Let's reveal the secrets of why a dead person dreams. Is this related to upcoming troubles? Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and talking to him

Full description dream on the topic: “If you dream of a dead person for up to 40 days” with interpretation from astrologers for people.

The appearance of dead people in dreams is very often frightening. However, the dead do not come to intimidate, but to warn about something, support in a difficult situation, or give advice. It is very important to remember this, do not get scared under any circumstances and remember such dreams well.

Interpretation of the symbolic dream book

It is this dream book that fully explains why the dead come in dreams. To begin with, it’s worth remembering the old folk sign, which says that a dead person dreams before a sudden change in weather. And this is a completely understandable phenomenon. The fact is that it is during sharp jumps atmospheric pressure inhabitants other world They most easily penetrate people’s subconscious, or rather, their night visions. But here it is necessary to grasp the difference.

Under the guise of acquaintances, malicious entities can appear that cause great harm to the living by their mere appearance. This comes from the fact that their energy is foreign and naturally causes discomfort. It is quite easy to distinguish an evil entity. Usually such visions cause negative emotions: fear, fright, strong excitement, etc. In addition, the dreams themselves take on a dark and frightening coloring, the atmosphere suddenly becomes gloomy and unfriendly. You shouldn’t expect anything good from such visions, but you don’t have to prepare for something bad either.

The appearance of a real spirit belonging to a deceased person is associated with positive feelings. During the meeting, you can experience a surge of joy and tenderness, dreams that are bright, cozy, trusting and in some ways even intimate. In such visions, the dead give advice, approve or condemn actions, and simply provide spiritual and energetic support.

Most often, the dead and deceased appear in a dream during an unfinished relationship. There was probably a quarrel or misunderstanding in real life. Perhaps during your lifetime you or they did not have time to fully express your love, recognition and other important feelings. Such nightly meetings give inner peace and certainty, although they may be tinged with some sadness and sadness that appear from the final acceptance of parting.

It is very important to remember the whole picture of the dream as best and as accurately as possible. Special attention pay attention to the words, appearance and behavior of the deceased. It is these nuances that will help you understand whether you are behaving correctly, whether you should prepare for some kind of trouble or, on the contrary, for a joyful and significant event. Sometimes the deceased make it clear that they are thought poorly of or not remembered often enough. In this case, you can light a candle for the repose or remember. However, all this is appropriate if you dream of a dead person extremely rarely. If meetings with the dead occur regularly in dreams, then over time you will be able to easily explain their presence.

I dreamed of a dead man according to D. Loff’s dream book

The appearance of a dead person in a dream can be interpreted in three more ways, namely: normal presence, resolution of certain issues, or condemnation.

In the first case, the deceased is simply present in the situation, without showing any active actions. It is such visions that can indicate changes in weather or past events, convey the bitterness of loss and regret about parting. Dreams do not carry any special meaning, and therefore there is absolutely no need to worry about them.

It's another matter when the dead man himself becomes one of the active participants in the action. He can walk, talk, express emotions vividly and at the same time evoke reciprocal feelings in the dreamer.

These visions are considered the most significant, as they provide an opportunity to shed light on the future or understand the essence of what is happening in this moment. They are quite easy to interpret. If the deceased smiles and rejoices, it means he approves of what you are doing. If he is sad or even angry, then you should reconsider your actions.

Sometimes the behavior of a dead person can predict the future, which concerns close relatives. For example, if a deceased person gets sick in a dream, it means something similar will happen to a relative along his line. The outcome of the event should be interpreted according to the final state of the deceased. If he has recovered, then in reality everything will be fine and vice versa.

The third option for interpreting the dream is judgmental, but it relates more to the deceased himself than to those living today. Such dreams most often cause difficult feelings. For even in a dream we understand that we are not able to help the person on the other side. However, they are the ones who let you know how the deceased feels in another world.

Died in a dream according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop's Dream Book suggests interpreting the appearance of the dead by their mood and appearance. If the dead man is calm, does not offer anything and does not ask for anything, then the weather will probably change tomorrow.

If you dreamed that strangers were discussing the deceased in a coffin, then a conflict with superiors, neighbors or strangers would soon occur. If a living person resembles a deceased person in appearance, then it is possible: someone will get sick, a serious conversation will take place with a friend, or a meeting with elderly relatives will take place.

What does a dead person mean according to the dream book of D. and N. Zima

A dead person in a dream is a symbol of outdated feelings. Soon life will change to new stage, and previously troubled problems will be forgotten. According to this dream book, the deceased promises not only a change in weather, but also a change in fate.

If you dream of a dead man constantly and literally haunt you in your dreams, then this means that some event from the past is haunting you. It's high time to free yourself from memories and live in the present.

If deceased friends or relatives turned out to be alive in a dream, then in life there will be serious changes. If they call, then there will be trouble with a mortal threat. Are dead people cheerful and peaceful in dreams? You don’t have to worry and completely entrust yourself to fate.

Interpretation of the White Magician's dream book

If you dream of a dead person extremely rarely, then his sudden appearance may indicate a real danger or illness that threatens you or your loved ones. Seeing a dead person come to life means that a problem that seemed solved and long forgotten will become relevant.

Particularly significant is the vision in which I had a chance to talk with the deceased. Surprisingly, the conversation may contain a question that is interesting not only to you, but also to the person who has left this world. For example, if the deceased is interested in the fate of a living person.

Esoteric dream book - what the dead man dreamed about

An unfamiliar dead person dreams of a change in weather. Close relatives urge caution and prudence. A stubborn mother promises good luck, dad gives support.

Friends encourage you to think about the meaning of your own existence. Dead people you barely know warn that your pride and dignity may be infringed. If you dreamed that a dead man was coming to life before your eyes, then in real life an unusual adventure awaits you.

If the dead are calling, you will probably become seriously ill or have an accident. If you didn’t answer the call, you could avoid danger. If a dead person offers food, then you need to urgently run to the doctor. Eating with the dead means death.

