Muslim Magomayev's relatives still live in Murmansk. Muslim Magomayev from an unexpected perspective Yuri Magomayev biography

08 August 2017

Yuri Magomaev Jr. became the hero of the talk show “Actually”.

Muslim Magomayev's nephew passed a DNA test/Photo: frame from the program

Today in Dmitry Shepelev’s talk show they discussed the story of Irina Korotkova, who claims that her daughter Veronica was born from Muslim Magomayev. The woman said that she met the legendary artist in a cafe, and after several meetings she realized that she was expecting a child.

“At that moment it didn’t matter to me who was in front of me, his personality was important to me. We were just interested in talking. We talked all night and, having exchanged phone numbers, parted. We met only six months later. Even then, I was not sure that Magomayev was next to me, he always introduced himself to Andre and spoke to me in French,” Irina Korotkova told Dmitry Shepelev.

Irina Korotkova claims that she had an affair with Muslim Magomayev/Photo: frame from the program

TV presenters and experts in the studio agreed that the story of Muslim Magomayev’s alleged lover was impossible to believe, but a polygraph confirmed that Irina Korotkova could have met with the legendary baritone.

His brother Yuri stood up for the honor of Muslim Magomayev. The man specifically came to the program to find out whether the legendary artist really has a daughter. “Until the age of 30-35, he could still have an affair, but after 50, and that’s when Veronica was born, he could no longer afford such a thing. Moreover, he loved his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya very much,” the man said.

Muslim Magomayev’s brother stood up to defend the honor of his older brother/Photo: frame from the program

Dmitry Shepelev unexpectedly reminded that Yuri Magomayev has enough difficult relationships with his son Yuri. “This is not our blood,” the man said, then the TV presenter suggested doing a DNA test to find out the truth. The analysis confirmed that Yuri Magomaev Jr. is the son of his father.

The alleged daughter of Muslim Magomayev passed a DNA test in the program of Dmitry Shepelev

“All the data indicates that you are Magomayev,” assured Dmitry Sheperev, but the result of a DNA test on the alleged daughter of the great artist did not confirm the relationship. “I don’t believe this document and continue to claim that my girl was born from Magomayev,” said Irina Korotkova.

Magomaev Yuri Yurievich born on September 12, 1979 in the city of Murmansk. Since childhood, his mother wanted him to grow up to be a musical person and therefore sent him to piano tutors, and at the age of 7 Yura entered a music school, while simultaneously studying in the boys’ choir at the S.M. Palace of Culture. Kirov. " Talented man must be talented not only in music, but also in dancing” - this was the opinion of Yuri’s aunt, Tatyana, Muslim Magomayev’s sister, and without thinking twice, Yuri began attending ballroom dancing in the Inter-Union Palace, where, after practicing a little, he realized that dancing was not his thing and quit classes.

After graduating from school, I decided to enter a music school in the pop department, but, carried away by work and making money, I quickly forgot about this idea. Then, already at the age of 18, he had the opportunity to work in best restaurants city, and three years later he rushed to Sochi for seasonal work, where he stayed for 10 years, periodically returning home to native Murmansk, and already in 2006 he completely moved to Moscow.

About some musical career Yura never thought about it. After the death of Muslim Magomayev, the symbol Soviet stage everything has turned upside down. The surname Magomayev became famous thanks to Muslim’s grandfather, known as Abdul Muslim Magomed ogly Magomayev, born in 1885. In 1935, Magomayev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR. His grandson, Muslim Magometovich himself, also became his follower.

“Since childhood I have not attached special significance relationship with the famous Muslim Magomayev, and that in the future I will be proud of such an uncle, and that I myself bear the surname given by my father,” says Yura. It is known that Yura’s dad, Magomaev Yuri Leontievich, brother Muslim Magometovich on his mother’s side also devoted his entire life to music. One way or another, for Yura, the passing of Uncle Muslim greatly influenced him to rethink his life and try himself not only as a restaurant musician - a DJ. At that very moment, Max Oleinikov, a friend and later a companion, had already clearly defined his future creative plans, having written the first two songs: “For the Beloved” and “You, like everyone else,” which became the beginning of a new path in the life of Yura Magomaev.

