The relic of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” is all about the amazing icon. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa". Prayers before the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Tsaritsa"

In the 17th century Athos elder Joseph the Hesychast bequeathed to his disciples. The icon in a scarlet robe depicts the Mother of God, who is seated on royal throne. Behind her are two angels, who with reverence overshadow the wings of the Most Pure Virgin. In the arms of the Mother of God is the Divine Infant. He holds a scroll in his left hand and raises his right hand in a gesture of blessing.

The Mother of God with her right hand points to the Son of God, emphasizing that this is the Savior of all people. This icon is of medium size and is distinguished by skillful execution. On the nimbus of the virgin, patterns of enamel are made. And on the halo of the Divine Infant it is written on Greek: "From which everything is around."

Where and by whom was the icon painted?

It is believed that the icon was created in the 17th century, but many historians are convinced that it was painted in the 12th century by an unknown artist. But only after she fell into the hands of the elder of the Athos monastery did she become known and her miraculousness was really confirmed.

The first miracle that confirmed divine power icons, happened almost immediately, as it was placed in the temple Athos monastery. A young man, an adherent of black magic, decided to test his strength on the Holy Icons. To do this, he came to the Vatopedi monastery, where there were many holy icons. As soon as the young man entered the territory of the monastery, he seemed to be pulled into the Main Cathedral by an unknown force. It was there that the icon of the All-Tsaritsa was located. He approached her and began to mutter incantations of black magic.

Suddenly, lightning flashed from the Image, which struck young man by pushing it back. The young man ran out of the temple in fright. On the way, he met a priest and told him about the incident that had happened to him. The frightened young man confessed that he had no faith in God in his soul, and that he was engaged in black magic.

After that, the life of the young man changed, he repented, decided to devote his life to the service of God and remained in the Athos monastery.

Icon name meaning

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" also has the second name "Pantanassa". Translated from Greek, it means "All Lady", "Almighty". This icon fully corresponds to its name and is of great importance for all Orthodox Christians.

Throughout her fame, she has performed many miraculous healings. This image is considered the most powerful for the fight against cancer. It is able to change the worldview of lost people, many magicians and sorcerers stopped their activities under the influence of the icon. The Mother of God is able to guide on the righteous path, she strengthens the faith of a person and, having come to her, one can find consolation.

Has the shrine survived to this day?

The original icon of the “All-Tsaritsa” is still in the Main Cathedral Church on Mount Athos in the Vatopedi Monastery. It is in this place that monastic vows take place. This area is amazingly picturesque and beautiful. The monastery itself is very ancient; according to legend, it was founded in the 10th century. There are 12 temples on its territory. In addition, many more temples and small churches are scattered around the area. The Vatopedi Monastery has an ancient library.

When in the 17th century it was confirmed that the icon of the All-Tsaritsa helps people recover from tumor diseases, many exact lists from it were written on Athos. Copies have been distributed to different countries, and according to the testimonies of believers, they are all Miraculous, and many of them are myrrh-streaming. All the miracles performed by the All-Tsaritsa icon are described in church books.

The icon "The Tsaritsa", first of all, gained its fame due to the healing of cancer patients. This feature of it was noticed in antiquity by the monks of St. Athos. Today, many pilgrims aspire to this prayer on the Holy Mountain.

Oncology was described by Hippocrates, he called this disease "carcinoma". This disease was also known to physicians in Ancient Egypt. Many years have passed, but even today medicine cannot cope with this disease. Therefore, prayer at the icon "The Tsaritsa" remains the only hope for many. Almost all sincerely believing people receive help - someone's tumor freezes, and sometimes disappears without a trace. Special pilgrimage trips are organized for cancer patients. But you should know that only men can enter Mount Athos.

In Russia, the miraculous list is in the children's oncology center in Moscow. In addition, lists of icons are in various other monasteries and churches.

Text Orthodox prayer to fight cancer:

Prayer before the icon of the All-Tsaritsa in Russian:

“Oh, the Most Pure Mother of God, the All-Tsaritsa! Hear my painful sigh and my petition before miraculous icon yours. Your image from the Holy Place of Athos has been brought to Russia. Pay attention to my sincere appeal and my prayer. I ask you to heal my terrible ailment and help everyone who falls to your holy image.

Just as a bird covers its chicks from danger with its wings, so protect us and cover us with your many-healing omophbrom. Grant us hope for healing, which will help us survive the most severe sorrows. Remove the darkness of despair from our souls, let the soul be filled with joy. May the unspeakable Divine light shine upon us through Thy prayer! Give consolation to the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, soften hardened hearts and grant enlightenment. Heal me, O Merciful Queen!

I ask you to bless the mind and hands of those who heal me so that they serve as an instrument of the Most High, Christ our Savior. As before the living You, I pray before Your icon and sincerely bow down to it. Reach out to me helping hands filled with healing and healing. Grant joy to those who mourn, give consolation to all in sorrow. We all who have received the help of Your miraculous help glorify the Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The short version of the prayer is as follows:

“Oh, the All-good, Most Holy Theotokos, the most worthy of the worthy, the wonderful Mother of God, Pantan?ssa, the All-Tsaritsa! I am not worthy to call you Holy and Pious to enter under my roof! But I ask you to hear my request, to show your mercy to me God-loving Mother of God, speak your strong word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. Only You can show Your will and strength, help me live in health and prosperity. (You can ask for the healing of your loved ones). I pray to You, All-Tsaritsa, and I believe that you will ask for me our Lord Most High. I will glorify the Holy your name always. Amen".

Listen to the akathist before the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa":

Why is this prayer considered miraculous?

The icon "The Tsaritsa" is considered miraculous, because it helps in solving various problems. Often people turn to her to get rid of drugs and alcohol addiction. Moreover, in this case, parents and just close people can pray for the salvation of a person from vices.

Of course, the power of the icon in the fight against cancer is recognized. But at the same time, you can pray for healing from other diseases and for strengthening health in general. In addition, a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of this icon helps to get rid of the external negative impact, for example damage or evil eye. Often, women who cannot become pregnant for a long time turn to the Mother of God for help. Such a prayer will help to give birth to a healthy child.

How to read it correctly

It is imperative to pray before this image in the temple. In addition, in order for prayer to be more effective, it is necessary to visit church services. The Gospel says that the Lord is always present among the believers who gather in the temple for prayer. Joint prayer in Orthodoxy is considered more powerful. God always wants people to worry about each other, so they participate in prayer in the salvation of their neighbor.

