Note to brides: what kind of women does Roman like? Abramovich's wife: is it easy to be the wife of the oligarch Abramovich and his wife

Dasha Zhukova is tired of receiving marital debt on a residual basis. She is young and also wants intimacy

Roman ABRAMOVICH and Daria ZHUKOVA issued a statement in which they announced that after 10 years of marriage they decided to separate. The separation happened back in May, but the couple did not wash their dirty linen in the family hut until both were convinced that all the necessary formalities had been met.

You shouldn’t expect a scandal or high-profile courts regarding the division of property, since the spouses signed marriage contract over 120 pages. But still love stories Dasha and Roman Arkadyevich's story does not end, but only begins. Each of them already has a person who is ready to brighten up the bitterness of the divorce process. In principle, the extramarital affairs of the spouses became the reason for the breakup.

From the official announcement of the upcoming divorce, it is known that the former spouses will jointly raise two children: 8-year-old Aaron Alexander and four-year-old Leah, will remain close friends and partners in projects at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and Cultural Center on the island of New Holland in St. Petersburg.

These guys are adults and disperse in an absolutely civilized manner. Their desire to separate was balanced and mutual, the family’s lawyer noted. Alexander Karabanov.

Before answering the question, what happened between the spouses, it is worth recalling the difficult personal life of the oligarch. Moreover, the site has long become an informal chronicle of intimate exploits Roman Abramovich. We were the first to find all his relatives, school friends, lovers and secret wife, and everyone else only then snapped up our publications for quotes. Alexander Khinshtein, for example, wrote a whole book on them.

So. The boy, who was named Roma, was born in the 1st City Clinical Hospital of Saratov. People still live there who remember the oligarch as a rosy-cheeked toddler who was friends with his grandmother Faina Grutman and mother Irina. Faina Borisovna and her three-year-old daughter Irina ended up in the city on the Volga in the fall of 1941. They miraculously managed to escape from Nazi-occupied Ukraine. All the rest of the relatives died at Babi Yar.

Roman ABRAMOVICH in the company of Boris YELTSIN's daughter Tatyana and her husband Valentin YUMASHEV

The family lived poorly. The only valuable item in the house was the piano on which Irina played music. At the same time, Faina Borisovna was busy arranging her daughter’s fate. Through a friend in the Jewish community, she introduced her to a part-time student at the Automotive Institute Arkady Abramovich. And I was very glad when the young people decided to get married. The happiness was short-lived.

Once I met Irochka, who came to stay with her mother from Syktyvkar, where she lived with her husband, near the store. She said that she felt very bad, she always wanted to lie down, recalled Irina’s classmate Valeria Priezzheva. - “Everyone in my husband’s family calls me lady. I’ll put on one stocking, but I won’t be able to take another,” she smiled bitterly. The poor thing had no idea that she was terminally ill...

When doctors finally diagnosed Abramovich with leukemia, it was no longer possible to help the young woman.

Faina Borisovna returned from the funeral very old, says Grutman’s neighbor landing Larisa Astrakhanova. “Then she had a fight with Arkady and his relatives and broke off all relations with them. At the cemetery, Faina publicly accused the Abramovichs that it was they who killed her daughter. Like, if Ira had not gone to them in the North and stayed in the Volga region, she would have been alive.

Arkady Abramovich survived his wife by only two years. His death was terrible - a reinforced concrete slab fell on a man at a construction site.

When Faina Borisovna found out about tragic death son-in-law, I was very worried,” Astrakhanova continues. “Once, many years later, she admitted to me: “Larochka, it was because of me that Arkasha died. I cursed him to death for Irina. God, why did I do this?!”

With Olga NASYROVA, the future oligarch lost his virginity

Little Roma Abramovich was left an orphan. He was adopted by the childless family of his father’s elder brother, Leiba Nakhimovich, who worked as the head of the labor supply department of Pechorles in Ukhta.

In 1974, at a large family council of the Abramovich clan, it was decided that the boy should study at a Moscow school, and second-grader Roma moved to the capital to live with his second uncle - Abram Abramovich. He got him into privileged school No. 232, where the future oligarch sat at the same desk with the future singer Natalya Sturm.

Until the age of 16, Abramovich had no idea that “father” Leib was not his father. Family secret opened up when it was time to get a passport. It was then that Roman was first told about the death of his mother and father.

Tender Chicken

For a long time it was believed that the first woman and true love Abramovich was a classmate at the Ukhta Industrial Institute Victoria Zaborovskaya. But then the site reporters managed to get his classmate to talk Olga Nasyrova.

My Roma studied with grades of two and three,” recalls Olga. - It’s good that he had such an enterprising uncle Abram. He constantly cajoled our class teacher Nadezhda Pavlovna, bringing her money and gifts.

Roman's fatal love Victoria ZABOROVSKAYA insidiously cheated on him

Romochka did not change his appearance up to 8th grade. For this he was teased as Chicken, but I did not pay attention to this nonsense and loved him for something completely different. Romka was a very sociable and kind guy. By the way, and very affectionate. I gave myself to him at home when we were both 15 years old.

