Linden honey for bronchitis. Treating bronchitis with honey, recipes, honey compresses. Flatbread for bronchitis made from mustard and honey

What is a cough - it is nothing more than a natural reflex reaction of the body to foreign bodies, which in this case is mucus accumulated in the bronchi. It is also one of the first signs of an oncoming cold.

There are many ways to treat cough, of course, in more advanced cases You cannot do without modern medicine, but as a preventive measure, as well as an additional method of treatment, you can use folk remedies that will help cope with harmful viruses and bacteria, in no way inferior to synthetic drugs.

For a long time now there has been no question about whether honey helps with coughs, since it is absolutely known that it is one of the most effective traditional methods combat the most intrusive cold symptoms. Therefore, something else becomes interesting - why does it work?

The thing is that honey contains substances that help activate the production of compounds that suppress the cough center. Thanks to this, the frequency and intensity of obsessive coughing is reduced. In addition, due to its enveloping effect, the use of this beekeeping product helps to soothe an irritated throat and eliminate soreness. At the same time, honey contains components that help liquefy and remove mucus from the bronchi.

Despite the fact that honey is a high-quality natural component, it should be given with caution to children, as well as people prone to all kinds of allergic reactions. When treating children with honey, it is recommended to give them no more than 2-3 teaspoons of the product per day, and do this in several doses.

Since ancient times, traditional medicine has kept many recipes for coughs using honey. One of the most effective ways is honey inhalation. To carry out the procedure, honey must be dissolved in 40° water in the ratio: 5:1 (5 parts water and 1 part honey). You should sit over a container with a solution, cover yourself with something thick, so that the steam does not spread throughout the entire space of the room, but acts pointwise and with maximum effect. When inhaling, inhale alternately: through the mouth and nose.

But in pursuit of beneficial properties When it comes to honey, we shouldn’t forget about one more wonderful quality of it – excellent taste! After all, you can be treated with taste! To get rid of cough, you can chew honey in honeycombs throughout the day. This is one of the simplest and yet quite effective ways. In this case, you will not only increase the body's endurance in the fight against cough, but also strengthen your gums.

Here are a few more cough recipes we have collected using honey.

  1. You can prepare delicious eggnog for your child. For it you will need to beat 2 eggs with a tablespoon of honey and 100 ml of milk. This honey cocktail for cough should be drunk warm. Accordingly, the milk must be heated before doing this.
  2. Another delicious cough cocktail is a honey-banana cocktail. Grind 1 ripe banana, adding to it 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of warm milk. Thanks to this drink, your cough will be significantly softened. Thyme tea with milk and honey will help fight cough. Thyme should be brewed like regular tea, cool slightly and add a teaspoon of honey and, if desired, a little milk.
  3. Badger fat (available for sale in our store) in combination with honey and milk has proven itself to be good in the treatment of bronchitis and cough. Boil a glass of milk, add a teaspoon of badger fat and honey to it. It is recommended to drink warm. Even the most protracted cough will recede before such a medicine. It is worth noting that in addition to badger fat, our store offers mink fat and bear fat.

Honey is good not only for internal use; a warming honey compress is an excellent treatment for cough. To prepare such a compress, apple cider vinegar is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3, then mixed with a spoon of honey. A napkin is soaked in the resulting mixture and placed on the chest, covered with polyethylene and a warm towel or blanket on top. Keep the cough compress with honey for at least 15 minutes.

However, remember that you should start treatment with honey only in cases where the cough has recently arisen or the person has a feeling that this is about to happen. If the cough has become protracted and progressive, consult a specialist!

There are few people who do not like sweet honey. His taste qualities complement culinary masterpieces and are undoubtedly used in the treatment of various diseases. It would be interesting to know whether honey can be used for bronchitis, and in what quantity?

Disease "bronchitis": what is it?

Bronchitis is known to us as an acute respiratory disease respiratory tract. The causative agents of the disease can be microbes, gases, dust, smoking, but treatment is mandatory in any case. The causes of the disease can be provoked by various factors, but we will dwell in more detail on its treatment, mainly with the use of honey.

A debilitating cough prevents you from sleeping at night, and in the morning you wake up irritated and dissatisfied. Throughout the day you experience weakness throughout your body and even a fever. All indicators indicate that you require urgent treatment, both with medication and with the use of folk remedies.

