Why do you dream that you are being asked to get married? Interpretation in different dream books. Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does it mean to get married

If a woman dreams of a loved one proposing marriage to her, then in reality she should prepare for global changes. Do you want to know exactly what a marriage request might mean in a dream? Remember in detail everything that you dreamed of. In particular, your feelings and the overall emotional picture. All this will allow us to select the most suitable exact interpretation, turning to the dream book for help.

If you dreamed of a marriage proposal, then in reality everything will probably change for you. According to the dream book, the ringed lady sees the plot she sees as a warning. In fact, caution and caution should be exercised. Excessive attention will definitely harm you. Why does a young girl dream that a stranger is proposing her hand and heart? The dream book is sure that in the near future she will meet her one and only.

If you dreamed that you were being proposed for marriage and given a ring, then in reality you will definitely find your true happiness. The dream book is sure that in reality you will experience a whole ocean of emotions. After all, in reality, a person will appear who will be worthy not only of your attention, but also of love. In this case, at first you will feel hostility towards the fan, but after a while everything will change.

Why else would you dream of hearing a marriage proposal? Global changes await you in the future. According to the dream book, the exact interpretation depends, first of all, on your feelings in the dream. If you feel indignation, then in reality your relationship with your current partner will most likely end in nothing. If you feel joy, then, as the interpreter believes, the relationship will reach new level.

Other interpretations of sleep

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal from a stranger? According to the dream book, they will soon make you an offer, by accepting which you will be able to achieve financial well-being and improve your social status.

The interpretation of a marriage proposal in a dream can be ambiguous. It primarily depends on your reaction in a dream. If, having received an offer, you were confused and could not answer it, then, according to the dream book, in reality you have a reputation as a frivolous and frivolous person.

If in a dream a girl dreams of a marriage proposal to which she agrees, then in reality, thanks to her personal qualities, she will be able to achieve recognition and respect.

If in a dream it is you who proposes your hand and heart, then, as the dream book suggests, in reality you will have to overcome many small obstacles and problems. However, having “cleared” the path to your goal, you will become stronger and more courageous.

Why did a man in a dream happen to watch his relative being offered marriage? Unfortunately, this episode indicates that he will spend several years in a row alone - without the woman he loves and his faithful companion.

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If you dream about a marriage proposal, this is good sign for an unmarried girl. Such a dream promises an event that will radically change the dreamer’s life. For a married woman, a night dream about a marriage proposal is a warning - the sleeping woman should be more careful in making important decisions and not attract undue attention to herself. The interpretation of the dream depends on important details: the woman’s answer, who was the person who proposed marriage, who else was present at night dream, mood, furnishings, clothing and other details. Marriage proposal to a young girl from a completely stranger portends an imminent marriage. If there was a ring, a meeting with your lover will happen in the near future.

Interpretation from dream books

Interpretation of a dream about a marriage proposal various dream books:

  • Modern - making a vital decision. If the dreamer refuses the guy’s proposal, she will have to commit difficult choice, a woman’s mistake can be very costly.
  • Miller's Dream Book - if a loved one gave beautiful ring and offered to start a family - the dream promises good changes in all areas of life, if the dreamer agreed to tie the knot with a guy: love relationship you and your lover will become stronger, things will go smoothly, material stability and well-being will appear. If the woman’s answer is negative, the young couple will face a difficult separation and a protracted period of depression. To be confused and not give a clear answer is lack of initiative, soft-heartedness.
  • Smirnov’s interpreter - a stranger offered to marry him - to receive a very profitable business offer that would have a positive effect on financial condition dreamers. A woman’s confusion symbolizes her irresponsibility and negligent attitude towards important aspects of life. Consent is regarded as general recognition and respect from fellow workers. If a young man has a dream about a stranger who proposed marriage to his sister, and he becomes an outside observer, the man will have to remain a bachelor for a long time.
  • Dream interpretation of the 21st century - the appearance in the life of a sleeping woman of an influential and very powerful person, a patron. A beautiful scene, like from a movie, with white doves, a ring and luxurious flowers in a dream - a marriage proposal awaits in reality.

