always be clean, hemmed, buttoned and ironed. The exit attire should always be in full readiness. When shaping your wardrobe, remember to include must-have items such as suits, tailored trousers and skirts, blouses and evening wear, and home kits.

Personal care

Good manners imply the obligatory observance of cleanliness of clothes, proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life. It is unacceptable to appear in society unkempt. At the same time, it is important to monitor the appearance in the complex, carefully removing the hair, going out into the "light". These are mandatory rules of etiquette and behavior for a girl, as well as for a man.

Good manners in society

The ability to present oneself begins with gait, posture, gestures, postures, manners of sitting and sitting. The rules of etiquette in society require a beautiful gait with a straight posture, when the arms do not move widely in the rhythm of the step, the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is tucked up. You can not lift your head high, but you should not walk with your head down. Equally important are postures and gestures. To make a good impression, you need to act simply and naturally. It is considered bad manners to turn something in your hands, twist your hair around your finger, drum your fingers on the table, stamp your feet to the beat of the music, touch any parts of your body with your hands, pull on someone else's clothes. As for the question of how to sit correctly, it is important to know only two rules here: do not cross your legs and do not fall apart, spreading your legs and arms to the sides.

Speech etiquette

Polite words are special formulas in which a large amount of information is encrypted, both semantic and emotional. It is necessary to know them by heart, to be able to choose the most appropriate for the occasion and pronounce them in the appropriate tone in time. Masterly, correct possession of these words is speech etiquette in modern society.

1. Greeting

When choosing a form of greeting, put enough meaning and feeling into the words. For example, you would not be very delicate when you say “good afternoon” to a person whose face shows that he is upset about something. Or it’s completely unacceptable to say hello to the boss, except in cases of personal friendship. Be attentive to words and people - when greeting them, call them by name or by name and patronymic. Men must accompany each other with a handshake. When meeting with a lady, a gallant gentleman kisses her hand, while he should not pull her towards him, but should bend as far as the woman gave her hand.

2. Appeal, presentation

Which of the appeals is preferable, you have to decide in each case, depending on the audience you are addressing. It is customary to address acquaintances by name or by name and patronymic, the second is considered a manifestation of greater respect. In a formal setting, when introducing anyone, state the first and last name. And addressing by patronymic, for example, Ivanovna, is permissible only in the village, but not in any way.

3. Requests

The word "please" is really magical, it must be heard in all requests. Since the request in one way or another burdens the person to whom you are addressing, in some cases it is worth adding: “If it’s not difficult for you”, “Is it not difficult for you?” It is also appropriate to say: "Do me a favor, be kind, could you," etc.

4. Farewell

Before you say goodbye, you should prepare the interlocutor for parting: "It's already late", "Unfortunately, I have to go." It is then customary to express satisfaction with the time spent together, such as "I'm glad we met." The next stage of farewell is words of gratitude. Sometimes you can say a compliment to the mistress of the house, say goodbye and immediately leave without delay.

In addition, the rules of etiquette in society require the ability to invite, apologize, console, express condolences, gratitude. Each of these forms of address should sound natural, sincere, excluding rude and harsh phrases and phrases.

Table etiquette

Eating beautifully is just as important as moving and speaking well, but it is here that one must especially observe the measure.

  • No need to try to deliberately embellish the process of eating, for example, eat in very small pieces, set aside bent fingers. It is enough not to open your mouth while chewing, not to talk with your mouth full, to chew food thoroughly before putting another portion in your mouth.
  • Never drink until you have swallowed the food, unless you have taken hot food in your mouth unexpectedly. If you see that the food is hot, do not blow on it before you start eating.
  • Try to eat and drink absolutely silently.
  • In society, bread is eaten not by biting off the whole piece, but by breaking off pieces from it.
  • Salt from an open salt shaker, if there is no special spoon in it, is supposed to be taken with the end of a clean knife, after pouring it on the edge of your plate.
  • Ketchup or mustard as a condiment is offered only in the most casual atmosphere.
  • When eating, try not to stain your plate as much as possible, do not stir or smear food on it.
  • Never, even at home, eat with your hands. It is customary to hold the fork in the left hand, and the knife in the right. If you are eating a salad, then you can take the fork with your right hand.
  • If you want to drink or take a break from eating, then you need to leave the fork and knife in a crosswise or "house" position.
  • The spoon is always taken with the right hand, if you eat from a soup bowl, the spoon is left there after eating, not laid out on the table.
  • At the end of the meal and before drinking, it is customary to use a napkin.