“Max and I have been friends for a long time, we worked together in Sochi, we were involved in my project for a long time,” says Yuri. “We worked on the first album for almost two years until it was released. The album is called “Fly Away” and it includes 15 compositions, one of which is a duet between Max and me, the song “It’s High There.” Now new songs are being recorded for new albums, and Maxim left our project and is now successfully working on his solo career

The key point on creative path Thanks to Yuri's friends, he met the legendary Evgeniy Semyonovich Penkhasov, the father of the famous Katya Ogonyok (Kristina Penkhasova), a soulful performer in the "Chanson" genre, who became Yuri's teacher and close friend.

About family life Yura tries not to spread the word. He has a son and daughter and believes that knowing this is enough. His mother told us how inquisitive Yura was as a child and always striving upward, just like the airplanes, which he could admire for hours. “He really wanted to be a pilot civil aviation, but because of my eyesight, it didn’t make sense to enter a flight school,” says Elena Ivanovna. Computer program and flight simulators to this day are an integral part of Yura’s life, thanks to which, at least for a short time, he feels in a different role.

The popularity of Muslim Magomayev was phenomenal. A live queue for his solo performances lined up several weeks before the concert, and on the coveted day, the halls and stadiums were literally bursting with the number of spectators, entrance doors were demolished by crowds of fans. He was not just a public favorite, an idol - he was a fetish, an idol, a deity. They literally carried him in their arms - they lifted the car with him sitting in the cabin and carried him. He was worshiped, he was idolized...

About the vicissitudes of fame

Surprisingly, People's Artist USSR Muslim Magomayev was not distinguished by arrogance and did not boast of his glory. On the contrary, he was very skeptical about it. Once Irina Ivanovna Maslennikova, the wife of another idol, Sergei Yakovlevich Lemeshev, whose fans of her husband even splashed acid in her face, told Muslim Magomayev’s wife Tamara Sinyavskaya: “I understand you like no one else. My fate was similar to yours." True, Sinyavskaya managed without poisons, but her husband was persecuted quite a bit.

“Popularity has very unpleasant sides,” said Magomayev, “when, for example, buttons are torn off, clothes are torn off. I remember in Leningrad, during the play “The Barber of Seville,” my shoes whistled from the dressing room, and then they told me that they were cut into small pieces and distributed to those who were especially thirsty... It’s hard. Not because popularity as such is hard. Of course, the love of the audience is pleasant.”

About cultures and religions

Magomayev, who combined two cultures - Azerbaijani and Russian, was, in his words, an “extremely international” person.

“I formulated this for myself,” said the artist, “Azerbaijan is my father, Russia is my mother. Yes, I grew up in Baku, but, honestly, I can’t say that I had a preference oriental culture. At home we only spoke Russian, and Azerbaijani was not compulsory to study at school. So if I understand speech in Azerbaijani, I can’t speak it myself.

I lived in an international family, and many bloods were united within me. On the paternal side - Azerbaijani and Tatar, on the maternal side - Adyghe, Turkish and Russian. Musical culture I studied European and Russian music, but we didn’t study national music. Although I respect her very much.

Just like any religion. Without giving preference to any one. I am against any radicalism. I have read the Koran, I know the Bible and Gospels well, I have seriously studied other religions, and nowhere have I read a single line about the denial of other religions. I can equally go into a mosque, a Buddhist temple, or an Orthodox one.

About ancestors

The singer received his name in honor of his grandfather, Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, an outstanding Azerbaijani composer and conductor, one of the founders of Azerbaijani classical music. The grandson did not find his famous predecessor, who passed away five years before his birth - in 1937. However, from early childhood he was aware of the responsibility for such a relationship: “Suffice it to say that the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic in Baku is named after Muslim Magomayev, my grandfather and namesake.”

The father of the future Soviet idol is Magomed, youngest son Abdul-Muslim Magomayev and his wife Baidigul, were also musically gifted, sang superbly and played various instruments. However, he did not become a professional musician.

“He realized himself creatively as a theater artist, worked in the theaters of Baku and Maykop,” the singer recalled. - They say he was very talented. I know that he volunteered to go to the front and died with the rank of senior sergeant a few days before the Victory - in the German town of Küstrin. And he was buried on the territory of Poland. As an adult, I found his grave.”