A precious piece of jewelry, presented in a beautiful velvet case, symbolizes an unexpected meeting with a potential husband.

Place and atmosphere

A cozy cafe and unobtrusive music, a small bouquet and touching confession in sincere feelings - reliability and confidence in your chosen one, long and lasting relationships. An expensive restaurant, gourmet dishes and elite alcoholic drinks, a musician playing a romantic melody on the violin, jewelry with a large diamond and an attractive man kneeling on one knee and making a touching speech - such a dream promises false emotions and incorrectly set life priorities in pursuit of With wealth, the dreamer forgets about the main thing.

The sensual look of the chosen one directly into the eyes while pronouncing important words foreshadows a happy and harmonious union, sincerity and devotion. A shifting gaze indicates insincerity of intentions young man.

If a guy proposed marriage while escorting a girl home, this means the appearance of a soul mate in the dreamer’s life. Words that were spoken by chance indicate an unexpected, but very pleasant event that will happen in the near future.

Words of love spoken from the lips of a guy on the sea coast - the marriage will be long, but there will be frequent separations due to business trips of the future spouse. To receive a marriage proposal in an original form and in a very unusual place (on the roof of a skyscraper or in a hot air balloon) - the dreamer’s life will be bright and eventful.

Finding a wedding ring in a glass of wine or champagne - married life will present many surprises and happy moments; romance and passion will always be present in the relationship of a young couple

Who was the potential spouse?

If in a dream a woman sees her own husband proposing to her, the passion that flared up with new strength in a relationship with a lover. Seeing a colleague in a dream - the emergence conflict situations V professional activities, difficulties at work.

If a married woman dreamed that a stranger was declaring his love for her and persistently inviting her to enter into an affair with him. marriage union - adultery, dissatisfaction with personal relationships. A close friend who has proposed marriage portends the support and help of relatives and comrades.

If in the plot of the dream there are several men proposing marriage, it is a troublesome undertaking, vanity, an unfavorable period in life. An ill-wisher who invites a woman to become his wife foreshadows an unexpected turn of events in personal relationships and unforeseen circumstances at work.

Luxurious tailcoat and perfect appearance potential spouse - ease, successful overcoming of many obstacles on the way to the goal, fulfillment of a secret desire.

An ordinary shirt and jeans indicate a woman’s low demands and inferiority complex. Dirty or torn clothes - a frivolous attitude, frivolity, irresponsibility. A ridiculous attire promises surprise or emotional shock.

Which young girl doesn't dream? It is not surprising that this desire and the experiences associated with it are reflected in dreams.

Dreams about a marriage proposal are most often seen by those who real life dreams of marriage and. Detailed details and experienced feelings will help you truthfully decipher the secret message from the world of night dreams.

Proposal from a loved one

To see in a dream a marriage proposal from - auspicious symbol, predicting important changes and life events.

On the personal front, everything will be fine, sincere feelings will be mutual, and your union will be strong.

If you are single and have a similar dream, expect a charming man to appear on the horizon soon, with whom It's going to be a pleasant acquaintance.

The marriage proposal has delighted you - an unplanned revolution in personal relationships, and if this upsets you and raises doubts, your position is precarious, and those around you believe that you cannot be relied upon.

From ex-boyfriend

A dream in which a person who has previously been in a relationship with you proposes marriage to you indicates that it is difficult for you to remain consistent with your opinion and refuse to do things that are unpleasant to you; it is easy for you to impose your position due to excessive gullibility and suggestibility.

If you still have feelings for this person, be careful. you are burdened by the past and prevents you from moving forward and developing, forcing you to stand in one place or take several steps back.

This young man is unpleasant to you - expect troubles in your relationship. Someone will try to interfere with your happiness and cause discord in your union. Talk less to strangers about your personal life.

You are not going to agree, but you are flattered by this turn of fate - a sign that you choosing the wrong path. Perhaps you have the wrong person next to you, your job doesn’t bring you joy, and your friends are actually fake.