So after graduating from school, Abramovich returned to Ukhta as a man. Uncle Leiba got him a job through his connections at the forestry engineering department of the institute, where he did not so much study as run around the vacant apartments of his fellow students to spend time there with Vika Zaborovskaya.

Roma and Vika were inseparable. At all student parties, the guys danced only with each other and, although they had been on first name terms for a long time, they even drank tea for brotherhood and kissed under any plausible pretext. He really wanted to marry Vika and fought over her with his relatives, who opposed their wedding in every possible way. Probably because of love, Roman completely abandoned his studies, and six months after admission he was expelled. He should have put it on military uniform Victoria immediately fell in love with a married man, but Abramovich found out about the betrayal only after returning to Ukhta after serving.

Having already become a billionaire, he made at least one attempt to rekindle the flame of that first love. The tycoon instructed his bodyguards to find Vika and take her to the Moscow office of Sibneft.

The date took place in 2001. By that time, Victoria was living with her 52-year-old husband Vladimir Vedenyapin and an 11-year-old daughter. As Vika’s friend said, on this date, an exemplary family man, Roman Arkadyevich, tried to give the newly acquired Vikochka a fur coat worth $30 thousand. And when she refused, fearing her husband’s questions, the ardent Abramovich allegedly offered his first love a romantic trip to Paris for the weekend. The friend does not know whether the trip took place. Zaborovskaya herself did not reveal the secret.

My husband forbids me to discuss this topic with journalists. And I don't want to be like Monica Lewinsky... - Vika answered us.

First wife Olga LYSOVA did not dare give birth to ABRAMOVICH’s children

Toothpick and puppeteer

The pain of heartache subsided only two years after demobilization. In 1987, having forgotten Zaborovskaya’s betrayal, Roman got married. His first wife was a beauty Olga Lysova from an influential family of party functionaries. Olga’s only drawback was her small “tail” - her illegitimate two-year-old daughter Nastenka, born from a provincial actor.

The young couple tried to get on their feet together - they organized their own small business selling children's toys. Roman himself stood behind the counter at the market, offering dolls and nesting dolls. They say that Olga’s relatives gave money for promotion, and she herself often put forward unconventional business ideas.

According to Abramovich’s former business partner, before he mastered the smelting of children’s plastic toys at the Uyut cooperative, Roman Arkadyevich was engaged in the resale of toothpaste: he bought it in Moscow and sold it in Ukhta, where in the mid-80s this product was in huge shortage. For this he was nicknamed “Roma the Toothpick.”

“Roma really wanted children,” the Abramovichs’ elderly neighbor in Ukhta said about that time. “He treated his stepdaughter very well, but Nastenka, who was two years old when he married Olya, was still his stepdaughter. They rumored that Olga could no longer have children after giving birth to Nastya. So Romka wilted. Plus he's jealous. He often made scandals for his wife.

It is unknown whether the first wife gave reasons for jealousy of the future billionaire. Olga Yurievna Abramovich flatly refuses to be interviewed. It is only known that she moved from Ukhta to Moscow, where she married Stepan Stefanovich- orchestra pianist Abraham Russo. Nastya is doing well too. He works in a high position in a large company and does not remember his former stepfather.

After the divorce, Irina MALANDINA appeared with the “banana king” Vladimir KEKHMAN

Worn out businessman

Abramovich met his second wife in heaven. The aspiring oligarch often flew to Germany on commercial business, and Irochka Malandina worked as a flight attendant.

Irina came to Aeroflot when she was just a girl, said her ex-colleague, a flight attendant at Sheremetyevo-2. Larisa Kurbatova. - Small, thin, almost transparent. At 23 years old, she looked 17 years old. And according to standards, a flight attendant should be at least 155 centimeters tall. Malandina barely fit into the standard. But at the same time she seemed beautiful: huge blue eyes, a neat nose, sensual lips. True, the legs let us down - slightly crooked and short. The fingers are also short and thick.

Ira got a job at Aeroflot through connections. Her maternal aunt worked as a flight attendant in the 235th government flying detachment, which transported high-ranking officials. Thanks to an influential relative, the aspiring flight attendant was immediately sent to international flights.

At first, Ira acted like a modest girl and, despite her cuteness, was not popular with men. For some reason, the men didn’t fall for her, and she began to develop complexes,” recalls Kurbatova. - I instructed her: they say, go to the salon, smile at everyone - you will have pockets full of business cards. She walked and smiled, but it was all in vain.

But happiness still smiled on her. Roman Abramovich flew to Germany so often in the early 90s that the flight attendants became thoroughly familiar with his face.

He showed signs of attention to many flight attendants,” says Larisa. - Almost all the girls had his business card. One got the impression that he didn’t care who he picked. But the girls did not reciprocate his feelings. He was kind of shabby. How we laughed at him then - “unwashed.” He always seemed to smell bad. One day he handed his business card to Ira. At first, she was not delighted with Abramovich either. But a few months later she suddenly announced that she was marrying him. I'm sure she didn't love Roman, she wanted his wallet. Saying goodbye, Irka said that now she won’t have to calculate how much money she has left before her salary.

