Why dream of dead black cats. Interpretation: why is a dead cat dreaming

Some believe that a dream about a dead kitten predicts a forced retreat, a surrender of positions, a rejection of beliefs. However, a number of dream books interpret this image differently, promising the sleeper a happy completion of the work begun or the end of a streak of misfortunes and misfortunes.

To find out what the lifeless tiny cat dreamed of, be sure to remember all the details of night vision. They will help you solve the mystery of sleep. For decoding, it is important to take into account the suit of a lifeless animal, and even who he dreamed of.

Circumstances of place - according to Miller

The eminent interpreter of midnight visions, Gustav Miller, believed that dead small a cat seen in a dream prophesies getting rid of complexes, prejudices and other "troubles" that prevent you from fully enjoying life. It will be possible to put an end to a hopeless and joyless relationship with a hopeless, obsessive admirer, this is what Miller dreams of dead kitten woman.

The same author in his dream book focuses on the scene. So, for example, if a dead animal lay in a dream on its knees or on its hands, then soon the sleeping person will part with old partners, colleagues, but at the same time he will discover new opportunities for himself.

If the corpse of a kitten was in night dream at the doorstep of the house, then changes are coming in the dreamer's family, mainly relating to the style of relationships between relatives.

To difficulties. everyday problems, that's what a dead kitten dreamed of in a house, in an apartment. And if in a dream you saw a lifeless body in the mud, a puddle, then the dream book predicts problems with finances.

miraculous resurrection

The need to pay attention again to old problems, unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations, this is what a suddenly revived kitten dreams of.

The series of luck has come to an end, and there are only problems ahead, such is the forecast of the dream book in the event that the fluffy baby not only resurrected, but also purred.

And such a plot, according to the famous Bulgarian Vanga, anticipates happy changes in the dreamer's family.

By fur color

Nostradamus draws great attention on the suit of the animal. So, if a cat gave birth to black kittens that do not show signs of life, then the great predictor promises the sleeper a speedy resolution of all financial problems. There are also great chances to win in a property dispute. For example win trial about inheritance, the right to immovable property.

If a pussy has lambed, but accidentally suffocated her babies with ashen, red, white, mottled hair, do not be alarmed. Such a dream is a good sign. At a minimum, he prophesies support and help in reality for you in the most difficult hour from a person who, as it seemed, would never take such a step.

There is reason to be concerned

Some dream books interpret negatively what inanimate kittens may dream of. It is believed that these crumbs, accidentally strangled by a mother cat, warn the sleeping person of the dangers that threaten him. And if he himself killed a little cat in a dream, then this is a signal - in real life you need to behave much more carefully and accurately, otherwise one wrong step will cause the collapse of all plans and dreams. Dream books also do not advise taking the initiative once again.

In general, a dead kitten identifies potential troubles in a dream, the cause of which can be both sluggishness and excessive haste, fussiness.

And one more thing: take a closer look at the people around you, it is possible that among them there is an ill-wisher who intentionally restricts your access to important information.

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A full description of the dream on the topic: "If you dream dead cat woman" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Ancient people compared the character of a person with the character of animals, hence the formation of totemism originates. Each person was patronized by one or another animal, the qualities of which coincided with the qualities of the person he patronized. The death of an animal symbolized the disappearance of certain qualities in humans as well. Why is a dead cat dreaming? Let's analyze the vision in detail.

The general meaning of sleep according to popular interpretation

What does a dead cat symbolize in a dream, the loss of what qualities in a person? First of all, it is the loss of dexterity, attractiveness, sexuality and charm. Vision of an animal carcass predicts an emotional upheaval associated with disappointment or loss. This may be separation from a loved one or his betrayal.

Also image of the dead cats in a dream can be a warning about wasting money on material pleasures. Maybe, impoverishment is a karmic lesson, which the dreamer must go through in this incarnation.

The interpretation of sleep will depend on the plot of the picture:

  • killing a cat
  • death of a cat
  • dying animal;
  • a dead animal dreams of being alive.

What does killing a cat in a dream? This is a symbol of wasting time on empty classes. Instead of several hours spent in communication on the pages of social networks, devote to productive creativity or self-development.

