We're celebrating a girl's 30th birthday. Cool anniversary competitions for women and men

Always going to celebrate an anniversary big company. Relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors come to the holiday. And so that guests not only eat, drink and dance, it is necessary to create the right scenario with various competitions, skits and humorous performances. All the cool anniversary competitions are collected in this article.

Table fun

Undoubtedly, tasty food, good music and a suitable place - fundamental principles Have a great birthday. But cool competitions for 30-40-55 year anniversaries help men and women achieve a unique effect and a feeling of an unforgettable holiday.

The circle of invitees may include both long-time friends and practically unfamiliar people. So that guests do not feel constrained and tense, the ideal time to start holding introductory competitions is, as they say, between the first and second glass. We offer you several table options.

Funny competition at the table “I read your mind”

In order for this competition to evoke a lot of positive emotions and a storm of impressions among your guests, you will need to prepare a selection of funny excerpts from songs in advance. For example, these could be the phrases “And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean”, “And I am unmarried, someone really needs me”, “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting, everything that is terribly unknown”, “ Now they will feed me, now I will eat. Porridge, porridge, porridge..." and the like.

The main telepath of the holiday is an old hat, which is placed one by one on the heads of the guests. It will be very funny if, before trying on the props, the presenter makes comments and interestingly plays out the lines from the cut.

Table game "Who are you?"

To hold the competition, you need to prepare cards with funny inscriptions characterizing this or that guest. Before reading the card, the presenter says: “Surely, you all think about yourself only in the most better light. But now we will know the truth." Then he invites the guest to take out a piece of paper and read what he wrote out loud.

On each piece of paper you can write the following:

  • “I’m wearing a Versace shirt, it looks decent, nothing less. I’ll also buy cologne, I’ll be just like Alain Delon.”
  • “I’m beautiful, like a diva, who can argue with me here? I dance like a peahen, and I walk very majestically. Black your eyebrows, almost no dye on your hair - well, the princess is straight out of a fairy tale.”
  • “Wow, I’m so punchy! Prosecutors, oligarchs, mayors - they are all my friends. It’s such a time now that you can’t go anywhere without a bribe.”
  • “I’m not a simple man, I’m indecently cool. I change jeeps, Mercedes, foreign cars like a cowboy.”

Movement is life and fun

After the guests had drunk enough and got to know each other a little, it was time to launch an open counteroffensive. Cool script An anniversary for a woman and a man must necessarily include active, competitive competitions.

"Milk me"

This competition will cause indescribable delight among participants and ordinary spectators. To carry it out you will need:

  • rope;
  • two chairs;
  • two basins;
  • water;
  • a pair of medical gloves.

We place the chairs at some distance from each other and pull the rope, where we need to tie the gloves pre-filled with water. You need to make a small hole in each finger of the glove. Two participants are selected from the guests, who, on command, must begin milking “their cow.” The one who completed the task faster than his opponent won.


As props for this competition you need to prepare:

  • disposable cups;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • vinegar.

Before the eyes of the participants, glasses are filled with liquids, both tasty and not so tasty. Then the containers are mixed and placed in a row. Participants move away from the table at the same distance and try to hit the glass with a ping-pong ball. Whichever glass the ball fell into, the participant must drink that drink.

When the hero of the day is a woman

Of course, the hero of the occasion himself should take an active part in the birthday celebration. So, on a woman’s 45th birthday, you can hold cool congratulation competitions, where each participant can express their wishes.

"Noble Knights"

The men change into old shirts prepared in advance and stand in a row. The birthday girl approaches everyone with a tray of eggs, offers to choose one and break it on her forehead. Of course, all eggs must be boiled in advance, except one. The game becomes more fun the fewer props left in the basket.

"Love is a great feeling"

The hero of the occasion is asked to take a central place in the hall. The guests take turns naming those parts of her body that they think look most beautiful. When there are a lot of guests, completely non-standard answers come into play, for example, heart, liver or kidneys. But the funniest moment of the competition is when participants are asked to kiss the named part of the birthday girl’s body.

Congratulations competitions for men

Of course, a man cannot be left without attention. He is also supposed to come up with a couple of personal congratulation skits or competitive events. For example, for a man’s 30th birthday, these cool competitions are suitable.


Various-sized objects are placed in a small basin. This could be a men's razor, a tie, boots, a belt and a few women's things. The hero of the day needs to select one of the items by touch and quickly figure out how he would use it. Comments from the presenter are not needed here; the competition will turn out to be fun anyway when the birthday boy takes out tampons or curlers.

"Guess who you are"

A photograph of the hero of the day is printed on a separate sheet. The host asks him to go out to the guests and turn his back, and then shows them the image. After this, the presenter turns to the birthday boy: “I showed the guests a picture of an animal, and you try to guess who is there.” In this case, the birthday person asks leading questions, and the answer should be yes or no. After the first questions come, for example, “Does it have hooves?”, “Is this animal bald or furry?”, everyone will laugh.

