Lesson summary “Excursion to the aquarium. Technological map of a lesson-excursion in biology (5th grade) Excursions for school groups

Any ocean is an element of the Earth’s water shell, part of the hydrosphere. The ocean has a number of features:

1. The water in the ocean is not fresh, but salty.

2. All living organisms living in its depths have adapted to life in salt water, but die in fresh water.

3. Some animals breathe with gills, and some with lungs, like those living on land.

4. The depths of most oceans have not been explored, and we do not know what secrets they conceal.

Water is a substance that heats up very quickly and passes well sunlight, only slightly changing the direction of its movement.

This is what the Sun looks like from the water column. So the inhabitants of the seas and oceans see the world around us a little differently (studying the Mariana Trench aquarium).

Studying the rich flora and fauna is not easy for you and me. Why?

Yes, indeed, we will not be able to breathe under water.

But maybe it will be enough for us to periodically hold our breath?

That's right, we have to breathe all the time, but we don't know how to do this under water. This is only possible with the help of special equipment. That's why we need scuba gear(study of the aquarium “History of Scuba”).

Both on land and in water, animals require protection from predators. Underwater inhabitants have plenty of ways to avoid becoming someone’s “lunch”. Some of them are very dangerous for humans. I suggest you record information about the relevant animals.

Task 1.

Fill out the table

Animal name


Method of protection

Danger to humans

Attention, there is a fish in front of youfugu, which manages to expand its body and, bristling with needles, scare away the enemy. This certainly may be one of the most fascinating defense mechanisms in all of the animal kingdom. However, you should not fall under the spell of the puffer fish, lest you discover its true nature when it is too late. This fish is simply stuffed with poisonous neurotoxins that can even kill a person. Paralysis and suffocation are the main symptoms of poisoning.

The ancestors of octopuses, squid and cuttlefish competed with fish for sea dominance for many millions of years. However, the long rivalry did not reveal a winner. Dexterity, speed, acute vision are the undeniable advantages of these mollusks. But cuttlefish have another “weapon” in their arsenal: at the slightest danger, they throw dark ink into the water, which hides them from enemies and disguises their escape.

- Many brightly colored animals in the world are highly poisonous.Pfeffer's fire cuttlefish is no exception. However, what is unique about this cuttlefish is that it is the only species of poisonous cuttlefish in the world. The poison contained in the flesh of this cuttlefish enters the blood of the victim and quickly spreads throughout the body.

- Blue ringed octopus is a small, golf ball-sized, but extremely poisonous creature. He is usually light in color, with dark brown bands along his eight legs and body, with blue circles added on top of these dark brown bands. When an octopus is disturbed or taken out of the water, it darkens and the rings become shiny and electric blue, and it is this color change that gives the animal its name.

Its venom is strong enough to kill large animals.

At the very bottom you can findsquid . They move backwards. Where the tentacles are is the head.

Maybestone fish will never win beauty contest, but she will definitely win the "Most poisonous fish" It is believed that the bite of a stone fish provokes severe pain, which is accompanied by shock, paralysis, and tissue death. If you don't get an ambulance medical care, the outcome can be fatal.

Stonefish store their toxins in hideous dorsal ridges, which are designed to protect them from predators.

About the Cubsseahorse father cares. The male carries the eggs of the embryos in his abdominal pouch until they are born. A large number of embryos that mature in the paternal pouch survive, which contributes to the preservation of the species.

- Holothurians (sea cucumbers) lead a sedentary lifestyle and seem to be pitiful, helpless creatures that cannot escape from danger. But they don’t need to, left alone with the enemy, sea ​​cucumber turns its insides inside out and releases a stream of poisonous digestive juice at the offender. Some species of these creatures can even throw out pieces of their intestines, which are then quickly restored.

- Hagfish - unattractive sea ​​creatures have in an interesting way self-defense, for which they received the nickname “spitting witch.” Having learned about the approach of a predator, the hagfish secretes a huge amount of sticky mucus, and the fish that accidentally swallows contaminated water will be unlucky. Her insides instantly stick together.

Many marine inhabitants do not have a solid skeleton and move in a way that is strange to us.

For example,cyanea jellyfish , push out water. Their movement is similar to jerking. And some of them have huge tentacles like nets that catch prey - small fish and crustaceans. Some of them can be dangerous to humans. Tentacles poisonous jellyfish leaving fatal burns on our bodies.

