Methods of special services for the development of extrasensory abilities. We develop extrasensory abilities - we learn to feel our aura. What types of psychic abilities exist

Everyone has the beginnings of extrasensory abilities. The suggested exercises will help develop them.

90% of the inhabitants of our planet mistakenly believe that psychic abilities are a gift that only the elite receive. The remaining 10%, those who practice work with subtle energies, are sure of the opposite. Every person has the beginnings of special abilities. You just need to learn how to use them.

How to develop psychic abilities

Each person has a unique set of "tools" for communicating with the universe. Our task is to define our strengths and learn how to manage them. You can start with simple exercises.

1) Meditation. It all starts with the ability to focus on the problem. The more focused you are, the more likely it is that the subconscious mind will prompt the correct answer.

2) Foresight. The level of psychic abilities is increased by such simple exercises as trying to guess the time, the number of the next bus, the name of the caller, and so on.

3) Visualization. Visualization exercises help to capture and correctly interpret the received signals. Drawing, modeling, designing teach to clothe the images that have come in a specific form.

4) Look and see. Each person and any inanimate object has a special biofield that can be seen with inner vision. This simple exercise will help. Put any object on a plain background and examine it without fixing your eyes on it. With proper training, you will see a thin outline of energy framing the object of observation.

5) Stimulation of prophetic dreams. Before you go to bed, ask yourself what will happen tomorrow. The answers will come in a dream.

6) Body practices- the ability to work with hands, to feel the aura - they help well in healing and working with psychological problems. You can start by trying to feel your own aura. We connect the palms and slowly spread them apart. Then we return to the starting position. Gradually, you will learn to determine the boundaries of your aura "by touch" by tingling, warmth, pressure in the palms.

The result of such exercises are skills that will improve your life, tune in "on the same wavelength" with the Universe. However, in order to reach the next level, to help not only yourself, but also those around you, you should practice under the guidance of experienced masters. After all, extrasensory abilities are not only a special power, but also a special responsibility with which one must learn to live.

Probably everyone at least once in childhood dreamed of having psychic abilities: be able to read minds, move objects with the power of thought, fly or have the gift of clairvoyance.

Perhaps many in early age noticed in themselves the makings of such skills, but over the years it remained only in children's fantasies.

Why are children more intuitive? Can adults develop clairvoyance and psychic abilities? Is it available to everyone? Today I will take a closer look at these issues.

What is psychic ability?

Many do not quite correctly understand this term. Wikipedia, for example, does not define it at all, but only restricts itself to extrasensory perception, while noting that the information contained in the article refers to pseudoscientific theories.

But we know the truth :)

Most exact definition extrasensory (paranormal) abilities will be the skill of a person to influence his thoughts on the surrounding physical reality directly or to read various kinds of information from space directly, bypassing the usual sense organs.

The paradox is that what is now called pseudoscientific and unproven is actually a natural component of every person.

We come into this world with great potential and almost limitless possibilities. Young children are very intuitive and for them to see what we do not see and perceive what we cannot perceive is absolutely normal.

Babies still have a very strong connection with past incarnations. There are many stories that if you ask a child who has just learned to say “where are you from?” You can hear very interesting answers, including information that he could not get in “this world”.

But gradually, over the years, under the influence of many factors, we almost completely lose these unique skills. It’s not that we lose them, it’s just that the sharpness of perception is greatly dulled and everything goes into a “sleep mode”. The main blocking factors are:

  • Wrong upbringing, in which children in the vast majority of cases are not believed when they talk about something that goes beyond traditional ideas, and even more so they do not help to develop it;
  • Improper nutrition(which in modern world generally becomes detrimental to humans), lifestyle, poor ecology;
  • Impact of collective consciousness, aggressive information environment, etc.

This list can be continued for a long time, I have outlined only some of the essential points.

Good news is that each, absolutely each person can reveal and develop them as strongly as possible. Only his own convictions can prevent this.

What are psychic abilities

The most popular include:

and many more.

What is meant by the word "clairvoyance"

According to Wikipedia this is:

It includes:

  1. Clairaudience - receiving information through the auditory channels (usually opened last)
  2. Clairvoyance is the perception of visual images inaccessible to ordinary vision.
  3. Claircognizance is the receipt of data immediately in the form of knowledge, directly.

When talking about this, you can often hear the use of the word "gift". Why is this happening?

