What buildings are around Savior on Blood? Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood: Why does a temple built on a tragic occasion have a festive look

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg is a museum and monument of Russian architecture. Was erected according to the instructions Alexandra III and the decision of the Synod at the place where on March 1, 1881, the Narodnaya Volya member I. Grinevitsky mortally wounded Alexander II, who was popularly called the Tsar Liberator for the abolition of serfdom.

Although the temple immortalized a tragic event in the history of Russia, the nine-domed building amazes with its bright, colorful beauty. Against the backdrop of the austere architecture of the Northern capital, it seems like a toy. There are similarities between the cathedral and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

Interior decoration of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg

The cathedral was not designed for mass attendance. This influenced its interior decoration, which is striking in its beauty. The decoration includes a collection of Russian mosaics of that time. Inside, it completely covers the walls, pylons, vaults and domes. In the cathedral we see a rich collection of gems, jewelry enamel, colored tiles, made by the best craftsmen. Craftsmen from the Ekaterinburg, Kolyvan and Peterhof lapidary factories took part in creating the decoration of the cathedral. Of the variety of mosaics and mosaic compositions, it is necessary to note the works made according to originals by artists V.M. Vasnetsova, M.V. Nesterova, A.P. Ryabushkina, N.N. Kharlamova, V.V. Belyaeva. The cathedral's mosaic collection is one of the largest in Europe. Ornamental and semi-precious stones were used as decorative decoration for the interior of the cathedral, with which the iconostasis, walls and floor of the building were lined. For the iconostasis, icons were made according to the sketches of Nesterov and Vasnetsov - “The Mother of God and the Child” and “The Savior”.

Particularly significant in the temple, after the altar, was the place where the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander took place. A canopy was built over a fragment of the cobblestone street, a special structure that was supported by columns of gray-violet jasper. At the top of the canopy stood a topaz cross. Under the canopy are kept the relics of the cathedral - part of the grating of the Catherine Canal and the cobblestones on which the mortally wounded Alexander II fell.

Forests stood around the cathedral for a very long time. And the people said that the forests would stand as long as Soviet power stood. It's possible that this is a coincidence. But the scaffolding was dismantled shortly before the August events in Moscow in 1991.

The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood is the first temple built on the site where the emperor of the state died. The constructed architectural monument was a symbol of the impending revolution.

Hi all!

St. Petersburg presents the Savior on Spilled Blood in the palm of every tourist and city resident, and they, in turn, never tire of admiring the greatness of this cultural monument. Let me tell you about the construction of this Cathedral, how it is connected with great emperor Alexander II, reveal the mysterious curtain of some of the mysteries of the structure. I will also share all necessary information, which you need to know to visit the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

This Cathedral, at first glance, looks like a doll, as if it had just stepped out of a postcard. But in reality it is a symbol of death and tragic eighth assassination attempt on Alexander II . At dawn on March 1, 1881, the Russian emperor was passing near the Catherine Canal (today it is the Griboyedov Canal, where the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood is located today), when an unknown person threw a package into the Tsar’s carriage. An explosion occurred, but the fragments did not hit anyone.

The Emperor sighed with relief; it would seem that the eighth threat to life was over. He got out of the transport and approached the wounded young man lying in the snow. It was a certain Rysakov, who belonged to the Narodnaya Volya movement. At that moment, a second guy, Grinevitsky, ran up to Alexander II and managed to throw a second bomb right at the Tsar.

The interesting thing is that Alexander II was previously prophesied that it was the eighth attempt that would be fatal for the tsar. I am sure that the news of the death of the emperor shocked all of Russia, and the very next day the son of the murdered man, heir to the throne Alexander III, ordered the construction of a temple on the site of his father’s death.

Dolgikh Builders worked for 24 years on the creation of the masterpiece The Savior on Spilled Blood. The temple grew only in 1907.

It is interesting to know that a special chapel was built on the same spot where the emperor died. The paving stones where the monarch died remained in this aisle. Famous artists Vasnetsov and Nesterov decorated more than 7 thousand square meters spaces of the cathedral with mosaic frescoes.

Decoration of the Savior on Spilled Blood

It may seem to you that the Savior on Spilled Blood has common similarities with the Moscow St. Basil's Cathedral ? I hasten to assure you that this thought can arise only after the first, fleeting glance at the buildings.

The architect was inspired by all the techniques of Russian church architecture, and as a result he managed to create a kind of collective image Orthodox church. Variegated colors, abundant sculpting and details, generosity in the palette of materials used - all this makes the cathedral unique.

Despite the fact that the temple was erected as a memory of a tragic event, an ignorant person would never say such a thing. You can make sure that I am not deceiving you by looking at the photo of the cathedral.

Attention is drawn to the various kokoshniks, tiles and belts, and the truly festive decoration of the domes and crosses. I, like any other person who has seen the Savior on Spilled Blood at least once, just want to touch this gingerbread house in the center of St. Petersburg .