From a stranger

Wants to link his destiny with you - to unexpected but pleasant events or news:

  • if you are single and don’t have a permanent partner yet, expect to meet soon, a passionate fan will appear who will pay a lot of attention to you;
  • For a married woman, a similar plot foreshadows improvement of financial situation and the acquisition of a favorable position in society, perhaps career growth is planned;
  • if you agreed - to come do important choice , deciding your immediate future, try to listen not only to the arguments of reason, but also to your inner voice;
  • If you refuse, you may miss your chance, you shouldn’t devote all your free time to useless things, it’s better to pay attention to what is really of great value.

With a ring from a loved one

A loved one asked you to marry him and gave him as a gift - in real life he has tenderness for you, warmth and sincere love.

You do not yet have a permanent partner - you are about to meet a new person who will be hope and support for you. Do not make premature conclusions if there is already such a person in your environment, but you don’t like him. Take a closer look at it, perhaps this is your destiny, and irritation gradually transforms into respect, friendship and love.

If the ring is not your size, it means you have too much different characters, but there is a possibility that you will make concessions to each other.

The ring is perfect for you - you will experience a whirlwind of pleasant emotions from your loved one. Your the union will be long and durable.

Married woman

For a woman who is already married, seeing a marriage proposal in a dream means symbol of rebirth of feelings, revitalizing relationships with your spouse and introducing novelty into them and a breath of fresh air.

Perhaps you go on a romantic date with your husband or have a candlelit dinner at home. You will become closer to each other, you will show care and attention more often.

If you are happy that you were offered a hand and a heart, then you you will be satisfied his family life and their position in society. Luck will be your constant companion.

If you experience dissatisfaction in a dream, there is a risk of becoming an object of gossip and gossip from ill-wishers; they may try to tarnish your good name.

From a friend

A friend invites you to marry him - a transition to a new stage of life awaits you:

  • the proposal was made in a solemn atmosphere and in front of witnesses - become the center of attention and you will be an important public figure;
  • he reads poetry to you at the same time - there will be a creative surge and a chance to realize yourself in your favorite business;
  • you are disappointed with your friend - there will be dashed hopes and a waste of time and money, you will have to change your place of work;
  • he is not the only contender for your hand and heart - you are fickle and do not want to grow up, you like to shift responsibility from yourself to other people’s shoulders. The time has come to take the reins of your destiny into your own hands;
  • quarrel with a friend after his confession - you are surrounded by ill-wishers and envious people who strive to do nasty things to you, but you can get rid of them.

Offer it yourself

A dream in which you yourself propose to your chosen one to marry, signals a streak of disappointment and failures. Likely, problematic issues They won’t be too serious, but they will still take away your strength.

Don’t be upset, the bad luck will be temporary, but you will gain confidence in your abilities and become successful in your professional field. You may have to muster all your willpower to overcome the difficulties that arise, but this will only strengthen you.

If at this time they are watching you and laughing at your words and actions, marriage is not in the cards for you yet, enjoy your free life and use the opportunity to find exactly the person you really like.

Indirect marriage proposal

If you dreamed that it was not the candidate for husband who proposed to you, but someone instead of him on his behalf - they would try to drag you into an unprofitable adventure. A friend acts as an intermediary - wait for the catch from the close circle, someone from strangers- the intrigue will hurt your image of a respectable person.

Received an offer in writing and in an envelope - you are unsure of yourself and your feelings, but get an interesting offer or go with a person who loves you.

The relatives of the future groom came to you to get married, but he is not among them - you spend too much effort on activities that you do not like, and this does not bring you benefits. Allow yourself to be yourself and follow your desires.

You experience pleasant emotions at the same time - your the marriage will be happy, and family life will delight you.

From a member of the same sex

A representative of your gender offers you marriage - you are too dissatisfied with your personal life, often change partners or cannot find a mate for a long time.

You like to go to extremes– you don’t trust people and don’t let them get close to you, or you become an overly trusting person and allow yourself to be led.