In general, it is better to refuse any offers made by the deceased. It is enough to give yourself a clear instruction on this matter in reality and in a dream the subconscious will strictly follow it.

Freud's dream book opinion

In this dream Mr. Freud does not see the slightest erotic overtones, but he gives very valuable advice. He assures that all the words of the dead are directly related to you personally or those closest to you. In a dream, a dead person can warn about something, give practical advice, approve a decision, and even show another world. Therefore, you need to clearly remember everything he says.

Why do you dream of a dead person who died before 40 days?

According to different versions, the soul of a person after death remains on earth for another 3 to 40 days, therefore such visions have a special meaning, both for the dead and for the living.

A dead person may appear as a sign of an incomplete relationship. Perhaps in reality there was something left that did not reach its logical conclusion. This is a manifestation of feelings or a reflection of guilt. Perhaps the deceased did not have time to finish some task and is worried about it.

Usually such dreams are associated with emotional excitement, melancholy and bitterness. But remember, it’s not just you who’s having a hard time! However, you should not be afraid of them; moreover, it is advisable to fulfill all the requests of the deceased and not refuse his gifts if he offers something. In the first case, you will facilitate the transition of the soul to another world, in the second, you may find happiness and the necessary support.

Usually, after forty days, the deceased stops being dreamed of, but there are some exceptions. If during your lifetime a close spiritual connection was established between you, or the deceased is a close person, friend or relative, then there is a high probability that he will come later. Simply put, from now on you will have someone who will look after your earthly life and protect you from big troubles.

Remember, if you behave correctly and do not commit bad acts with serious consequences, then the deceased will only sometimes be present as an observer of other dreams. If there are changes in life or you do something reprehensible, then he will show much more activity.

What do deceased relatives come to?

Deceased relatives usually come before any significant event. If you dream about them regularly, then rest assured that they are looking after you and protecting you from various troubles. In extreme cases, the dead warn of death and can even personally accompany them to the next world.

Dreams involving the dead, especially relatives, cannot be ignored. They warn in advance about changes in fate and dangerous situations. You need to treat these visits with great respect, and then you can easily avoid big problems.

If dreams in which deceased relatives appear are predominantly bright and joyful, then you don’t have to worry about own life. Such dreams are especially important, because the dead can show you something you couldn’t even dream of.

Why do you dream about dead grandparents?

The deceased grandparents usually visit us at the most critical moments. For example, before any important event family significance. Moreover, this is not necessarily something bad; you can see your grandparents before a wedding, the birth of a child, an anniversary, etc.

The worst thing is if in a dream the deceased grandmother or grandfather will be injured or sick. This sure sign that trouble will happen to relatives along their line. Its outcome can be predicted by the plot of the dream. If by the end of it grandma or grandpa clearly improves, then in real life everything will cost literally “little loss.”

Why do you dream of dead parents, mother, father?

The appearance of deceased parents is the most significant for any person. However, these dreams can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, they are associated with worries about the loss of parental protection and possible feelings of guilt. A meeting is considered especially valuable if you were unable to say goodbye during your lifetime. In a dream this will happen by itself.

Secondly, it is our parents who become for us the connecting link between two worlds. These visions do not allow one to forget about death, but at the same time give hope. Perhaps one day your parents will show you another world, which you should not be afraid of and where everyone will certainly meet.

As for more specific interpretations, the deceased father advises conducting business with more thoughtfulness and caution. Otherwise, you will get into big problems. Unmarried woman the same vision promises betrayal of a loved one. The deceased mother often warns about illnesses in the household and also promises good luck.

Why do you dream about a deceased husband or wife?

Deceased husband and wife are dreamed of much more often than other dead people. Since usually throughout life, especially if the marriage has been long, spouses develop a deeper and closer connection, which remains incomplete for various reasons.

The image can be interpreted by the behavior and mood of the deceased. However, it is believed that the deceased husband mainly dreams of troubles, and the wife - of success in the professional field. If a widow dreamed of an unusually cheerful husband who also joked in his sleep, then she will soon remarry.

Why do you dream of dead people, familiar or unfamiliar?

Of particular importance in a dream is the degree of closeness with the deceased. Thus, a completely unknown dead person guarantees a return to the past or literally a repetition of what has already been passed. For lovers, an unfamiliar dead man promises disappointment in love and betrayal.

If you dreamed already dead actor or actress, then your plans will go downhill. A certain well-known and respected person can symbolize a spiritual, or less often material, breakthrough. However, unfamiliar dead people always call for active and decisive action.

Familiar dead people have a slightly different interpretation. Their mood can be used to judge future emotions. If the deceased is cheerful, then joy and happiness await you; if he is sad, then you will have to think and worry a lot. If you dreamed of a deceased brother or friend, then you will be asked to borrow money or someone will need your moral help. Do not refuse under any circumstances!

Why do you dream of a dead person alive?

Usually dead people appear alive in dreams. This is less frightening and makes it possible to react more adequately to what you see. Most often, the living deceased guarantees long life, however, can warn of a period of weakness and hopelessness. But again it depends on the mood of the deceased.

If you dreamed of a living dead person, then something will literally rise from oblivion. Hope for the best will reappear and worthy prospects will open up. If a dead person comes to life before your eyes, then you will experience an unusual adventure or find yourself in an extremely strange incident.

It is much worse if the living dead turns into something like a zombie in a dream and has a terrifying appearance. This is a clear indication that your dreams have been invaded otherworldly entity, which is fueled by fears and human energy. In essence, she does not wish harm, but pursues her own goals and thereby harms. Such nightmares usually bring general loss of energy, troubles, problems at work and difficulties in relationships.

It is best to prepare yourself in advance not to be afraid and to resist these entities in every possible way. This will get rid of real problems, and without receiving the necessary energy, otherworldly guests will bypass you next time.

Why do you dream of a dead man in a coffin?

