Earth Day lesson in the preparatory group. Lesson summary on the topic: "Earth Day." Presentation “Rules of conduct in the forest”

International Earth Day.

Lesson on ecology and familiarization with the surrounding world

in the preparatory school group


Introduce the history of the holiday

Develop environmental literacy

Foster respect for nature

Ability to quickly find answers to questions

A wonderful time of year has come - spring is ending April is the month, saturated

Various holidays. Let's remember and name the holidays together,

held in April.

V. Well done, that’s right. What holiday will be in April?

The children answer.

April 22 – International Earth Day – a holiday of clean water, land and air.

And I will tell you the story of this holiday. The story is connected with the name of John Morton,

who was very active in fighting deforestation. Morton suggested having a day

Dedicated to landscaping, establish prizes for those who plant a large number of trees.

This day was called Tree Day. It began to be celebrated on Morton's birthday, April 22.

The holiday began to be celebrated throughout the world and in Russia too. This holiday is called -

Earth Day.

Earth Day serves as a day to remember the terrible environmental disasters.

This day when every person thinks about what he can do

In the decision environmental problems? What example does he set for his children?

Guys, what do you know about environmental disasters?

The children answer.

The teacher summarizes and complements the children’s statements.

Well done, how much do you know! We will find out how you will save nature during the game.

Children stand on the carpet in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a ball.

The game “How can I save nature?” is being played. Educator

Encourages children to give complete answers.

Very good! But I know that you have prepared a poem.


You, Man, loving nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her.

On pleasure trips

Don't trample its fields.

Don't burn her recklessly

And don't trample to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth -

There are many of us, but she is alone.

Wonderful poem! I know that you love nature very much,

you know how to take care of it and you can do a lot of interesting, simple and unusual things

talk about her.

The phonogram “Birdsong” sounds.

How beautiful the forest is spring time! Everything around is waking up and enjoying the warmth.

Even the forest dwellers crawled out of their houses, bugs, worms, and the bear came out

From his den.

A bear enters the group room.

Bear. Hello! I see a lot of guys gathered here!

Educator. Young conservationists gathered here.

Bear. But I want to arrange a test for the kids. How much do they say about our nature?

They know if she is loved! And the forest dwellers will help me. They sent you letters

In which there are tasks of forest inhabitants.

For the correct answer, children receive a fir cone.

Questions from forest inhabitants for children.


1. What is paper made from?

2. What mushroom grows under the aspen?

3. What color are the needles on a birch tree?


1. What is the name of the squirrel’s house? Who makes it?

2.What is the name of the bees' house?

3. Who carries his house on himself.

4. Was the hut built without hands, without an axe? What is this riddle about?

Educator. Well done! Have the animals asked you any difficult questions?

Have you collected a lot of cones?

The children answer.

A group lesson on designing from natural material(bumps).

Invite the children to design a forester, a mascot of the forest.

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: I offer you a holiday scenario for older children preschool age. This holiday is dedicated to the natural world. It helps to develop in children a humane, moral attitude towards nature, to form the ability and desire to preserve nature.

Target: creating a joyful, spring mood in children on a holiday - Earth Day.
- formation of environmentally literate behavior and respect for nature;
- children’s desires to decorate their Earth with specific deeds and actions;
- raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children.
Preliminary work:
- learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature;
- conversations on the topic environmental education;
- viewing illustrations;
- reading works of art about plants and animals.
- two waste baskets,
- garbage (cans from Kinder surprises, clothespins, sticks, paper),
- easels,
- A4 paper,
- pastels or wax crayons, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.
Participants: teachers, children and parents.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.
Educator: Dear guests and guys, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday. For almost 40 years, Earth Day has been celebrated all over the world.
In Russia, on this day they organize cleanup days, plant trees, remove garbage, hold various events, and call for solutions to environmental problems.
Child: Is on Earth huge house
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream,
You live in that bright house,
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
The nature of my native land
This is the name of the house!