If a person is very sick, then a special prayer can be ordered for him, which will be read during the Liturgy. At the icon "The Tsaritsa" it is allowed to read kathismas, and complete them short prayer Mother of God, in which you should definitely mention the names of your loved ones.

It is very painful when an incurable disease overtook a loved one in order to maintain faith in the soul and help heal by a miracle. close person, you need to pray in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa. It should be remembered that you cannot give up, even if the most terrible diagnosis is made. If you sincerely pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa, then a miracle will surely happen and your loved one will recover. It must be remembered that many cases have been recorded when the prayer for cancer to the All-Tsaritsa healed many people from oncology.

Priests say that cancer is a warning from the Lord. Sending a test in the form of an oncological disease, the Almighty warns that it is time for a person to repent of his sins and begin to live according to the laws of God. This is a serious warning and you need to really think about your lifestyle and behavior. The main thing in such a situation is not to despair either to the sick person or his relatives.

How to ask for help for neighbors and relatives

It is very important to know how to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for help for your loved ones and relatives. First of all, you need to remember that prayer will be effective if you say it with all your heart. Prayer appeal it will only help if you feel a spiritual connection with the person for whom the prayer is offered. There must be a desire to sincerely help a person in the soul. You need to believe that it is your prayer that will help a loved one recover. Any doubt should be discarded.

It is very important to pronounce the prayer text by heart. Of course, it is necessary to adhere to the main meaning, but at the same time it is allowed to put your own wishes to a loved one in the text. This will increase the power of prayer. If you read the prayer text from a sheet or just mechanically pronounce it, then there will be no result. This is due to the fact that in this case, sincerity cannot be invested.

Important for the effectiveness of prayer is the mood of a person. It is necessary to discard all extraneous thoughts. For some time you need to stand before the icon in silence with thoughts of a loved one who has suffered misfortune. You can not think of anything bad at this moment. You need to concentrate only on your love and respect for the person who really needs help.

If everything is done correctly, then a strong energy connection arises between the person who prays and the sick person, which serves as a bridge for transferring additional forces from the outside to fight a terrible disease.

When praying for a loved one, you need to say prayer words directly in front of the icon. Only in this case it is possible to receive the necessary and directed message of energy from the sacred image.

It is important to understand that reading a prayer in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa for the healing of a loved one from cancer is a difficult and long journey. It is not necessary to expect that a miracle after reading a prayer will happen the next day. In order for the petition to be heard, it is necessary to pray every day. Moreover, it is very important not to lose sincerity, which should permeate every prayer phrase. In this case, the faith of the praying person also plays an important role. That is, you should truly believe that the person close to you will recover.

Despite the fact that a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa aimed at curing a patient from cancer must be read in the temple, at home you also need to have the same icon. It is periodically tedious to address her in her own words, expressing her desire to help a sick person. A small icon is also recommended to be installed next to the bed of a sick person. Some people claim that just looking at the icon is enough Holy Mother of God and the pain recedes, and strength is added.

It is very important after reading the prayer to ask the Lord to give strength not only to the sick person, but also to your whole family, you need to pray that patience does not leave you and there is a blessing on it.

Because the severe illness a person can develop due to negative external influences, then a prayer in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa will help get rid of such consequences.

It should be remembered that damage or the evil eye can only be removed with sincere prayer. It is very important that there be sincere faith in the soul of a person. In this case, it will be possible to quickly restore the energy field, damaged by someone's unkind look or word.

In order to remove the negative message, fully concentrate on the spoken prayer text. The prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which is pronounced in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa, is understandable, therefore it must be pronounced, being aware of each phrase. In addition, it is necessary to insert personal requests into it. They must be specific and understandable. The stronger and more accurate the request sounds in prayer, the more likely it is that a positive answer will be received in the shortest possible time.

If you understand that you have been subjected to an energy attack, then, first of all, you need to harmonize your body and calm down. It is very important to discard all life grievances against other people. Even if you know who tried to harm you, then you should not wish harm to this person. Remember that if you do not do this, then healing and very strong prayer The Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of the All-Tsaritsa will be simply useless.

It is also allowed to pray in front of this icon with a request for help to a loved one, if you are sure that he was jinxed or he is under the influence of damage. If you offer prayer in an unbalanced state, then with your negative emotions, you can harm a person.

You should not expect that after praying once, you will be able to get rid of corruption. You need to pray in front of the icon several times a day. In addition, at least once a week you should visit the temple and light a candle for your own health.

Video prayer for the sick Mother of God, in front of the icon "The Tsaritsa"

Icon of the Tsaritsa meaning what prayer helps

Description of the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa:

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" (in Greek - "Pantanassa") is located on Mount Athos in the Vatopedi Monastery. Written in the 17th century. First Icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa became famous for the case when a young man who approached her was suddenly thrown to the ground by an invisible force.

Immediately, the young man tearfully admitted that he was engaged in magic, and after repentance began to lead a pious lifestyle.

When pilgrims began to flow to the famous icon of the Mother of God, it turned out that after praying in front of her, many were cured from cancer.

Another description of the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa:

On August 31, prayers will be held in the Russian Orthodox Church for the beginning of school year. August 30 at evening worship an akathist to the image of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” is sung, and on August 31 a solemn prayer service is served to the festive icon and to help students. The miraculous icon “The Tsaritsa” is located in Greece on Mount Athos near the eastern column of the cathedral church of the Vatopedi monastery. It was written in the 17th century and was the blessing of the famous Elder Joseph Hesychast on Athos to his students. The story of the ever-memorable elder about the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa has been preserved.

In the 17th century, a strange man appeared in front of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa". He stood mumbling something indistinctly. And suddenly the face of the Virgin flashed like lightning, and some invisible force threw the young man to the ground. As soon as he came to his senses, he immediately went to confess to his fathers with tears in his eyes that he lived far from God, practiced magic and came to the monastery to test his strength on the holy icons. The miraculous intervention of the Virgin convinced the young man to change his life and become pious. He was healed of a mental illness and after that he remained on Athos. So the icon of the Mother of God the All-Tsaritsa for the first time showed its miraculous power on a person possessed by demons (occultism always leads to obsession). Later, they began to notice that this icon of the Mother of God has a beneficial effect on patients with various malignant tumors. In the 17th century, the icon of the Mother of God the All-Tsaritsa was first copied by a Greek monk and gradually became known throughout the world as a healer of cancer. The very name of the icon is All-Mistress, All-Mistress - speaks of its special, all-encompassing power.