Also, killing a cat can symbolize the expectant position of the dreamer in an expanded conflict situation. you bide your time right time to attack enemies and enemies.

dead cat is the way personal qualities dreamer. You have a talent for manipulating people, you get your way. Expect a take-off in your career and rewards from your superiors.

dying animal dreams of a state of indifference and detachment from the realities of life. This dangerous state can last for several years, if you do not designate a goal in life. Only active actions to solve the tasks set, they will be able to get out of the depressive state.

If in a dream dead cat came back alive, soon the difficult situation will be resolved by itself or there will be people who will help in solving it.

Women's dreams

The interpretation of the plot of a dead cat can vary significantly for men and women. What does a dead animal mean? women's dreams? This is an image of an envious or rival. A dead cat indicates that they have disappeared from the dreamer's life or are unable to cause harm. However, if you see blood stains on the carcass of an animal, scandal and conflict cannot be avoided.

The same meaning has a dream in which it was several dead cats . However, if you saw an animal in your house, things take a bad turn. Some dream books consider this a warning about damage to the lining in the house. The damage is directed at woman's happiness and a change of fate for the worse.

If a the cat's hair in the dream was of a similar tone to the dreamer's hair color, it warns of a disease. Depression or nervousness, impotence or apathy may also occur. Some dream books interpret this plot as a portent plight: the dreamer will be forced to part with the usual comfort for an indefinite period. For a woman in love, a dream portends separation.

Men's dreams

AT male dreams the image of a dead cat symbolizes contenders for his attention. As a rule, these are power-hungry persons who seek to subordinate everyone to their will. Some persons can also harm a man: the hair color of a vengeful person will be indicated by the color of the cat's coat. However, the revenge of this person will not reach the goal, the circumstances will interfere.

If a a dead animal was thrown into the house or bag, this indicates an attempt to damage the house or the man himself. A recurring dream with the same plot warns of the introduction of damage and danger to a man. Spoilage can be done on the cold to the wife or on family scandals.

Why is a dead cat dreaming young men? This is a good sign: a power-hungry woman (usually a grandmother or mother) will not be able to influence freedom of choice. If the color of the animal's coat matches the hair color of the desired girl, the dream predicts failure in winning her heart.

Other interpretations

If the dream is clearly marked causes of cat death For details on upcoming events:

  • the corpse of a cat floating in the water prophesies disharmony in relationships with a loved one;
  • cut the throat of an animal - to disappointment in loved ones who were trusted;
  • the absence of a head in an animal - get ready for a competitive war for a good position.

Why dream domestic dead cat/cat? If in a dream you saw the death of your cat, it means that troubles will leave your life. You will establish peaceful relations with the household, you will be able to complete the previously started business.

What means kill a kitten in a dream? This plot marks the end of the black streak in life. Strangulation and whether drowning a baby means success in the financial field, improving the well-being of the family.

See dead animal covered in blood- bad sign. In the near future, we will have to go through hard times due to the financial downturn. This may be dismissal from work, loss of clientele and other points. It is also likely fraud and setup.

Decaying animal corpse portends the revelation of the secrets of the past. The dreamer will be blamed for past actions and misbehavior. What has been forgotten will remind of itself with scandals.

If in a dream a dead cat appears alive, the family will have to endure financial embezzlement of considerable size. The following may happen:

  • breakdown of a car or expensive equipment;
  • previously unplanned apartment renovation;
  • theft of property by thieves and more.

Dead pets come to dreams with a warning of impending troubles. Circumstances can be changed if you carefully consider the symbolism of dreams and begin to act, and not rely on chance.

If a person dreamed of something strange at night, there is a high probability that he will look into the dream book. Dead cats are far from the most pleasant "figures" of dreams, but they appear in them surprisingly often. Well, you should turn to reliable sources that will help you understand the meaning of such visions.

Vanga's Book of Interpretations

What will this dream book tell? Dead cats - to an unpleasant situation, which may well lead to the shame of the dreamer. But if a person saw himself surrounded by them, then the interpretation will be positive. Such a vision portends the dreamer's successful deliverance from imaginary friends.

If a person saw only two animals that had gone to the other world, then in real life a successful combination of circumstances awaits him, thanks to which all problems will be solved by themselves. It is possible that help will come from where no one could expect it. Or from strangers.

That's not all it says this dream book. Dead cats lying on the side of the road are a great sign. Soon the dreamer will get rid of the ill-wishers and the pressure exerted on him by others.

But if a person noticed live kittens near a dead cat, then he should pay attention to his relatives and friends. Perhaps they need help, but he does not notice it at all.