Legends and myths around the picturesque cathedral

  1. History says that this temple was kept sacred icon, in which all significant dates for Russia are encrypted: Year October Revolution, the beginning of World War II, the death of Stalin and others significant events. Rumor has it that other dates can be seen on the icon, which foreshadow important turns of fate for the state.
  2. The second legend is not so ancient. Everyone knows that during the reign of Soviet power, the Savior on Blood was treated inappropriately, in a barbaric way turning the shrine into an ordinary warehouse. In the 70s, they began to restore the temple; later, a ceramics museum was to be located here. Accordingly, scaffolding was built around the cathedral, but the restoration dragged on for decades; some believed that it would never be completed. Then people said that the Soviet government would rule as long as the forests around the temple stood. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but in 1991 the structure was dismantled, and in August of the same year the Union collapsed . I don't believe in coincidences. What about you?
  3. During the blockade in St. Petersburg, bodies dead people kept in this cathedral. During the war not a single shell hit Spas on Spilled Blood . Even after the terrible events, already in the Khrushchev era, when they wanted to demolish the temple like many other churches in the area, this place was bypassed. They say that this object is “charmed”, sanctified by the blood of the dead local residents, which figuratively and literally permeated every wall of the building.

Whether to believe these legends or not is everyone’s business. In any case, it creates a certain atmosphere for visiting cultural heritage cities.

Visit to the Savior on Spilled Blood

In order to be enchanted by this cathedral, it is not enough just to listen to the enthusiastic reviews of visitors. I believe that everyone should “meet” the Savior on Spilled Blood in person at least once in their life.

It is easy for a tourist to find his way around, since this place is marked on the map as one of the greatest attractions of the city. It’s no secret how to get to the place, because every resident of St. Petersburg will kindly tell you the right way.

Spas on Spilled Blood is located on the Griboyedov Canal. To get there, you need to get off at the Gostiny Dvor or Nevsky Prospekt metro stations. You need to walk along the canal, where various art exhibitions are often located. Easy to find your way around – its majestic domes will serve as a beacon for those wishing to see the cathedral.

Information for visitors

Opening hours: 10:30 – 18:00
Address: St. Petersburg, Griboyedov Canal Embankment 2B, building A. (go to Nevsky Prospekt station.
Ticket price: Seeing the exterior decoration is a free pleasure. A tour inside is also possible. You have to pay to enter 250 rubles .

By the way, from May 1 to September 30 in the evening (from 18:00 to 22:30) there is an excursion “The Savior on Spilled Blood on the White Nights”. Such pleasure is worth 400 rubles . Pensioners, schoolchildren and students can enter on discounted tickets - 50 rubles .

Official website: spas.spb.ru, but if you are interested in tickets and visiting schedule, then go to the website cathedral.ru/ceni_na_bileti

Good to know

It is better to visit this cathedral at lunchtime. when students and schoolchildren are studying, and for adults the working day is in full swing. Then you can be sure: there will be few visitors, the guide will answer all your questions personally, and no one will block your view from the beautiful views of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

Also I recommend fighting the queues to the cathedral ticket office at the entrance using a bank card and information. While the main queue to the ticket office numbered a hundred or two visitors, we were at most tenths at the electronic machine window.

I would love to visit the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood with every reader who, after my story, wants to go see this attraction.

I shared with you my knowledge about this place, but I will also tell you a lot of interesting things about other cultural objects.

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See you again!

Extraordinarily original Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood photo in St. Petersburg, which indicates that the landmark is a striking example of the original “Russian style”, signals the origins of the Russian style around 1830 during the decline of classicism, as well as the beginning of the popularity of eclecticism. The national revival of Russia was then understood as the strengthening of the ancient Orthodox spirit, which exalted the truly pure Christian faith, as well as full return to the patriarchal way of life. The church building, dating back to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is today a popular tourist attraction in Russia.

Before you look at history of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, it’s worth knowing a little about his appearance. The silhouette of the temple rises directly above the water surface of the famous Griboyedov Canal. Its vault, glowing with gold, multifaceted mosaics, and colorful enamel, stands on four supports, which are pillars. On top of it there are five domes, among which the middle one is tented, as well as the bulbous ones on the sides. The place in the center is occupied by an 8-sided tent, which is a pronounced high-rise dominant. It is he who visually creates the impression of a kind of upward focus. The dome of the tent is significantly smaller in size than the domes on the side domes and the one on the bell tower, which gives the impression that the tent cuts through the heavenly space. Therefore, it is usually not difficult to find out Where is the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood located?, since the elegant structure can be seen from afar.

History of the Savior on Spilled Blood

The festive appearance of the building does not mean anything, because it was built on the site of one of the most important tragic incidents Russian history, at the place where Alexander II was mortally wounded during a terrorist attack committed by Narodnaya Volya member I.I. Grinevitsky. when he was heading to a parade of troops on the Champs de Mars. Then Russia was shocked by this tragic incident. The great temple on this site was erected by order of Alexander III, the son of the murdered Tsar, and the people began to call it “Savior on Spilled Blood.” Inside this church, services for the murdered people were supposed to be held regularly; it is considered an important meeting place for pilgrims, where they prayed for the soul of Alexander II.

Thanks to the tradition of Russian architecture, church buildings were built as a memory of important historical events. Representatives of the “Russian style” tried to recreate the national original Russian style, which was rooted in ancient Russian architecture, as well as folk art, the deepest traditions of the identity of the people. Appearance Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg literally mesmerizing.

Famous architects of St. Petersburg A.I. Tomishko, I.S. Kitner, V.A. Shroter, I. S. Bogomolov participated in the first competition to create the project. The projects were submitted for consideration in the “Byzantine style,” which did not correspond to the nature of the required “Russian church creativity.” Alexander III did not choose any of them, expressing the desire to build a temple in Russian taste and that its creation would serve as a kind of metaphor for St. Petersburg’s approach to the covenants dictated by Old Moscow Russia. The building was supposed to symbolize the unity of the Tsar and the state, the people and their unshakable faith, reminding descendants of the Romanov dynasty, and become a monument to the autocracy of Russia.

