Child christening rules for the grandmother. Is it necessary to call it according to the calendar? Required gifts at baptism

What is baptism, why is it really needed, what is the essence of baptizing a child? What are the rules for baptizing a child in the church, how is the baptismal ceremony performed? What needs to be done before baptism and after baptism? Do you need God-parents and how to choose a godfather? These and many other questions confront parents who are about to baptize their child. In this material you will find answers to the most common questions about the baptism of a child.

Child baptism ceremony

The essence of child baptism

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments Orthodox Church, in which the convert is immersed three times in a font of blessed water with the invocation of the name Holy Trinity– Father and Son and Holy Spirit. The essence of child baptism is that small man"dies" to a life of sin and is reborn to life with God through a mysterious rite.

The Bible says:

Anyone who is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God

In. 3:5

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned

Mk. 16:16

This rite was established by the Lord Jesus Christ himself when He was baptized by John the Baptist (known as the Baptist) in the waters of the Jordan River.

Baptism is necessary for a person to save his soul. This is a new birth for spiritual life in which a person can reach the Heavenly Kingdom. Through baptism, in a mysterious, incomprehensible way for us, the invisible power of God - grace - acts on a person. Jesus Christ, sending the apostles to preach the gospel, taught them to baptize people:

Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Matt. 28, 19

Having been baptized, a person becomes a member of the Church of Christ and can begin other church sacraments. If parents wish their child a worthy, moral life - with God, the Creator of the world and the Source of all that is good and bright - this path should begin with baptism.

Some believe that a child should be baptized own choice at a conscious age. But that's not true. If parents want to raise a moral child, strong in spirit personality on Christian values, then baptism is necessary in the very early age, since it washes off the seal original sin and allows the child to participate in the sacraments, without which there will simply be no spiritual development.

Another folk myth– the need for baptism is to bestow health through the sacrament. A similar approach generally applies to all church sacraments, when people are convinced that unction or communion - it doesn’t matter - is aimed at solving pressing, earthly human issues, such as healing from illnesses or obtaining material benefits. Baptism is the child’s entry into the Church, the community of people Orthodox faith. His health will depend, not least of all, on the lifestyle of his parents and their prayers for him, as well as on observing the simplest principles proper care for the baby.

Child baptism in church

Church rules state that after his birth the ceremony is performed according to existing custom on the 40th day. But depending on the circumstances, this can be done earlier or later. For example, after birth a child is weak and sick, God forbid - near death. Baptism gives you a chance to pray to God for the child and to give him communion immediately after the completion of the sacrament.

For baptism, you need to choose the temple in which the ceremony will be held, pre-select godparents, go through a public conversation (at which the church minister will tell you about all the rules), the child needs to choose a name at baptism, although it may coincide with the one given at birth.

Parents and godparents need to prayerfully prepare for this event, and also know the basic Orthodox prayers, which will be announced in advance by the priest. The following attributes must be prepared for the sacrament of baptism: pectoral cross, baptismal clothing, towel, candles, icon heavenly patron baptized This entire “set” can be purchased at the temple.

How to choose a temple for child baptism

Anyone can become a temple for the sacrament of baptism Orthodox church The Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate or another canonical Local Orthodox Church, either located directly next to the family’s place of residence, or chosen at will.

In this article:

After the birth of a child, many parents wonder about his baptism, which is accepted in the Orthodox faith. Baptism is a great holiday not only for the baby, but also for the whole family, as well as numerous relatives.

However, not all parents and godparents, due to their youth, are familiar with the details of this procedure. We propose to consider in detail the rite of baptism of a child, the rules for its conduct and the responsibilities of godparents. So, let's start an interesting conversation about a big holiday for a little person.

The essence of baptism

Baptism is a sacred church sacrament, the essence of which is to transfer the grace of God to the child. That is, baptism does not involve any material or real burden, it is simply a gift.

During a child's baptism immersed in water. This symbolizes the inevitable death of a sinful life, which the baby renounced when undergoing the sacrament of baptism. The child’s emergence from the font speaks of resurrection as the infinity of life. A believer can partake of the miraculous salvation accomplished by the Savior, because he has already been washed away from original sin.

After finishing sacred rite the little person becomes a member of the Church of Christ and undertakes to follow its commandments.

The best age for a child to be baptized

No rules say about the specific age of the baby. Often, Orthodox Christians perform the baptism ceremony for a child as soon as he reaches eight days from birth. The reasons why
parents decide to postpone the baptism of their child is due to the lack of firm faith and full awareness.

