Runes luck well-being luck happiness win. Becoming the Magical Seal of Solomon. A formula to help you get out of a difficult life situation


Do you want to attract luck, success in all spheres of life into your life? In this article we will tell you about the correct compilation of the runic formula for good luck in everything, the main characteristics of the runes for good luck and highlight other equally interesting aspects. Enjoy reading!

What runes bring good luck

Any runic symbol is strong sign a wide spectrum of action, capable of awakening natural, sacred forces. For several centuries, runes have contributed to the fulfillment of desires, to attract good luck, because the main thing is to believe in the power of these signs. You can learn more about Scandinavian symbols with the help of a free newsletter from the specialists of the Russian Tarot School.

Most often, runic formulas for all occasions are compiled using the signs below.

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  • Fehu: Symbolizes wealth, good luck, attracts prosperity to the material sphere of life. Allows you to save what you already have
  • Kenaz: A rune that gives good luck. Provides an opportunity to unleash the existing creative potential
  • Vunyo: Scandinavian symbol, contributing to the achievement of the plan, the safety of the results. Result - good mood, pleasure, joy from the result

It is interesting! The threefold repetition of Fehu can be used as an amulet - it will help you achieve your goals in record time

In what situations can runes help?

Each rune has a purposeful spectrum of action. The correct use of certain symbols will help create runic formulas for all occasions. Here are the most popular combinations (applied sequentially, in a linear form on any type of media).

Success at work, prosperity, luck

Use a combination of runes Vunyo, Kenaz, Fehu. The combination allows you to find the necessary ways to achieve your goals, to achieve your plans in all spheres of life.

luck, money

Fehu, Inguz, Odal (Otala) is one of the runic formulas for different purposes. Allows you to achieve financial well-being, peace, tranquility.

Wealth, luck

The combination of Gebo, Perth, Fehu, Odal is best suited. These will stabilize financial position operator, profit from any idea.

happiness, luck

The implementation of the plan always brings joy, inspiration, confidence in own forces. To achieve these goals, use a combination of Ansuz, Yaro, Uruz, Ansuz. The formula will help to correctly prioritize life, determine the significance of existing goals, and choose the best ways to achieve them.

Universal runic formulas for all occasions

To achieve success in all spheres of life, we will give examples of common runic formulas for different purposes.

Runic becoming "Banker"

The essence of the stav is to attract wealth, prosperity, opening up new opportunities for self-realization. A detailed interpretation of the runes used is indicated below.

  • Perth: Symbolizes the purse, its desired contents
  • Fehu: Personifies financial resources, their abundance. As a result - wealth, prosperity of the operator
  • Uruz: Concentrated energy, working to attract finance. The main goal is to set the above stave in the right direction
  • Nautiz: Acts as a guarantor that the money will go to the operator
  • Kenaz (2 pcs.): Open up new ways to receive funds
  • Inguz: Preserves the integrity of finances, protects the operator from unplanned expenses
  • Jera: The rune symbolizes fertility, productivity

In the negotiation process, indicate the meaning of each symbol used. You can compose a visa in an arbitrary way, saying the desired goal of the above stav. Apply to a piece of paper and whatever you like. To obtain desired effect, invest standing between two large bills - this will help the money to feel the monetary energy. With proper observance of the above conditions, the results will appear the next day.

Becoming the "Golden Dragon" - financial well-being

The essence of the stav is to change the life of the operator by directing events upward financial well-being. This runic becoming - for good luck in everything (verified).

  • Teyvaz: Opening a financial path with the removal of all obstacles
  • Algiz: Ensuring security, protection
  • Evaz: Direction of the operator to the financial flow
  • Dagaz: Transforming the operator's life in the right direction, enrichment, improvement financial situation
  • Mannaz: Identifies the performer
  • Inguz (4 pcs.): The rune symbolizes the flow of funds
  • Laguz (2 pcs.): Increase the concentration of the financial stream, making it permanent

The visualization of the stav occurs in the following way- imagine a living dragon soaring up. After reaching the goal paper carrier should be burned. The first results of the work done appear in the period of 2 days - 2 weeks.