Educator: Today, I propose to talk with you about how to take care of our planet, what needs to be done so that its beauty does not fade away.
What can we preschoolers do to make the planet bloom and green, so that the air is cleaner, and nature makes us happy?
Children give their answers.
Child: Everyone here knows, you and me!
You cannot offend nature!
So let's say together one, two, three,
Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!
Educator: And I propose to open our holiday with "Happy exercise"
One, two, three, four, five,
We can all count
We also know how to relax:
Let's put our hands behind our backs,
Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easily, easily.
Educator: Let's warm up our voices and sing with you, my friend.
Song “A friend is with us.”
1. With us, friend - with us, friend,
Together - together,
Sing, sing,
A song! - a song!
And then - and then,
The sun is the sun,
Smiles at us from above,
And then - and then,
Bright - bright,
Flowers will bloom all over the Earth.
Together we will build a house,
Together we will plant a garden,
Let's sing this song together.
Everyone knows that we are together,
Everyone knows that we are together,
Together we are always more interesting!
2. Birds of us - birds of us,
Called - called
Behind you - behind you,
In the distance - in the distance,
But then - but then,
Who, who,
Will he walk on the grass barefoot?
But then - but then,
Who, who,
Plant a garden and build a house?
3. Let the Earth - let the Earth,
Circling - circling,
All children are all children
They are friends - they are friends.
We then - we then,
Quickly - quickly,
We'll grow mushrooms in the rain.
We then - we then,
Home - home
Let's call the earth a common home.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

-In the summer he puts on a fur coat,
And in winter he takes it off. (Forest.)
- There are many different trees there,
Herbs, lichens, bushes,
Birds, animals, mushrooms and berries,
And, of course, mosquitoes.
It's always full of miracles -
I love walks in... (forest)!
- Objects of nature that breathe,
They grow, multiply, run, hear,
They can walk and turn their heads -
These are objects of nature... (live)
- Five kingdoms in which there are many organisms,
We call mother-... (nature)
Educator: You are a master at solving riddles, and now we will check how well you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game “If I come to the woods.” I will tell you my actions, and you tell me if they are correct. If the actions are good, say “yes”, and if they are bad, say “no”! (riddles are asked in turn to children and parents)
If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No.)
If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No.)
If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes.)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes.)
If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No.)
If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it. (No.)
If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes.)
I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes.)
Educator: Well done, almost everyone answered correctly. Now the guys will speak and will once again remind you of these rules. Please remember how a well-mannered person must behave in the forest, polite man, and teach this to your friends.
Child: On the planet year after year
Man harms nature.
And he didn’t understand, the eccentric,
That nature is not a trifle!

Child: A well-mannered person does not break branches of trees and bushes, or pick forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and provides shelter for a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.
Child: Don't knock down people you don't know or even know poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are medicine for forest inhabitants.
Child: We should not catch and bring forest animals, insects and birds into the house; for them, our “entertainment” often ends in illness, torture and death. These are not toys.
Child: Do not destroy anthills accidentally or on purpose! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their little house before frost. And they will die!
Child: And, of course, a polite person who comes to relax in a forest or meadow will not leave trash behind.
Educator: I invite my parents to play.
Didactic game “Whose fruits (seeds)?”
Acorns grow on... - oak;
apples grow on... - apple tree;
round bump on... - pine tree;
long cone on... - spruce;
clusters of rowan grow on... - rowan;
catkins grow... - on birch, alder, willow.
Educator: Thank you, parents. Now, let's play a game with the children. To do this you need to split into two teams. We cling to each other like a train, hold on tight, try not to get unstuck.
There are various objects scattered on the floor, you need to remove everything, whose team collects the most objects wins.
Outdoor game “Clean up the trash.”
Educator: Well done, now we see that you always clean up the trash. Now we will try never to offend nature. We must remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor. Unfortunately, wittingly or unwittingly, we often violate these rules. Therefore, let us now ask for forgiveness from nature and try not to make any more mistakes in communicating with nature.
Child: Forgive us, little bug,
And the ant and the bees,
Sorry, slender poplar
And felled trees.
Forgive us, captured animal,
You feel so cramped in the cage.
Sorry for not saving
And you have become so rare now.
Child: We want the birds to sing
So that there is noise around the forest,
So that the skies are blue,
So that the river turns silver,
For the butterfly to frolic,
And there was dew on the berries,
We want the sun to shine
And the birch tree turned green.
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog!
For the squirrel to jump,
So that the rainbow sparkles,
May it rain cheerfully in the summer!
Educator: Now, let's make our own planet Earth, where there is no garbage. And the sun always shines, it rains cheerfully and the rainbow sparkles.
(children with their parents are divided into pairs and draw on templates how they see our planet)