Consuming honey for bronchitis

Timely drug treatment has a good effect on recovery, but let’s try to understand the effectiveness traditional treatment from bronchitis. Many doctors agree with the fact that some traditional medicine treatments help quick recovery and the course of the disease in a milder form.

Honey is used only natural origin, its ability to thin sputum helps in treating cough even at its most advanced stage. The most famous way to use honey for respiratory diseases is to drink it with tea. It is worth knowing that honey should be put in a warm drink; one tablespoon per glass of tea will be enough. Combining honey with hot tea can only do harm and not be beneficial. hot water all its properties disappear. To achieve greater results in treatment, take tea at night; in the morning it will be easier for you to cough.

The following prepared infusion of honey and lemon has expectorant properties. For the recipe you will need the juice of one medium-sized lemon and 100 g of natural honey. Mix thoroughly and add to warm tea, which is best drunk before bed. This infusion not only has expectorant properties, but also greatly alleviates coughing and makes coughing attacks less prolonged.

Even for bronchitis, they drink fresh milk with honey and butter; it should be drunk warm. This remedy softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the cough is significantly reduced, and after a few days it completely disappears. Just do not use fresh milk during elevated body temperature, it is contraindicated.

You can prepare another cough remedy from radish and honey. One radish should be grated on a coarse grater and squeezed out the juice, add 4 tablespoons of honey and let it brew for a day. Take this infusion one teaspoon every hour, over time you will begin to cough up mucus, this is quite normal, do not be alarmed. You can also remove the middle of the radish with a knife, fill the middle with honey, and after a day take the contents of the radish several times a day.

Since ancient times, honey has been used not only as food, but also as a healing agent for many diseases. This product is particularly effective in treating certain infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract, such as bronchitis. At its core, this disease is an inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by a productive cough. Traditional treatment of bronchitis involves the use of various pharmacological drugs that eliminate both the cause and symptoms of the disease. However, honey has also proven effective for bronchitis. This product contains many nutritional and healing components that help to the human body cope with the disease.

About bronchitis

In most cases, this disease is a complication of acute respiratory viral infections or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If the disease was too aggressive and could not be cured by initial stages flow, the pathological process can go down and affect the bronchi. When the infection is still in the upper sections, the cough will be dry, that is, without sputum production. At the same time, with bronchitis, the cough is usually productive, with mucous or purulent discharge.

To prevent this and prevent the development of more severe complications, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible. Standard treatment includes the use of sputum thinners, antibiotics and NSAIDs. It is necessary to clarify that honey should be used as an additional remedy and not at the expense of the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Thanks to the combined effects of traditional and traditional medicine succeeds in as soon as possible get rid of diseases and return to usual life.
Students are most susceptible to bronchitis junior classes and preschool children. This is due to several factors.

  • Imperfect immunity. Children's body's protective reactions are just beginning to form, so they are prone to frequent colds and respiratory tract infections.
  • Close team. Little children visiting kindergarten, spend a large amount of time in the company of their peers. They eat, play, study together and even sleep in the same room. It is clear that close contact of this kind is a good environment for the transmission of infection.

The benefits of honey

What is the healing effect of this product? It turns out that honey has an antibacterial effect against pathogenic microorganisms. It also contains natural antioxidants that eliminate signs of inflammation. In addition, honey contains a large amount of various vitamins, mineral components, proteins and fats.

Also noted positive influence honey to strengthen immunity during the off-season period, when vitality the body is the most weakened and in need of support. This property is especially useful in the treatment of bronchitis, colds and flu.

In addition, if inhaled with honey, it has a moisturizing effect. This effect is very important in the treatment of bronchitis. With prolonged coughing, the bronchial mucosa can become irritated, and as a result, the synthesis and outflow of mucus from the respiratory tract is disrupted. To prevent this, it is recommended to carry out honey inhalations.


In some cases, honey should not be used for medicinal purposes. It is prohibited to conduct medical procedures with honey for persons who have an allergic reaction to it. The severity of individual intolerance can vary greatly from almost invisible to life-threatening. In most cases, the allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of angioedema (Quincke's edema), hives, or gastric upset. In rare cases, the reaction occurs as anaphylactic shock, which may be accompanied by pale skin, a drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. In such situations, you must immediately call an ambulance.

During the treatment period, children are not recommended to give more than 3 teaspoons of honey per day. At the same time, you cannot give all the honey at once, but it is better to give a spoon before each meal. Also, you should not give large amounts of honey to older people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Excessive consumption of sweets increases blood sugar levels, which has an adverse effect on blood vessels in old age.