Seeing a dead person in a coffin is much rarer. But these dreams are more negative. For example, if you dreamed of a coffin with a deceased person in your own apartment, then one of the household members will become dependent and start using alcohol, drugs, etc. This is also an indication of induced damage or other witchcraft, such as a love spell.

If in a dream a dead man in a coffin talks and asks to help him, then you are threatened with evil gossip and slander. If the deceased fell out of the coffin, you will fall ill or be injured. Falling on a dead person lying in a coffin means receiving news of the death of a friend or loved one.

If you happen to find a dead person in your own bed, then a hopeless case will turn into a tremendous success. Washing and changing clothes of the deceased also means illness. If you happened to bury him in a coffin, then you will get back an old and seemingly hopeless debt, and not necessarily a monetary one.

Why talk to a dead person in a dream?

It has long been believed that what a dead person speaks in a dream is true. To be fair, it is worth noting that the dead speak in their sleep rarely and not very willingly. Therefore, any word or phrase spoken must certainly be remembered. There are also visions in which long conversations take place, although most often they fade from memory the next morning. In this case, you can interpret the conversation with the dead man in general terms.

If the deceased simply says something without addressing anyone, then you are threatened by evil gossip and vile slander. Communicating with a deceased friend in warm tones means that you have chosen the right path, but if he was unhappy, then the interpretation is the opposite.

If in a dream a deceased relative made a promise from you, then you need to fulfill it. Moreover, after such dreams, listen to the practical advice of others, they will help you survive the unfavorable period.

If you dreamed that the dead man, on the contrary, made a request, then you are destined for mental depression or a decline in business. Talking to your deceased father is a sign of intrigue into which you will be drawn against your will. With your mother - pay attention to your health and, if possible, reconsider your entire life. You dream of a conversation with your deceased brother before someone asks for your help. With a sister - to confusion and domestic problems.

Why do you dream about a dead man calling you to come with him?

Most unpleasant visions It is customary to consider those in which the deceased calls with him. Especially if at the same time you do not see his face, but hear only a call. According to generally accepted opinion, this is a sure sign of imminent death. However, the call itself is only a warning, and if in a dream you did not go with the dead man, then in reality, most likely, everything will work out, although it will be difficult.

However, following the trail of the deceased means a protracted illness; responding to his call means a dangerous incident or accident. If a dead person offers to eat with him, then there will be a long and tedious treatment. Anyone who eats with a dead person will soon die. If the deceased drives you away in every possible way and forbids you to go with him, then in reality you will live for a very long time.

Dead man in a dream - specific interpretations

If you dreamed of a dead person, you should not perceive it as something scary and negative. The dead only provide an opportunity to avoid mistakes and troubles, and therefore it is important to take into account more specific decodings.

  • seeing a photo (portrait) of the deceased - spiritual support
  • give someone's photograph to a deceased person - the person depicted in it will die
  • give away a certain object/thing - to loss
  • something alive - to well-being, prosperity
  • drive away, drive away a dead person - to many years
  • wash - to trouble, tragic situation
  • congratulate - to a good, noble deed
  • hugging - to longevity, peace of mind
  • kiss - to joy, news
  • to hit - to failure, misdeeds
  • swear - to trouble
  • kill - to vicious hobbies, making fatal mistakes
  • the deceased asks for a drink - they remember poorly and little, you need to remember
  • says - to important news
  • goes ahead - someone will not return, to separation
  • gives something - to well-being, health
  • entered the house - to wealth
  • crying - to a quarrel, breakup, conflicts
  • standing on the road - to trouble
  • harvests - to difficult times, negative changes
  • collapses before our eyes - for good
  • comes to life - to news, unusual news
  • eats - to illness
  • both parents together - happiness, wealth
  • sad father - it will be a shame
  • cheerful - everything will work out
  • mother is sad - make a mistake, you will get sick
  • cheerful - good luck, profit
  • grandparents - a big family event is coming
  • brother - to success, money
  • sister - to uncertainty
  • friend - important information
  • husband/wife - to trouble
  • son - for a joyful event
  • daughter - to a miracle
  • distant ancestors - fortunately, knowledge
  • stranger - to goodness, good luck or illness, accident
  • man - to success
  • woman - to an obstacle
  • accept condolences - for the birth of a son

And finally, remember, even if during your lifetime you did not have a relationship with the deceased, in a dream you have the opportunity to improve it. And then the deceased will become your personal guardian and adviser, and you will know about all the troubles in advance.

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Usually seeing a dead person in a dream is not a bad sign. It is due to the fact that you can simply get certain information and something important. In fact, a person is reborn and dies several times in life. And for this reason, we dream of living and healthy people as dead.

However, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of why dead people dream. You need to pay attention to him appearance, as well as the circumstances of the dream, the words spoken by a dead person. Quite often they turn out to be prophetic. This is what dead people often dream about most often.

Up to 40 days

At this time, the soul of a dead person is not far from the earth. Therefore, such dreams may turn out to be prophetic or carry certain information. The dream book writes that dead people in a dream in such a situation show you a lot of interesting things.

Pay attention to what exactly scared or amazed you in such a dream. Usually it is worth interpreting only exact plots. Especially if the deceased dreams of up to 40 days after death.

Usually the plots show unfinished business, the attitude of a deceased person to his will, especially if no one fulfills it, and also warns of the danger threatening the living. In rare cases, if you dream of a dead person, you should pay attention to the prognosis for the living, which may turn out to be long-term. Therefore, it is worth interpreting all the details.

If a dream has meaning, its plot is very precise and transparent, and the words are clear and specific. Especially if the deceased person in your dream gives you advice, instructions or warns about something. For example, he demands to cancel a trip or says that some kind of disaster will soon happen in your house. In such a situation, the dream comes true very quickly and it is best for you to fulfill everything that the deceased said. Then you can avoid trouble or great danger.