Child: Let's be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow,
Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rains,
How the sun is friends with all of us!
Child: Let's strive for this
So that both the beast and the bird love us,
And they trusted us everywhere,
Like your most loyal friends!
Child: Let's save the planet!
There is nothing like it in the entire universe.
There is only one in the whole universe,
It was given to us for life and friendship!
Educator: I invite everyone to join the circle and play a little. I throw a ball to the child and ask a question, and he must catch and answer.
A ball game is being played.
- What do we give mom for the holiday? You can smell them...? (flowers)
- Where do worms live...? (in the ground)
- Who flies above the earth...? (birds, butterflies)
- What do we breathe...? (by air)
- What animals live on earth...? (bears, cats, elk, dog, horse, etc.)
- Where do flowers grow...? (on Earth)
- They live underground...? (Worms, moles, beetles.)
- What is water needed for...? (Drink, swim, water the plants.)
Educator: Our mothers and fathers also did not sit idle at home, they were given homework, prepare small message or a presentation on how children relax in nature, whether they take care of it, how they treat their smaller brothers. So we give the floor to the parents, and you and I will be the strict jury.

Olga Marfey
Lesson notes in preparatory group"Earth Day"

"Take care of these land, these waters

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within you."

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group.


Form an idea about Earth and the lives of people on Earth.

Goals: Introduce diversity flora on Earth, with the importance of plants in human life.

Cultivate interest and respect for people different countries and nationalities, their activities and culture.

To foster a sense of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the laws of nature; develop responsibility for performing a variety of actions in environment, the idea that water, Earth and air is an integral part of all living organisms on the planet; learn to convey mood and feelings in a drawing, develop imagination and creativity. Create a festive, joyful mood.

Material: Illustrations medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, drawings of planets, globe or map, illustrations of adults and children of different nationalities.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Today Earth Day in Russia. A tiny grain of sand, lost in the vastness of space, has become home to infinitely many forms of life! How often do we think about this amazing fact? World earth day serves as a reminder of what unites representatives of thousands of professions, nationalities and religious denominations: Despite social and cultural differences, we are all children Earth.

The teacher shows the globe and explains that this is what our planet looks like when looking at it from space. If we look carefully, we will see blue seas and oceans, brown and yellow land areas, green forest areas. So far we do not know other planets where there is breathable air and water, which means people, plants and animals live. Our planet has everything necessary for human life.

The teacher shows illustrations of people of different nationalities. On earth people live in different nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians, Tatars, Germans, Americans, French, British. Every nationality has something it does better than others. For example, in Switzerland they make the best and most delicious cheese in the world. Italians are considered the best at making pasta and pizza, etc.

All people are different, but this does not prevent us from living together, because we respect other people, the traditions of other peoples, and try to be friends.

The teacher asks the children what their nationality is, draws attention to the fact that group There are children of different nationalities, and everyone lives together, loves their country Russia, and is proud that they are Russians.

Physical education minute.

Drowsiness has overcome

I don't feel like moving.

Come on, do it with me

The exercise is like this:

Up, down, stretch,

Wake up completely.

All the guys stood up together

And they walked on the spot.

They stretched on their toes.

We sat down like springs,

And then they sat down quietly.