According to the results of the second competition, the joint work of Archimandrite Ignatius (I.V. Malyshev), rector of the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage near St. Petersburg, and architect A.A. was highly approved. Parlanda. The new emperor liked this project most, satisfying all his requirements. After Parland made adjustments, significantly changing the initial appearance of the church, the project was approved in 1887. Archimandrite Ignatius made a proposal to consecrate the future temple-monument in the name of the Resurrection of Christ. if we consider photo of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, one can understand that the idea clearly visible here was a deep understanding of overcoming death, affirming the connection between the death of Alexander II and the Savior’s sacrifice in atonement. the place of injury, which led to the death of the autocrat-liberator, should have been perceived as “Calvary for Russia.” The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ was solemnly laid on October 6, 1883 in the presence of the imperial couple: Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna, and Metropolitan Isidore, who drew up the plan for the ceremony. In honor of this, a foundation board with a seal stamped specially for this purpose was placed inside the base of the future throne. Emperor Alexander III personally laid the first stone. A fragment of the canal grate, part of the cobblestone pavement and granite slabs stained with blood were first removed, packed inside boxes, and taken for storage to the chapel on Konyushennaya Square.

There are also interesting facts OChurch of the Savior on Spilled Blood which you need to know. Construction of the temple began before the final design was approved. Its construction took 24 years, and the estimate was 4,606,756 rubles. Of these, 3,100,000 rubles were allocated by the treasury, the rest was donated by the imperial government, government agencies, and private individuals.

The proximity of the canal made its own adjustments to the construction, significantly complicating it. To do this, for the first time, instead of the usual driving of metal piles, a concrete foundation was used in the construction practice of St. Petersburg for the foundation. The brick walls were erected on a solid, powerful foundation made from a single Putilov slab. In addition, they were decorated with red-brown bricks brought from Germany, and white marble details were special attention. The outer cladding was distinguished by its high decorativeness and incredible complexity of execution. The intricate glazed tiles and multi-colored decorative tiles produced by the Kharlamov factory add special beauty. In 1894, the domes were built; in 1896, the St. Petersburg Metal Plant made the frames of the nine domes of the cathedral from metal structures. The chapters were covered with four-color jewelry enamel, produced according to a special recipe by the Postnikov factory and which has no analogues in Russian architecture. Their covering area is one thousand square meters, which, in fact, is considered an unprecedented case for the history of Russian architecture.

Design features

The cross, whose height is 4.5 meters, was erected on the central chapter Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg solemnly in 1897, after which Metropolitan Palladius of St. Petersburg and Ladoga immediately performed a separate prayer service, consecrating it. After this, construction continued for another ten years, which took mainly finishing work and laying mosaics. The following points were also taken into account:

  1. The 62.5-meter-high bell tower stands on the site of the immediate mortal wound of Alexander II, so it has a special role. A high cross topped with an imperial crown was installed above its bulbous part.
  2. Under the golden canopy, on the west side of the bell tower, there is a Crucifix made of marble with an image of the savior, laid out in mosaics, marking the outside of the temple the place of the tragedy that led to the death of the king.
  3. Below the cornice, the surface of the bell tower is covered with drawings of the coats of arms of cities, as well as provinces, where mourners sympathized with the murder of the Tsar Liberator throughout Russia.

Going inside Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, the visitor immediately finds himself close to the place where Alexander II was wounded, that is, to that part of the embankment that is highlighted by a jasper tent canopy, which is a tent with eight sides, supported by four columns. Most Its decoration consists of natural Altai and Ural jasper, a luxurious balustrade, exquisite flowerpots and stone flowers on top of a tent made of rhodonite from the Urals. Behind the gilded metal grating, decorated with the imperial crown, you can see the cobblestone pavement, sidewalk slabs and canal grate - the place where the Tsar Liberator fell dead. A memorial service is held near the memorial place; people come there, pray, and continue to pray for the repose of his soul. The main events of the reign, episodes of his fate are carved on red granite boards inside the niches of the false arcade, which is located at the bottom of the walls of the façade canvas.

Both porches are combined under one tent. They are attached to the bell tower from the north and south, and also represent the main entrances. Double-headed eagles crown the tents covered with multi-colored tiles; the tympanums of the porches contain mosaic compositions made according to original sketches by V.M. Vasnetsov "The Passion of the Christ"

Created by the architect A. Parland, the unique Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, combined everything best qualities Arsenal of architecture of pre-Petrine Rus'. The result is extraordinary elegance and lots of decoration. The Savior on Spilled Blood, solely thanks to the theatrical colorful decor, looks like a real flower. which blossomed in the marshy soil of St. Petersburg. Its appearance is distinguished by the indomitable abundance of the brightest details, an exquisite palette of all kinds of finishing materials, color, tints, responses of mosaics, enamels, tiles, multi-colored tiles.


At the very edge of the embankment, reflected in the waters of the Griboyedov Canal (until 1923, the Catherine Canal), next to the Mikhailovsky Garden, stands the building of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, unique in its beauty.