Etiquette: rules of conduct in society and public places

AT in public places there are some specific rules good manners which are extremely important to follow.

1. In a museum, at an exhibition, a vernissage

The rules of conduct in these "temples" of art all over the world are the same and extremely simple: walk through the halls quietly, speak in a hushed tone, do not touch anything with your hands, do not get too close to the paintings and exhibits so as not to disturb other visitors.

2. In the theater, philharmonic, concert hall

Modern rules of good manners are somewhat contradictory. Previously, a man had to invite ladies to such public places, today it is considered quite decent if a girl herself invites him to a performance, a concert. And even if it is she who pays for tickets for two. A well-bred man should play the role of a gallant gentleman, courting a lady everywhere. It is important to arrive on time, undress calmly, take a seat without disturbing anyone. People with impeccable upbringing should not chew anything while watching.

3. In court, church, clinic, library

The rules of etiquette and good manners in society urge you to behave in these places as quietly and inconspicuously as possible. You can not talk, rustle, chew and walk without special need. Questions and inquiries should be answered politely and in a low voice.

In any establishment, it is important to maintain good manners, to be accommodating, tactful and polite. Most importantly, your stay should not cause discomfort to any of those present.

Business Etiquette

Good manners at work - required condition for every worker. What points are affected Business Etiquette? Easy rules will help to understand this issue.

  • Compliance with subordination with colleagues and superiors.
  • Timely arrival at work and prompt performance of their duties.
  • Polite communication with both colleagues and visitors.
  • Privacy at work.
  • Appropriate clothing for the institution you work for.
  • Lack of personal topics in discussions.
  • Maintain order in your workplace.
  • by phone.

Rules in society help to achieve the goals assigned in business. With good manners, one can advance career ladder and in everything to be a successful self-actualized person.

To be a pleasant person in any situation, to want to do business with you, you need to perfectly know the laws of behavior in society. They will help not only achieve any goals, but also become a self-confident and happy person.

Rules of conduct in public places

Today it is rare to see a picture when, standing near open door, the two persuade each other: ʼʼPlease͵ come inʼʼ - ʼʼNo, please͵ you go throughʼʼ. Usually, when we are let in front, we pass without undue ceremony. And, in principle, this is correct.

Traditionally, the man lets the woman go first; the younger makes way for the older; subordinate to the boss. Of two people of equal age, occupying the same position, the one closest to the door passes first.

If you have two-leaf balancing doors in front of you: the woman walking in front takes the handle of the right wing and pulls it towards her, the man standing behind her intercepts the handle and holds the door, the woman passes, the man follows her. The left wing of the door should be left at the disposal of people walking towards.

In case you brought a guest to the house. The hostess enters first, followed by the guest. If the host is a man, the guest enters first. Well, what if he doesn't know the way or it's dark outside the door? In this case, the host enters first, saying: ʼʼLet me walk youʼʼ or: ʼʼPlease͵ follow meʼʼ. The same should be done if the guest is a woman.

When it is extremely important to lead a particularly respected person through an institution or apartment where several doors come across on the way, politeness requires the person meeting you to behave as follows: open the door, let the guest in, then slightly outrun him in the direction of the next door, open this door, let the guest in , again a little ahead, open the next door and skip.

At the university, students are obliged to comply with the internal regulations, respect the work and dignity of teachers, teaching support staff and other employees of the university. Follow the orders and instructions of the faculty and university management.