Runic becoming the protection of the individual and the home

The purpose of the formula is to protect yourself, your loved ones from troubles, negative magical influences. The following runic symbols were used to compose the stav: Isa - Kennaz - Hagalaz, Kennaz - Isa. Make a reservation for each sign, with a detailed concentration of the desired end result.

Becoming "Happiness"

The essence of the runic combination is the operator, filling life with happiness, prosperity, joy. The formula attracts good luck, promotes an energy boost, creating a field for pleasant gifts of fate. Can be used as an amulet.

The combination is as follows:

  • Gebo (3 pcs.): The attraction of good luck, the establishment of good, partnership relationships with people around. Provides ground for useful acquaintances encourages positive communication
  • Soulu (2 pcs.): Give vitality, strength, insight in setting new goals
  • (2 pcs.): Symbolize positive emotions, joy from the end result
  • (2 pcs.): Personifies luck, fulfillment of desires. Accelerate the process of receiving gifts from fate
  • Otala: Symbol of the operator, independence of the individual, works like a magnet
  • Dagaz: Elimination of possible internal contradictions, resistances, preparation for further changes
  • : Protection of the created runic formula, guarantees correct work other runes

Runic formula to attract money

One of the simple, affordable formulas even for beginners. Symbolizes financial well-being, success in the financial sector. Allows the operator to switch to fundamentally new level development. Allows you to attract good luck, money, expanding existing opportunities. Constantly using this becoming, you can increase income by protecting it from the likelihood of squandering.

It is interesting! In order for money to flow to you like a river, you need to regularly monitor the state of your own energy field, as well as the performance of all its channels responsible for success in the financial sector. - a sure way to increase cash flow

A brief description of the runes of this combination:

  • Otala: Symbol of accumulated wealth
  • Fehu: Property, fertility, wealth
  • Yera: Rapid achievement of realistic goals. The rune constantly activates the formula

Runic formulas for winning the lottery

Properly composed runic formulas for winning the lottery allow you to get large amounts or choose the right one. lottery ticket. The main thing is to set the right goal, everything else will follow. Let's give an example of the most popular rates.

Formula "Lottery"

The goal of the stav is to get money in an easy way (winning in gambling, lottery).

The formula consists of the following runes:

  • Mannaz: Personifies the operator, his attitude to the situation
  • Fehu: Achieving what you want in the financial sphere of life
  • Kenaz: Opens the doors to obtain the desired gain by correctly lining up the desired events. Highlights the probability of profit
  • Dagaz: The essence of the rune is to provide a strong push "under the ass", changing losing conditions to winning ones
  • Soulu: Light, illumination. You will be able to "feel" the numbers leading to big win. The rune gives good luck, a chance, charging along the way becoming the necessary energy
  • Raido: Brings the operator closer to good luck
  • : The purpose of the rune is the fulfillment of desires
  • Evaz: "A donkey that brings a cart of treasures"
  • Nauthiz: Makes the process of receiving winnings forced
  • Hagalaz: Destruction of blocks, barriers that prevent you from getting what you want
  • Otala: Acquisitions, gains necessary for a person

Don't trust formulas? Then create your own amulet! Ideal for gamblers. We present to your attention a combination of Kenaz - Dagaz - Soulu.

The decoding of the characters is as follows:

  • Kenaz: Increases the chance of a possible win at gambling. The symbol allows you to simulate the flow of necessary events in your favor.
  • Dagaz: Eliminates the possibility of defeat. Works as an insurance policy
  • Soulou: Allows you to discover the intuition required to independently guess the winning combination of numbers

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The energy of luck is a capricious thing. It depends primarily on our internal state, on the astrological period in our life, on the general background of good luck in the country and city in which we live (yes! After all, we all come from a planet where karma has not yet been canceled!) And so on .