For the first time, having shown his miraculous power against magical spells - and after all, sorcery, a passion for magic and other occult "sciences" has spread throughout Christendom like a cancerous tumor

the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa has the grace to heal the most terrible of diseases modern humanity(Crayfish).

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Tsaritsa" ("Pantanassa") they pray for healing from cancer, for deliverance from magical spells.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon “The Tsaritsa”

PRAYER 1-I before the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa

O most pure Mother of God, the All-Tsaritsa! Hear our many-painful sigh before Thy miraculous icon, transferred from the Athos inheritance to Russia, look at Thy children, incurable ailments of those suffering, falling to Thy holy image with faith! Like a krill bird covers its chicks, so are you now, ever-alive being, cover us with your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, be an undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows overcome, Patience and Weakness appear. There, even where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, let the inexpressible light of the Divine shine! Cowardly comfort, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O all-merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us; let them serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if live Thy, who is with us, we pray before Thy icon, O Mistress! Stretch out Your hands, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation in sorrow, but having received miraculous help soon, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

PRAYER 2-I before the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa

TROPAR, VOICE 4 in front of the icon of the Mother of God the All-Tsaritsa

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos BEFORE HER ICON NAMED "THE ALL Tsaritsa"

Ascension wondrous grace from Thy icon, O Tsaritsa, when a young man, darkened by satanic teachings, fell before her and was motionless;

more than aspirations, freed from gloomy bonds, with fear and joy crying out to You: Rejoice, Correction of an unholy life; Rejoice, Consolation of the afflicted. Rejoice, demonic hordes from the Church Drive away; Rejoice, haze of sinful Scattering. Rejoice, intrigues of invisible Abolition; Rejoice, Omnipotent Overpowering of demonic spells. Rejoice, Lighter, instruct the deceived; Rejoice, Cloud, cover the innocent from evil. Rejoice, Holme, nourishing with heavenly manna; Rejoice, Dolino, satiating with the humility of Christ. Rejoice, Stone of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, Mirror of the eternal Light. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Also read on our website:

Icons of the Mother of God- Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most of the icons of the Mother of God.

Lives of the Saints– Section dedicated to the Lives of Orthodox Saints.

Beginning Christian– Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in the spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Literature- Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and the occult- View of Orthodoxy on divination, extrasensory perception, the evil eye, damage, yoga and similar "spiritual" practices. - Orthodox online course distance learning . We recommend this course to all beginning Orthodox Christians. Online training takes place twice a year. enroll in the following courses today!

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Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

Whatever hardships would befall humanity, the Mother of God showed her images to overcome any of them. The faces of the Mother of God fill temples and home chapels, reminding that help is near, one has only to stop the futile fuss and turn to heavenly treasures. One of these treasures is the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" glorified in the 20th century. The name "All-Tsaritsa" means that the Blessed Virgin is the first of women and virgins, of the entire human race, on earth and in heaven.

The history of the image of Pantanassa

The earliest revered image of the Virgin, sitting on a throne surrounded by Angels, appeared in Bithynia, in the Trigilium monastery, founded in 780. Now it is a city in Turkey, on the coast Sea of ​​Marmara. From the monastery of Pantovasilisa there was a temple in ruins, on the walls of which a part of the fresco of the Virgin was preserved.

In the XIV century, another icon of the All-Tsaritsa was donated to the Gregory Monastery on Athos by the Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great.

In 1428, in the name of the icon "Pantanassa" ("All-Tsaritsa"), a monastery was founded on about. Crete. The monastery survived the fall of Byzantium and surrendered only 7 years after the accession of the Turks. It contained a miraculous image of the Mother of God, which has survived to this day. Its antiquity and miracles are evidenced by a garland of silver pendants brought from grateful prayer books.

Another image in the XVI century. was presented to the Simonopetrovsky monastery of the Holy Mountain from the Metropolitan of Nicaea.

The icon of the All-Tsaritsa, known in Russia as the Redeemer from oncological diseases, was painted on Athos in the 17th century and is located there, in the Vatopedi monastery.

The miraculous power of the Face of the Virgin

There is a legend how the Mother of God punished the sorcerer through her. A strange young man appeared in the temple where the image of Pantanassa was placed. Approaching the icon, he began to whisper indistinct words, and suddenly the Face of the Mother of God flashed like lightning. The young man flew back and fell. This was seen by many in the church. When the monks raised him and began to question him, the unfortunate man admitted that he was a magician and decided to test the power of witchcraft on the icons.

The miracle that happened from Pantanassa was the reason to consider her the Defender from evil forces. Later, at the beginning of the 20th century, the icon ended up in the hands of the famous Elder of Athos, Joseph the Hesychast. Seeking solitude and exploits, he often moved from place to place along the holy mountain. He blessed his disciples with the image of the Mother of God, and since then the icon has been in the cathedral church of the Vatopedi monastery.

Tsaritsa in Russia

Pantanassa gained even greater fame when, through prayer in front of her, several cases of healing from cancer occurred. Lists were made for other Athos monasteries, and in 1995 the miraculous icon from Vatopedi arrived in Russia for veneration. A list was also made here and placed in the children's cancer center in Moscow.

Help from the Mother of God to the children began immediately: the condition of all the sick improved significantly, and one girl saw the light coming from the icon. On the feast of the Mother of God, the icon began to stream myrrh, spreading fragrance.

In 2005, another one was made on Athos exact list from Pantanassa for the convent "Vsetsaritsa" at the oncological dispensary in Krasnodar. Hegumen Vatopeda Ephraim testified to the identity of the image and put it on reverse side icons of the blessing of the Holy Mountain. Having attached the list to 130 shrines of the Vatopedi Monastery, with great honors the All-Tsaritsa was taken to Krasnodar, where grace-filled help immediately began to flow from the Queen of Heaven.

The All-Tsaritsa conquers diseases and witchcraft

People's love for the image of the All-Tsaritsa is growing, the number of temples in Her honor is increasing. Cancer and tumor diseases, frightening with their suddenness and ruthlessness, recede before the prayer of the Mother of God, which She brings for the whole world. People, previously unbelievers, flock to Her miraculous images and receive relief. With the suspension of the development of the disease, faith and strength appear to perform spiritual feats.

Healthy. They also turn to the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa for protection from witchcraft. Possessing insufficient faith, some people are afraid of the actions of fortune-tellers, witches, etc., thinking that they are capable of causing harm.

