sample letter of guarantee for visa What to include in a sponsorship letter. Who submits the sponsorship letter

And many other countries of the consulate require to provide documents confirming the solvency of the applicant. The availability of sufficient funds for the implementation of the trip is one of the main criteria affecting the positive or negative response of the consulate.

Adult applicants in most cases provide a certificate of employment and a bank statement or other documents confirming financial solvency.

In cases where a visa is issued for minors, as well as students, non-working citizens or pensioners, as proof of sufficient Money a sponsorship letter is accepted for the trip.

Attention: if the purpose of the visit is tourism or visiting relatives or friends, the sponsorship letter can only be issued by the next of kin: spouses, children or parents.

Rules for writing a sponsorship letter

The sponsorship letter is written in free form in Russian or English language. Sponsorship letters are not notarized.

The letter is written in the language of the country in whose consulate a visa is requested, if there are separate requirements for this from a particular consulate. You can also attach a translation of the letter if it was originally written in Russian. To date, such requirements are presented by the consulates of Austria, Australia, Great Britain, the USA, Switzerland, and Thailand. Moreover, for the consulates of Australia and Switzerland, a certified translation is required.

The letter must contain the following information:
- the name of the consulate;
- full name of the applicant and sponsor;
- passport numbers (the applicant has a passport);
- relation degree;
- dates of travel and country/countries of destination.
In the letter, the sponsor undertakes to bear all costs associated with the applicant's stay in the specified country.

To the sponsor letter in without fail applied:
- a copy of the first page of the sponsor's passport with personal data and a photo;
- originals of the account statement and reference from the sponsor's work;
- a copy of the document confirming the relationship.

Examples of sponsorship letters in English

Example #1

Sponsorship letter

This letter is to verify that I, __(1)____ (passport no.), am willing and capable of financially supporting my _(2)_ ___(3)_______ (passport no.) during visit to __(4)_ from_( 5)_ till _(6)_.

date, signature

Example #2

Sponsorship letter

I, ___(1)_______ (passport no.) hereby declare:
1. I wish to sponsor my __(2) (3)____ (passport no.)
2. I hereby undertake that I will be responsible for the travelling, accommodation, food, health and all other expenses of my __(2)___ throughout the period of hes/her stay in __(4)__ from _(5)_ till__(6)__.

date, signature


(1) Name and surname of the sponsor in Latin transcription, Russian passport number;
(2) Relationship (father/mother, husband/wife, son/daughter);
(3) Name and surname of the sponsored person in Latin transcription, number of his international passport;
(4) Host country/countries;
(5) Travel start date;
(6) End date of trip.

An example of a sponsorship letter in Russian

sponsorship letter

I, ________________, confirm that I fully finance all expenses associated with the trip of my / my (indicate the degree of relationship, name of the sponsored person, passport number) to (indicate country) from ______ to ________. As confirmation of my financial viability, I enclose a certificate from my place of work and an extract from the bank on the state of my account.

date, signature

When presenting the main documents for a Schengen visa, the applicant often requires the provision of a number of additional documents. These include samples of sponsorship letters for a Schengen visa, which are located on embassy websites on the Internet.

A sponsorship letter is a document by which a specific person undertakes to pay for the trip of another person during his trip abroad. The interested person is a relative of the tourist.

Presentation sponsorship letter to the relevant embassy or visa application center is not always required. For this, there are special cases. This document need to be attached to general list for obtaining a Schengen visa for those tourists who do not have official earnings and cannot confirm the sufficiency of their funds for the trip.

Who is required to provide

The circle of persons for whom the provision of this document is a necessity is quite wide. It includes:

  1. unemployed adult tourists who do not have official earnings and who have not presented an account statement in banking organization, which must have the amount necessary for the trip (50 euros per day);
  2. non-working students of various educational institutions;
  3. housewives provided by the husband;
  4. pensioners who are not officially employed anywhere;
  5. disabled people.

These categories also include minors. Children under the age of 18 (with some exceptions under 16) when traveling abroad must submit sponsorship letters written on behalf of their parents or guardians to the visa centers.

Who is the guarantor of the trip

Not all persons can act as a sponsor. A number of European embassies have a strict approach to determining the circle of persons capable of sponsoring other people's foreign trips. The most reliable option would be to write a sponsorship letter for a visa on behalf of:

  • parents;
  • husband;
  • grandmothers;
  • wives;
  • son;
  • grandfathers.

Attention! These persons are classified as next of kin. When submitting, it will be easier for the applicant to confirm the fact of close relationship with them.

