Enter the Institute of Foreign Languages. Higher education institutions

Top 10 universities.
The name of the university Peculiarities
Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman (MSTU named after N.E. Bauman)
Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
International University in Moscow (IUM)
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
Russian State Social University (RGSU)
Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATiSO)
Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU)
Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU)


The term “linguistics” comes from the Latin word lingua (“language”) and means the science of language - about natural human language in general and about all the languages ​​of the world as its individual representatives. In the era of globalization and integration of society, the need for highly qualified linguistic specialists is steadily increasing, which is associated with the expansion of business, cultural, scientific, trade and interpersonal contacts of people from different countries.

Knowledge of a foreign language is one of the indispensable requirements imposed by employers for modern market labor, so everything larger number people study foreign languages ​​in all kinds of courses. However, knowing and mastering a foreign language are not the same thing. To master a foreign language perfectly, to reveal the peculiarities of the mentality of other peoples, to understand and accept their culture is possible only by obtaining a higher linguistic education. Not by chance modern name The main direction of this type of education at the university is “Linguistics and intercultural communication”. Only a combination of two knowledge: the language and culture of our partners in the global community can ensure effective and fruitful communication.

Majors and specializations in linguistics

One of the areas of higher professional linguistic education in Moscow universities is the direction of “Linguistics,” for which two-level training is possible: bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Another direction in the field of linguistics, for which two-level training at linguistic universities is also possible, is the direction “Linguistics and Intercultural Communications”, in which the following specialties are distinguished with a period of study of 5 years at full-time training:

  • “Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures"
  • "Translation and translation studies"
  • "Theory and practice of intercultural communication"

In addition, the qualification “linguist” is awarded to a university graduate in the field of linguistics who has received higher professional education in the specialty “Theoretical and Applied Linguistics” in the direction of “Linguistics and New Information Technologies.”

Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures

Students of linguistic universities are taught modern methods teaching two foreign languages, pedagogy, psychology of schoolchildren and adults, order and ethics of behavior in the classroom, cultural history of the countries of the languages ​​being studied. In addition to purely language courses, senior students undergo compulsory teaching practice in schools and universities in Moscow.

Translation and translation studies

Future translators study the theory of translation at universities in the field of linguistics, acquire and develop practical translation skills in both languages ​​studied. In addition to language specialization, students at the university can choose a specialization in a specific type of translation (oral, written, simultaneous, sequential), in the nature of the translated texts (literary, scientific and technical translation), in the field professional activity(translation in the field of economics and law, finance and credit, information technologies, military-industrial complex, etc.). Translation practice at various exhibitions and international conferences is required for students.

Theory and practice of intercultural communication

Graduates who have received this specialty at a linguistic university are prepared for effective international communication, armed with knowledge of the culture of native speakers of the language being studied, their national character, lifestyle, customs and traditions, social behavior. They receive thorough training in psycho- and sociolinguistics, social psychology, comparative cultural studies.

Theoretical and applied linguistics

Training in this specialty is carried out at Moscow universities within the framework of the direction “Linguistics and new information technologies” and therefore includes a number of additional disciplines in mathematics, computer science and programming (information and coding theory, mathematical logic, philosophy of mathematics, etc.). The block of general professional disciplines is replenished by fundamental (morphology, syntax, grammar, etc.) and applied (lexicography, computer linguistics, machine translation, etc.) disciplines.

The practical activities of graduates of linguistic universities who have received this specialty are aimed at studying the theory and modeling of natural and artificial languages. The knowledge gained allows you to work in the field of computer linguistics, create search engines, automatic translation programs and electronic dictionaries, text corpora, and linguistic software.

You can become a translator or a teacher of a foreign language by obtaining a higher professional education in other specialties of a similar profile, for example, “Philology”, “Foreign language”. With the same qualifications of the university graduate learning programs in the specialties “Foreign Language” and “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures” vary greatly. In the first case, training is focused on pedagogy and one, main language, the second language is studied to a much lesser extent. In the second case, up to 70% of all classroom time is devoted to two foreign languages, and sometimes even more time is devoted to studying the second language than studying the first. As a result, the qualification of a university graduate is “teacher of two foreign languages.”

Where do they work and how much do they earn?

Linguistic teachers are in demand as teachers in schools, colleges, universities, and numerous language centers. They can engage in research work in scientific institutes, university laboratories, libraries, archives, museums; They are prepared for professional translation in all fields and branches of activity.

The profession of teaching foreign languages ​​is in great demand in the labor market and, although in state educational institutions the salary of a teacher is small (from $350 per month), an experienced teacher can always increase his income through tutoring (up to $100 per hour).

Linguists and translators are needed in all spheres of society: public service(in the bodies of the Russian Foreign Ministry, in particular in the Diplomatic Academy, the FSB of Russia, State Duma, in embassies, international departments government organizations and companies); in domestic and foreign companies of various profiles; V travel agencies(as guides-translators and accompanying persons for various individuals and groups with wages from 500 US dollars); in domestic and foreign publishing houses and the media (as referents-translators, journalists, editors with a salary of 500 US dollars); in translation and scientific-technical information bureaus; in show business, advertising and public relations.

