What is the best time to vacation in Crimea? Crimea in summer. June on the Crimean coast

Favorable climate, unique nature, colorful bays carved by wind and water, warm gentle sea - and all this is Crimea. Although it occupies a relatively small area, it is truly unique and anyone who has visited it once will always want to return to discover something new every time.

Of course, most people prefer to visit Crimea in warm time a year when you can do whatever your heart desires: scuba dive, visit the sights, of which there are many, go cycling, and just sunbathe in the sun.

Crimean spring

When can you swim in Crimea? This question interests many who want to relax there and gain strength before their next vacation. Officially, the swimming season opens at the beginning of May, but in reality, swimming at this time is still cold. The water becomes sufficiently warm only towards the end of this month. Then you can safely go on vacation, without fear that your vacation will be in vain.

June on the Crimean coast

June begins summer, but the weather there can be somewhat unstable. You can already swim, but children will not be too comfortable, because they are more thermophilic. But much cleaner than in subsequent months. This is also an ideal time to dive if you have the skills or desire to learn.

In June it turns out to be profitable and quite budget holiday. All entertainment venues, cafes, bars and water parks are already open, and numerous travel companies They offer a variety of excursions. The cost of housing, by the way, is one and a half times lower than in July.

Midsummer in Crimea

In July, prices are already rising noticeably, the sea becomes gentler and warmer, and the air is filled with fragrant aromas. flowering plants. The sun is no longer just warming, but truly frying. Therefore, although the sea is warm in July, you should still choose the time for swimming in the morning before 11 a.m. and in the afternoon from 4-5 p.m.

For some reason, this month is considered the hottest, but in reality it is even hotter in August. In addition, vacation at this time of summer is the most expensive of the entire season, and if you need a calm and measured vacation, then it is better to plan it in some other month.

August Crimea

The sea in August becomes the warmest of the whole year, as the weather sets in appropriately. City beaches are crowded at this time, and to get a place you need to get up early, although for most this is not a problem.

Velvet season on the beaches of sunny Crimea

Crimean autumn continues to delight holidaymakers gentle sun and warm enough sea ​​water. In addition, by resting during this period, you can save a lot of money, because in the Velvet season The influx of tourists is no longer so great.

In the meantime, you are deciding what date to buy tickets for, you can watch Crimea in this video:

In this post, we choose when it is better to go to Crimea on vacation and compare the pros and cons of each month.

The peninsula is good at any time of the year, each month has its own charm and characteristics. It all depends on the purpose of your trip, because some come to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach, others are more interested in excursions to numerous attractions, others fly paragliding, climb rocks, go hiking...

Crimea in winter (December, January, February)

Despite the southern location of the peninsula, there is also snow here in winter! Meet New Year under the palm trees in the snow - there’s something about it :)

Of course, you won’t be able to swim in the sea, but you can go sightseeing, although the weather may not be entirely comfortable. On the southern coast, the air temperature either drops below zero or rises to +10+15, especially in bays protected from the cold wind. It is colder on the western and eastern shores, there real winter, albeit not as severe.

Weather in Crimea in winter

You can also be treated in a sanatorium in winter, and low prices will be a pleasant bonus for everything (except New Year's holidays).

A big advantage of a holiday in Crimea in winter is also cheap air tickets and almost complete absence vacationers.

Take a cable car ride to Ai-Petri, go on a short hike in the mountains, visit the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where snowdrops, mume apricots, winter flowers, and almonds bloom at this time (towards the end of winter). I wonder what local in winter picking mushrooms!

Choose for a winter holiday in Crimea big cities on south coast- Yalta or Alushta. Even though low season There will be plenty to do here, and transport links are better developed; you can go anywhere.

Crimea in spring (March, April, May)

Crimea in March, April and May is a time for nature lovers. It is during these months that nature wakes up and shows all its beauty. In spring everything blooms, rivers and waterfalls are full of water, and what a smell...

Weather in Crimea in spring

In March the temperature is about +15 degrees, although the weather is unstable and even frost is possible. But there are just as few people as in winter, you can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

In April lovers of hiking and in general are flocking to Crimea active rest, because the weather is favorable: about +20 degrees, the fields are covered with red poppies, apricots and peach are beginning to bloom... In general, incredible beauty!

Sea in Crimea in spring

In May There are more tourists, some are even already swimming, and the weather is almost summer. Temperatures can reach +25+30 degrees, although sometimes it rains. May in Crimea is an ideal time for sightseeing, because it is not yet as hot as in summer.

Read also:

When to go to Crimea in summer? (in June, July, August)

Summer in Crimea - the main one beach season when most vacationers flock to the peninsula. Prices for accommodation, food, entertainment at this time are the highest, as well as prices for air and train tickets.

