Marketer second higher education. Marketing as a second higher education

The age of Russian marketing is just over twenty years, and education, including the second higher education, in this area is even younger. The situation is as follows: there are still too few highly qualified specialists in the country. Those who are really good at what they do usually do not teach at universities or tour the country, holding "miracle seminars." Real pros earn money hard. Only when it begins to seem to them that quite a lot has already accumulated in reserve, they can afford to engage in "public education" and share knowledge with those who want to get a second higher education for marketing.

Specialties for the second higher

The main specializations, which include the direction "Marketing":

  1. International Marketing.
  2. Sales management.
  3. Advertising management.
  4. Marketing and brand management.
  5. Strategic Marketing.
  6. Corporate Marketing.
  7. Marketing and effective sales.

Educational programs for the second higher education in all universities are drawn up in strict accordance with the regulations of the Federal State Educational Standard, which require:

Top 5 universities of the Russian Federation for the second higher education in the direction of "Marketing"

The second higher education in marketing in Moscow can be obtained with the highest quality in the following educational institutions:


If you just want to expand your range of professional skills and advance in career ladder the courses are for you. But the most worthy alternative to the second higher in marketing are, after which the specialist receives accreditation of a European or international level.

A striking example is the course "", developed in 1995. This is the first MBA program in the post-Soviet area with a specialization in Marketing. It is aimed at training managers capable of becoming sales directors and top employees not only in Russian but also in foreign business structures.

Forms of study

As in many other areas of education, in the field of marketing, you can study in correspondence, full-time, evening or distance form.

To get a second higher education in marketing, you can choose a distance learning form. It will be possible to study in this format without interrupting the fulfillment of your official duties at the place of work. But keep in mind, if you prefer remote control, success will depend on your perseverance, since you will have to learn a lot on your own.

If you have such an opportunity, it is best to choose the standard face-to-face learning. This will make it much easier to learn and understand. educational material as well as acquire all the necessary new skills.

The quality of education in Russia

According to official statistics Russian marketing is seriously lagging behind Western. Nevertheless, there is a steadily growing demand for specialists in this area, and the dynamics of the development of education in the Russian Federation in this direction remains one of the highest in the world. This is primarily due to the fact that Russian market participants still have a lot to learn from their Western counterparts. At the same time, the Russian Federation has two advantages in this field:

  1. There is no urgent need to find a balance between the funding of pedagogical and research activities in this direction. Since the fundamental laws of marketing and best practices in this area have already been identified and determined by experts Western countries, it is possible to focus most of the resources on the training of young qualified professionals, using the rich world experience.
  2. Due to periodic crises, the need for businesses in qualified marketers is increasing. The consumer becomes less gullible, spends money reluctantly. To increase consumer demand for any group of goods in such conditions is a task that only competent, well-trained marketers can handle.

Beginning: 22000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 31000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 40000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

Almost every company needs a full-time marketer. This is a popular and highly paid profession. In addition to being in demand in manufacturing companies, marketers are always needed in specialized consulting companies.

Where to study as a marketer in Moscow

Who is the profession for?

If you have the following qualities, then the job of a marketer is for you:

  • Analytical mind and love to work with numbers.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Sociability.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Creativity and the ability to generate ideas.

Working conditions

Marketers can work independently or in a team of several specialists. They spend most of the day indoors. The work is mostly done while sitting.

In their work, marketers use manual and modern technical means labor, a personal computer with the ability to access the Internet, means of performing computational operations, means of communication.


Career growth of a marketer is possible subject to the availability of the necessary personal qualities in any enterprise. A marketer in the future from a marketing assistant or trainee can become the head of the marketing department, deputy director of marketing, director of the enterprise.