Some young mothers and fathers decide to postpone the ceremony until the child decides whether he wants it or not. It is important to know here that in this case hesitation can result in the harmful influence of the sinful world, because the soul of an unbaptized child is open to negative influence environment.

How to prepare for the baptism of a child?

Often, due to the busyness of the priest, it is necessary to take care in advance of the specific time and place of the sacrament. As a rule, most parishes have their own schedule indicating certain hours at which the baptismal ceremony can be performed. Do not forget to coordinate the desired time with the priest.

Next, you should come with the child at the appointed time along with the godfather and mother. Parents choose them for their child. You must have a cross for your baby and a special shirt for baptism. You will also need a napkin to wipe your child's face and two towels. The most important thing to take with you is an icon of the saint: it will symbolize the protection of the baby.

You should know that when performing a baptism ceremony, there is no need for a child’s birth certificate. Taking into account the age of the baby, godparents are required to prepare for baptism instead. These rules apply to children under 14 years of age.

The future godparent is required to take a course public conversations, the number of which depends on the will of the abbot. In addition, the recipient needs to confess.

Also, mandatory rules for future spiritual mothers and fathers include, in addition to all conversations, renunciation of carnal pleasures, fasting for several days and knowing the Creed prayer by heart. In the same church where the baby will be baptized, confession and communion should take place.

Shopping for christening

The rules of baptism say that purchases for the sacred sacrament are made by godparents. Let's talk about the baptismal set, including a shirt and a cross. If we are talking about a boy, then Godfather buys him a cross. If it’s a girl, then she buys everything necessary for the ceremony, including a sheet. godmother. A sheet will be needed to wrap the baby after dipping into the font.

Remember that if you bought a pectoral cross in a simple store, you should consecrate it in the church in advance. Some parents prefer the cross to hang on a strong ribbon, while others prefer a strong chain.

Who to choose as godparents?

Very often, the closest relatives of the couple (for example, sisters-brothers, aunts-uncles) become godparents. The main condition is the faith of the chosen one. Another important condition is that the future godparent must himself be
baptized, otherwise he does not have the right to take on such significant obligations.

The Church has established rules according to which there is a list of persons who cannot be invited to be the godfather or mother of a child. So, among the people who cannot be godparents are monks, young children, non-believers, unhealthy people ( we're talking about about the mental state of a person), as well as immoral people. In addition, spouses are prohibited from being godparents of the same child. But there are cases when this was permitted by the bishop. Also, representatives of other movements cannot be recipients.

Responsibilities of godparents

The godparents of the baby must be fully aware of their purpose. After all, they are the ones who vouch for the baby before God. Their responsibilities include the child's guidance, beneficial influence and influence. It will be good if the godmothers, mom and dad, show interest in Orthodox culture, in particular to the significance and essence of baptism itself.

We recommend to all parents
discuss possible candidates with the priest. The same goes for you. If you have the honor of becoming a godfather, please consult with your priest before expressing your consent.

Many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to become a foster child in absentia.

The Church responds to this that with absentee adoption there is no close connection between the baby and the godparents. Believers sincerely believe that godparents are responsible to God for fulfilling their obligations to the baby.

Process of the Sacred Sacrament

The baptism ceremony consists of certain actions, and their strict sequence is very important. The first stage is the rite of announcement, during which the priest reads a prayer against Satan and gives a blessing to the baby. This is followed by the ritual “Three prohibitions against unclean spirits.” The priest drives the devil away and prays to God to drive out the evil one. The third stage is renunciation. Its essence is that future godparents renounce their entire sinful past and unrighteous lifestyle. This is followed by a confession of fidelity to the Son of God - here one of the godparents reads the “Creed” prayer for a crumb. Next comes the beginning of the sacrament of baptism itself:

The next stage is the rite of the sacrament of anointing. The father will anoint the baby with holy myrrh. Reading the Holy Scripture - a procession around the font speaks of the joy of the Church at the birth of another member and includes joyful chants. During the procession, the godfather and mother must hold lit candles.

Rites of completion

The final rites of baptism are washing off the world and cutting the hair (a symbol of sacrifice, because the baby does not yet have anything else to give with joy to God).

The ritual of the sacrament is over - now the main thing remains to educate and instill in the child love for the Lord.

Differences between boy and girl baptism

There is a difference between performing a ceremony for a boy and a girl. We can note that it is quite insignificant. Let's take a closer look:

What's next?

The rite of the sacred sacrament of baptism is like the second birth of a baby, but no longer burdened with various sinful qualities. As a rule, parents love to organize a magnificent and memorable celebration in honor of the baptism of their child.

