The largest tree in the world. The tallest trees in the world

Vegetable world of our planet never ceases to amaze with its diversity. Trees have a special place. They have been growing on Earth since ancient times. Diversity in appearance, shape, habitat, size - all this makes a person examine them with special care. Sometimes you can meet real champions, for example, the most tall tree in the world. This will be discussed in this article.

Height champion - general information

Sequoia is the name of the tallest tree in the world. This is a coniferous tree, found for the most part only in the state of California (USA).

It got its name in honor of the Indian leader who invented the Cherokee syllabary and became the founder of a newspaper in this language.

The local population, which is already accustomed to these giants, call this plant simply: "mahogany".

Most of these giants are located in the Muir Forest, Redwood reserves and the Sequoia National Park.

Among the giants, you can find both "age" and fairly young specimens.

Currently, the title of "The tallest tree in the world" belongs to a sequoia called "Hyperion". It has a height of more than 115 m, a diameter of 11 m and an age of about 800 years.

What is the tallest tree in the world? A bit of history

In ancient times, when the air humidity was greater, the sequoia was also found in today's territories of Japan, France, Svalbard and the New Siberian Islands. Also, the ice age significantly influenced the resettlement.

Until 1848, there was no exploitation of the forest of this tree. This is due to the large size of the plant, since it was difficult to fell it with an ax and even (later) with a saw.

The beginning of the extermination of the unique forest is considered to be the "gold rush" that came to these territories in the same 1848. The US authorities took this tree under protection only after about half of these giants were cut down. Then the sequoia was declared public property.


The crown of the plant has a conical shape. Sequoia branches grow mostly horizontally, less often with a slight downward slope.

The bark of this giant is quite thick, it can reach 30 cm in width. To the touch it is fibrous and soft, when touched it seems as if the hand is immersed in it, while the sensations are very unusual. When the bark is removed, it is red-brown, but darkens after a while.

The tallest tree in the world is changing its appearance with age. In "youth" (up to 100 years), it resembles a dark green pyramid. Branches tightly cover the trunk from the ground to the top. Over time, its lower part is exposed, becomes thicker.

The leaves are small, reaching a length of 15-25 cm. In a young sequoia, they grow elongated and flat, in centenarians, in the lower crown - with arrows, in the upper - scaly.

The bumps of these giants are small, no more chicken egg, about 1.5-3.5 cm. Pollination occurs at the end of winter, and after 8-9 months it ripens up to 7 seeds. They fall to the ground when the cone dries up and opens.

It is expected that by 2017 the record holder will change again, and it will be the Helion sequoia, which now reaches 114 meters. This is due to the fact that the tree grows very quickly, which cannot be said about Hyperion with its top damaged by woodpeckers.


Sequoia is not only the tallest tree in the world. It also beats the world records of the fauna of our planet by age. The plant is also called a "living fossil" or mammoth tree. On average, a sequoia lives from two to four thousand years.

The real record holder among representatives of this species is a tree with an age of 4484 years. It was installed on the growth rings of a cut sequoia in 1965.

In the preglacial period, the number of these plants was greater, perhaps even dinosaurs rested under them. Archaeologists have proven that the tree grew back in the Jurassic period.

The secret of the longevity of these giants is in their root system. It is shallow and widely branched. Due to this, when searching for water and other nutrients, it captures a large area.

A significant role is played by the special bark of the sequoia, it is very thick and contains chemical elements that repel various insects and other pests.

Sequoia National Park

It is located in the state of California and has an area of ​​1683 sq. km. The name was given due to its majestic inhabitants. It was formed in 1890 to protect these trees. It has a mountainous terrain.

The largest plants are under special protection, fenced and even have their own name.

The most popular is the General Sherman tree. You can see him in the Forest of Giants. It is about 2 thousand years old, the plant reaches a height of 81 meters, and its circumference at the base is 32 meters.

Sequoia named after General Sherman continues to grow today, every year the diameter of the trunk increases by an average of 1.5 cm. Its wood would be enough to build a six-room house.

Thanks to such amazing characteristics, the tree received the title of "largest".

The tallest tree in the world - the Hyperion sequoia - is located in another national park - Redwood. However, five out of ten record holders among plants for growth grow here.

The national park is also known for other attractions. Here you can drive a car through a small tunnel cut in the middle of a sequoia that fell onto the road and blocked further movement.

The park is also famous for its caves, of which there are more than 250.

living conditions

Sequoia needs high humidity, so it grows near the coast Pacific Ocean. The tree can be found at an altitude of 30-750 m above sea level. It grows both on the coast and in the mountain gorge. He loves fogs, from which he receives up to 30% of all the necessary moisture, which allows the tree to become taller and larger.