Educator guys, let's play. Didactic exercise “Who lives where?”. The teacher names the country, and the children name the people living in this country. For example, Russia - Russians, Ukraine - Ukrainians, America - Americans, Italy - Italians, Georgia - Georgians, France - French.

The teacher shows illustrations.

Man lives on Earth along with surrounding nature, the plant world is very diverse. There are the smallest plants - these are herbs, there are a lot of them in gardens and meadows.

There are flowers - the joy and decoration of a person’s life. There are trees and shrubs - large and small. Cultivated plants grown by humans.

Many plants are used as food, dill, parsley, cilantro, onion, garlic, sorrel, spinach, cilantro, wild garlic, basil.

From some (eg cotton) they make tissues, and some are used to make medicine. All plants benefit humans - they absorb harmful carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which we humans and animals breathe. The teacher shows pictures - illustrations - let's name and repeat these plants (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs).

Educator guys, there are green and poisonous plants in this kingdom, let's remember the names and appearance of these plants, crow's eye, poisonous wekh, caustic buttercup, wolf's bast, wolf's berries, hemlock, herbaceous elderberry.

Teacher, guys, remember, you can eat those fruits and berries that you know well. When in the forest, do not touch unfamiliar plants, do not collect bouquets from them, do not weave wreaths. Our planet Earth very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

This will only make us kinder.

Now we take pencils, paints, today's class I propose to finish with your drawings, draw what you learned, heard, what you remember most.

Guys: We must protect nature, make friends with everyone, protect from wars and other troubles, decorate, work. All people together Earth can make their own home (planet Earth) beautiful, comfortable, so that a person can live well and calmly in it.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract "Earth Day". In preparation for the Earth Day holiday, the Pochemuchki group held classes “ Water resources Earth", "Blossoming.

Abstract of GCD on ecology in the senior group with elements of the Earth Day quiz Goal: developing a caring attitude towards nature. Objectives: 1. formation in children of ideas about international holiday– Earth Day.

Summary of an open integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Heroes of the Russian Land” Summary of an open integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Heroes of the Russian Land” Educator: Sklyarova V.P. Purpose: * To form.

Abstract open class on the topic: “Water resources of the Earth” in the preparatory group 1 of the MDOU “ Kindergarten No. 4" Educator: Khlopushina.

Summary of entertainment in the senior group “Earth Day”. Objectives: - developing children's ideas about the international holiday - Earth Day; - promoting the development of interest in the world around us;

Goal: Deepening environmental knowledge in children, instilling in them a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth.

Objective: To develop an understanding of life on Earth, about general conditions for the development of plants, animals and people (air, water, food); cultivate a sense of pride in your planet; encourage the desire to do something pleasant for the Earth; teach that what in different places conditions are different: there are territories where it is easy to live (fertile lands, wooded areas, temperate climate), but there are places where it is difficult for humans, animals and plants to live.

Preliminary work: learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature, conversations on the topic of environmental education, looking at illustrations, reading works of art about plants and animals, getting to know space, holding a competition for the best drawing on the topic “The Earth is our home.”

Equipment: a large ball with continents (model of the earth), two trash baskets, garbage (sticks, paper, plastics), hoppers, easels, A4 paper, pencils, gouache.

Children enter the hall listening to music


Today we celebrate Earth Day. We glorify the Earth and thank you for everything. All living creatures on Earth find food for themselves. Everything we need for life is given to us by the Earth: food, material for clothing, water. Earth is a beautiful planet! People should love and take care of her, because she is ours common house. I congratulate everyone on the Earth Day!

Guys, today planet Earth invited us to its birthday party. Her birthday is celebrated by all people on globe. On this day, everyone tries to plant trees and flowers, make birdhouses for birds, remove garbage from streets and squares, and clean water bodies. People try to preserve and decorate their home – our planet. Do you guys want to go to Earth's Birthday?

Physical education “Travel”

Children follow each other, performing movements in accordance with the text.

Presenter: We are walking along a country road, along sun-warmed earth.

(Stomping feet)

In front of us is a meadow, soft grass under our feet.

