Chicken business and examples of business plans for raising chickens. Business plan for raising laying hens at home

The business of raising laying hens can bring in good money. The birds grow quickly and after 4 months they begin to make a profit. Laying hens differ from their broiler relatives in that they can lay eggs. all year round. Anyone can start doing this kind of activity, the main thing is to have the desire and a little patience. A business plan for breeding laying hens with calculations will help you build the right strategy.

Project Summary

Before drawing up a business plan for breeding laying hens, let’s decide on the area and number of chickens:

Type of activity: poultry farm.

  • Area: 180 sq. meters of chicken coop and 100 sq. meters for walking.
  • Type of premises: property.
  • Number of livestock: 600 chickens.
  • Form of ownership: LLC.
  • Taxation system: Unified Agricultural Tax 6% of profit.

Product types:

  • First class eggs.
  • Second class eggs.
  • Litter.
  • Carcasses of laying hens.

Business registration

First you need to decide on the form of ownership. For a small poultry farm, it is better to choose an LLC or a peasant farm with OKVED code 01.47 “Raising poultry”. It is assumed that the business premises will be owned by the entrepreneur on a suburban plot. One of the advantages of this business is that it does not require licensing. However, permission must be obtained from veterinary authorities instead. It will take 2-3 months to register a poultry farm. You can obtain a veterinary passport only after completing the following steps:

  • Make a statement to the chief orderly settlement. The application must contain information about the location of the farm, the number of chickens and information about the legal entity.
  • Next, the poultry farm is visited by a veterinary service for an inspection.
  • During the inspection, the following is recorded: technical characteristics, veterinary treatment, sanitary condition of the chicken coop, clothing of workers, quality of water and feed, etc. For this reason, the farmer must study in detail the relevant sanitary standards and prepare your farm.
  • If there are comments or recommendations, a deadline is set for compliance with the requirements, and the inspection comes again.
  • Only after complete completion does the farmer receive a veterinary passport.
  • Every year, notes are made in the document about the condition of the poultry farm, the results of laboratory tests of the products and the condition of the livestock. When the passport is completely filled, it must be replaced.
Event Price, rub.
LLC registration (state fee) 4 000
Registration with the tax service
Medical examinations of employees 15 000
Calling sanitary services to a poultry farm 300
Product examination 1 000
Analysis of the condition of chickens 1 000
Obtaining a veterinary certificate 1 000
Receiving a passport
Permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Fire inspection permit
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities
Total* 22 300

*Prices for services veterinary services may vary depending on region.

Building a house for chickens

To create a full-fledged poultry farm, you need to have a free 300 square meters, of which 180 will be used for a chicken coop. Building a room is not that difficult. The main thing is to comply with the requirements of sanitary standards:

  • Distance from residential premises is 350 m.
  • Wall height.
  • Height of nests and perches.
  • Use of certain materials.
  • Temperature conditions and ventilation.
  • Lighting.

You can build a chicken coop on your own; it will cost at least twice as much. The market offers to build a chicken coop according to all standards from 2000 rubles per square meter. So a finished house for birds will cost you about 360 thousand rubles. Additional insulation and electrification will add another 70 thousand rubles to the cost.

Don’t forget that in addition to the chicken coop, the farmer will need a utility room for storing feed and household equipment. It will be enough to allocate an extension of 30 square meters. If there is no similar structure on the site, then be prepared to allocate another 50-70 thousand for its construction.

Technical equipment

So, the chicken coop is built. Now you need to buy additional equipment:

Name Quantity, pcs. Price for 1 piece, rubles Total, rubles
Centrifugal dust fan 1 15 000 15 000
Heater 8 10 000 80 000
Feed system 4 15 000 60 000
Drinking system 4 20 000 80 000
Incubator 1 30 000 30 000
Brooder 1 30 000 30 000
Small household equipment 30 000
TOTAL 310 000

We buy chickens

Special attention should be paid to the purchase of laying hens. Their weight rarely exceeds 2.5 kg, so they look small in appearance. The plumage of laying hens will also help to distinguish them from their broiler relatives.

