Dangerous properties of tench. tench fish

Tench(lat. Tinca tinca) - a species of ray-finned fish of the carp family ( Cyprinidae), the only member of the genus Tinca (Wikipedia). Not everyone can boast that they caught a trophy tench. This opponent is cunning, cautious and attentive. It attracts because of its extraordinary taste and at the same time is easy to clean.

Description of tench fish

A distinctive feature of the species is inactivity and thermophilicity. It grows slowly, unpretentious and keeps near the bottom, choosing the coastal zone. You can meet tench mainly in lakes and ponds. It also lives in rivers - in oxbow lakes and bays. Where the tench lives, there is always aquatic vegetation and great depth.

The body is short, high and thick. Small scales fit snugly to it, covered on top with a thick layer of viscous and thick mucus. Body color varies from greenish-silver to dark brown with a slight bronze tint. The back and anal fins are short, the caudal fin without a pronounced notch. The eyes are red-orange. There are short antennae at the corners of the mouth. The name of the fish reflects it interesting feature, the thing is that it is capable of “molting”, that is, changing color in the air. The weight of an average individual is 250 - 600 grams. Large specimens are considered fish with a weight of 1 to 2 kg. A really valid large specimen reaches 4 kg, such a giant will be a little less than 60 cm in length. The life expectancy of this species is on average 16 years.

Where does the tench live

He prefers to live where there is a weak current, that is, in lakes and river bays, which are abundantly overgrown with soft creeping vegetation. Prefers to stay near high banks, where reeds and reeds grow. This is what the fish eat. About 60 percent of the daily diet is plant-based. Will not refuse shellfish, worms and insect larvae.

Tench spawning

In the fourth year of life, the fish becomes sexually mature. Spawning time depends entirely on the water temperature, it should warm up to 20 degrees. This does not happen until the second half of May. spawning sites in different years differ in location, depending on the level of the flood. Spawning grounds are located in quiet backwaters with thickets of willow bushes, green grass, reeds, hornwort and other plants. Ikromet flows imperceptibly. At this time, lines are kept in small flocks, one female and 2-3 males. Caviar falls into the thickets of grass and remains invisible to predatory fish. The main threat to her is burbot. But, fortunately for the eggs and fry tench, these two species are found in the same area infrequently.

Tench fishing

Fishing methods

The best gear is a regular fly rod and a rubber band donk. Get a good catch in the backwaters with a feeder and a "snack". When choosing tackle, consider all the features of the upcoming fishing site and the time of year. In the spring, the fish is unpretentious, the tench, hungry from winter, will bravely fall on the hook of any tackle, but as soon as underwater vegetation grows on the lakes and in the creeks of the rivers, you will have to forget about many tackles. In addition, keep in mind that this is a strong fish and he will fight for life to the end. Tackle must correspond to his behavior, approach its choice and equipment thoroughly.

Catching a line with a float rod

Still, you shouldn't overdo it in choosing equipment. The bait catches tench effectively and therefore you just need to take into account some of the requirements for fishing line, float and weight that this fish makes. When choosing the thickness of the leash, it is better to give preference to a fishing line of 0.18 mm. This thickness will not confuse the tench. He is used to picking up bits of food from the stems of plants and therefore will not be afraid of a thick fishing line. The thickness of the main fishing line is allowed 0.2-0.22 mm.

Be more serious about the selection of a float. Load capacity from 2 to 2.5 grams. Fishing in the spring is most often carried out in shallow water, it is better that the float is not noticeable. The thing is that a shy fish, touching the bait, can see the movement from above. This will certainly alert her, and the intensity of the bite will decrease significantly. The tackle is loaded with ordinary lead shots. At a distance of 30 cm from the leash, a large pellet is attached, then through the gap - the middle one, and at the very bottom, at the place where the leash is tied, the smallest one is located, it serves as a shepherd. If fishing is carried out from the shore, then the length of the rod should ideally be at least 5 meters, but if fishing from a boat, then 4 meters can be dispensed with.

Catching tench on the bottom

For some reason, tench, like crucian carp, is not very common to catch on the donk. But experienced carp fishermen appreciated the donk with a rubber shock absorber. The design is simple: a sinker, an elastic band, a fishing line and leashes with hooks. Effective fishing for this tackle in backwaters and lakes, in places where there is not much vegetation. The elastic band is convenient in that only one cast is required, which means that splashes will not disturb cautious fish. The equipment is not much different from the carp. Another advantage of fishing on a donk with a rubber shock absorber is that it is possible to simultaneously fish in different layers water from the bottom to the middle, and this will increase the chance to leave with a catch.

Catching tench on the feeder

Rarely used on feeder tackle. The fact is that this small and inactive species rarely gets to the feeder first and a good bait is needed. It is done 4-5 days before fishing. There are several unwritten rules about how to properly catch tench with this tackle. A site on a reservoir is selected in advance, directly on which fishing will be carried out. It is necessary to mow the vegetation by making a "window". Feed the fish moderately at the same time for 5 days. Tench will get used to the sight of crumbling food, and will willingly go to the feeder.

The process of fishing on the feeder is also slightly different from the rest. The main difference is that you cannot make constant casts. Sometimes they wait up to 40 minutes. If you have found a really lined place, then the feeder without a bite should not be taken out at all. Equipment is standard, as well as crucian.

Tench bait

Pay attention only to natural bait. It should correspond to the reservoir in this period. Catching in the spring will be effective on a worm dug up near a reservoir. Normal earthworm- optimal and catchy bait for tench. Sometimes, having arrived at an unfamiliar body of water, you have to use different nozzles one after another, but no bites are observed. This slippery fish is very picky and it is difficult to find a component of its daily menu. Fishing in various water bodies largely depends on the habits of the fish, it bites on a worm, maggot, caddisfly, bloodworm, barley, dough, bread.