Their relationship developed quickly and rapidly - just a couple of months after they met, Roman filed for divorce from Olga and married Irina. This was in October 1991.

Roman Arkadyevich with his wife at the stadium. To disguise his drinking, the Chelsea owner wrapped him in a blanket

Little is known about Irina Malandina’s past. But we managed to find her uncle Vladimir. Last time Vladimir Anatolyevich saw his brother’s daughter in the late 80s after he left the zone where he was hidden Soviet authority for currency fraud. Then Irina assured him that she was about to marry Orthodox priest. But something didn’t work out, and the savvy nephew jumped out to marry the oligarch.

My brother Slava was three years younger than me,” said Vladimir Malandin. - All my life I worked as a waiter in the restaurants “Ukraine”, “Beijing”, “Sofia”. He also followed the same profession. The last few months before his death he worked at the Labyrinth restaurant. One day he and his waiter friends left the restaurant late at night and went to catch a ride. There, on Novy Arbat, a pit was dug. Slavka fell into it, out of drunkenness or something. It was January while we were waiting " ambulance", the brother, lying unconscious, froze completely. Ira had just turned two years old.

A tragic story, very similar to the fate of Abramovich himself, clearly brought both spouses together. Growing up in dysfunctional families, they tried to be the best the best parents. The couple had five children in their marriage! In general, happiness seemed cloudless, but after 16 years of marriage they decided to separate. Irina herself says that she was tired of living in constant tension: “We constantly changed phone numbers, place of residence, so that no one knew where we could be found. Our safety was ensured by a staff of security guards, but I was still terrified of the children being kidnapped.”

Life in constant tension is exhausting. Perhaps Irina Malandina was not so upset when her husband told her that he had fallen in love with someone else and was ready to do anything just to be single again.

Paparazzi caught Daria with art dealer Vito SCHNABEL in the most intimate moment

The divorce occurred in 2007. British newspapers, citing a source from Abramovich's circle, reported that Irina received about 300 million pounds sterling during the divorce. She was given four villas in the UK, including an estate in West Sussex worth £18 million, and two nearby London apartments total cost 20 million, as well as a castle in France, Chateau de la Croe. In addition, the couple agreed that Irina would be able to spend time on Abramovich’s beloved yacht Pelorus, as well as unlimited use of the oligarch’s private Boeing 737 jet.

Having received her resignation or freedom, Irina quickly became friends with the “banana king” Vladimir Kekhman, whose company was at that time the largest importer of yellow squiggles in Russia. Being in some kind of romantic mood, Kekhman then quit his fruit business and headed the Mikhailovsky Theater and the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. New creative work prevented him from spending time with his beloved in London and Monaco. Vladimir made a choice in favor of the theater. Some time ago Kekhman played magnificent wedding with a socialite Idoi Lolo, and in April of this year, the 49-year-old theater director once again became a father - the couple had a daughter, Anastasia.

An unsuccessful attempt to find a new husband taught Malandina to be secretive. According to the official version, she now lives alone. That is, he carefully hides his intimate relationships. Apparently, the men whom Irina chooses as partners are much lower than her. social status. She is not going to publish them or somehow advertise their purely practical function in her life.

Dasha with Ivanka TRUMP

Horned Traitor

And now the time has come to talk about the last, but, apparently, not the last wife of the oligarch.

Dasha Zhukova- a true representative of the “golden” youth, born in the family of an oil worker Alexandra Zhukova and microbiologist Elena Zhukova. After the birth of her daughter, the parents divorced, and the mother, being invited to work in the United States, moved with her daughter to Santa Barbara. At the age of 16, Daria moved to London to live with her father, who received British citizenship.

The father slipped it in February 2005 at a party after a Chelsea match in Barcelona to his business partner, the owner of this club, Roman Abramovich. Dasha was dating a tennis player at the time Marat Safin. But, having met an impressive, albeit married, oligarch, she preferred football to tennis.

A young girl who has been entering the world elite, quickly charmed the oligarch, who was accustomed to communicating with albeit long-legged, but still uncouth models from Ryazan, Vologda and other cities rich in the human gene pool. Zhukova was from a completely different world, and at that time Abramovich was just trying to get into this world and become one of his own there. He could not have found a better guide.

According to rumors, this particular man, whose name is Michael GESS, - new chosen one ZHUKOVY. Photo:

The exchange turned out to be equal. Dasha raised the image of Roman Arkadyevich to the required cultural level, and he helped her implement several ambitious projects and become a recognized gallery owner. So why didn’t the union turn out to be strong?

Rumors about the couple's separation began to appear in the press in 2009. If over the past few years Roman Abramovich was credited with only one affair with a ballerina Diana Vishneva, then Daria’s personal life looks quite stormy against this background.

First Zhukova was spotted in New York with Leonardo DiCaprio. Moreover, the actor was clearly giving up. And soon a real scandal broke out - Daria was “caught” in a restaurant in Swiss ski resort with an American art dealer Vito Schnabel. The young people cutely tickled each other under the table while the paparazzi were filming them. But even before the story with Schnabel, the oligarch’s wife managed to shock the audience with candid photographs in the company of a New York journalist and writer Derek Blasberg. Looking at the pictures, no one doubted that the relationship between them was more than friendly. That is, almost immediately after the wedding, she began to lead a fairly free lifestyle without regard to any conventions or public opinion.

