How to make a title card correctly. General design requirements. What to write in the introduction, body and conclusion

Friends, good day. In any educational institutions, students are given the following tasks -. And today we will talk about how to design the title page of an essay in schools and universities. Since many students are facing this problem.

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After all, the following depends on the correct and high-quality design of the title page:

  • Firstly, the title page is the face of the abstract, your work. It immediately shows how responsibly you took the task.
  • Secondly, the teacher, looking at the title page, determines how correctly the work is formatted and evaluates it.

What is the title page of an abstract?

Front page- This is the very first page in the educational work. It indicates the names of the department, the department, the name of the student and the teacher. In most cases, the title page is drawn up according to GOST standards, but this also happens. that university teachers are replacing these rules with well-thought-out training manuals.

In general, for the design of the title page, they adhere to 2 main state standards:

  1. “Report on research work” - GOST 7.32-2001, which very well describes the main requirements that should be located on the title page.
  2. "ESKD" - GOST 2.105-95 - general requirements for any text document.

Rules for the design of the title page of an abstract

Although teachers may require the student to adhere to the manual. Still, there are rules that cannot be avoided. But it's better various nuances Check with the department in advance.

The title page of the abstract according to GOST includes the following parameters:

  • Not always, but the name of the country is written
  • Department name (abbreviated or full, ask the reviewer)
  • Name of discipline
  • Topic of scientific work
  • Full name, course, group number
  • Full name of the recipient, his position
  • author
  • What city does the author live in?
  • In what year was the document completed?

You also need to remember the following: the title page is not numbered. I wrote about almost all versions of numbering.

Also, GOST does not specify the font and therefore teachers set it to Times New Roman, 14 pt.

Correct design of the title page of the abstract in Word according to GOST 2017—2018

  1. In the center of the sheet, with caps lock turned on, write the name of the department or ministry of your educational institution. For convenience, use Caps Lock.
  2. Next write the name educational institution, full or short, while maintaining single line spacing.
  3. Below in quotation marks is the name of the department
  4. In capital letters, in the middle of the sheet they write in a font size of 16-20 pt - “Abstract”
  5. Then the subject on which the essay is being written and the topic
  6. Then, to the right of the center, write down the full details of the author and the person being checked
  7. AND last stage— at the bottom of the page in the center the city and year

Sample title page of an essay for students

As mentioned above, the title pages of the essay may differ depending on the educational institution. Some require adherence to GOST standards, while others require training manuals.

Requirements for the title page of an essay in schools

Just like in universities, in schools children are also asked various types tasks such as reports, abstracts. And many schoolchildren want to get an excellent grade from their work. And therefore, the question of how to make a title page correctly interests almost every student. Let's highlight the main requirements:

  1. Full name of the school
  2. What type of work (essay, report, etc.)
  3. Subject of work (not compulsory in primary school)
  4. Topic and name of the project
  5. Student's name and class
  6. Last name of the checking teacher (also not required in primary school)
  7. City ( locality) and date

Rules and example of designing the title page of an essay for school

Settings in Word

  • Indents: right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each
  • The font of the title page of the abstract is Times New Roman, 14 point, the name of the educational institution is 12 point, the name of the project is 28 point and bold, the title of the work is 16 point and bold
  • Sheet A4


Abstract is summary information in writing. The material for it is collected from several sources. In this form, you can briefly summarize the essence of scientific work. After completing the essay, the student can show the level of his knowledge on this issue and propose his own ways to solve the problems.

There are two types:

  • Productive. Relevant sources are selected, interpreted and presented in abstract form. Criticism and a creative approach to writing are allowed. Such abstracts include: a review, which involves collecting information from several sources (may include several points of view); a report containing an assessment of the problem of the primary source includes a broad analysis of it.
  • Reproductive. It reflects the information contained in the original source. It can be in the form of a summary that contains generalized information about the object being presented; only facts, illustrations, and research results are used here.

Stylistics and design

All analyzed information is presented in standard language using cliched speech patterns, For example: " important has", "problem under study" and so on. The abstract is characterized by generalizing words, specialized terms and phrases that correspond to the topic of the primary source. An abstract is a kind of scientific work, and it requires a strictly defined sequence and design.

Title page structure

The first thing people pay attention to when checking a work is the design of the title page. It must, firstly, be clean and tidy, and secondly, you must remember that the design structure has official requirements. But despite this, the educational institution may also have its own requirements for the title page of the essay.

If you pay attention to the standard requirements, you can distinguish 4 design blocks:

  1. Upper. Includes title educational institution.
  2. Central. Type of work: abstract, report, etc. The topic of the work should also be covered here.
  3. Right. Contains information about the author and the reviewer; signatures, ratings and notes on the work are placed in this place.
  4. Lower. Includes the name of the city and the year the work was performed.

The Ministry of Education regulates certain requirements for indentation and even for fonts and their sizes. But some educational institutions may have their own requirements. To avoid any misunderstandings later when submitting your work, you must ask your teacher in advance about how to format your essay.

Using this video as an example, you will learn how to design a title page in Worde.

State standards

The title page of an essay for a school is practically no different in design from abstracts of other educational institutions.