Bait for tench

This fish responds well to soaked sunflower oil cake and ground crackers of rye bread. It is better not to use a ready-made factory bait mixture. Firstly, some particles scare away the tench, and secondly, such bait, as a rule, is universal and, in addition to the fish we are interested in, all small fry from the surrounding area will run to the place of fishing. Professionals advise using hand-made bait. And also add pieces of chopped bait to the mixture: worm or maggot. Complementary foods may also include peas, potatoes, fried rolled oats, and bagasse.

Catching tench in the suburbs

Many fish farms are involved in tench breeding. The thing is that this species is not picky and valuable, from a gastronomic point of view. In the Moscow region there are paid fish farms and camp sites that provide those who wish a chance to try their luck in catching this fish.

In the south-west of Moscow, near the village of Pervomaisky in the Narofominsk district, there is a reservoir. Paid tench fishing is carried out on its territory. The local historical name is "The Chalice". This artificial reservoir with an area of ​​more than 7 hectares is pierced and stocked with species such as carp, grass carp, carp and tench. The reservoir does not descend for the winter for several years and the tench began to arrange spawning grounds. It is better to catch on float tackle, on a worm.

One of the largest farms in the Moscow region is Rybkhoz Klinsky, 30 km from the city of Klin. It borders on the Zavidovsky State Reserve. This is a complex of reservoirs from three separate sections: near the village of Vozdvizhenskoye, near the village of Chernyatino and Dyatlovo. are caught out predatory species pike, perch, burbot. Among peaceful fish, in addition to tench, gold and silver carp and bream are found. There are also a number of feeding ponds where carp lives. Tench fishing in May (during the spawning season) is prohibited.

Tench breeding in the Moscow region is also carried out in the Naro-Fominsk district at the Silver Thicket reservoir. This facility is located next to the Desna River, near the village of Nastasino. You can get to it along the Kiev highway, about half an hour away. Here they catch carp, black and white carp, catfish, pike, carp, bream, crucian carp, roach and tench. Fishing in the summer in these places is comfortable, as it is possible to rent a house for living and have lunch at a local cafe.

Tench recipes

In terms of nutrition, tench competes with the best varieties meat. But it is distinguished by the fact that the fillet of this fish is digested much easier and faster. For this reason, tench dishes are included in many dietary regimens. They are perfect for children and the elderly. Meat contains many vitamins and minerals. This product is rich in boron, iron, lithium, copper, calcium, potassium, cobalt, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and bromine. Fat is rich in vitamin A, as well as essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Regular consumption of this fish in fried and stewed form significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias. The calorie content is low, only 40 calories per 100 grams.

Lin baked in the oven

You will need 1 large tench, dill, spices for fish and butter. We clean and gut the carcass, rinse thoroughly under running water. Marinate in spices, add a little. Little spices are needed to add flavor, but if the tench was caught during spawning, then it is better not to save spices - during this period, the meat has a slightly musty aftertaste. Coat the carcass with oil and put a bunch of dill in the abdomen, bake at a temperature of 250 degrees, periodically watering it with the secreted juice. Or bake a fish in foil.

Tench cutlets

Cutlets are made as well as from crucian carp. They turn out juicy and tasty. To prepare the dish, you need 500 grams of fish fillet twisted through a meat grinder, 2 eggs, a medium onion, a spoonful of mayonnaise and two tablespoons of flour with a slide. Flour is first added to the minced meat, it should absorb excess liquid from the fish mass. We scroll the onion through the meat grinder. Add it to the minced meat, mayonnaise there and drive in a couple of eggs. All pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. Let stand for 15 minutes, if there is a lot of juice, then add a little more flour. Fry in a hot pan like thick pancakes. These cutlets are served with boiled rice.

fried tench

When fried, it competes with any other fish. Fried skin is considered a delicacy.

Questions about how to fry are rare. All that is required from the ingredients is the fish itself, salt, lemon and flour. The tench needs to be cleaned a little, gutted and washed. Gills must be removed. If the carcass is large, it is cut into portions. Salt the fish and sprinkle with lemon juice. Let stand 20 minutes for it to dry out. Then breaded in flour and fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. We spread the dish on a napkin or towel to remove excess fat. We put it on a plate and that's it - our fried delicacy is ready.

Tench ear

Easy to prepare. For a 2 liter saucepan, you need one medium fish, or 3-4 large heads with gills removed, 4 potatoes, one onion, bell pepper, bay leaf, parsley, dill, pepper and salt. Put peeled fish or heads to boil over medium heat, the water in the pan should be cold, otherwise the broth will turn cloudy. While the fish is cooking, it is necessary to peel the potatoes, onions and bell peppers. We cut the potatoes into large cubes, and the rest of the vegetables into half rings. It is better to take green pepper, as red and yellow give the ear a little sweetness. When the water boils, add bay leaf and spices, let it boil for 15 minutes, make sure that the tench is boiled. Strain the broth through cheesecloth or sieve. The fish is bony - when cutting it into pieces, check them carefully. Separate the meat fillet from the bones and put back into the broth, bring to a boil, add the potatoes first, and when it is half ready, throw the onion and pepper into the pan. At the end of cooking, add chopped greens to the ear and check for spices, salt and pepper if necessary. Immediately before use, put a spoonful of sour cream in your ear. Bon appetit!

Tench photo

Not every experienced fisherman boasts tench trophies. This fish is cautious and capricious. But if a weighty trophy has already fallen on the hook, then the memory of this will remain in memory for a long time. Will help with this good photo to back up your story with evidence.

Tench catching, video

Before you go hunting for tench, it will be useful to learn about the methods of feeding and catching this cunning fish. And help in this scrupulous business can good video. After carefully watching the video, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things that will help you return with a good catch. The video will be informative for beginners and experienced anglers.