Daria willingly relaxes with Derek BLASBERG. Photo:

But which of her suitors finally became the one for whom she decided to break up with the father of her children and start new life? Western journalists have already conducted an investigation and are hot on the trail. Zhukova was recently photographed in Sicily - on the producer’s luxury yacht David Geffen. Dasha sits next to the owner of the yacht, and on the left side is a young smiling brunette Michael Hess. Several more photos of her with this man were immediately found in the archives. And one of Zhukova’s girlfriends admitted on social networks that it was really “he,” the man who took his wife away from the Russian oligarch.

Abramovich does not comment on the behavior of his ex-wife. He is busy organizing his personal life, but not with Diana Vishneva. He doesn't need an older ballerina. And not with Polina Deripaska, as some secular gossips fantasize. Polina is just a good friend and drinking companion, but nothing more.

Informed sources said that new passion A socialite became a billionaire Nadezhda Obolentseva. The oligarch was repeatedly seen in her company. Most recently, a woman divorced a businessman Airat Iskhakov. Obolentseva is known as a close friend Svetlana Bondarchuk. By the way, there has been talk in the party for a long time that the ex-wife Fedor Bondarchuk it’s not easy with Nadezhda female friendship, but almost a family. Maybe Sveta was just keeping an eye on Nadezhda while Abramovich was divorcing Dasha? We will know the answer very soon.

Abramovich loves it when a woman is on top

Former gossip columnist at the Kommersant newspaper, Anna SUBBOTINA, wrote a book in which in one of the chapters she spoke about her relationship with a certain oligarch Aaron, who is clearly recognizable as Roman Arkadyevich. Their short romance happened at a time when the billionaire was still married to Irina MALANDINA, but had already started dating Dasha ZHUKOVA. It turns out that he cheated on both of them.

“What does making love look like to you? For me, it’s like a watermelon, juicy, sweet, cool on a hot summer day... - Aaron whispers these words, admiring the curls that my dried hair has already turned into.

Ice cream - I’m almost unable to speak anymore...

Anna SUBBOTINA warmly recalled the tenderness of the tycoon. Photo from the site

Okay, then you’re on top, I’m kind of tired,” noticing my disappointed grimace, he continues: “Let me help if you’re tired.” Let’s just agree, you don’t close your eyes and always look into mine. Fine?

I nod. This time everything goes pretty quickly.

Going into the shower, I grab a used condom from the nightstand with two fingers and immediately feel a gaze on me. Aaron looks at me with a “tearful” look, and I understand him without words. He asks not to use the contents of the condom to conceive a child.”

The love passed, but Abramovich’s gentlemanly qualities and respect for his ex-passions remained. Today we will talk about Roman’s three marriages and the beautiful things he did after each divorce.

Story one. How to take revenge on first love: lessons from oligarchs

In 1983, Abramovich met Victoria Zaborovskaya. The young people were in their first year at the Ukhta Industrial Institute, and Vika, of course, shone. Roman was ready to make any sacrifices, but Victoria’s parents refused the young man who wanted to marry their daughter. The family was very wealthy, and Roman had not yet managed to earn substantial capital. For failure young man expelled, he went into the army, and the beautiful Victoria immediately began an affair with another student. It seems more successful than Abramovich in those years.

To take revenge on Vika, Roman married his new friend, Olga Lysova. His business went uphill, but Olga, despite her apparent perfection, could not have children. Roman was tired of babysitting Nastya, the child from Olga’s first marriage, although he liked the girl and managed to become attached to her. The businessman wanted to start common child. He worked hard, starting various startups, and Olga’s family helped financially. However, the ideal image own family was so firmly ingrained in the head of the future oligarch that he did not intend to put up with a reality that did not coincide with the latter. The couple broke up, but remained on good (for ex-spouses) terms.

The second story. How can a flight attendant marry a successful businessman?

In 1991, Roman, while developing his business, was forced to fly very often. Once on a plane, he met flight attendant Irina Malandina, a 23-year-old girl who was forced to go to work for a carrier company due to the difficult financial condition of her own family. Irina, being an easy-going, interesting and endlessly attractive young girl, immediately charmed Abramovich. After just over two months, Roman divorces Olga Lysova and proposes his hand and heart to Irina.

The couple will have five children in their marriage. Irina will become a wonderful wife, will support Abramovich in all his endeavors and protect the children from constant public attention. But threats from Roman’s former partners, constant moves, different phone numbers and 24-hour security will take their toll. The frightened girl, tired of the tension, will be forced to leave the oligarch.

However, the ex-spouses will maintain an excellent relationship. Children from Roman’s marriage to Irina will live in abundance, receiving expensive gifts with or without reason. The two youngest still live with Irina - the rest have already “fledged” and fled from the family nest. Irina Abramovich did not change her last name after the divorce; she received half of Roman's real estate in the UK and 6 billion pounds of "compensation".