Despite their small number (only 500 specimens remain in the world), the tallest trees in the world are very viable. Around the huge stumps left from the cut down giants, you can always see young shoots, they also begin to grow instead of a broken branch or top. Usually the "new generation" is growing very fast.

It has been proven that the tallest trees in the world - sequoias - have the ability to purify the air of carbon dioxide better than other plants. Forest owners who have not cut down a significant part of them for a hundred years receive special compensation for lost profits. It's called a carbon credit.

Fires are not destructive for this tree, its bark does not burn. On the contrary, they have great importance for his survival. Fire prepares the forest floor for germination and thins the forest of other plants, providing access sun rays to young shoots. The heat also causes the buds to open, causing the seeds to fall down to the ground.

Sequoia will grow well in other conditions (some even try to plant it at home), but the process will be long, and it will not reach its majestic size, as in natural environment a habitat.

The tallest and largest trees in the world

These titles are transferred from time to time from one to another creation of nature.

Sequoia is the absolute champion among all trees. However, do not ignore other plants.

The giant eucalyptus from the dense forests of Tasmania is the tallest deciduous tree in the world. It reaches 101 meters. Experts have established that its age is 400 years, the plant was named "Centurion". He got into the Guinness Book of Records, because it is the tallest tree in the world among flowering.

Do not disregard another giant - a record holder, but already in the thickness of the trunk. This is a baobab, or adansonia palmate. In height, it grows only 30 m, but its diameter can reach 9 m. This plant does not have growth rings, which makes it difficult to determine its age. However, thanks to special analyzes, it has been proven that a tree with a trunk diameter of 4.5 meters is approximately 5,000 years old.

Only the European chestnut can compete with the baobab. Since 1845, a tree with a trunk diameter of 20 m has been known.

The tallest tree in Russia

Our country also has its giants. These are Siberian firs. They grow up to 60-100 meters. The straight trunk of the tree is densely covered with branches, which makes it seem that the crown starts from the ground itself.

AT Krasnodar Territory Nordmann fir is known, which under favorable conditions reaches 80 m in height. Even the common spruce, which grows throughout Russia, can stretch up to 60 meters.

There is another tall tree - it is 18 meters Siberian cedar, girth of its trunk 3 m, age 250 years. This evergreen coniferous tree is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the region. The maximum Siberian cedar can reach a height of 40 meters, since it grows up to 500 years.

Today we present to your attention our study on the topic "What is the largest tree in the world."
But what does "big" mean? High? Tolstoy? Old? After all, all these indicators are important, but there is no tree that would combine them all.

We will tell you about all the record holders among trees. Decide for yourself which of them is considered the largest.

10 Prince's apple tree

A unique tree grows in Ukraine, in the city of Korolevets. This apple tree, which is about two centuries old, has the ability, unprecedented in trees of this species, to root branches that have fallen to the ground.

After rooting, the branch sprouts upwards, and a new tree, as it were, appears, which is actually the same organism. That's why unique tree called an apple tree colony.

One and the same organism has many root systems and trunks (moreover, the mother trunk has already died) and occupies an area of ​​about one hundred square meters. “Trees” (and in fact shoots) are annually covered with leaves, bloom, but only half of the apple tree bears fruit, while the other “rests”, and the next year they change.

The fruits are bitter-sweet. At the foot of the apple tree there is a tombstone of one of the Meshchersky princes, which is why the apple tree got its name.

One well-grown banyan tree is a whole forest, because the horizontal branches of the tree give rise to the so-called aerial roots. As soon as they manage to touch the ground, they take root and begin to grow deeper, creating a real root system, and up, growing a trunk, the branches of which are woven into the crown of "twins" - other such "children".

From the point of view of scientists, since all the "children" have the same DNA, this is one plant.
In India, near Calcutta, the Great Banyan grows, the crown of which covers an area of ​​​​1.4 hectares, and its age is 250 years.

The ficus has 3,000 trunks, but the main one died during the tsunami. However, often the largest tree in the world (by crown) is considered to be the Big Banyan, growing near the city of Bangalore: it is 400 years old, and the crown area is 1.2 hectares.

Both banyans belong to the ficus Bengal species; a banyan is a ficus that is capable of producing aerial roots.

Interested in

8 Prometheus is one of the oldest trees in the world

In the middle of the last century, the scientist D. Curry discovered a very old tree in the USA near Wheeler Peak, which later received the name Prometheus in honor of the hero ancient Greek mythology. He suggested that the age of this tree is about 4 thousand years.