- Box jellyfish received this name because of its cubic shape. Over the past 60 years, this handsome man has claimed about 6 thousand lives. Its venom is considered the deadliest in the world, with toxins affecting the heart, nervous system and skin cells. And, even worse, all this is accompanied by such hellish pain that the victims go into a state of shock and either drown or die from cardiac arrest.

If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or a solution acetic acid, the victim has a chance, but, as a rule, vinegar cannot be found in the water.

Of course, the trees that are familiar to us on earth do not exist in the underwater world. They are being replacedcorals . By the way, these are animals. Moreover, they are very small, no larger than a grain of rice. And what we see is their house. Each “branch” is built by one small animal.

Corals vary in color. They come in red, pink, white and black. Corals grow even at very great depths.

Underwater rocks are inhabited by a huge number of algae and animals that resemble flowers.

For example, sea anemones. These are underwater “flowers”. They spend their entire life in one place. They move only on the shell of crustaceans. Their seemingly harmless petals - tentacles - grab a small fish swimming by, paralyze a shrimp or crustacean with their poison, and then eat it. They can also serve as food the smallest crustaceans. Some species filter food particles from the water.

The poison of sea anemones does not harm only coral fish. They boldly scurry between the tentacles and hide there from enemies. For example,clown fish ("Finding Nemo")

Actually coral reef and in its caves. There are a great variety of fish. Some of them are brightly colored, while others, on the contrary, try to disguise themselves.

The type of coloring most often depends on the method of hunting. To attack a victim from cover, it is better to become invisible against the surrounding background.

For example,moray eel. It has razor-sharp teeth and always attacks suddenly from caves in the reef.

And if the fish feeds on coral, then there is no need to hide. Corals are motionless.

And this harmless-looking fish,Black-striped zebra lionfish, known for her pugnacious disposition. While defending its territory, it can bite off the fin of an uninvited guest.

Schools of bright fish scurry across the surface of the reef every now and then: yellow tokelau, turquoise surgeons, striped butterfly fish, parrot fish, king gram and others. Because of this, the reef resembles a busy city.

Closer to the bottom you can find larger ones predatory fish moving alone: ​​Napoleon fish, flounder, electric stingray, anglerfish and others. Flounder and electric stingray can be called masters of bottom camouflage. If they lie motionless, then floating above them, the animals may not even be noticed. Their method of hunting is hidden camouflage and attack.

Large schools of fish, for example, sardines and capelin, constantly move in the water column. With their brilliance and sudden movements they confuse the enemy, the predator simply cannot choose specific prey.

Most dangerous predator in the ocean it is a shark. These ancient animals have an ideal body shape for hunting. The shark has a heightened sense of smell. She can smell 1 drop of blood several kilometers away. And the teeth, arranged in several rows, are razor-sharp and grow throughout life. Even the scales have spines that can cut the skin with just a touch.

The real beauties of the bottom world are starfish. These predators actively move along the bottom in search of food. Their mouth is located on the inner surface of the body.

Mollusks with and without shells on their backs slowly move along the seabed: rapana, harpa, murex, giant strombus.

In appearance, the marbled cone snail looks beautiful. A drop of its poison can kill 20 people. Signs of a bite: severe pain, swelling, numbness, and in serious cases, paralysis and respiratory failure. There is no antidote.

At the bottom you can find a lot of crustaceans and crabs: hermit crab, king crab, crab head samurai, etc.

In the deep depths of the ocean you can encounter its most ancient inhabitant - the nautilus. A living dinosaur that has survived to this day.

The official name of the establishment is “Oceanarium – marine aquarium" The aquarium opened in 2000 in the building old mansion and became the first large aquarium in Moscow with marine life. Its convenient location in the city center near the Chistye Prudy metro station makes it accessible to all schoolchildren in the city.

This is a huge complex consisting of 300 pools, which contain several thousand species of marine inhabitants of our planet.
The environment in the aquarium has been recreated tropical seas and coral reefs, various rivers and lakes. Every aquarium is a real home aquatic inhabitant with the most accurately reproduced natural conditions. There are also huge coral reefs with living colored corals.

Excursions for school groups

The aquarium organizes group and individual excursions for students from grades 1 to 11.

The excursions provide a fun lesson in biology during which children will learn a lot interesting facts from the life of sea animals. Will hear answers to various questions: Are corals living things? Do sharks have caviar? Do flying fish have wings? Does a fish surgeon wear a robe and much more. During the excursion you can pet turtles and hold a starfish in your hands.