Magomayev and his mother were difficult relationship. Aishet Akhmedovna Magomayeva (stage name Kinzhalova) was a dramatic actress.

“After being informed of her father’s death, she went to the Maikop Drama Theater, where she once met him. But mother never worked for a long time in any theater. Due to her constant movements around the cities of Russia, she early childhood left me in the care of my grandmother Baidigul and uncle Jamal, my father’s older brother. My mother appeared in Baku occasionally, always suddenly and also unexpectedly disappeared. Over time, she formed another family, and I can’t blame her for anything.”

About childhood

“As a child I began to grow wild, and smart people They advised me to take up the barbell so that I wouldn’t turn into “Uncle Styopa.” I signed up for the weightlifting section and began to attend it regularly. Bully in school years I wasn't, but also good behavior was no different. I did everything that a boy should - burned film in class, threw away diaries with bad grades... As a child, I was affectionately called Musick, and another boy, my classmate and friend, the Armenian Rudolf, was Rudik. Since we were playing pranks as a couple, it was constantly written on the blackboard in the classroom: “Musik and Rudik again behaved badly, violated school discipline.”

The gifted naughty boy began singing at the age of three, and at the age of five he composed his first melody. Many years later, together with the poet Anatoly Gorokhov, Magomayev wrote the song “The Nightingale Hour” based on it.

Muslim Magomaev. Photo from personal archive

Muslim did not have a transitional period for his voice, the so-called “withdrawal” that occurs in boys during puberty. It’s just that at the age of 14, the boyish treble was replaced by a baritone - the inimitable Magomayev. Which the teenager was so shy at first that, in secret from everyone, he ran away to a secluded place on the shore of the Caspian Sea - and sang there, straining his ligaments to shout above the noise of the surf. “I couldn’t help but sing,” Magomayev recalled.

About marriages

“I got married for the first time very early, at the age of 19, while studying at a music school. On a classmate named Ophelia. The stupidity, of course, is youthful, implicated in the principle: if you fall in love, get married. Of course, the marriage did not last long. My family was initially against this marriage, but I was stubborn. We signed in secret, and I simply presented my family with a fait accompli.

He moved to live with his young wife, but coexistence with her relatives did not work out. They demanded one thing from me - that I go out of my way to make money. But I was only attracted to music, I wanted to sing in the opera house. In general, this marriage was good only because my daughter Marina was born in it. It’s very valuable to me that Marina and I are very close.”

Marina, daughter of Muslim Magomayev. Photo from personal archive

Allen, grandson of Muslim Magomayev. Photo
from personal archive

Muslim Magometovich considered his second marriage to be unregistered family union with Lyudmila Borisovna Kareva - music editor of All-Union Radio. Due to the fact that in Soviet era a man and a woman who had not registered their relationship at the registry office were prohibited from living in the same hotel room; while on tour, the couple constantly had problems. They were removed with one stroke of the pen by the then Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Shchelokov. Having heard about the current situation at one of the banquets, he wrote a resolution right there with his signature, according to which the marriage between the said citizens should be considered actual and their joint residence in hotels should be allowed. But even despite such high patronage, the union fell apart over time.

About the woman of my life

Magomaev called Tamara Sinyavskaya “the woman of his whole life.”

“Tamara assures that before I paid attention to her, we were introduced at concerts three times,” said the singer. - But I don’t remember anything like that. But I remembered her very well as a magnificent opera singer when I watched the broadcast from the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky. And we started communicating in 1972, October 3 - ten days Russian culture in Baku."

Muslim MagomaevAndTamara Sinyavskaya. Photo: East News

Meeting Magomayev turned the well-established life of 29-year-old Tamara upside down. Feeling that she was caught in a whirlpool of love that she was unable to resist, she - married woman- did last try to maintain her former stable and prosperous existence and three months after they met, she literally ran away from Muslim. She went to Italy for an internship at the La Scala theater.

But the separation only marked the beginning of a romance - first a telephone one. Muslim, spoiled by the adoration of millions of women, called his only beloved several times every day, and they talked for hours.