This is due to a misunderstanding of the nature of this phenomenon.

To put it simply, for a significant part of history, people got used to contacting the Creator through egregors, and all incoming information was significantly distorted.

Any unique skills or abilities were considered a "gift", and not a natural, integral part of human nature. And they still had to pay for something.

This is one of the manifestations of the manipulation of egregors - when a person is somehow given what he already has, and some actions are expected from him in response. If a person accepts these conditions (in this case, acceptance means a banal awareness of the situation by him and internal agreement with this), then in this case a contract appears - an agreement that imposes (in a negative sense) obligations on the one who accepted it with the presence of sanctions.

Summary: the possession of clairvoyance is not a "gift", but an integral part of our natural abilities, which simply do not develop and are in an inactive state. No one can give you what is already yours. Do not fall for the tricks of egregors who are only interested in getting your energy by any means.

How to develop these abilities

  1. General recommendations lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, cleansing, etc., which affect the energy level of the body as a whole, which greatly affects the disclosure of the potential inherent in it;
  2. Special exercises, the regular implementation of which will help develop unique skills (below I will describe in detail the practices that we use in the ThetaHealing technology);
  3. Work with blocking beliefs that prevent the opening of clairvoyance.

The last point is the most important, because without it all efforts may not even give minimum result.

About the impact negative programs you can read.

I would like to clarify: I do not promise that everyone will “open their third eye” by the end of training, and they will “see” like Wolf Messing.

But I can say with certainty that:

  • In 100% of those trained, intuitive perception improves significantly;
  • The trainings give, perhaps, the most effective this moment methods of personal transformation;
  • The skills you develop will stay with you forever.

To this point, I refer all advice regarding lifestyle in general.

It's no secret to anyone that the higher the energy level of the body, the brighter all the talents and abilities inherent in a person are manifested, incl. intuitive.

To achieve this, I present the main recommendations that, to the maximum short term can significantly enhance human energy and improve the quality of life in general:

  1. Nutrition. I do not urge someone to become a vegetarian or a raw foodist, this is an eternal subject of dispute between supporters of different teachings, but it is worth noting that it is plant-based nutrition that is natural for a person, ideally without heat treatment. Switching to a plant-based diet is a huge step towards cleansing the body and improving functioning. digestive system, which gives a sharp increase vitality.
  2. Sleep and daily routine. I think there is no need to describe the benefits of healthy full sleep and rest in general. When you do not get enough sleep, especially regularly, this is very strongly reflected in negative attitude on condition.
  3. Physical exercise and active lifestyle. It is the workouts that are the easiest. Accessible and familiar from childhood energy practice. For the majority of those interested in spiritual development, this may be unaccustomed to hearing. But it is physical activity that can reduce the time to achieve the desired results by several times. You can start small - a light workout in the morning and evening walks in the fresh air.
  4. TV rejection and other “clogging” factors.

Practical exercises

I suggest doing simple exercises from different Thetahealing® courses that will help develop psychic abilities and clairvoyance:

  1. Pretense

This is a very interesting and useful practice that has practical use.

Order of execution:

  • Select the person whose information you want to read. It can be anyone, but for the purity of the experiment and in order not to violate personal boundaries, it’s better to ask one of your friends or relatives to be your “guinea pig” for a bit :)
  • Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and say to yourself or out loud: “I pretend that I am ... (Vasya, Masha, Kolya ...)”
  • After that, imagine that you look like this person, or simply are in his clothes, this is not so important. Focus on your feelings and thoughts
  • Mark any information that comes: experiences, feeling of your own body, each of its parts, emotions, desires. The more details you can note, the more accurate the overall picture and result will be.
  • When you're done, say, "I've stopped pretending...". You can imagine that you are bathed in snow-white light so that other people's emotions do not remain.
  • Share with those who were scanned the information you received.

Even beginners get it 70% - 80%

  1. Room

This is an interesting exercise that will help develop visualization, as well as teach you not to get lost in space - for some this happens after long practice.

Execution rules:

  • With eyes closed mentally pay attention to the left top corner rooms;
  • Further, without losing his attention, transfer your inner gaze to the upper right;
  • Then also to the lower left, then to the right.
  • In the same way, focus on the corners behind you, also not forgetting those that were paid attention to before.
  • When you are done with all the corners, mentally connect the opposite corners with lines, focusing on the point where the lines intersect.
  • Be aware of yourself in this room.
  1. Card Guessing

This will require a partner.