Hares song:
Every year on this day
Let's get together.
Not then again
Sit at the table:
On your birthday
We are without falsehood and flattery
From the heart and with the mood
Let's sing about it...

We do not care,
We do not care,
What will we eat?
What will we drink?
We've known for a long time
That's the way it is.
It's your birthday
Must be kind.

We have come to you
Not for dinner at all
The generosity of a kind soul
We managed to find out
It's your birthday
That's why we need
So that you can be congratulated
And tell you...

Host: Yes, indeed, that grass is not easy,
Over the summer it has grown thickly green.
You should have bunnies, mow all the greens,
Put it in the pockets of our hero of the day. –
Are you ready? Let's start!

(“The hares” are offered a bush of “grass” hung with dollars. Their task: cut off all the bills with scissors and put them in the basket. Who is faster?)

Presenter: Dear hero of the day! The “hares” and I wish you to always have a light heart and heavy pockets. Let's drink to that!


A remake of the song “Autumn”, a motorcycle cake is awarded.

Who is this….. - this is the leader!
…. - this is happiness and a tsunami
The happiness from which
We are so warm and tender
In general, Zaha stay with us!

….., …… – you are the best of all!
……,…… - you are a joy for everyone!
You are wonderful, so kind
….., you are just a hero!


1.Dance competition:

Gypsy - tambourine, scarf, earring
Russian - kokoshnik, flower
Chukotka - hat, mittens, ribbon with ornament
Lezginka - burqa, saber
Eastern - turban, monist scarf

Couples (man, woman) participate, draw out an envelope, it contains half a word, you need to find the other half, and this will be considered a pair.

2. Obstacle course

One participant from two teams leaves. Participants remember the route, their eyes and legs are blindfolded. The commands say the way. Whoever is faster will hear the route more accurately.

3. Matchbox
Couples participate by placing boxes on each other's noses to the music, to see which of the couples can do it faster.

4. Children's
sleeveless shirt
October icon

Four teams each have something for the birthday boy. Exercise:
At what age did the birthday boy wear and use the item?
How can it be used in real life?

5. Scene “Turnip”
Seven players-characters from the fairy tale Repka take part. The presenter distributes roles.

1. Turnip - every time it is mentioned, he raises his hands above his head in a ring and says: “Both-on.”
2. Grandfather rubs his hands and says: “Well, well.”
3. Grandma waves her fist at grandfather and says: “I would kill him.”
4. Granddaughter - rests her hands on her sides and says: “I’m ready.”
5. Bug - "Woof-woof."
6. Cat - “Pshsh-meow.”
7. Mouse - "Pee-pee."
8. The sun - stands on a chair and looks, and as the story progresses, it moves to the other side of the “stage.”

The fairy tale has begun.....

Grandfather "Tak-tak" planted the "Oba-na" turnip. The "Oba-na" turnip grew big and big.
Grandfather “Tak-tak” began to drag the “Oba-na” turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out.

The grandfather called, “Well, well,” the grandmother, “I would kill you.” Grandma “I would kill” for grandpa “Tak-tak”, grandfather “Tak-tak” for the turnip “Both-on” - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out.

The grandmother called, “I would kill” her granddaughter, “I’m ready.” The granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so”, the grandfather “So-so” for the turnip “Both-on” - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter clicked “I’m ready” to the bug “Woof-woof”.. The bug “Woof-woof” for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so” ", old man, "Well, well," by the turnip, "Both, on" - they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The bug called "Woof-woof" to the cat "Pshsh-meow." Cat "Pshsh-meow" for Bug "Woof-woof"., Bug "Woof-woof". for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so”, the grandfather “So-so” for the turnip “Both-on” – pull and pull, They can’t pull it out.

The cat clicked “Pshsh-meow” on the mouse. Mouse for the cat "Pshsh-meow", Cat "Pshsh-meow" for the Bug "Woof-woof", Bug "Woof-woof". for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “Tak-tak”, the grandfather “Tak-tak” for the turnip “Both-on”. They pull and pull, pull and pull... They pulled out the turnip!

Roles: Curtain, Throne, Princess, Prince, Kiss, Window, Dragon, Dragon Heads, Dragon Tail, Horse, Clouds, Sun, Trees, Wind.

The curtain opens...

Castle. In the palace, the Princess sits on the Throne... A handsome Prince enters... Sends an Air Kiss to the Princess... They begin to be polite... At this time, an evil Dragon flies into the Window... with three Heads and a huge Tail..., grabs The princess... and flies away... The prince sets off to save the bride... Saddles up his Horse... and rushes like an arrow to the Dragon's cave... Clouds cover the sun..., Trees creak alarmingly..., The wind knocks the Horse off his feet ... and prevents the Prince from approaching the cave... The Dragon appears... Its three Heads spew out flames and smoke... The battle begins... The Prince cuts off the first Head..., the second and the third... The Dragon's body beats in convulsions..., The tail shakes from side to side... The Princess runs out..., trips over the Tail... and almost falls... The Prince picks her up... They kiss... The tail continues to swing...
The curtain is closing...