Why do you dream of a dead person alive if he died recently? Usually dreams in which a plot from the recent past is repeated means that the subconscious has not yet come to terms with the loss. It even seems that the person buried someone else, and the deceased is alive and well, as before.

Such dreams are usually needed for a person to come to terms with the loss, stop being depressed and think that everything will be fine. If you dream of the dead being cheerful, alive and cheerful, but not drunk or crazy, the dream book writes that even after a heavy loss everything will gradually become normal.

Especially if you had to see in a dream a person, especially a loved one, who is strong, healthy and strong, and who is simply happy in life, but you cannot follow him, because he simply does not let you there.

If you dreamed of your deceased mother being calm, peaceful and happy, this good sign. This means that God accepted the soul of this person and he is not bad in the other world. And no interpretation of dreams is needed here, since such pictures are needed to calm the soul.

Why do you dream of dead people alive, but completely different from themselves? Such a dream often requires increased attention. Seeing a deceased person who drank heavily and made scandals calm and happy is a good sign. This means that, despite any bad deeds, higher powers have forgiven him and his soul is calmed. But dreams cause much more concern if you begin to see a calm and kind deceased person in a dream as violent and scandalous, or even crazy.

Especially if he destroys things, starts hurting people and creating outrages. If you had such a dream, then there may be various concerns. The dream book writes that the deceased dream like this if in your ordinary life something is completely wrong.

Usually modern books indicate what such a dream means: you may quarrel with various relatives, especially over the inheritance of the deceased, and also commit many actions that you will later regret very much. Sometimes you see in a dream calm person in a dream, the living and scandalous and abnormal may dream of a change in the weather. Especially if the deceased is completely different from himself in life.

Special mention must be made of those who did not die a natural death. Especially those killed, suicides or those who suffered from alcoholism, drug addiction or mental confusion. If in a dream you often see someone who died from murder and he tells you something or shows you something, pay attention to this.

And, although you are unlikely to need Vanga’s dream book in such a situation, the dream indicates to you an important piece of evidence or that you should know something. If you dream that the deceased is pointing you to the killer, pay attention to this person, but you should not always believe such a dream literally.

However, if more than 3 times a deceased person who was killed tells you the name of his tormentor or points to his portrait, what does this mean? Pay attention to this evidence. It may turn out to be a turning point or key in your business.

What does it mean to see a dead man alive in a dream who committed suicide? It’s very bad if he calls and takes someone along with him, including you. This means that your loved one may soon die or commit suicide. Try to pay attention to this person, as he may be in danger or the same thing will happen as with the deceased.

Why do you dream about a dead person if he gets up from the coffin and dies again? This vision means that a person with the same name or social status. It is not uncommon to see a famous man or woman who has died. If you often have such a dream, then the death of a living person may be related directly to the dreamer.

What does it mean if a person often dreams of the dead of his entire family and several generations? This dream may occur before an important event, and often having such a plot means that soon you will have a new family member or something related to your family will happen. In some cases, having a dream means that you will soon be able to easily resolve a family or karmic problem problem.

For example, getting rich and keeping your own money, while everyone in your family was a spender. Especially, a dream seen when forty days have not yet passed after the death of the deceased. Seeing a plot of this kind means that some kind of disaster may also happen.

Often, all relatives who have died, on the female or male side, mean a curse. It is worth contacting a person who deals with these issues and will help interpret this dream and compare them with various troubles in your life.

Quite often, the deceased, when dying, leaves some kind of will, inheritance, and also gives some kind of instruction; before the 40th day comes, he can check what you have done with it. The dream book writes that such a dream can mean certain events and even troubles that will happen if you do not listen to the deceased.

And, if a dead person insistently forces you to do something in a dream, then no interpreter is needed. The dream book writes that only after the demands of the deceased are fulfilled will frequent dreams with the dead end. Well, if this does not happen, then the living relatives will not have success in business or some kind of misfortune will happen.

What does a dream mean when you dream of a dead person dying and decomposing or taking on a frightening appearance? The dream book writes that such a night vision means a subconscious reconciliation with the death of a loved one and not so much, but it can show your subconscious anxiety and fear.

If you are being haunted by a dead person, then such a dream may be the result of unpleasant stories about the dead and vampires. Usually the dream book writes that a terrible dead man alive, dreamed of in this form, does not mean anything. In a number of situations, the deceased dreams of changes in weather and quarrels with relatives.

If you see scary pictures in a dream, for example, a vampire rising from a coffin or a skeleton with a scythe, then what can such dead people most often mean in dreams? Most often, such dreams mean changes in your life or that a relationship with a living person who resembles the deceased may end forever.

For example, if a girl’s beloved’s name is Sasha and her deceased grandfather’s name was the same, then she will soon break up with him. It is very good if a coffin or grave disappears in your dream, or a deceased person is buried. This means that something that has been bothering you for a long time will soon disappear from your life.

Why did you dream about a dead person you knew alive, many days after his death? An old matter or something connected with this person will soon require attention. Why do you dream of a living dead person who treats you to food and drinks and gives you his things? This is a good omen and means support higher powers and good luck in business.

But giving things to a dead person is bad. Most often, such a dream means that you are wasting your efforts. Lying in bed with the deceased or between the dead is a sign of illness. Even such a plot can mean a dream if the deceased simply appeared in your house and made the bed.

If he lay there instead of husband and wife, such a dream means divorce or even the death of a spouse. Try to be careful in life so that there is no trouble in the house. Well, if a deceased person treats you to pies, then soon you will find yourself at his wake or meet his relative.

Dreams about dead people, especially about relatives, are the most frightening and mysterious of all other phenomena that a person dreams of. Often, they are even frightening. You want to forget such a dream as soon as possible and never remember it. However, you shouldn't do this.

Why do you dream about the dead?

A dreaming dead man is special sign, which your subconscious gives you, and which is worth paying close attention to. Because dead people will not walk around just like that.