Story three. How to romance the owner of a football club by meeting him at a party

Daria Zhukova, a confident beauty who has lived in Russia, the USA, and the UK, met Roman at a party after one of his matches football club Chelsea. This happened in 2003. The young people almost immediately began to communicate, and the media, which noticed a successful acquaintance, connected Irina and Roman’s divorce with his “cheating” with Dasha. The couple did not fuel rumors about the wedding; Abramovich and Zhukova lived quietly together, developing their own business projects, and in 2009 they gave birth to their first common child, son Aaron. The marriage did not work out in any way - the couple argued about the points of the marriage contract, which was apparently mandatory for conclusion. In the past 2017, Roman and Dasha announced their separation. Remained good friends. Roman sponsors the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, which was opened with pomp by Daria, not without his help. Dasha is raising Aaron and Leah - the girl was born four years after her first child.

Summing up these love stories of Roman Abramovich, known to the tabloids, we can say that the best way to the oligarch’s heart is not through the stomach. Being an easy, self-confident, impossibly beautiful (after an hour-long make-up session with styling at the nearest beauty bistro) nymph is a well-trodden path for the success of the seekers of promising business owners.

For a long time after the divorce in 2007, Irina hid from the public and journalists. Only a couple of years ago, a woman started an Instagram page, daring to make her private life public. However, she could not stand the close attention to her own person and again went into the shadows. Like most of her children from the oligarch. However, some of the pictures have already been saved.

“I grew up without a father, so it was especially important to me that my children never want for anything. Roman always promised me that this would be the case. And even now, after the divorce, he keeps his promise,” the ex-wife said in an interview. Irina really doesn’t have to complain about poverty: Roman left her at least 250-300 million dollars. Some sources simply call a fabulous amount - almost 6 billion pounds sterling, which is half of the businessman’s entire fortune. In addition, Abramovich gave the mother of his children estates and apartments in England, a castle in France, and also allowed her to use a yacht and a private plane.

In addition, the man also took on the expenses of his five children. Therefore, the 18th birthday of Sophia’s daughter a couple of years ago was held in a nightclub located on Stamford Bridge. The girl was paid for the performance of a fashionable musical group, and a cake from the leading pastry chef, and other whims in the amount of 45 thousand dollars. New Year children Ilya, Anna, Arina, Sofya and Arkady, led by their mother, are happy to celebrate in the Maldives, at the five-star hotel “One And Only Reethi Rah Maldives”. There is even a nameplate installed at their house, and the Beckham couple and the eminent cook, restaurateur and presenter Gordon Ramsay are relaxing next door. How much do such vacations cost? A little less than 300 thousand dollars. Of course, the heirs of the oligarch not only “hang out”, but also receive a decent education. IN private school"Godolphin and Latymer" the older girls were transported by helicopter every morning and the following morning educational institution- Royal Holloway College - "only" in a bulletproof Range Rover.

After the divorce, Irina lived in four countries, living in Great Britain, France, Switzerland and Russia. But she especially fell in love with the estate in Hampshire, where the woman spends most time. Previously, the estate belonged to the King of Jordan and it is truly furnished like a king: in addition to the luxurious house, there is a lake, a swimming pool, a tennis court, and polo grounds on the territory. Abramovich willingly does housework, creates comfort and takes care of pets. Not only cats and dogs live in the villa, but also horses. The stable, which, by the way, is designed for 100 horses, is not just entertainment for the rich. The couple’s two daughters, Anna and Sofia, are professional equestrians and even take prizes in competitions. Such pleasure costs the family about half a million dollars a year, not to mention the purchase of new horses, each of which costs about 400 thousand dollars.

During her life together with the oligarch, the woman loved shopping. The limousine took the rich man's wife to Sloane Street, where she strolled through the boutiques of world brands. The woman’s passion for beautiful things remains even now: she dresses succinctly, but still in branded outfits. For example, in a woman’s wardrobe there are Rochas shoes embroidered with rhinestones (about $780), a Birkin bag (about 20,000 euros), light shoes from Valentino (280 euros), a Missoni cape (about 800 euros), and so on. Further.

Being married to the richest man in the country, Irina had to hide, move around surrounded by a crowd of security guards and often change phone numbers. Now Abramovich can not deny himself the pleasure of calmly going out into the world, even without a companion. Thus, a woman loves to go with a company to the Royal Opera, celebrates the birthday of her friends and their children on yachts, and also relaxes several times a year at the world's best resorts, for example, in Saint-Tropez.

Roman Abramovich is a Russian oligarch, a product of the “wild nineties”, and, as often happens, an ex-deputy and even the chairman of the Duma

He has always attracted interest in his controversial figure. Swift career, successes in the field of business, and as a result, a multi-billion dollar fortune, make evil tongues grumble, and our average man in the street wonder how a simple guy from Saratov, a student at the Faculty of Forestry, could become one of the richest people in our country and even the planet? Who is around this person? Who walked hand in hand with him, who was his inspiration? And, of course, what kind of women are next to such an outstanding person? Let's figure it out.