Order of execution:

  • The partner draws any card from the deck without showing you;
  • Then he mentally sends the image of this card to you in the area of ​​the third eye (ajna-chakra);
  • Your task, focusing your attention in the region of the 3rd eye, is to “count” the transmitted images;
  • After you pass 5 - 10 cards, switch roles.
  1. Reading the subject

In the society of Mages it is quite accepted definite explanation the term "magic". This is the science of changing the world around with the help of the willpower of the Magician. Many people feel the desire to touch the mysterious and unknown. Often they do not know where to start in order to become part of the magical world.

Rice. Effective Exercises for the development of psychic abilities

Magic is the art of working with consciousness. The first thing that every person interested in superpowers should learn is attention control. Attention is an instrument of consciousness.

The very first quality on the spiral of development of Mages is extrasensory perception. This is the basis. In order to read information from any object, the magician focuses his attention on it. Therefore, in order to comprehend the basics of extrasensory perception, you should start with.

The exercise is simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. You need to draw a black dot on a piece of paper. It should be of a size that will be comfortable for the eyes and perception, so that it can be seen without straining. A sheet with a dot should be hung in front of you at eye level. It's on the level. If you place the sheet higher or lower, this will create unnecessary tension. Next, you should begin to concentrate on the point. But it is not easy to look at it with the vision that we use in Everyday life. It is necessary to imagine a ray of attention emanating from between the eyebrows (the so-called third eye), and pin a point with this attention. It is necessary to concentrate attention, not vision.

After some time of practice, all sorts of visual effects with this point may appear. They have nothing to do with practice. The purpose of this practice is to enter a slightly altered state of consciousness, in which the world around is unfixed.

The point of this exercise is to learn to fix your attention on one object. That is, in ordinary life a person's attention rushes from object to object, holding the world the way a person is used to seeing it. With the right concentration of attention on the black dot, the world should, as it were, dissolve and disappear. This is the effect of absorption of attention by only one object.

Next stage this exercise- touching the point with attention. This is a very strange feeling - as if you are touching a point, but not with your hands, but with your attention. Feel it. This practice is necessary for the development of psychic abilities. Working with a dot is safe because it does not carry any information. In the future, when working with other objects, it will be easy for you to feel how and how deeply you need to concentrate your attention to achieve certain goals.

After mastering this practice, you can move on to more difficult exercise. This is . To see what is not there is only one way - to imagine this object. In this case, you do not need to imagine this point on the retina of your eye. Also, you don't have to think about it. Attention is used to clinging to objects. And in the case of a white dot, an object must be created. All that is needed is to concentrate attention in the space in front of you.

Choose a distance of about 30-40 cm from yourself, namely from the head, at the level of the forehead. That is, it is necessary to concentrate attention with a direct beam extending forward from the point between the eyebrows, and present a white dot at the end of this beam. Attention should not dangle in different directions. The eyes in this exercise should be turned off, as it were. See not with your eyes, but with your attention.

With the right approach, you will be able to see a white dot. But not visually. It seems to appear inside the head. When focusing on an object, energy begins to accumulate. And with a certain amount of this energy, it begins to glow. At first, you can see a dot of any other color, but the goal of the practice is precisely the white dot.

05.03.2014 26529 +46

A real psychic is a bright and strong person, but not externally, but internally. A magician of incredible beauty, sitting in a dark room and conjuring over a ball, is just a romantic stereotype. In fact, psychics in appearance do not differ from ordinary people, but their internal qualities and abilities are incommensurably higher and more diverse than those of ordinary person. Nevertheless, each of us has extrasensory perception, only for someone she sleeps in a deep sleep, for someone it is poorly developed, and for those who are strong, people call sorcerers, magicians and psychics. Try to remember at least one episode from your life when you guessed, for example, the next melody that will sound on the radio when the right bus arrives at the stop, where to go in an unfamiliar area to find what you need ... Surely, there was such an episode, and not alone. Such cases are examples of the manifestation of your personal psychic abilities, which can be developed. It takes time, patience, willingness to learn, and continuous practice.

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? First, identify your strengths.