Since all of the above factors rarely meet with the best indicators, it is useful to reinforce the energy of good luck from time to time, “feed”. One of the great ways to do this is runes and runic formulas (staves, ligatures).

Today we are talking about a wonderful runic formula for good luck, tried more than once and by more than one person. Of course, there are many such formulas, because all the symbols of the runic stav, taken separately, carry a plus and a minus, and each can bestow a person in its own way. But for such friendship with runes, a good level of knowledge is needed. But for ordinary people it is advisable to use already tried formulas for security purposes.

Before activating a rune or formula for your own purposes, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with. It is very important.

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“Luck” is, of course, a loose term. And naturally no one forbids applying the formula for good luck in general. But in this case, you most likely will not be able to appreciate the results of the work of the runes. After all, we so often pass simple everyday magic past our ears and eyes, as something taken for granted.

Therefore, the formula Runes for good luck»I recommend connecting if you need a favorable outcome of some undertaking, the fulfillment of a specific desire during the rune period of good luck (this period is usually a couple of days, a maximum of a week).

runes of luck

Vunyo - Teyvaz - Vunyo

Intention for the Luck Runes formula:

Luck and success go on both sides of me so that today (or your period of time, deadline) I get (get) what I am looking for / want (DESCRIBE WHAT YOU NEED), while spending the minimum possible amount of resources. May it be so for the common good!

This runic formula works from the moment it was written until the execution of the plan (OR A SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD, FOR EXAMPLE - 3 DAYS).

Do not forget to turn off the formula later by washing it off the body or destroying the leaf with it with words of gratitude for the work done. And remember - it is important to act only for the benefit of others, cherish your karma!

Runes have powerful energy. With the correct use of magical combinations consisting of several symbols responsible for financial well-being, they can significantly increase material wealth, activate cash flows and bring success in business area. And self-made amulets with runic signs applied to them will help to bring wealth and good luck to life.

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      Runic symbols that bring wealth and good luck

      Leading runes, allowing you to improve your financial situation, successfully invest cash helping in business and solving financial issues are:

    1. 1. Fehu - the main rune of vital energy, attracting wealth and success. It helps to increase income and profits, preserve and increase existing capital, especially valuable papers and other movable property, and stabilization of financial flows. Its powerful energy creates a lot of opportunities to attract monetary assets.
    2. 2. Yer - a sign symbolizing the payment for all deeds committed in the past. This also applies to those efforts that were once made to improve their financial situation, but did not bring the proper result. It will help you get a decent wage for your work and effectively apply your skills and abilities in your work. In addition, Yer brings good luck.
    3. 3. Dagaz is a symbol that contributes to the improvement of well-being and the achievement of prosperity and well-being in all areas of life, including the material one. Responsible for the prospects of the business started and contributes to business development and victory over competitors.
    4. 4. Otal - a rune responsible for material wealth. It helps to successfully invest in real estate and attract influential patrons who will provide financial support.
    5. 5. Soulu - a sign that allows you to bring good luck to life and achieve your goals. Makes the impossible very real positive attitude and improves tone.
    6. 6. Vunyo - a rune that helps to achieve optimal results with minimal effort.
    • Runic formulas

      Runes to attract money, good luck and happiness are most effective when they are not used separately from each other, but they are made up of special runic formulas from several interacting symbols - runograms. In them, each sign is able to strengthen positive influence another, so they become carriers of powerful energy that helps attract financial well-being.

      It is better to draw up such formulas taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, but you can also use universal runograms, which will be no less effective. They consist of three or more characters. The first sign indicates the goal to be achieved, the rune (one or more) located in the center corresponds to the resources necessary to obtain the result, and the last symbol in the chain represents the desired favorable outcome of the case.

      To achieve financial well-being


      The most famous and widespread money runogram is the formula of three Fehu signs. Thus, the strongest energy effect of this rune is amplified three times. As a bonus, this rune stave provides rapid development in all other areas of life, giving a powerful impetus to doing the right thing giving a positive result.