The traditional form of greeting for a teacher entering the classroom at the beginning of classes is for students to stand up. A student who is late for the beginning of classes should be admitted only with the permission of the teacher. Do not distract the teacher and other students from the presentation of the material. Turn off the sound of a mobile phone, do not answer a phone call during class. Don't talk when the teacher is talking, only allowed conversations and discussions by the teacher are available. Do not eat or drink during class.

Rules of conduct at lectures and seminars:

Students greet the teacher by standing up (as in school).

- "Walking" during the lecture is not welcome, in this regard, if you do not want to "become famous" by a public remark from the lecturer with subsequent inclusion in his personal "black list", do not provoke him with your "hazing" behavior.

Do not shout out from your seat ͵ if you suddenly do not understand something during the lecture. AT best case raise your hand, and if the lecturer deems it necessary to interrupt his presentation, he will answer your question. The best place for discussion is the seminars.

Know by face (and by name) the prefects of your course and academic group. It is the teachers who report to the group leaders about seminars, various events, distribute developments for seminars, as well as coveted questions for tests and tickets for exams. For this reason, if you have missed classes, ask your prefects about upcoming events.

If you are a journalist to the marrow of your bones and want to perpetuate the lecture by recording it on a dictaphone, then first ask the permission of the lecturer himself before starting the lesson.

You have come to a wonderful building, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ created and beautifully equipped for your studies. It has all the necessary conditions for your full learning and recreation. Remember - this building belongs to you, treat it as your own, as it was purchased and maintained with the funds that you contribute for training.

The university is prohibited from creating political parties and conducting political activities on the territory of the university.

In the premises and on the territory of the university it is prohibited:

Being drunk;

Drinking alcoholic beverages;

Smoking in educational buildings and premises;

Distribution and use narcotic substances;

Implementation of actions that interfere with the educational process.

The resident of the hostel must:

Observe the mode of operation of the case;

Protect property;

Maintain cleanliness;

Perform public duties to maintain order and cleanliness;

Fulfill the requirements of the administration for the placement of students;

Do not interfere with the learning and living of others.

Rules of conduct in the dining room:

While eating in the canteen, students are to maintain good manners and behave decently;

Must respect the employees of the dining room;

Observe the queue when receiving dishes;

Talking while eating should be quiet so as not to disturb those who eat in the neighborhood;

It is allowed to consume food and drinks purchased in the dining room only in the dining room or in specially designated places for this;

Students clean the table after eating;

Students take good care of the property of the university canteen;

It is forbidden to come to the dining room in outerwear and put bags and other things on the table.


It used to be customary for a man, when climbing stairs with a woman, to walk behind her without fail. Today, a slightly different order has been decided: it is expedient and therefore justified that a man strives to get ahead of a lady only in those cases when the stairs are dark, steep or shaky. If the circumstances are different, the woman goes ahead. When descending, the man goes first, followed by the woman.

In the event that someone politely makes way for you as they pass by, either bow slightly or say: ʼʼThank youʼʼ. If you are on a narrow staircase and you are walking towards old man, boss or lady, you need to stop and take a small step to the side, letting the walker pass.

When a man and a woman walking in different directions collide on the stairs, the woman is not obliged to move away from the railing, even if this is against the rule of ʼʼ right-hand trafficʼʼ, the sides of the stairs with railings are the privilege of the weaker sex, the elderly and children.

Elevators, escalators

Rules of conduct in public places An elevator is the same "public territory" as a street or stairs, you can not take off your hat here.
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In the elevator, as in any other place, we greet those whom we always greet.

In a crowded public elevator, a man does not take off his hat, even if he accompanies a woman. In the elevator of a residential building or a residential type hotel, he will probably take off his hat when a woman enters, if his hands are not busy with packages.

In automatic elevators, a woman, if she is traveling without an escort, presses herself desired button. The man in the elevator, if he is standing close to the panel, asks the others (especially women) what floor they need, and presses the buttons. In full elevators, well-mannered people step aside or step out for a while to allow those standing behind to get out. In the elevators of the service buildings, the men stand aside, allowing the women to enter unless they are accompanying them.

The man accompanying the woman allows her to enter the ascending escalator first, unless for some reason he needs to get up and help her down. On occasion, he usually gets off the escalator first to help the woman if she stumbles.