Some embassies are loyal to the circle of persons who can sponsor trips to the Schengen countries. It is allowed to draw up a document on behalf of the organization inviting the applicant to visit the country, or on behalf of an inviting friend or acquaintance.

Sponsored person's guarantors are foreign educational establishments and firms.

When writing a letter by a person who is not a relative of the applicant, you will need to additionally provide certificates confirming his citizenship, place of residence, permanent job.

Cohabitants with whom he has not formally married can also vouch for someone traveling abroad.

In all cases, it is necessary to find out in advance at the visa center or directly at the embassy the possibility of writing a certificate on behalf of an unrelated person.

Compilation rules

All sponsorship letters are made in any form. There is no special form for them. An important condition is the information contained in the certificate. It must indicate:

  1. place of application (relevant embassy);
  2. full name of the guarantor and his passport details along with the address of residence;
  3. the initials of the sponsored person and who he/she is related to the sponsor;
  4. dates of the proposed trip;
  5. sponsor's signature.

Most documents are written in Russian. Some embassies may require a certificate in English.

It is allowed to write to two or more people at once. To do this, in a standard sponsorship letter for a visa, the guarantor enters all the relatives whom he undertakes to provide financially during the trip.

Attention! This document does not require notarization. The only exceptions are those trips in which the guarantor of the Schengen visa applicant is a person who is not his relative. In such cases, it will be more reliable to certify a certificate with a notary.

Sample letter of guarantee

The following application will serve as a sample sponsorship letter for Schengen visas.

To the embassy
(the corresponding embassy of that European country where the trip will take place)

sponsorship letter

I, _________________, passport number, its series ___________________, living in
(sponsor's initials)

address ____________________, phone _________________, I will be the sponsoring person

trips of my (my) ______________ to _______________ and Schengen states
(degree of relationship) (country)

from ______________ 2018 to ____________ 2018

Date:____________ Signature:______________

AT given example sponsorship letter, an additional indication is made to attach to it certificates confirming the income of the sponsoring person.

Attached documents

In addition to the letter itself from the sponsor, you will need to show documents at the embassy proving his ability to pay. These documents include:

  • reference from the place labor activity sponsoring person;
  • account statement of the sponsoring person;
  • a copy of the sponsored person's birth document, where the sponsor is listed as his relative, or other data confirming the relationship of people;
  • a copy of the sponsor's passport, which indicates information about his official registration.

A certificate from the place of work of the vouching person in 2019 should be written only in letterhead organization in which he works. It indicates his position, period of work, salary. The certificate must be signed by the management with the date.

There are separate requirements for the salary of the guarantor. It is desirable that it be above its average size for the country.

Attention! In connection with latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article could be out of date!

Having a sample sponsorship letter for a child for a Schengen visa, you can significantly reduce your time for compiling it and not miscalculate the information that needs to be indicated in the document and the data that is better to be omitted so as not to be denied a visa.

Obtaining a Schengen visa involves the provision of papers at the consulate confirming financial position the applicant and his permanent employment, which indirectly guarantees that the applicant will return to his homeland. Such documents are a 2-NDFL certificate, a 3-NDFL certificate for entrepreneurs or a certificate of a bank account with sufficient funds.

A minor cannot have such certificates. When applying for a Schengen, the child's solvency is confirmed by the parents with their income and their work. At the same time, a minor must either have his own passport, or his photo and data about him must be in the passports of his parents.

However, if the child travels with at least one of the parents, the security of which can be documented, neither he nor the guardian need to have a sponsorship notice in this case.

A sponsorship letter for a visa is needed when a minor goes abroad on his own, and he will be provided by a sponsor located in the Russian Federation or abroad.

Attention! The sponsor himself must write the paper for the child, and the parents or guardians of the minor will have to provide it to the consulate or visa center, since they are responsible for the child at home, and they are interested in obtaining a Schengen visa for him. The children themselves cannot process their own visas.

In addition, even after receiving the coveted stamp at the customs office, or passing through customs control at the airport of their city, parents must have with them and present to the employees permission to export their child or a power of attorney. If a minor under 12 travels in airspace one, the airline assigns an escort to him. You need to inquire about the availability of such a function in the airline in advance, and, if necessary, inform its employees when buying a ticket that the child will be without parents.

What is a sponsorship letter for a child

A sponsorship letter is an official evidence that all the expenses of the applicant during his trip abroad are covered by the sponsor. Expenses can relate to accommodation, food, shopping, medical care, and even transportation. All possible expenses incurred by the sponsor should be clearly indicated in the document itself.

What does a sponsorship application look like?