Tench is a bony fish from the Cyprinidae family. Its Latin name is Tinca Tinca. In Europe, this fish is common in large numbers and is a typical inhabitant of rivers and lakes.

In the eastern part of our country, beyond the Urals, it is much less common, but the boundary of its habitat runs along the middle course of the Yenisei and the rivers flowing into it. This fish is also found in Baikal.

AT Eastern Siberia tench can be found extremely rarely, since it is subject to strong anthropogenic impacts that have arisen due to the violation of the natural habitat and the actions of poachers. This fish is listed in the Red Book of Buryatia.

Line Description

The body of the tench is thick, short and high. It is covered with small scales, which fit snugly to the body and are covered with thick mucus. About a hundred scales can be counted in the midline.

Color may vary due to different conditions habitats: tenches living in reservoirs with clear water and sandy soil are painted in a greenish-silver color; those lines that live in reservoirs with soil in the form of silt have a dark brown color with a bronze tint. The anal and dorsal fins are not very long. The dorsal fin consists of 4 unbranched rays and 8-9 branched ones, the anal fin consists of 3 unbranched rays and 8-9 branched ones. There is no notch on the caudal fin.

Lini are relatives of carps.

In males that have reached sexual maturity, the second ray on the ventral fins is thicker than the others. Antennae are located at the corners of the mouth opening, one on each side. They are very small, only 2 mm long. The formula of single-row pharyngeal teeth is 4-5, 5-4. The number of gill rakers varies from 14 to 20 pieces. The eyes are small, their color is red-orange. The tench owes its name to the ability to change the color of the body when it is removed from the water into the air.

The line's belonging to the female or male sex is determined by the ventral fins. In male lines they have larger size than in females, and back they protrude beyond the anus. The tench has a thicker body than the crucian, a more truncated fin on the tail, and there are half as many rays on the dorsal fin.

Lin - River fish.

But the tench has more scales in the middle line than the crucian. AT natural environment tench habitat is not of great commercial importance. But on the other hand, it is grown in large quantities in pond farms with warm water, since this type of fish is very undemanding to water quality, which allows it to comfortably exist in those ponds that cannot be used for carp breeding.


Favorite habitats for tenches are bays of rivers, oxbow lakes, channels. General conditions for all reservoirs are the presence of a large amount of soft aquatic vegetation and a small flow of water. Tench feels no less comfortable in lakes, ponds, along the banks of which reeds, reeds or sedges grow. The tench leads a predominantly solitary lifestyle and is not very mobile.

Prefers to stay close to the bottom in thickets where it does not penetrate sunlight. Tench can live even in those reservoirs that are not suitable for other fish, due to the fact that he does not need a high concentration of oxygen in the water to live.

The basis of tench nutrition is benthic invertebrates, such as worms, insect larvae and molluscs, which he digs out of the mud from a depth of 7-9 cm. percent.

Tench is a minor commercial fish. The body of the tench is thick and quite high. The caudal peduncle is short and tall. The mouth is small, turned upwards, in the corners - along a short antennae. The scales are very small, deeply seated in the skin. In mature males, the second branched ray of the ventral fins is wide and strongly thickened. The back is usually dark green, the sides are olive, green, with a golden hue .. The color of the tench depends on the bottom soil and its features: on a peat or muddy bottom, darkened by aquatic plants, the back of the tench becomes almost black, and the belly becomes colorless, white. In a bright place, it acquires a light yellow color. Taken out of the water, the tench quickly darkens, covered with large black spots. This is because it is all covered with a thick layer of extremely thick and transparent mucus, which hardens in the air, darkens, and then falls off in pieces, in place of which large yellow spots. It is because of this characteristic feature - change color depending on environmental conditions - fish and got its name: | Tench is distributed mainly in lakes and ponds throughout Europe, as well as in Siberia (in the river basins (Yenisei), in the Caucasus and in some other areas. It is unpretentious, undemanding to oxygen, able to tolerate a short-term decrease in it to 0.3 cubic cm in 1 liter even under acidic conditions (at pH about 5). Its permissible pH range is from 5.5-5 to 9. The destructive pH level is -4.5-5 and 10.8. This is identical to similar readings for carp, but tench is better than carp and other species of fish, withstands a sudden change in pH value.The tench is more sensitive to mechanical influences (very shy.) It mostly stays at the bottom of the reservoir, among underwater growths. It feeds in the same way as carp, therefore, in they compete in shallow ponds.In deeper water bodies, he chooses deep places, and carp mainly stays in ungrown and warmer areas.The main food is benthic organisms (larvae of chironomid mosquitoes, mollusks, oligochaete worms, zooplankton, phytoplankton and plant remains. Feeder Common vegetation for tench is telorez, hornwort, pondweed, water-feather, elodea, and water ranunculus. It consumes the same artificial food as carp, only more crushed (its pharyngeal teeth are single-row, usually 4-5). In search of food, the tench digs deep in the silt. At water temperatures below 10 "C, it lies in silt, and at water temperatures above 30 "C it sinks to the bottom and becomes inactive. Despite the fact that the tench can withstand a significant increase in temperature (up to 37 "C), it already has thermal stupor at a temperature of 23.5 C, and at a temperature of 4 "C it hibernates. Males reach sexual maturity in their second or third year of life, and females in their third or fourth. Tench spawns in portions (after 12-14 days) 2-3 times per season in June-July at a water temperature of 22 ° C. Juveniles usually do not reach normal weight by autumn (especially from the third portion of caviar). ,6-0.8 m on thickets of hornwort or on artificial spawning grounds from branches of spruce, juniper.The duration of caviar development at a temperature of 22-24 "C is 3-7 days. Tench juveniles do not tolerate transfers and trapping very well, therefore, spawning of fish must be carried out in large ponds, leaving juveniles that have hatched in them, which are caught only when they grow up and get stronger. The tench grows slowly, reaching only 5-10 g in the first year of life. In the second year of life, its weight increases to 80-120 g (with a body length of 15-18 cm), and in the third year, the marketable weight is 200-300 g. A fast-growing species of tench lives in Lake Zaisan (Kazakhstan), reaching a weight of 400-600 g in the second year of life, and 800-900 g in the third year. The fecundity of fish is on average up to 40 thousand. eggs, although it increases with age and can reach 200 thousand eggs. To grow tench, you can use such reservoirs in which other pond fish simply cannot survive - completely overgrown with plants and even those where the oxygen concentration is below 1 ml / l. Tench is very tenacious and is not inferior in this respect to either carp or crucian carp (in damp moss, it can live up to two days). Tench is a nutritionally valuable fish with tasty meat. It has a relatively large edible body part - 52-54%. The meat is sweetish in taste and very juicy, fat content - 3-8%. In Sweden, tench meat is considered curative for many diseases (in particular, they use it for fever and headaches). Nevertheless, the tench has not received such a wide industrial value as carp or crucian carp. This is partly due to the fact that it is not caught in large quantities anywhere, and also because it is mined only in warm time year (with the onset of cold weather, the tench burrows into the silt and becomes inaccessible). You can breed tench in any pond, if it contains some other fish, except for crucian carp. For this purpose, it is enough to release one or several dozen lines weighing from 25 to 50 g into the reservoir in summer or autumn.