The Marketer performs the following job responsibilities:

  • Performs work on the study of the main factors affecting the dynamics of consumer demand for goods, the ratio of supply and demand for similar types of goods.
  • Based on results marketing research develops the overall marketing strategy of the company.
  • Develops a marketing budget and manages allocated funds.
  • Conducts categorization and identifies priority groups of potential consumers to develop activities that contribute to the expansion of the product sales market.
  • Assesses the prospects for the development of the market, the company's prospects for the development and conquest of a particular market segment; develops a go-to-market strategy.
  • Determines the required assortment of goods, pricing policy for goods.
  • Develops proposals for the individualization of goods in order to transfer information to manufacturers or independently impart individualizing characteristics to goods (packaging, etc.).
  • Defines distribution channels - their types, characteristics, policy of creation and use; develops concepts for creating dealer and distribution networks.
  • Organizes the collection of information from consumers about satisfaction with goods, claims and complaints about goods; determines the forms and methods for eliminating deficiencies in claims and complaints received from consumers.
  • Keeps in touch with the market through advertising, information service to inform consumers and promote products; organizes the development of a promotional strategy.
  • Develops incentive measures (both active - through a system of discounts, incentives, etc., and passive - through the quality and design of goods, image policy) sales.
  • Prepares proposals for the formation of the corporate identity of the enterprise and corporate design of promotional products.
  • Analyzes the effectiveness of marketing activities; monitors the marketing campaigns of competitors, analyzes them, makes adjustments to their own marketing activities.


The concept of "marketing" (marketing) is derived from the word market, i.e. "market", therefore, this field of activity owes its appearance in our country to the transition to a market development path. Marketing is designed to study the market of goods and services, to identify free niches for manufactured products on it, to determine the degree of its competitiveness, to give recommendations to manufacturers about the availability of goods and services that are in demand on the market. Marketing as a specialty that can be acquired at a university arose quite recently: the first graduation of marketing economists took place in Moscow in 1994.

Specialties and Specializations in Marketing

Higher professional education a future marketer can get a degree in marketing at a university. Marketing in Moscow universities is often taught not as an independent specialty, but as a specialization within such specialties as "Organization Management", "Economics and Enterprise Management", "Advertising".

In universities in the field of marketing, two-level training is possible. In this case, you study in the direction of "Economics" or "Management" for 4 years with a specialization in marketing and receive a bachelor's degree. Then you can continue your studies at the university in the magistracy, for example, in the direction of "Management" with a specialization in marketing.

Within the framework of the specialty "Marketing" in Moscow universities, the following specializations are most often offered:

  • "Marketing in the banking sector" / "Banking marketing" / "Financial marketing"
  • "Marketing in the field of services" / "Marketing of insurance services" / "Marketing of tourist services"
  • "Information Marketing" / "Marketing on the Internet"
  • "International Marketing" / "Marketing in foreign economic activity»
  • "Industrial Marketing" / "Industrial Marketing" / "Organization marketing activities at the enterprise"
  • "Sales Management" / "Trade Marketing"
  • "Marketing in commercial activities"
  • "Regional Marketing"
  • "Real Estate Marketing"

What are they studying

In order to fulfill the tasks set, a university graduate in the field of marketing, in addition to basic professional knowledge, needs knowledge from a number of related areas: modern management, economics, sociology, psychology, law, finance, computer technology And foreign language. This is one of the most creative modern market professions.

A marketer needs a developed imagination, wit, broad erudition. The development of these qualities contributes to the mastery of university students in the field of marketing, along with economic, a wide range of social and humanitarian knowledge. IN modern conditions efficient technology Achieving market success is a fusion of advertising, PR and marketing - the so-called integrated marketing communications. Knowledge from the fields of advertising and PR will help the future marketer to use in his work the technologies and methods of the most successful European and world marketing communications companies.

Where do they work and how much do they earn?

The Marketing Specialist can work:

  • in marketing subdivisions (departments, departments, departments) of organizations and companies of all industries, services, high technology;
  • in special marketing, research companies, marketing communications agencies, advertising agencies, consulting firms;
  • in the system of state and municipal government.

Marketing is one of the most highly paid professions Moreover, the labor market is in high demand not only for young marketers occupying entry-level positions with a salary of $700-1000, but also for heads of marketing and advertising departments of companies, whose salary can reach $10,000.

A marketer is a specialist in studying the market, the needs and preferences of consumers.

Marketer(From English marketing - sale, trade in the market.) - a specialist in studying the market, the needs and preferences of consumers. In a broader sense, a marketer is any specialist working in the field of marketing. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, psychology and social studies (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Marketing- managing the creation of goods and services, and the mechanisms for their implementation, as a single complex process.