On them Special attention advises to turn the dream book. A dead black cat, for example, can portend one thing. The redhead is different.

A black animal portends big trouble. And possibly some serious competition. Such a vision promises a girl a fight with a rival for a man, in which she will win. And for a man - a successful outcome in the business sphere.

Indeed, such an interpretation modern dream book. Dead black cats according to Miller promise only loneliness, defenselessness and depression.

But the white animal portends minor troubles that at first seem insignificant and quickly resolved. However, in reality, they will turn into serious problems.

Small Velesov dream book

According to this book, dead cats that were in the blood portend misfortunes. But they will not touch the dreamer, but his relatives and friends. It is worth looking after them and taking care of them.

Animals drowned and man saw them swim in the water? This is to turmoil in personal life. Most likely, something will shake love relationship dreamer. And it is better to immediately stop the conflict if it arises, otherwise everything can flare up so much that a break cannot be avoided.

This is not all that this dream book talks about. Dead cats who went to the other world because of bullying portend disappointment. A person will test it in relation to those people whom he trusted. And if the animals did not have heads, then it is coming real war at work with colleagues. It is possible that for a high position.

Noble dream book

A dead animal, according to this book of interpretations, portends the disappearance of that person who is unpleasant to the dreamer. Was the cat black? You should be prepared for the fact that someone wants to do harm. Perhaps the ill-wisher is in the circle of close people - this is what the dream book assures.

A dead cat in a dream, which turned out to be strangled - to the sad consequences that the lifestyle of the sleeping person will lead to.

If a poor animal died due to the bullying that the dreamer inflicted on him, the person’s conscience is unclean. And soon it will come back to haunt him.

According to Miller

This dream book is considered one of the most authoritative. Dreaming of a dead cat, which the man himself sent to the next world? So, in reality, he is fighting with himself. A person is confused about something, it is difficult for him to figure out what is happening in his life. And his thoughts, feelings, emotions seem to be separated. It is possible that soon, because of such confusion, a person will fall into a deep depression.

Did you dream that dead cats suddenly attacked? This is for competition. And the opponents will fight to the last.

The main thing is that a person does not dream about how they give him dead cats. This means that someone is trying to control him. And this someone is very powerful and even a dangerous person. The more dead animals donated, the worse the dreamer will have. He should exercise maximum caution and care in the near future. And limit contact with people (especially strangers).

Did the dreamer bury dead animals? So, in reality, he carefully hides something. Perhaps not the first year. And this is a very serious secret. It is worth being vigilant, otherwise someone will find out about it in the near future.

But if a person saw dead cats in his house, this is fortunate. All troubles will bypass him.

Other interpretations

There are many other interpretations that more than one dream book can offer. Dead cats can portend a lot of things. Hasse's book of interpretations, for example, assures that this animal portends anger. If the dream was dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, then the person will be angry because he will not be able to find mutual language with someone close.

According to an old Russian dream book, a vision means betrayal by relatives and betrayal. Just a cat skin, without a body - to finding lost property. Be the culprit in her death - to serious problems in real life, perhaps even to criminal or administrative liability. Was the dead animal white? This means that in reality they will try to deftly lure a person into unfolded nets, but thanks to his prudence, he will not fall into them.

Medea's dream book, in turn, assures: dead cats lying in the mud in the middle of the road are harbingers of prosperity and enrichment. But animals hit by a car are in danger. If they were poisoned - to the disappointment of old friends. And strangled cats promise a "resurrection" of long-forgotten problems, conflicts and grievances.

And finally - a couple of words about interpretations according to Tsvetkov's dream book. If a dead cat suddenly resurrected, then in real life a person will have to return to old unfinished business. Unpleasant, of course. And if the dead animal not only resurrected, but also came to a person, this is a big expense associated with household chores.

From ancient times to our time, it was believed that there is no more magical animal than a cat. Cats have been associated with other world, were considered assistants to witches and sorcerers. But at the same time, they are the favorite pets of many people, helping to rid the home of dark forces and even cure your strong energy many diseases.

Of course, first of all, cats are the favorites of women, and therefore, if her pet was the last to dream, one must very carefully approach this dream, clearly remember the details, because a fluffy beloved animal in reality in a dream can mean far from joyful forecasts. Why do cats dream of a woman?