The modern rhythm of life requires us to quickly and clearly react. But we visit the store almost every day, and the purpose of the visit is not always a purchase. We go to the store to look at new arrivals, ask the price, get advice on the product we are interested in.

At the door of a store or institution, first let those leaving, and only then we enter ourselves, so you will not cause the formation of a “traffic jam” inside the premises. In large stores or other mass service establishments, a man may not take off his hat.
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At the same time, where the client is served individually, it is useful not to forget to take off your hat during the time and say hello to those who will deal with you.

When making a purchase in a store, it is useful to remember not to tire the seller with petty whims or protracted indecision. Approaching the checkout, you need to have at the ready the approximate amount of money needed for the purchase, and not look for them in your wallet or pockets at the last moment. You should not hesitate and counting the change.

Table manners.

You need to come to visit at exactly the appointed time, 10-15 minutes late is allowed. The hosts are invited to the table 30 minutes after the time indicated in the invitation. The men accompany the ladies, offering them right hand move the chair further, seated, and only then sit down themselves, according to left hand from the lady, and if the table is small, then opposite. If it is in a restaurant - a man serves a woman's menu to choose dishes for himself, then he chooses for himself. A woman can grant the right to choose men for herself, but a man makes an order himself.

Drinks and the first hot dishes are served on the right, all other dishes on the left. They start drinking after the toast is said. The men eat after they start, the ladies eat. The man pours wine to the lady on the right, with his left hand. In case you spilled something - do not stew - the tablecloth can be wiped with a napkin, the crumbs can be collected in a napkin.

If the device (fork, knife) has fallen, ask to bring another one. Combing hair, powdering, fixing makeup at the table is unethical. Do not talk at the table through 1-2 people. Leaving the table just like that before the end of the meal is also not necessary. The hosts should get up from the table, seeing that all the guests have already finished eating.

Appearance students

The choice of various items of clothing depends on the tastes of a person, his figure, age. financial opportunities and social position.

You need to constantly control yourself so as not to make rash purchases and always figure out whether new item clothes in style, material and color to the things we already have, is it possible to wear it with other things? Considering this, it is possible to save good mood, time and - money!

The most important rule is the following: you need to dress in such a way that the clothes emphasize the individuality of the person.

And the second rule: it is better and more profitable to have a few expensive and reasonably selected, purchased on for a long time things than to buy cheap things of poor quality, which quickly lose their appearance.


The culture of a person is primarily emphasized by his clothes. Tastefully chosen clothes and a neat appearance make a person confident, collected, energetic and, in the end, more attractive to others.

A mirror and household scales are the best advisers for those who strive to look elegant. Do not believe a mirror hung obliquely, it, however, favorably hides excessive fullness, but still does not give an objective idea of ​​​​our present appearance. The mirror should be hung vertically. It is able to tell everyone: whether he looks neat and fashionable enough, whether his appearance and toilet match the upcoming exit.

At the same time, that external, superficial neatness of a dress or full dress, which we note with pleasure when looking in the mirror, is far from the most important thing. Our body and everything we wear must always be immaculately clean, the most resplendent elegance of full dress will crumble to dust at the very moment when a dirty handkerchief appears from the pocket. Hair should always be clean and shiny. Men should shave daily, brunettes even twice if they have to go out in a dark suit in the evening.

It is important not only that everything is clean, but also hemmed, buttoned, ironed. Shoes should be cleaned even in rainy weather, shoes are often ʼʼblurredʼʼ that the dirt on them is the day before yesterday.

Practically, with the exception of a sports trip, you cannot go anywhere without a jacket. For the summer it is very handy to have a cotton suit. When visiting relatives, you can ask permission to take off your jacket, at other receptions we wait for the opportunity to be offered by the owner himself.

The suit requires a tie. It is only optional for colored or sports shirts.

In a formal setting, the jacket is buttoned up. In a buttoned jacket, one should enter the apartment of acquaintances, a restaurant (especially in the company of a woman), an office for a meeting, and a theater auditorium. The jacket must be buttoned up if you are sitting at the presidium at the table or making a presentation. The same is true when dancing.