Kazantsev Sergey Alekseevich
mob. +737379480370

Tench Recipes

Tench Recipes

As you know, the tench got its name for a reason - if you take it out of the water, the mucus with which it is covered begins to darken, the fish becomes covered with dark spots. Then the darkened mucus peels off, and yellow spots appear under it.

Fish of the carp family (length - up to 60 cm, weight - up to 7-8 kg). The tench lives in almost all water bodies of Siberia (except for the rivers of the Arctic Ocean basin).

Tench meat is very tasty and tender, but with a slight taste of silt. To get rid of it, the fish is boiled with various spices. In tsarist times, to improve the taste of live lines, they were kept in running water for 12-14 hours.

Lin baked in the oven

Ingredients: 1 tench, salt, spices for fish, a bunch of dill, 50 gr. butter.

Fresh tench, like most cyprinids, is very tasty when fried or baked - then it turns out to be the most juicy. Yes, and preparing a tench in this way is not very difficult.

We will clean the large tench from the scales (the scales are removed very easily) and gutted. It is not necessary to rinse with running water, it is enough to wipe dry abdominal cavity napkin. Salt moderately, you can add quite a bit of spices for fish. Then we lubricate the carcass of the tench from the outside and from the inside butter, put a few sprigs of dill in the abdomen and set the oven for 30 minutes, heated to 250-280 ° C. From time to time we look at the preparation of the tench and periodically pour the carcass with the juice that stands out.

Tench with cumin

Ingredients: 1 tench, salt, 1 lemon, 70 gr. melted fat, cumin, parsley.

Gutted tench and cut into portions. Salt the prepared pieces, sprinkle with caraway seeds and pour over the juice from the squeezed lemon. Then we bread the pieces of tench in flour and fry on both sides in hot fat.

Lightly fry the chopped parsley, combine with strained fish broth from the pan and boil for several minutes. When serving, pour this broth over the fish.

boiled tench

Ingredients: 1 tench, 30 gr. aromatic roots (carrots, onions, parsley), 20 gr. 3% vinegar, salt, black pepper, allspice, parsley and dill.

Sprinkle the cleaned and washed tench carcass with vinegar and then cook until cooked in water, to which vinegar, salt, chopped aromatic roots and spices are added. Put the finished tench on a large plate and sprinkle generously with chopped herbs. Boiled tench is good with mashed potatoes, sour cream, egg sauce and fresh vegetables.

Jellied from tench

Ingredients: 1 kg tench, 60 gr. (1 PC.) onion, 75 gr. (1 piece) carrots, 50 gr. (1 root) parsley, 2 egg whites, 20 gr. (4 tsp) gelatin, salt, pepper to taste.

We cut the peeled tench into pieces, salt and leave for several hours. We cook parsley, carrots, onions. After 15-20 minutes from the start of cooking vegetables, add the tench head to the broth and continue cooking. When the head is boiled, we remove it, add the fish cut into pieces into the broth, salt and pepper to taste and cook for another half an hour.

We take out the fish, and clean the resulting broth with egg white. Then we filter the broth through cheesecloth and add gelatin diluted in water and swollen gelatin and fill it with the resulting mixture to half the volume of the form for jelly. When the broth hardens, put chopped boiled vegetables and pieces of boneless fish on it, fill it with the rest of the broth and put it in a cold place to solidify.

Tench stewed with green onions

Ingredients: 0.5 kg. tench, 50 gr. green onions, white bread 40 gr., melted butter 5 gr., fish broth 120 gr., sour cream 30 gr., boiled egg 1 pc., pepper, herbs.

We cut the cleaned and washed fish into portioned pieces, leave medium-sized carcasses whole, sprinkle with salt and pepper and put in a cold place for 1-2 hours.

Finely chop the green onion, add stale white bread rubbed through a wire sieve (breadcrumbs can be used), a little finely chopped parsley or dill and mix. We put half of this mixture in an even layer in a deep stewpan greased with oil, put the prepared fish on top of the mixture, which we fill with the remaining mixture on top. Pour all this with fish broth (you can use hot milk) with sour cream and simmer, covering the dishes with a lid, for one hour.

When serving, you can decorate the laid out fish with a chopped hard-boiled egg.

Heh from tench

Ingredients: 2 medium tench, 3 large onions, 2 bunches of cilantro, 2 heads of garlic, camelina vegetable oil.
Seasonings: Red hot pepper, red bell pepper, table vinegar, monosodium glutamate.