The architecture of the religious building corresponds to the neo-Russian style. Compact in plan, crowned with a slender tent 81 meters high, with nine elegant domes, with a slender bell tower, its appearance reminiscent of the bell tower of Ivan the Great in the Moscow Kremlin, the building stands out sharply for its original asymmetrical composition, surrounded by architectural masterpieces built in the style of Russian classicism.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood at the site of the assassination attempt on the Emperor

The temple received the second name “Savior on Spilled Blood” in memory of the tragic events that occurred at this place on March 1, 1881 (old style). Here Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded by the Narodnaya Volya revolutionary Ignatius Grinevitsky. A few hours after the assassination attempt, the king died. Immediately after these events, which shocked the entire progressive public of Russia, a temporary chapel was built here. At the same time, we began designing a memorial temple.

Tsar Liberator

An autocrat and a reformer at the same time, Alexander II left a good but controversial memory in the people's consciousness, having accomplished the main work of his life - the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861. Civil rights and 23 million peasants received liberation from slavery, for these talents Alexander II remained in people's memory as the “Tsar Liberator.” Reforms in all areas of state and public life (military, zemstvo, judicial, public education and others) gave impetus to accelerated development in industry, modernization of the army, local zemstvo self-government, construction of railways, and a progressive judicial system.

The king was actively involved in the most important state business: preparation for Russia's transition from autocracy to a constitutional monarchy.

As a result of the victories of Russian weapons, the Balkan peoples were liberated from Turkish rule ( Russo-Turkish War 1877-78). During the reign of Alexander II, the Russian Empire expanded into vast territories Central Asia and the Caucasus.

However, reforms and transformations were not easy. The dilapidated state and economic systems were difficult to transform. Reforms took place with delays and distortions on the ground. This difficult period changes, reflected both in the situation ruling class, and all segments of the population, gave rise to a powerful protest movement among commoners and students. The revolutionary terrorist organization “People's Will” that appeared in Russia chose the path of violent overthrow of the autocratic government in Russia. People's Volunteers chose terror as a method of achieving their goals. A systematic hunt for senior officials has begun state power, and most importantly - “the culprit of all difficulties” - Emperor Alexander II. Eight attempts were made on the tsar’s life, the last one - on the embankment of the Catherine Canal - became fatal for the monarch.

Construction and architecture of the temple

The death of the martyr Tsar evoked a strong response and compassion in the souls of all layers of Russian society. Requiem services for the repose of the emperor were constantly held in the temporary chapel. Several competitions were held for the design of the memorial temple. In 1887, Emperor Alexander III approved the project carried out by the architect Alfred Parland with the participation of Archimandrite Ignatius, rector of the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage. An example for the authors was the architectural canons of Pre-Petrine Rus', according to which Moscow and Yaroslavl churches were built in the 16th – 17th centuries.

The foundation stone of the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord took place in 1883, and even before the final approval of the project, work was carried out for three years to strengthen the weak soils in this place and install a solid foundation from the Putilov slab. In 1888, immediately after the highest approval of the project, a granite base was erected, on which memorial plaques made of red granite were mounted in false niches with a narration of the main events during the reign of Alexander II and his decrees. The erected walls were lined with clinker facade bricks of various shades, brought from Germany. All the various decorative elements on the facades were made of white Estonian marble.

The building is a traditional ancient Russian quadrangle, ending with a five-domed structure; the central chapters are created in the image and likeness of the chapters of the Moscow Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral). However, the facing of domes with tiles coated with colored enamel has no analogues in Russian and European architecture.

The altar part on the façade on the eastern side is defined by three altar apses topped with gilded domes. The central dome is covered with gold smalt.

Instead of the central chapter, there is a high (81 meter) hexagonal tent, covered with glazed tiles and glazed tiles made by Kharlamov’s artel. It ends with a gilded onion dome with a cross.

Attached to the western part of the main volume of the building, extending towards the canal, is a high bell tower 62.5 meters high, also crowned with a gilded onion dome with a high gilded cross and an imperial crown (an example was the bell tower of Ivan the Great in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin). In the outer volume, the bell tower defines the very place where the emperor was mortally wounded. At the western wall of the bell tower, under a gilded canopy, there is a marble crucifix with the image of Jesus Christ and on the sides there are icons with images of St. Zosima of Solovetsky and the Holy Martyr Evdokia. Above the semicircular window there is an iconographic image of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. Coats of arms of provinces and cities Russian Empire, made on copper plates according to the drawings of academician of painting P. A. Cherkasov, are depicted on the facades of the bell tower.

The entrances are elegant hipped double porches adjacent to the main volume of the bell tower from the north and south. The hipped ceilings are decorated with colored tiles and topped with gilded double-headed eagles. Mosaic paintings on the theme of the Passion of Christ, made according to original paintings by artist V. M. Vasnetsov, decorate the tympanums of the porches.

In 1894-95, vaults and sails were erected, metal structures heads at the capital's foundries. Some of them were decorated with colored enamel at the factory of A. M. Postnikov. The gilded cross above the main tent was installed in 1897.

Construction of the building and finishing of all decorative elements of the exterior and internal space took 24 years, because when finishing the entire temple, 7065 square meters of mosaic coverings were made according to the sketches of outstanding Russian artists of the late 19th century, who worked in different stylistic directions within the framework of a large European style modern

More than 30 painters were involved in the grandiose work, including such famous names as M. V. Nesterov, V. M. Vasnetsov, A. P. Belyaev, N. N. Kharlamov, N. A. Koshelev. Mosaic masters from V. A. Frolov’s artel brought to life all the ideas of talented artists. Mosaic images of the Savior Not Made by Hands on the western facade and the Resurrection of Christ on the northern facade were made according to sketches by the artist M. V. Nesterov. The author of the mosaic image on the southern facade “Christ in Glory” is the artist N. A. Koshelev. The image of the “Blessing Savior” on the eastern facade was made according to the sketches of the architect of the entire structure, academician of architecture and painting A. A. Parland.