A translator's career usually begins with the position of secretary-assistant, assistant, office manager with knowledge of a foreign language and a salary of $500 per month. But good knowledge of the language, ensured by higher linguistic education, is in itself a source of income. A huge amount of translated literature is published in Russia, so a linguist can always work as a freelance translator in some field of activity known to him. True, a novice translator receives $6 per page for a written translation from a European language. The rarer the language and the more complex the translation (for example, technical specifications), the higher the payment. The highest payment is provided for simultaneous translation - up to $50 per day.

The disadvantages of freelance work are unstable workload and receipt of fees not upon completion of the order, but upon receipt of payment from the customer. Full-time translators in large companies and publishing houses receive between $1,000 and $2,000 per month, but must be willing to translate in any field.

Specialists in computational linguistics are welcome in computer and Internet companies, in the press, radio and television, in news agencies. They may also be involved in teaching linguistics, translation and editing.

omniscient RECOMMENDS


Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after. Maurice Thorez:

All-Russian Linguistic Center for the training of highly professional teachers and lecturers in two or more foreign languages, a center for advanced innovative methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages, a scientific cluster of linguistic and linguodidactic research in educational organizations and scientific institutions in the language field

The rich history of MSLU is inextricably linked with Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez. Today it is an educational and scientific division of the university, uniting four faculties:

  • Faculty of English (FAL)
  • Faculty of German Language (FNL)
  • Faculty of French (FFL)
  • faculty distance learning(FZO)

For more than 85 years, the Institute has been producing specialists in the field of linguistics, who invariably enjoy the trust of employers and are in demand in various educational organizations in the country, as well as in many government agencies and sectors of the national economy.

Rector Prof. Irina Arkadyevna Kraeva (left)
and director of the Institute prof. Galina Borisovna Voronina (right)

In the photo (from left to right): Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Yuliya Nikolaevna Sdobnova, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Ksenia Vladimirovna Golubina, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Galina Borisovna Voronina, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Danilova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

When the Institute of New Languages ​​was created in 1930, it consisted of three departments: English, French and German, which were later transformed into independent departments. In 1964, Moscow State pedagogical institute Foreign languages ​​became the First Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. He was also given the name of a prominent politician France - Maurice Thorez. At that time, the Institute had five faculties: English, German, French, a translation department and a distance learning department, whose graduates, both foreign language teachers and translators, were distinguished by their excellent command of two foreign languages. After 1964, the name of the Maurice Thorez Foreign Language Institute became a mark of quality for foreign language specialists.

Foreign Language named after Maurice Thorez is a time-tested sign of quality!

In 1990, the Institute was transformed into the Moscow State Linguistic University, where various educational programs are implemented. But the InLanguage Institute named after Maurice Thorez was and still remains the core of the university and a symbol of the quality of knowledge of foreign languages ​​in the field of training Linguistics. In order to preserve this famous brand in the field of education, the Academic Council of the University decided on April 24, 2006 to revive the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the university, consisting of three faculties. It can be said without exaggeration that Inyaz is a real source of personnel. Today, almost the entire teaching staff of the linguistic departments of MSLU are Inyaz graduates. Almost all universities in Moscow and the country employ Foreign Languages ​​graduates in their departments of foreign languages; moreover, many of them head departments, manage institutes within universities, or are vice-rectors of universities. They can also be found at foreign language departments in CIS member countries. The same applies to others educational organizations: schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, courses, etc.

Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Voronina G.B., Rector, Kraeva, I.A., Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Sdobnova, Yu.N.

Inyaz is famous for its traditions in training specialists in the field of Linguistics. These are, first of all, unique pedagogical and linguodidactic technologies, constantly supplemented innovative methods using multimedia tools to reveal the diversity of language and form professional competencies future foreign language teachers.

The history of foreign language is inextricably linked with the history of Russian linguistics. Inyaz is the only one Russian university, where unique departments of phonetics of German, French and English have been preserved. These departments employ specialists who have created their own methods for staging pronunciation and intonation patterns. At the origins of the phonological school of foreign language were such luminaries as prof. O.A. Nork ( German), Prof. K.K. Baryshnikova ( French), Prof. G.P. Torsuev ( English language). Today, the traditions of the Inyaz phonological school are continued by prof. T.I. Shevchenko, prof. L.M. Karpova, prof. T.V. Medvedeva, Associate Professor I.A. Lysenko.