      Fehu is the rune of action and forward movement, she does not tolerate passivity and despondency. Therefore, for those who are not ready for drastic changes in life, it is better to use runograms with a milder effect. For example, you can use the formulas of the famous runologist and esotericist Oleg Shaposhnikov:

      • For the growth of financial flow and financial well-being: Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulu. This runescript creates a portal to improve the financial situation, attract income and increase profits. In this combination, Fehu symbolizes wealth, including money and property, Otal, when interacting with the first sign, promises to make a profit, Berkana contributes to the achievement of the plan, and also performs the function of protection, and the last symbol of Soulu personifies the will to win and success.
      • For material stability and successful financial investments you can use the following rune: Teivaz-Algiz-Fehu-Otal-Fehu-Algiz-Teivaz.

      In monetary matters, the magic formula of Kenneth Meadows will also help, which will increase pay for work. It is a combination of the following characters:

      • Dagaz - a rune responsible for removing obstacles on the way;
      • Eyvaz - a sign of career growth;
      • Fehu - a symbol that increases well-being;
      • Otal - a rune that will allow you to manage your earnings wisely;
      • Yer is a sign of the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.

      You can also use the following formulas:

    1. 1. Otal-Fehu-Yer - the meaning of this runescript is to increase profits and existing property.
    2. 2. The combination of runes Teyvaz-Fehu-Laguz contributes to the manifestation and development necessary qualities who will help you run your own business or get a well-paid job.
    3. 3. Teivaz-Urus-Otal-Soulu - runostav to achieve success, even in the presence of fierce competition.
    4. 4. The formula from the symbols of Eyvaz-Fehu-Soulu will give impetus to new beginnings in the financial field.
    5. 5. Fehu-Inguz-Otal-Dagaz - a runescript that is suitable for workaholics. It contributes to the achievement of material stability with considerable effort.

    For business

    To successfully run a business, win in the face of fierce competition and make big profits, you can use effective universal runostav:

    • Soul-Soul-Fehu - this formula will help you see the prospects for opening a new business after the successful completion of a previous business project.
    • Fehu-Otal-Soul-Soul - runostav, which will contribute to the next round in business development, taking into account the achievements of previous experience. This runescript will allow you to grow and improve in the business sphere.
    • Fehu-Uruz-Otal-Soul - a runogram that is responsible for the beginning independent work. It will help even inexperienced beginners to obtain the necessary large amount to open and develop their own business.
    • Berkana-Otal-Fehu. To attract money customers and achieve success in the financial field, you can use this particular magic formula. In it, the Berkan rune personifies protection and striving for a goal, Otal - property, and in conjunction with the last Fehu, which brings wealth, - obtaining financial benefits, which will ultimately allow reaching unprecedented heights in business.

    For good luck in business

    So that success always accompanies business, you can use the following magic formulas that bring good luck:

    1. 1. Ansuz-Uruz-Yera-Ansuz creates new opportunities in order to save time and effort;
    2. 2. Soulu-Dagaz-Vunyo will overcome the obstacles that have arisen and find a way out of difficult situations;
    3. 3. Dagaz-Fehu-Dagaz-Otal assists in achieving success and improving material well-being.

    Where and how to write runes?

    In order for runograms to work effectively, it is necessary to draw them in certain places, following the established rules:

    • On the body. You can draw runic symbols on the wrists or palms, but in such a way that no one can see them, and in the solar plexus area with the help of various aromatic oils with a pleasant smell of patchouli, vetiver, orange and cinnamon.
    • On the surface of the water. This may be a liquid intended for drinking, or water in the bathroom, which should be regularly washed with your body. A prerequisite is that the runic signs on the surface should be drawn using wooden sticks or toothpicks.
    • On candles, which must be periodically lit and look at the flame.
    • On a blank sheet of paper that you should carry with you in your wallet.
    • On clothes from the wrong side.
    • On a copy of the agreement or contract.
    • On a bank plastic card or large banknotes that cannot be exchanged.
    • On folders with documents.