Upper block includes the name of the educational institution. You cannot write abbreviations here, only the full name. All letters must be capitalized. The text should be bold and centered. Line spacing is 1, font size is 14 point. The top block should deviate from the edge by 2 cm, on the left by 3 cm, on the right by 1.5 cm.

Central block. It should be separated from the top block by 2 lines. It consists of several lines that display basic information about the operation:

  1. The type of work is written. Abstract, report, etc. The word is taking shape in capital letters, font size 16 point.
  2. Indenting one line, write the name of the discipline. The first letters here must be capitalized. Font size - 14 point.
  3. The next line displays the topic of the work, the title should begin with capital letters. Example: “On the topic: Types of scientific work.”

The alignment should be centered.

Right block. Information about the student who completed the work and who checked it is displayed here. There will also be notes from the teacher about the work, evaluation, and signatures. The font size should be 14 point, aligned to the right, 1.5 cm from it.

Bottom block. It should be done at the very bottom of the page on the last line, alignment - in the center, font size - 14 point. The distance from the bottom edge is 2 cm.

Thus, a sample design for the title page of a school essay looks like this.

It is important to respect the margin sizes when writing a paper. On the left side - 35 mm, on the right - 10 mm, on the top and bottom - 20 mm. The text should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing - one and a half, alignment - width. It is necessary to create a table of contents that reflects the main subtopics of the analyzed information, with page numbers indicated next to it.

In the introduction, you need to justify the topic that the student wants to cover in your work, and the goals and objectives of the work should also be highlighted. It is necessary to explain the significance of the chosen topic in modern world and why the author touched on it specifically. Volume - 1-2 pages.

The main part is written in accordance with the outline of the essay and should fully cover the topic of the work, while each paragraph must begin on a separate page. In the title of paragraphs, only the first letter should be capitalized; a period should not be placed after it. You can highlight the main points and definitions in the abstract in bold in the text. The volume of this part is 12-15 pages.

In conclusion, the results of the work done are summed up and certain conclusions are drawn. You can also consecrate solutions to the problems and tasks posed. The volume of this part is 1-2 pages.

The list of references is formed last: from what sources the material was taken. The requirements for the list of sources are also covered by the regulations of the Ministry of Education.

It is worth noting that these requirements are general and may vary depending on the educational institution.


From this video you will learn how to design a title page correctly and according to standards.

Didn't get an answer to your question? Suggest a topic to the authors.

Title page, title page - first page academic work, reveals student data and topic. Used for essays, coursework, thesis, report, . It contains information:

  • Student's name
  • Speciality
  • Educational institution
  • Topic of work
  • Type of work
  • Year of implementation
  • Inspector details

The design of the title page according to GOST is regulated by standard 2.105-95. It was adopted in 1995 and to this day is the main standard for how to design the title page of an essay and other works (coursework, dissertations, tests). This GOST valid in all CIS countries, including:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan

Download title page samples.

Margin size for title page:

  • left margin: 30 mm;
  • right margin: 10 mm;
  • top margin: 20 mm;
  • bottom margin: 20 mm.

What font should be on the title page.

The guest specifies font size 14 for all fields except the title and title of the work. Typically Times New Roman or another sans serif font. All data except student information is centered.

Instructions – 6 steps for correct design of the title page in accordance with GOST.

Depending on whether you make a title page for a test, coursework, dissertation or essay, the completeness of the information will differ. But there are a number of mandatory data that are indicated for each work. The title page title contains the name of the ministry and educational institution.

Step 1. Ministry of Education

We indicate the Ministry of Education of your country (14 font, capital letters)

Step 2. Uni.

Next is the full name and form of ownership of the educational institution (14 font, capital letters)

Step 3. Department.

After this, indicate the department (14 font)

Step 4. Type of work.

After that, depending on the type of work, in capital letters (16 font, Bold):

    • TEST

Step 5. Theme of the work.

Full topic name, classic spelling, 16 font, bold, lowercase

Step 6. Details of the performer and inspector

Details of the performer and inspector for various works are designed differently, but always have a font size of 14 and are written in lowercase. Here are a few examples ○ Sample for a thesis

○ Sample for coursework

○ Sample for test

○ Essay sample

Can the grade be reduced for incorrect title deeds?

The design of the title page is an important point on any subject and is part of the regulatory control. If a teacher has accepted a work in which the title page is incorrectly formatted, he does not have the right to reduce the score for this, because V in this case the work has been reviewed and approved by the reviewer.

Which universities is it suitable for?

These rules are GOST. Therefore, they are universal and suitable for any university in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. If you fundamentally do not want to redo it when the teacher requires it, you can refer to GOST 2.105-95. which clearly states for whom and how it operates.

Is the design different for different items?

The sample title design does not depend on the subject. All its elements can remain the same and only the name of the item can change. The exceptions are tests, which for some subjects may require a title page for the notebook. This is a regular A4 sheet format folded in half. We have a separate material where you can download this sample or design it yourself.

Is the design different for specialties?

The specialty does not matter at all. All elements remain unchanged, except for the specialty, which needs to be changed for the current one.