The completion of construction and the solemn consecration of the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord took place on August 19, 1907 in the presence of the highest royal persons, Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. On the same day the first solemn liturgy was celebrated.

Given that appearance The temple and interior decoration were made in the traditions of ancient Russian architecture; the most progressive methods of that time were used during construction and decoration; the most daring ideas and technological methods in the field of art were brought to life in the artistic decoration. The main materials used in the decoration of the temple: multi-colored and glazed facing bricks, colored glazed figured tiles, several types of marble from Russia and Italy, granite, multi-colored artistic enamels and mosaics, gold smalt, rock crystal, semi-precious and precious rocks, gold, silver.

Thanks to full electrification (1,689 electric lamps were installed), the decorative and artistic decoration of the interior of the 81-meter building was very well illuminated, which made it possible to see all the details of the interior even at great heights.

Interior of the temple

The Memorial Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was erected on a landmark site. Here the emperor was mortally wounded at the hands of a terrorist. In the internal volume of the bell tower there is a place where this tragic event took place: part of the embankment with cobblestones, on which the blood of the “Tsar-Liberator” was spilled. The memorial place is covered by a canopy, arranged in the form of an octagonal tent supported by four columns. All details of the architectural composition from Altai and Ural jasper were made by Russian stone cutters. Everyone who entered the temple, entering through the entrances arranged in the bell tower building, immediately understood that they had come to a deeply sacred memorial place.

The Church of the Resurrection of the Lord is unique due to its decorative decoration, because mosaic artistic compositions on a religious theme and decorative elements covering the walls and vaults amount to more than seven thousand square meters. The pictorial series reflects a memorial and religious purpose dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

The earthly journey of Jesus Christ from the Nativity of Christ to the miraculous deeds he performed during his earthly life is depicted in mosaic icons located in the central part. All artistic compositions are depicted on a blue background. Above the altar, according to a sketch by icon painter N. N. Kharlamov, on a golden background made of gold smalt - cantorel, two icons are laid out: “The Savior is in Power” and “Christ in Glory”.

In the central altar apse there is an icon of the Eucharist, made according to a sketch by the icon painter N. N. Kharlamov. When the royal doors open, believers see Jesus Christ in a golden glow, giving the holy gifts and the apostles Peter and Paul bowing before him.

Mosaic icons “The Ascension of Christ” and “The Descent of the Holy Spirit”, laid out according to sketches by the artist V.V. Belyaev, are located in the final hemispheres of the side apses above the iconostasis.

In the hemisphere of the central vault in front of the altar there is an icon laid out according to a sketch by the artist N. N. Koshelev “The Transfiguration of the Lord.” Christ appears before his disciples in a golden divine radiance, from now on he is surrounded by the prophets - Elijah and Moses. Nearby are the disciples - the apostles Peter, James and John.

On the inner surface of the central vault there is an icon of “Christ the Pantocrator”. The mosaic canvas was made according to the sketch of the icon painter N. N. Kharlamov. The icon, laconic in color and design, is made in the Byzantine tradition.

On the surfaces of the four dome pylons, on the walls and arches from top to bottom there are mosaic iconographic images of saints. In small plafonds based on sketches by icon painter N. N. Kharlamov, mosaic icons “Savior Good Silence”, “Savior Emmanuel”, “John the Baptist”, “Our Lady” are laid out, made according to Byzantine canons.

The interior decoration in the western part of the temple, where the canopy is located over the place where the emperor was wounded, is filled with special solemnity and light sadness. Opposite the canopy in the western wall there is a window through which evening light pours onto the memorial site. Above the window is the icon of the New Testament Trinity. On both sides of the window are depicted the guardian angel of the king and his heavenly patron Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. The backgrounds of the wall coverings are made in golden tones, which gives this place a special soft light.

The visual range in the iconographic design of the temple is diverse in style and author's manners.

The iconostasis, in contrast to the mosaic decoration of walls, pylons and vaults, made within the framework of monumental expressive techniques, is made in the traditions of easel fine art. Central icons “Savior” and “ Holy Mother of God", laid out according to the originals of the painter V. M. Vasnetsov by masters from St. Petersburg Academy The arts are distinguished by their laconic composition and subtle pictorial approach to the depiction of images in mosaic art.

To the right of the Savior icon is the iconographic image of the Descent into Hell, to the left of the Most Holy Theotokos icon is the Ascension of the Lord. Both icons are laid out based on picturesque paintings by the artist M. V. Nesterov in the Art Nouveau style.

The single-tier iconostasis is an example of the high art of Italian stone carvers. The selection of marble types and exquisite carvings create the impression that this is not an architectural element of the interior, but a work of jewelers. In the center of the iconostasis are the royal doors, decorated with various decorative elements. Three carved kokoshniks crown the entire architectural composition. The iconostasis was designed by the architect A. A. Parland.

In the northern and southern naves there are two icon cases, which are a solid wall of carved stone. The icon “Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky” can be seen in the northern icon case, the icon “Resurrection of Christ” - in the southern one. The author of the original paintings from which the mosaic images were typed was the artist M. V. Nesterov, who worked in the Art Nouveau style.