Perhaps no animal is associated with the supernatural world as closely as a cat. Sacred in many cultures, personifying God's will or a mystical sign, a cat that appeared in a dream serves as a warning to the dreamer. Why do cats dream of a woman?

Depending on the circumstances of its appearance, such a dream can have completely different consequences.

Interpretation of sleep with a cat for girls and women

A cat in a dream personifies quarrels, squabbles and broken promises. Such a dream is also a harbinger of betrayal or betrayal of a close friend, a break in relations or a major scandal. In the near future, the dreamer will face unpleasant events, tears and an irreparable loss.

  • The appearance of a black cat in a dream- a harbinger of danger. The dreamer should not act rashly when she sees this dream on the night of Monday to Tuesday. But, when a dream with a black cat occurs on the night from Friday to Saturday, there is no reason for concern: fate favors the dreamer, and soon she will suddenly receive a large amount of money.
  • A black or white stray cat crossing the dreamer's path- a bad sign. Such a dream portends dashed hopes and unfulfilled plans. The dreamer should not make rash decisions, it is better for her to refrain from radical changes and, as far as possible, postpone important events in a long box. However, if in a dream a cat has a collar or a bow, on the contrary, you can not be afraid of failures and boldly begin to implement ideas - such a dream promises justified success.
  • Cat relaxing in the sun- a harbinger of peace and peace of mind. The dreamer can forget about her ill-wishers for a while, relax and be sure that in the near future competitors will not take any decisive steps against her.

Sleeping cat trying to catch a mouse- a harbinger of wealth, unexpected joy.

  • kittens in a dream portend monetary gain, promotion.
  • Caress a cat in a dream- a harbinger of doubt, difficult emotional experiences.
  • Aggressive black cat in a dream- a dangerous enemy, but not hiding his intentions. The white cat is an insidious friend, acting on the sly.
  • If the dreamer is scratched by her own cat in a dream, such a dream is a harbinger of slander. If this is someone else's cat, its owners harbored resentment or anger against the dreamer.
  • Catching a cat in a dream - good sign. Such a dream means that soon the dreamer will discover gossip swarming around her personal life and will be able to dispel false rumors.
  • Play with a pet in a dream- a harbinger of infidelity, treason. However, the dream does not specify whose it is.
  • Harm or hurt a cat in their sleep- bad sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of an unclean conscience, a stone in the soul.

Cat bite in a dream- a harbinger of health problems.

  • A dead cat in a dream portends a quarrel, a break in relations. If the cat belongs to the dreamer, she should not so thoughtlessly and blindly trust her lover. If a lover kills a cat with his own hands or harms her in a dream, perhaps he himself has long wanted to break with the dreamer. If the cat belongs to acquaintances or friends of the dreamer, a quarrel with these people will soon await her.
  • A pregnant cat portends a big surprise, the appearance of a new person in the house. It can be a young man if the girl is single, a child if she lives with a man, or close relative if the dreamer has a full-fledged family.
  • Aggressive, hissing and showing sharp teeth cats portend the appearance of insidious enemies ready to do anything to deprive the dreamer of her property. If she drives the cat away, she can easily cope with any misfortunes.

A thin and shabby cat portends bad news regarding the dreamer's friends. She should not refuse them help and sympathy - otherwise misfortune may befall them.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, a dream with a cat is a failure, no matter who dreamed it, a man or a woman. The exception is a dream where the cat was killed or frightened away. So why do cats dream of a woman?

  • a dream in which a cat scratches means loss Money during some transaction or work.
  • a young woman who sees a cat sitting in her arms will soon be drawn into some bad financial affairs.
  • if the cat is white, most likely the dreamer's participation in unreliable affairs will lead her to deprivation of property.
  • the cat is not visible, and in a dream only her meow is heard, which means that a close friend will betray.
  • the cat is dirty - ahead of the illness of relatives.

Interpretations according to Freud

The interpreter of dreams, Freud, considers seeing a cat in a dream a sign of a woman's sexual temperament. If she strokes a cat in a dream, then she is tired of the old ones. sexual relations, she wants to change her sexual partner to a younger one.

In a dream, a cat caresses herself to her, which means that a woman is very attractive to the opposite sex.

Torturing a cat in a waking dream means that a woman has unhealthy masochistic tendencies. All dreams with cats in Freud are the embodiment of human sexual needs.

