Mistress of Silvio Berlusconi. a photo. Love affairs of Silvio Berlusconi (12 photos) Berlusconi and his new girlfriend

On September 29, the former Prime Minister of Italy, handsome and womanizer, turned 80 years old. Despite such a respectable age, Silvio is still interested in young beauties around the world, and financial position allows him to be in the company of the brightest beauties of our planet. Here are the 10 most important women in the life of Silvio Berlusconi.

Veronica Lario

The second ex-wife of Silvio Berlusconi. They lived together for 10 years before they got married. And in May 2009, Veronica Lario filed for divorce. The reason was constant betrayal famous husband. Berlusconi pays her ex 36 million euros every year as compensation.

Mara Carfanya

Actress, model, participant of "Miss Italy" - these titles are enough to head the Ministry of Equal Opportunities in the Cabinet of Ministers of Berlusconi. Yes, yes, this beauty was the Minister in the period 2008-2011.

Karima el Marug (Ruby)

This girl is one of the biggest scandals in Berlusconi's life. A young Moroccan woman performed a belly dance named Karima el-Marug, known under the pseudonym Ruby. The girl, still a minor, participated in hot parties at Berlusconi's villa. Subsequently, he was found guilty in connection with a minor ruby.

Patricia D'Addario

The girl became famous thanks to her book “At Your Service, Mr. Prime Minister” and the publication of her telephone conversations with Silvio. Patricia D'Addario is a model and escort who also participated in Silvio's parties.

Angela Socio

This girl became famous after the photo where she sits on the lap of Prime Minister Berlusconi. There were 4 other girls with her. The photo was taken at a villa in Sardinia.

Maristel Polanco

Silvio is a well-known philanthropist. This girl, who is a model from the Dominican Republic, Berlusconi paid for the treatment of her five-year-old daughter, and also helped her find Good work on television.

Aida Yespika

The beauty who participated in the Miss Venezuela and Miss Amazonas pageant is famous model. She shot for the world's glossy magazines, and during breaks, she rested at Silvio Berlusconi's parties.

Noemi Letitia

This young girl came under the attention of the paparazzi after Brelusconi showed up at her coming of age party with an expensive gift- gold necklace with diamonds. By the way, at the time of meeting, the girl was the youngest of all Berlusconi's daughters and called him "Papi". They say that it was this girl who caused Berlusconi to divorce his second wife.

Nadia Makri

Nadya Makri is an employee of the escort service. She admitted that she spent time with Berlusconi for money - 5,000 euros at a time.


Well, this is Berlusconi's favorite poodle named Dudu.

A Milan court on Monday sentenced former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to 7 years in prison in the controversial Ruby case. Beautiful women have always been for the Italian ex-premier weak point. 76-year-old Berlusconi is known for his love affairs all over the world. About some of them - in our selection.

(Total 12 photos)

1. Moroccan belly dancer Karima el-Marug, also known as Ruby, is a participant in the notorious parties at Villa Berlusconi. The former prime minister was found guilty of sexual intercourse with a minor Ruby and abuse of power.

2. Nicole Minetti, Berlusconi's dentist, became the face of Italy's ruling People of Freedom party in the municipal elections in Lombardy in March 2010. Minetti is a dancer who became a dentist just a month before the ex-premier met her when he came to fix his teeth after the attack in Milan in December. (REX FEATURES)

3. Graziana Capone, a law graduate and model dubbed the "Angelina Jolie of Apulia" (where she comes from), was hired to maintain Berlusconi's image on television.

4. Veronica Lario is the long-suffering wife of Berlusconi and the mother of his three children. They started an affair when he was married to his first wife, and he saw Veronica topless on stage. In the picture - Silvio Berlusconi is sitting in a television studio in front of a screen with a photograph of his wife, in the program "News of Italy". (AP)

5. Noemi Letizia, a schoolgirl who called Berlusconi “papi,” came under scrutiny from the paparazzi when the prime minister showed up at her coming of age party and presented her with a gold necklace with diamonds worth 6,000 euros. (AP)

6. Barbara Matera is a science graduate and successful dancer. Although she is better known thanks to her participation in the Miss Italy beauty contest and on television, where she worked as a presenter. (GETTY/EPA)

7. Camilla Ferranti is an actress who has posed semi-nude for various calendars and starred in several Italian soap operas.