The decorative decoration of the temple is a unique combination of stone-cutting art (more than 80 designs of ornaments were developed by architect A. A. Parland and artist A. P. Ryabushkin) and mosaic art (the area of ​​surfaces covered with artistic mosaic paintings is 7065 square meters). For exterior and interior decoration, various types of stone from Russia and Italy were used: granite, marble, serpentine, Ural and Kolyvan jasper, orlets; semi-precious and precious rocks: rock crystal, topaz - this is only a small part of the finishing materials used for decoration architectural elements. Gold smalt, multi-colored jewelry enamels, gold and silver were widely used.

The floor of the temple resembles an exquisite carpet extraordinary beauty. Laid out of various types of Italian marble (more than 10 varieties), the flooring was made by craftsmen from Genoa and assembled by Russian craftsmen according to the drawings of Architect A. A. Parland.

In 1903-1907, according to the design of the architect A. A. Parland, a bronze forged fence was built separating the Mikhailovsky Garden from the semicircular square on which the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord was built. Made in Art Nouveau style, the fence is of great artistic value. The large floral ornament is stylized to resemble the painted ornaments that decorate the walls of the Moscow Intercession Cathedral. Masterfully executed floral arrangements amaze with their similarity to their natural counterparts. This architectural and decorative work of art combines the deep traditions of medieval Russia and the innovative trends of the Art Nouveau era.

The exterior and interior of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood amazes with its unique imagery, variety of architectural forms, and exquisite sophistication of decorative and artistic elements. The entire appearance of the temple reminds everyone who sees it of the main idea, for the sake of which so much human effort, talent, state will and financial resources were applied. Everything here is permeated with thoughts of the bright memory of the great man who has left us, and the Christian covenant of the Resurrection of the Lord instills in the souls of people a feeling of joy and faith in the best.

The Savior on Spilled Blood in the 20th and early 21st centuries

The fate of the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord very much later short period after the completion of its construction and consecration, the fate of the entire Russian people developed as dramatically. Both the martyr king and the religious memorial structure underwent many difficulties.

Immediately after the October Revolution of 1917, the temple was deprived of financial revenues from the treasury and existed on donations from Petrograd residents. In the 1920s, by the will of the Commissariat of National Property, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was subjected to several bouts of looting. The justification for this unprecedented vandalism was the decision of experts from the Academy of the History of Material Culture about the insignificant artistic value of the religious building of the late 19th century, which is an example of decadence and eclecticism in Russian architecture.

In 1930, things got to the point where they decided to demolish the temple and temporarily use it as a warehouse. From the decision we moved on to preparations for demolition. In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began and plans to destroy the temple were postponed.

During the enemy blockade, the temple, like the entire city, was bombed; one of the city morgues was built under its arches, because there was nowhere to bury people who died from cold and hunger. There's an enemy stuck in the main dome artillery shell, which was neutralized only in 1961, this incredible dangerous work, more like a feat, was carried out by sapper Viktor Demidov.

Under Khrushchev, during the period of the next persecution of the Orthodox Church in 1956, they again decided to destroy the temple.

The difficult time of uncertainty lasted 10 years. Healthier forces in the Soviet architectural community prevailed over the forces of obscurantism and lack of culture. A turning point in the revival of the long-suffering religious building came in 1968, when the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was taken over by the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Monuments and became a branch of the St. Isaac's Cathedral Museum. Restoration and restoration work took 27 long years: from 1971 to 1997.

Soviet and Russian restorers accomplished a real professional and civic feat, reviving from complete desolation and insignificance one of the most beautiful and beloved by all St. Petersburg temple-monuments, which shared with its people times of greatness and persecution, but was revived to glory and light thanks to the work and talent of the Russian people .

New life The church-monument as a museum began on August 19, 1997 on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Since May 23, 2004, from the day of the new consecration, regular services have been held in the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. In memory of the tragic death of Alexander II, every year on March 14 (March 1, old style), a bishop's service and memorial litany for the murdered emperor are held.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg

What is the Savior on Spilled Blood? These are two different churches - in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Read about the church and temple, their history and interior, opening hours, address of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg and Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in Yekaterinburg - opening hours, address

What is the Savior on Spilled Blood? This is one of the most beautiful and unusual churches in Russia. Bright, thanks to its mosaics and tiles, the temple is located in the very center of St. Petersburg and attracts many tourists from all over the world.

The temple has great historical and aesthetic significance. Its history is the history of several eras, its walls have seen revolution and blockade, during the Soviet regime they wanted to demolish it, and during the war a morgue was placed in it... The delight of millions of people from all over the world testifies: there is no such temple anywhere on Earth.

Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood in Northern capital built as a temple-monument on the site of the assassination of Emperor Alexander II. The tragedy occurred in 1881 on March 1 (new style - 13). Before this, about a dozen attempts were made on the king’s life. On that day, Tsar Alexander II left the Winter Palace to host a military parade on the Field of Mars. However, on the Griboyedov Canal - a place quite close to the Champs of Mars - the tsar was moved by the terrorist-People's Volunteer Grinevitsky.

Despite the great love that the emperor enjoyed among the people, the reforms unprecedented in the history of Russia, the abolition of serfdom, it was the “Narodnaya Volya” who hunted the emperor - socialists who consider themselves exponents of the will of the people. Obviously, they did not like the popularity of the emperor: after all, it would be easier to fight against a tyrant with slogans.