Interpretations of Nostradamus

Nostradamus in dreams saw the most global problems, capturing not only personal interests, but also the problems of humanity as a whole. The dream about cats is no exception. According to his interpretation, cats, especially if they portend a lot ecological catastrophe on the planet. Cats fight with dogs, there is a struggle between good and evil on a global scale.

Days of the week when the dream occurred

According to the modern dream book, which approaches the treatise of dreams in great detail, it is important to pay special attention to the day of the week when you had a dream.

  • if a woman dreamed of a cat on Thursday night, this means that a dear person who enjoyed trust and respect will soon betray.
  • to see a cat from Saturday to Sunday is not bad: the dreamer will find an assistant and friend, support in life.
  • on Monday, a warning dream says that you should not let strangers into your life.

cat color

Why does a cat dream in a woman's dream? Great importance a modern dream book pays to the color of a dreaming cat.

  • gray cat- they will remember old grievances and take revenge.
  • if the sleeping woman saw in a dream black cat, ahead of major troubles, up to fights and violence.
  • white cat in a dream, you should not rejoice either, because she is a symbol of hidden enemies who pretended to be friends
  • but the most dangerous ginger cat , she brings great trouble, especially in her personal life. This and unrequited love and betrayal loved one, and many other negative points.

The result, on the whole, is disappointing. A cat in a dream is almost always a bad sign, except if you dream of your own domestic cat. But in everything we must try to look for positive moments. For after the night comes a brighter day, and bad dream replaces good. And if you think about the best, then it will come anyway, because thoughts are material, and life is beautiful.

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Despite the unpleasant sight, a dead cat in a dream, unlike its living relatives, is interpreted by dream books very positively. So, a dream that you had a dream may indicate the absence of a threat from enemies or the disappearance from the life of a person unpleasant to you. You can find the necessary explanation for what such an image is dreaming of by remembering the appearance and your attitude towards the caudate.

External Features

According to most interpreters, a dreaming black kitty promises big trouble or a serious fight with the enemy. It is easy to guess what a dead black animal is dreaming of. For a woman, such a plot portends a victory over a rival and a normalization of the climate in the family circle, for a man - a favorable outcome in the work sphere.

Unlike previous explanations, Miller's dream book connects such a vision with the loneliness and defenselessness of the dreamer. The interpreter of Medea of ​​the dead black cat associates with the dark sides of the sleeping person's personality.

A dreaming of a white dead cat promises trouble, which at the very beginning will seem insignificant, but after that it will turn into big problems.

Plot details

Wangi's dream interpretation explains what many dead cats dream of, an unpleasant situation that can cause shame to the dreamer. Also, to see many corpses of these animals around you indicates the successful neutralization of imaginary comrades.

Two dead cats predict a happy coincidence that will save you from impending problems. Perhaps you will be helped in this by complete strangers. Many cat corpses lying on the side of the road speak of full release from pressure and intrigues of enemies.

Seeing a dead cat in a dream with live kittens asking for food is a special clue that deciphers the dream book as the need to pay attention to your children, who now need support and care. Another interpretation of the dream, what the animal with kittens dreams of, personifies subconscious dissatisfaction with oneself and the struggle with own complexes and imperfection.

Victory over the enemy, which will not bring satisfaction to the sleeping person, but only devastation and irreparable losses a cat and a dog dreaming about dead promise.

The corpse of an animal decomposing in a dream suggests that the unpleasant events of past years will remind of themselves. Finding it in a box predicts the accusation of others in unworthy deeds, which are considered long forgotten.

Watching in a dream that a cat has come to life portends the return of old, half-way abandoned affairs and activities that will add trouble. Another interpretation of such a plot predicts receiving news from relatives who are far away.

Causes of death

If in a dream the dead cat was in the blood, then, in reality, misfortunes await the close people of the dreamer. A drowned animal floating in the water signals troubles in love relationships, conflicts and quarrels with a partner, which can lead to a break in relations.

According to the dream book, what a dead cat with a slit throat dreams of means disappointment in people who were trusted. Seeing her without a head prophesies a serious war with colleagues for a high position in a dream book.


If a dead cat seen in a dream is a long-dead pet, then the dream book warns of trouble in the house. A dreaming living pet thus wants to warn the dreamer and force him to postpone the planned events.

If a dead cat asks for food in a dream, it means that in reality the sleeping person has lost sight of something important. See your dead pet- to his good health, if he was in the blood - beware of unfamiliar guests and discourage loved ones from casual acquaintances.