    It is important to note that in order to write magical formulas in order to attract wealth and good luck, it is better to use red or green colors, as they allow you to accumulate maximum energy and stimulate financial flow. Do not rush to apply runic signs on the walls of a living room or office. First you need to write them on the body. If the formula fits, and its result is satisfactory, you can draw symbols on the door frame or desktop.

    Making a runic amulet with your own hands

    You can make your own at home and a runic talisman that will help in achieving financial well-being and protect existing funds, as well as attract good luck. It can be easily done by following certain rules:

    1. 1. First you need to select the desired runogram and check its effect on yourself for a short period of time. To do this, the selected formula is drawn on the body and its effect is monitored. More than two combinations are not recommended.
    2. 2. Then you should choose any suitable natural material, such as wood, clay, precious or ordinary stones, cardboard and paper, natural fabric and leather, copper, gold, silver.
    3. 3. For the manufacture of a talisman, a suitable formula is applied to the selected material in any way. Signs can be drawn, carved, engraved, written with essential oils, etc.

    It should be borne in mind that wearing an amulet made by another person is not recommended. This can lead to adverse consequences, since alien energy often does not coincide with one's own. energy field owner.


    Before activating and using a self-made amulet, it should be consecrated with the help of the powerful natural energy of the four elements:

    • Earth. For this stage, you will need ordinary coarse table salt without additives. Several of its grains must be poured onto the talisman and wait a short period of time.
    • Fire. Consecration is carried out using the flame of a green or red candle, over which it is necessary to hold the amulet for several minutes so that it does not touch the surface.
    • Water. At this stage, it is necessary to take the usual clean water, which should first be left for several hours in your room. It is worth lightly spraying the made talisman with it.
    • Air. Consecration by the air element is carried out with the help of fumigation with specially selected herbs. To attract revitalization cash flows sage, mint, basil, verbena are suitable, Bay leaf. To attract good luck, you can choose clover, chamomile, flowers and lilac leaves.


    In order for the talisman to start working successfully and bring positive results, it must first be activated. To do this, use the simple method of the runologist Kenneth Meadows, described in his book "The Magic of Runes". Need:

    1. 1. fold your palms into a tube;
    2. 2. direct it towards the inscribed runic symbols;
    3. 3. fill your lungs with air, taking a deep breath, and at the same time focus on achieving your goals;
    4. 4. exhale through the fingers folded into a tube towards the amulet so that air flow touched its surface.

    To enhance its effect, it is necessary to formulate your desires in words addressed to the manufactured talisman. At the same time, you should pronounce the text in the present tense, without using the negative particle “not” and without asking to harm someone. Intentions must be pure and directed exclusively at oneself and one's material well-being. After that, the amulet can be considered activated.

    As a rule, talismans with runic symbols work for about two months. After which they must be thanked, and then burned or buried under a tree. If you liked the formula, then a similar amulet can be made again.

    Recommendations for the successful work of runic symbols

    In order for runograms to help achieve your goals, open money channels and give you good luck, you should follow a few simple conditions:

    • In order for the runes to start working effectively, you need to bring offerings to them. To do this, you need to allocate a special place in your house where clean water, wine, fruit and fish dishes should be placed, which need to be periodically updated. Many wonder if a drop of their own blood should be offered as a sacrifice. It is not necessary to do this on purpose. If higher power want, then in the process of making the amulet, its owner will be slightly injured.
    • It is necessary to turn to the ancient gods daily with a request for financial well-being and good luck. The patrons of material wealth include Odin, Freyr and Njord.
    • Should not be allowed negative energy into your life, do bad things or harm other people. Only in this case, the effect of runic formulas will exceed all expectations.

The rune of good luck will help attract prosperity and well-being into your life. You can work as hard as you like, but with a lack of luck, all your efforts will be in vain. Let's talk about how it helps to achieve success.