It must be said that deceased relatives or acquaintances do not come to all people in a dream, but only to those who have the abilities of a medium or hidden clairvoyance. Often, these people are not even aware of their gift. But, nevertheless, only they can decipher the signs that the deceased gives them in a dream.

People believe that if your deceased relative comes to you, he asks you to remember him in church by ordering a special prayer for his repose. If a deceased loved one is excited and tells you something, try to remember the content of his speech.

Perhaps he is dissatisfied with how and where he was buried, and demands that you change something on his grave, or even in the coffin. Sometimes the dead leave you an object in a dream. Remember that this is a sign that only you can decipher, because no one knows better than you the circumstances of your life and the nature of your relationship with the deceased during his lifetime.

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Why do you dream about a dead mother?

However, dream books have completely different interpretations of dreams about the dead. A deceased mother comes to a person in a dream for a reason. It is believed that a mother worries about her child in the next world, and, appearing to him in a dream, warns him about difficult period in her child's life. If your mother looks at you sadly and anxiously, be wary, difficult times are clearly ahead of you.
If you are a woman, after such a dream expect divorce, for example, or financial need.

And if you are a man, know that you chose the wrong one life path. You need to stop, listen to yourself and change your life.
On the eve of your imminent death, your late mother will come to you in a dream and say that she is waiting for you there, in heaven. It is known that such dreams are not uncommon. They were especially dreamed of by celebrities who have a very strong connection with the otherworldly.

Native people

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother?

Came in a dream deceased grandmother also always warns about something. Most often about spending money, especially if in a dream she hands you money. If, in another reality, you, on the contrary, gave money to your grandmother, then, therefore, you bought yourself out of trouble, and therefore you will not suffer.

Also, the appearance of a grandmother can prophesy an early marriage.
A smiling grandmother predicts an enemy who denigrates you behind your back.
Two dead grandmothers at once in a dream report that they are protecting you in your earthly life. Thank them by ordering a magpie of repose to give their souls the strength to help you further from another world.

Why do you dream about a dead grandfather?

Grandfather in a dream brings trouble. Otherwise, dreams with grandfather have the same meaning as with grandmother.
If your grandfather shows in a dream that he is hungry or needs some clothes, you need to rush to the temple and pray for the deceased, and also order a prayer service for his repose.

Anxious dream

If you dream about a dead person before 40 days?

Before 40 days, deceased relatives often appear in the dreams of their loved ones. It just indicates the pain that lives in your soul due to loss. This means that you are bored and want to see the person you love. After all, such dreams bring joy and even short-lived relief, especially if in the dream you were allowed to hug your relative.

Why do you dream about a dead father?

In addition to standard interpretations of dreams about deceased relatives, the image of a father appearing in another reality to his child can indicate that the child has grown up, that it is time for him to take responsibility for his own life, and finally stop being a baby.

Dreaming about brother

If you dream about your dead brother?

The deceased brother, like other relatives, is trying to convey to you some important information in a dream. Perhaps his soul has not rested, but is rushing between two worlds and asks you to help. You need to listen carefully to such dreams and do what the deceased asks you to do in order to help him find peace.

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If you dream about your dead husband?

A dead husband appearing in a dream symbolizes your feelings of guilt towards him. You cannot let go of the deceased, ask him for forgiveness in your soul and never calm down. If your husband also suddenly passed away, then you will continue to call on his soul for a long time, because the relationship with him is not over yet.

The fact is that any relationship between a couple must be experienced to the end: absolutely all of its stages, one after another, until the very end. A sudden departure shocks the one who has lost his soul mate, which makes his suffering even more intense.

It is quite difficult to cope with yourself in this situation, so you need to take special measures to survive the broken relationship to the end.
It is necessary to perform the rituals we have already described in church in relation to your husband in order to put his soul to rest, and to quickly let go on your part.

If you were unable to decipher a dream with a dead person, you need to remember properly all the events that occurred in it, as well as appearance the deceased, right down to his facial expressions and all his gestures. In any dream there are always hidden signs in the form of some symbols that can be interpreted if you think carefully.

The interpretation of a dream about a deceased person is always difficult, because there are many versions of how to interpret a dream. In one case, it is believed that only in a dream can the dead come to visit and tell something useful to the living, help them solve problems, or warn them of impending danger.

Others believe that such dreams should not be interpreted positively, and they only bring trouble, especially when you have to talk to the deceased in a dream. In the case when you are a guest, it means that you are sad about him and these experiences do not give you peace.

Why do you dream of hugging a dead person in a dream?

You can see your grandmother, grandfather or someone else, but in any case, hugging or laying hands on the shoulders of the deceased means that your life will be long and your old age painless. If there is a certain disease, then the dream is interpreted as an imminent onset fatal outcome and you should be prepared for this. But if you dreamed about a deceased relative and you hugged him, you will soon recover.

For a healthy person, such a dream will indicate that they may regret all life mistakes and those things that were previously done and are in doubt.

What if you dream of a dead person for up to 40 days?

According to the clergy, such a dream does not promise peace of mind if there are no prayers for the deceased person so that his soul can calm down.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Dog, as in real life, and in a dream is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But seeing a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, as...

A fur coat, so desired in winter, becomes absolutely unnecessary in summer. This happens in real life, when a revaluation of values ​​is carried out, about which...

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate.

For unmarried girl seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find someone his own age.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic infatuation can develop into good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him accept fateful decision.

Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and an amusing trip, in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant edges.

Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance.

Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will succeed in relatively a short time make a decent fortune.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Deceased fathers

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered;

Deceased mother - severe illness, grief;

Dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);

To meet a dead person is good, good luck // illness, death;

Man - success; woman - obstacles

The dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;

To be with the dead means to have enemies;

To see the dead alive - long summers// big trouble, illness;

Seeing a sick person dead means he will recover;

Hugging a dead person is a disease;

Kissing – longevity;

Giving him something is a loss, a loss;

Moving or carrying a deceased person is bad, sadness;

Congratulations are good;

Talking - interesting news // illness;

Calls with him - death.