The Mother of God more than once destroyed the machinations of sorcerers, showing how weak they are before the power of God. Praying to the "All-Tsaritsa", any Christian becomes terrible for demons and no evil forces can approach him.

In the Kazan Church in Rostov-on-Don, on the icon around the Mother of God, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justinia are depicted - saints who defeat demonic machinations.

The first miracle from the icon that arrived in Russia was the healing of an unbelieving young man from drug addiction. The unfortunate was damaged by reason, behaved aggressively. His mother prayed for him in front of the All-Tsaritsa, ordered a prayer service and brought home holy water. Surprisingly, instead of the usual screaming and cursing, the guy asked for holy water and drank it all. After that, his mood changed, he began to be treated by a narcologist and got a job. Now former drug addict thanks the Mother of God and helps others to get rid of addiction.

Images and their meanings

The background symbolizes Divine light. Gold is often used to depict light, sometimes it is replaced with precious minerals: malachite, cinnabar, lapis lazuli or ocher.

Halos and inscriptions

Around the head of the Virgin, the Savior and the Archangels are round halos, on the Athos icon they are decorated with ornaments. The circle is a symbol of eternity, speaks of the beginninglessness and infinity of God. The cross in the halo of the Infant Christ is a symbol of Salvation, evidence of victory over the devil, sin and death. The combination of the circle and the cross is a reminder that God was incarnated to be crucified for people on the Cross.

Near the heads of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Archangels there are inscriptions indicating who is depicted on the icon. On VII Ecumenical Cathedral, it was decided that without a name there can be no icon image. In the ancient church, the very moment of inscription was the solemn consecration of the image.

The image of the Divine Infant is signed according to the Greek tradition - IC XC. These are the first letters of the words Jesus Christ, the Image of the Virgin - MP, which in Greek means the Mother of God. In the crosshairs of the halo of the Savior, the letters in Greek mean "Existing" (Existing forever).

Clothing of the Virgin

The Mother of God is depicted in the clothes worn married women in the East in the first centuries - a maforia thrown over the shoulders, a cap, a tunic dress and boots. Maforium - a large veil, put on the head and enveloped almost the entire figure. Crimson, purple color - a symbol of patricianism. The bonnet was worn under the maforium, covering the hair.

Tunic - straight narrow clothing with sleeves intercepted by bands. Handrails - a detail of liturgical vestments - a symbol of the service of the entire Church (in the person of the Mother of God) to God.

During her life on earth, the Mother of God dressed modestly and did not wear jewelry. The golden ornaments and sitting on the throne, depicted on the icon, convey the royal greatness of the Mother of God.

Three golden stars on the maphoria are a symbol of “ever-virginity” (eternal virginity, before the birth of the Savior and after), the Infant covering one of the stars with Himself symbolizes the birth from the Virgin.

Hand gestures of the Blessed Virgin always prayerfully addressed to God in prayer for the whole world.

Image of the Divine Infant

The Divine Infant is depicted in a white shirt (white is the color of heavenly purity), with a strip of a different color on the right shoulder and in a golden tunic. This strip is called "clave". In Rome, clav is a sign of patricianism, belonging to the upper class, and in the east, in Palestine, it is a sign of a traveler making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The golden strokes on the clothes of the Lord are the royal dignity of Christ.

Interesting. Child Christ on Orthodox icons depicted in the proportions of an adult. This reminds us that the Lord has always been the perfect King, the Ruler of the world.

With his right hand, the Savior blesses all those who pray, in his left he holds a scroll - an image of His New Testament Teaching, His sermon, His words.

The archangels are depicted as they appeared to people - in the form of beautiful young men with wings, in beautiful clothes, trimmed with precious stones, with curly strands of hair. In their hair they have diadems - jewelry from precious stones, small crowns indicating that the Archangels belong to the retinue of the Heavenly King. Ribbons behind their heads - "rumors" - mean that the Archangels always hear and do the will of God.

The archangel, depicted to the right of the Virgin, points upward with his hand. In iconography, this gesture means a call to repentance. The archangel on the left is standing in a prayerful pose with his hands folded across his chest. On some images, including the ancient fresco of the Trigiliya Monastery, the Archangels are signed "Michael" and "Gabriel".

Sometimes saints are depicted instead of Archangels.

Where are the icons "Tsaritsa"

Currently, the miraculous lists from Pantanassa are:

  • in the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow);
  • in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (in 2012, a blind girl was healed from the image);
  • Church of All Saints at the Children's Cancer Center (Moscow);
  • Church of the Holy Martyr Tatyana (MSU);
  • Women's Vladychny Monastery in Serpukhov;
  • convent "Vsetsaritsa" (Krasnodar).

Holy springs in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" are located:

  • in Diveevo (Mayovka);
  • in with. Taraskovo (Sverdlovsk region), there is also a locally revered miraculous icon of the All-Tsaritsa;
  • in with. Big Ryazan (Samara region).

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" helps in what

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In front of this shrine, those who have been overtaken by a terrible illness gather together with prayers. The disease, before which sometimes powerless even chemotherapy. Paleness, sparse hair and an extinct look are a trace of a special therapy for that disease, which takes away the last strength and hope for recovery.

And only sincere prayers addressed to the Most Pure Theotokos will heal the human body and soul. The miraculous icon "The Tsaritsa" - what helps, what they pray for and its significance for Orthodox Christianity- you can learn all this from our article.

The meaning in which the "All-Tsaritsa" helps

Back in the 17th century, the Athos elder Joseph Hesychast bequeathed the miraculous icon to his disciples on Mount Athos. It depicts the Most Holy Theotokos in purple robes, with the Son of God in her arms, sitting on a throne. And on the sides, the angels, spreading their wings, overshadow the Virgin.

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" or "Pantanassa" has great value for all Christians and the Orthodox Church:

  • She performed many miraculous healings of seriously ill parishioners;
  • Many magicians and sorcerers stopped their unpleasing, sinful deeds;
  • The Most Pure Mother of God guides on the righteous path, helps to strengthen faith, find solace;
  • The image is considered the most powerful in the fight against cancer, because only true faith and prayer helps to overcome all kinds of ailments.

The image of the healer is also called the "Almighty", which by itself speaks of its special power. Here is the first prayer addressed to the Intercessor:

“O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, the All-Tsaritsa! Be worthy and enter under my roof! But like a merciful God, the compassionate Mother, the words of the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. Imashi for an invincible power and every word will not fail you, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me. You beg for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen".