In June The May flowering is still ongoing, cherries and cherries appear, new potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens... At the beginning of the month the water is still too cold, so it is better to plan your vacation for the second half of June, when it has already warmed up. This is especially important for tourists with small children and those who definitely need a warm sea.

The season begins: water parks, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs are already in full swing, sea ​​excursions, travel agencies.

Beach in Simeiz

In July and August Crimea has the warmest sea and the largest influx of vacationers, the beaches will be a bit crowded, there will be queues for the ski lift to Ai-Petri and other attractions.

The temperature in the second half of July and early August can reach +35 degrees, it is advisable to sunbathe on the beach in the morning before 11 o’clock and in the afternoon after 15-16 o’clock, so as not to turn into a grilled chicken. This weather may be difficult for people to endure. retirement age, it’s also hard to go on excursions.

The advantages of holidaying in Crimea in the summer include the abundance of local fruits and vegetables, seafood freshly caught in the sea.

The price tag for housing and everything else is skyrocketing, landlords may not want to rent short term. So my advice is to book in advance and online, search locally in high season- this is a bad idea. Prices for hotels by the sea will be steep in any case, not for the most good options they ask a lot, so it’s better to live within a few minutes’ walk from the sea, but pay less and live comfortably.

Crimea in autumn (September, October, November)

When is the best time to go to Crimea? For me, the answer is clear - September, the velvet season. Wrote a detailed article about my experience and the weather this month on the peninsula.

The first half of the month is especially good, when the sea is still warm, well-warmed summer months. Most vacationers go home, among them schoolchildren and students. Lots of fruits, apples, watermelons, melons, peaches and of course grapes.

The air temperature is +25+28 degrees, the water temperature is +21+23 degrees. True, by the end of September it gets significantly colder, and swimming will not be entirely comfortable. But the whole month is ideal to travel to interesting places.

Prices at the beginning of the month are still close to summer prices, but at the end of September sellers have already made a profit and are reducing prices on everything. Souvenirs are sold at half the price, hotel rooms are the same.

In October in Crimea you can still meet rare vacationers on the beaches - this best time for secluded and relaxing holiday. It’s good to be treated in a sanatorium or go on excursions. The air temperature drops to +15+18, so take warm clothes with you.

Eastern coast near Koktebel

November- not the best time to relax in Crimea, it’s cold, slushy, stormy at sea.

What conclusions can be drawn?

  • For good beach holiday come at the end of June-early July or early September.
  • April-May and September-October are suitable for hiking and active recreation.
  • For sightseeing trips it is also better to choose late spring or early autumn.

If you are thinking about when it is better to go to Crimea with a child, then choose either the end of June (when it is already warm and the water has warmed up, but still the main flow of tourists is still ahead), or the beginning of September (velvet season, the beaches are much calmer, seasonal fruits appear , and prices are falling a little).

In this section I will try to talk about the features of Crimea - how to get to the peninsula, where it is better to stay, I will tell you about the beaches, food and excursions.
Everything stated below is my own opinion, based on the experience of holidaying and living on the Southern Coast of Crimea in different periods.

Best season for vacation

You can relax on the Southern Coast of Crimea all year round. In summer, daytime temperatures in the Greater Yalta area are about +26/28, at night about +20. During the coldest period, late January-early February, daytime temperatures are usually above zero (up to 15 degrees Celsius), and frosts are possible at night. On the Southern Coast of Crimea, snow may fall on the coast in winter, but it does not last long and melts quickly. In the mountains, snow usually lies from November to March.
If you are interested in a winter skirt, check out this page. The author of the site lived in the Alupka area throughout calendar winter and spring, perhaps his opinion will be useful to you.

If, in addition to nature, you want to swim, then you should go from May to the end of October. This is the swimming season on the South Coast. Peak season is mid-August. It is characterized by hot weather (it can be hot in July), huge crowds and exorbitant prices for everything from hotel stays to excursions and meals. Many people find joy in walking in the heat, and for the South Coast above +25 it’s already hot, and on the hills.

Therefore, if you are planning to visit the peninsula during the swimming season, it is best to choose mid-May - early June or late September - early October. This time combines warm air (in the Greater Yalta area around +25 during the day, +19 at night) and warm sea (+22), a minimum of vacationers and liberal prices for accommodation. By early October, local heat-loving fruits such as pomegranates and dates ripen.

Officially, the season on the Southern Coast of Crimea ends on October 1. By this time, most coastal cafes close, the schedule of regular boats and excursions changes. The number of vacationers is sharply decreasing.

However, in October, especially the first half, you can continue swimming. The only thing you need to be prepared for is temporary cold snaps; for a couple of days the thermometer may drop below +20, but then return to a comfortable +22 degrees. This is usually associated with cold currents. By the end of October the water is usually above +18 degrees, so swimming will not be cold.