The document is a standard A4 sheet, drawn up in free form, which indicates the name of the sponsored person, the name of the sponsor himself, the time the Schengen applicant has been abroad, his address of residence, passport details and registration of the sponsor, the date of writing the paper and the personal signature of the sponsor.

In addition, it is necessary to indicate to whom the application is addressed, in particular, the Consul General or the representative of the visa center. It is necessary to take care in advance in whose name the document will have to be drawn up. You should look at the name of the consul or ask at the visa center of the applicant's city, in whose name such documents are usually written.

The following example can be used as an example.

To the Consular Section of Spain

sponsorship letter

I, Ivanova Yana Alexandrovna, born on March 3, 1992, passport series 6015 010201, issued by the Interdistrict Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov Region. in the mountains Bataysk 05/21/2015, living at the address: Rostov region, Bataysk, st. Komarova 132 sq. 121, I confirm that all the expenses of my daughter Ivanova Ilona Veniaminovna, born on December 12, 2001, passport: 6017 010101 issued by the Interdistrict Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov Region. in the mountains Bataisk on 01/01/2018, including accommodation, meals, medical examination and treatment throughout the trip to Spain from 05/01/2018 to 05/10/2018, I undertake to undertake in full.

04/01/2018 Ivanova

A package of documents attached to the sponsorship paper

The very statement of sponsorship does not mean anything to the consular staff, since it is not proven by the case. In order to confirm your security and the ability to sponsor a child, in addition to the application, you must provide the following papers:

  1. a document confirming the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant (for the consulates of some countries it is fundamentally important that the sponsor be a relative of the applicant, especially the child). It can be a birth certificate, passport or any other document;
  2. a copy of the sponsor's passport;
  3. if the child goes for treatment abroad at the expense of the organization, it is necessary to provide the TIN of this enterprise;
  4. a certificate from the place of permanent employment or a certificate from the bank on the availability of an account with a sufficient amount of funds.

The certificate of employment must contain information about the position held and the monthly salary. It is desirable that the certificate be printed on company letterhead. Mandatory signature or responsible person, as well as the seal of the enterprise.

A certificate from the bank must show the movement of funds in the account over the past three months to confirm its reliability and relevance. The bank statement is valid for one month.
The language of the letter is Russian, sometimes the consulate requires an appeal in English.

Where can I get a sponsorship application form?

As such, there is no form of a sponsorship letter for a child or an adult. The document does not have a strict wording and therefore is drawn up in free form in accordance with the rules adopted in formal business style. It is important to adhere to the following structure:

  • to whom the paper is addressed (in the left upper corner sheet);
  • "Sponsor letter" in the center of the page;
  • I, full name of the sponsor, 01/01/2001 (the year of birth);
  • passport data of the person, by whom and when the document was issued (or these data can be indicated in the header in the “from whom” paragraph);
  • “sponsoring the trip…”;
  • name of the child;
  • passport details of the child, by whom and when the document was issued;
  • date of travel of the child;
  • cities that the child will visit;
  • date of writing the paper;
  • sponsor painting.

Attention! The letter may be typed or handwritten. It is recommended to certify the paper with a notary, as some consulates require a notarized letter.

The presence of a sponsorship letter is a mandatory moment in obtaining a Schengen if parents send their child abroad alone. Writing the document itself is elementary, it is much more important to prepare all the papers confirming the legality of the sponsor's residence in the Schengen area and its viability.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

To obtain a visa to the Schengen area, you will need to provide proof of your ability to pay. In other cases, a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa is used as such confirmation.

What is it and how obligatory is it for obtaining a Schengen visa?

To apply for a visa, you must collect all the required documents. In particular, they include a certificate from the employer, which confirms the presence of official income and a certificate of the state of the bank cash deposit, which contains sufficient funds for the trip. In the absence of these documents, a letter from the sponsor will be required.

sponsorship letter is a free-form document confirming that a third party will bear all costs associated with the applicant's travel within the Schengen area. Has no legal force.

In other words, if the tourist does not have the opportunity to confirm the availability of money, he asks to write the sponsorship consent of one of his close relatives (in some cases, friends).

Note that a certificate from the employer, a certificate from the bank or sponsorship is needed, first of all, in order to prove that the tourist is not going to Europe in order to stay there forever. So, the absence of these documents is not critical.

The consulates of Italy, Spain, France, Finland and other countries can issue a Schengen if the following documents are provided instead of the listed documents:

  • Certificate of availability of real estate.
  • Registration certificate for the car.
  • Other documents confirming the availability of material goods.