The 30th anniversary is a memorable date that needs to be properly celebrated. This is a young anniversary, on which both the main figure of the holiday and all her guests have fun to the fullest. Search interesting scenario 30th anniversary for a girl? We will help you not only with choosing an interesting program and useful recommendations, but also recommend suitable gifts for such a wonderful occasion.

So, the first thing that should be written down in the scenario for a girl’s 30th anniversary is various organizational issues. Of course, to many, this may not seem entirely fun, but without this there is not a single banquet, especially an anniversary one.

1. Meeting guests. Think about how the host will greet the guests, or will the hero of the day do it? The festive atmosphere should be felt from the threshold of the banquet hall.

2. Decoration of the room. If this theme party, then the decor of the room should be appropriate. If the theme of the anniversary is not defined and the scenario for the girl’s 30th anniversary is simply a festive program, you can build on tradition. As a rule, the attributes of such a holiday as a birthday are balloons, flowers - there is never too much of this, also do not forget about photographs of the hero of the day, which can also serve as an interesting decoration for the festive hall.

3. Seating of guests. It is important that every guest has fun at the anniversary, and therefore the task of the host, as a rule, is to introduce them all to each other. Of course, participation in competitions helps with this, but you shouldn’t forget about the seating plan either.

4. Entertainment program. This moment is fundamental in every scenario for a girl’s 30th birthday. The holiday should be remembered not only by the birthday girl herself, but also by everyone who came to congratulate her.

Before the guests begin to have fun, it is necessary to give them the floor to congratulate the hero of the day. The so-called ceremonial part is necessary, since in this way tribute is paid to the birthday girl, it is necessary to note for what reason everyone has gathered. It would be good if each pair of guests introduced themselves and said short toast for the hero of the occasion.

Next come competitions. Each 30th anniversary scenario for a girl can contain them a large number of. Usually the presenter has several games “in reserve”, and, keeping an eye on the mood of those gathered, offers certain competitions, games and entertainment. The task of every professional is to rock the guests, in which case the holiday will be a success.

So, we’ll tell you about some games that can be included in your scenario for a girl’s 30th birthday and will certainly interest and entertain all the guests at the holiday. Before the start of the entertainment program, you can inform the guests that for each win they will receive an incentive prize. These can be fake banknotes, or balloons, candies, or anything else, and at the end of the holiday, the five guests who have won the most victories will receive a special prize.

Guess from the photo

Guests are shown a slide show in which they will see celebrities as children. In the series of photographs there is also the birthday girl (maybe also her husband and parents, if desired), but the guests are not informed of this. You can help them and tell them which stars are captured in the photographs. Here you will see: Urganta. Pugachev, Brad Pitt, etc... (not a word about the hero of the occasion). Guests must guess who exactly is in the photographs. For each correct answer, the participant receives an incentive prize.

Repeat the dance

Guests watch footage from films. Where the characters dance. Each excerpt is played for approximately 10-30 seconds, the participant’s task is to repeat the movements to the soundtrack. These can be famous scenes from such cult films as Pulp Fiction, The Mask, Dirty Dancing, etc. Everyone who at least somehow knows how to move is invited to the game. Each participant receives a prize.

Do you know the hero of the day?

This competition will show how familiar those gathered are with the tastes of the hero of the day and the facts of her life. The questions should be funny, serious, and tricky. You can ask anything: What was the name of her first love? Her favorite salad? Her favorite alcoholic drink? What was painted on the locker in kindergarten? Etc. Every correct answer should be rewarded.

Outdoor games for an anniversary can also be included in the scenario for a girl’s 30th birthday. The majority of those gathered for such a young anniversary are young people. Although, regardless of age, many will want to stretch their legs after a hearty meal.

· Participants are given the task of jumping on one leg for a certain distance, holding glasses of water in their hands. In this case, it is necessary that players finish with full glasses.

· You need to walk a certain distance as quickly as possible, holding a book on your head, with a full glass of water in one hand and a broom in the other, the task is to walk and sweep the road in front of you.

· Participants line up in a train and are offered a small ball. First, you need to pass it with your hands from above back (to the tail of the train), and back - from below between your legs. The game alternates, the ball is passed over the head, under the feet, etc., all this is done to the music. At a certain moment, the music stops, and the one who did not manage to pass the ball to another is eliminated from the game. The fastest one wins and gets a prize.

The host constantly invites guests to participate in competitions and promises them a big surprise at the end of the holiday. The hero of the day also takes an active part in the celebration; it is good if the end of the celebration also becomes a surprise for her.

Another game that many people decide to include in a girl’s 30th anniversary scenario is to walk under a rope. The rope is stretched, and guests must pass under it without touching it. You must walk with your nose up, that is, each participant will have to bend over into the bridge. After all, the rope will fall lower and lower with each end. The one who is the most flexible will win, and such participant receives a prize.