Interpretation of dreams from

When trouble comes to the house, it’s hard and painful for everyone. We mourn that a loved one has left the world of the living and left us. We are sad that we are no longer destined to see this person, hear his voice, or touch his hand. And now you can meet the deceased only in dreams. Why is this happening? Why do they come to us in our dreams? They say something, show something, give something. Is this some kind of information from there? Or family connection Can't even death interrupt?

Message from the other world

People have several explanations for why they dream of a deceased relative. There is a belief that this is a kind of message from the other world. After his death, the deceased has a connection with the world he left for 40 days. His soul will not rest if during his lifetime a person did not manage to fulfill his mission. Perhaps the deceased person wants to convey some information to the world of the living. Explaining why a deceased relative dreams is not so difficult. They want to say something, warn or support. In a dream, you should not be afraid of meeting them. Listen to them carefully and remember everything they say. Believe me, in reality everything you hear will come true. But going after the deceased is a bad sign, it means a quick death. If a dead person calls you, but you do not follow him, expect illness and failure.

Need to remember

People explain why they dream of dead relatives this way: they need to be remembered. Most likely, in the world of the living they forgot about him, they don’t go to the cemetery, they don’t visit church to order a service for the deceased, they don’t remember him. If you saw in a dream the image of a deceased loved one, pay attention to what he looks like. If he is in white, clean clothes, young, and his body seems to glow from within, you know that the deceased is well in the next world. If his body has a bluish-gray tint, as if transparent and there are rags on it, this is a sign that the relative was forgotten or was not buried according to all the rules. After such a dream, you must definitely go to church and, after talking with the priest, order a service.

Towards a change in weather

Speaking about what a deceased relative dreams about, we should also remember this folk sign. It is believed that after such a dream one should expect a change in the weather. If it was hot, it means there are rainy days ahead. If you dreamed about the deceased and the cold season, expect a thaw and sudden warming.

What does the dream book say?

Dream books offer slightly different information regarding what a deceased relative dreams about. If you dreamed of a father who has long passed into another world, expect failure. This is a warning that in the near future you should not start new businesses, make deals, change jobs, or make acquaintances. It is also likely that gossip and angry conversations await you behind your back. Have you met your deceased brother in a dream? In reality, take a closer look at your surroundings. Someone needs your attention and care. Did you dream of a mother who has been buried in a cemetery for a long time? Also a warning. She takes care of you in the next world, trying to protect you from illnesses. After such a meeting in a dream, go to the hospital for an examination. It is possible that you will get sick in the near future. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier the treatment will be. If you dreamed about grandparents, you shouldn’t worry and think about why the dead person is dreaming. A relative has come to visit you and wants to inform you about the upcoming pleasant changes in life.

See yourself dead

Agree, seeing yourself dead in a dream is terrible. But don't worry. This dream is very good interpretation. You will live long and happily, you will not be afraid of illness. But you still shouldn’t tempt fate. Just live and enjoy every day of your stay in the world of people.

I dreamed about my late father. (It’s not even 40 days after his death) He said that he was very cramped and hot. What does it mean???


Victoria Borisova

This means that he is cramped and hot. This means that they dressed him in the wrong size and most likely in things that he doesn’t like or didn’t like. He tells you about this. Light a candle in church. And if possible, give him the shirt. Can I ask one question? Did you bury him in a gray jacket?

Aliria Kai

I’ll tell you that my mother had a dream about her late neighbor, complaining that she had a cold foot, it turned out that they couldn’t put shoes on one of her feet. Maybe I’ll excuse you if I’m picking at the wound too much, but maybe his coffin is too small? Or he asks for prayer for him. But I have no doubt that your father is asking for something.


Order a prayer service for forgiveness, and pray for him yourself, so that the Almighty will forgive him for all his voluntary and involuntary sins, light a candle for his repose. Better yet, talk to the priest and ask for advice.

Valentina Vasilyeva (Zharova)

Yes, he feels bad there, it’s cramped and something is wrong with his clothes. take his favorite (during life) thing to his grave. and be sure to order a prayer service at the church.

Pirate's Daughter

As for HOW they were buried and in what - it cannot be! Because that's not the main thing. And the problem is most likely that his sins do not allow him into a good place and he is suffering. Order magpies for the repose of the dead in three monasteries at the same time, and also serve funeral services frequently.

Stanislav Grishchenko

The coffin is probably too tight and they dressed it out of season! Give it to the earth!


remember the deceased, order a prayer service. Visit the grave of the deceased and bring him what he loved to wear during his lifetime.

Marianna Bystritskaya

You probably don’t pray for your father’s soul. this must be done for all 40 days. if you dream of a dead person these days, then there is no peace for him, you are doing something wrong


commemorate in 7 churches for up to 40 days. grandma said

Why do you dream about a recently deceased relative?


Juliana Olive-Eva

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation. Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not significant actor your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around is revealed. The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions, positive or negative; in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams. “Judgmental” dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation. What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or was it contrary? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him. It is necessary to remember.

Natalia Blinova

You must definitely go to church and give alms to the poor. light a candle for repose.


He came to warn you about some troubles.

Lidya MIR

remember him.


must be remembered! if you dream of a dead person!

Shura Revva

Dreaming about the dead is usually a warning. If you see your deceased father and talk to him, you are about to do some unfortunate deed. Be careful in your contacts: you are surrounded by enemies. After such a dream, men and women should carefully monitor their reputation: they have been warned about the threat. A dream about a deceased mother warns of illness; you should restrain yourself and not show unkind feelings towards other people. A brother, other relative or friend means that very soon you will be approached for charity or help. If you see the dead alive and happy, it means that you have allowed some wrong influences into your life, which will lead to material losses if you do not correct the situation with your willpower. A dream that you are talking with a deceased relative and he is trying to convince you to make some kind of promise warns of impending trouble, if you do not follow the advice you hear. Catastrophic consequences can be prevented if the consciousness can perceive the activity of a higher or spiritual being. The voice of the deceased is a voice from above, the only one that can be grasped by consciousness located on the material plane. But the connection between them is so weak that one has to rely on one’s own subjective interpretation.


he probably wants to warn you about something

Why do you dream about a dead person?