You can unbutton your jacket buttons during dinner or while sitting in theater chairs. The bottom button of a jacket is never fastened.

The candidate wears a dark suit to defend his dissertation.

A shirt and a tie with a beautifully tied knot are required for the suit.

Etiquette requirements allow greater freedom in choosing clothes during the summer or winter holiday, holidays that you spend either in the country or in the rest home. Knitted things are just appropriate here, soft, warm, fluffy, creating an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.

Clothing in and of itself is not just beautiful. Its beauty lies in its purpose - for work, at home, for a holiday, for a country walk. Elegant clothes get along only with an elegant owner who has an appropriate posture, owns good manners and beautiful speech.


An outstanding Ukrainian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky in the book ʼʼHow to Raise a Real Personʼʼ defined 10 ʼʼit is impossibleʼʼ, following which you can become a well-mannered and cultured person:

1. You can't mess around when everyone else is working.

2. You can not laugh at old age and old people.

3. You can't argue with elders.

4. You can’t be jealous that you don’t have some thing, but you have a friend.

5. Share the best piece with your parents - don't be selfish so that your parents give everything only to you.

6. You can not do what the elders condemn.

7. You can not leave the old native person lonely.

8. Do not go on the road without consulting with the elders.

9. You can not sit down at the table without inviting the elders.

10. You can’t sit when a person older than you is standing (in transport, at a party, etc.)

In P. Shcherban's book ʼʼNational Education in the Familyʼʼ the author cites ʼʼ Rules of Cultural Behaviorʼʼ, which every educated person should know and follow.

Rejoice in your friend's success.

Be truthful, know how to admit your guilt and never shift it onto others.

Do not brag about even the most beautiful deed - a good deed speaks for itself.

Keep your word and keep your promises.

A true friend is known only in trouble, but also in joy (not every person knows how to be sincerely happy for a friend)

Never offend or humiliate anyone, no matter how high you rise up the corporate ladder.

Always protect those who are weaker and younger than you.

Treat people the way you would like people to treat you.

Educated people who are benevolent and joyful live easier, scientists have found that such people live longer and retain their attractiveness until old age.

Rules of conduct in public places - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Rules of conduct in public places" 2014, 2015.

A modern person, especially living in a city, communicates with other people mainly on the street, in public transport, in shops and other public places. Therefore, the rules of behavior in public places are very important in modern etiquette. These rules are based on the experience of past generations and at the same time reflect the way modern life. Of course, these are only tips on how to be most sensible in your life. different situations in which any person can find himself on the street or in another public place. But knowing and fulfilling them makes the life of a person and the people around him more pleasant, comfortable, and even beautiful.

Time does not stand still, and therefore recommendations are not an inviolable dogma, they can change. But a person who finds himself in new circumstances that are not provided for by advice and rules, to do this and not otherwise, is helped by a sense of tact, an awareness of the true meaning of the culture of communication.

On the street Naturally, all citizens must comply with traffic rules that ensure the safety of pedestrians and drivers. Pedestrians are required to use the sidewalk, not the carriageway, to cross the street only in permitted places at the green traffic light. On the sidewalk, you should follow a certain order: keep to the right side in the direction of your movement. Especially in the morning and evening, so that there are no collisions of oncoming human flows when people rush to work and then rush home.

All pedestrians have a different speed of movement. Educated people, overtaking others, try not to offend them. If they accidentally push someone, they immediately apologize: “sorry”, “sorry”. These words of courtesy allow you to smooth out the inconvenience caused by accident.

You can't stop for a conversation in the middle of the sidewalk. This is a manifestation of disrespect for other pedestrians who are forced to bypass the interlocutors standing in their way. If you want to talk, you should step aside.

In the street, a man is supposed to walk to the left of a woman; if two men are walking, then the one who is younger is walking on the left. If there are three, then the woman or the oldest goes in the middle. If four are walking together, it is better to split into pairs; women or older ones go ahead.

When meeting a friend on the street, you need to greet him. It happens that people meet on the street twice on the same day. It is indecent to pretend not to notice a person and turn away from him. You should at least smile at him. You can say the phrase "Here we met again" or other polite words.

It should always be remembered that a well-mannered person on the street:

Does not litter, does not spit, does not point a finger;

Do not yell at children;

He doesn’t walk on lawns, on the left side of the sidewalk, he doesn’t throw bits, he doesn’t spit out bones, he doesn’t eat on the go.

It is generally accepted that a man can smoke on the street, although according to strict rules of good manners, this should be avoided. But smoking a woman on the street is the first indicator of the lack of culture in this lady.

Compliance with the most important rules of conduct with strangers- a sign of respectability, good breeding, self-confidence. There are a number of rules for people traveling on train, boat, plane. A long journey is conducive to a leisurely conversation. You have to be able to lead it. First of all, one should not abuse the attention of fellow travelers, do not strive to take possession of all sides of the conversation, do not be overly talkative: talkativeness is a sign of bad taste, the other extreme is isolation.

The rules of conduct in all modes of transport are almost the same. The difference is only in the observance of certain conditions at the entrance and exit. Old people, disabled people, women with children should be assisted in boarding transport if they need it. When leaving the vehicle, especially in winter, when it is slippery on the street, such people should stretch out their hand, trying to support the exiting person under the elbow. It is necessary in the subway, in the train to give way to old people and women.

In all types of public transport, excessively loud laughter and conversations are unacceptable, both among themselves in a company and on a mobile phone. If you get a call and need to answer urgently, try to speak in a low voice and very briefly. It should be remembered that you are not alone and next to you are people whom you cause inconvenience with your loud conversations.

visiting theatre, it is necessary to observe a number of rules of etiquette. In no case be late, because arriving at the last minute, you interfere with those who have already taken their seats. At the entrance, a man or the youngest of the companions submits tickets.

A man takes off his headdress, entering the theater building and in the coat closet. Only then does he help his companion take off her coat. When leaving the theater, the man also first dresses himself, after which he gives the coat to his companion. He puts on his headdress only at the door when leaving.

When passing to his place, the man goes first. If people are already sitting in a row, then you should go to your place facing the people sitting, with your back to the stage. Be sure to apologize to people for causing concern. It is indecent to talk during the performance, to rustle with candy wrappers. People who have a cold should stay at home, because. coughing, blowing your nose interferes with both the audience and the actors. You should not rush to the wardrobe until the action is over. In the theatre5 it is customary to applaud not only at the end of a performance, but also after the end of each act, at the end of a brilliant scene or aria, sometimes upon entering the stage. famous actor. When the conductor and soloists appear, if the performance is musical.

AT hotel, sanatorium, boarding house you should be friendly, polite and tactful with the staff and guests. The following rules must be observed:

Do not turn on the TV at full power in the evening and at night;

Do not speak loudly in the corridors;

In case of a late return or early rise, try to make as little noise as possible.

The rules of human society require that each person in his relationships with others show respect, sensitivity, concern for their comfort, so that all his behavior is permeated with a high sense of tact. Outwardly, this is expressed in the observance of certain rules of conduct at work, at home, at a party, in public places. Let's dwell on the latter.

Cultural norms of behavior in public places developed over the centuries. Some rules that were previously considered important (for example, it was considered indecent for a girl to go out into the street without being accompanied by elders, etc.) are discarded as not meeting the new social conditions and style of modern life. Only those norms and rules of cultural behavior are preserved that express mutual respect, equality, camaraderie and make common life people more comfortable, joyful, cultured.

The first contact with strangers occurs when leaving the house. You should always walk along the street so as not to interfere with those walking towards you. Sometimes several people walk down the street in a row, often even arm in arm, while occupying the entire sidewalk, so that those walking towards them have to get off onto the pavement in order to bypass this “company”. Well-bred three of us will never walk arm in arm along the sidewalk or the paths of the park. If two of them walk hand in hand, the third should always go freely, so that if necessary, take a step back or go forward and let other passers-by pass by.

When meeting on the street with acquaintances, if you stop to talk with them, you should never crowd near the doors of a store, institution, or in the middle of the sidewalk. In order not to disturb others, you need to stop at the edge of the sidewalk. If only one of the members of the company is interested in a conversation with an acquaintance, then it should not be delayed, but an appointment should be arranged at another time so as not to force your companions to wait for the end of the conversation.

On the street, it is not recommended to talk loudly, especially on intimate or family topics, so as not to attract the involuntary attention of others to household chores and disputes. You should also not talk across the street or with those looking out of the windows of the upper floors.

When making his way through the crowd, a man or a teenager should go ahead in order to clear the way for a woman or an older person. Never force your way, but politely ask to be let through. If you happen to accidentally offend someone, never forget to apologize.

At the entrance to a store, an apartment, and a room in general, women, children, and older persons are let through.

When meeting acquaintances on the street, men and younger ones bow first, but the woman or elders are the first to give their hand. When meeting outside the home, acquaintances always say hello, even if they have already seen each other that day. When greeting, a man always raises his headdress (cap, cap, hat), and a woman tilts her head slightly. Only in winter, when it's cold, does a man say hello without taking off his hat. A man should never greet with his hand in his pocket or a cigarette in his mouth.

Cultured people never throw used tickets or papers on the floor or in the street in a non-bin; do not allow this to be done both by their own and other people's children.

It is still not uncommon to see how children and even adults break branches of trees and bushes, not thinking about how much work and care it takes to care for plants, and that green spaces serve everyone.

When boarding a carriage, young people should let women and the elderly go ahead, and not try to be the first to take best places. And in the carriage itself, one should always give way to the weaker, the sick, the elderly.

Wrong do those adults who allow children with legs to climb on seats or kneel on them at the window, forgetting that the dirty shoes of children stain the clothes of other passengers

You should not behave noisily and cheekily in the car. Sometimes young people, returning with a company from school or from work, talk loudly in the car, laugh, push, do not take into account the fact that this may disturb others.

If you need to get off, you need to advance to the exit of the car in advance, apologizing and gradually changing places with passengers who are traveling further.

Tact and courtesy must also be observed when attending concerts, theater, cinema, dance evenings.

At a concert, a performance in the hall must be completely silent. Only in this way is a connection established between artists and spectators, which is so necessary for both. Unfortunately, there are still ill-mannered people who, during the performance of the program, whisper, fidget, creak their chairs, laugh, preventing others from listening and watching. During the performance of numbers, latecomers should not rush into the hall and take their place. You have to wait for the number or scene to end. You should go to your seats in such a way as to disturb others as little as possible, and politely apologize if you still have to disturb someone.

Some viewers sometimes rush to the performances right from work without having time to eat, and during the performance they begin to eat sandwiches taken with them, rustle paper. In order not to disturb the neighbors, you should have a snack only during intermissions.

It is tactless and insulting towards the artists and the public when some spectators, without waiting for the end of the performance, get up and squeeze to the exit, trying to be the first to get clothes in the wardrobe. It is supposed to sit quietly in their seats until the concert is completely over, the performance and the artists come out to greet the public. Hurry and hustle when leaving the hall and in the wardrobe are completely unacceptable.

At the cinema, men sometimes prevent those sitting behind from watching a movie, forgetting to take off their hats. Women are not recommended to wear wide-brimmed or too high hats in such cases. Young children should not be taken to screenings for adults, for whom this film is incomprehensible, and therefore they are not able to sit still until the end. With their weeping and impatient requests to leave, they interfere with other viewers. Cultural people always take care not to cause trouble to others by their behavior and actions.

At dance parties, young people often do not know that inviting a girl to dance should be done with a slight bow, and not just by taking her hand or beckoning with a movement of her fingers, a nod of her head. After the dance, the girl should not be left in the middle of the hall, she should be escorted to the place and thanked for the dance with the same bow.

Finally, you must strictly monitor your speech, do not allow obscene or vulgar words and expressions that offend the hearing of others.