About the wedding

“We got married on November 23, 1974, having survived difficult period- Tamara had to decide to divorce her husband. But even then we delayed for a long time in formalizing the relationship, somehow we were not internally ready, apparently we were all testing each other’s strength.”

Muslim Magomaev and Tamara Sinyavskaya. Photo: East News

Magomaev and Sinyavskaya celebrated their wedding in a restaurant on Profsoyuznaya Street. There were 100 guests in the hall, and three times as many people gathered on the street. And Muslim sang to the assembled people about an hour later. open windows. And then, as Tamara recalled, he was treated for bronchitis for three months.

About a sore throat

Muslim Magomayev, a singer with unique vocal abilities, became addicted to smoking at the age of 19 and smoked almost incessantly, several packs of cigarettes a day. At the same time, he suffered from chronic tracheitis and bronchitis.

“Once I flew to perform at a national concert in Kemerovo, at the stadium,” the singer recalled. - And on the same day I fell ill: the temperature was 39 degrees. Red eyes, chills, it’s uncomfortable even to appear in public. People will see and think: drunk. And I asked the organizers to prepare a soundtrack for me. I used this extremely rarely, only at the Palace of Congresses - it was forced. There it was impossible to do otherwise, the management was afraid of live sound, what if someone said something about Brezhnev.

They prepared this unfortunate phonogram for me, and I trudged to the piano. Well, I hit the keys and am waiting for my “plywood”. But instead of sound I hear the squeak of a mosquito. It didn't turn on. And out of horror I screamed, “Along along St. Petersburg.” And then I sang everything I had to to the end.

Twice I completely lost my voice. Shortly before the anniversary of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, where I was supposed to sing, I was left without a voice. The doctor said: “You can’t even whisper.” Well, I was silent for a day, I looked - it seemed like nothing. I took the Coca-Cola I loved from the refrigerator, poured it into a mug, put ice in it, got drunk, sat down at the piano and started playing. Two days later everything went fine - the voice “turned on.”

Magomayev left the big stage without any loud statements, “final tours” or “farewell concerts”. He just stopped performing one day, giving a very modest comment about his departure into the shadows: “I sang a lot and for quite a long time. It’s time to give way to the young.”

Muslim Magomaev. Photo: Sergey Ivanov

Magomaev Yuri Yurievich born on September 12, 1979 in the city of Murmansk. Since childhood, his mother wanted him to grow up to be a musical person and therefore sent him to piano tutors, and at the age of 7 Yura entered a music school, while simultaneously studying in the boys’ choir at the S.M. Palace of Culture. Kirov. “A talented person should be talented not only in music, but also in dancing” - this was the opinion of Yuri’s aunt, Tatyana, Muslim Magomayev’s sister, and, without thinking twice, Yura began attending ballroom dancing at the Inter-Union Palace, where, after practicing a little, he realized that dancing is I didn’t give up his classes. After graduating from school, I decided to enter a music school in the pop department, but, carried away by work and making money, I quickly forgot about this idea. Then, already at the age of 18, he had the opportunity to work in the best restaurants in the city, and three years later he rushed to Sochi for seasonal work, where he stayed for 10 years, periodically returning home to his native Murmansk in the winter, and already in 2006 he completely moved to Moscow.

Yura never thought about any kind of musical career. After the death of Muslim Magomayev, a symbol of the Soviet stage, everything turned upside down. The surname Magomayev became famous thanks to Muslim’s grandfather, known as Abdul Muslim Magomed ogly Magomayev, born in 1885. In 1935, Magomayev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR. His grandson, Muslim Magometovich himself, also became his follower.

“Since childhood, I did not attach much importance to my relationship with the famous Muslim Magomayev, and that in the future I would be proud of such an uncle, and that I myself bear the surname given by my father,” says Yura. It is known that Yura’s dad, Magomaev Yuri Leontyevich, Muslim Magometovich’s brother on his mother’s side, also devoted his entire life to music. One way or another, for Yura, the passing of Uncle Muslim greatly influenced him to rethink his life and try himself not only as a restaurant musician - a DJ. At that very moment, Max Oleinikov, a friend and later a companion, had already clearly defined further creative plans, writing the first two songs: “For the Beloved” and “You, like everyone else,” which became the beginning of a new path in the life of Yura Magomaev.