8. Angela Socio is a red-haired girl who appeared on the Italian reality show Grande Fratello. She became famous after she was photographed sitting on Berlusconi's lap with four other women at his luxurious villa in Sardinia. (EPA)

9. Eleonora Gaggioli She also has a TV background, and her famous lingerie photoshoot on a leopard couch is quite searched on the Internet, judging by the ever-increasing number of search engine queries. (EPA)

10. Mara Carfagna, a Miss Italy contestant and a calendar girl (no eroticism!) served as Minister for Equal Opportunities in Berlusconi's Cabinet from 2008 to 2011. At a dinner party, he once told Miss Carfagna that if he were not married, he would definitely marry her. (AP/GETTY)

11. Eleanor (student) and Imma De Vivo (assistant surgeon) - twins who became famous after participating in the program "L'Isola dei Famosi".

12. Elena Russo is another woman on the list of Silvio Berlusconi, which he once submitted to an influential friend with a request to find them a good job. The prime minister called these women his "little butterflies." (GETTY)

Published: January 29, 2011 at 02:51

Here we will talk about several women with whom the Italian prime minister has been involved.

Aida Yespitsa, 29 years old. The Venezuelan model and reality show participant claims to have known Silvio Berlusconi for several years now. “This man is very kind to everyone,” she says, “he is like a father to me.” According to her, the so-called “bunga bunga room”, where the starlets were rumored to put on obscene performances for the prime minister and his friends, was actually used for karaoke, and the guests there only “ate fruit”.

2. Silvio Berlusconi nominated his dentist for election. Apparently, the 73-year-old prime minister couldn't resist the charms of Nicole Minetti, a dentist and former dancer he met while getting his teeth fixed after he was attacked in Milan in December 2009.

3. Graziana Capone is a law graduate and a model called "Angelina Jolie of Puglia" southern region Italy, where she comes from. According to the newspaper La República, Senor Berlusconi hired Graziana to maintain his image on television. She was also talked about as a possible candidate in the elections.

4. Prosecutors allege that Iris Berardi, a 19-year-old Brazilian dancer, was underage when she visited Senor Berlusconi's villa in Sardinia in November 2009 and his palazzo in Milan a month later. Miss Berardi, a former beauty pageant contestant, was only 17 years old at the time of the alleged encounters.

5. Graziana Capone, law graduate and model, who is called "Angelina Jolie from Puglia", the southern region of Italy, where she comes from. According to the newspaper La República, Senor Berlusconi hired Graziana to maintain his image on television.

6. Barbara Guerra (32 years old), as it became known, bought 25 pairs of shoes in one week with Senor Berlusconi's money.

7. Maria Esther Garcia Polanco, 25, model and aspiring dancer from Dominican Republic, claims to have slept with the Prime Minister in gratitude for the fact that he paid for the treatment of her five-year-old daughter and helped find a job as a dancer on television (including the program "Hot Chick and Nerd").

8. A certain weekly published a video, allegedly filmed with a hidden camera, in which girls are brought into the mansion of Senor Berlusconi, Villa San Martino, in the suburbs of Milan, and let in without any verification from the guards. One of these girls was Lisandra Silva, a 23-year-old Cuban model.

9. According to printouts of wiretapped telephone conversations, Alessandra Sorcinelli, known for filming for men's magazines and television, allegedly received 20 thousand euros from Senor Berlusconi in July and September 2009 for participating in private parties at Villa San Marino, his residence near Milan.

10. In a televised address, Senor Berlusconi stated that he had been in a relationship with an unnamed woman since Veronica Lario, who had been his wife for 20 years, filed for divorce in April 2009. The unexpected announcement sparked a heated debate about the identity of this woman. The Italian newspapers offered about half a dozen likely candidates, all of whom were fit to be the Prime Minister's granddaughters. Among them was 25-year-old Francesca Pascale, a former television personality and now a regional councilor in Naples.

11. Ms. D'Addario ended up running for the post of municipal councilor for the Berlusconi-loyal People of Freedom party in her hometown of Bari.

12. Noemi Letizia, an 18-year-old schoolgirl who calls Berlusconi "Papi", came into the media spotlight after he attended her birthday party and gave her a gold necklace with diamonds worth six thousand euros.

13. 28-year-old Barbara Matera, a graduate of the faculty natural sciences and the only successful candidate out of the first four dancers to run for Parliament. But much more she is known for participating in the Miss Italy contest and working on television as a presenter.

14. Camilla Ferranti, 30-year-old actress who did not pass the selection, although her name was on the list of candidates for parliament. She has posed semi-nude for numerous calendars and magazines, and has also starred in several Italian soap operas.

15. Angela Socio, 31 years old. Angela's fiery hair flashed in the show "Grande Fratello" - the Italian analogue of "Big Brother". Angela is also infamous for the photo where she sits on the lap of the prime minister during a party at his luxurious villa in Sardinia.

16. Eleonora Gagioli, 29 years old. She has a career in television and a few shots in lingerie on a leopard print couch. Eleonora was also mentioned in the so-called "Silvio films".

17. 33-year-old Mara Karfanya, former model, a Miss Italy contestant and "calendar girl" who has never starred in "anything erotic". Now she holds the position of Minister of the Department for Equal Opportunities in the Berlusconi government. At a dinner given in honor of her appointment, the Prime Minister said that he would marry her if he were free.

18. Eleonora (student) and Imma (paramedic) De Vivo are 27-year-old twins who became famous after appearing in the show L’Isola dei Famosi (the Italian equivalent of Lost).

19. 35-year-old Helena Russo, another of the five women mentioned in the so-called "Silvio tapes." On these recordings, the Italian prime minister asks his friend - a television producer - to find work for women, who later called them "little butterflies".

20. Veronica Lario, 52 years old. She was Berlusconi's patient wife and bore him three children. Their romance began when Berlusconi saw her topless on stage while still married for the first time.

In 2010, the children of the head of the Italian government, Silvio Berlusconi, became richer than dad. However, it turns out that if we compare the total capital of all five children, each of them individually is still much poorer than their father.

According to the Italian newspaper Libero News, citing financial statements Fininvest, whose founder is Silvio Berlusconi, taking into account the latest dividends, deposits in bank accounts and investments in mutual funds and shares, the Italian prime minister has a fortune of 684.4 million euros. And the combined fortune of his children is 746.6 million euros. Thus, the five offspring of Berlusconi are 62 million richer than their father.

According to company reports, the prime minister owns four holdings that are part of Fininvest. Together they make up 61.2% of Fininvest's total capital. Everything else is distributed among the children of the prime minister: Marina (owns the Fourth Holding), Piersilvio (The Fifth Holding) and three children from his second marriage - Eleanor, Barbara and Luigi (all together own the Fourteenth Holding).

Considering that all the income of the Berlusconi family is based on Fininvest dividends, Silvio Berlusconi could be twice as rich as his offspring. However, the opposite happened in their family. The prime minister's children turned out to be more economical than their father, who squanders his fortune.

The most economical of all was the eldest son Piersilvio, whose fortune is 241 million euros. Of these, he holds only 99 thousand euros in a bank account, the rest falls on investments, including 22 million euros invested in securities managed by Arner Bank.

The three youngest children from Berlusconi's second marriage to Veronica Lario - Eleonora, Barbara and Luigi - have saved up 390 million euros for the three, of which 138 million euros are in their bank accounts. They manage their money differently: for example, they bought a palazzo in the center of Milan for 39 million euros, and they also invested in Molmed, an innovative biotechnology company, although the return on investment will not be very fast. They entrusted part of their money to the famous Italian banker Matteo Arpe. Another 10 million euros were placed with J.P. Morgan International Bank. And the children of the prime minister transferred part of the funds to the financial company ExpoBee Inc., which is engaged in their placement and management.

All the money of the Berlusconi family (within the Fininvest company) is run by financier Giuseppe Spinelli. The Prime Minister of Italy appointed him the head of his holdings, and the children made him a board member or vice president in theirs. His salary is 290 thousand euros, of which 258 thousand euros he receives from Berlusconi, 20 thousand euros from three younger children, 12 thousand euros from Marina and Piersilvio.

Karima el-Marug, nicknamed Ruby, is, in a sense, the main mistress in the long track record of the old womanizer. Relations with this girl ended for Berlusconi with a court verdict.

Ruby moved to Italy from Morocco at a young age. She worked in bars, clubs, performed belly dancing. She was engaged in prostitution. Acquaintance with the Prime Minister brought her not only money, but also fame, in a sense, opened the way to the top.

Ruby was a frequent guest at parties, or, more precisely, orgies, known as "bunga-bunga", which Silvio Berlusconi arranged at his villa near Milan. Later, already during the investigation and trial, the girl said that she received 7 thousand euros for intimate services from the prime minister, while the Italian media called a much larger amount - 150 thousand euros. In addition, jewelry, jewelry watches and a car appeared on the list of gifts.

Once Berlusconi had to rescue Ruby from the police station. At the same time, according to the investigation, he abused his official position. When the premier was accused of using underage prostitutes, he protested that he only wanted to help find a job for a nice girl who told him touching story own life.

As a result, in June 2013, a Milan court sentenced Silvio Berlusconi to seven years in prison and banned him for life from holding positions in public service. However, thanks to the chicanery of lawyers, in July 2014, the Milan Court of Appeal fully acquitted Berlusconi in this case and canceled all punishments due to insufficient evidence and lack of corpus delicti.

Nicole Minetti

Our hero of the day met the beautiful Nicole in the dentist's office, where he came to insert broken teeth. In December 2009, Berlusconi was attacked while signing autographs after a rally by members of the People of Freedom party. A man standing nearby threw a souvenir copy of the Milan Cathedral at the prime minister. Berlusconi received a strong blow to the face and fell. As a result, he lost a lot of blood and was seriously injured: his nose was broken, his upper lip was badly damaged and his teeth were split.

In the doctor's office, Berlusconi met Nicole Minetti, who had become a dentist only a month before this historic meeting. Prior to that, she worked as a dancer. Apparently, the treatment of the prime minister's teeth was successful, since soon the girl showed the ability to political activity. In March 2010, Nicole Minetti became the face of the ruling People of Freedom party in the municipal elections in Lombardy.

During litigation over Berlusconi, it became known that Minetti took part in the scandalous parties of the former prime minister. At the request of her high-ranking patron and party leader, the girl dressed in a nun's dress, and then undressed to her underwear.

Graziana Capone

Graziana Capone, a law graduate, has been nicknamed the "Angelina Jolie of Puglia" after the Italian region where she hails from. Beauty was hired by the prime minister to provide legal assistance. In addition, the model and TV presenter has been maintaining the image of our hero of the day on television for a long time. She was also talked about as a possible candidate in the elections.

Veronica Lario

Berlusconi lived with his second wife Veronica Lario for 25 years. They met when the politician was in his first marriage. As usual, while having fun in some club, Silvio saw a girl dancing topless on the stage.

This began their romance, which led in 1985 to the creation of a family. Veronica gave birth to her husband three children. A quarter of a century later, unable to withstand the numerous love affairs of her husband, she filed for divorce.

Noemi Letizia

This yesterday's schoolgirl attracted the attention of journalists when Silvio Berlusconi showed up to visit her on her 18th birthday. The Prime Minister gave the girl a gold necklace with diamonds worth six thousand dollars.

Italian media claim that Noemi affectionately called the politician "dad". As for Berlusconi himself, he claimed that the underage girl who took part in his scandalous parties was the daughter of his friend.

Barbara Matera

Science graduate Barbara Matera is another dancer on Berlusconi's track record. The girl gained fame thanks to her participation in the Miss Italy beauty contest and the work of a TV presenter.

Acquaintance with the Prime Minister had a positive effect on the fate of Barbara. In the course of communication, she demonstrated a state mind, so after some time, at the age of 27, she became a member of the European Parliament from Italy. Journalists claim that Berlusconi's connection with Matera was the last straw for ex-wife our hero of the day Veronica. Upon learning of her husband's relationship with Barbara, the woman filed for divorce.

Camilla Ferranti

Actress and model Camilla Ferranti has starred in several soap operas. Acquaintance with Berlusconi also contributed to the disclosure of her abilities for social and political activities. The girl ran for parliament from the ruling People of Freedom party, but failed to get the required number of votes.

Angela Socio

The red-haired girl became famous thanks to her participation in the Italian reality show Grande Fratello. However, the real fame was brought to her by photographs published in the media, in which Angela was depicted sitting on Silvio Berlusconi's lap in the company of four other women. At the same time, the action took place in a luxurious villa of a politician in Sardinia.

Eleonora Gagioli

Actress Eleonora Gagioli also has television work in her professional background. She is also one of the pretty girls for whom our hero of the day once found warm place, using official position. In addition, among connoisseurs of beauty, a photo session of Eleanor in underwear on a leopard sofa is popular.

Mara Carfanya

Miss Italia contestant Mara Carfagna has had a very respectable career thanks to the patronage of Silvio Berlusconi. She starred for calendars and posed semi-nude for men's magazines. However, acquaintance with our hero of the day abruptly changed the fate of the girl. In 2008, she received the position of Minister for Equal Opportunities, while she was recognized as the most beautiful minister in the world.

Once, during a solemn ceremony, Berlusconi publicly stated that if he were single, he would certainly marry Carfagna. This caused a scandal. Outraged, the Prime Minister's wife, Veronica Lario, wrote an open letter to the newspaper La Repubblica, in which she called her husband's act insulting. As a result, Berlusconi was forced to make a public apology to his wife.

Eleanor and Imma De Vivo

Twin sisters Eleonora and Imma De Vivo became famous thanks to their participation in the reality show L'Isola dei Famosi (Italian version of the project " The last Hero". - Note ed.). They did not become winners, but they achieved more significant success - they met Silvio Berlusconi. Subsequently, a powerful patron helped the girls get a job on one of the TV channels controlled by former prime minister media empires.

Elena Russo

Another girl from among those whom Silvio Berlusconi called his "little butterflies". Elena Russo's name was on the list beautiful girls, which the prime minister sent to his influential friend with a request to find them a good job on television.

Elena Russo is a staunch supporter of Berlusconi. She was the face of advertising" clean city"in Naples, in which the head of government was glorified.