Who is Roman Abramovich? Biography

Roman Arkadyevich was born in 1966, October 26, in the city of Saratov. Parents left early his mother died a year after the birth of her son, and three years later, her father also died at a construction site. Roman was raised in the family of his uncle Leib Romanovich, in the city of Ukhta. Since childhood, Roman Abramovich was not distinguished by high academic abilities, but he had very noticeable organizational skills.

After graduating from school in 1983, Roman entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering, from which he was never able to graduate. Although, most likely, he did not want to, because the wind of change, so clearly felt at the end of the empire, inspired our hero to do the unthinkable for Soviet man business - entrepreneurial activity.

Young Roman took his first steps towards the prosperity of an oligarch while still in the service of Soviet army. Today it is difficult to say exactly how he succeeded, but the novice businessman managed to sell off plots of forest and land to the local peasantry. How such a brazen scam could see the light of day, and what ranks were in the end, history is silent, but it eloquently demonstrates the commercial acumen of the young adventurer.

First successes in Abramovich's career. First wife

Returning from the army, Roman learned that the girl, as often happens, did not wait for him and was launching into “everything.”

Heavy." At that time, the future oligarch drinks a lot, leads a riotous lifestyle, until he finally meets his first wife, Olga Yuryevna Lysova. Together with her, they trade at the market until Roman met Vladimir Tyurin. A friendship immediately struck up between them, and the young cooperators started a business selling rubber toys. Things were going well for the guys and very soon Roman and Vladimir had already rented an entire toy production workshop. Their cooperative “Uyut” will soon become the basis for the oligarch’s future team. Despite the fact that the trade was quite successful, the commercial genius Roman Arkadyevich becomes cramped in such a small business, and he turns his attention to a truly wide field - oil trading. And for good reason. Abramovich was lucky to enter the chosen circle of no less significant figure, which he himself would become, the powerful oligarch of the nineties - Boris Berezovsky , with whom he begins to do business with oil. Popular rumor ascribes a lot to this tandem, such as the dilution of oil and even the outright theft of entire trains, not without the support of his uncle Roman, who at that time occupied a high, and most importantly the right post. Today, few people know for sure what winding paths our hero followed to personal well-being.

Due to his first truly major successes in business and the rapid growth of his capital, Roman often has to fly abroad, look for new business partners, and establish connections. And on one of these flights to Germany, Roman drew attention to the pretty flight attendant Irina, who later became his wife.

Abramovich's second wife Irina

Marriage Irina Vyacheslavovna and Romana was surprisingly durable. The wife gave the businessman six children and was a reliable companion on the path of his future career, true friend and comrade. Even after many years, when the couple decided to end their relationship, the fuss-hungry public did not expect any loud scandals about the division of property. The former spouses still maintain warm, friendly relations.

Despite the high-profile case from 1992, about the theft of 55 tanks with diesel fuel, Roman’s career continued its rapid rise. In 1998, Abramovich was introduced to the general public as the treasurer of Yeltsin's inner circle, and already in 1999 he became the owner of a fortune of 14 billion dollars. His ascent to the political arena was not in vain, and in 2000 Roman Abramovich became the governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, Roman continues to develop his business, acquiring all the attributes appropriate for large capital, right up to the purchase of his own Chelsea football club in 2003, which he acquired for a crazy £140 million. In 2005, in October, Roman sold his part of the shares of Sibneft in favor of Gazprom for $13.1 billion and repeatedly makes attempts to leave the governor’s post, but each time after personal conversations with V.V. Putin, changes his mind. In 2008, at the request of deputies of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Abramovich became a deputy of the Chukotka Duma, gaining up to 96.99% of the votes.

Today, Roman Abramovich is a textbook example of a Russian oligarch, from the basics of accumulating initial capital, to luxury yachts, of which Roman Arkadyevich has three, jokingly called the “Abramovich Fleet,” two personal planes, three helicopters servicing these yachts. The vehicle fleet cannot be accurately calculated, but a couple of armored limousines, masterpieces of Maserati, Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Bugatti Veyron, Rolls Royce and Ducati motorcycle. Of course, all copies are exclusive and accordingly produced to order.

Personal life of Roman Abramovich today. Daria Zhukova

The news of the divorce of oligarch Roman Abramovich from his third wife, designer Daria Zhukova, became a sensation not only in Russia, but also in the UK. The local press, however, is in no hurry with hypotheses regarding possible reasons the breakup of the couple, preferring now to limit ourselves to official statements. However, over the past year, the paparazzi did not ignore Zhukova’s life, publishing enough materials from time to time.

Roman and Daria themselves stated that the decision to leave was not easy for them, that they would remain friends and business partners, as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on the New Holland Island in St. Petersburg. And of course loving parents their two wonderful children - 8-year-old Aaron and 4-year-old Leah. The couple decided not to let anyone in on the material details of their separation, which aroused considerable curiosity. After all, their love was like a big-budget beautiful movie - it can’t end in anything?!

Today, according to Forbes, Roman Abramovich is 12th on the list of the richest people in Russia. But his father-in-law, entrepreneur Alexander Zhukov, is also no slouch, although it is much more difficult to calculate his exact wealth (Forbes suggests that it is still less than that of his son-in-law - about 7.6 billion rubles).