Honey inhalations are contraindicated for certain diseases:

  • Pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • Severe heart failure;
  • Emphysema;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Congenital or acquired heart defects;
  • Pneumosclerosis.

During pregnancy

Women in the honey position are recommended to take it even in the absence of respiratory tract diseases. It was noted that consuming honey in the first trimester of pregnancy reduces the severity of toxicosis, smoothes out emotional swings, and suppresses anxiety.

The information given in the text is not a guide to action. To obtain more accurate information about the treatment of your disease, you should contact a specialist.


You cannot eat honey uncontrollably. There is a certain amount that is calculated based on body weight, however, on average you need to consume 75 g per day. For children under 10 years of age, no more than 40 g. This amount must also be divided into several doses. Better as a dessert after the main meal.

Honey and aloe

If the disease is characterized by a protracted course, then in this case a combination of honey and aloe helps very well. To prepare this product, you need to take a few aloe leaves and chop finely. Before doing this, it is advisable to put them in the refrigerator for a week. Then you need to take 150 g of birch buds and the same amount linden color. Stir together and add 0.5 liters of purified filtered water. Let it brew for an hour. At the same time, add finely chopped aloe to the honey. Mix it all together and simmer over low heat for two minutes. Turn off the heat, let the broth cool, pour into a bottle and add a little olive oil. Keep the container with the decoction cool, protected from direct contact sun rays place. Take 1 time per day before meals.

Honey and butter

This product must be used as a compress. To prepare it you need to take honey and honey in equal proportions. butter. Place the ingredients in an enamel bowl and a small saucepan. Place on low heat. If possible, it is better to use a water bath, since such heating may cause loss of some of the vitamins and other nutrients contained in honey. After the components are mixed, you need to let the mixture cool, and then use it as an ointment. Rub the mixture into the back and chest area. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use the ointment before bedtime.

Inhalations with honey

To carry out inhalations, you will need a special container, sold in pharmacies. The ingredients you need are 50 g of honey and 20 g of propolis. Then you need to take a container, fill it with boiling water and add the ingredients there. To reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, you can also add a couple of drops of peppermint oil. After this, the inhaler is covered with a lid and the procedures can begin. It is advisable not to take the first breath too deep, otherwise there is a high probability of getting burned.

Honey with onions

Both products have an antibacterial effect, however, in combination this effect is greatly enhanced. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to take fresh onion and chop it finely, squeeze out all the juice, and then add honey. For 10 g of onion, you need to take 50 g of honey. This remedy must be taken once a day before meals.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract accompanied by inflammatory processes. Occurs, as a rule, due to viral or bacterial infections, which initially have an adverse effect on the upper sections respiratory system, but as a result of incorrect or prolonged treatment, descending into the bronchi.

Treatment of bronchitis depends on the type of pathogen. In most cases of the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and antiviral drugs. The disease occurs in several stages and without adequate treatment can develop into a chronic disease. The main symptom is a cough. At the beginning it is dry and frequent, later with sputum.

Drug treatment includes a whole range of activities. If the disease does not require a stay in a medical facility traditional treatment it is quite advisable to add methods of traditional medicine, to which it is quite possible to include treatment bronchitis with honey.

Useful properties of honey

This is a substance obtained as a result of the vital activity of honey bees. Its healing properties have been known to science since ancient times. Honey has an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect on human organs when taken orally; it is also an immunomodulator, which is very important in the treatment of infectious diseases.

It consists of 20% water and 75% carbohydrates. It contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  • folic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin PP;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • other substances in small quantities.

That is, if you analyze the composition thoroughly, you can see that honey is nothing more than carbohydrates and useful substances, not large quantities water. An organism weakened by a disease such as bronchitis needs support more than ever in the form of a boost of energy (the carbohydrate component of honey: glucose + fructose), vitamins and minerals.

Types of honey

There are more than 50 varieties of honey in the world. And choose the appropriate variety for treatment inflammatory process not easy. Linden honey is best for treating bronchitis and respiratory diseases. This type of honey is most effective in combating wet coughs; it thins mucus and helps remove it from the respiratory tract. Also good for treatment are buckwheat, sea buckthorn, forest and lemon balm honeys. Their action is no less effective, but in some cases requires longer use.