Tench and carp live side by side. From tench and crucian carp, you can cook a lot of goodies. But there is one dish that doesn’t work out of crucian carp, but from tench - overeating - heh from tench!

We clean the fish. Cut it lengthwise into loin pieces. Cut out the main skeleton of the fish. Then we cut the fish along, between the bones (so that there would be one bone in each strip). Season with vinegar and salt, stir and cover with a lid. Leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes in a cool place.

After 30 minutes, add chopped onion (half rings), chopped cilantro and squeeze 2 heads of garlic. We mix all this with fish, add hot pepper to taste and red bell pepper for color, as well as glutaminate and vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. Mix everything thoroughly, it is better to mix with your hands. In an hour heh will be ready for use.
Those who do not take risks just eat raw fish- be sure to disinfect yourself.

It's nice for you to freeze the worm!

Universal block


A sedentary, seemingly clumsy fish. The body is thick, on the back dark green, olive-green on the sides, with gilding, yellowish in the abdominal part, fins are rounded, brownish-gray, eyes are bright red, scales are small, immersed in the skin, with a touch of mucus, in the corners of the mouth - along a short antennae.

The tench got its name for the ability to change color when pulled out of the water. The fact is that the mucus, which is abundantly covered with the body of this fish, quickly hardens in the air. Tench lives in rivers and lakes of the European part of the country, in the middle reaches of the Ob and Yenisei. Prefers quiet water. It keeps alone in shaded places among aquatic vegetation - heavily overgrown ponds, oxbow lakes, lakes, backwaters, river bays. Survives in overseas waters, plunging into the silt.

This is a typical bottom fish, leaving its permanent habitats only during the flood.

It feeds on insect larvae, worms, small mollusks, plant food residues, which it extracts in natural silt, sometimes going deep into it up to 7-8 cm.

The usual size of the line is 25 - 30 cm in length and weighs 400-600 g. Only individual champions reach a weight of 5-6 kg. In our reservoirs, sometimes 8-10-year-old lines weighing 1.2-2 kg come across in the nets of fishermen.

Launching the tench in is not without meaning, since the tench actively begins to peck from early spring. The tench caught on the hook resists vigorously, which could not be expected from such a sloth.

Tench grows slowly, but lives for a long time, reaching a length of 50 cm. It is a lethargic and lazy fish. Most during the day, tench, like crucian carp, digs in viscous mud, pulling out the main food - worms; but it also feeds on mud itself and various aquatic plants. In October-November, tench lies down for wintering in the most deep places, sometimes completely burrowing into mud. It emerges from there very early - in March-April - and begins to feed greedily until May, after which it hides in the mud, from where it leaves 2-3 days before the start of the game (spawning) to the grassy shores.

Universal block


Tench is a rare fish, with an original coloration and very small, golden scales firmly ingrown into the skin. The fat tench has a large forehead and small eyes, and a tail as wide as a shoulder blade. The caught tench is immediately covered with large black spots. This happens because it is all covered with a thick layer of thick and transparent mucus, which hardens in the air, darkens, and then falls off in pieces, leaving large yellow spots in these places.

It should be added that this name has taken root not only in appearance. Tench is a rather lethargic, lazy fish. He is slow-moving, leads a calm lifestyle, like crucian carp and rudd, constantly hiding in dense thickets of water buckwheat, pea, horsetail, pondweed and arrowhead, lives where, as if sea ​​stars, prickly rosettes of teloreza float, the leaves of which are very similar to medicinal plant aloe. Tench - very clumsy, slow in movements, but, once on the hook, becomes violent.

They catch tench in the bays of rivers, lakes and ponds. Lin cannot fight strong currents, so it is almost never found in rivers. Pressing close to the washed-out shore, the tench moved heavily forward and disappeared into a quiet backwater around the first turn...
Tench is a sedentary fish. Like a good homebody, he always lives in the same backwater, hiding in dense thickets. His whole life passes quietly and imperceptibly. It shows activity in well-heated water, so the bite of tench occurs only in the warm season: from May-June to October

Lin pecks very sluggishly. The tench does not like bright light, and the thicker the underwater thickets, the greater the opportunity to catch it, and, as Sabaneev wrote, “only in the evenings, in the morning and at night, the tench goes for a walk to cleaner places in the pond, but even then it very rarely comes to the surface, unless he will take it into his head to grab a large midge that has fallen into the water. At such moments, he takes the worm "from the floor of the water" well.

For the bait device, you need to make “windows” in the underwater thickets, clear the bottom in several places. The rod is 3-4 meters long, the fishing line (0.25-0.30 mm) is painted in a decoction of onion skins to match the color of the bottom and algae. The mouth of the tench is small, so the hook is used No. 4-5, hardened in moderation: slightly hot - it will unbend, overheated - it will break. Under the bloodworm, the hooks are taken on the number less. The worm is planted with a "stocking", shifting it as much as possible onto the forearm and the sting of the hook to make an "accordion". This is necessary so that the tench does not feel the hook, as he likes to savor the bait, grabbing it with his lips.