The power of the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary

For the first time, the power of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos manifested itself many years ago. Once a strange young man entered the temple, stopping near the image of the Most Pure, he began to mumble something incomprehensibly. And immediately the face of the Virgin flashed with a bright light, and the young man was thrown aside by an unknown force. And only then did he fall on his knees, and with tears in his eyes he admitted that he did not lead a charitable life, and even practiced witchcraft.

And only the miraculous intervention of the "Almighty" helped turn the young man forever away from sinful deeds, thoughts and witchcraft, and change his life, and make him a God-fearing man.

People from all over the world strive to see and bow before the image of the Mother of God "Pantanassa", because the facts of healing from cancer were witnessed by medical scientists.

  • This happened in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, a girl who became blind due to cancer of the optic nerve turned to the image of the Virgin Mary. Several times she came to the holy face with petitions to heal her terrible illness. And the prayer of the "All-Tsaritsa" for healing was heard by the Mother of God - the girl began to see again.
  • An exact copy of the image of the Most Pure One was painted in 1995 with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim, the governor of Vatopedi. The list was delivered to Moscow at the request of the Relief Society of John of Kronstadt children's center oncology. Since then, the condition of sick children began to improve significantly.
  • And a few months later, at Christmas, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos began to stream myrrh, just a few drops of the world appeared on it, and filled everything around with an amazing fragrance. Myrrh-streaming was repeated once again on the day of the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Virgin Mary.
  • The first miracle shown by the image of the Most Holy Theotokos in Russia was the healing young man who suffered for many years from drug addiction.

What do they pray for "The Tsaritsa"

The chronicle of miraculous healings through prayers to the holy face of the Mother of God is constantly updated with new testimonies of help to all who turned to Her. The Blessed Virgin Mary comes with prayers:

  • About recovery from oncological and other serious diseases;
  • About getting rid of addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • They ask to exorcise demons from a person, to save them from possession, to protect them from witchcraft;
  • Parents pray for their children, so that the Mother of God will help them find the true, charitable path.

You can ask the Intercessor for help with this prayer:

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Hear our many-painful sigh before Thy miraculous icon, brought from the lot of Athos to Russia, look at Thy children, incurable ailments of the afflicted, falling to Your holy image with faith! Like a krill bird covers its chicks, so are you now, ever-alive being, cover us with your multi-healing omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears, be an undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, there, where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, let the inexpressible light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O Merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if live Thy, who is with us, we pray before Thy icon, O Mistress! Stretch out Your hands, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation in sorrow, and soon having received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving Inseparable Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

The feeling of the bright presence of the Most Pure One, when addressing Her through prayer, which comes from the very heart, alleviates any human pain. The pain goes away not only bodily, but also spiritual, peace comes, confidence and faith is strengthened.

Where is the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

In addition to the shrine in the temple of the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos in Greece, bow to miraculous lists you can in Moscow in the church of St. Tatiana and the Novospassky monastery. Another list from Pantanassa is kept in Krasnoye Selo in the Church of All Saints.

In Ukraine, a temple was built in honor of the holy face of the Virgin "Pantenassa" in Kyiv. And abroad, you can see the lists of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" in the monastery of Gregory and the Simonopetrsky monastery on Holy Athos.

Every year on August 31 (August 18 according to the old calendar), believers and Orthodox Church honors the day of the appearance of the miraculous image of the Most Pure Virgin.

God bless you!

You will be interested to watch a video about the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa".

There is a miraculous icon of the All-Tsaritsa in the world. How many people she has already delivered from terrible illnesses cannot be counted, just as it is impossible to count those who come to her every year in the hope of healing.

Image history

A long time ago, in the 17th century, an icon of the All-Tsaritsa was painted by an unknown artist. By itself, this shrine is small, but it is very skillfully executed! It depicts the Mother of God, sitting in red robes with the baby Jesus on her knees. A scroll is seen in the hands of her royal son, and two angels stand behind the Virgin.

Today the shrine is located on the famous holy Mount Athos, in Greece.

ancient legend

There is an ancient legend that tells about the first miracle that the icon of the All-Tsaritsa performed. According to him, one day a certain young man came to the monastery and stopped next to the image of the All-Tsaritsa. He began to whisper something, and in an instant the face of the Mother of God shone with a blinding light, and an unknown force threw this man to the floor. The guy was frightened and, trembling with fear, told the monks that he had long been fond of magic and sorcery and had come to the temple to test his "strength" in business. After the incident, the young man abandoned witchcraft. Such a miracle was revealed by the icon of the All-Tsaritsa.

Other miracles of the image of the Mother of God

Following the first miracle, other incredible things began to happen! The image of the Mother of God began to heal people from ailments. People came to her with various diseases, but this icon became especially famous due to the fact that it began to cure cancer.

People went to her who no longer hoped for anything, but at the same time did not want to accept reality as it is. And many of them, after the prayer to the icon of the All-Tsaritsa was read, received healing from their terrible illness. For some, the disease seemed to freeze in place, prolonging these people's lives. All that has been said is evidenced by the numerous gifts with which the image is simply hung - these are both crosses and rings ... Each healed was in a hurry to express gratitude to his savior. But besides this, it is known that in many churches you can find a special journal where a “recording” of the miracles of the Mother of God is kept.

Cities that have lists with icons

Of course, the news of the miraculous icon quickly spread not only throughout our country, but throughout the world. Then they began to think about the fact that it would not hurt to make at least one list from this icon. So they did. Thus, the icon of the All-Tsaritsa appeared in Moscow.

Soon, numerous cases of healing began to occur here. To this day, those who suffer go to the image of the Mother of God in the hope of healing. Some make whole lists of those for whom they need to pray in front of the icon, and some, who cannot go here on their own, pass such notes on to those who are traveling.

Subsequently, many people return to the merciful All-Tsaritsa again. But this time to thank her. Someone brings as a gift, as mentioned above, gold. And someone decides after the miracle created by the Mother of God to work in the temple, take care of the icons and serve God.

The miraculous image of the Mother of God, which is written in the icon "The Tsaritsa" is considered the most "strong" for the fight against cancer.
In addition, the Mother of God, through her image of the “All-Tsaritsa”, helps to protect against sorcerers and conspiracies. Prayers before the icon "The Tsaritsa" help to put an end to the terrible evil - alcoholism and drug addiction.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
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The icon “The Tsaritsa” depicts the image of the Mother of God, which is dressed in beautiful red clothes, the Baby sits on Her left hand. Right hand The Most Pure Virgin is directed towards Her Son, the savior of the human race. Behind St. Mary are angels, overshadowing Her with their wings.