Daria is the daughter of businessman Zhukov from his first marriage and is already an adult girl (36 years old), mother of two children and has positioned herself as a businesswoman since 2007, when she founded Garage in Moscow together with Roman Abramovich. Until this moment, Dasha was listed in socialites oh and appeared at iconic social events, including football matches, where she was with her father, and “football” parties. At one of them - at the London Hilton, where Chelsea's victory over Barcelona in the 1/8 finals of the Champions League was celebrated - 24-year-old Dasha met the 39-year-old owner of an English football club. Since that memorable meeting in 2005, a romance broke out between them. For the sake of Abramovich, Daria left tennis player Marat Safin, whom she was dating at the time, and became interested in football and tennis. And Roman became interested in Daria and did not refuse her anything, in particular, he fulfilled her dream of opening her own gallery and moving from socialite to gallery owner. And at the same time, a businesswoman (Daria Zhukova, in addition to Garage, is a co-owner of the clothing production company Kora&T).

Rumors very quickly reached the ears of Abramovich’s then wife Irina, but she flatly refused to believe them. Despite the fact that numerous “well-wishers” regularly informed her that her husband was being met here and there with a young representative of the “golden youth”. Irina, who married Abramovich in 1991 and lived with him for 16 years, almost dismissed the rumors whole year, and only photographs of the couple in the press convinced her. She talked with her husband, became convinced that her suspicions were correct and that he himself was no longer hiding his love for another, and proposed a divorce, to which her husband agreed. The Abramovichs were divorced in March 2007 by the Chukotka court (Abramovich, after all, also managed to be the governor of Chukotka), at which neither Irina nor Roman were present. The divorce was supervised by lawyers on both sides. As a result, Irina Abramovich (nee Malandina) was transferred cash in the amount of 3 billion pounds (some argue that the whole 6 billion), a villa in the English county of Hampshire, the possibility of unlimited use of a private Boeing 737 and the Pelorus yacht, and some little things - two spacious apartments in London and a castle in France. Both sides were happy. If the divorce proceedings had taken place in the UK, then (taking into account 5 joint children) Roman Arkadyevich would have had to give away exactly half of his assets, which at that time were estimated at $18.7 billion. And Irina, even with this “dowry,” still entered the list of the richest brides in England. She lives alternately in four places - in London, in the south of France, in Switzerland and sometimes comes to Russia - and feels great.

After a divorce from Irina in 2007, Roman and Daria began to live together. In 2009, Daria gave birth to Roman’s son, Aaron, and in 2013, daughter Leah. For the happy father, Leia became the seventh child (there were no children in Abramovich’s first marriage from 1987 to 1990 with Olga Lysova).

IN Lately rumors about mutual infidelities between Abramovich and Zhukova have intensified: since April of this year, Roman has been rumored to have an affair with Mariinsky prima Diana Vishneva (otherwise why would he finance one of the ballerina’s projects?!). They persistently tried to “tie” Daria to Leonardo DiCaprio. And not only to him.

So, in March 2017, the British tabloid The Daily Mail reported that Zhukova had dinner with Joshua Kushner. The latter is one of the most eligible bachelors in America. His surname is well known - he is younger brother Jered Kushner, son-in-law of US President Donald Trump. By the way, the model Karlie Kloss, with whom Joshua is credited with a five-year affair, is Zhukova’s friend, who even came to the opening of “Garage” in Moscow. According to the tabloid, supported by photographs obtained from American paparazzi, Zhukova and Joshua Kushner met at a sushi bar in New York's SoHo (a neighborhood in Manhattan). However, they arrived separately. 31-year-old Kushner asked to be given a distant table in the corner of the establishment, and Zhukova arrived later. “The couple spent the evening whispering and laughing,” wrote The Daily Mail. After the meal, Kushner walked Zhukova to the end of the street, where a car was waiting for her, and hugged her goodbye.

In February 2017, the Italian tabloid Chi published photographs that allegedly showed Zhukova together with New York art dealer Vito Schnabel. For some time he was in a relationship with the star of the film “Fifty Shades of Gray” Dakota Johnson, but after that, in 2014, he began dating the famous German model Heidi Klum. According to Chi, based on the photographs obtained, there was an affair between Schnabel and Zhukova, but Abramovich's representatives said that the photos were fake.

Another news of a similar nature excited the British tabloid The Sun in December last year. Then a photo appeared on New York journalist Derek Blasberg’s Instagram showing him wearing red polka dot pajamas and knee socks. Next to him is Daria Zhukova in a red top, black skirt and striped knee socks. By the way, then a lot of comments appeared under the photo in which Internet users wondered whether Abramovich was jealous of his wife? However, Zhukova’s friendship with Blasberg is no secret. Like Kloss, he, for example, was among those invited to the opening of Garage.

Zhukova's frequent appearances in New York are also understandable - there, in Manhattan, Abramovich began construction of a mansion, deciding to combine three townhouses he had previously purchased. The cost of all the houses together was more than $50 million. And it is still unclear what will happen to this project given Abramovich’s divorce from Zhukova.