Any undertaking will succeed if you set clear goals and come up with a specific plan for their implementation. And rune magic will help to multiply the effectiveness of your actions. With its help, you will enlist the support of capricious Fate and.

You can use runes for good luck in everything when making an individual talisman. The material for it should be natural - leather, fabric, wooden blanks. Also good is a personal item that is always with you - for example, jewelry.

The color of the talisman matters. Each shade has its own special meaning:

  1. Orange works across the board and helps you attract success in every area of ​​your life. Color is universal
  2. Green is used when you need to attract financial opportunities. It is also suitable when you seek enlightenment or healing.
  3. Red color is a patron in love affairs. If you are looking for a worthy partner, choose red talismans
  4. Blue color helps to gain good health or heal from a long illness.

Choose one of these four colors to inscribe rune symbols on your talisman. If there is no specific goal, opt for orange shades.

Runes for good luck in all matters

Rune magic is very effective, and runes have tremendous power. The images of these ancient symbols are endowed with a global sacred meaning, help to attract the forces of nature and awaken the potential of the human personality. Runes have proven their effectiveness over the centuries.

The most suitable runes for attracting good luck:

  1. - personifies wealth and good luck. Attracts financial opportunities. Helps to save the money you already have. Increases existing capital
  2. - an ideal symbol for creative people. Helps to reveal dormant talent and find opportunities for its application in life
  3. - a rune, the magic of which works for the fulfillment of desires. Fate will begin to provide opportunities for the desired to be fulfilled as soon as possible. Also, the rune helps to get pleasure and joy from simple things.

To create a talisman, you can depict a rune on a suitable blank made of natural material. But there are features:

  • must be applied to the talisman three times. The number three has its own magical meaning and greatly enhances the effect of the runogram.
  • Runes, and Fehu can be depicted one at a time on the talisman in the order in which they are listed. Such an amulet helps not only to attract good luck and fulfill wishes, but also contributes to the rapid search for a calling.

Carry the talisman with you always, and all new business, undertakings will certainly end successfully.

Runegrams to attract good luck

A runogram is a complex of several runes, which includes a combination of three or more symbols:

  • To attract happiness and good luck in life -, Yaro, Uruz and. This combination helps not only to achieve financial well-being, but also to find happiness, learn to enjoy life. Also, this runogram helps to find your calling, the work of a lifetime.
  • To attract money and good luck -,. This is an effective monetary combination that works specifically to attract financial wealth.
  • To attract wealth and good luck -,. This combination should be used when everything is quite stable in financial life. Runes will help to keep savings and increase capital. Also, the runogram helps to receive income from any new undertaking.

There are other combinations of rune symbols, but these are considered the most effective and efficient.

Ways to use runes to attract good luck

There are many ways to use runes. You can choose the one that suits you best and you like it. For example:

  • Symbols can be depicted on the body - get a tattoo. This is the most difficult, but also the most effective method. However, you should think carefully before getting a tattoo - it will influence the course of events throughout your life.
  • Image of runes on personal items. It is important to use the things that you use all the time.
  • The image of symbols on the talismans. It is not necessary to keep them with you all the time - you can hang a talisman over front door, eg
  • Visualization of rune symbols. A very simple way, which consists in the regular mental representation of runograms
  • The image of the runes on the wallet. This method is suitable if it is most important for you to solve financial problems.

Watch a video on how to use runes to bring good luck to life:

For visualization, you can use ordinary water. It is an excellent conductor of energy and absorbs all the information that you put into it.

It is enough to pour liquid into a glass and imagine how images of rune symbols appear on the surface of the water. Concentrate and visualize for a few minutes and then drink some water.

Important: you must choose the method of using the runes that resonates most strongly with your soul. You should feel comfortable and not force yourself to make talismans or do visualization.