The icon of the Mother of God "Pantanassa" ("The Tsaritsa") was painted for the Vatopedi Monastery in the seventeenth century.

By ancient tradition, once a young man approached the icon, stood beside her and began to whisper something inaudibly. Immediately the face of the Mother of God lit up with a wonderful glow, and the young man fell to the ground. With great horror in his eyes, he jumped up and started running from the holy temple. On the street, this man stopped near the elders and told them that he was a great sinner because he was engaged in witchcraft. And in the temple he appeared only to show his strength. The young man saw the miracle that the Holy Virgin showed him, repented of his sins and remained on Holy Athos.
This story was the first in a series of endless miracles that came from the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa".

After some time, it turned out that the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" helps in healing from various diseases, and especially from an incurable disease, until today, cancer.
After such a discovery, numerous lists were made from this icon, which were sent to other countries, where it also showed numerous miraculous healings of patients from cancer. After many miracles, the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" began to be considered an assistant in healing from cancerous tumors.

In Russia, a list of the miraculous icon appeared in 1995, it was brought and installed in a children's oncology center in Moscow on Kashirka. After the appearance of this image, miracles began to happen to children almost instantly. Inexplicable, from a scientific point of view, improvements in the condition of patients were recorded. When the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos arrived, a few drops of miraculous myrrh appeared on the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”, the icon began to stream myrrh, and everyone felt an amazing fragrance. The myrrh-streaming did not end there, it was repeated on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.
The first miracle that happened in Russia from the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is considered to be the healing of a young man from many years of drug addiction. After that, parents began to turn to the All-Tsaritsa with prayers and requests to help their children get rid of this terrible infection, drugs and alcohol.

The miraculous image of the Mother of God was later transferred to the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery, located in Krasnoselsky Lane, but the “All-Tsaritsa” is regularly taken to the oncology center, where prayers are performed before Her image.
Sundays at 4:30 pm (or 3:00 pm if it falls on a Monday) great holiday) in the Church of All Saints, prayers are performed with the reading of an akathist to the Mother of God and the consecration of oil to anoint all those who suffer. Near the icon is a book in which people leave their stories about the help they received from the beneficent icon, in addition, in gratitude for the help, many bring various gifts to the shrine.
For example, once, after an MRI examination of the brain, a malignant tumor was found in one person, which had to be removed only by surgery. Before the operation, this man asked for blessings in the monastery, he also ordered a prayer service for the icon of the All-Tsaritsa, and while in the hospital, he drank holy water from this prayer service all the time and prayed to the Mother of God. The preoperative follow-up examination showed - this person is healthy, he does not have a tumor.

In 1997, in the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow, located at Krestyanskaya Sq. 10, another list appeared from the icon "The Tsaritsa" from the Vatopedi Monastery. This icon also streamed myrrh, it is revered as a saint and more than one healing of sick people came from it. Molebens are performed daily before the icon, and on Sundays prayers are served with blessing of water.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, and honor Your holy image, from worthless exude healing to all who flow to You with faith.


The icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”, which later became miraculous, was donated to the monastery in 1997. From April 28, 2000, she began to periodically stream myrrh. After some time, people began to talk about the healing of their illnesses through prayers in front of the icon "The Tsaritsa". Since 2004, an akathist has been read daily in the monastery in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments are commemorated.

Miracles from the icon "The Tsaritsa"

* * * In April 2002, I suffered a hypertensive crisis and was treated in a hospital in Serpukhov. After being discharged from the hospital, when my blood pressure was lowered to moderate values, at the insistence of my relatives, I performed a magnetic tomography of the brain vessels. Tomography showed the presence of a volumetric formation in the brain as a result prolonged action high blood pressure. I was recommended to go for an examination at the Podolsk city hospital in the neurosurgical department. In Podolsk, I had a second tomogram of the brain and announced the upcoming brain surgery. Before the trip to Podolsk, I took a blessing from the priest of your monastery for further examination and surgery, confessed and took communion. My wife ordered a prayer service in your monastery to the icon "The Tsaritsa" with blessing of water. While in the Podolsk hospital, I constantly prayed to the All-Tsaritsa for the granting of my recovery and drank the holy water taken in the monastery after the prayer service. My relatives also prayed to the All-Tsaritsa for my recovery and to the Savior with a prayer under an agreement not to confirm the diagnosis of an oncological formation in the brain. Shortly before the operation, the doctor who was appointed by my attending physician returned from vacation. He proposed to conduct another additional follow-up examination at the Podolsk military hospital. The results of the examination showed no need for surgical intervention, but indicated the possibility of conventional therapeutic treatment of cerebral vessels with drugs. I was discharged from the Podolsk hospital the next day and am currently undergoing treatment at the district polyclinic at the place of residence. R.B. Vladimir. Serpukhov.

* * * Thank God for everything! By the grace of God, having visited the monastery in April 2003, I purchased oil from the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. About a month later, my left eye became inflamed, redness appeared, there were severe pains in the left side of my head. She treated with medicine, applied shrines, drank some water, but there was no improvement, several days passed. Then I remembered the oil from the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” (it was already night), I anointed my eye with it in several places crosswise, asked for help from the Most Holy Theotokos and lay down. Improvement came in half an hour, then I fell asleep. After the medicines, I no longer used, anointed only with oil. Through the prayers and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Lord healed my eye. Of which I testify with the fear of God. Slave God's Elena. 6.06.2003.

Historical information about the icon "The Tsaritsa"

The miraculous icon "The Tsaritsa" is located in Greece on Mount Athos near the eastern column of the cathedral church of the Vatopedi monastery. It was written in the 17th century and was the blessing of the famous Elder Joseph Hesychast on Athos to his students. The story of the ever-memorable old man about this icon has been preserved. In the 17th century, a strange man appeared in front of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa". He stood mumbling something indistinctly. And suddenly the face of the Virgin flashed like lightning, and some invisible force threw the young man to the ground. As soon as he came to his senses, he immediately went to confess to his fathers with tears in his eyes that he lived far from God, practiced magic and came to the monastery to test his strength on the holy icons. The miraculous intervention of the Virgin convinced the young man to change his life and become pious. He was healed of a mental illness and after that he remained on Athos. So this icon for the first time showed its miraculous power on a person possessed by demons (occultism always leads to possession). Later, they began to notice that this icon also has a beneficial effect on patients with various malignant tumors. In the 17th century, she was first written off by a Greek monk and gradually became known throughout the world as a healer of cancer. The very name of the icon - All-Mistress, All-Mistress - speaks of its special, all-encompassing power. Having first revealed her miraculous power against magical spells - and after all, sorcery, fascination with magic and other occult "sciences" spread throughout the Christian world like a cancerous tumor - the All-Tsaritsa has the grace to heal the most terrible of the diseases of modern mankind.