How to distinguish quality honey

Honey cost per modern market is high (ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles per liter), this is due to the labor-intensive and long process of its production. Dishonest producers take advantage of the popularity of honey among consumers and, attracting them with a reduced price, bring low-quality fakes to the shelves. Most often, an inverted one is passed off as a real product. sugar syrup with admixtures of flavor enhancers and flavorings. Real honey can be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • natural taste (not cloying);
  • viscosity and stretchiness;
  • no lumps;
  • color ranging from light to brown (each variety has its own specific shade);
  • herbal smell.

Reference! Despite the variety of flavorings and additives known in food industry The smell of honey is the most difficult to fake. Therefore, honey aroma is one of the surest signs of the naturalness of a product.

Of course, the average consumer is not an expert in the shades and smells of real honey, but there is a great way to find out what is hidden under the lid with a beautiful label. By dissolving honey in a small amount of water and dropping a drop of iodine, you can determine whether a flour product has been added to the honey. And you can figure out whether there is sugar by dripping honey onto a piece of paper; if it is not there, the drop will “sit” on the paper for a long time, and if a drop instantly leaks out, you have a 100% fake.

The effect of honey on cough

The main effect of honey is on cough - the main symptom of bronchitis, which causes discomfort. By coating the walls of the throat, honey reduces the sensitivity of mucous membrane receptors and helps the body fight irritants. Honey thins and helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract.


Risk groups for honey consumers include:

  1. Allergy sufferers. An allergic reaction to honey, in 80 out of 100 cases, is caused simply by a reaction to additional components of honey.
  2. Not recommended for older people overuse honey, due to lack of physical activity, the high content of fructose and glucose in honey can cause diabetes.
  3. Children under one year old and nursing mothers should use honey with extreme caution.
  4. Pregnant women should avoid consuming honey only if there is a risk of illness diabetes mellitus or allergic reactions to any substances.

Honey for bronchitis in children

Honey is a product that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the use of honey for babies
It is better to start with microdoses in the first half of the day and monitor the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Nursing mothers can also use honey for bronchitis, because it is known that when honey enters the walls of the stomach, it is absorbed into the blood. Breast milk is produced from blood and lymph. It is definitely possible and necessary. But before use, you should also check whether the child has a reaction by trying honey before 12.00 and observing the baby’s skin and mucous membranes throughout the day.

Treatment of bronchitis with honey in children is very effective, but, unfortunately, quite difficult to implement. Despite their love for sweets, children often refuse to take the medicinal product in its pure form. Honey for bronchitis and cough for babies can be disguised by mixing it with chocolate, aloe juice and ghee.


  • aloe juice – 300 g;
  • ghee (fat) – 300 g;
  • grated chocolate – 600 g;
  • honey – 600 g.

Mix everything and let it brew. Give to children over 3 years old a tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

If your baby refuses medication altogether, you can offer him tea with honey for bronchitis. Drinking plenty of fluids and the healing properties of honey combined with drug treatment will help the child’s body cope with the disease. Children under 3 years old 1 tsp. honey per glass of tea - 2 times a day, for children over 1 tbsp. honey per glass of tea 3 times a day.

Treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age

Honey for bronchitis in adults as a reliable remedy is quite popular, so there are quite a few recipes for its use. Here are the most common and effective methods:

  • In case of prolonged treatment and the threat of transition to the next stage of the disease, treatment using medicinal plant– aloe:
  1. honey 500 ml;
  2. finely chopped aloe leaves – 150 g;
  3. birch buds infused in boiling water – 150 g;
  4. olive oil – 100 g.

Mix the ingredients and leave in a dark, cool place for at least 24 hours. Take 1 tablespoon after meals no more than three times a day.

  1. 1 onion;
  2. 1 apple;

All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. You can immediately take a teaspoon 2 times a day after meals.

  • Onion-honey jam has long been known and very effective remedy, which has a rather pleasant taste:
  1. 1 finely chopped onion;
  2. sugar 500 g;
  3. water 1 l.

The amount of onion and honey is taken at the rate of 1 to 10. Mix all ingredients and simmer over low heat for about 2 hours, without letting it boil. The product is effectively used 5-6 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Treatment of bronchitis with honey , for both adults and children it is possible in several other ways:

  • inhalation;
  • rubbing;
  • compresses;
  • mustard plasters.

Shelf life

Honey has no shelf life. This unique product, capable of only improving its healing qualities and taste properties over the years. But storing different mixtures of honey has no such long term suitability. Therefore, it is better to store medicinal substances in the refrigerator in glass or enamel containers.