The culmination of the holiday should be a concert in honor of the birthday girl. The host determines the five guests who received the largest number of incentive prizes. The one who has the maximum number of them is declared a soloist music group, the next is a drummer, the other is a solo guitarist, the fourth is a saxophonist, the fifth is a backup dancer. Then the presenter tells them that they have to play in honor of the Anniversary. Of course, there are no tools. The musicians must pretend to play them, performing to a soundtrack; the soloist will have to sing live, as is done in karaoke. As a result, they each receive a T-shirt with the lips of the hero of the occasion and her autograph.

Naturally, any scenario for a girl’s 30th birthday should include time for toasts and dancing. The more complete the evening's program, the greater the chance that no one will get bored at the anniversary! You can't do without giving gifts.

The full range of themed anniversary gifts can be found in the section

The thirtieth birthday is the most memorable date in the life of every person. It's still full vitality, but has already acquired a reserve of some wisdom. Competitions for such a date should be both fun and active. And then the holiday will be a success!

Bacon and Eggs Competition

All participants, with their hands tied behind their backs, must somehow manage to peel the boiled egg. The fastest and most agile will be the winner. For more fun, you can slip some participant wooden egg, which is painted the fruit is real. This game can also be played in pairs. Then you can complicate the task: you need to feed the peeled egg to your partner.

Competition "Cherry"

The host of the competition names an arbitrary letter from the alphabet, and all competitors taking part in the competition must find a dish on the festive table that begins with this letter and try at least a little. The most dexterous and fastest gets a cherry as a reward. The remaining participants continue the competition. At the end of the competition, the winner will be the one who figured out the host and simply tried all the treats on the festive table. For this he gets a whole plate of cherries.

Competition "Dear Gift"

Those who wish to take part in this competition receive from the presenter an old edition of a magazine, a newspaper binder, etc. To complete the task, they are given very little time, approximately 1 minute. And in this minute you need to cut out a symbolic gift intended for the hero of the day from this waste paper. This can be either a photograph or a specific text or words from which you can compose a congratulation. It will be difficult for viewers to determine whose gift will be more valuable.

Competition "Manual"

All guests of your celebration can take part in this original competition. One person needs to be tightly blindfolded; the rest of the participants receive notes containing words denoting parts of the human body. The chiropractor must feel the person who has approached, and can only feel the part of the body that is indicated in the note. Then, the manual operator must guess what kind of person is standing in front of him.

Competition "Milkmaids"

You need to take as many rubber gloves as you want to take part in this original competition. The gloves are filling ordinary water and tie well at the top. Then the gloves need to be firmly fixed on the clothesline. The presenter takes a thick needle and with a quick movement pierces one finger into each glove. The “Start” command sounds and all the competitors with buckets rushed to milk. Whoever completes this task the fastest will receive an incentive prize.

Competition "Congratulations on the topic"

All guests must be divided into several teams, each of which receives an original name. And now the teams must come up with original congratulations for the hero of the occasion in such a way that the theme of the invented congratulations coincides with the theme of the team name. Those who came up with the most original congratulations and will become the winners of this competition.

Competition "King of Beasts"

To show respect to the hero of the day, he is assigned the role of a lion. And now his place is on a beautiful throne. The king of beasts points to one of those present and, with the help of various gestures, tries to make it clear which of the beasts the specified guest should portray. Guests must carefully follow the gestures in order to understand what animal the lion is demonstrating and copy the habits of the specified animal. When all the animals gather at the king’s throne, the king will reward the most perceptive and understanding ones with delicious delicacies.

Cool scenario for the 30th anniversary of a woman Mar...

Cool scenario for the 30th anniversary of the woman Marina

At the table with friends,
Opening the anniversary,
And the kind that is spoken to friends heart to heart.
May today be our evening
It will be warm and cheerful,
Let them sound today
Let's celebrate the anniversary together
Everyone needs to pour it into their glasses!
Birthday is an annual gift, given to a person in order to rejoice at the love and affection that relatives, colleagues, and friends have for him. Today we have gathered to celebrate significant date in life
Marinochka. Eastern wisdom says:
Only he will conquer his age,
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
He will pour more glasses,
And he won’t drink for a year,
That they flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And the more fully and often you drink,
So you can more years live!
For the dear birthday girl!
Now let's greet each other... Table fun
They raised their right hand - they waved to the hero of the day!
well and left hand drops slightly to his knee... Not his own!
And your neighbor!
With our right hand we warmly hug our neighbor’s shoulder so decently...
Did you like it? Great!
We swung left and right. Well done!
They stroked their belly - They smiled from ear to ear!
Let's nudge the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand and fill it to the brim!
We continue the fun - we’ll clink glasses with the neighbor on the right... So that the glass doesn’t fog up, we’ll clink glasses with the neighbor on the left....
And with the opposite neighbor - for a cheerful team....
Let's get up from our seats together - let's say a toast in our thoughts... Let's say in unison “Congratulations!” and we drink everything to the bottom!
Don’t forget to have a bite and pour yourself some more!
Dear friends, before we begin our heated celebration of the anniversary, I would like our hero of the day to read a woman’s prayer. "Lord, help me not to get drunk! Wake up in the morning in
Help me not to lose my image as a business woman!
Don't punch your guests in the face!
And don’t sit with your butt in the salad!
Don't lose things (including yourself)!
Help me not to text anyone while drunk
SMS at 2 am!
Don't call!
And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, no more than 2 times!
Help me come home with two, not four!
And if I do something, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever!
Amen. A TOAST TO THE PARENTS. Today, the closest and dearest people of the birthday boy are present at the anniversary - these are mom and dad!