Love your child, give him your attention, care and participation!

Young parents often have questions about the need to introduce their baby to the faith. Most of all they are interested in the rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church. Being one of the seven pillars of religion, one of the sacraments, the baptism of a newborn requires strict adherence to a number of conditions.

What is baptism and why is it performed?

The sacrament of baptism is one of the main rites of the Orthodox Church.

During its implementation, the believer must immerse himself three times in a ritual container of water, invoking the name of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. At this time he dies to the old life, filled with sins. Immediately the soul is reborn by the Holy Spirit to inherit Eternal Life.

The basis for this sacrament was instructions from the Holy Scriptures, which can be found in John. 3, 5, as well as Mk. 16.16, where the Son of God gives instructions that cannot be misunderstood.

This sacrament can be called the process of rebirth for spiritual existence, a new life that will allow one to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven.

Baptism is called a sacrament because the process involves a force incomprehensible to the human mind that mysteriously influences the human soul, which is called Grace. There is an establishment by God of its necessity, indicated in the lines of the Holy Scriptures in Matt. 28, 19:

Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Only after going through the sacrament of Baptism does a person have the opportunity to approach others, becoming part of the Church of Christ.

At what age should a child be baptized?

Given the importance of the perception of faith, many are interested in the question of the advisability of conducting an Orthodox ritual in infancy. Of course, it is very important to baptize an adult who understands the step taken. Usually, such an action is resorted to by those who did not undergo the ritual in childhood, while being brought up in a family of other faiths.

In the families of Orthodox Christians, everything happens differently. From childhood, believing parents will accustom their child to true, correct faith in God, instilling in him their own concepts. In addition, not only they will take part in education. Godparents, acquired by the baby during the sacrament, take to heart their enormous responsibility, pledging to raise their newly acquired son in accordance with the rules of the Faith of Christ, becoming his spiritual mentors. The baptism of an infant is carried out not according to his faith, but according to the faith of his parents and godparents, who take upon themselves the vow of education worthy son or daughters of the Christian Church.

The prototype of baptism can be called the ancient Old Testament custom of performing circumcision a week after the birth of a child into this world. Such an action showed one’s faith in God, as well as belonging to the people chosen by Him. John Chrysostom in his writings states that the rite of baptism is the most obvious difference between souls faithful to the Lord and those who are unfaithful. IN Holy Scripture Col. 2:11-12 says that the completion of the Orthodox rite of baptism is the reign of death and the burial of the spirit for sin, as well as its rebirth for true life in the house of Christ.

There are no clear rules about what age is most suitable for baptizing a child. Usually the ceremony is carried out approximately 6 weeks (40 days) after the birth of the child, although this can be done earlier or later. You should not delay the completion of the sacrament for a long time, since the evil one can create obstacles endlessly.

Choosing a name for baptism

In Rus', the choice of a child's name was carried out according to the calendar. To do this, they followed the rule of choosing the names of saints, the days of veneration of which fell on those closest to the birth of the baby. This is one of the main ways to select a name, but you can do it differently.

It must be remembered that a name is a practical thing. At baptism we invest in the rite the realization of our faith in a practical sense. There are names in the calendar that do not sound familiar at all, and accordingly, they hurt the ears. Remembering all the calendars by heart is given to a rare clergyman, which can lead to a number of questions, and even raise doubts about carrying out the baptism ritual among this person. Every time it is quite difficult to talk about the fact that this is the name of a saint indicated in the calendar. In addition, there is usually a long line to the Communion cup, and such a conversation will take a lot of time.

The easiest way to choose a name for baptism is to perform the ceremony with the one that is already recorded on the birth certificate. Nowadays, names not listed in the calendar, such as Snezhana, Liana and others, are very popular in the world. Here you can ask the priest to help you choose similar-sounding names in the calendar, for example, Anna or Leah.

Some people want to baptize a child with a name that is completely different from the world. They are sure that a name unknown to others can help protect themselves from the evil eye or damage. This approach to baptism is unacceptable, so most priests who perform the ceremony will immediately refuse to perform the ceremony with a different name. They will give what is written on the birth certificate or something similar.

It must be remembered that saints are examples for life. By choosing one of them, we simultaneously ask them at baptism for intercession and support, and also encourage the Christian to follow the path paved by these saints, to imitate the great man. And we should not forget that the rite of baptism and naming is needed not for protection from damage, but for inheriting the path to the Kingdom of God.

Preparing the christening outfit

When baptizing a child, it is necessary to have special vestments for the child. Previously, parents, grandmothers, and godparents were involved in preparing it. Now everything has become much simpler, because you can buy such a set in a church or even regular store.

The baptism kit consists of:

  • a loose shirt in which you can easily wrap a wet baby after bathing;
  • headdress;
  • a beautiful napkin intended for a candle;
  • diaper;
  • a decorated towel, which is popularly called “kryzhma”.

The towel is necessary for the priest to transfer the child to the godparents. In addition, the weather can also bring some changes to the set, since on cold autumn or winter days it is better to take a warm diaper with a hood, a blanket, an insulated shirt and booties.

On what days is baptism allowed?

Some parents doubt the choice of day for the ceremony. When making a choice, you need to understand that there are no strict selection rules. It can be held on any day, the main thing is to pay attention to the regime that is supported by the church chosen by the parents.

Only a priest can allocate time in the schedule, so it is necessary to consult on this issue only with him.

On what days can you not be baptized?

As we have already discussed, almost any day can be set aside for the baptism of a child. However, there are some signs that many people believe in. These include:

  • holding a funeral before the ritual, which can bring trouble to the baby’s life;
  • the attraction of illnesses to the child if the one who was baptized in the same set falls ill;
  • when a priest makes a mistake during a ritual.

All these signs are simply deceptions developed by human imagination. Funeral rituals are held almost daily in every large temple. If all this is very important to you, then buy a new set of baptismal attire, and then ask the priest to perform the ceremony in the morning. Most likely, he will understand his parents, so he will agree to this.

What is needed for a boy's baptism

The baptism of a child and the constant influence on him, raising a Christian is one of the main missions in our world. The first thing that is needed is preparedness and attentiveness. Godparents need to develop themselves, read and absorb the maximum amount of spiritual literature in order to be able to become a reliable support and assistant for the godson in any life situation.

When baptizing a boy, it is necessary to take into account all the qualities of the godfather, who will become one of the objects of imitation for the pupil. Courage, self-control, endurance, willpower and fortitude are the main indicators of such a person. That is why he needs to undergo comprehensive training.

Before the sacrament begins, godparents must buy a cross, a kryzhma and a shirt for their newly acquired child.

What is needed for a girl's baptism

Preparation for a girl’s baptism is no less important. It should be taken into account that the influence in the upbringing process will come from the godmother, who needs to teach the girl patience, faith, reliability and fidelity in the process of life. She, with her example and advice, should become a support for the young child of God. In this regard, her knowledge also needs to be replenished with spiritual literature.

The ritual requires almost the same preparation as in the case of a boy. You just need to buy a kryzhma, a cross, a baptismal dress. The set may also include a scarf, tights and other accessories.

How to choose godparents

When making a choice of imprisoned parents, it is necessary to take into account the following rules:

  1. The godparents of a new Christian must cross the line from childhood to adult life, at the same time being adults, realizing the importance of the responsibility taken upon one’s soul. It is impossible to carry out the ceremony with children in the status of godparents.
  2. Those who live in a Christian marriage or are just about to enter into one can become godparents for a child. Their righteous life in marriage can become one of the main drivers of faith for a new Christian.
  3. For those who live in civil marriage, you cannot become godparents to a child. Their life in sin will negatively affect the psyche of a Christian child, corrupting his soul.
  4. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives can also be godparents for the child.
  5. Under no circumstances should you take an adoptive parent as a godparent. The stepfather or stepmother becomes his family, which will not give additional support to the spirit, but will deprive it.
  6. When choosing their godfathers for the baptism of a child, parents will not make a mistake. If people mutually respect each other and consider each other as models true faith, then this will only become an additional protection for the child from external negative influences.
  7. If parishioners wish to take a priest's child as godfather, this is welcome. It's in the family Orthodox clergyman the child can learn the true perception of faith.
  8. Choose as godparents those people who can be present in person during the ceremony. It is impossible to register as godparents in absentia, since presence at baptism guarantees acceptance of responsibility for the fate of the child.
  9. Monastics cannot be chosen godparents. If the Orthodox tonsure is taken after accepting obligations, then the responsibilities of caring for the soul of the godson not only do not decrease, but also become more voluminous.
  10. A child can only be baptized with Christian godparents who have also undergone the baptismal ceremony.

If you think that someone in your circle is worthy of the honor of becoming one of the parents of your baby (and this is indeed the case, it’s not for nothing that they are called godmother and godfather), then feel free to contact him with this offer. Be sure to ensure that they comply with the above rules.

Ceremony rules for godparents

Parents imprisoned Orthodox rite have their own special role. In this case, it is necessary to remember the rules, which are that:

  • godmother acquires vestments and kryzhma;
  • the expenses for baptism are assigned to the planted father who takes the vow;
  • each participant in the ceremony must have a cross;
  • Godparents need to know the prayer “I Believe” by heart.

The godparents bring the child to church, trying to do it early. When a girl is baptized, the godfather only needs to attend the ceremony and also pay all expenses. When a boy is baptized, he is the one who accepts the child and does all the necessary manipulations.

During the ritual, godparents should, if possible, voice all prayers and say “Amen” at the right time.

Gifts can be given after the sacrament.

Responsibilities of godparents

The responsibilities of imprisoned parents include:

  • teaching a child the basics of Christianity;
  • teaching your child prayers;
  • be an example of mercy, love and kindness.

At the same time, there are clear rules for imprisoned parents: always wear a pectoral cross, know everything necessary prayers and be able to apply the sign of the cross correctly.

Prayer for baptism

During the ceremony, a prayer is used, which the godparents must know by heart:

How the ritual takes place and its unspoken rules

After acquiring all the necessary attributes and consecrating the crosses, the sacrament of the ritual itself naturally begins. It goes in this order:

  1. An announcement consisting of reading a number of special short prayers - “prohibitions”.
  2. Renunciation of Satan and combination with Christ. All answers to questions asked by the priest must be given by the godparents instead of the godson.
  3. Baptism in the font with these words...
  4. Adoption of a child by a godparent (a girl by a woman, a boy by a man).
  5. Confirmation. It is carried out using consecrated oil.
  6. Triple walk around the font.
  7. Reading an excerpt from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans.
  8. Washing the oil off the child’s body with the words...
  9. Tonsured. Bunches of hair are cut crosswise with words...
  10. Request for godparents and completion of the sacrament.
  11. Churching. The priest carries the girl around the temple, while the boy also enters the altar.

Christening celebrations and gifts

A large feast at baptism is not necessary. It is best if only the people closest to the family gather. In addition, a large group of people will not bring joy to the baby, but will cause him fatigue and irritation.

You should not give gifts that will not be agreed upon with your parents, especially expensive ones. Usually children are given clothes and toys. If you want to make an original gift, you should think about whether it is advisable.

The celebration of christening is not only a social event, but also a spiritual one. On this day it is better to devote more time to prayer and piety.

Baptism of a child in church is very an important event in the life of every family, which has strictly established rules and recommendations for implementation. The responsibility that adults bear for their children is enormous. However, for many parents the need for this sacrament is doubtful.

In order to dispel doubts that arise on this issue, it should immediately be clear that the Sacrament of Baptism is nothing more than the birth of a completely new life in its spiritual understanding, which will protect the child and in the future will allow him to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven.

At the same time, it is not worth baptizing simply because it is “necessary”. Parents must come to faith themselves and understand the necessity of this step. This is due to the fact that churchmen openly declare that there is no meaning in baptism if the education of the faith is not observed.

In some cases, parents, wanting to allow the child to make his own, more informed choice, carry out baptism only after their child is able to take a conscious step in this direction. But, as a rule, this process takes place much earlier - in infancy.

Best age for baptism

Baptism of a child - rules for parents, recommendations from the church directly and quite unequivocally say that this process should happen as early as possible. Despite the fact that this sacrament can be performed on people of any age, gender and race, infancy is the best period.

In some cases, a child can be baptized within a few hours after his birth, but according to the practice accepted in the Russian Orthodox Church, this should be done after four dozen days and nights.

In addition, during this period the mother’s body will be able to fully recover from a physiological point of view. And only after this period can the priest allow her to be present during the ceremony.

Choosing the Right Church

For parents at this time it becomes important question choosing the place where the child will be baptized. Much depends on which church the sacrament will be performed in. The existing rules and recommendations do not say anything strict about this. If the baby’s father and mother go to a specific church, they may well have the baby baptized by their confessor.

In the same case, when along with baptism their full coming to faith takes place, then they can do this at their own discretion and choose the church and priest who will be closest to them morally. An important factor is the proximity of the temple to home, so that going there does not become rare in the future., but was carried out on a regular basis.

Shopping for a baby's baptism ceremony

Before performing the sacrament, a number of necessary purchases must be made, without which the process will be impossible to carry out in principle.

The most important expense items include:

  • baby shirt;
  • consecrated cross;
  • special towel.

All these goods can be found both in a regular store and in a special church shop, located, as a rule, directly at the entrance to the temple. Items can be purchased individually or as a special baptism set. Future godparents purchase them.

Choosing a christening outfit

When choosing a christening outfit for a child, you should choose the most delicate and soft fabrics that can only be found in modern stores. This is due to the fact that a baby’s skin is extremely sensitive and susceptible to various skin diseases and rashes, which in turn is fraught with crying and hysterics.

Sometimes a special bag is purchased into which the baby’s hair is placed after the ceremony.

Boy's shirt

Some fundamental differences there is no difference between the outfits for boys and girls, because clothes for baptism, as a rule, are universal type. Boys most often choose a white or pale blue shirt, which emphasizes their gender. The style can be different - from very short to long shirts that hide even a baby’s heels.

Often for boys, outfits with very elegant embroidery in the form of a cross are ordered. For very young children, take a clean shirt made of cotton, which is practically not decorated in any way. This is done so as not to cause any irritation to the skin.

For a slightly older child, shirts that look more like adults are often used. They have a neat cutout and are richly trimmed with many decorative elements made using fabrics of different colors.

Dress for girls

Despite the fact that for girls the classic baptismal attire is not much different from those described above, Nowadays, more exclusive and unique things are increasingly being sewn:

For clothes for girls, the material can be exclusively natural fabrics such as linen or cotton. In some cases, viscose is used, especially often for embroidering decorative elements.

Christening towel

A special towel called kryzhma is of great importance in the baptism process.. In fact, this term means a kind of diaper made in an openwork style. After the ritual is completed, it is stored for many decades, and it becomes real. family value and a relic.

IN last years Increasingly, the date of the baby’s baptism is indicated in the corner. His main strength consists of healing a child if he becomes seriously ill in infancy. Famous clergymen recommend using kryzhma in combination with healing prayers along with traditional medical treatment. The towel is also purchased by godparents.

Choosing a pectoral cross

Another essential attribute is the cross. Many godparents, especially those who are not believers, are concerned about what material it should be made of and where it should be purchased.

It is important that the cross fully complies with all canons and rules established by the Russian Orthodox Church.

And what material it is made of is completely unimportant. It can be gold, silver, or ordinary aluminum. You can even use an ordinary rope or thread as a chain.

The main thing is that the cross is not

decoration, but carries a special meaning, performs the function of protection and unity with God. It must be consecrated.

If the purchase is made in a shop at a temple, then it is such; after the store you should visit any temple and ask the priest to consecrate it.

The role of godparents in a child's life

A huge role in the development of a child is played by godparents, who must be people of faith or those striving for this. In addition, they must have high moral standards and pure thoughts. This is due to the need to help the baby throughout his life. As a rule, there are always two godparents, but, as a last resort, you can invite one person. In the case of a boy, this is a man, but when the ritual is performed on a girl, then it is a woman. Age varies depending on gender. You can become a godfather from the age of 15, a mother from the age of 13.

This is confirmed by a special decree of the highest church body - the Synod. Godparents must be ready to take on the responsibilities of caring for and raising a child in the event that he or she loses his family.

Choosing a Godmother When choosing, you should look for the person who will sincerely love the child and will be ready to sacrifice his health, well-being and even life for the sake of his salvation and. The godmother has many responsibilities; for example, she is the one who teaches the child all the basics of the Orthodox faith and teaches him the necessary prayers.

The godmother is the person with whom the child, as he grows up, can share his thoughts and experiences. She should gently guide him in the right direction of development and be always ready to help the child. Often godparents become the closest people after the mother.

Godfather's Choice

The role of the godfather is also very important and should not be limited to just paying for baptismal purchases and further gifts. He should be an authority and support for the child in the process of growing up, on whom you can always rely. Must help overcome life's difficulties and do right choice in difficult situations.

The Godfather is the child's first and most important defense against the Devil. He also protects his natural parents so that they raise the baby correctly. The Church understands the complexity of this mission, but the godfather must steadfastly fulfill it, including in a comprehensive manner with parents.

Traditional gifts from godparents

Gifts for a child after baptism depend solely on goodwill and financial situation those guests who are present at the ceremony.

The Bible is considered a gift of encouragement from the church. According to the rules, such a book is given to a child by godparents after baptism.

Carrying out the baptism ceremony

The baptism of a child is carried out according to certain rules established for parents and godparents. Depending on the church, the recommendations given by confessors directly regarding the process may differ slightly.

The ritual consists of a certain number of sequential actions, which are briefly formulated below:

  1. A name is given. As a result of this action, the infant officially receives a patron in heaven.
  2. After this, the confessor, using a special gesture, gives the child a blessing, which leads to the formation of heavenly protection.
  3. Then special prayers are read, with the goal of establishing a complete ban on the Devil coming to the child.
  4. Then the process of blessing the water by the priest takes place.
  5. The priest dips the baby in a font specially designed for this purpose, and then hands it over to the godfather or godmother, depending on the gender of the child, who puts a cross and special clothes on him.
  6. The ritual ends with the so-called anointing.

Differences in the baptism of a boy and a girl

The process of baptism for boys and girls is practically no different. The only significant point is that after receiving the boy from the font in the arms of his godfather, he is carried into the altar, but according to certain church canons and traditions, the girl is not.

Rules for choosing a name for a child according to the calendar

Choosing a name for a child at baptism is not the most difficult task. It is carried out with the help of the so-called Saints, which contain more than one and a half thousand different names, often out of circulation.

It's important to remember a few key points:

  1. The baby's name should be the one recommended for naming directly on the day of his biological birth.
  2. In case if a suitable name no, you can look about a week ahead at the Saints and choose at your discretion.
  3. It is important to approach this process with the utmost care, because changing given name it will be hard. Only in rare cases do they resort to changing the name given at birth.
  4. You can use a name that is consistent with what is written in the passport, because parents often call their children names that are not mentioned in the Saints. It is also important that the child’s first name be in consonance with his middle and last name in his adult life.

Organizing a child's baptism ceremony

It is important to clarify the date of the sacrament in advance and discuss with the priest who will conduct it all, even the smallest and most insignificant details. For example, some churches prohibit filming or allow it after paying a symbolic development fee. Usually, each church has separate days of the week and hours for the ritual.

Duration and cost of the ceremony for children

The baptism of a child, the specifics of the procedure and the duration of the ceremony can differ significantly depending on which church this sacrament is performed in.

Rules and recommendations for parents, which were issued by famous clergy, speak of the need for humble submission to the confessor who baptizes the baby. Typically this process does not take more than one hour. At large quantities Children may need a little more time.

Features of celebrating children's christenings

The baptism of a child is not just an ordinary event, but a great sacrament, which carries with it the need to comply with the rules of behavior that are established for parents in a variety of aspects.
Recommendations from the church also concern how exactly the christening celebration of infants should be celebrated. The cornerstone aspect is the celebration of the holiday meal.

Festive table and traditional dishes

Baptism always ends with a festive table, where the whole family and numerous relatives of the baby gather. Traditional dishes must include dishes made from dough, primarily various pies and many varieties of cereals. Poultry is allowed to be served as meat.

How can a child change after baptism?

For parents, the baptism of a child means the onset of a special stage. The baby is said to change completely and become much calmer. However, this is just the beginning. Recommendations from the church say that one should continue to fully raise the child in the Christian faith and teach him to follow the rules established by the Law of God.

To summarize, several quite clear conclusions should be noted. The Sacrament of Baptism is a truly unique event that happens to every person only once in their life. For parents who conduct a ceremony over their child, this is the most important step aimed at raising him in full accordance with the moral foundations that are embedded in the Christian faith.

This step is also important for the parents of godparents, who open their souls and come to the defense of the innocent baby. For a child, baptism means the possibility of achieving the Kingdom of Heaven in the future.

Video about a child's baptism

How does the baptism ceremony take place?

Father will tell you what you need to know before baptizing a child:

IN Orthodox families As a rule, on the fortieth day after the birth of a child, parents think about the next important step - baptism. Should I do this? And if necessary, then how? We will look at these most frequently asked questions today.

So why is baptism necessary? Actually, almost all Orthodox Christians know the church’s interpretation of the importance of baptism - cleansing from original sin, acquaintance with God, protection from “evil spirits.”

But may believers forgive me, I personally prefer the ancient Slavic explanation of the rite of baptism. And our ancestors considered the woman in labor to be a mediator between the worlds of the living and the dead - reality and navi. And the first thing they did immediately after birth was to tie a talisman on the baby’s arm, capable of deceiving him for a while (namely forty days). otherworldly creatures. After this period, the baby was baptized according to all canons, he received his Guardian Angel and from then on became inaccessible to evil spirits. But besides protection higher powers, with the baptism ceremony, the child also received second parents - godparents.

By by and large, for a boy, only a godfather is needed, for a girl, accordingly, a godmother. But it just so happens that it is customary to choose godparents of both sexes. Being godparents is a big responsibility. And let’s turn again to ancient times: in the past, it was the godparents who took in raising the baby in the event that something irreparable happened to the natural parents. Therefore, when choosing godparents for your child, first of all, think about: who from your environment do you trust so much that with peace of mind you could give them your baby to raise? In reality, these should be truly close people. Preferably close relatives with whom you maintain good and close relationships.

Eat interesting custom: if your baby (who has already grown a little and started crawling/walking) begins to fall often, ask one of the godparents to give him something for his feet. These could be slippers, tights, socks or something similar. It is the godfather who must personally choose, buy, and then give such a new thing to the godson. It's amazing, but as soon as you put the gift on your baby, it stops falling. I personally cannot understand why this happens, but I can vouch for the fact that it works.

As I already mentioned, the Orthodox baptism ceremony is performed on the 40th day of a child’s life. There are several explanations for this. Firstly, a young mother cannot be in church for exactly 40 days, since she is considered “unclean” (based on physiological characteristics woman's postpartum period). After this period, the priest reads a prayer over the young mother, thereby cleansing her.

For a baby, these 40 days are also very important. During this period, the baby’s body adjusts to correct work all your systems, from heartbeat and breathing to your daily routine. And by about forty days, when “all systems return to normal,” the new little person can be introduced to the world around him. In addition, it is better to carry out the sacrament of baptism at this age also because the baby most sleeps for a while and is not afraid of the new environment and strangers around. Another important argument in favor of baptism on the fortieth day after birth is the ability of a newborn to reflexively hold his breath when immersed in a font under water.

But, of course, baptism on the fortieth day after birth is not an axiom. A person can be baptized at any age. And not only a priest can do this - the Church allows, in case of a critical situation, the mother to baptize the baby herself.

Now that you have decided on your godparents, it’s time to decide where exactly the ceremony will be held. Actually, it doesn’t matter in any fundamental way which church you baptize your baby in. The main thing is that it should be a church of your denomination, and whether it is big or small, famous or not, does not matter.

After you have chosen a church, you need to meet with the priest and ask him in detail about the needs of the ceremony. Pectoral cross for the baby you can buy it in the church itself and the future godfather must do it. In this case, it is advisable that after baptism, the child’s cross is tied to a ribbon, and not to a string or chain.

If a cross is purchased at a jewelry store, it must be blessed separately. When purchasing, be sure to make sure that you are choosing an Orthodox cross and not a Catholic one: on Orthodox cross The legs of the crucified Jesus are uncrossed and nailed with two nails. While on Catholic crucifixes, Christ’s feet are pierced together with a common nail.

In the temple, before the ceremony, parents receive an icon of the saint in whose honor the baby will be named. Separately, you will need to buy a baptismal shirt or dress - always made of soft white fabric. This outfit is traditionally purchased by the future godmother. She also buys kryzhma - a white openwork diaper (towel) in which the baby is taken after the bath. This item must then be kept throughout the life of the baptized person.

You can also purchase a special bag where strands of children's hair cut off during baptism will be stored. By the way, there has long been a belief: so that the baby has a clean and stormy life, so that he grows a good man and was interested in many things, and whatever was on his life path barriers, hair cut off during baptism should be immersed in open, clean, fast water.

On the day of baptism, it is better for godparents and guests to arrive at the temple in advance. This way they will quickly tune in to the right mood, and the priest will read certain prayers with them. For the baptismal ceremony, the clothes of adults should not be eye-catching or bright. Women prefer a floor-length skirt and a scarf or shawl on their head.

At the beginning of the baptism ceremony, according to tradition, the girl is held in the arms of the godfather, and the boy is held by the godmother. After washing in the font, they change: now the girl is held by the godmother, and the boy by the godfather. The baby should not be heavily dressed during the ceremony. Sometimes priests even demand that you remove your diaper.

Duration of the ritual Orthodox baptism does not exceed an hour. After completion, the priest with the child in his arms walks around the font three times. If a boy was baptized, he is still brought into the altar; The priest bows the girl before the icon of the Mother of God.

At the end of the ceremony, everyone goes to celebrate the christening. The holiday table must include sweet pies, porridge with sugar, milk and butter, or sweet krupenik (cereal casserole) with berries and fruits.

As a gift, godparents should give the godson a gift that will be useful to him in the future. This can be either a set of silverware or a small savings deposit. Other guests are not subject to any restrictions in choosing a gift; they can give whatever they want - toys, clothes, silver jewelry.