Lines can be caught on the "donut". It is prepared from that dough and in the form of a cake, boiled in a decoction of cake and cut into small pieces. By putting it on a hook, it can be shaped into a spool to better hold. The nozzle is lowered above the very bottom or placed on the bottom so that the float lies on its side. No more than two fishing rods are placed in each "window".
Prepared fish [...]
Tench (Tinca tinca) Has a rather high and thick body. The scales of the tench are very small, immersed in the skin and covered with mucus. The general color of the body is from yellow-green to brown. The mouth is terminal, small, with one barbel at the corners of the mouth. The eyes are small, the iris is always red. Widespread in the waters of Europe, there is in Siberia. But tench is a heat-loving fish, avoids water bodies with cold water. It is undemanding to the quality of water and lives where other fish, except for crucian carp and rotan, quickly die. A favorite habitat is quiet, heavily overgrown lakes, ponds and floodplain reservoirs, well warmed up in summer. Lin leads a solitary life. Food consists mainly of benthic animal organisms - insect larvae, crustaceans, mollusks, as well as young shoots of plants and algae. The tench grows rather slowly, it becomes sexually mature at the age of 3-4 years with a length of 17-20 cm. It spawns late, usually in summer, when the water warms up to 19-20 °C. Caviar matures in batches and is deposited on underwater plants at intervals of about two weeks. Tench rarely reaches a length of more than 60 cm, a mass of 2 kg, only individual specimens grow to a record weight of 7 kilograms. His life expectancy, apparently, does not exceed 15 years. Tench has a rather high palatability, it is grown together with carp in Europe and Russia in fish ponds. Is also an object recreational fishing However, catching it requires quite a lot of patience and skill. The line can also be kept in home aquarium, he is unpretentious, omnivorous and loves hiding places.

Among freshwater fish that are caught or sold in the markets, tench cannot be ignored. It is difficult to catch it, but it is much easier to bring it out in stagnant water under control. In cooking, the meat of such fish is valued for its softness, and in medicine - for its low calorie content in the presence of many useful vitamins and minerals.

What does tench fish look like

Along with carp, which is almost always on sale, you can sometimes find its direct “relative” tench on sale. Often these fish are not found in rivers, but prefer to hide in lakes from the side of dense vegetation. By appearance line is characterized by:

  • thick tall body;
  • with a maximum weight of up to 600 grams and a size of up to 50 centimeters (only individual individuals can have a weight of 3 kg and a size of 60-70 cm in length);
  • elongated scales;
  • the presence of a dense layer of mucus, which is released due to the scales tightly entering the meat;
  • more elongated small mouth;
  • the presence in the corners of the mouth of small antennae (length up to 2 mm);
  • small eyes, which are bordered by a red iris;
  • fins having a rounded shape;
  • the presence of a small notch in the caudal fin;
  • gray color of all fins;
  • the general color, which can be greenish (which means that the habitat is a reservoir with sandy soil) or dark brown (this indicates a muddy bottom of the reservoir);
  • yellowish ventral base;
  • special thermophilicity;
  • intolerance to sunlight;
  • a feature to change the color of the scales when exposed to air (the mucus darkens and flakes off, and yellow spots appear on the cover itself).

Indeed, this fish loves loneliness, chooses a permanent habitat and does not tolerate fast river currents. Under natural conditions, the tench prefers quiet bays of rivers, oxbow lakes, channels with a gentle current and soft underwater vegetation. It is found in lakes and ponds, the banks of which are overgrown with reeds, sedges or reeds. The tench does not need a higher concentration of oxygen and its main habitat is among the vegetation at the bottom of the reservoir.

Only young growth can stray into flocks closer to autumn in order to hibernate together and survive the cold.

The lines become sexually mature late - at 3-4 years. At the same time, they live up to 18 years.

Females start spawning only during a warm hot period (approximately from June to the end of July), when the water temperature warms up to 20 degrees. During this period, the fish does not feed at all and does not bite (the best time for fishing is April-May).

The tench has no special commercial value, therefore, it is mainly bred on a specialized basis, like crucian carp, in shutters (after all, this fish is inactive). So it feeds more on vegetation, or it extracts larvae, worms and crustaceans from the bottom, “raking” sand or silt with its fins when moving. In any case, the fish does not go far from its "house".

Tench fish are common in water bodies throughout Europe. Our main places are the border of the Urals. To the east of this line it can be found, but very rarely. The farthest border eastern region Lake Baikal.

In Germany, Buryatia, the Yakutsk region of Russia, this type of fish is officially listed in the local Red Books.

What is useful tench fish

Not every representative of freshwater fish can boast of the chemical composition found in tench meat. Thus, the tench has:

  • high quality easily digestible protein;
  • fats;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • all essential amino acids;
  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • vitamins from group B (riboflavin, thiamine, folic and nicotinic acids);
  • macronutrients represented by sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • the main minerals are zinc, iodine, iron, chromium, copper, fluorine and manganese.

The calorie content of 100 grams of meat of this fish is only 40 kilocalories.

The energy ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 70/41/0%.

Useful properties of tench fish

Do not assume that freshwater fish are not able to benefit the human body. For example, regular consumption of tench fish meat helps a person:

Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (especially the stomach itself);

To establish the functioning of the thyroid gland (by the way, only marine fish representatives can do this);

Get rid of unpleasant arrhythmia;

Strengthen the heart muscle;

reduce excess weight due to the low number of calories;

In general terms, establish the correct operation of all internal organs.

How to select and store tench fish

Possessing a delicate and soft structure, tench meat after cooking is not inferior in taste to chicken meat.

True, in order not to spoil the dish from the “molting” freshwater fish, you need to know that buying a tench is exclusively fresh (therefore, it is advisable to take it from a store aquarium).

If you have to buy goods on the market, then:

  • Only those representatives that are caught a month before spawning or two weeks after it are eaten;
  • freshness will be indicated by the bright red color of the gills;
  • the smell should not be fishy, ​​but simply give off freshness;
  • the eyes of fresh fish are always clear and transparent;
  • the hole, when pressed on the body of the fish, necessarily quickly disappears due to the elasticity of the meat;
  • when butchering, the bones never lag behind the meat (if the opposite is true, then such a tench cannot be cooked).

When it becomes necessary to preserve the tench carcass, it must be gutted well, washed and wiped dry with a white napkin or towel. Then the fish is wrapped in white paper, previously soaked in a strong saline solution, and then wrapped in one layer of white paper. To preserve this product, it must be placed in a refrigerator at a temperature not higher and not lower than 5 degrees. The shelf life of fish is no more than three days. If frozen, it can be stored for up to 3 months.