Every college or technical school student encounters completing an essay during their studies. This work is a detailed presentation of material from scientific sources on a given topic. It is noteworthy that the more of these sources are used during the research process, the better the report will be.

But the quality of such a document is assessed not only by the completeness of the material presented and compliance with the topic given by the teacher, but also by other parameters - the uniqueness of the text, the achievement of set goals and objectives, correct formatting taking into account all the requirements, as well as other parameters.

In this article we will talk about writing one of the sections of the report - the title page - in accordance with all accepted requirements (or according to GOST).

If you encounter difficulties with writing the essay itself, contact the portal specialists who provide services for writing essays and term papers.

Correctly designed title card

The title page is the first page of any work, because it is what the reviewer sees first. That is why it is so important to write this part of the work correctly.

This section of work should:

  • be written without errors;
  • include all necessary information;
  • be carried out in accordance with GOST.

So, the title page is part of the abstract document, so it must be written without spelling errors. But what should you include in it?

Any first page of research should contain information about:

  • educational institution where the author studies;
  • the department where the report is being carried out;
  • type of work and its topic;
  • author and checker, as well as reviewer;
  • city ​​and year of execution.

General design requirements

This section must be written in black Times New Roman text. Mostly, font size 14 is used, but in some cases, which will be discussed later, font size is 18. This page is not numbered, but is taken into account in the overall numbering.

Let's look at each of the title elements in more detail.

  • Information about the educational institution

In this case, you must indicate the full name of the college or technical school - the data is located at the top of the page. When performing this step, use standard size font and it is allowed to write it in capital letters(but not required). The name of the college should be centered.

  • The department where scientific work is written

The information is located under the name of the college or technical school, written in a standard font and separated from the name of the educational organization by a line. Department data is aligned “centered.”

  • Type of work and its topic

This item is located in the middle of the sheet. The center alignment is also applied to it, but the font size in this case should be 18. The type of report and its topic are written in bold.

  • Information about the author, checker and reviewer

Please note that there may not be a reviewer - this is not necessary for works written in secondary educational institutions.

In this paragraph you need to indicate the name of the student, his group and course, as well as the name and position of the inspector. If there is a reviewer, indicate his name and position. The text of this item should be aligned “to the right edge”.

  • Year and city

The year of execution must be indicated here. scientific research and the city in which the secondary school is located. The data must be centered.


Indentations are also important point when registering a title according to GOST. The space on the right should be 1.5 centimeters, and the rest - 2.

Abstract title page - where to find a good example?

In order to complete the first page of a report correctly, many students try to find a good ready-made form. You can download a sample of the correct execution of the title on the Internet, but be sure to check it for compliance with GOST before filling it out. It is not recommended to take classmates’ title cards as examples - this way, you can copy a mistake without even noticing it.

Among other things, it can be downloaded on our portal in a free format (see the first section).

This article examined in detail the title page for a college essay and all the issues related to its writing and design: what needs to be included in the title, how to format it correctly, and where to find a high-quality sample that will help speed up the process of completing it. After reading this article, you will be able to write a really good title for your work.

Enough large number The title page of the report raises questions and many doubts among students (according to GOST 2017, we consider a sample design in this article). Why this page? Yes because to her special attention and special requirements that all need to be taken into account, which is quite difficult.

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The title page of the report according to GOST 2017 is a general theoretical sample

The first (also home) page contains all the information about the student, teacher and topic. It reflects the names of the educational institution, disciplines, topics and other information. It is convenient to format it as a separate file when the work is completely ready and no changes are expected, for example, in the title of the topic. So, the first page of the work is designed according to this scheme.

  • "Cap". First we create the first 3-4 top lines, aligned to the center:

    Line 1 – MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (indicate which country. Note, the letters are in capitals);

    2 – full name of the educational institution (lowercase letters);

    3, 4 – single spaced name of the faculty and department (also full; note that abbreviations are not allowed on this page).

  • "Center". Next we move on to creating the “central” information – the topic. Departing from the “header” 8 intervals, we type the name of the type of work in capitals, in bold: REPORT (if it is being prepared for a conference or symposium, indicate this data right there). And the next line contains information about the topic of the work (its name is in capitals, bold).
  • "Right" column. Having retreated 5 intervals, we form a left-aligned column on the right, in which we indicate:

    - in line 1 - Speaker:

    — 2nd line – Student (group, surname and initials);

    — line 3 – omission;

    — 4th line — Checked:

    — Line 5 – Teacher’s regalia, his last name and initials.

  • The “bottom” block is the bottom-most line, centered: City and Year.

Title page of the report according to GOST 2017 - general technical sample

It is assumed that the work is completed on a computer using a text editor. Microsoft Word. It is convenient to format the title as a separate file. The following parameters are set for this page:

  • centimeter “banks” (indents) along the edges: left – 3, right – 1, upper and lower – 2;
  • The line spacing on this page is single (in the text on the following pages - one and a half);
  • Typing the text in font - Times New Roman (point size 14 is used for all pages);
  • headings are not underlined, abbreviated or hyphenated (we have already noted which of them are typed in capital letters and highlighted in bold);
  • the title is not numbered, but is taken into account in total number pages, counting as the first.