World-famous linguistic schools of Doctors of Philological Sciences, prof. L.S. Barkhudarova, Prof. A.V. Kunina, prof. I.R. Galperina, Prof. I.P. Pototskaya, prof. E.Yu.Yuryeva, prof. O.I.Bogomolova, prof. L.I.Ilia, Prof. O.I. Moskalsky, prof. A.V. Reichshtein, prof. E.G. Riesel, prof. N.D. Stepanova, Prof. E.I. Schendels, prof. I.I. Chernysheva, prof. E.V. Gulyga. Today, the traditions of Russian German studies and novels are continued by their students and followers: Dr. Philol. science prof. L.S. Nozdrina, Doctor of Philology. science prof. E.E. Anisimova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. I.A.Guseinova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. E.G. Belyaevskaya, Doctor of Philology. science prof. T.S. Sorokina, Doctor of Philology. science prof. G.G. Bondarchuk, Doctor of Philology. science prof. O.K. Iriskhanova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. E.E. Golubkova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. V.G. Kuznetsov, Dr. Philol. science prof. I.A. Semin - within the framework of various scientific schools in the field of linguistics: “Structure and functioning of Germanic languages”, “Structure and functioning of Romance languages”, “Cognitive linguistics”, “Text linguistics”, “Lexicology, phraseology, lexicography”, “ Comparative historical typological and comparative linguistics.”

Textbooks, teaching aids and dictionaries developed by professors and associate professors of the Institute are in demand not only within the walls of their home university, but are widely used in universities across the country.

The departments of the Institute successfully train highly qualified personnel: candidates and doctors of philological sciences (more than ten per year), annually the Institute publishes up to nine “Bulletins of MSLU. Humanities", included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications.

In Inyaz, glorious traditions and bold innovation are harmoniously combined. Continuity and preservation of traditions is the basis on which one of the best linguistic schools in the country is successfully developing.

The most important science in the world is linguistics, but she doesn’t know about it yet. There is nothing more important than language, for it is he who is the connecting link between man and subtle world. In processes such as learning, creativity, thinking, feeling, the language our subconscious speaks to us largely determines the course and result of these processes.

Alexander Tikhomirov “Treatises”

Linguistic education in Russia has always been at its best high level- both during the USSR and in subsequent years. There are about 400 universities with a linguistic focus in Russia. In terms of quality and level of education, linguistic universities are considered the best compared to others:

  • serious traditions of the Soviet school of teaching have been preserved;
  • linguistics is a stable science; unlike technical sciences and the IT field, rules and teaching methods are updated quite rarely;
  • there is no need for a complex material and technical base.

Only then do we feel the charm of our native speech,

when we hear it under foreign skies.

Bernard Show

As is the case with other universities, the most better education can be obtained at Moscow universities. But several regional universities also made it into the top ten. The first three places are taken linguistic departments MSU according to competition ratings " European quality" and "100 best universities Russia."

Top 10 linguistic universities in Russia

  1. Higher School of Translation (Faculty of Moscow State University).
  2. Philological (Faculty of Moscow State University).
  3. Foreign languages ​​and regional studies (faculty of Moscow State University).
  4. Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Russian State University for the Humanities).
  5. Nizhny Novgorod linguistic State University them. Dobrolyubova.
  6. Institute of Language Communication and Philology, Siberian Federal University.
  7. Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University.
  8. Pyatigorsk Linguistic University.
  9. Irkutsk Linguistic University.
  10. Moscow Linguistic University.

The new Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) has defined a mandatory 4-year bachelor's degree program in the following areas of training:

  • translation studies and translation;
  • theory and methodological foundations teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures;
  • theory of the foreign language being studied (or several languages);
  • theory of communication between different cultures;
  • studying foreign languages ​​and cultures of countries in which they are native;
  • application of linguistics in electronic information systems.

Educational programs are regularly updated in terms of new information about the cultures of countries and changes in innovative technologies.

Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why learning and preserving the Russian language is not an idle hobby with nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.

A.I. Kuprin

Russian language, history and philosophy are the basic subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle. The languages ​​and cultures of ancient peoples are variable. The basis of the natural science cycle is the linguistics of information technology. The basic subjects of the professional cycle are the same for all areas and are represented by the basics of linguistics and the study of one foreign language (the second is chosen by the student).

Linguistic professions have not lost their popularity, but have changed due to the demands of the time and the development of IT technologies. New directions have appeared:

  • intelligent systems in linguistics;
  • applied linguistics.

Linguistic professions are extremely in demand in many areas: business, tourism, politics, economics, and PR. Linguistic education can be called universal. Linguists work in different areas: teachers at school and university, translators at diplomatic missions and joint ventures, journalists, editors, writers, linguists on archaeological expeditions. World-famous linguists discovered ancient civilizations: Maya - by Yuri Knorozov, Egyptian - Jean Champollion.

Charles V, the Roman Emperor, used to say that Spanish It is decent to speak with God, French with friends, German with the enemy, Italian with the female sex. But if he knew the Russian language, then of course he would have added that it is decent to speak with everyone, since he would have found in it the splendor of Spanish, and the liveliness of French, and the strength of German, and the tenderness of Italian, and richness, and strong figurativeness Latin and Greek.

M.V. Lomonosov

The income of linguists is very high. In addition, there is such a pleasant bonus as traveling around the world as part of the profession.