Dear guests!
Let's greet mom and dad with friendly loud applause. After all, they are also birthday people today! 30 years ago, on November 7, 1980, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened: a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl - Marina!

Dear parents
Do you remember the day when you brought
Marinochka from the maternity hospital? What was she like? Which one then
Do you see her now?

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to the parents!
I think the people will agree
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
We wish you health and happiness! *The hall is large, and our guests
There are few toasts. The first table will memorize the words: “There will be a lot of proposals!” The second table will tell us directly: “A birthday is a glorious holiday!” The third table will say: “Our honor to the hero of the day!” And the fourth, all jubilant: “Let us kiss the hero of the day!” Remember the words? We have gathered in this hall
Yes, we drank a glass,
We'll teach you to have fun!.... First table!
1. There will be a lot of offers!
For what? We'll say it straight!...
Second table!
2. Birthday is a glorious holiday!
We'll knock our feet
Someone will make a toast... Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!
What to do? This is the case... First table!
1. There will be a lot of offers!
We should drink while standing.
Who will give the toast? ...Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!
We passed the test with flying colors! ...Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!
Why are you so official? To make it perfect,
Honor is not our main thing here.....
Second table!
2. Birthday is a glorious holiday!
This is worth drinking for
So that we can live happily,
What a date we are celebrating!.... The fourth table!
4. Kiss the hero of the day!
Let's repeat again, jubilantly..... Table four!
4. Kiss the hero of the day!
So now I will talk about life path hero of the day And you,
Marinochka, you will help me. Your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: “Should we have a drink?”

This should be done after the words “And he says...” Once upon a time there was a birthday girl. She was inquisitive - passion!
It happened back in preschool age She comes up to her parents and says... (Celebrant of the day.
Shouldn't we have a glass?) No!
She says: “Where do children come from?” or “Why doesn’t the sun fall?”….
And the parents bury themselves in books, but they explain and explain.
But time passed, and in the 7th grade, the school principal came out and said... (Celebrant of the day
Shouldn't we have a glass?) What are you talking about!
He says that every student will participate in some kind of Olympiad, and (Dobrova
Marina) - in all of them at once!
And she took part, even taking first place. Therefore on last call takes (Marina Dobrova) a response from all the graduates and says... (Celebrant of the day.

Shouldn’t we have a glass?) No, she says: “Thank you for participating, I received such training in the struggle of life.” ... Then technical school, sessions, coursework. She came to work to get a job and said... (Celebrant of the day.

Shouldn't we have a glass?) No, she asks: “Do you need specialists?” And the head of the personnel department says... (The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?) No, he says: “Start tomorrow.”
She started, and every year on her birthday she says... (Celebrant of the day.
Shouldn't we have a glass?) Now that's right!
Note that the hero of the day herself suggested!... Let's pour and drink to the health of the birthday girl! Host: Probably each of you read astrological forecast. At the request of the hero of the day and her husband, an astrological forecast was compiled for this evening.

You just need to enter the names of the guests present, and I will read it out. (the birthday boy names 12 names of guests) ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST Today _____________ stars predict that exactly at 21-00 ____________ will be waiting under the festive table at the feet of the birthday girl. At 22-00 _______________will fall face down into the salad and say: “Don’t disturb me, I’m having lunch.” ______________ will fall asleep in a sweet dream on _______________'s wide chest. The same chest will later serve as a pillow for several more honored guests. At 22-30 a dance program will begin, where _______________ and _______________ will perform the erotic dance “Butterfly Polka”, for which they will raise a large sum of money to purchase new dance costumes. At 23-00 _________________ will sit on the table with the words “Who ordered hot? Take me, I’m all on fire!” The evening will end with a musical number. The duet consisting of ____________________ and __________________ will perform the song “Oh, why was I born.” Today ______________ will be inviting girls to relax on the
Haiti. Tomorrow he invites _______________________ to improve his health. Well, in conclusion of our forecast, I can’t help but say about __________________, who will now stand up and say loudly: “Enough, people talk, we need to pour it, people!” Presenter: There’s even an inventory here. Garlic and onion You are always friends with them.
Cherish this friendship.
From all diseases and illnesses! Living water(brine) Since the feast lasts at night,
And in the morning my head hurts,
We ate it ourselves more than once
With the inspiration of a poet
Whoa, add this to something. 200 grams of sweets. There is no place for fun in the heart,
Sweeten this life
If you suddenly don't like someone
Or trying to do mischief,
There is no need to enter into conflict,
Draw the enemy and erase him with honors.
In general, don’t listen to us,
Smile and create
We raise a glass to you,
Standing, let's drink it to the dregs
Congratulations on your anniversary
You are the only one we have. Number-Gift: Hot Air Balloon Flight!Darling
Anniversary girl.