Determining your own capabilities

There is one popular exercise on the Internet. Surely it will help you too. To make everything go smoothly and properly, try to relax, disconnect from real life, stay at home or in separate room alone with yourself. Nothing should distract you. Sit down, close your eyes and visualize the following scene as clearly and vividly as you can:

Summer sunny day. You are alone on a sandy river beach. Seagulls scream. You feel how the rays warm your body. You are calm. Then you take off your shoes and feel the soft river sand with your feet. A child bathes in the river, he calls his sister to him. You hear it. You were exhausted by the heat, and you were thirsty. You get up and go to a nearby kiosk, where you buy popsicles that feel cool. You start to eat the treat, you feel the taste and smell of strawberries. The ice begins to melt, and sticky streams run down your fingers.

After you imagine everything, analyze your feelings and ideas. This must be done honestly, so you can determine the strongest of your feelings. Answer yourself these questions:

  1. How much and how clearly could you see the objects around you? Have you seen the river, the ice cream stand?
  2. How clearly did you hear sounds? Could you hear the children's voice and the cries of seagulls?
  3. How strong were the tactile sensations? How well did you feel the softness of the river sand, the coolness of the kiosk and the trickle of ice running down your skin?
  4. Olfactory sensations - could you smell strawberries?
  5. Taste sensations - how vividly could you taste the ice?
  6. Feelings and emotions - what and with what strength did you feel during the presentation of this picture?

By carefully analyzing your feelings, you will be able to understand what you have developed most strongly. In the future, try to develop the strength and sharpness of your leading feelings. They will also help you recognize extrasensory information.

What should be learned

One article is extremely insufficient to tell you how to develop psychic abilities in yourself. In this paragraph, we will list what you need to learn. Special literature, training and constant practice will definitely help you with this.

  • Mastering autotraining and meditation.
  • The development of imagination, the ability to think figuratively.
  • Self-hypnosis and hypnosis.
  • The ability to accumulate biological energy, it can be drawn from the natural elements and the Cosmos.
  • Energy management in various ways.
  • Ability to extreme concentration.
  • Development of calmness, a benevolent attitude towards the world; the ability to clear negative feelings and emotions.

Exercises for developing intuition

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? It’s impossible to start with a difficult one right away - there are not enough strengths and experience for this. Intuition can also be trained, but you can figure out how to do it yourself. Everything is very simple - you are trying to look into your future, different situations, referring not to logic, but to his inner voice. Next, check how right you were. The more often and more you train in this way, the stronger your intuition will be. For example, you do not know what time it is, but first you try to guess the time, and then you check the clock. Or you have lost some item, but you are trying to guess where it is without using logic.

Exercises for the development of extrasensory perception

Now let's look at a few exercises with which you will understand how to develop psychic abilities in yourself.

Perception of the human aura

Sit on a chair with your back straight. Relax, don't think about anything specific for a few minutes. Then spread your palms at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. Bring them in and out slowly. The task is to learn to feel the boundaries of your biofield. These sensations can be in the form of warmth or energy. When you learn to clearly feel your aura, you can learn to recognize the aura of other people.

Seeing the future through a dream

Before going to bed, try to set yourself up to see tomorrow. To do this, you need to try to fall asleep with only one single thought that you should dream about tomorrow. It's hard to learn this. It takes many weeks and months, and in order to see their day not completely, but in fragments.

Development of the power of the gaze

Willpower and perseverance are qualities without which nothing will work. Take a sheet of paper, draw a circle in its middle, paint it black and hang it on the wall at a distance of 90 cm from your eyes. For a minute, look at the circle without looking up, then move the sheet to the left 90 cm from initial position and repeat the exercise. Next, move the sheet to the right of the starting position also by 90 cm. And repeat the exercise again. You need to train daily, gradually increasing the time to 5 minutes for each position. Upon reaching this result, you will begin to observe that your gaze begins to affect people.

Development of intuition at a high level

The task is to learn to recognize the emotions and feelings of another person. To do this, one must learn to penetrate into a certain person, to present oneself to him completely and completely. Try to look at the world through the eyes of this person, without mixing in your own thoughts, assessments and judgments.