Twice a week the aquarium hosts an amazing show - feeding sharks. This event is very popular among visitors.


  • (12/23/2014) by oblako77


    We were with a group of children aged 6-11 at the Oceanarium on Chistye Prudy.

    I must say that some time ago, with my eldest daughter’s class, we visited the Oceanarium in the RIO shopping center on Dmitrovskoye Shosse, so I had something to compare with. And now, getting ready for the trip, I was worried that after Rio’s splendor and spaciousness, the Oceanarium would not make much of an impression on the Clean Ones. But the worry was in vain.

    The oceanarium at Chistye Prudy is small. Located in the basement. The area is small, but everything is clean, very warm and smells nice of the sea :)

    There are no animals. Only fish and corals. Small sharks, stingrays, turtles, piranhas and many small colorful fish. The fish in aquariums are repeated, but each aquarium has its own unique environment; it is clear that the inhabitants have been carefully selected.

    There are several interesting attractions: a bathyscaphe room with a transparent floor. About 10 large stingrays swim right under the visitors’ feet – the children really enjoyed it. There is also an aquarium with a walkway. You climb there and find yourself surrounded by predatory piranhas - you can take spectacular pictures. Each child was also allowed to hold a starfish in their hands and make a wish. Children love it.

    Our large group out of 32 people were divided in half. Each had its own guide. We liked both guides. They told interesting stories, monitored the children’s reactions, and willingly answered questions. It must be said that there weren’t very many visitors at the Oceanarium that day. Mostly parents with children. The tours are only for organized groups, so single visitors were constantly trying to join our groups and listen to the story. Yes, walking around the Oceanarium with a tour is much more interesting. This is exactly the place where you can bring a class of children.

    Photography is paid - 150 rubles for 1 camera. Photographing is monitored. I had to buy a ticket for each group.

    In general, everyone was very pleased with the excursion. The children came out inspired. A sort of quiet island of relaxation in the very center of Moscow. The contemplation of corals and fish swaying rhythmically in the water is calming. Finally, the children bought souvenirs.

    If you asked me which Oceanarium I liked best? I’ll answer honestly – I don’t know. They are different. On Chistye Prudy it is intimate, it feels homely and sincere. WITH younger schoolchildren I would go there. The oceanarium in the RIO shopping center has large areas. In addition to fish, there are many animals there, and recently an Exotarium also appeared.

    Both Aquariums are worth visiting.

    No matter which Aquarium you choose, children will enjoy both. I highly recommend going on such an excursion to both very young schoolchildren and older ones.

Any ocean is an element of the Earth’s water shell, part of the hydrosphere. The ocean has a number of features:

1. The water in the ocean is not fresh, but salty.

2. All living organisms living in its depths have adapted to life in salt water, but die in fresh water.

3. Some animals breathe with gills, and some with lungs, like those living on land.

4. The depths of most oceans have not been studied, and we do not know what secrets they conceal.

Water is a substance that heats up very quickly and transmits sunlight well, only slightly changing the direction of its movement.

This is what the Sun looks like from the water column. So the inhabitants of the seas and oceans see the world around them a little differently (study of the Mariana Trench aquarium).

Study the rich animal and flora It’s not easy for you and me. Why?

Yes, indeed, we will not be able to breathe under water.

But maybe it will be enough for us to periodically hold our breath?

That's right, we have to breathe all the time, but we don't know how to do this under water. This is only possible with the help of special equipment. Therefore, we need scuba gear (study of the aquarium “History of Scuba Lung”).

Both on land and in water, animals require protection from predators. Ways to avoid becoming someone's “lunch” underwater inhabitants enough. Some of them are very dangerous for humans. I suggest you record information about the relevant animals.

Task 1.

Fill out the table

Animal name


Method of protection

Danger to humans

Attention, there is a fish in front of you fugu, which manages to expand its body and, bristling with needles, scare away the enemy. This certainly may be one of the most fascinating defense mechanisms in all of the animal kingdom. However, you should not fall under the spell of the puffer fish, lest you discover its true nature when it is already too late. This fish is simply stuffed with poisonous neurotoxins that can even kill a person. Paralysis and suffocation are the main symptoms of poisoning.

The ancestors of octopuses, squid and cuttlefish competed with fish for sea dominance for many millions of years. However, the long rivalry did not reveal a winner. Dexterity, speed, acute vision are the undeniable advantages of these mollusks. But cuttlefish have another “weapon” in their arsenal: at the slightest danger, they throw dark ink into the water, which hides them from enemies and disguises their escape.