“Max and I have been friends for a long time, we worked together in Sochi, we were involved in my project for a long time,” Yuri continues to say. “We worked on the first album for almost two years until it was released. The album is called “Fly Away” and it includes 15 compositions, one of which is our duet with Max, the song “It’s High There.” Now we are recording new songs for new albums, and Maxim left our project and is now successfully pursuing his solo career.

Yura tries not to talk about his family life. He has a son and daughter and believes that knowing this is enough. His mother told us how inquisitive Yura was as a child and always striving upward, just like the airplanes, which he could admire for hours. “He really wanted to be a civil aviation pilot, but because of his eyesight, it didn’t make sense to enter a flight school,” says Elena Ivanovna. The computer program and flight simulators are an integral part of Yura’s life to this day, thanks to which, at least for a short time, he feels in a different role.

Elena Bader.

The People's Artist of the USSR passed away on October 25, 2008. And although Muslim Magometovich never lived in the capital of the Arctic, here he was rightfully considered and is considered a fellow countryman. And for a reason. He loved to come to Murmansk. His mother lived here and his brother Yuri Magomaev and sister Tatyana Zaitseva still live here. It was with her that we remembered the great artist. Muslim did not see his brother and sister as often as they probably all wanted. But all these meetings were memorable.

For the little ones I brought a Polish wonder - chewing gum

Magomayev's mother was an actress and therefore traveled a lot. So she devoted ten years to the polar theater stage. The youngest children: Yuri and Tatyana (their age difference with Muslim was 16 and 14 years, respectively), while still small, traveled with their mother. Muslim at that time already lived alone and reached the musical Olympus, where he achieved certain successes. The first memorable meeting with him between his brother and sister took place in the singer’s homeland in Baku.

We then lived in Chimkent, Kazakhstan,” recalls the interlocutor. – It was 1961. 19-year-old Muslim was already famous in Azerbaijan. He called his mother and invited her to a wedding in Baku. His bride was the girl Ophelia.

The singer’s first wife still lives in Baku. And here it is only daughter now from the States. Marina settled in San Francisco and maintains contact with relatives, including Aunt Tanya from Murmansk.

Mom took us little ones and went to the wedding,” continues Tatyana Leontievna. - From that moment I remember him. He had just arrived from abroad, from a song festival in Poland, and brought us chewing gum. In a transparent package there were chewing pads: yellow, white, red, with such a sweetish taste. In the Soviet Union at that time, few people saw them at all. 61st year, what kind of chewing gum are you talking about! Then there was nothing at all. He gave us little ones a handful, but we didn’t understand what to do with it. Then Muslim explained: this is chewing gum, you need to chew it. We were surprised, of course. After all, children at that time chewed: resin and wood glue. And here is such an imported thing. I hardly remember the wedding itself. I was only five years old after all. But the festivities took place in a large, beautiful Baku courtyard. It was fun, warm, and a lot of people gathered.

Trip to the Gaidar camp

All-Union fame came to Magomayev literally a year later. And in 1963 he became a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater. However, Muslim moved to Moscow only when he was closer to thirty. The artist’s sister and nephew, Tatyana and Yuri, are looking through old photographs.

Every summer, my mother had tours around the country, which ended around the end of August,” continues the artist’s sister. – And we almost always passed through Moscow. When Muslim moved to the capital, people began to visit him. True, it happened that we were going, and he was on tour, we were going back - he was again outside the capital. It happened that because of this we did not see each other for several years, but the meetings were always warm. I remember how he joked. When I was young, I had a knee-length braid. Muslim pulled my braid and said: “Tanya, don’t even think about cutting your braid.” I was in Moscow more often than my brother Yuri. I went there to the ballet school, for example, to enroll. Once, on one of these trips, Muslim gave me a ticket to the Gaidar pioneer camp in the Moscow region. Very interesting. There I met a girl with whom I am still friends.

At first in Moscow, Magomayev lived in the Rossiya Hotel. When his relatives came to see him, they were forced to leave the building with the artist only through the back door. Muslim Magometovich's popularity was wild. If you start to gape a little, crowds of fans will come.