The indicated temperatures are typical, but there are exceptions. In particular, the fall of 2013 brought two surprises.
For 3 weeks - the last of September and the first half of October - there was an anomalous cold spell throughout the southern coast of Crimea. In the Alupka area October 2-5 evening temperature dropped to +5 degrees Celsius. The sea was warm, above +20, but such a temperature at the beginning of October has not been observed here for the last 100 years.
Moreover, during the first week of October it rained almost continuously. All the mountains were covered with snow almost up to the residential buildings. Simferopol and the rest of the steppe were frozen. This did not interfere with the author’s vacation, since Crimea is so rich in attractions that it was not possible to get, for example, to the caves in the Alushta region due to the constantly good weather. When did it happen weather anomaly, we managed to visit the Marble Cave and the famous Emine Bair Khosar, as well as Skelskaya behind Foros and the Massandra winery along with the palace of the same name. In a word, the weather did not spoil the rest and mood.
After this weather trouble, almost until December the weather set in with temperatures of +20 and above during the day and the sea at the same temperature. This year there were no problems buying from a person who loves warm water, even in mid-November - the water then was +19 degrees.

Typical weather on the South Coast by calendar time of year

June characterized by hot days (+25 and above), cool nights (+20 and below). There may be low temperatures when the water temperature drops to +15 degrees for several days. The usual water temperature in June on the South Coast is about +22. There is almost no rain. July And August- hot during the day (+25 +30) with warm nights (+20 +22), warm, sometimes even too sea +25 +27. The rains are short but very strong. IN September the water drops to +23 +22, the air during the day is +25 at night +18 +20, there are no prolonged rains. October- water +18 +20, air during the day +22 at night +16 +18. Just as little cloudy days, rains lasting longer than a day are rare, usually half a day, then the weather clears up. November water +16 +18, air around +20 during the day, +14+16 at night. There are rains, but not long and cloudy longer than a couple days are extremely rare.
In general, daytime air temperatures of +20 are not uncommon in winter. December up to +20 during the day, +10 at night, water ranges from +12 to +16 degrees. The weather is still good - prolonged rains are rare, cloudy days too. January during the day up to +20, at night from +10 to frost, water +12 +10. The most unpleasant time on the South Coast is the second half of January - the first half of February, large temperature fluctuations, sometimes +5 during the day, sometimes +15, and it can be cloudy for a week and it can rain for several days in a row. February- during the day from frost to +15, at night from a slight minus to +10. Water temperature +8 +10 degrees. The sun becomes hot, there is a big contrast in temperature in the sun and in the shade. IN March the weather is improving, although the end of February and the beginning of March is blowing strong winds. +10 +20 during the day, from 0 to +10 at night, sea about +10. April during the day +15+25, at night +10 +15, sea +12+15 degrees, heats up quickly. Rains become rare, short, and there are almost no cloudy days. May+20+25 during the day, about +15 at night, the water temperature in the sea again reaches a comfortable level for most of +18 degrees.

It feels like there is no winter and deep autumn-early spring, by the standards of central Russia, on the South Coast. Winter is close to the combination of September and May in middle lane, the rest of the time is summer. Plants bloom all year round(in spring, some in autumn, others in winter, others), in the Yalta region there are more evergreen trees and shrubs than those that shed leaves.

Summary: visiting time South Coast Crimea, especially its warmest part from Partenit to Alupka, depends only on personal preferences and finances.
Families with children usually travel in July and August school age and students. This is high season - with guaranteed heat and warm sea. The price to pay for this is crowded beaches, exorbitant prices for accommodation, excursions and food. According to the author of the site, such a pastime can hardly be called a vacation.
If you want to sunbathe and swim calmly and warmly, it is better to go in May-June or September-October. If you prefer to go for a walk, and then sunbathe and swim (i.e., depending on your luck), your time is golden October and November, as well as April. According to the author of the site, the specified time is ideal for a vacation on the South Coast. You can walk in the fresh air, climb mountains without sweating and enjoy the silence, peace, comfort and attention local residents, not spoiled by numerous tourists.
Well, if you just love Crimea, you can go at any time of the year. He will greet you with warmth, light and beautiful nature, because even in winter you can plunge into the sea, and roses bloom on the shore and a fresh, warm wind blows.

We clearly show the weather in Crimea: monthly precipitation, sea water temperature, number of vacationers and prices. Let's draw conclusions.


Having gone on a long-awaited Crimean vacation, we hope to spend maximum time on a warm sunny beach and few people want to sit in a hotel all day waiting out bad weather. And at the beginning of the summer of 2015 it happened...

In Crimea from May 28 to June 15, 2015, the average rainfall was one and a half monthly norm precipitation. Someone started talking about “climate weapons”...

Let's turn to the weather archive of Crimea, namely, the weather station at Simferopol airport. Let's collect precipitation data for the last 10 years and display it visually by month:

The leader month with the least amount of precipitation is obvious - August.