Akathist to the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Tsaritsa”

Thy newly-appeared icon is coming faithfully touchingly, we sing to Thee, the All-Tsaritsa, Thy servants; send healing to Thee by Thy servants now flowing in, let us all joyfully call Thee: Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

An angel of intercession descended from heaven, and said to the All-Tsaritsa: Rejoice! And in vain, O Lord, thee is embodied in the voice of God; rejoice. Execution of the Builder's View. Rejoice, for through you God has become incarnate; Rejoice, as the Invisible One has been portrayed in You. Rejoice, having received the Grace of the world inside; Rejoice, thou who didst weave the garment of the flesh to the Word. Rejoice, mind incomprehensible Heavenly Glory; Rejoice, Heavenly Manno, quickening the hearts. Rejoice, Star, radiance of grace; Rejoice, Source, outpouring of living water. Rejoice, Mother of God, blessed in women; Rejoice, giving birth to the Savior, Virgo incorruptible. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

The beginningless Word of the Child was young of Thee, giving healing to Thee, Virgin, who honor and unspeakable His Christmas singing: Alleluia.

Seek to understand the misunderstood mind, the Virgin, cry out to the employee: like a pure Maiden, how I will be the Most High Mother, explain; to Neizha Gabriel speech with fear, calling such: Rejoice, Council of the Highest Chosen One; Rejoice, voices of those praying to the Quick Listener. Rejoice, Treasure of the world of Christ; Rejoice, Thy people Hope and Strength. Rejoice, marvelous Destroyer of cancerous ulcers; Rejoice, Healer of other diseases. Rejoice, one intercession for the world; Rejoice, Redemption faithful in sorrows. Rejoice, ever-quenching weeping and tears; Rejoice, opening up the entrances to all. Rejoice, Sceptre and the Power of Athos inhabiting; Rejoice, Rod of monks and laity. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

The power of the Most High overshadowing Thee, Otrokovitsa, the flesh is pleasant indescribably, showing Thee the Sweet Village, who want to reap salvation and sing: Alleluia.

Glorify your marvelously holy icon, the All-Tsaritsa called, when the image of the Mother of God appears wholesomely; to those crying out before her with faith, give healing, so that the songs of Sitsa will multiply: Rejoice, Mother of the unstoppable Light; Rejoice, those who have endured Victory to the end. Rejoice, in illnesses and sorrows of the existing Healing; Rejoice, orphans and widows, indestructible Steno. Rejoice, opening the doors of paradise; Rejoice, intercessor for those who labor and are burdened. Rejoice, for the salvation of the faithful Intercessor; Rejoice, for the human race Prayer Book. Rejoice, Heavenly Ladder, raising from earth to heaven; Rejoice, Living Water, washing away mortal sins. Rejoice, Lamb, guarding the hearts of the mild-tempered; Rejoice, Protection, overshadowing child of the Church. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Giving life to the world, Lord of the world, dwell in Your womb unskillfully; Having shown thee, Mother of the faithful, in the world of those sing the call: Alleluia.

Glorious deeds about You, the City of God, healing from Your holy icon; wholesome streams of healing acceptingly, gratefully, about the All-Tsaritsa, we cry out: Rejoice, Drug, quenching pain; Rejoice, coolness, cooling the heat of the sick. Rejoice, cauterizing cancerous ulcers, like a flame; Rejoice, raising from the bed of those left by the doctors. Rejoice, showing Your most pure face to the elect; Rejoice, resolving from sinful bonds. Rejoice, for you have granted deliverance from death; Rejoice, for through Thee the countless host of the faithful has been justified. Rejoice, High, unexplored by human thoughts; Rejoice, Depth, known by a single Word. Rejoice, Prophecy before you of the former patriarchs; Rejoice, Instructor of the praying hierarchs to Thee. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

The Most Pure Temple of the Savior, we know Thee, Otrokovitsa; We fall down to Thee, O Pure One, and make us temples of the Divine, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

You see, repair the angels on the hand of Your Creator by the hand of man, and as the Lady, understanding You alone, even if You also called Yourself a Slave, pandering with songs to serve You, Blessed, chintz: Rejoice, God placed above the Heavenly Forces; Rejoice, miraculous healing fulfilling the world. Rejoice, hearing praise and glory from heaven; Rejoice, receiving thanksgiving from the earth. Rejoice, for you have consumed the seed of aphids in your hearts; rejoice, for you have crushed the machinations of the devil's yoke. Rejoice, thou who filled the deplorable vale with joy; Rejoice, change of sorrow into heavenly sweetness. Rejoice, sweet fragrance to God; Rejoice, repentant sinners A fair amount of fun. Rejoice, armor of truth from temptations; Rejoice, shield of protection from enmity and disorder. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

The preachers of the divine speech, the Savior's disciples, appeared to You, Virgin, miraculously, sometimes you ascended from earth to heaven, and with one heart and mouth sing to God: Alleluia.

Ascension wondrous grace from Thy icon, O Tsaritsa, when a young man, darkened by satanic teachings, fell before her and was motionless; more than aspirations, freed from gloomy bonds, with fear and joy crying out to You: Rejoice, Correction of an unholy life; Rejoice, Consolation of the afflicted. Rejoice, demonic hordes from the Church Drive away; Rejoice, haze of sinful Scattering. Rejoice, intrigues of invisible Abolition; Rejoice, Omnipotent Overpowering of demonic spells. Rejoice, Lighter, instruct the deceived; Rejoice, Cloud, cover the innocent from evil. Rejoice, Holme, nourishing with heavenly manna; Rejoice, Dolino, satiating with the humility of Christ. Rejoice, Stone of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, Mirror of the eternal Light. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

I want to give myself food to the faithful, deigned to be embodied from the Virgin, but accepting Your Most Pure Body and Blood, they will know You, the perfect God; with the same marveling at this inexpressible wisdom, we call: Alleluia.