We want to give you a gift - a hot air balloon flight, here and now. You will see the beauty of your anniversary from above. It will be unforgettable, a storm of emotions and delight. I solemnly present
I give the hero of the day a certificate and invite you to take a ride.

Solemn fanfare sounds and 2-3 strong guys roll out a decorated office chair with more than 10 balloons tied to it. We put the hero of the day in a chair and ride 3-4 laps to the music. Then we raise the hero of the day at least 3 times (Clouds - music) In one song they sing “Birthday is a sad holiday!”
But for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is an occasion to come to the person, his friends and say what is in our hearts!
Happy anniversary,
Raise a toast to
Your happiness
We've been in a hurry for a long time.
May good luck accompany you
Every day and every hour. And now I invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing for the anniversary of our birthday girl!
Laurel wreath.
To the one who did the deed
Didn't sit idly by
Everything was puffing, puffing, puffing. Anniversary TV show program “Ai, yes I am!”, in which everyone can participate, including you.

I ask you to be divided into pairs.
Women will act as players, men as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the presenter asks a question to all players at the same time. The participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button”, which will immediately “produce” its musical signal, and only after that can he answer. I ask you to confer in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: “meow-meow”, “peak-peak”, etc.

(Men with buttons should put shower caps on their heads.) Attention, questions:
1. How many letters are in the word "anniversary"? (Six.) 2.
What is the date of birth of the birthday girl? (7.
1980) 3. What is the name of the son of the hero of the occasion? (Topic) 4. Which city is the birthplace of the hero of the day?5. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives? (2) 6. What is the name of the car that the hero of the day has in his family? (Ford) 7.. Name the river that flows in the city where the birthday girl lives? (Dog).
8 How many children does the hero of the day have? (2) 9. In what month does the birthday girl celebrate autumn? (September) 10. Which newspaper notifies the hero of the day about the life of our city? (New Life) This was the last question. It's time to take stock.

The best experts were... (Rewarding the winners.) Song “Fortune Teller” Well, dear guests, gild your pen, and I’ll tell you the whole truth. (Husband) Well, handsome, gild your pen, I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything!
You’ll get a hangover, you’ll be hangover tomorrow! - (Male) Dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work! - (Female) And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow!
Monday! - (Male) Oh, my rich one, in five minutes you’ll have a gypsy dance, and tomorrow you’ll have to wash your trousers. - (Female) Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eye on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue and everything else.- (Husband). You will sleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly, until the salad is pulled out from under you! - (Women) will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette! - (Male) There will be friends around you tonight.

Bobik, and
Polkan.- (Female) The endless distances are waiting for you, the unprecedented distances are waiting for you, you will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up! - (Women). Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today. - (Husband) Get ready for a big battle!
Have you ever eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge.- (Female) Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!... In the morning when you get on the scales.- (Male) Waiting for you big loss. You will lose your tie (belt). You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor’s belt. (Takes out fortune telling cards) Let’s try together, all together

Everyone came with gifts, even flowers.
So elegant and in good spirits

The elegant one sits in the center
Birthday girl.
Looks at relatives, at work colleagues
And admires
In you give!!

He rushed from a long way to congratulate
Caucasian man, named
He says barely coherently………………………Pachemu, are you drinking? In response, the birthday girl (You give)?…………….

Here everyone paid attention to

She's so sexy and sexy
She definitely won’t be going home alone.
Looks at men without hiding at all
Announces to them……………..
Guys, it's me!
And Gogi is snoring!........................
And the guests, still with utmost respect
Shouting congratulations.........
But then a seemingly quiet and modest man rises,

Tugging at your shirt on your chest,

Who's at me?