And in June On the contrary, precipitation is relatively bad for vacationers; thunderstorms are common. On the other hand, there is a small part of people for whom summer southern rain is not a hindrance to enjoying life.

Air temperature and wind strength

Most hot month- August. But the heat is not always pleasant, because it is also stuffy.

There is no noticeable difference in windiness.

Sea water temperature

When we remember the sea, of course it splashes against the hot sand, splashing the stones on the beach with salty spray.

Let’s again take archival data on water temperature in Crimea for all months over the past 5 years. To be sure, we will take into account 3 different points Crimea: Yalta, Olenevka, Zolotoe. The first two are the Black Sea, the last is the Azov Sea.

And again in the lead August. It is in August that the warmest water is in the seas of Crimea. In second place July, the third is divided June With September. At the same time, we see that the Sea of ​​Azov in summer is just a little warmer than the Black Sea.

For comparison

  • 6-8 degrees is the temperature of spring water, in which it is not easy for unprepared people to stay for more than a few seconds. convulsions appear quickly.
  • 22 degrees is the normal water temperature in adult sports swimming pools.
  • 28-30 degrees is the normal water temperature for children's pools.

Prices and number of tourists

On September 1, children go to school, so vacationers with children try to finish their vacation before this date, well, a week at most, taking into account the travel. And prices for accommodation are directly opposite to the number of tourists. Data taken from several popular hotels and campsites:

As a rule, there is only one vacation and you want to get in more of the sea, the mountains, and history. Therefore, in August, every crevice and every stone is occupied by tourists. Statistics are a stubborn thing. Here August- a clear outsider and already look much more attractive September And May.


If you know a secluded place in Crimea to spend time with a tent - your choice August. In August, you will hardly notice the disadvantages in the form of high hotel prices and a large influx of vacationers, while enjoying the benefits - the most warm sea and minimal rain.

The choice of the rest, the majority of vacationers, depends on their tolerance for spending and a large number of people. Behind good season (August) you need to pay, but a good alternative is September- this month can be safely recommended to those who travel to Crimea not only overseas;)

The world is richer than stereotypical ideas about a mattress holiday at sea, and Crimea is somewhat more than just the sea. For those who are indifferent to the sea and want to enjoy the Crimean nature, we recommend visiting Crimea in May. It is this month that poppies, irises, and roses bloom everywhere, and you can fully sunbathe.

Dmitriy Metelkin - Poppies

Crimea is beautiful at any time, but those who go purposefully to soak up the sun on a sandy beach want to know when the swimming season in Crimea begins and ends. In this regard, we decided to make a review article in which we sorted everything out. Now, when going to the peninsula, you can plan your vacation!

When does the swimming season begin in Crimea: opening in 2018?

The swimming season in Crimea, as a rule, begins in May. At this time, seasoned healthy tourists come to Crimea who do not like noisy companies on the beach or an influx of people. At this time, the air temperature is very comfortable, you can get a great tan without getting sunburn. But the water temperature is for those who are seasoned. It is approximately 17 degrees. This is pretty cool water. Therefore, if you are planning a trip with children, this is not the best time for this. But this favorite time students for trips to Crimea. They want to rest before the session begins. In addition, during this period, housing prices are not yet as inflated as at the very peak. swimming season, and you can relax on a budget. At the beginning of the swimming season in Crimea there are many young people traveling light.

How long is the swimming season?

The swimming period in Crimea lasts on average five to six months: from the first days of May to mid-October. If autumn is warm, then the swimming season may end a little later.

On a note: October - great time for those who want to relax quietly, and for whom swimming is not a must when visiting Crimea. This time of year - a great opportunity explore all the sights of the peninsula in a relaxed atmosphere.

Peak season or high season in Crimea

The high season begins somewhere closer to mid-June and lasts until the first days of September. The main peak of vacationers occurs in July and August. During this period, the water in the sea is the warmest, so you can safely relax in Crimea with children. However, the sun is very hot, and it is better to leave the beaches at noon, returning in the late afternoon, when the sun is not so active. The high season is characterized by increased housing prices, etc. At this time of year, various show business stars come to the peninsula and give concerts. Also held local festivals, competitions, etc. It is during the high season that a record number of tourists come to Crimea.

High season in Crimea: children on the Black Sea

Velvet season on the Crimean Peninsula

For true connoisseurs sea ​​holiday has long been known What best vacation on the Crimean peninsula during the velvet season. It starts on September 1 and lasts about 2-3 weeks depending on weather conditions. It is usually quite dry at this time. warm weather, but there is no more excruciating heat, and sea ​​water remains warm. A large number of various fruits and berries, as well as beautiful landscapes attract tourists at this time of year. Also, during the high season there are no problems with transport, and you can easily get to anywhere on the peninsula.