A new show of the sacrament was the Builder, with the disciples celebrating His Secret Supper; but we, praying to the All-Tsaritsa to honor us with Divine Shrines, let us write down to Her the following: Rejoice, Giver of Heavenly Bread; Rejoice, Mother of the Eternal Life. Rejoice, Chalice, communion to Christ; Rejoice, combining soul and body with God. Rejoice, golden liar, full of Divine Mysteries; Rejoice, dear Kivote, the receptacle of the great Shrine. Rejoice, Finger, point to the holy Eucharist; Rejoice, Trapezo, offering us the Holy Food. Rejoice, delivering worthy communicants at the right hand; Rejoice, delivering the zealots of the Divine Liturgy from hell. Rejoice, bringing mortals to the Source of immortality; Rejoice, guarding Your children with peace and strength. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Having seen a strange Christmas, every worldly care is postponed, we have hearts of grief; for this, the Most High appears in a hedgehog, attract to Tom crying: Alleluia.

Relentlessly dwelling in the depths of the Fathers, the Word, indescribable on earth, was flesh; Great God, create greatness for the Virgin and look at the humility of His Servant, hearing the sits: Rejoice, containing the incomprehensible God; Rejoice, having revealed the transcendent Creator to the world. Rejoice, as if the power is broken by death; Rejoice, for the wound of Adam has been healed. Rejoice, Plaster, heal the scabs of the soul; rejoice. Ointment, anoint bodily ulcers. Rejoice, Satisfying the diseases of those who give birth; Rejoice, Relief of the torments of the dying. Rejoice, defeater of hell; Rejoice, blunting the sting of death. Rejoice, Expectation of the general resurrection; Rejoice, undoubted Orthodox Salvation. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Every angelic and human nature marveled at the greatness of Your incomprehensible incarnation, the Word; perplexed about this great mystery of piety, with fear and trembling we gratefully call Thee: Alleluia.

With many different ailments of possession, O All-Tsaritsa, from Thy holy icon, more than the aspirations of healing, they receive, but having received grace by faith, they loudly cry out to Thee: Rejoice, healthy children of eternal Preservation; Rejoice, those who are sick to health Proposition. Rejoice, sick children Healing; Rejoice, young sufferers Mati. Rejoice, Rising on the sickbed of the fallen; Rejoice, Joy to those possessed by the fear of death. Rejoice, as you listen to people's sobs; Rejoice, looking forward to our groaning. Rejoice, pain of the earth with heavenly joy Dissolution; Rejoice, fiercely overwhelmed, unnatural Patience. Rejoice, as you prepare joy for the weeping; Rejoice, as you supply the meek wings of prayer. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Although the Creator save human nature that has decayed with sin, descend on Thee, like rain on the fleece, and having made Thee burning bush, God was a man, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall to the virgins, the Maiden is pure, and to all those who rejoice in purity; God has indwelt in You, purifying His intelligent creatures, and escaping all filth, we offer Tee: Rejoice, silence of those who seek the Interlocutor; Rejoice, Crown of virgins. Rejoice, Beginning and End of spiritual accomplishment; Rejoice, Repository of Divine Revelation. Rejoice, Trinity Council of the Mystery; Rejoice, culprit of the salvation of men. Rejoice, Vershino, impregnable to proud minds; Rejoice, Refuge accessible to humble hearts. Rejoice, pure one, the purest of heaven; Rejoice, Most Honorable Cherubim and Seraphim. Rejoice, O Joyful One, for thou hast received joy from the Archangel; Rejoice, Comforted One, as Thy hands touch the risen Christ. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Eagerly bringing reasonable singing to the Savior, always unkeyable, Mistress, we remain Thy servants; who can worthily praise God, His name is like a world poured out; For this reason we cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Having shone a great light in the darkness sitting, visit us, O Virgin, the East from above, Your Son and God; Having made thee a candle on the candlestick, he orders the luminous child of the church to bring Thee: Rejoice, Dawn, clever Sun; Rejoice, Receptacle of the Divine Fire. Rejoice, Light, for thou hast weaved the robe of the saints; Rejoice, Sveshe, as if you drove away the demonic darkness. Rejoice, Enlightenment of inert minds; Rejoice, Illumination of sinful hearts. Rejoice, Right Hand, leading out of the sea of ​​vanity; Rejoice, Ray, guide to the Kingdom of those who are being saved. Rejoice, Lightning, striking the unrepentant; rejoice. Thunder, frightening destroyers. Rejoice, cunning conscience Enlightenment; Rejoice, propitiation of God's Judgment. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Having desired to give grace, the Old Covenant Giver of the New Covenant is a gift to us; but we have received grace, not the deeds of the law, but having improved salvation by faith alone, let us write down all: Alleluia.

Singing Your Nativity, like ancient Israel in cymbals singing the Hay Tabernacle, so now we glorify Thee, the True Tabernacle, with virtues, but hear all the sitz: Rejoice, Song of the sung woe; Rejoice, Psalm, heard below. Rejoice, thou who didst worthily serve the One God; Rejoice, thou who pleased the Divine Trinity with humility. Rejoice, you who carried the eyelids of the Bearer in Yourself; Rejoice, Throne containing the universe in his hand. Rejoice, secretly ineffable of ages and times; Rejoice, firm hope of peoples and tribes. Rejoice, heartfelt Joy of the reverent priests; Rejoice, quick Hearing of church and private prayers. Rejoice, God-created House of Wisdom; Rejoice, Mercy Vessel, chosen by God. Rejoice, O Tsaritsa, who heals our ailments with grace.

Kontakion 13 O Tsaritsa Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word, now accepting our chant, heal us from every mortal disease and deliver the condemnation of those crying out in the future: Alleluia. (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the “All-Tsaritsa”

Prayer one

O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, the All-Tsaritsa! Be worthy and enter under my roof! But like a merciful God, the compassionate Mother, the words of the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. Imashi for an invincible power and every word will not fail you, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me. You beg for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer two

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Hear our many-painful sigh before Thy miraculous icon, brought from the lot of Athos to Russia, look at Thy children, incurable ailments of the afflicted, falling to Your holy image with faith! Like a krill bird covers its chicks, so are you now, ever-alive being, cover us with your multi-healing omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears, be an undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, there, where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, let the inexpressible light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O Merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if live Thy, who is with us, we pray before Thy icon, O Mistress! Stretch out Your hands, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation in sorrow, and soon having received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving Inseparable Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. Troparion, tone 4 In the joyful image of the honest All-Tsaritsa, with the warm desire of those who seek Your grace, save, Mistress; save those who resort to you from circumstances, protect your flock from every misfortune, crying out to your intercession.