What family friends say

Well, they lived almost the whole year in St. Barths or on a yacht - in Portofino and other places,” a source close to the family told MK. - But in June I saw them together at a closed party in Sochi. It seemed like everything was fine. Roman never refused Dasha anything, he fulfilled all her whims. From the outside it looked like he was more in love with her than she was. And Dasha just has that kind of character. She is cold and not very emotional. Therefore, if they break up, it’s true, because someone is carried away by someone else, then the more carried away one is, of course, Roman. Daria mostly loves herself. But they did not officially get married right away, because they could not agree on a marriage contract. And then somehow we agreed. So no surprises. Numbers destroy love.

What lawyers say

There will be no trial - neither in Chukotka, nor in London, nor in Moscow, says lawyer Alexander DOBROVINSKY. - The couple signed a carefully developed prenuptial agreement - and this is the most reliable guarantee of a truly peaceful separation. That's how you heard that they will remain good friends, good partners and caring parents, so you won't hear any more details. Personally, I really hope that the golf club will remain with Roman Arkadyevich. And I never tire of repeating that a good marriage contract is the key to a long and happy marriage.

Women are shocked, potential brides are quickly preening their feathers - one of the most famous Russian moneybags Roman Abramovich free again and perhaps ready for a new relationship.

Yes, you read that right - one of the most famous Russian couples- billionaire Roman Abramovich and gallerist Dasha Zhukova break up after ten years of a seemingly successful marriage. This means that Abramovich, who has barely exchanged fifty dollars, may soon start looking for a new suitable candidate for marriage.

Third wife

Third, now ex-wife Roman Abramovich Daria Zhukova is 36 years old. She is an art critic, gallerist and, thanks to her, it should be noted, excellent taste and money, her wife has become a co-author of several bright and world-class projects. These are primarily the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the New Holland Cultural Center in St. Petersburg.

Over ten years of marriage, Daria Zhukova gave birth to her husband a couple of charming children - an 8-year-old Aaron Alexander and four year old Leyu. Abramovich and Zhukova have already stated that after the divorce they intend to remain on friendly terms, raise children together and continue working on common projects.

“We ask everyone to respect our privacy during this difficult period“, says Zhukova and Abramovich in a joint statement about the upcoming divorce, the reasons for which are not reported.

Cupid's arrow

Earlier, rumors appeared on the Internet that perhaps a third wheel intervened in the relationship between the billionaire and his wife. In mid-February, Chi magazine published photographs in which a certain lady, reminiscent of Dasha Zhukova, kisses an art businessman Vito Schnabel. Abramovich's press service, however, immediately denied these rumors, saying that the photographs were fake.

What actually happened there, most likely, it will not be possible to find out: Abramovich is not one of those who likes to discuss his personal life in public, and Dasha Zhukova, as you know, is a lady with excellent taste.

Abramovich's wives

Judging by information from the media, Abramovich has never been much of a womanizer, devoting more energy and passion to business projects. They say that in his youth he went into all sorts of troubles for a while, but this period was short-lived. The fact is that in the late 1980s, when young Roman joined the army, his bride did not wait for him (an everyday matter, of course, but how she probably regretted it later...).

After a short but stormy walk, young Abramovich suddenly married a resident of Astrakhan Olga Lysova, who was a little older than him. Together with Olga, the future billionaire traded on the market at the beginning of his business activities. The couple had no children. There is no information about what is wrong with this woman now.

But times changed, incomes grew, and Roman Abramovich met someone else... Abramovich’s second wife - Irina Malandina- worked as a flight attendant, and met her future husband romantically in the sky. The couple entered into a marriage in the early 1990s, which turned out to be quite strong: they lived together for more than 17 years, until Abramovich became interested in Zhukova.

In his marriage to his second wife, Abramovich had five children - two sons and three daughters. The billionaire’s eldest daughter from his second marriage is now 25 years old, his youngest son is 14.

In March 2007, the couple filed for divorce in the Chukotka District Court, since at that time Roman Abramovich served as governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region.

The former spouses peacefully agreed on the division of property and who their five children would stay with.

Let us note that Abramovich, apparently, was never a miser - he did not sue ex-wives, did not try to deprive the children of their inheritance, but, on the contrary, maintained both a material and intangible presence in their lives. Apparently, he will behave just as much like a gentleman when divorcing Zhukova.

Let us remind you that Roman Abramovich is in the top hundred richest people in the world, in the top ten richest people in Russia and in the top three richest people in the UK. The billionaire permanently moved to the British Isles after leaving the post of governor of Chukotka and acquiring the Chelsea football club.

Roman Abramovich is partial to beautiful yachts, luxury cars, and he also really loves beautiful mansions, of which he has many.

He has villas in West Sussex, a luxurious penthouse in Kensington, he is the owner of houses in France, Belgravia, Knightsbridge, St. Tropez, and in elite villages of the Moscow region.

He owns the £77 million Ecstasea yachts with a swimming pool and Turkish bath, the £60 million Le Grand Bleu with a helipad and the €340 million beauty Eclipse, which is almost 170m long. On board this yacht there are two helicopters with hangars and a German system missile attack alerts.