Once we had already left the hotel and were sitting in the car, and Muslim was standing next to us in a white suit. Suddenly one of the fans saw him and people immediately came running. A minute later there was not a single button on the suit, the pockets were torn off. They tore it off as a souvenir. He had to go change clothes and leave through another door later,” Tatyana recalls. – There were pests, of course. Once, at a concert in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, a crowd of young people sat and stomped on Muslim’s entire performance. His mood was greatly spoiled then. I barely finished the concert.

Meanwhile, Magomayev was gaining popularity. He acquired housing, married singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, and his family moved to Murmansk.

Did you like it? It's a snake!

By the time of their first visit to the Arctic, Magomaev’s relatives had lived here for 23 years. The artist called very often and sent greeting cards with all the holidays, but it was still not possible to come. And then in 1995 it happened. Magomaev in Murmansk.

Archive of the Magomayev family

During that visit, he gave many interviews on radio and television,” says the artist’s sister. – And then there was a wonderful concert. As he walked, Muslim turned to the audience from the stage and said that my mother, Aishet Akhmedovna Magomayeva, was sitting in the hall. People applauded. When he stopped by our house, I was thinking about what to treat my brother with. You won't be surprised. “Muslim, will you have borscht?” He told me: “I’ll do it again! Finally, normal Russian cuisine, otherwise they feed me all sorts of delicacies in restaurants. They spoil you. And I really want simple home-cooked food.”

Usually, like any person from the Caucasus, he loved to celebrate holidays in a large company. So, as an artist, he spent his anniversaries on stage, and on the second day he organized a reception for friends and relatives. Often at the Baku restaurant.

There I tried a snake for the first time in my life,” laughs Tatyana Leontyevna. – We sit at the table, celebrate, eat. I see there are these black diamonds with green veins. I thought it was something made from meat with added herbs. I tried it: soft, tasty, but I can’t make out what it is exactly. Something so tender, it melts in your mouth and looks like meat. I took it again and loved it! Muslim sits next to him and laughs: “What does Tanya like?” “Yeah, I say, it’s very tasty.” “Do you know what you eat? It's a snake! I was very surprised, but I didn’t feel disgusted. Yummy! This was 17 years ago. Muslim celebrated his 50th birthday. Vel anniversary evening great entertainer Boris Brunov. At one point, he addressed those gathered at the tables: “I ask the whole hall to stand up, Muslim Magomayev’s mother is present here! And with your permission, I’ll come up and kiss your hand.”

Loved jokes and taught Baskov

Magomayev was known as a great joker and was very fond of jokes. There was no need to invent any funny stories. When you often communicate with stars of the first magnitude, like Pugacheva or Kobzon, funny stories appear by themselves. Actively helped young artists.

I taught Nikolai Baskov, for example. But at the same time, Magomayev loved to retire. He locked himself in a separate office - he painted, wrote music. After all, many of the songs that the artist performed were written “from the outside” and had only poems. Hereditary talent apparently had an effect:

Mom sang wonderfully,” continues Sister Magomaeva. – Tamara and Muslim looked at each other, God grant that we sing so wonderfully at this age. At 70 years old, to have such a clear, ringing voice. She always sang on holidays and in general. She even had her first role - Suzanne in The Marriage of Figaro.

According to his sister’s recollections, Magomayev, despite his Caucasian blood, did not like wine. But he loved good, expensive cognac. In moderation, of course. But I smoked a lot before last days. Surprisingly or not, he never had any problems with his voice.

Muslim Magomayev visiting his mother.

The last two years I have done very well,” concludes Tatyana. “I didn’t want to be seen sick.” I was definitely going to get better and gather my friends to celebrate my birthday as before. 2003 hit him hard. Then his beloved uncle died, and immediately his mother became very ill. After her mother died, he wilted.

From concert performances in recent years he refused. And the song “Farewell, Baku,” recorded in 2007, became the final song in his long career.

They thought that Muslim would live long. It's like that in our family. All are long-lived. Until she was 80, my mother didn’t even have a card at the clinic... And Muslim left too early.