Try to delve into what your intuition tells you, and not follow someone’s lead or wall yourself off with a stone wall.

You are fully capable of healthy and happy relationship, you just need to work on yourself a little. Leave your fears in the past - you don't need them.

From a married man

To see in a dream how he proposes to marry you married man– it’s worth thinking about whether everyone in your close circle wishes you well. Try to stay away from those people who envy you. Maybe, they will try to slander you. Do not let other people know about the details of your personal life - this way you can protect your happiness.

If a married man is your relative, you can expect a dirty trick on the part of your loved one. Perhaps they will try to push him to. You don’t have a relationship with anyone right now - beware of criticism from colleagues.

A detailed interpretation of dreams about a marriage proposal will allow you to quickly navigate the meaning of the dream and decide what to do next.

This is an exciting moment: he, kneeling, with a lush bouquet of roses and wedding ring. And it’s such a pity that it was only in a dream. But don’t be upset, because many dream books interpret what a marriage proposal means in dreams as a clear sign of imminent marriage.

If you were born in autumn time, then such an event in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a declaration of love from a person who previously did not show attention to you and showed complete indifference. In fact, it was just a mask, and there is no doubt about the truth of his feelings.

For those born in winter months, what dreams of a marriage proposal mean is a negative symbol. Such a plot in a dream is a harbinger of a series of conflict situations that will lead to serious disagreements between lovers. If you do not give in, then constant quarrels may well lead to a final break in the relationship.

The dream book interprets this action in a dream as a sign of new discoveries and achievements. Life is full of the unknown, and soon an event awaits you that will lead to a new look at the surrounding reality. You will have activity and energy, and you will be able to literally “move mountains.”

Also, what the plot of a marriage proposal means in a dream can be considered by the dream book as a source of change in one’s personal life. Moreover, the positivity or negativity of changes on the love front depends on whether you gave consent in a dream or not.

Who made the offer?

You should not lose sight of the one who proposed marriage, and who dreamed of this action in a dream. If the dreamer became the main person in the dream and proposed marriage to his beloved, then a significant increase in financial opportunities awaits him.

If the guy offered to join serious relationship absolutely unknown girl, then this is a psychoanalytic reflection in the dream book of his subconscious reluctance to share his life with his current partner, dissatisfaction with the nuances of living together.

For a married man who repeatedly calls on his wife to get married, the dream book promises troubles both in the work sphere and in the sphere of the relationship between him and his wife. Perhaps this dream is a harbinger of an upcoming divorce.

Such a dream may well be prophetic if it happened from Thursday to Friday, on the waxing moon unmarried girl. Even if she does not have a permanent partner, the dream book foretells the meeting of her betrothed and the rapid development of events.

If a woman in a dream herself proposes marriage to her lover, then this is a subconscious reflection of the fact that she is ready to move to a new level, and at the same time, she cannot wait for any response from her other half.

If in a dream a man agreed to an official union, then in reality, according to the dream book, you can expect readiness for this important action. But if he refused, and in a rude manner, then in reality the partner’s feelings are not as sincere as they seem at first glance.

Why do you dream of a same-sex marriage proposal? This represents problems and sexual dissatisfaction for the dreamer or dreamer. They lack extreme sports, new sensations, and established intimate encounters do not bring the same joy.

Dreams about the beginning of a relationship between lovers should also be regarded as successful. For a girl, they promise the emergence of mutual romantic sympathy between her and the young man who appeared in a dream. Even if the man is not familiar to her yet. The dream suggests that a fateful meeting with this stranger will happen very soon. Also, a dream can speak of a girl’s indecisiveness and inability to sort out her feelings.

A job offer seen in a dream should be interpreted as the imminent onset of change. Moreover, not necessarily related to a change in employment. Perhaps, on the contrary, at the person’s old place of work, a promotion or increase in salary awaits. Some dream books believe that in in this case you should prepare for new acquaintances, achievements and, probably, business trips.