(Make sliding movements with their feet)

We walk along the river bank, the sand rustling under our feet.

(Rub palms)

We cross the river on a wooden bridge.

(We raise our legs high, clap under the knees)

The other bank of the river is swampy, we jump from hummock to hummock.

(We perform jumps on two legs)

There are thickets of willow trees all around, the wind sways the flexible branches.

(Raise our hands above our heads and shake them)

There is a wide ditch in front of us.

(Take a big jump)

There are ripe berries on the right and left, let's collect them as a gift to the Earth.

(Perform bends to the right - left, squats)

We walk through a meadow overgrown with tall grass.

(They walk, raising their knees high)

Here we come!

Host: Guys, let's say hello to the Earth.

Hello, Mother Earth!

Hello, meadows, fields!

Hello river, hello meadow,

Everything we see around us!

“Earth”, and the guys did not come to you empty-handed, but prepared congratulations.

“Dear, sweet earth!
Congratulations on your holiday!
We wish your rivers, lakes, forests,
To your pets: animals and birds,
Health for fish and insects,

And also to be yourself beautiful planet.
We think that on your birthday
You will be cheerful and will not be offended by us.
We will try to remove all the garbage from you."

Guys, do you want to play with the Earth?

A ball game is played: Earth asks a question and throws the ball

Who lives on earth? (animals, insects, flowers, etc.)
Who lives underground? (worms, moles, beetles, etc.)
Who flies above the Earth? (birds, insects)
When is it light outside? (in the afternoon)
Why is water needed? (drink, swim, water plants, etc.)
What is air needed for? (necessary for breathing)
What do bees do? (collect nectar)

You guys are great, you know everything about the Earth.

Competition: “Who can clean up the trash the fastest.”

After the end of the competition, the presenter asks where the animals can use the branches (for nests, anthills, etc.)



What kind of ceiling is this?
Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,
Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
It's a little bluish.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue – blue
We all like it
Without him we cry
And as soon as it appears -
We look away and hide:
It's very bright
And the roast is very hot.
Grew up in a meadow -
I found myself in a haystack.
Two antennas on the top of the head,
And she herself sits in the hut.
She's carrying her,
It crawls along the straw.
It can be alive or dead,
Both liquid and very solid...
Maybe lurking in the sky
And hide in the depths of the earth,
And they will evaporate before our eyes,
And then appear again!
Who lives in water all his life,
And she doesn’t drink water herself:
Neither lake nor river,
Not any other one.

Presenter: And now the guys for you Earth will perform “Dance with Umbrellas.” (from the film “ Office romance»
Dear “Earth”, the guys know poems about you.

1st child:
Us at any time of the year
Teaches wise nature:
Birds teach singing
Spider - patience.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.

2nd child:
Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness.
By nature all year round
You need to study.
All the forest people
Teaches strong friendship

3rd child:
You breathe the clean air of the forests
And you drink water from deep rivers,
You are full of her bread, man,
Answer her sad call.

4th child:
There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Migratory birds are called

5th child:
There is a huge house on Earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream,
You live in that bright house,
And all your friends.

6th child:
Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
The nature of my native land
This house is called.

Guys, but the Earth is in different times year varies.

(Show pictures)

Guess: When is the earth white?
What about yellow, red, orange?
When is it green?
And when - multi-colored?


Game "Travel in Orbit"
Game description:
There are two circles drawn on the floor in the center of the hall: a large one and a small one, one inside the other. In the center of the small circle is a model of the Earth. Two planets (start) are indicated on a large circle. On command, two children must hop on the fastest hop along the drawn orbit to the opposite planet.

After the game, the presenter and the children look at the drawings drawn by the children in advance.

Presenter: And now they will sing a song about the Earth. (I wish you my Earth)

You are already big and understand that the Earth is our nurse and waterer.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world!

We frolic over it, clouds and smoke.

We won’t let anyone offend her!

Integration educational areas

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Music”.

Target: To consolidate ideas about our planet Earth, about the Universe as a whole.