But in this case, a refusal to issue a permit is still more likely. Therefore, a sponsor's letter is preferable.

Who might need it?

A sponsorship letter is required for:

  • non-working pensioners.
  • students.
  • Children.
  • Housewives.
  • Disabled persons.
  • temporarily unemployed.
  • Other persons who, by virtue of certain reasons unable to prove their ability to pay.

If the potential sponsor himself travels with one of the persons listed above, his written consent is not required. For example, when parents go on vacation with their children.

Who can become a sponsor?

Sponsorship consent can be written:

  1. Close relatives. The most preferred option. The presence of a close relationship ensures that the sponsor will not leave the traveler without money. Any consulate considers the presence of such a sponsor to be an equivalent replacement for a certificate from work and from a bank.
  2. Organizations. For example, when implementing school trip abroad, the company that organizes the trip writes a sponsor's consent for each child. Another option is when the visa applicant has found a job abroad. Then the company that provides his employment can act as a sponsor.
  3. Other persons not related to the visa applicant business relations and not closely related to him. That is, any person can act as a sponsor for a tourist. But in this case, the probability of refusal to issue a visa again increases, due to the fact that there are no guarantees that the sponsor will comply with its obligations.

How to properly issue sponsorship consent and what to indicate in it?

The text of the sponsorship letter for the Schengen visa is drawn up in any order. Any pattern you find on the internet will be correct. The main requirements for it are as follows:

  • Passport details of both parties (sponsor and tourist) are indicated. Data from both civil passports and foreign ones can be used.
  • The form of the sponsorship letter must include data on the degree of relationship, if any.
  • The country and duration of the trip are indicated.
  • The sponsor confirms its obligations that it assumes all possible expenses of the tourist.
  • Date, signature.


An example of a sponsorship letter:

I, Ivanov Sidor Petrovich, residing at the address, Ivanovo, Gagarina st. with a stay in Spain in the period from 05/10/2017 to 05/20/2017 I take over.

The list of documents that are needed to apply for a Schengen visa includes a sponsorship letter. In certain cases, such a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa is mandatory.

The sponsorship application must be submitted by applicants who do not have independent income. This may be due to age (children, adolescents), disability or other reasons.

Who can write it

When a tourist visa is requested, sponsors may be close relatives, adoptive parents or guardians. Sometimes it is allowed to provide a sponsorship letter from third parties, but this option is less preferable: it is not known how the consular office will look at this.

If the purpose of the trip is a private visit, the sponsor may be the inviting person. Moreover, a separate document on sponsorship is not provided. All aspects related to providing the applicant with housing and finances are indicated in the invitation.

If there is a business visit, the sponsor is the inviting company or employer. In the first case, this should be written in the invitation, in the second case it should be written in the certificate of employment (or a separate letter of guarantee is drawn up, as for the UK).

How to compose a letter

The sponsorship letter for applying for a Schengen visa must contain the following information:

  1. Country and date of travel.
  2. The degree of relationship between the applicant and the sponsor, if any.
  3. Passport details of the sponsor and sponsored person.

Further, the sponsor writes that it guarantees the coverage of all expenses of the applicant to the country indicated by him. In addition, several relatives can be entered in such an application for an adult or for a child (there is no need to issue a separate one for each).

What language is it in

Most consular offices of the Schengen countries accept these documents in Russian. Some countries (for example, Austria) ask for a translation. A sample sponsorship letter with translation can be found on various forums.

Are there any compilation features for different countries

Sometimes an example of a sponsorship letter for a particular country has its own nuances. For example, the Italian Consulate asks a notary to certify a sponsorship letter for a visa, as well as a document confirming kinship.

For the Czech Republic, a bank statement with an available limit will not be enough: you also need to show the movement of funds in the account for the last three months. Finally, France sets the amount of the sponsor's minimum income: 40,000 rubles per month or their equivalent.

Sponsor letter for UK

The UK sponsorship application must be in English. The specifics of obtaining a visa to this country is that all documents must be in English or accompanied by translations. Moreover, the sponsors must be the next of kin of the applicant.

What documents are attached to the letter

The following documents are attached to the sponsorship letter to the embassy:

  • Copy of documents confirming relationship. If a family ties no and their presence is not required by the Consulate, you can attach a statement explaining the reason why you are sponsoring.
  • A copy of the sponsor's Russian passport (pages with personal data and registration).
  • Financial documents from the sponsor (certificate of employment and / or bank statement).

So in the absence of your own income, a sponsorship statement is a mandatory document. If you work and you have a good income, it is better to provide your references.