He savors it, admiring himself……………………..
And the guests still show the utmost respect
They shout their own things so fervently…………..
Two playful, girly girlfriends of the day,
Gossip is being discussed about her.
They coo over a drink without harming themselves,
They are only indignant out loud…………………Well, no damn thing!
The neighbor lifted the man by the chest
And he says this mockingly……………..
The lady in the boa is full of forebodings.
Someone is already on their knees screaming……………………………..
And Gogi screams………..
And the guests, laughing cheerfully, with the mood
They chant their…………………in a separate fragment, but brightly and briefly,
Contributed and
Waitress. She threw the arrows on the table
I asked…………………..
Who broke all the plates? The girlfriends have already lost their taste for food
They sit and swear………………..
Well, damn it!
The man's neighbor let him go,
Yells to the waitress……………………….
But the Lady is full of forebodings.
She doesn’t care, she only cares about her own …………………………… And Gogi screams …………………..
And the guests are already with utmost admiration
Everything is the same and just the same…………………………….
And the waitress, having poured herself some “Gzhelki”, asked her friends, pouring a little vodka for herself,
They drink, praise the drink………………The neighbor under the table takes a sip from his throat
Hiccupped and again …………………………….
And the guests poured drinks with pleasure.
The dishes clink to the words………………………… I should get up and dance,
Wave your wings
Eyeliner - today we are walking and having fun. and tomorrow morning, how nice it would be to go to the refrigerator, open it, take out a cold can of beer and... put it to your forehead. Beauty!. But imagine - there is no beer in the refrigerator. What should I do? I will help you. Right now you can get this coveted jar. There are beer lovers. I'm recruiting 5 people. come out. The beer is ready for you (5 cans in an opaque bag), but we’ll find out who gets what. I have printed cards with the names of the beer, it is necessary to explain without words, show this name, if the guests guess - the jar is yours, if not, then tomorrow I will enjoy and drink beer Call boys
Dress code: roll up your trousers, put on knee-length calico family panties, unbutton your shirt, loosen tie and socks dangling on your bare torso. You can put a printed “currency” under the elastic band of your panties 1. - We came to you for a holiday
Give yourself a gift, 1. - I have this tie, he has socks.
The muscles are steel, the pants are iron, the nipples are hard!
2. - That’s how cool we are, we are sexual giants
And they are so beautiful - you can’t take your eyes off them!
1. - You’re sitting in this outfit, just tear your eyes out!!!
Apparently you want to harass us sexually!
2. - Your skin is like a peach, your eyes are like emerald.
The men, seeing this, will die of melancholy.
1. - Don’t touch us with your hands!
It won't work that way!
Well, let’s move my husband aside, let him rest!
2. - Don’t look so sternly,
Better pour yourself a glass.
1. - We are happy to congratulate you
In that
Anniversary! 1. - To eat, to drink,
1+2 - Well, and most importantly - it could!
2. We are ours beautiful place Let's draw numbers
And your task will be to guess these numbers! (they turn their backs to the birthday girl and the guests and “draw” numbers to the accompaniment of erotic music. Either the birthday girl’s age, or 18, or her date of birth... The birthday girl guesses)

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* Message (no more than 1,
5 kb) :* Text in the picture: family and friends, child, boss, newborn, grandchildren, colleague

Voice greetings to your phone

To begin with, we suggest sending a voice congratulations on your 30th anniversary to your phone. It's inexpensive, but very effective!
Right now, choose the option to congratulate you on
Happy birthday and send to mobile phone girl. The specifics of age, as well as gender, influence what the scenario for a woman’s 30th birthday should be. 30 years is a pleasant date.

The moment has not yet arrived when ladies begin to actively hide their age or at least be reluctant to admit it. Life is not yet at its end. Therefore, one should most likely not include overly pathetic and sad notes in the script. It is best to make the event solemn, but at the same time do not forget about humor, otherwise this anniversary will be remembered exclusively as a dull event. Practice shows that most often birthday girls decide to celebrate their holiday traditionally.

The program consists of gatherings in a cafe or restaurant, where a host is invited to enliven the event. This is followed by dancing and other elements of the standard set. Specific nuances depend on the taste of the customer and his financial capabilities. An original idea for a middle-aged woman's anniversary scenario - a Chinese-style tea ceremony. Oriental decoration of the hall with fans, draperies, lanterns and other paraphernalia eastern country will create a special mood. AND entertainment here it should be appropriate - it is worth inviting Chinese dancers, it is also worth choosing oriental music. You can invite a hieroglyph writing master who will make the guests small excursion into the art of calligraphy.

But friends and relatives of the birthday girl can organize a surprise for the hero of the occasion. Try to invite all the classmates and fellow students of the hero of the day that you can find. Such an unexpected meeting for her will be a great joy.

In general, the more pleasant surprises there are, the better. Such moments are perfectly remembered and leave the best impression of the event. When composing congratulations, it is necessary to take into account the character of the birthday girl.

Especially with humor. Because if you overdo it, the result will be a very big offense against you and complete misunderstanding on the part of the birthday girl. Professional organizers will be able to create a scenario that is universally suitable for any person, and will also take into account the preferences and character traits of a particular person.

25th anniversary girl script

Prazdnik.ru presents its version of the scenario for a woman’s 30th anniversary

Introduction: 30 years old, this is a wonderful age. The woman already has a family, children, a husband, and also a job. But at the same time, her youth, her charm and beauty remain with her. And of course, this date should be celebrated solemnly, perhaps at home, and perhaps in a restaurant or cafe. Theme: For this holiday we offer you light, and free topic, entitled " Woman's happiness". To decorate the hall, balloons, themed posters, and, of course, fresh flowers are suitable, because not a single woman can do without them. A place where she can sit
Birthday girl, we decorate her in a special way to make her stand out from the rest.