How to clean tench fish

Compared to carp, this fish is more difficult to clean, as its scales fit more closely to the body of the carcass. When buying in a store, if there is a fish cleaning service, then it is better to clean it immediately after purchase.

When removing the scales, you must be very careful not to damage the skin. Therefore, cleaning should be more like scraping off the scales, rather than assiduously cleaning it. To make it easier to remove the scales, you can first dip the carcass in boiling water.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat (after all, the tench eats greens) it is recommended:

  • let the fish swim for a couple of hours in a bath of clean water;
  • put the fish under running water for several hours.

What to cook from tench fish

It can be cooked like regular fish. In any case, dishes with a beautiful golden crust are obtained from such a fish product when baking or frying. It is also boiled (it can be served as an independent dish or in an ear), stewed, grilled.

Culinary experts recommend adding a lot of spices and herbs during cooking so that the meat does not give off the greens consumed by the fish. Before cooking, experienced housewives recommend sprinkling it with lemon juice and letting it lie for 15-20 minutes.

In many European countries, it is boiled in milk. There are a lot of recipes for cooking fish. In principle, any recipe for cooking carp will do.

Contraindications for use

To the consumption of tench, scientists have not yet been able to determine serious contraindications. Therefore, the individual intolerance to fish meat becomes the fundamental of them.

Bony tench fish or not

Like any river fish, it has a lot of bones, but still less compared to carp or other fish.

Where does the tench fish live, see the video

Lin fish belongs to the ray-finned carp family, a typical inhabitant of freshwater reservoirs of Russia from its European part to Lake Baikal. Found in lakes and rivers in Europe.

Description of tench fish

The fish has a luxurious powerful body, short and rather high. It is pressed on the sides, the sides themselves have a sloping shape.

Tench fish is the owner of thick skin. She also has very dense and small golden scales. Lateral line decorated with almost a hundred scales.

All fins of the tench are rounded. The anal and dorsal fins are not very long. The wide and short caudal fin has no notch. Adult males are distinguished by longer ventral fins reaching the beginning of the anal fin.

The head is small, with up to 20 stamens in the gills. The eyes are small with a reddish iris. Small and fleshy mouth with two miniature antennae. The pharyngeal teeth grow in one row, they are bent at the ends. The tench has a highly developed sense of smell, but poor eyesight. The life of a tench lasts an average of 13-18 years.

View features

The tench fish is unusual in that its body is covered with thick mucus. Therefore, it is very slippery and it is not always possible to keep it - the fish slips out of the hands. The caught tench quickly changes color, it becomes covered with spots. There is a process of exfoliation of mucus, it folds into pieces. It is believed that this property served as such a name for the fish.

Color and size

The color of the back of the tench is dark, almost black, sometimes dark green. The sides are greenish with a transition to olive color and with an admixture of a golden hue, the belly is grayish. Tench fish - the owner of dark fins.

Living in peat-saturated or overgrown lakes with a muddy bottom, tench has a black color. The fish living in open lakes and rivers are always lighter in color, the tench acquires an olive color when living in reservoirs with sandy soil at the bottom.

This is big fish, its length is up to 70 cm, and the mass can reach 7.5 kg, but usually smaller specimens weighing 2-3 kg come across.

The body color of tench fish largely depends on the habitat, the composition of the water, the nature of the bottom soil and the degree of illumination of the reservoir.

Known Species

There are several subspecies of tench, characteristic of certain forms of water bodies in which it lives.

  • The river line differs from the lake counterpart in a smaller complexion. His mouth is slightly raised. It usually lives in river backwaters and bays.
  • The lake tench is the largest in size with a powerful body. He prefers large lakes and reservoirs for life.
  • The pond tench is somewhat smaller than the lake tench in volume. He feels great in small natural reservoirs and in artificially created ponds.
  • There is also a decorative form of fish called golden tench, it is the result of artificial selection. It differs from the usual tench in the golden color of the body, its eyes are dark in color, there are dark spots on the sides.

Where does tench fish live

In Russia, tench is found throughout the European part and partly in its Asian territory. The fish is thermophilic, hence its preference for the basins of Azov, Caspian, Black and Baltic Seas. Its habitat extends to the Ural reservoirs and Baikal. Sometimes tench is found in the Ob, Angara and Yenisei. It is common in Europe, in Asian latitudes with a temperate climate.

Favorite places for tench life are stagnant ponds with stagnant water in a temperate and warm climate. Therefore, lakes, bays, reservoirs, ponds, streams with a light current are the most suitable reservoirs for this fish. Tench definitely avoids rapids and cold water.

Tench fish feel great in places overgrown with aquatic plants like reeds or reeds, among snags and algae, in sun-warmed ponds and backwaters, where the bottom is silted. It usually keeps at a depth near the high banks overgrown with greenery, where there are real thickets of aquatic vegetation.

A tench is accustomed to a sedentary life in mud or silt, where he finds food for himself. This fish spends its whole life in the same favorite places, does not migrate anywhere. Leads a secluded and measured life in the water depths.

For the winter, the tench lies at the bottom of the reservoir, burrowing in silt or mud. There he falls into a deep torpor until early spring. The fish wakes up in March, and more often in April, when the reservoir begins to free itself from ice. During this period, the tench begins an intense zhor until spawning.

Tench fish do not suffer from lack of oxygen, brackish water and increased acidity, therefore, it can live without problems in swampy reservoirs, in flooded floodplains of lakes and estuaries, where sea water enters.

What does tench eat

The basis of tench nutrition are benthic invertebrates living in silt. But in general, its nutrition consists of many components:

  • annelids;
  • rotifers;
  • bloodworm;
  • cyclops;
  • crustaceans;
  • shellfish;
  • water beetles;
  • larvae of dragonflies, caddisfly;
  • leeches;
  • water bugs;
  • swimmers;
  • fish fry;
  • phytoplankton;
  • duckweeds;
  • shoots of aquatic plants
  • algae.