Features of the profession

The marketer assesses whether a particular product will be in demand and why, suggests ways to promote the product, evaluates the actions of competitors (features of their products, pricing policy), organizes the work of the research team, monitors the industry and analyzes the results, finds out the preferences of buyers, makes recommendations to the manufacturer / seller.

This profession appeared in Russia relatively recently, after perestroika, when the saturation of the domestic market with goods was combined with a decline in prosperity. Successful trading required a thoughtful professional approach.

But even now the profession of a marketer does not lose its relevance, because. Competition in the market among producers of goods and services is getting tougher every year. The work of a marketer begins long before a product goes on sale. Even before the start of production (in trading companies - long before the decision to purchase), the marketer must determine who the product will be designed for, what is the potential market capacity, analyze the activities of competitors, etc.

A marketer, as already mentioned, organizes and manages the advertising and PR activities of the company, both outside and inside. However, in large companies this work is too much for one specialist - it can be performed by a whole department, which includes: an analyst, a marketer-economist, a product manager, an event manager, a BTL manager, a brand manager, a marketing director.

Analyst- Collects data and analyzes it.

Marketer-economist- deals with pricing issues. At the same time, it takes into account data on cost, demand, competitor policies, etc.

Product Manager usually conducts market analysis, is engaged in activities to promote the company's product, analyze competitors' products. He must understand the intricacies of the product, and even better - have the appropriate education. For example, when designing and selling clothes, the product manager is required to know the basics of fashion design, clothing production, etc.

Event manager is engaged in planning, preparing and holding events to promote the company's products, exhibitions and promotions, press conferences and other corporate events.

BTL manager- organizes promotions of the company, for example, tastings.

Brand manager- Senior position in the marketing department. He manages the marketing department, coordinates the work of all its specialists, plans the organization of advertising campaigns, analyzes the market and competitive environment, determines sales plans and monitors their implementation, develops strategies aimed at making a profit, conquering and retaining markets.

The merchandiser and promoter are also related to marketing.

Merchandiser- Responsible for product promotion activities directly in outlets(puts goods on the shelves in a certain way, places promotional materials, etc.). At the same time, it takes into account the typical behavior of a person who has come for shopping, the features of the distribution of consumer attention, etc.

Promoters- draw the attention of potential customers to a product or service by handing out flyers, samples for tasting, etc.

Marketing training

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our list.

In addition to basic education, courses, trainings and programs on the standards for making reports, presentations, etc. are useful. You can take them at one of the universities that conduct additional education programs.

If the marketer applies for managerial positions, then the MBA degree (Master of Business Administration (Master business administration) is preferable to certificates of numerous courses, seminars and trainings.

On this course, you can get the profession of a marketer in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
- one of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining established sample;
– Training in a completely distance format;
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.


Marketers work in the marketing departments of industrial and commercial enterprises - both in medium-sized businesses and in transnational corporations.

Also, a marketer can work with a marketing agency that provides services to businesses that do not have their own marketing department.


Salary as of 04/02/2019

Russia 25000—80000 ₽

Moscow 50000—130000 ₽

Important qualities

You need an analytical mindset, the ability to work with a large amount of information, good intelligence, tenacious memory, and activity.

Leading a department requires leadership qualities.

Knowledge and skills

For analytical work, a marketer needs knowledge and skills in the field of building models, forecasts, working in specialized programs, deep knowledge and experience in using Excel, various methods such as WACC, ROIC, EVA, DCF, CVA.

Knowledge is almost always required in English. This is also justified by the fact that most of necessary literature has not been translated into Russian.

Career options

Marketing can be entered from several starting positions:

  • through any of the main components of marketing (research, analytics, product, brand, trade);
  • through sales, finance, advertising, PR, logistics.

“Allied workers” are in high demand - specialists with experience in two or more areas.

Medium in scale Russian companies generalists are required. They are more in line with the concept of "marketer" in the minds of the leaders of such companies. In this case, you need to be able to independently conduct research, participate in the development of new products, engage in branding, sales analysis, develop a strategy, marketing programs and promotions, order and control advertising.