Oh, about grief,
Forget it now!
Host: Dear guests!
This anniversary could not have taken place if our birthday girl had not had such wonderful parents - mom... and dad.... Today is their anniversary. Exactly 30 years ago our
Let's congratulate them on this wonderful event and give them the floor!
Since childhood, you have been my very best
And now she has become a respected lady!
And even though you are still young and youthful,
Beautiful and slender like a pine tree,
Congratulating you on
Happy birthday,
Let me give you some guidance!
Always smile at the sun and people,
And in life, luck and love will be with you!
Attention, dear guests!
Now let’s take a little break from the feast and check how well the hero of the day remembers his past years. The cards are laid out on the table, text side down.

30 years anniversary surprise

There are funny inscriptions on them: “I danced and sang all day,” “I walked with a boy,” “I drank tea,” “I worked for two,” “I listened to music,” etc. The presenter announces: remember what you did
Alla, when she was 7 years old. The birthday girl must pick up any card and read it. After this, the floor is given to the parents, who are asked to tell their daughter about this age. We repeat the procedure 3-4 times. The scenario for the woman’s 30th birthday will be continued by a musical pause.

The favorite songs of the hero of the day are played. Host: Friends of the birthday girl prepared a small impromptu concert. The group "Buranovskie Maidens" takes the stage. They perform the song Party For Everybody!
The men's group also prepared a musical congratulation. Choir
Taburetkova performs the song “A Million Scarlet Roses”. Host: It's time to play a little.

Everyone was already noticeably happier. Now the game "Patter" is good. The conditions are such that whoever quickly reads the tongue twister without errors receives a glass of wine. The presenter lays out pre-prepared sweets in which written tongue twisters are wrapped. Participants take turns unfolding them and reading the text.

Host: Our feast continues, let's move on to dancing!
The scenario for a woman’s 30th birthday is over. ORDER A SUPER CONGRATULATION:
Order details

To the one who did the deed
Didn't sit idly by
Everything was puffing, puffing, puffing. Anniversary TV show program “Ai, yes I am!”, in which everyone can participate, including you.
I invite the three bravest women and three men to the studio. Dear participants!
I ask you to be divided into pairs. Women will act as players, men as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the host asks a question to all players at the same time. The participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button”, which will immediately “produce” its musical signal, and only after that can answer. I ask you to confer in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: meow-meow, “peek-peek”, etc. (Men with “buttons” should put shower caps on their heads.) Attention, questions: 1. How many letters are in the word “anniversary” "? (Six.) 2. What is the date of birth of the birthday girl? (7.
1980) 3. What is the name of the son of the hero of the occasion? (Topic) 4. Which city is the birthplace of the hero of the day? 5. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives? (2) 6. What is the name of the car that the hero of the day has in his family? (Ford) 7..

Name the river that flows in the city where the birthday girl lives? (Dog). 8 How many children does the hero of the day have? (2) 9. In what month does the birthday girl celebrate autumn? (September) 10. Which newspaper notifies the hero of the day about the life of our city? (New Life) This was the last question.

It's time to take stock. The best experts were... (Rewarding the winners.) Well, dear guests, gild your pen, and I’ll tell you the whole truth. (Husband) Well, handsome, gild your pen, I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything!
You'll have a hangover tomorrow! - (Male) Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work! - (Female) And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow!
Monday! - (Husband) Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you’ll have to dance as a gypsy, and tomorrow you’ll have to wash your pants. - (Female) Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there is the heart, liver, tongue and everything else. - (Husband) . You will sleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly, until the salad is pulled out from under you! - (Female) they will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette! - (Male) There will be friends around you tonight.

True friends. Tell me what to call them? Ball,
Bobik, and
Polkan. - (Female) Endless distances await you, unprecedented distances, you’ll think for half a day until you understand where you woke up! - (Women). Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today. #NAME? - (Female) Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!... In the morning when you step on the scales. - (Male) A great loss awaits you. You will lose your tie (belt). You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt. (Takes out fortune telling cards) Let's try together, all together
Say congratulations not in prose, not in song,
And with a simple creation put together in rhyme,
Such a boundless little performance.
All guests are seated, wave your hands!
Everyone came with gifts, even flowers. So elegant and in good spirits
Everyone shouts to the birthday girl... But look, it sparkles with happiness,
The elegant one sits in the center
Birthday girl. Looks at relatives, at work colleagues
And admires
In you give!!
And the guests, with zeal and tenderness
They shout theirs to her loudly again...

He rushed from a long way to congratulate
Caucasian man, named
He speaks barely coherently………………………Are you drinking? In response, the birthday girl (What do you say)?…………….
And the guests still show the utmost respect
They shout congratulations……………..

Here everyone paid attention to
With the flower that came in the boa from the advertisement.
She's so sexy and sexy
She definitely won’t be going home alone. Looks at men without hiding at all
Announces to them……………..
Guys, it's me!
And Gogi is snoring!………………………… And the guests, still with the utmost respect
They shout congratulations......... But then a seemingly quiet and modest man rises,
The birthday girl's neighbor with a huge black eye
Tugging at your shirt on your chest,
Screams so excitedly………………Well
Who's at me?
Lady with a flower, full of forebodings
He savors it, admiring himself……………………..