And, of course, you must unconditionally believe in the power of rune magic. Only unconditional faith will ensure the effectiveness of the talismans and help to achieve success.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

The rune of luck and luck helps to achieve success and prosperity in all spheres of life without exception. If you are tired of working seven days a week without getting a decent reward. If your personal life is not going well. If you dream of getting everything easily and without stress, try to let rune magic into your life, and the result will not disappoint.

Making a talisman using runes

Making a talisman is a whole magical ritual, which has its own characteristics and nuances. Consider them, and easily make a suitable amulet for yourself.

How to do it:

  1. Choose blanks from a suitable material that will serve as the basis for the future talisman. It is important that the material is natural. It can be pieces of wood, stones, fabric, metal jewelry. Think about what you will be most comfortable using
  2. Choose a day when nothing will distract you. Retire in a clean and bright room, make sure that no one and nothing will distract from the ritual. Sit down at a table where there will be nothing superfluous. Light incense - incense sticks or essential oil in an aroma lamp. The best option- patchouli fragrance that attracts the energy of money
  3. cook clear sheet paper and draw on it runic formula. Then put the paper aside, take the blank, matches and tweezers
  4. Apply images of runes to the workpiece. You can carve them on a tree, draw with paints or own blood, embroider on fabric, burn on metal (or engrave)
  5. Then color the outlines of the runes. It is best to use ocher. If you want to add your own energy, you can pierce your finger with a sterile needle and use your blood as paint.
  6. In order for the talisman to be charged with magical power, say the name of each symbol aloud: clearly, three times
  7. Then, with tweezers, take the paper on which you depicted the runes at the beginning of the ritual. Burn over a metal saucer, and scatter the ashes in the wind. It is important that the paper burns completely, do not leave the slightest scrap
  8. At the end, a sacrifice must be made. You need to drink some beer, wine or brandy. And sprinkle the mascot itself with essential oil - patchouli, cinnamon or orange

Your rune of happiness is ready! Try to always have a talisman with you. Every day you will begin to notice that luck accompanies you in all your endeavors.

Magic formulas for happiness

To make a talisman, you can use one of the ready-made combinations. Consider the most popular and effective.

  • - powerful magic symbol which helps to gain in-depth knowledge and find the right words to solve problem situations
  • - gives the owner of the talisman power and vitality, attracts success and opportunities for the rapid implementation of goals
  • - a "fruitful" rune that increases the results of activities, helping to correctly and successfully complete work affairs

Combination for well-being and longevity "-". It works best if the talisman is knitted from threads:

  • - a symbol of prosperity and well-being, gives good health and excellent health
  • - rune of fertility, helps to achieve financial stability and earn money doing what you love

A combination to awaken the strength and energy required to achieve your goals. Helps to overcome the crisis and win in any situation. "Teyvaz-":

  • Teyvaz is a warlike symbol that gives strength, success, develops the will to win and the desire to achieve goals, no matter what
  • - a solar rune that gives strength and power, helps to win in any, even the most difficult situations
  • - gives magical and life force, creates a mood to act and achieve success

The combination "--Otal-" brings success and increases wealth:

  • - the most monetary rune, works to increase material wealth
  • - endows with the power and strength that are required to overcome circumstances
  • Otal is a symbol of ancient traditions and cultural heritage. Bestows the wisdom of the ancestors
  • - helps to get pleasure and happiness from simple things

The combination "-" is a symbol of prosperity and protection:

  • - protects from all the negativity that enters your life
  • - gives you the opportunity to enlist good luck and achieve success in all endeavors

Watch a video about the runes of luck, luck and success:

To work, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • You must sincerely and unconditionally believe in the power of ancient symbols. It is your faith that charges magical rituals for success. Doubt and skepticism destroy the magic of the runes and prevent them from working.
  • Don't tell anyone about your use of runes. You run the risk of being criticized and condemned - this negativity coming from others levels out magical power ancient magic
  • Strictly follow the sequence of actions magic ritual. It is especially important to apply the image of runes on the talisman as correctly as possible. Make sure that each line is even, clear, and matches the original drawing of the symbol.
Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: