Ryazan Automotive Military School. Ryazan Military Automobile Institute of the Order of the Red Star named after Army General V.P. Dubynina


  • 1 History of the university
    • 1.1 Creation of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute
    • 1.2 Preparing for WWII
    • 1.3 Automobile school during the Second World War.
    • 1.4 After the War
    • 1.5 School-Forge of Military Automotive Engineers
    • 1.6 Beginning of Reforms in the Russian Armed Forces and RVAI
    • 1.7 Reforming the school
  • 2 Closing of the university
  • 3 Heads of the School (Institute)
  • 4 Famous graduates of the institute (school)
  • 5 School graduates - Heroes Soviet Union
  • 6 Graduates of the School - Heroes of Russia
    • 6.1 Addresses


Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynin(RVAI) - military higher education educational institution, which existed from 1940 to 2010.

Until 1994 it was called Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Engineering School of the Order of the Red Star

1. History of the university

1.1. Creation of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute

The Ryazan Military Automobile Institute of the Order of the Red Star named after the Hero of Russia, Army General V.P. Dubynin, was created on January 2, 1940 in accordance with the Directive General Staff Red Army and Directives of the Military Council of the Oryol Military District as the Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Infantry School for training commanders of rifle and machine gun platoons in the city of Ordzhonikidzegrad (the city of Bezhitsa is now one of the districts of the city of Bryansk) Oryol region with a duration of study of 2 years. (As indicated in the order on the creation of the educational institution) Ryazanka Automobile was the oldest in Russia among higher military educational institutions automotive specialty. The immediate formation of the school began on March 10, 1940 (order of the Head of the school dated March 10, 1940 No. 1) and ended on April 11, 1940.

Ryazan Automobile Checkpoint

With the increase in the number of automotive equipment in the army and the lack of specialists for its qualified operation, in accordance with the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated March 28, 1941 No. 0127, the school was transformed from an infantry school into the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School.

1.2. Preparing for WWII

Due to the increased risk of attack fascist Germany in the USSR, a decision was made to reduce the duration of study at the school and on the eve of the Great Patriotic War The first graduation of officers took place. The Red Army received 794 young lieutenants. These were commanders of rifle and machine gun platoons. Almost all the graduates left for the western border regions of the country and a few days later took part in the battles against the invading Nazi invaders.

1.3. Automobile school during the Second World War.

In August 1941, as the front line approached the city of Ordzhonikidzegrad, the Military Council of the Oryol Military District decided to relocate the school to the city of Ostrogozhsk Voronezh region. In October 1941, the front line approached the city of Ostrogozhsk and, by order of the General Staff of the Red Army, the school was relocated to the city of Minusinsk Krasnoyarsk Territory. The redeployment was completely completed on December 11, 1941. On May 4, 1942, the school produced its third graduation of officers, but the first in the automotive specialty in the amount of 399 people. In accordance with the order of the Military Council of the Siberian Military District dated May 26, 1943 No. 0806, the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School was transformed into the Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Automobile School

By order of the General Staff of the Red Army, in June 1943, the school was relocated to the base of the liquidated 138th Bolkhov Infantry Regiment in Ryazan, where it was located until the fall of 2010

In difficult wartime conditions, which caused a reduction in training time and three redeployments, the school successfully completed the tasks assigned to it. During the Great Patriotic War, 5,075 motorist and motorcyclist officers were trained, who participated in battles with the enemy on all fronts of the war.

On August 10, 1944, the school was presented with a new model of the Red Banner, approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 24, 1942.

1.4. After the War

According to the directive of the General Staff of the Red Army dated March 31, 1946 No. org./7/245754, the school was renamed the 1st Military Automobile School, switched to three-year training for cadets, more time began to be devoted to practical field training not only in general military subjects, but also in organizing the repair and evacuation of automotive equipment in the field.

November 20, 1960 by order of the Commander-in-Chief Ground forces The USSR Armed Forces School No. 076 was renamed the Ryazan Military Automobile School.

Monument dedicated to the presentation of the order Red Star Ryazan Higher Military Automotive School

For great merits in training highly qualified officers during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 18, 1965, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Star. On May 24, 1965, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 168, the school was renamed the Ryazan Military Automobile Order of the Red Star school. By order of the USSR Minister of Defense of October 5, 1965 No. 271, the graduate of the school was Hero of the Soviet Union Guard, Senior Lieutenant S.I. Polezhaikin. forever included in the list of the school.

1.5. School-Forge of Military Automotive Engineers

Ryazan Automobile Parade Ground!

According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR dated July 31, 1968 No. 019, the school, along with others, was transformed into a higher school and became known as the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Command School of the Order of the Red Star with a training period of 4 years for cadets.

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR dated May 23, 1973 No. 090 and the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR dated July 16, 1974 No. 314/10/0710, the school was transferred to an engineering profile with a training period of 5 years and became known as the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive engineering school of the Order of the Red Star.

In 1994, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 1994 No. 234 and order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 1994 No. 159, the school was transformed into the Military Automotive Institute.

1.6. Beginning of Reforms in the Russian Armed Forces and RVAI

View of the territory of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute

According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 6, 1998 No. 072, the Ussuriysk Military Automotive Command School was included in the institute, and the institute became known as the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute with the Military Automotive Faculty (Ussuriysk)

October 20, 2003 in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2003 No. 1350-R and the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2003 No. 367 Ryazan Military Automotive Institute with Military Automotive Faculty in Ussuriysk was renamed the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynina with the Military Automotive Faculty (Ussuriysk).

1.7. Reforming the school

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2004 No. 937-R and the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2004 No. 235, the Military Automotive Faculty (Ussuriysk) was removed from the institute and transformed into the Far Eastern Higher Military Automotive Command engineering school(military institute).

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2005 No. 180 for courage, military valor and high training shown in carrying out tasks of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation for the training of highly qualified personnel for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, excellent performance in combat training, achievements and significant contributions to strengthening the country's defense capability, the institute was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The pennant of the Minister of Defense was presented in a solemn ceremony on Military Motorist Day - May 29, 2005 by the head of armaments and military equipment- Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Armaments, Army General Moskovsky A.M.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1422, in commemoration of Russia Day and the graduation of young specialists of the automotive service, the head of armament and military equipment - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Armament, Army General N.E. Makarov. On June 12, 2007, a new Battle Banner of the institute was awarded.

By the decision of the Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General V.A. Polonsky. dated April 29, 2007 Institute Day is combined with Military Motorist Day and will be celebrated annually on May 29

2. Closing of the university

  • IN FEBRUARY 2010, the Ryazan Military Institute named after. V.P. Dubynina ceased to exist as an independent university and was transformed into the Automotive Faculty of the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school named after Army General V.F. Margelov
  • In 2010, in accordance with the directive of the National General Staff, the Automotive faculties (Ryazan, Chelyabinsk) were transferred to Omsk, to the base of the Omsk Tank engineering institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union P.K. Koshevoy...
  • On August 26, 2010, on the parade ground of the Ryazan Higher Military Automobile Order of the Red Star School, a farewell to the COMBAT BANNER took place.
  • On August 30, 2010, the last motorist cadets left Ryazan.

3. Heads of the School (Institute)

  • Lieutenant General Nechaev A.N.. – April 1940 - March 1941 - Head of the Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Infantry School, March 1941. - July 1941 – Head of the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School.
  • Brigade commander Trusevich I.D.– July 1941 - September 1942 – Head of the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School.
  • Colonel Lashko I.R.– September 1942 - June 1943 – Head of the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School, June 1943. - January 1946 – Head of the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile Military School.
  • Gorriker M.L.– January 1946 – March 1946 – Head of the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile Military School, March 1946 - November 1950. – Head of the 1st Automotive Military School.
  • Guard Major General Kolchuk F.S.– November 1950 – September 1951 – Head of the 1st Automotive Military School, September 1951 - December 1953. – Head of the 1st Military automobile school.
  • Major General tank troops Raevsky F.N.– December 1953 – January 1957 – Head of the 1st Military Automotive School.
  • Major General technical troops Strakhov L.N.– January 1957 – November 1960 – Head of the 1st Military Automotive School, November 1960 - May 1964. – Head of the Ryazan Military Automotive School.
  • Major General Kovalev S.F.– May 1964 – May 1965 – Head of the Ryazan Military Automotive School, May 1965 - July 1968. – Head of the Ryazan Military Automobile Order of the Red Star School, July 1968 - August 1971. – Head of the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Command Order of the Red Star School.
  • Lieutenant General Engineer Pavlov V.G.– August 1971 – August 1974 – Head of the Ryazan Higher Military Automobile Order of the Red Star School, August 1974 - March 1984. – Head of the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Engineering Order of the Red Star School.
  • Lieutenant General Redko A.P.– March 1984 – June 1990 – Head of the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Engineering Order of the Red Star School.
  • Major General Vedeneev A.I.– June 1990 – May 1994 – Head of the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Engineering Order of the Red Star School, May 1994 - November 1998. – Head of the Military Automotive Institute, November 1998 - September 1999. – Head of the Military Automotive Institute with a military automotive department (Ussuriysk).
  • Major General Nevdakh M.A.– September 1999 – March 2003 – Head of the Military Automotive Institute with the Military Automotive Faculty (Ussuriysk), March 2003 - August 2004. – Head of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynina with the Military Automotive Faculty (Ussuriysk), August 2004 - July 2005. – Head of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynina.
  • Major General Gerasimov A.N.– July 2005 August 2010 – Head of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynina.

4. Famous graduates of the institute (school)

The Institute has the richest traditions. Over the years of its existence, the institute has trained more than 27 thousand highly qualified automotive service specialists. 14 people were awarded the highest government award of the USSR and Russia - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Russia with the presentation of the medal " Gold Star" The pride of the institute is its graduates - generals. 69 graduates became generals. Colonel General Polonsky V.A.- Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Dukanov O.M. - Head of the Department federal service Security in the Stavropol Territory, Colonel General Karakozov G.A.– Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for Logistics, Lieutenant General Nadybaidze V.M.– Minister of Defense of Georgia. 8 people were awarded honorary titles. Hundreds of graduates have been awarded high awards for exemplary performance of their official duties, courage and heroism.

Hero of the Soviet Union - senior lieutenant Baranov I.E.– graduate 1941

According to eyewitnesses, more than a thousand officers and motorists gathered on May 29 from all over Russia in Ryazan, where the 75th anniversary was celebrated. summer anniversary once famous military training institutions of the country - the Ryazan Military Automobile School, since 1968 the Higher Military Automotive School, and since 1994 the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute. Former graduates and their relatives and friends gathered to remember the wonderful period of their lives - the period of their acquisition of military education: some received secondary education, some received higher education, to express their gratitude to their superiors, commanders, teachers, service personnel for that excellent knowledge, skills and mastery that they passed on to their pets. The years of study were unforgettable!

It is appropriate to recall that the Ryazan Military Automobile Institute of the Order of the Red Star named after the Hero of Russia, Army General V.P. Dubynin was the oldest in Russia among higher military educational institutions of automotive specialty. Its origins go back to the Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Infantry School for the training of commanders of rifle and machine gun platoons in the city of Ordzhonikidzegrad (the city of Bezhitsa is now one of the districts of the city of Bryansk) in the Oryol region, where on January 2, 1940, military specialists began to be trained there with a training period of 2 years. In August 1941, the Military Council of the Oryol Military District decided to relocate the school to the city of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.

In October 1941, the front line approached the city of Ostrogozhsk and, by order of the General Staff of the Red Army, the school was relocated to the city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. The redeployment was completely completed on December 11, 1941.

On May 4, 1942, the school produced its third graduation of officers, but the first in the automotive specialty in the amount of 399 people. In accordance with the order of the Military Council of the Siberian Military District dated May 26, 1943, the Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School was transformed into the Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Automobile School.

By order of the General Staff of the Red Army, in June 1943, the school was relocated to the base of the liquidated 138th Bolkhov Infantry Regiment in Ryazan, where it was located until 2010.

Pupils - motorists covered their university with unfading glory on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, while fulfilling their international duty in Afghanistan and other hot spots and conflicts. Of these, 14 were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, 60 received general ranks and high positions. On the military banner of the university is the Order of the Red Star - for merits in the training of officers. And graduate officers still remain bearers of rich military traditions, custodians of achievements in the field of creation and development of the automobile service, automobile troops, and a proud and devoted attitude to their native university.

However, five years ago, on January 1, 2010, during the reforms carried out at that time, all automotive universities (along with many others) were abolished. Whether this is the right decision or not, time will tell. Those gathered for the anniversary expressed their firm confidence that justice will prevail. They cited as convincing arguments the fact that more than 70 percent of the combat ground equipment, including the most formidable one, which was demonstrated to the whole world on Red Square in honor of the 70th anniversary Great Victory- on a car base chassis. And this technique is improving every day!

Today, at the former automobile training base, one of the most prestigious military universities in Russia is located - the Ryazan Higher Airborne School named after Army General V.I. Margelov. And the paratroopers turned out to be noble and hospitable recipients of the territory of the automobile school. The Airborne Forces command in the person of Colonel General V.A. Shamanov and the head of the Airborne Forces School, Major General A.G. Kontsevoy, and their colleagues showed the highest respect for their fellow motorists. The paratroopers greeted their dear guests hospitably and delighted them with an excellent cultural and entertainment program.

It started with the opening of a memorial plaque at the checkpoint of the Airborne Forces School on Military Motorists Street, where the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute was previously located. The inscription on it reads: “The Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General Dubynin was located here from June 1943 to August 2010.”

The honorary right to open this memorial plaque was given to graduates of the school - the Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2004 - 2007, Colonel General V.A. Polonsky and the head of the Ryazan Automotive Institute in 1999–2005, Major General M. A. Nevdakh.

“A memorial plaque,” ​​noted a graduate of the automobile school in 1968, Head of the Central Road Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General N. Gudkov. “This is a tribute to the merits of motorist officers, the teaching staff of the school, and subsequently the institute. Let our descendants remember and know that there was such a school, there was such a leading military automobile institute. God willing, in the future something will be revived in our automobile army in the field of training professional officers within the walls of the automobile school.

On this day, mass and ceremonial events took place on the parade ground of the university, where general construction of all graduates, carrying out the military banner of the school and a ceremonial meeting. On behalf of the governor Ryazan region Military motorists were greeted by First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Samokhin.

The birth of this institution, he said, which has its origins in harsh years The Great Patriotic War, the service of graduates of this illustrious institute throughout Russia, in various hot spots, suggests that this higher educational institution adequately educated its cadets.

Sergei Samokhin, on behalf of the regional governor, presented military motorists with awards - signs “Gratitude from the Land of Ryazan” and “For Diligence.”

Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense, Colonel General V.A. Polonsky. in his speech to the graduates and guests of the holiday, he conveyed sincere gratitude for the service from the veterans of the GABTU MO and said that the school is alive as long as its graduates live.

After the official congratulatory part, flowers were laid at the memorial of Army Heroes, and on the parade ground of the institute there was a ceremonial passage of columns of graduates different years. There was also a festive concert, demonstration performances by paratroopers, parachute jumps on the parade ground, and fireworks.

In addition to vivid impressions, each participant in the celebration received, in memory of the meeting, an anniversary medal, a booklet about the historical path of the school and a book by the writer Major General N.A. Koshelev “Knots for Memory” - about the life of his fellow soldiers - graduates of RyazVAU.

With deep respect and respect - Nikolay Koshelev

Film: 75th anniversary of the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute

The cameraman and director of the film is honorary professor Vasily Gudin.

Photo from the website of RIA "MediaRyazan"

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Main gate and building "A"

Ryazan Military Automotive Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynin(RVAI) is the oldest higher military educational institution in Russia, training officers for the automobile troops from 2010, located in the city of Ryazan.

Over the 70 years of its existence, the institute has graduated more than 27 thousand highly qualified automotive service specialists, 14 of them were awarded the highest military award - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, 69 graduates became generals.


School education

According to the directives of the General Staff of the Red Army and the Military Council of the Oryol Military District, the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute was created on January 2, 1940 as Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Infantry School for training commanders of rifle and machine gun platoons in the city of Ordzhonikidzegrad, with a training period of 2 years for cadets.

The actual formation of the school took place from March 10 to April 11, 1940.

With the increase in the number of automotive equipment in the armed forces and the lack of specialists for its qualified operation, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated March 28, 1941, the school was transformed from an infantry school into Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School.

Pre-war period

In connection with the increased danger of an attack by Nazi Germany on the USSR, a decision was made to reduce the duration of training at the school, and on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the first graduation of commanders took place. The Red Army received 794 young lieutenants, commanders of rifle and machine gun platoons. Almost all of the graduates left for the western border regions of the country and within a few days they already took part in the battles against the invading German army.

School during the Great Patriotic War

Post-war period

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Main parade ground

Institute reform

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Military Automotive Institute Campus

Closing of the institute

The automotive faculties of the institute in Ryazan and Chelyabinsk were transferred to Omsk, to the base.

Currently, the institute's campus is used by the automotive department of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School.

Heads of the institute

Ordzhonikidzegrad Military Infantry School:

  • April - July 1940 - Colonel A. N. Nechaev

Ordzhonikidzegrad Automobile and Motorcycle School:

  • April - July 1941 - Colonel A. N. Nechaev
  • July 1941 - September 1942 - Brigade Commander I. D. Trusevich
  • September 1942 - June 1943 - Colonel I. R. Lashko

Ordzhonikidzegrad Automotive Military School:

  • June 1943 - January 1946 - Colonel I. R. Lashko
  • January 1946 - March 1946 - Major General of Technical Troops M. L. Gorriker

1st Automotive Military School:

  • March 1946 - November 1950 - Major General of Technical Troops M. L. Gorriker
  • November 1950 - September 1951 - Guard Major General F. S. Kolchuk

1st Military Automobile School:

  • September 1951 - December 1953 - Guard Major General F. S. Kolchuk
  • December 1953 - January 1957 - Major General of Tank Forces F. N. Raevsky
  • January 1957 - November 1960 - Major General of Technical Troops L. N. Strakhov

Ryazan Higher Military Automotive School:

  • November 1960 - May 1964 - Major General of Technical Troops L. N. Strakhov
  • May 1964 - August 1971 - Major General S. F. Kovalev
  • August 1971 - March 1984 - Lieutenant General-Engineer V. G. Pavlov
  • March 1984 - June 1990 - Lieutenant General A.P. Redko
  • June 1990 - May 1994 - Major General A. I. Vedeneev

Ryazan Military Automotive Institute:

  • May 1994 - September 1999 - Major General A. I. Vedeneev
  • September 1999 - July 2005 - Major General M. A. Nevdakh
  • July 2005 - August 2010 - Major General A. N. Gerasimov

Famous Alumni

Over the years of its existence, the institute has trained more than 27 thousand highly qualified automotive service specialists. 14 people were awarded the highest government award - the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia with the Golden Star medal. 8 people were awarded honorary titles. Hundreds of graduates have been awarded high awards for exemplary performance of their official duties, courage and heroism. 69 graduates became generals.

Among the graduates of the institute are Colonel General V. A. Polonsky (Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), Lieutenant General O. M. Dukanov (Head of the Federal Security Service Directorate for the Stavropol Territory), Colonel General G. A. Karakozov ( deputy commander-in-chief Air Force Russia on the rear), Minister of Defense of Georgia - Lieutenant General V. M. Nadybaidze.

  • Senior Lieutenant I. E. Baranov (graduated in 1941)
  • Senior Lieutenant S.I. Polezhaikin (graduated in 1943)
  • Major P. N. Emelyanov (graduated in 1941)
  • Captain M. A. Berdyshev (graduated in 1945)
  • Captain N.V. Bychkov (graduated in 1945)
  • Lieutenant V.F. Tarasenko (graduated in 1945)
  • Captain A. S. Lapushkin (graduated in 1946)
  • Major N. A. Fedin (graduated in 1946)
  • Senior Lieutenant N.I. Shkulipa (graduated in 1946)
  • Major V. M. Yukhnin (graduated in 1946)
  • Major I.V. Polyakov (graduated in 1946)
  • Colonel Ya. M. Kotov (graduated in 1949)
  • Lieutenant Colonel I. V. Kuturga (graduated in 1950)

Cavaliers of the USSR Insignia

  • Lieutenant General O. M. Dukanov (graduated in 1975)
  • Reserve Major A.P. Tamosiunas (graduated in 1979)
  • Major I. S. Lukosevich (graduated in 1980)

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An excerpt characterizing the Ryazan Military Automotive Institute

True, tourists do not know one very funny detail... In Meteora there is another monastery, into which the “curious” are not allowed... It was built (and gave rise to the rest) by one gifted fanatic who once studied in the real Meteora and expelled from it. Angry at the whole world, he decided to build “his own Meteora” in order to gather those who were “offended” like him and lead his solitary life. How he managed this is unknown. But since then, Masons began to gather in his Meteor for secret meetings. What happens once a year to this day.
Monasteries: Grand Meteoron (big Meteoron); Russano; Agios Nikolas; Agia Trios; Agias Stefanos; Varlaam is located on a very close range from each other.