- Many brightly colored animals in the world are highly poisonous. Pfeffer's fire cuttlefish is no exception. However, what is unique about this cuttlefish is that it is the only species of poisonous cuttlefish in the world. The poison contained in the flesh of this cuttlefish enters the blood of the victim and quickly spreads throughout the body.

- Blue ring-necked octopus is small, about the size of a golf ball, but extremely poisonous creature. He is usually light in color, with dark brown bands along his eight legs and body, with blue circles added on top of these dark brown bands. When an octopus is disturbed or taken out of the water, it darkens and the rings become shiny and electric blue, and it is this color change that gives the animal its name.

Its venom is strong enough to kill large animals.

At the very bottom you can find squid. They move backwards. Where the tentacles are is the head.

Maybe stone fish will never win a beauty pageant, but she will definitely win the Most Poisonous Fish award. It is believed that the bite of a stone fish provokes severe pain, which is accompanied by shock, paralysis, and tissue death. If you do not get immediate medical help, the outcome can be fatal.

Stonefish store their toxins in hideous dorsal ridges, which are designed to protect them from predators.

About the Cubs seahorse father cares. The male carries the eggs of the embryos in his abdominal pouch until they are born. Large quantity embryos maturing in the paternal pouch survive, which contributes to the preservation of the species.

- Holothurians(sea cucumbers) lead a sedentary lifestyle and seem to be pitiful, helpless creatures that cannot escape from danger. But they don’t need to, left alone with the enemy, the sea cucumber turns its insides inside out and releases a stream of poisonous digestive juice at the offender. Some species of these creatures can even throw out pieces of their intestines, which are then quickly restored.

- Hagfish- unattractive sea creatures have an interesting method of self-defense, for which they received the nickname “spitting witch.” Having learned about the approach of a predator, the hagfish secretes a huge amount of sticky mucus, and the fish that accidentally swallows contaminated water will be unlucky. Her insides instantly stick together.

Many marine inhabitants do not have a solid skeleton and move in a way that is strange to us.

For example, cyanea jellyfish, push out water. Their movement is similar to jerking. And some of them have huge tentacles like nets that catch prey - fish and crustaceans. Some of them can be dangerous to humans. The tentacles of poisonous jellyfish leave fatal burns on our bodies.

- Box jellyfish received this name because of its cubic shape. Over the past 60 years, this handsome man has claimed about 6 thousand lives. Its poison is considered the most deadly in the world, toxins affect the heart, nervous system and skin cells. And, even worse, all this is accompanied by such hellish pain that the victims go into a state of shock and either drown or die from cardiac arrest.

If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or a solution of acetic acid, the victim has a chance, but, as a rule, vinegar cannot be found in water.

Of course, the trees that are familiar to us on earth do not exist in the underwater world. They are being replaced corals. By the way, these are animals. Moreover, they are very small, no larger than a grain of rice. And what we see is their house. Each “branch” is built by one small animal.

Corals vary in color. They come in red, pink, white and black. Corals grow even at very great depths.

Underwater rocks are inhabited by a huge number of algae and animals that resemble flowers.

For example, sea anemones. These are underwater “flowers”. They spend their entire life in one place. They move only on the shell of crustaceans. Their seemingly harmless petals - tentacles - grab a small fish swimming by, paralyze a shrimp or crustacean with their poison, and then eat it. The smallest crustaceans can also serve as food for them. Some species filter food particles from the water.

Sea anemone poison does not harm only coral fish. They boldly scurry between the tentacles and hide there from enemies. For example, clown fish ("Finding Nemo")

On the coral reef itself and in its caves. There are a great variety of fish. Some of them are brightly colored, while others, on the contrary, try to disguise themselves.

The type of coloring most often depends on the method of hunting. To attack a victim from cover, it is better to become invisible against the surrounding background.

For example, moray eel. It has razor-sharp teeth and always attacks suddenly from caves in the reef.

And if the fish feeds on coral, then there is no need to hide. Corals are motionless.

And this harmless-looking fish, Black-striped zebra lionfish, known for her pugnacious disposition. While defending its territory, it can bite off the fin of an uninvited guest.

Schools of bright fish scurry across the surface of the reef every now and then: yellow tokelau, turquoise surgeons, striped butterfly fish, parrot fish, king gram and others. Because of this, the reef resembles a busy city.

Closer to the bottom you can find larger predatory fish moving alone: ​​Napoleon fish, flounder, electric stingray, anglerfish and others. Flounder and electric stingray. If they lie motionless, then floating above them, the animals may not even be noticed. Their method of hunting is hidden camouflage and attack.

Large schools of fish, for example, sardines and capelin, constantly move in the water column. With their brilliance and sudden movements they confuse the enemy, the predator simply cannot choose specific prey.

The most dangerous predator in the ocean is the shark. These ancient animals have an ideal body shape for hunting. The shark has a heightened sense of smell. She can smell 1 drop of blood several kilometers away. And the teeth, arranged in several rows, are razor-sharp and grow throughout life. Even the scales have spines that can cut the skin with just a touch.

The real beauties of the bottom world are starfish. These predators actively move along the bottom in search of food. Their mouth is located on the inner surface of the body.

Mollusks with and without shells on their backs slowly move along the seabed: rapana, harpa, murex, giant strombus.

In appearance, the marbled cone snail looks beautiful. A drop of its poison can kill 20 people. Signs of a bite: severe pain, swelling, numbness, and in serious cases, paralysis and respiratory failure. There is no antidote.

At the bottom you can find a lot of crustaceans and crabs: hermit crab, king crab, samurai head crab, etc.

In the deep layers of the ocean you can encounter its most ancient inhabitant - the nautilus. A living dinosaur that has survived to this day.

From September 19, every Wednesday, the Primorsky Oceanarium is open only to organized groups of preschoolers, schoolchildren and students. The “Educational Environment” project begins work there. This was reported by Primorskaya Gazeta with reference to the press service of the oceanarium.

Every Wednesday during academic year The aquarium is visited by about 500 people, and most of them are schoolchildren. Schoolchildren come to the “Lesson at the Aquarium” not only from Vladivostok, but also from other countries settlements Primorye and even from Khabarovsk Territory

“The most popular are “Lessons in the Aquarium” for schoolchildren of all classes,” the head of the department clarified. environmental education Natalya Miroshnikova. — 13 classes are developed on the basis of federal government educational standards general education, of which five are specifically for junior classes. Pupils of this age are the most active participants in the Educational Environment, so we have expanded the number of classes for primary school, and for the first grades we introduce classes with game modules. Also, “Lessons in the Aquarium” allow you to delve deeper into topics that are little studied at school; by participating in the project you can learn about the world of microscopic organisms or the evolution of life on Earth and in the ocean.

Classes within the “Lesson at the Aquarium” project are developed in subjects such as biology, the environment and geography. They take place in exhibitions where children can see animals in conditions similar to natural environment their habitat. All classes are free, but must be pre-registered. Registration information is located on the “Educational Programs” tab; we also offer thematic excursions, school master classes and laboratory classes.

— Every lesson at the aquarium always has an environmental component; we tell children how to protect and preserve aquatic environment and its inhabitants,” added Olga Shevchenko, head of the research support service of the Primorsky Aquarium. — During classes, we show how diverse and fragile the world around us can be and explain that each of us is responsible for its preservation.

The demand for “Lesson in the Aquarium” led to the fact that over time it grew into a large educational project“Educational Environment”, which includes play excursions for preschoolers, as well as excursions for children from orphanages, correctional schools and rehabilitation centers. In addition, on Wednesdays, classes are organized at the Primorsky Oceanarium for students of various specialties - biologists, ecologists, designers, as well as for foreign students studying the Russian language. Almost 20 thousand children have already taken part in the Educational Environment.

Romela Arushanyan
Lesson summary “Excursion to the aquarium”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution child development center Kindergarten №69 "Golden Key".

Summary of the integrated lesson in the second younger group on the topic

« Excursion to the aquarium»

Compiled and conducted:


MBDOU d/s No. 69

"Golden Key".

Arushanyan R. R. -

Integrated class« Excursion to the aquarium» in the second junior group

Integration of educational regions:



Artistic and aesthetic

Subject: « Excursion to the aquarium» (summary of the integrated lesson)

Target: expand children’s initial knowledge about the seas and oceans and inhabitants seabed.


Develop imagination


Fine motor skills of hands,

Independence and initiative of pupils;

Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Methods and techniques: conversation, excursion to the aquarium in the kindergarten(1st floor) questions, answers, games, storytelling, looking at illustrations,

Preliminary work: conversations on topic: "Water", « Oceans and seas» , "Inhabitants of the Seabed", reading encyclopedic publications.

Vocabulary work: aquarium, storm, washed over, guide, inhabitant.

Equipment and attributes: exhibition of shells, models of the seabed aquarium(garden 1st floor), exhibition of inhabitants depths of the sea, illustrations of sea animals, drawing paper, gouache for drawing fish with the palm of your hand, napkins, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part. Organizational moment.

Educator: What a beautiful day today. Let's smile at each other. It's so good that we are together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate.

Educator: Guys, every person has a dream. Tell me, what do you dream about? (Children's answers) .

Educator: I also have a dream. I dream of going down to the bottom of the sea at least once and admiring the beauty underwater world, so I suggest you do excursion to one unusual and amazing place - to aquarium(garden 1st floor). Do you want it?

Children: Yes.

Educator: A I'll be the tour guide.

Educator: But first I invite you to listen to the underwater world. (A dull noise sounds - this is the roar of the sea during a storm) .

Educator (twists the globe):

There are four on earth ocean

wash continents, countries,

towards the land they spread into seas.

It has roads built by ships.

Sometimes the seas are stormy, sometimes they sleep peacefully.

The wind is free to walk on the sea.

There is less sushi in this world than water.

Magical gardens grow underwater,

They are full of wonderful inhabitants

Various shapes, colors and sizes.

Educator: Guys, now let’s leave the group and follow me together. We are with you in aquarium(1st floor). Oceanarium- This big house for the inhabitants oceans and seas. And what oceans and seas you know?: Quiet ocean, Atlantic, Arctic Indian, Black Sea, Red, Yellow (The children repeated after the teacher explained). Oceanarium- this is a small model of a large one ocean. It was created by our former employee Muravyov Viktor Vilenovich, with his own hands using a brush and paint.

Guys, aquarium, this is a very difficult word to pronounce. Let's try to repeat it, helping ourselves with clapping. Get your hands ready. O-ke-a-na-ri-um. (claps for each syllable) Now let's clap again and count how many syllables there are in this word. (Children repeat clapping). How many syllables are in this word? (Children's answers.) .

This word has six syllables correctly.

Children, who can live in aquarium? (Dolphins, fish, crabs, octopuses)

What can you affectionately call these inhabitants? (Fish - little fish, fish, crab-crab, octopus-octopus)

2. Main part.

Educator: Well, it's time for us to start excursion. Look, the first inhabitants are waiting for us here. Who is this? (crabs)

The crab walks sideways, sideways, and meets a fish - scratch - scratch!

Tell me, what is the crab's body covered with? (Shell)

What does a crab use to move? (The crab moves with tentacles)

What else does a crab have? (The crab has claws and eyes)

Guys, one crab - many crabs

Guys, look, it’s very boring for a crab to swim alone. Let's have some fun and play the game “The sea is troubled once.”

Physical education minute.

The sea is getting rough! (We walk in place)

The sea is worried two! (Tilts left, right)

The sea is worried three!

Sea figure freeze! (Sit down)

Educator: We continue our excursion. Guys, guess riddle:

“Whose legs grow out of their head? ” (Octopus)

How many legs does an octopus have? (An octopus has eight legs)

Guys, tell me, what do octopuses do underwater? (swim)

What do they do when they are hiding from predators? (Hide, swim away)

Who else can tell you about the octopus?

Children: An octopus changes color when it gets angry. May turn white or release ink blot to scare away enemies.

What do octopuses do with each other? (playing)

Educator: We continue our excursion.

Guys, can anyone tell me what parts a fish consists of?

Children: A fish has a head, a body, gills, a tail and fins. With the help of the tail and fins, the fish swims in the water, and with the help of the gills it breathes.

Educator: Well done! Everything is correct. What else do we see in aquarium. Children's answers (algae, shells, starfish, sea horse)

Educator: That's our excursion ends and we return to the group.

Educator: Now let’s take our places at the tables. Each of you has a sheet of paper in front of you. gouache in a plate. We have to draw fish in ocean. But instead of brushes, we use our fingers and palms. (Sample showing).

Educator: - Well done guys, you did a good job. Let's show each other our work.

3. Summary classes.


Guys, where have we been today? (IN aquarium) .

What did we see there?

What inhabitants did you meet?

What interesting things do you remember? (Children's answers)

You are now familiar with sea inhabitants.

Thanks everyone!

Added photo from excursions.

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