Vanga's Dream Book

You dreamed that you received a marriage proposal - this is interpreted as a particularly favorable symbol. It portends positive changes in all areas of your life. In your social circle it may appear new person who will truly love you.

Proposing in a dream - you will be able to carry out everything you have planned, everything bad will go away, a bright future awaits you. Giving a positive response to a marriage proposal without hesitation - the situation will improve if you decide important issues you will be supported. If you hesitate to answer, business may stagnate.

If a young girl had a dream about a marriage proposal, then in reality she will earn the respect of others. If a young man dreamed of something like this and he proposed to his chosen one in a dream, then in reality she expects him to certain actions, the one has come in your relationship turning point- it all depends on you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A marriage proposal made by a stranger - very soon you will receive an interesting and very profitable offer that will lead you to achieving high status, financial independence and material wealth. During the confession, you were confused, you didn’t know what to say - in reality, those around you consider you too frivolous, a person who does not know how to keep your promises. A marriage proposal promises recognition and respect by others for the girl’s personal qualities if she gave a positive answer in a dream.

The marriage proposal that you are making - in the near future, minor obstacles and troubles are possible, but they are not able to stop you halfway, on the contrary, they will make you stronger and temper you. If a man is sleeping, and in his dreams he watches how someone proposes to his relative, he will remain a bachelor for a long time in real life.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

Receiving an offer to join a meal has a positive meaning - you will join forces to accomplish some good deed and act unanimously. An offer to conclude a truce or make peace in a dream promises peace with the person with whom you made peace in the dream.

Someone offering you something in a dream predicts that you will soon receive news that will please you. You received an offer to work where you really wanted, which promises you incredibly good news. To see such a dream for a poor person symbolizes getting rid of all needs. Offering someone some kind of treat is a sign that in life you are taking on responsibilities that you don’t need.

English Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams of a marriage proposal from her loved one, the dream book says that this is a good sign, foreshadowing happy changes in life. If unmarried woman she dreams that she is being proposed to marry and given a ring - the dream book foretells the most sincere and pure love; soon in reality you will receive recognition from your loved one. If a girl in a dream agrees to a potential groom, the dream book states that the young lady’s personal qualities evoke sincere respect from everyone who surrounds her in reality. For a married lady to answer this question positively - in reality you attract too much attention to yourself, you should behave more modestly and restrainedly.

Freud's Dream Book

If you have been proposed for marriage in a dream, this means that you will actually be in the very center of attention from the opposite sex. Such close attention to one’s own person will at first seem pleasant, but very soon it will become painful.

For a man, proposing to a girl means quick dramatic changes in life; beware of casual acquaintances - they can do a disservice in the future. Married woman to see such a dream speaks of her dissatisfaction with her family life, with her husband as a lover. A proposal from an ex in a dream means a quarrel with the current gentleman.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

In a dream, receiving some kind of offer, for example, from a business partner, means that you will have new plans. You accepted it with pleasure - it means that your plans will be successfully realized. If you clearly didn’t like the proposal and rejected it, it means that the plans will not be implemented. To write yourself - such a dream predicts that the business you are undertaking will noticeably decrease in momentum. For a woman to receive a marriage proposal in a dream means a new union; for a man to do it means a risky act.

Family Dream Book

Hearing it in a dream means that you will soon have new plans. If in a dream some voice tells you that you will soon marry someone, then know that soon you will part with this person forever. But don't be alarmed: none of you will particularly regret it. If in a dream you accepted a marriage proposal, then in life everything will happen the other way around. Your life will be lonely and unsettled.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

A marriage proposal may indicate the emergence of a new relationship, some changes in life. Perhaps you will have an influential patron. If a marriage proposal is accompanied by a wedding ring and white doves, then it will happen in reality. Proposing to a man means taking the relationship to a new level. You may have to take care of someone younger or weaker.

Chinese Dream Book

If a man dreams of proposing to a girl and she immediately agreed, he will soon experience difficulties. If a young girl received a proposal from her loved one in a dream, then in reality she will not get married soon. The empress or the ruler's wife calls you and offers you a drink - there will be illness. A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.