Chicken breed Age of maturity Carrying period Price 1 head, rubles Number of goals Total
Russian white 1 year 2 years 300 200 60 000
Leghorn 4.5 months 2 years 500 200 100 000
Isa Brown 120 days 1.5 years 300 100 30 000
Tetra 130 days 1.5 years 350 100 35 000
Total 600 225 000

Working capital

To keep 600 heads of chickens, it is necessary not only to feed a certain diet (wheat, cereals, greens, root vegetables and easily digestible proteins), but also to feed the chickens with vitamins. Without complementary feeding, chickens will not lay eggs well. On average, 1 chicken per day requires 60 grams of main feed and 150 grams of complementary foods (active additives, minerals and vitamins). For 600 heads per day, 36 kilograms of feed and 90 kilograms of complementary foods will be required.

1.1 tons of feed and 2.7 tons of complementary foods will be required per month. Depending on the region, the cost of 1 kg of feed and additives will vary, but the average cost of 1 kg of feed is 30 rubles, 1 kg of complementary food is 45 rubles. In total, about 155 thousand rubles will be spent per month on feeding the birds.

Another important point among working capital– medicines and prophylactic agents. In order to avoid pestilence of livestock, it will be necessary to constantly carry out preventive measures, which will require about 20 thousand rubles monthly.


For the normal functioning of the factory, it is enough for 2 people to service the chicken coop, and one seller to sell the products on the market (every other day). To save on the fund wages, it is enough to hire two part-time workers to service the chicken coop on weekends. You can do your accounting yourself using online programs.

Employee Qty Form of payment Cover part Percentage part Total for all employees Payroll with deductions
Seller at markets 1 Salary + percentage 5 000 7 000 12 000 15 624
Driver 2 Fixed (salary) 12 000 0 24 000 31 248
Workers on weekdays 2 Salary + percentage 9 000 8 000 34 000 44 268
Worker (part-time worker) on weekends 2 Salary + percentage 5 000 3 000 16 000 20 832
Total 7 111 972

Marketing strategy

The sales market for chicken products is extremely large: from simple bazaars to fashionable restaurants and workshops for the production of semi-finished products. Considering the fact that now in food industry There is a trend to use only natural products without GMOs, it will not be difficult to find distribution channels. However, competition in this business is very high, and in order to attract a potential client, you need to make some effort. After passing the product quality examination, you should offer your product to shops and cafes, always presenting a quality certificate. Eggs should also be sold independently on the market. Let's consider the mandatory marketing activities:

Since the field of activity is not seasonal, it is better to begin activities to launch the project in the spring in order to open safely by winter.

Financial plan

Capital Investment

Monthly expenses

  • Utility costs – 15,000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants – 15,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions – 111,972 rubles.
  • Food and medicine – 175,000 rubles.
  • Veterinary support – 7,000 rubles.
  • Other consumables (cleaning products, packaging material) – 5,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising – 81,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – 22,335 rubles.

Monthly expenses will be 437,307 rubles.

Profit will consist of the following factors:

Item name Quantity pcs. per month Price for 1 position Total, rubles
1st class eggs 100 000 5,00 500 000
Eggs 2nd class 60 000 3,50 210 000
Litter (kg) 1 350 20,00 27 000
Laying hen carcasses 50 150,00 7 500
TOTAL 744 500,00

Thus, the profitability will be 307,193 rubles. Profitability is 41.3%. The initial investment will pay off in 6-7 months.

As a result

Raising laying hens is an extremely profitable business. Besides, today public policy is committed to supporting agriculture. Grants and subsidies are available, and perhaps you will receive financial support from local authorities. However, when opening, do not forget about the natural risks: outbreaks of diseases in the livestock and the need to quickly sell products. Get ready for initial stage lose up to 50% of eggs due to their incomplete sale.

Humanity is still puzzled over what came first: the chicken or the egg. However, in the 21st century this question has acquired a slightly different color. Nowadays, an increasing number of entrepreneurs are interested in the question: “What is more effective: raising chickens for sale or selling eggs?”

One correct conclusion can be drawn from this question - no one doubts the profitability of chicken breeding as a business area.

Due to the fact that chickens are poultry Having an unpretentious disposition, their breeding turns into a simple and not labor-intensive business.

To open your own poultry farm, you do not need either large investments or deep and comprehensive knowledge in the field of animal husbandry. In conditions of limited population of free financial resources, the idea of ​​breeding laying hens to sell eggs is very attractive and feasible.

How to organize a poultry farm

Many entrepreneurs working in rural areas, and in the city, in recent years began to become interested in chicken breeding activities.

If we take into account the existing volume of egg production, the attractiveness of the market for new “players” and the low barrier to entry, we can conclude that competition in this industry is very high.

However, novice businessmen should not be upset:

  • In our country, chicken eggs are a very popular product: the average adult consumes up to 292 eggs per year.
  • The structure of the population by age shows that the adult part of the population of our country accounts for approximately 100 million people.

Primitive mathematical calculations will show that consumer market huge in Russia. Demand for environmentally friendly products in a natural way, will be constant.

By drawing up the right business plan, an entrepreneur can start his business with a small chicken coop and in a few years grow to selling eggs on an industrial level. When performing calculations for a business project, you must pay close attention to all the nuances and build a long-term development strategy.

Selection of premises and conditions of detention

The first step in organizing a business is choosing a land plot. You need to select the premises based on your current financial condition.

It is not difficult to build a chicken coop with your own hands. For these purposes, you can use cinder block, slate and boards. It is only necessary to properly insulate the room.

Thanks to floor insulation winter period You can ensure that chickens will lay eggs all year round.

When building a chicken coop room, you should pay attention to the following requirements, compliance with which will lead to high productivity of laying hens:

  • Birds in the chicken coop are kept in a cage or floor method.
    A very good placement option is to install cells using a battery method. To save money, it is better to make the cells yourself. When organizing a large chicken coop, you need to equip a spacious poultry house, divided into sections.
  • The height of the ceilings should not exceed 2 m.
  • The room must have natural ventilation and have sources of daylight.
    In addition, artificial lighting must be installed in the chicken coop. The chicken's daylight hours fall between 06:00 and 19:00, which will need to be compensated for by electric lighting in the winter.
  • The chicken coop is periodically disinfected.
    For these purposes, it is enough to paint the walls and floor with lime.
  • According to experts, it is advisable to locate the entrance on the east side of the chicken coop.
  • You will also need nesting sites and a perch.
    One nest must be installed for 4 laying hens.
  • For walks, it is necessary to organize a fenced area that will be adjacent to the chicken coop.

Critical temperatures for laying hens are: minus in the winter + 27 degrees in the summer.

If the temperature drops significantly, frostbite may occur in birds. Reaching maximum levels will cause a sharp reduction in egg production in chickens.

Independent study of specialized literature will help you create the most comfortable conditions for the living and breeding of your pets.

How much? What conditions must be observed during breeding?

We will talk about the relevance of agricultural business ideas. Prospects for the development of farming.

To learn about organizing a business for breeding laying hens for eggs at home using the example of a small farm, watch the video:

Purchase of poultry stock

You should start purchasing laying hens only after equipping the premises and passing the state registration procedure.

The success of the entire enterprise will depend on the correct choice of cross..

Experts share:

  • meat,
  • egg,
  • broiler
  • and mixed crosses of chickens.

According to reviews from experienced entrepreneurs, when organizing a business for breeding laying hens for the purpose of subsequent sale of eggs, best choice will be the purchase of egg cross.

Its most famous representatives are:

  • Leghorn;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Kuchinsky Jubilee;
  • Pushkinskaya;
  • Hisex.

These breeds of laying hens are the most productive.

Breeding chickens can begin with the purchase of young stock or eggs. The most effective and in a fast way breeding is starting a business with young stock.

If you buy chicks at 3-4 months of age, the return on investment will be much faster. Due to the fact that egg-cross chickens begin to lay eggs from the age of 5 months, the costs of purchasing and keeping birds will pay off as quickly as possible.

The price for chicks aged 3–4 weeks is 100 rubles. Young animals under 4 months cost approximately 300 rubles per bird. Professionals advise buying chickens from industrial incubators.

Features of feeding

The main factors of fertility in laying hens are:

  • Comfortable and warm room.
  • Correct and constant diet.

We discussed the first point above. Now let's look at the nutritional features.

It is worth noting that business profitability will be high level and when purchasing ready-made feed. However, in order to save money, a novice entrepreneur can organize the poultry diet himself.

Having calculated the daily portion for one bird, it is necessary to make bulk purchases of feed and stock up for several months in advance.

The diet of laying hens should include the following ingredients:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • various root vegetables;
  • millet;
  • food waste;
  • bone meal;
  • green grass and lettuce;
  • shells, fine gravel and sand.

A laying hen eats up to 120 grams of feed per day. The annual feed consumption rate for 1 chicken will be only 44 kg.

When purchasing cereals in bulk, preparing grass and leaves yourself, monthly norm the cost for one chicken will be around 30 rubles.

Why are aspiring entrepreneurs recommended to start? How quickly will the initial costs of the project be recouped?

In this article we will discuss which business ideas in rural areas can be implemented from scratch or with minimum investment capital.

Example financial plan We provide information on mink breeding at . How long will it take for the initial investment to pay off?

Is it profitable to create a mini poultry farm at home?

Eggs obtained by breeding laying hens at home have greater demand on the market compared to factory eggs. It is more nutritious and has a more natural yolk color.

The business is notable for its low threshold for its organization and insignificant level of operating expenses:

  • Young animals aged 3–4 weeks cost 100 rubles.
  • It will cost 30 rubles a month to maintain it.
  • After reaching adulthood (the cross begins to produce eggs at the age of 5 months), the hen will produce up to 25 eggs per month.
  • The minimum egg production of 1 hen per year is 250 eggs.
  • The minimum price for a homemade egg is 4 rubles.

Based on this, one laying hen will generate an income of 100 rubles. per month.

Chicken coop organized at home will not only recoup the initial investment within a short time, but also will bring good profit.

The advantage of home breeding of laying hens for eggs is that the demand for their products always exceeds supply.

It is also worth keeping in mind that raising chickens has other “by-products” that are in great demand:

  • Dietary meat, feathers, manure - profits from these products are not taken into account when drawing up our business plan.
  • In a home farm, it is also advisable to breed and sell young animals.

After a successful start There will be many areas for business expansion.

Example of payback calculation

To guarantee the successful start of a project for breeding laying hens for eggs, when drawing up a financial plan, it is necessary to adhere to a rational approach.

For example, there is no need to purchase cells. It is best to breed birds in conditions that are as close to their natural environment as possible.

The need for a spacious chicken coop will arise if the initial number of birds is large. In this case, you will need to divide it into at least 20 blocks. Each block should have one parent flock of 11 birds.

Calculations are based on a bird population of 220 heads (20 roosters and 200 laying hens).

Expenses (considered to the maximum)–169,200 rubles per year.

  • Land rent - up to 20,000 rub. per year in rural areas.
  • Construction of a chicken coop - 30,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of young animals - 22,000 rubles.
  • Feed costs - 6,600 rubles. per month (RUB 79,200 per year).
  • Costs for lighting and heating in winter - 3,000 rubles.
  • Veterinary examination – 5,000 rub. per year.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Income (at minimum)– 160,000 rub.

In total, 200 laying hens, after reaching egg-laying age, will begin to produce 200 * 25 = 5000 eggs per month.

Income from activities selling eggs will be 5000 * 4 rubles. = 20,000 rub. per month.

For the first year, the income will be 20,000 rubles. * 8 months = 160,000 rubles.

The project will pay off within 8.5 months from the moment the hens start laying eggs. Current expenses will not exceed the threshold of 8,100 rubles per month.

Based on this, the rate of net profit before taxes will be 11,900 rubles per month. The net profit of the project per year after taxation, but excluding “by-products”, will be 130,000 rubles.

Breeding and raising laying hens is a stable and quite promising way to earn money. Almost anyone who owns a suburban area and has free time can start a chicken breeding business.

In our previous publication, we examined in detail the question of. In today's article, we will examine in detail all the nuances of breeding and raising chickens at home. Let's determine the profitability of this area of ​​​​earnings and the payback of the agricultural business.

Chickens are unpretentious poultry to breed and keep. Even a person who is not particularly knowledgeable about poultry farming can start this business with virtually no risk.

Chicken farm business plan

To properly implement an idea, you need to draw up detailed business plan. You can prepare the document yourself or entrust this important matter to experienced specialists.

Why do you need a business plan for raising chickens?

This document describes step by step all the nuances related to business development. First of all, it is necessary to determine the profitability of the idea. Profitability is the ratio of costs and expected profit. Having determined the indicators, you can draw conclusions about the profitability or futility of the project.

Main stages of a chicken farm business plan:

  • Selection and analysis of the profitability of a business idea;
  • Finding start-up capital for project implementation;
  • Business registration;
  • Financial costs;
  • Chicken farm premises and equipment;
  • Detailed calculation of the costs of purchasing poultry, its maintenance and nutrition;
  • Sales market and business payback periods;
  • Calculation of estimated risks that may arise during the implementation of a business idea.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Chicken farm registration

At the initial stage, it is not at all necessary to register your type of activity. Surely you are not completely confident in the success of your business. Therefore, it is better to start breeding and raising chickens for your own purposes, and if you are successful, you can try to sell your products on the local market.

In the future, when mass breeding chickens, you will need to register your type of activity in order to be able to supply products to stores, supermarkets, and restaurants.

Breeding chickens at home

As mentioned above, chickens are unpretentious poultry that are quite suitable for home breeding. Almost all rural residents breed this type of bird for their needs. But few people decide to raise chickens on a production scale. The thing is that there is a lot of competition from private poultry farms, whose products have flooded almost the entire market. It is quite difficult to compete with manufacturing giants, but thanks to the quality of the products, it is still possible to grab a part of the market and find a profitable distribution channel.

Chicken coop diagram

First of all, it's worth talking about some of the most commonly used methods for keeping poultry at home.

Keeping birds in cages. This method consists of equipping the chicken coop with racks for cages, equipping them with drinkers, feeders, and nests for hatching eggs. The big minus is the constant cleaning of the chicken coop. You will have to spend a lot of time to maintain cleanliness, otherwise the birds will get sick. In addition, the construction and arrangement of cages is quite a financially expensive undertaking.

Setting up a chicken coop

Regardless of the chosen method of keeping birds, setting up a chicken coop is a must.

You can rent a poultry house or build it yourself. This design is not complicated at all. You can build a chicken coop from slate, boards or gas silicate blocks. The last option is the most reliable and durable, although financially expensive.

Inside the chicken coop you should definitely equip a perch, that is, a pole suspended 50–100 cm from the ground.

Nests. The chicken coop must also be equipped with nests for hatching eggs. Make sure there are enough of them to accommodate several birds at the same time. Making nests is not difficult; they consist of a shelf covered with hay or straw.

It is advisable to make small windows in the chicken coop for ventilation. Artificial lighting should also be installed.

Purchasing young stock for a chicken farm

If you are planning to breed laying hens for eggs as a business, then you should purchase suitable breeds of birds for rearing.

To get started, you will only need to purchase a few dozen birds. You can buy young chicks or purchase an incubator for hatching eggs.

When purchasing birds, consider the area of ​​the chicken coop. It is worth knowing that on an area of ​​about 10 square meters. m., you can place no more than 20 chickens. There should also be one rooster for every 10 hens.

Choosing a chicken breed for breeding at home

Having decided on the direction, you can begin to choose the breed of chickens for breeding. Nowadays, quite a lot of breeds of laying hens have been developed.

The following breeds are considered the most adapted and highly productive:

  • Leghorn;
  • Kuchinsky Jubilee;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Pushkinskaya;

Naturally, only natural qualities The breed is not enough; in order for the chicken to lay eggs well, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary care and nutrition.

Care and feeding of birds

A certain air temperature is required in the poultry house. Temperatures ranging from -2 to +28 degrees are considered comfortable for keeping birds.

In a business plan for raising laying hens, the cost of poultry feed should be taken into account. Chickens are unpretentious in food, but still their diet should be balanced and varied. The main products that should be present in the diet of chickens: grain, millet, feed, food waste, grass, young nettles, lettuce. In addition, you should not forget about vitamins; be sure to add eggshells, sand, and small shells to your food.

Buying bird feed is not a very financially expensive stage of a business plan for breeding laying hens for eggs, and this is quite a significant plus of this idea.

Chicken nutrition

Costs and profits

First of all, it’s worth talking about the costs of setting up a chicken farm.

Main costs:

  • Chicken coop equipment;
  • Purchase of young animals and an incubator for further breeding of chickens at home;
  • Feed costs.

Profit from business in breeding laying hens

Breeding and raising laying hens involves receiving the main profit from the sale of eggs. On average, a laying hen can lay about 200 eggs per year. The average price for a dozen domestic eggs on the market is about 50 rubles. On average, a small farm consists of 100–200 birds. Thus, a farm of 100 chickens will bring you about 20,000 eggs per year. On average, you sell them for 100,000 rubles. This is how much you will earn if you only sell eggs. But you can also start breeding broiler chickens as a business and make even greater profits just by breeding poultry at home.

In the country's agronomic sector, one of the leading positions is occupied by the poultry sector, namely the breeding of laying hens. Experts believe that raising these birds is a profitable type of business, because eggs are one of the key products on store shelves and never go stale.

But before you start organizing your own business, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this, at first glance, simple matter.

Getting started own business ideas, it is recommended to first prepare a step-by-step business plan. This will not only help you anticipate problems that may arise in the future, but will also help you obtain a loan from a bank. With a well-drafted business plan for a beginner, a farmer will be able to calculate the initial costs and payback periods.

Before you start developing your business, you need to calculate all the costs.

Raising chickens can be done both in urban and rural areas. To build a chicken coop, you don’t need a lot of space; a small area is enough, which makes it possible to organize a business in the city.

Of course, in rural conditions it is much easier to find extra territory for birds to walk and construction of a comfortable poultry house.

Important. If expansion is planned in the future, it is better to officially register your farming or take over individual entrepreneur, which will significantly simplify the certification procedure for egg products. You should know that in this case you will need to regularly send reports to the tax service and pay taxes.

Next, the novice businessman needs to decide how the laying hens will be kept: cage or floor. Depending on the chosen method, the cost of equipping the chicken coop will be calculated. Floor housing is more preferable for laying hens and is less expensive, since there is no need to buy special racks for cages and develop a system of drinking bowls and feeders.

Floor keeping of laying hens is more preferable for chickens.

You can rent, buy, or build a chicken coop yourself. Almost any barn-type room is suitable for arranging a poultry house if the walls are carefully insulated. During construction, you can use available materials: wooden boards, slate or cinder block. The chicken coop should be well insulated sawdust or straw, and in winter a layer of insulation about 15 cm thick is laid on the floor. In a warm room, chickens will produce eggs all year round.

When arranging a chicken coop, you should pay attention to some requirements, compliance with which will lead to highly productive activity of laying hens:

It is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature for the birds in the chicken coop.

Attention. The critical temperature for laying hens is considered to be 27 degrees Celsius. summer period and minus levels in winter. If the temperature drops sharply, the bird may get frostbite, and if the temperature is too high, it will stop laying eggs.

Organizing home business When breeding chickens, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a breed. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that in order to obtain high-quality egg products it is necessary to purchase representatives of egg crosses.

The most popular view egg-oriented is the Leghorn breed, which boasts an annual productivity of 300 snow-white eggs, weighing from 55 to 58 grams. Some poultry farmers prefer the equally profitable Loman Brown layer hens, which produce about 320 light brown eggs annually.

Often, chickens of the Hisex egg cross, known for its White and Brown varieties, are chosen for rural farmsteads. These birds have an average build, weighing no more than 2 kg and annually lay about 300-320 eggs weighing 65-70 grams. It is noteworthy that the eggs of Hisex White laying hens contain a minimum of cholesterol and are classified as dietary.

Leghorn chickens are one of the best laying hens for commercial keeping.

Among the huge number of productive breeds, there are several more that deserve respect:

  • Neugenbraun – 351 eggs weighing 61.5 grams;
  • Isa Brown - 342 pieces weighing 61.6 grams;
  • – 336 eggs weighing 61.9 grams;
  • Super nick and Tetra - 330 eggs weighing 62 grams;
  • Bovans - 326 pieces weighing 62.7 grams.

Egg-laying chicken breeds are distinguished by early maturity and begin laying eggs at 4 months of age. This period lasts about 2 years, after which it is rational to get rid of the birds and replace them with young stock.

Before purchasing young animals, you should understand all the details and details. Even for a beginner it will be feasible to keep about 500 laying hens, but for the first time it is better to purchase only a few dozen. The number of birds purchased must be calculated based on the dimensions of the chicken coop and the living conditions.

To develop your business, it is better to purchase raised pullets.

When kept on the floor for 5 individuals, 1 square meter is enough. meters, and with a cage for 8 heads, 1 cage should be provided. It is important to remember that in a chicken coop there must be at least 1 male for every 10 females.

Purchasing laying hens for eggs as a business is more profitable than purchasing meat and egg or meat breeds. To reduce costs, you can purchase chicks at 2-3 months of age, but in this case there is a high probability of error since clear differences in sexual characteristics begin to appear only at 2-3 months.

It is also possible to purchase grown young animals up to 5 months of age, until they begin the process of laying eggs. You should buy birds from trusted and reliable sellers, after reading reviews about them. Chickens must be vaccinated.

To maintain good health and high productivity of chickens indoors, it is recommended to maintain a certain temperature regime from -2 to +27 degrees.

The walls in the chicken coop are regularly treated with lime.

Most farmers involved in breeding laying hens choose factory-made combined feed as the basis of nutrition. Prices may vary depending on different regions, but on average the cost varies between 9-20 rubles per 1 kg. The birds are fed twice a day, daily norm one individual is about 120-150 grams. It is necessary to add 50 grams of grain crops to the daily diet: oats, corn, wheat.

For egg-laying breeds, it is unacceptable to eat various kitchen waste, since an unbalanced diet can reduce the productivity of a laying hen by almost half.

It is better to give preference to ready-made combined feed for laying hens.

In the summer, the diet of quons must include fresh greens and root vegetables, which can be grown in the same area. It is commendable if birds have the opportunity to walk and independently obtain food in the form of insects and worms.

Important. To strengthen the immunity of birds and prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to dilute the daily menu with vitamin supplements and minerals in the form of chalk, eggshells, table salt or crushed shell rock.

The chicken breeding business will be successful if the laying hen that hatches the chickens and the rooster are accurately selected. A strong and active male is capable of producing healthy, high-quality offspring.

When choosing young hens, you need to inspect its comb: if it large size and rich red color, then this layer is good. In addition, the chicken must have a calm disposition, then she will not leave her nest. A large soft belly indicates the fertility of the quonk - she is able to provide a lot of warmth to the chicks and will become a caring mother.

A good laying hen has a bright red comb and earrings.

You need to select eggs for laying that are clean and correct form. After the chicks hatch, they need to be helped to get rid of the shell and return to the nest under the hen. They will have to spend about 40 days next to their mother, or until the sale.

Buying chickens on the market is always accompanied by the risk of buying crosses that are productive only in the first generation. In such a situation, you should not expect high egg production from their offspring. The best option would be to get the chicks yourself.

In most cases, natural incubation is used to hatch young animals, when the hen herself creates favorable conditions for the development of the embryo in the egg, during the hatching period she helps the chicks hatch together, warms them with her warmth, protects them, obtains food and teaches the primary skills of searching for it.

If natural features the quacks do not allow her to become a good mother, then. Incubation period lasts approximately 21 days, and the survival rate is about 80 individuals out of 100.

Typically, offspring are hatched using an incubator.

Of this number of hatched chickens, about 8-10 will be sick and weakened, and will subsequently die. The percentage of females and males is 50 to 50. It is these calculations that must be taken into account when preparing the analysis.

Chicken diseases are the main risk in this business. To prevent the loss of a certain number of laying hens, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. They will help you choose the necessary feed to raise strong birds, vitamin supplements and premixes that can prevent the development of serious diseases.

It is regularly necessary to consult with a veterinarian on current issues and call him to the site at the slightest suspicion of illness. It is also important to hire employees who will monitor the cleanliness of the chicken coop, or do it yourself.

The most dangerous diseases of chickens are Newcastle disease (pseudoplague), infectious bursal disease, Marek's disease, smallpox, colibacillosis and others.

Outbreaks of infectious diseases can lead to the death of the entire livestock.

For the purpose of specific prevention of many diseases, bird vaccination is used. You should be aware that some vaccines are given every year (for example, against infectious bronchitis or salmonella), while others are given once in a lifetime (for coccidiosis or infectious laryngotracheitis).

Attention. In the event of an outbreak in unvaccinated livestock, the bird dies after 2-3 days; in such cases, the mortality rate reaches 70-100%.

The fundamental point of the business plan for the organization household on breeding laying hens there are outlines with calculations of profitability, payback periods and estimated income.

  • The average cost of a two-week chicken is 100 rubles, which means it will take 5,000 rubles to buy 50 chickens.
  • At mixed type of nutrition, one chicken eats about 36 kg of grain or feed per year, therefore, 1,800 kg is needed for the entire livestock. The average price for one kg of feed is 10 rubles, which means that the annual expenditure on dry food will be 18,000 rubles. Plus all kinds vitamin complexes and premixes, the total cost is about 20,000 rubles.

The average cost of a laying hen chicken is 100 rubles.

Not taking into account the costs of building and equipping a chicken coop, maintaining 50 chickens will require about 20,000 rubles annually.

With the right diet and careful care, one laying hen can produce up to 250 eggs annually. From 50 chickens you can expect 12,500 pieces, or 1,250 dozen. Due to their naturalness and usefulness, domestic eggs are highly valued by consumers, so the cost of one dozen varies between 60-100 rubles.

By setting up sales points for products from 50 heads, you can receive from 75 to 25 thousand rubles annually. Taking into account all expenses, the net annual profit will be about 55-105 thousand rubles. Profit can also be made from the sale of chicken manure, which is a good fertilizer, feathers and dietary meat.

Is it profitable to create a mini poultry farm at home?

Homemade eggs are in greater demand compared to factory eggs, so the business of breeding laying hens is an extremely profitable niche. The minimum profitability of a business plan for raising chickens for the sale of egg products exceeds 200%.

We offer you to watch a short video about breeding laying hens for eggs as a business.

A mini-poultry farm created at home will not only quickly recoup the initial investment, but will also bring good profits. Given the high demand for organic food and low initial investment, organizing a household will become in a good way improve your financial situation.