Seeing a dead kitten in a dream does not always mean giving up or giving up. On the contrary, dream books promise that the enemies will soon be destroyed and the dark streak will end. To more accurately determine what the dead animal is dreaming of, it is worth remembering the scene of the incident, small parts dreams. Much depends on who dreamed about the cat, what color it was.

Miller's dream book with his predictions

For Gustav Miller, a dead kitten in a dream symbolizes getting rid of complexes, prejudices. It is especially good if he dreamed of a woman who has long wanted to break ties with an annoying person.

In addition, the psychologist in his dream book describes in detail not only the very fact of what the strangled animal dreams of, but also where he happened to see him:

  • on hands or knees - to the withering away of old connections, the emergence of new opportunities;
  • before the threshold of the house - to changes in family relationships;
  • in the apartment - you have to face difficulties;
  • in a puddle, in the mud - to resolve household, financial problems;

Expect positive change

If you dreamed that a dead kitten came to life, be prepared for the good results of your labors. The black stripe will abruptly change to white if you had a chance to see in a dream that a small representative of the cat family had risen before your eyes and began to purr. This gentle creature, according to Vanga's dream book, will bring changes in family and personal life.

Even more interestingly, the healer interprets why a woman dreams of a dead kitten. A dream means that the annoying boyfriend will finally fall behind and make room for more worthy fans.

Help will be!

In the dream book of Nostradamus, the color of a dead kitten in a dream is also important. If you dreamed that a cat gave birth to black babies, it means financial difficulties will be resolved soon. In addition, you will be able to win all property disputes.

But why dream that the cat gave birth to red, white, ashy babies and immediately strangled the offspring, it is worth considering in more detail. Seeing not only black, but also multi-colored animals, even dead ones, is a good sign. A dream means that at a difficult moment a person from whom you never expected such a step will come to the rescue.

Carelessness can ruin plans

Negative interpretations of sleep give some traditional dream books. They claim that strangled cats in a dream are dangerous. If a person happened to see that he accidentally crushed a small animal, in real life it is worth becoming much more careful, be sure to play it safe and not take on other people's problems.

If a person dreamed of something strange at night, there is a high probability that he will look into the dream book. Dead cats are far from the most pleasant "figures" of dreams, but they appear in them surprisingly often. Well, you should turn to reliable sources that will help you understand the meaning of such visions.

Vanga's Book of Interpretations

What this cat will tell is an unpleasant situation that may well lead to the shame of the dreamer. But if a person saw himself surrounded by them, then the interpretation will be positive. Such a vision portends the dreamer's successful deliverance from imaginary friends.

If a person saw only two animals that had gone to the other world, then in real life a successful combination of circumstances awaits him, thanks to which all problems will be solved by themselves. It is possible that help will come from where no one could expect it. Or from strangers.

This is not all that this dream book tells. Dead cats lying on the side of the road are a great sign. Soon the dreamer will get rid of the ill-wishers and the pressure exerted on him by others.

But if a person noticed live kittens near a dead cat, then he should pay attention to his relatives and friends. Perhaps they need help, but he does not notice it at all.


The dream book advises to pay special attention to them. Dead, for example, can portend one thing. The redhead is different.

A black animal portends big trouble. And possibly some serious competition. Such a vision promises a girl a fight with a rival for a man, in which she will win. And for a man - a successful outcome in the business sphere.

True, such an interpretation is given by a modern dream book. Dead black cats according to Miller promise only loneliness, defenselessness and depression.

But the white animal portends minor troubles that at first seem insignificant and quickly resolved. However, in reality, they will turn into serious problems.

Small Velesov dream book

According to this book, dead cats that were in the blood portend misfortunes. But they will not touch the dreamer, but his relatives and friends. It is worth looking after them and taking care of them.

Animals drowned and man saw them swim in the water? This is for troubles in personal life. Most likely, something will shake the dreamer's love relationship. And it is better to immediately stop the conflict if it arises, otherwise everything can flare up so much that a break cannot be avoided.

This is not all that this dream book talks about. Dead cats who went to the other world because of bullying portend disappointment. A person will test it in relation to those people whom he trusted. And if the animals did not have heads, then a real war is coming at work with colleagues. It is possible that for a high position.