The assassination attempt was led by Sofya Perovskaya. The first bomb thrown at the emperor's carriage killed and seriously wounded the Cossacks of the convoy and little boy. The emperor, only slightly scratched, went out to provide first aid to the wounded and especially the child, despite the fact that those accompanying him persuaded him to quickly leave the dangerous place. The tsar's mercy was an empty phrase for the murderous revolutionaries: Grinevitsky openly approached the emperor and threw a bomb right at his feet. The same Perovskaya, seemingly out of female mercy, did not even approach the child, but disappeared after Grinevitsky was captured.

The emperor was mortally wounded in the stomach. In terrible agony, he died that same day in his bedroom in the Winter Palace.

By order of the son of Alexander the Second, Tsar Alexander III, a chapel was founded at the site of the emperor’s mortal wound.

History of the Savior on Spilled Blood

It is interesting that the decision to erect a temple was not made immediately. Knowing about the people's love for the cameraman, Tsar Alexander III proposed to raise funds for the frame from the whole world - general collection for temple-monuments in honor of various events is a long-standing Russian tradition. The chapel was built, it has survived to this day, but so much money was raised that it was decided to build a large temple next to it.

The Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg was built at the expense of not only residents of the Russian Empire, but also at the expense of residents of other Slavic countries, grateful to the assassinated Alexander II for his peacekeeping policy. During construction, the emblems of provinces, cities and counties were added to the bell tower project, whose residents donated their savings to the construction of the temple. These coats of arms are interesting to consider today: they are made of mosaics, have survived to this day, and many are still the coats of arms of the same cities (for example, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Rybinsk have retained their coats of arms...) Initially, the cross of the bell tower stood on a gilded imperial crown as a sign of grief the august family. The total cost of the completed construction project was 4.6 million rubles.

The temple project was also selected through an architectural competition in which the country's best architects took part. However, the competition had to be held three times: Alexander the Third, famous strong character and asserting one’s own point of view, did not like the projects. Finally, the tsar personally chose a suitable project by Alfred Parland and Archimandrite Ignatius (Malyshev). Father Ignatius was the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage near St. Petersburg, a disciple of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), perhaps because the temple truly bears the reflection of holiness. It is not just aesthetically beautiful, it evokes not only a feeling of solemnity or celebration, but even outwardly lifts a person’s spirit and evokes the desire to pray.

Name of the Savior on Spilled Blood

It is interesting that despite the rather secular mentality in St. Petersburg at that time, the temple was assigned popular name“Savior on Spilled Blood”, modeled on the ancient ones, for example, Novgorod and Vladimir churches - “Intercession on the Nerl”, “Savior on the City”, “Savior on Ilyin Street”.

The real, official name of the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It is called a cathedral, a temple, and a church. The concept of “temple” means the seat of God, the house of God - that is, a building. The concept of “Church” is quite broad: it is both a building (in this meaning of the word church and temple - one and the same!), and a meeting of all believers.

A cathedral is originally the main temple of a city or monastery. Now such a cathedral is called “cathedral”, and the word “cathedral” simply means a large temple, which is the Savior on Spilled Blood.

Construction of the Savior on Spilled Blood

The temple was founded already in 1883, despite the fact that the construction project had not yet been approved. An important task of the builders was to consolidate the soil: the chapel could have fit on the shore, but for a large cathedral it was necessary to fill the soil and create obstacles to its erosion. The foundation of the temple had to be strong, and the most advanced technologies of that time were used to strengthen it.

The foundation piles of the temple were defended for five years. The actual walls of the cathedral began to be built in 1888. On the façade, gray granite was provided for the lower part of the walls, the walls themselves were made of red-brown brick, the window rods, platbands and cornices were made of dark gray marble.
At the lower level of the façade - the plinth - twenty granite boards were placed, on which the main reform decrees were engraved in gilded letters and the achievements of Tsar Alexander II in the internal and external spheres were listed. international politics. The cathedral vault was closed by 1894. In 1897, nine domes of the cathedral were already ready, some of which were covered with multi-colored bright enamel, some were gilded. On all the domes there are Orthodox crosses with chains.

Facade and description of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

There are ten domes on the roof of the temple. Eight domes are located throughout the volume of the temple, one on the tent and one large gilded onion crowns the bell tower, built in the main volume of the temple, actually above the place of the assassination (murder) of Tsar Alexander II.

The symbolism of the nine domes is the nine ranks of the Heavenly Powers. There are nine types of Heavenly beings, light spirits. They have three faces (levels of hierarchy). The most well-known and accepted by the Church is the following classification, developed on the basis of the books of the Old and New Testaments by Saints Dionysius the Areopagite and Gregory the Theologian:

  • Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones - they are very close to God, they accompany Him, as if they were guards (although He does not need protection), courtiers who glorify Him.

  • Dominance, Strength, Authority (transmitting information to God that helps in managing the Universe).

  • Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

Along the volume of the temple there are onion domes with crosses, not symmetrically, but very picturesquely surrounding the tent with the ninth dome. The tent stands on a “pillar” - a circular structure extending into the sky.

The domes are bulbous in shape and vary in design. Many onions have glazed tiles, which is why the domes are so bright. The temple has a common foundation, stands on a basement (ground basement) and is combined into a common structure.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

Many cannot distinguish between the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. Architectural historians have more than once noted stylistic references in the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood to the Moscow Cathedral, which is quite natural.

However, the St. Petersburg church is very original. It has a prominent bell tower, topped with a wide gilded onion dome. In plan, the Savior on Blood is a quadrangular building, and St. Basil's Cathedral has an ancient pillar-shaped structure of the main aisle of the Intercession, crowned with a bell tower, and eight aisles surrounding the main one.