Give children an idea of ​​planet Earth. To form in the child an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature.Summarize children's ideas about the ecological dependence between natural phenomena and objects. Introduce children to plant growth. Give an idea of ​​“Where does the wind come from?”


Continue to work on the development of coherent speech, improve dialogic and monologue speech, and strengthen the ability to answer questions.Lay the foundations of an ecological culture.Develop voluntary attention, self-control, fine motor skills of the muscles of the fingers.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards all living things. Cultivate love for native nature, develop the desire to take care of her, take care of her.

Materials and equipment: song “The Earth is our common home” by N.B. Karavaeva, slides “How beautiful this world is”, flower pot, song “Friendship” by the group “Barbariki”, arrows (green, blue, white, brown), portrait of water (puzzle), slides “Clouds and wind”, fertilizer, watering can, set “Gardener”, wings (for the game), song “Sunny Bunnies”, song “Happy Birthday Earth!”.

Preliminary work: viewing the slides “Beauty of the Planet”, “Disasters of the Earth”. Getting to know the globes. Conversations about living and inanimate nature.

Educator: Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet Earth! Today is our holiday – Earth Day.

Earth Day is a holiday of clean land, clean water, clean air. It is celebrated by those who care about how future generations will see our planet.

So that we all understand what kind of holiday this is, we invite you to take a trip around our planet. (Children go to the chairs)

Slide show “How beautiful this world is”

All this is our home planet. There is so much beauty and wonder on it.

Child 1: The earth must be protected

Protect in every possible way,

Mountains, rivers and fields -

This is all our Earth.

Child 2: Life is on it every hour,

So it depends on all of us

What is our concern for her -

Every day it becomes even more important.

Child 3: Happy Earth Day,

Our Take care of the earth,

And she answered you -

Will protect you from various troubles!

Educator: Nature has three treasures:

Water, earth and air are its three foundations.

No matter what trouble comes -

They are safe, everything will be reborn again.

And the sun is shining, it warms everyone.

All together is strength and goodness...

A girl comes in and holds a flower pot. The girl is sad.

Educator: Hello girl! Why are you sad?

Girl: Hello! So, I wanted to grow a flower, I planted a seed in a pot, I wait and wait, but nothing grows. I don’t even know what to do...?

Educator: Guys, let's help the girl grow a flower! Whose help can we do without?

Children: Without the help of Earth, Water, Air and Sun.

Educator: Let's turn to them for advice. But the way there is not close. And they can defeat him only true friends!

Children read poems about friendship


1 child: The breeze is friends with the sun,

And dew with grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you.

2nd child: Everything with friends in half

We are happy to share!

Only friends quarrel


3rd child: Friendship is warm wind,

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A joyful feast for the soul.

4th child: Friendship is only happiness

People have only one friendship.

With friendship, bad weather is not scary

With friendship, life is always full.

5th child: A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend - even evil weakness,

In an instant it will melt and go away.

6th child: Believe, keep, value friendship,

This is the highest ideal.

It will serve you well.

After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

Educator: And here it is green arrow. To whom does this arrow point? (Towards the Earth).

Earth: Hello guys! I am the Earth-nurse. And you probably didn’t just come to me?

Girl: Yes, we came to you for advice. We wanted to grow a flower and planted a seed. But it doesn't germinate. Can you help us?

Earth: - I can... But first answer my questions!

Why do they call me Earth the Nurse?

What is there on Earth?

What is the difference between a tree and a bush?

Game "What's extra?"

Earth: Well done. For this, I will give you the promised advice: in order for the seed to germinate, the soil in the pot needs to be fed. (The earth gives fertilizer) And so that you yourself grow big, strong and strong, eat more vegetables, they have a lot of vitamins!!!

Educator: Here we have our first tip. Thank you, Earth. Where should we go next?

Earth: And then go to the Water. Without it, a flower cannot grow. (The earth is leaving).