In addition to animal food, adult fish also include aquatic plants in their diet - reed shoots, sedges, cattail and algae. Tench usually feed in the early morning or at dusk. Under the sun's rays, they do not like to absorb food. At night, the fish never eats, but lies down to sleep in the pits at the bottom of the reservoir.

Reproduction and offspring

In tench, spawning begins at a later date. More often this happens only at the end of May, when the water warms up to 17-20 degrees. The fish reaches sexual maturity not earlier than 3 or 4 years. Lines spawn for two months, until July, gathering for this in small groups.

Females spawn in 2-3 portions, at regular intervals. This happens in the coastal zone of the reservoir, where there is a weak current, but clear water, at a depth of up to 1 meter. The laid caviar is attached to the underwater rhizomes and stems of plants.

The fish are highly prolific, the female, depending on age, lays from 50,000 to 600,000 eggs. The tench has small caviar with a greenish tint. After fertilization, the incubation period does not last long, if the water in the lake warms up to a temperature above 20 degrees, the larvae hatch already on the third or fourth day.

Fish larvae develop slowly, feeding from the yolk sac. The fry that have appeared keep in small flocks, they begin to absorb algae and zooplankton, then they switch to feeding on benthic invertebrates. Tench fry do not grow too fast, reaching 3-4 cm by the year. By the age of two, they double their size and only by the age of 5 gain up to 20 cm in length.

The eggs laid by the female tench often die in large quantities, sliding from the plants to the bottom and falling into the silt. The mass death of eggs also happens with the end of the flood in reservoirs and the decline in water at the spawning grounds when they dry up.

Dangerous Enemies

The unique feature of the tench, whose body is covered with a thick layer of mucus, saves it from dangerous predatory fish and other common enemies of freshwater fish. Slime, its smell, obviously, scares off potential hunters, so the tench is protected and does not become prey to various predators.

But the line caviar is subjected to merciless destruction. Since the tench does not guard its eggs in the spawning ground, it is eaten in large quantities. various fish and other aquatic life.

The main danger for the tench is represented by the fishermen who catch it. Fans of this difficult-to-catch fish open the season in early spring, back in April or May, before the start of the spawning period. Then they begin to catch this fish in the fall - from the end of August to October.

Tench fishing

Usually, anglers use to fish lines, always with a flexible rod and a strong dark-colored fishing line. Sometimes with a spinning coil. Mormyshka and nodding fishing rod are also used for spring fishing.

When catching tench, different baits are used. Most often these are earth and dung worms, maggots, caterpillars, bloodworms, dragonfly larvae. It happens that tench pecks at ordinary leeches.

Anglers use various tricks to catch this difficult-to-catch fish. For example, they prepare a “sandwich” bait for tench from bloodworms and maggots, adding dough and corn to them.

Fishing enthusiasts also use all sorts of cereals as bait, the most successful tench pecks at semolina, pearl barley, wheat grains, and oats. It can be effective fishing for bread balls, dough, steamed peas or potatoes.

The tench is fed with pieces of cake from sunflower, flax and hemp. Live maggots and worms chopped into pieces are considered a good bait with a strong and attractive smell for fish.

Another good way to catch tench is with bottom gear that has a rubber shock absorber. It is lowered into the space among the water thickets, usually from a boat or by swimming to this place.

Clumsy and unhurried in a pond, a tench, caught on a hook, puts up desperate resistance and a very aggressive rebuff, trying to free itself. Often, his almost acrobatic maneuvers are successful, the caught fish manages to get off the hook. Experienced anglers, knowing about such habits of tench, very slowly and patiently bring it to the shore and always use a landing net to pull the fish ashore.

Population and species status

In the European part of Russia, the tench population is represented very extensively, as in European countries. However, outside the Urals, tench is significantly destroyed by poachers. Economic activity human, affecting the ecology of its habitats, also strikes at the population of this species of fish, reducing its numbers.

Although in general the tench population is not threatened with extinction, it happens that this fish dies en masse in the winter, when the water level in reservoirs suddenly drops, and the lines sleeping on the bottom freeze into the ice. Therefore, in some regions, fish is taken under state protection. For example, in Buryatia, Irkutsk, Yaroslavl regions, tench is in the Red Book. The same measure of protection of this fish was taken in Germany.

Commercial value

Tench is not considered the most valuable commercial fish. However, fish farms are engaged in its breeding, and in considerable volumes, growing tench in artificial ponds. It is believed that breeding this unpretentious representative of cyprinids is very profitable and much easier than the same pond carps.

Taste qualities of tench meat

Tench has a great taste, juicy, very tender dietary meat with low calorie content. It is rich in amino acids and proteins that are easy to digest. Tench dishes are rich in vitamins A, groups B, C, PP, E contain calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium that are useful for the body. The meat of this fish contains many important trace elements - iron, fluorine, iodine, manganese, zinc.

All this makes fish especially useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. There are practically no contraindications for eating tench meat, only if there is an individual intolerance to fish.

Many delicious dishes are prepared from tench meat. Fish is fried, boiled, steamed, baked in sour cream sauce, prepared aspic, marinated, stewed with mushrooms, stuffed, used for gourmet dishes in wine.

But what could be tastier than freshly caught fish cooked in nature! One of the most uncomplicated and amazingly mouth-watering dishes is tench baked on charcoal. Before preparing slippery molts, they are freed from mucus and thoroughly cleaned.

The fish tends to smell like mud, so it must first be soaked in clean water or simply rinse in saline solution. The carcasses are coated with lemon juice, soy sauce, and lemon slices are placed in the gutted belly. Tench should marinate for 15-20 minutes. 0