The southern and northern facades of the Savior on Spilled Blood, in contrast to the Intercession Cathedral, are marked by large pediments in the form of kokoshniks. The altar is highlighted by three semicircular apses, in the style of ancient Russian churches, crowned with golden domes. In the west, as we said, above the place where the emperor was killed, stands unusual shape belfry. Usually in ancient Russian churches there is a tented bell tower.

All the walls of the temple, its tent and bell tower are covered with beautiful mosaic and enamel compositions. The white arches of the bell tower, “kokoshniks” on the roof and window frames are especially clearly visible against the background of red brick, which also has a decorative function.

Mosaic and icons of the Savior on Spilled Blood

The entire area of ​​mosaics in the interior and exterior of the temple is more than six thousand square meters! The temple is truly beautiful both outside and inside. Its interior walls are entirely decorated, like fresco paintings, with mosaics. In fact, this is an ancient Byzantine tradition of mosaic covering. On the territory of the former Byzantine Empire, in Italy, Greece, and Turkey, a number of temples have been preserved, completely lined with mosaics on the inside. And the Savior on Spilled Blood is not inferior in beauty to churches, for example, in Ravenna. We can say that in our time no temple similar to the Savior on Spilled Blood was created in modern times. This temple in a unique way created entirely in the style of icon painting and modern architecture (more precisely, the neo-Russian style), that is, the modern style.

Mosaic icons were laid out in St. Petersburg workshops based on drawings by famous artists of that time: Viktor Vasnetsov, Mikhail Nesterov, the architect Parland himself, masters Novoskoltsev Koshelev, Kharlamov, Ryabushkin, Belyaev.

The kokoshnik pediments we mentioned are decorated with large mosaic icons, which have simply miraculously survived to this day through the persecution of the Church and the St. Petersburg bad weather. On the northern wall, facing the Campus Martius, there is an icon of the “Resurrection of Christ”, on the southern wall - “Christ in Glory”, that is, the Lord on the throne with bowing Angels. On the western and eastern walls There are also small mosaic icons of “The Savior Not Made by Hands” and “The Blessing Savior”.

The most important memorial site of the temple is a fragment of the Catherine Canal with paving slabs, part of the cobblestone street and the grating of the canal, where the emperor was mortally wounded. This place is marked on the outside Calvary cross made of marble and granite with the image of the Crucifixion of Christ, which, according to Russian tradition, is placed on tragically memorable places. Saints are depicted at the Crucifixion. To keep the place where the emperor was killed intact, the shape of the embankment was changed, shifting the channel bed by 8.5 meters using an embankment for the foundation of the temple.

The Savior on Spilled Blood in the history of St. Petersburg - Leningrad

The cathedral was consecrated with a great ceremony in the presence of the imperial family only in 1908. By that time, Alexander III had already died, and Emperor Nicholas II, the future passion-bearer king, was on the throne. The temple became a temple-museum, a kind of monument to Emperor Alexander II, the only one of its kind.

In 1923, with the closure of other large St. Petersburg cathedrals, the Savior on Spilled Blood even received cathedral status. In 1930 it was also closed and given to the Society of Political Prisoners. The temple was either empty or used as a vegetable storage facility. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, they were already planning to destroy the temple - like, by the way, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow - but the outbreak of the war prevented the explosion of the temple-monument.

Another scary one historical fact: During the siege of Leningrad, the temple building was used... as a morgue. Then the Maly Opera and Ballet Theater named after Mussorgsky had space here for a warehouse for decorations.

All these historical vicissitudes had a terrible impact on the external decoration and interior of the temple. The iconostasis was destroyed, the mosaic fell off, and the walls made of semi-precious stones were partially knocked down. Only in 1968 the temple was given under the protection of the State Inspectorate, and in 1970 it was made a branch of St. Isaac's Cathedral, recognizing it as an architectural monument. For many years, the Savior on Spilled Blood was hidden under forests, becoming one of the restored places memorable for St. Petersburg residents. But the long-awaited opening of the temple-museum in 1997 attracted many St. Petersburg residents and city guests to it.

This temple is also sometimes called the Savior on Spilled Blood, since it stands on the site of the murder of the Royal Romanov Family - the grandchildren of Emperor Alexander II, Nicholas II, with his wife, children and servants. They were shot on July 17, 1918 on the orders of Lenin and Sverdlov. All of them, together with the family doctor, faithful Evgeniy Botkin, are today canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Royal Family

In Yekaterinburg, in the house of engineer Ipatiev, the Royal Romanov Family held their last days. A terrible coincidence: the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg; The Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg and the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, where the first Tsar Michael of the Romanov family was elevated to the throne.

In 2000, at the site of the execution of the Royal Family, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, the Church-Monument on the Blood in the name of All Saints was erected. It was in 2000 Bishops' Council Churches The family of Nicholas II was canonized, and in 2003 the Church on the Blood was consecrated over the site of their execution.

The temple is 60 meters high and has five domes. It was created in a Russian-Byzantine modern style. There is an upper and lower temple, the complex of the latter includes an altar on the site of the execution room: this place is marked with red granite.

Every year on the night of the murder of the Royal Family from July 16 to 17, a vigil and Liturgy are held in the church procession to Ganina Yama, the place where the remains of the Royal Family were destroyed.

May the Lord protect you with the prayers of all saints!