Up to 40 days the soul goes through ordeals... and while it is neither in heaven nor in hell, the spirit of the deceased can still contact close relatives... If the deceased in the dream was not angry (and in your case this is the case), and did not try to call you with yourself, then you don’t have to worry. Perhaps you dreamed of your grandfather precisely because during his lifetime he was most attached to you... Pray for the repose of his soul.

Elena Blagovitskaya

to a change in weather

Kitten Woof

If you’ve already asked something, it’s unlikely that it’s due to a change in the weather. We must look at the events in life themselves related to this person or family. Maybe they remembered something, talked about him. Maybe he’s confused about what’s going on, “why are you talking about me like that,” maybe he didn’t finish his sentence. According to folklore, this, of course, means a change in the weather, but if they contact you, it might actually be better to think about it. Order a panakhida in the church and pray. It definitely won't get any worse.


Tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Ushakova Tatyana

he does not yet realize his death and it seems to be easier for him, but you have good intuition and he came to a dream. On the 40th day, remove the wreaths from the grave completely, release his soul.

Why does a dead person dream?



your soul doesn’t want to come to terms with the death of loved ones, so your subconscious gives you


sometimes a person is not aware of the fact of his death. in case of any dreams about the departed, they must be remembered.

Elenka is curvy

After death human soul hovers around its family for 40 days. Then she is freed from the bonds of this life and flies away to heaven. But there are moments when the soul appears in a dream, reminding you of itself. Be sure to go to the grave of the deceased, because these phenomena in your dreams may be caused by the fact that you have not visited the deceased for a long time. Light a candle for the deceased in the church, saying that you have not forgotten the deceased. Remember, maybe the deceased gave some instructions after death and they were not followed. Or you promised the deceased something and did not do it. Then deliver what you promise. If the deceased continues to visit you in a dream, then do the following. After you see the deceased again in a dream, waking up in the morning, light a church candle and place it in the center of a white saucer without a pattern. Cross yourself and read the spell 3 times: The restless spirit of the deceased servant of God (name of the deceased) will reject and drive away the fire of this candle. Just as three embryos curl up in boiling water and complete the circle of life, so it is impossible for a servant of God to return to the world. Under the coffin board (mother's name) there will be eternal rest. Amen. After this, hard-boil 3 eggs and bury them along with a saucer and a candle near the intersection. You will stop dreaming about the deceased! .


a pretty good dream, it shows that your relatives were honest and good people, that they will take care of you, you can get a lot of benefits from them, there is a whole scientific movement of people “bioenergy” and others who believe that after death a person has nowhere to go, his life should be like a dream

Dreaming of a dead man, what is it for?


Alexander Surikov

For up to 40 days, the soul of a deceased person remains among the living and says goodbye to those who were dear to them during life. Your man loves you very much and is very attached to you. Tragic events They didn’t give him the opportunity to tell you how much you matter to him. In the future, through dreams, your man’s sister will give you information that you need to pay attention to. She is still trying to tell you something, but grief does not allow you to hear her yet. Cats in in this case- these are earthly affairs that have not been completed. There are so many unfinished tasks as there are cats, that’s why cats are black. There will be a threat to the son-in-law’s life, he must be careful in everything. In the spring, when the lilies of the valley bloom, you will feel better after the loss of a loved one. Before this, you will dream about him and you will understand from the dream that he is happy there. This will make you feel calmer and happier. If you are a baptized person, then go to church, light a candle for him and his sister for the repose of their souls, mentally ask the Lord to calm the souls of the departed. At home, remember the dead when you eat. You will have a dream with your beloved man closer to the 40th day. I sympathize with your grief. Be strong! Everything will be fine.

Alfia Solnechnaya

to a change in weather

Maxim Litinsky

If you dream of a dead person, it means... he wants to warn you about something

Why do the dead people that I dream about 40 days after their death cause exorbitant fear in my dreams? (+)


Larisa Atakurbanova

Learn to manage your fears in your sleep. It's difficult, but it really works. I managed.

Rita Vladimirskaja

After 40 days they should not dream about you not saying goodbye to them or they were offended by you

Mikhail Lunev

This is how they are when they sense your fear. There will be no fear, there will be no aggressive dead.


Smart people say that such dreams mean a change in the weather, and so there is only one way to the Temple and light a candle for the deceased

Dream interpretation of a deceased person up to 40 days

When he dies dear person, this is incredible grief. It’s hard for us to cope with loss; we want to turn back time, tell the person about our feelings, try to protect him from death.

There is a belief, especially among believers, that the soul of the deceased leaves the mortal earth only after a certain time, on the 40th day, and until that time it remains next to us.

What does it mean if you dream of a dead person before 40 days? Is a dream some kind of portal through which the soul of the deceased wants to leave you information?

Dreams about dead people

Dreaming of communicating with the dead

People often dream of dead people. This is due to the fact that we miss them and want to at least communicate with our loved ones in this way. Although dream books see another message in such a vision.

Interpretations of dream books

Before you begin to understand why a dead person dreams for up to 40 days, it is worth first understanding what dream interpreters mean in such visions. Let's find out why, in general, a dead man dreams of being alive.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff looked at this vision from three sides, depending on the behavior of the deceased in your vision:

  • the person was simply present in the dream without performing certain actions;
  • the deceased communicated, gave advice, pointed out certain things;
  • the deceased person sharply condemned the dreamer for certain actions or inaction.

Any night vision should be considered separately.

The dream symbolizes longing for the departed

In the first case, when the deceased is simply in a vision, without doing anything special, the dream is a consequence of longing for the departed person and promises a sharp change in the weather. In general, such dreams do not carry any meaning and are not worth special attention.

If we consider the second option, then the situation here is more serious, and this message from higher powers is worth listening to. When a deceased person talks to you, the dream can help you understand the current situation, give a hint on how to behave in the future, the main thing is to correctly interpret the words of the deceased person.

When a dead person smiles and behaves friendly, it means you are going the right way. When he is sick in a dream, one of the people close to you may soon become seriously ill. What will be the outcome of the disease, whether the person will recover, can be judged by the condition of the deceased.

The third option is a dream, which the dreamer must listen to, and should not be ignored. Loff reassures, saying that any condemnation of the deceased concerns himself rather than living people and the dreamer himself. If you dream about something like this, then you need to visit the burial site, visit the church, and light a candle. The vision suggests that the dead man is restless in the next world, something weighs on him.

Interpreter of Aesop

Dreaming of a dead man in a coffin

This interpreter also advises taking a closer look at the mood of the deceased. When he behaves peacefully, does not demand anything, does not swear, and looks cheerful, then the dream can only indicate that the weather will soon change.

If in a dream you see strangers discussing the deceased who lies in the coffin, then troubles are coming with the authorities. You risk being fired or demoted. Such a dream can predict multiple conflicts with neighbors, friends, and acquaintances.

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dead person in a dream is a symbol of new life. It is believed that the dreamer enters into new life. All troubles will be forgotten.

The Zim spouses considered the appearance of a deceased person in a dream as a harbinger of a change in the weather, a change in the life of the sleeping person as a whole.

Hearing the call of a dead person in a dream

When you dream of dead people literally every night, you cannot get enough sleep, your dreams have a disturbing coloration, then some unpleasant event from the past haunts you. You have to let go of the past, otherwise you simply won’t be able to move forward.

When the deceased person in your dream is cheerful and behaves friendly, there is no reason to panic. It’s worse when the deceased calls a sleeping person and asks him to follow him - the dream speaks of mortal danger threatening a sleeping person and his family members. If you do not follow him, you will be able to save yourself from misfortune, otherwise you should be extremely careful.

Esoteric interpreter

When a deceased person is unfamiliar to you, then, according to the dream book, you may dream about him only when the weather changes. Close people are trying to warn you about the danger; the dream is an indication: you must behave prudently and not succumb to provocations.

At the same time, the interpreter believes that the deceased mother predicts good luck for the dreamer, and dad promises support.

When a deceased friend appears to you in a dream, then you should seriously think about what you are doing now, what is the meaning of your life.

To see how the deceased comes to life - you will witness a unique incident and you will be surprised.

If a deceased person offers food in a dream

The dead are calling you to follow them - you are in danger of illness, or you will find yourself in a rather difficult and unpleasant situation. The main thing is not to follow them.

Even more negative is a dream in which a dead person offers you food. After a night vision, you should not put off visiting a doctor; delay can cost your life. In a dream, did you accept food from him, did you eat with him? This means you are in danger of death, says the dream book.

Interpreters say that you should not take food from the deceased or follow them even in a dream.

Psychological point of view

The most basic dream interpreter who examines dreams from a psychological point of view is Sigmund Freud's dream book.

Freud often views dreams with erotic overtones. In the case of the dead, everything is completely different. It is believed that everything that the deceased tells you is very important, and all his words will be directly related to you and the people close to you. This can be either a warning or condemnation of certain actions.

It happens that a deceased person gives you advice. Don't ignore it, it's important information, which is worth listening to. It is important that you remember everything the deceased tells you. And what to do next, your intuition will tell you.

A person dreams that he died less than forty days ago

If dead people dream great importance, and their words are worth listening to, then when this happens in the first forty days after death, such a dream is even more important.

Hearing the requests of the deceased in a dream

The first thing that dream interpreters pay attention to is the unfinished business of the deceased in this world. Perhaps the person did not have time to do something, did not finish the task, and the soul cannot calm down. The main thing is that you should not fall into a state of panic; it is better to fulfill the request of the deceased, what he asked for.

It is believed that when a dead person offers you something in a dream, it is better to refuse it so as not to bring trouble upon yourself. Interpreters say that when this happens in the first month after the funeral, it is better not to refuse the gift. Thus, you will be able to do two good deeds at once:

  • ease the transition departed soul to another world;
  • will be able to protect himself from trouble or find well-deserved happiness.

As a rule, after forty days we no longer dream of dead people, although there are exceptions. Interpreters explain this phenomenon by saying that you had a close emotional connection with this person. You simply cannot let him go and not think about him. You can often hear advice that you should not grieve for a person too much, otherwise his soul will not be able to find peace.

The dream may indicate a connection with a guardian angel

It happens that a relative, dying, continues to appear in our dreams. for a long time. Such a dream may indicate a close connection that cannot be easily broken. Such visions may indicate that, when dying, a person has decided to become your guardian angel, and will now look after you, guiding your actions.

If a person behaves correctly, the dead person will simply appear in his dreams. When you dreamed of a dead person showing concern, it means you have turned away from the right path and risk getting into trouble.

Identity of the deceased person

The interpreters give general information, why a dead person may appear to you in a dream alive for up to 40 days, and they can also predict the details. To do this, it’s worth clarifying who exactly you were dreaming about:

  • grandmother or grandfather - a significant event will happen in the dreamer’s family, and it will not necessarily be bad;
  • parents predict troubles, betrayal of a loved one;
  • spouse - expect trouble;
  • wife - you will be successful in your career, such a vision may be seen before a promotion or salary increase;
  • actor - everything you have in mind will not be successful;
  • brother or friend - soon someone will need your help.

What the dead man looked like

When dead man If you dream as if you are alive, then positive changes will occur in your life. You will literally get a second wind, you will see where to move next to achieve success. Night vision says that luck will accompany you in everything.