Educator: Guys, how do we get to the water? The blue arrow will show us the way. What is water? What is it like? After all, we need to know what we are looking for.

A child reads a poem: Well, what kind of water is there?

Who will answer the question?

We know everything about water

And we’ll wipe anyone’s nose in the morning:

It's rain and icicles,

White snow and smooth ice

Stream and river... Each

Let him remember and understand!

After the poem, the children post a “portrait of water.” Water appears.

Water: I am the Sorceress Voditsa,

You won't be able to wash your face without me,

I dare to report to you -

You can't live without me.

Girl: Hello, Water! We came to you for help. I wanted to grow a flower and planted a seed in a pot. But it doesn't germinate. The earth advised us to fertilize the soil in the pot. What do you say? Can you help?

Water: I can, but first tell me where I can be found in nature? (Children's answers)

Yes, that's right! I’m like this: me and the snow, me and the river, me and the rain - raindrops... My friends - droplets sent you a video story about how they live. (View the presentation “Water cycle in nature” ). Where are my magic drops? (puts an imaginary drop of water in each child’s hands). I am sending you, droplets, to Earth. Shed some clean rain, water the earth, trees and flowers, and take a walk! Look, don’t play around, don’t get into passers-by’s collars, don’t splash yourself!

Song - game "Stream"

Droplets ran in the little blue boots (easy running),

The droplets turned into streams-paths,

A stream ran over pebbles, ran over pebbles (running),

Then in a transparent puddle he lay, lay, lay (children crouch: “fall asleep”),

Here again he ran at a gallop and gurgled loudly (jumping and changing into a circle),

I saw a river - jumped there (jumping forward),

And he immediately fell silent (the children sit on the carpet).

Water: I will give you a magic watering can with live water! Water your flower and it will grow strong and beautiful. Don't forget to wash yourself. Now go to the wind, it will help you!

Host: Guys, what do we know about the wind? What kind of wind is there? (children's answers).

View the Clouds and Wind slides. The wind appears.

Wind: Yes, I’m so different... Do you want to play with me?

Game "Warm and cold wind» Children turn into insects. When the music depicts a gentle, warm wind, insects fly over the clearing, and when the wind becomes strong and cold, they hide from it.

Educator: Wind, we really like it when you are warm and affectionate. We want you to always be like this.

Wind: I give you my advice

And finally I say:

Breathe fresh air

You loosen the soil in the pot.

(Gives equipment - a rake for a potty). The wind flies away.

Educator: The wind gave good advice. Who else can help us grow a flower?

Children: Sun!

Educator: Of course, honey! And here is the yellow arrow that will show us the path to it.

Child 1: The sun is rolling in the sky,

Like a yellow ball

Then he will hide behind a cloud,

Then he jumps through the trees.

Child 2: Come out, come out, sunshine,

Shine more generously,

Smile at us tenderly,

Make us kinder!

Girl: Hello, Sunny! It's so good that you exist! We want to grow a flower. So the seed was planted. The earth advised us to fertilize the soil, the water advised us to water the flower, and the wind told us that fresh air was simply necessary. And you, Sunny, can you help us?

Sun: Of course I will help, because I love you all,

And those I love

There are cheerful hemp plants,

Look at each other

Look for freckles!

Educator: And we will sing the song “Sunny Bunny” for you!

Children sing a song.

Sun: And now I want to give you my advice. Place your flower in a sunny place so that it is warm and happy! (the sun is leaving )

Educator: So we have collected all the good advice from our friends. Now we know what flowers need (children help: well-fertilized soil, clean water, fresh air and sunlight). Right! I'm sure we can grow a wonderful flower. And following their advice, we ourselves will grow up strong, strong, kind, cheerful, and therefore healthy! Let's decorate our small planets together and wish the Earth a happy birthday! (children take balloons, decorate them with flowers and dance).

Children perform the dance “Happy Birthday Earth!”

Educator: Let's go backjoin the group and use the advice of our friends!

MBDOU combined type No. 1 Samara

Summary of thematic leisure activities with children of the preparatory group