Seeing someone else's aura

The exercise is done in 2 stages. First, before going to bed, learn to peer into the small lines and details on your closed eyelids. Exercise is done within 2-3 days, one procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

In the second stage, the exercise is best performed at dusk. Put any plain object on the table. It is better if it is located against a white background. Look at the object not directly, but as if from the side, casually. After a while, you will be able to see a small haze going along the contour of the object. Soon it will become brighter and acquire a characteristic shade. The aura of an item will depend on its color. A yellow object will emit a blue aura, a green one will emit a red aura, and so on.

We have told you a little about how to develop psychic abilities in yourself. I would like to say that this is only a small part of what you can master. Do not be afraid to improve, look for new exercises and opportunities. Be alone and in nature more often, grow spiritually and look for new ways to develop psychic abilities in yourself.

Scientists say that psychic abilities are dormant in every person. Telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance - all this can become available to each of us. Extrasensory perception is essentially hypersensitivity or an increased ability of the senses to perceive. It is believed that in ancient times, superpowers helped people survive, but with the advent of science and technology, supersensitivity ceased to be a necessity, and abilities fell asleep.

Interest in how to develop psychic abilities in oneself is currently being actively fueled by television shows such as "Psychic Battles", where people from all over the country demonstrate the amazing capabilities of the human brain. You may not become Nostradamus or Vanga, but with the help of special training you will learn something.

What you need to develop psychic abilities

It is no secret that a psychic spends much more energy than an ordinary person who does not have superpowers. After making a prediction or a session of telekinesis, a person often feels completely empty and exhausted, which means that he needs additional energy replenishment. How the replenishment of energy forces will take place, in principle, does not matter - it can be meditation, yoga or the use of the energies of the Sun or the Earth. It is known that walks in nature give a large energy charge. Without the ability to replenish the spent energy, it will be quite difficult to engage in extrasensory practices.

To develop psychic abilities, you can try to perform training exercises on the perception of the aura, apply the technique of lucid dreaming or develop intuition.

Aura perception is where to start developing psychic abilities. You can do this in two ways: in one case, you will develop the sensitivity of the hands, in the other, visual perception.

To learn the ability to tactile perception of the aura, you need to start with training the sensitivity of the palms. On the initial stage the main task is to feel the boundaries of the aura. To do this, you need to do the following exercise: spread your palms by about 30 cm and gradually slowly bring them together. After touching the palms with each other, slowly spread your arms again. Over time, a sensation should appear that was not there at the beginning of the exercise, for example, a sensation between the palms of warmth or some air resistance - this is how the boundaries of the aura appear. It may not be possible to achieve the desired effect the first time, but if you spend several workouts, the result will certainly be positive. Checked! Moreover, over time, the feeling will become so vivid that it can no longer be confused with anything else. To exacerbate the sensitivity of the palmar surface, some recommend rubbing the palms together. Having trained on yourself, you can try to "feel" the biofield of another person.


Experienced psychics are able to see the aura completely. How far you will advance depends on your perseverance and systematic exercises. For a beginner, only the layer of the aura closest to the body is accessible for perception, since it has the highest density. Before proceeding to the direct examination of the aura, it is necessary to practice in this way: for two or three days, lie down for 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed, considering the images that appear. Then you can try yourself as a psychic. The most famous technique: ask someone to stand in front of a solid wall, preferably white or light. Look with a defocused gaze past the person and into the space behind them. After a short time, you will notice that the contours of a person glow. Here it is - aura!

Lucid dreams are dreams in which we think, touch, in short, feel in the same way as in reality. It is believed that in a dream a person gets rid of the body shell, and his astral body acquires the ability to travel through parallel worlds. Not only that, we are aware that we are dreaming, and this awareness makes it possible to control sleep in order to get answers to any questions of interest.

In the general sense of the word, such a state can hardly be called sleep, because you will feel everything very real, and you may not only not get enough sleep, but even more tired. Before falling asleep, you need to clearly formulate your question or task, otherwise there is a great risk of simply falling into a deep sleep, where you will not see or remember anything. Some lucid dreamers use the method to travel the world, visit places of interest. Perhaps in time you will be able to do this.


Intuitive perception will manifest itself only when you learn to move away from the labels hung by society. For example, to understand what a person is thinking or how he will behave in certain situation, you need to get used to the image of this person as much as possible, literally imagine that you are him. Then you will think in his thoughts and feel what he feels.

This is where the development of extrasensory abilities should begin. A great help in this matter will be provided by various books and brochures describing the methods and techniques that interest you. The result will definitely show up sooner or later.