Noble dream book

A dead animal, according to this book of interpretations, portends the disappearance of that person who is unpleasant to the dreamer. Was the cat black? You should be prepared for the fact that someone wants to do harm. Perhaps the ill-wisher is in the circle of close people - this is what the dream book assures.

Caught strangled - to the sad consequences that the lifestyle of the sleeping person will lead to.

If a poor animal died due to the bullying that the dreamer inflicted on him, the person’s conscience is unclean. And soon it will come back to haunt him.

According to Miller

One of the most authoritative is this dead cat, which the man himself sent to the next world? So, in reality, he is fighting with himself. A person is confused about something, it is difficult for him to figure out what is happening in his life. And his thoughts, feelings, emotions seem to be separated. It is possible that soon, because of such confusion, a person will fall into a deep depression.

Did you dream that dead cats suddenly attacked? This is for competition. And the opponents will fight to the last.

The main thing is that a person does not dream about how they give him dead cats. This means that someone is trying to control him. And this someone is a very powerful and even dangerous person. The more dead animals donated, the worse the dreamer will have. He should exercise maximum caution and care in the near future. And limit contact with people (especially strangers).

Did the dreamer bury dead animals? So, in reality, he carefully hides something. Perhaps not the first year. And this is a very serious secret. It is worth being vigilant, otherwise someone will find out about it in the near future.

But if a person saw dead cats in his house, this is fortunate. All troubles will bypass him.

Other interpretations

There are many other interpretations that more than one dream book can offer. Dead cats can portend a lot of things. Hasse's book of interpretations, for example, assures that this animal portends anger. If a dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday, then a person will be angry because he will not be able to find a common language with someone close.

According to an old Russian dream book, a vision means betrayal by relatives and betrayal. Just a cat skin, without a body - to finding lost property. Being the culprit in her death - to serious problems in real life, perhaps even to criminal or administrative liability. Was the dead animal white? This means that in reality they will try to deftly lure a person into unfolded nets, but thanks to his prudence, he will not fall into them.

Medea's dream book, in turn, assures: dead cats lying in the mud in the middle of the road are harbingers of prosperity and enrichment. But animals hit by a car are in danger. If they were poisoned - to the disappointment of old friends. And strangled cats promise a "resurrection" of long-forgotten problems, conflicts and grievances.

And finally - a couple of words about interpretations according to Tsvetkov's dream book. If a dead cat suddenly resurrected, then in real life a person will have to return to old unfinished business. Unpleasant, of course. And if the dead animal not only resurrected, but also came to a person, this is a big expense associated with household chores.

Despite the fact that a dead cat causes discomfort and associations, in a dream such a symbol most often carries auspicious. In order for the interpretation to be as complete as possible, it is worth considering other details of the dream, for example, under what circumstances did you see a dead animal, what did you feel, etc.

Why is a dead cat dreaming?

Night vision, which featured a dead cat with white hair, warns that at first glance, small problems will eventually turn into a real tragedy, which will be very difficult to cope with. If a dead cat was lying on the road, it means that an unpleasant person who spread gossip and set up various negative situations will soon leave the dreamer's life. Such a loss in a positive way affect life in general. Night vision, where the decomposing corpse of an animal appeared, means that some events of the past will remind of themselves. If a dead cat came to life, it means that soon things abandoned in the past will remind of themselves. Such a dream may also be a harbinger of receiving good news. In the event that the cat drowned, then in reality one should expect problems in the love sphere.

Why dream of a lot of dead cats?

Such a dream plot is an unfavorable symbol, which means that an unpleasant situation will soon arise, and this can become a cause of shame. One of the dream books is night vision about in large numbers dead cats are considered evidence that in the future it will be possible to get rid of insincere friends.

Why is a dead black cat dreaming?

Since the black animal symbolizes various troubles, dreaming where she's dead is a good sign promising victory over rivals. Another such dream portends an improvement in relations in the family and at work. In one from dream books, a dead black cat is considered a symbol of the dreamer's bad sides.

Why dream of a dead cat without a head?

Such an unpleasant picture in a dream personifies a serious struggle that awaits the dreamer in the very near future. You will have to make a lot of effort to get what you want, but believe me, the result will be worth it.

What is the dream of a dead cat in blood?

An animal in a pool of blood symbolizes the troubles that close relatives will have. It is recommended to warn dear people so that they be careful not to trust strangers and take better care of their health.