The technical possibilities at that time did not allow botanists to determine the age of a tree without cutting it down. It can be seen that D. Curry turned out to be very unbearable, and he cut down amazing plant(it, by the way, was a pine), and sawed its trunk into pieces and sent it to various scientists so that they could determine the age of Prometheus more accurately.

According to scientists, the tree was more than 5 thousand years old. It remains only to wonder whether it was really necessary to destroy such a rarity.

7 Methuselah

Apparently, this is one of the oldest trees currently growing on the planet, and for a long time it was considered the oldest.

The oldest tree is almost 3 thousand years old, and exact location where it grows is unknown. It can only be stated with certainty that huge tree– Methuselah pine – located on the territory National Reserve in California.

More accurate information is hidden in order to protect the pine from vandalism, there is not even a photo of the centenarian. Involuntarily you will think: does a tree exist?

6 Old Tjikko

The world's oldest Christmas tree grows on the slopes of Mount Fulu in Sweden. According to scientists, its age has far exceeded 9 thousand years!

It's impossible to believe, but botanists believe that the tree could survive numerous natural disasters that happened over 9 and a half millennia on our planet, if for a while it seemed to fall into lethargy.

Spruce was studied before, but then it was not recognized as the oldest tree in the world, because the trunk was analyzed, but this is not the mother trunk, but one of the offspring. Now scientists have figured it out quite accurately by determining the age of the horse system, but it is exactly 9550 years old!

The unique tree is still growing little by little, although only half a century ago, the spruce fell asleep due to the unfavorable state of the environment.

5 One of the world's thickest trees - the baobab

Baobabs are champions in thickness. At the same time, they have very loose wood, adapted to accumulate large volumes of water, and use it during a drought. At such a time, the baobab loses almost half of its volume.

In soft wood, it is convenient to make hollows and even entire rooms. Yes, you can meet absolutely unusual ways the use of baobabs with a hollow middle (such damage occurs in trees of this species often and does not lead to the death of the plant): equipped as a waiting room for a bus station, a public restroom, a bar and even a prison!

The diameter of the thickest known baobab was 9 meters, but even now it is not difficult to meet individuals with extremely large trunks, in order to cover which 30 people will have to stand in a round dance!

The plant, believed to be about 4,000 years old, growing in Sicily, near Mount Etna, is not a tree, but five fused trees, which was confirmed by DNA analysis.

But still it's amazing biological organism, because the diameter of the resulting trunk is more than 20 meters, and under its crown (64 sq.m) one hundred riders can hide (which explains its name).

Speaking about the largest trees on the planet, one cannot fail to mention the Tule tree, which is very old (according to some scientists, it is 2 thousand years old, others believe that it is three, and some even think that it is 6 thousand years old!), Quite high ( forty meters), and the diameter of its trunk is about 14 meters!

It seems incredible that this is one tree, you might think that we have several Hundred Horsemen fused together, like a chestnut tree, but DNA analysis confirmed that this is all one organism. This tree belongs to the genus cypress, and its species- Taxodium mexican.

It is located in Mexico, in a city called Santa Maria del Tule. Pro unique plant there are many legends, they are willingly told by the Indians. The tree is included in the number of objects world heritage UNESCO; Celebrations are held every year in his honor.

2 Hyperion - the tallest sequoia in the world

The tallest tree in the world in terms of height is considered to be Hyperion - a sequoia, which was noticed ten years ago in national park in the USA. The height of this tree is 115 and a half meters.

Now growth has stopped due to the fact that its top is damaged by woodpeckers. For this reason, scientists believe that Hyperion will soon give way to his closest competitor- Helios. This is also a sequoia in the same park, but it is still a little over a meter lower than Hyperion. However, Helios is growing, while the current record holder is not.

At the same time, the tallest tree is neither the oldest (its age hardly exceeds 900 years), nor the thickest and heaviest, so it still cannot be considered the largest tree on the planet.

1 General Sherman

Introducing General Sherman, the tree that is now considered the largest on Earth. Its height, however, is somewhat lower than that of Hyperion (and Helios too), - 83.8 m, and its diameter is smaller than that of Thule - 11 meters, but in terms of volume and mass, General Sherman exceeds all other trees, so from that point of view he is a record holder.

The tree grows in the US National Park "Sequoia", refers to the type of sequoiadendron.
See the photo of yourself big tree you can, but the tree itself is not.

Scientists fear a large influx of tourists to the stunning sequoiadendron, which in principle could lead to damage to the tree as a result of vandalism or disrupt the ecosystem in which General Sherman was used to being.

The flora of the planet Earth is striking in its diversity. The "lungs" of the Earth - forests and groves - have attracted the attention of people for a long time. A huge number of species and forms of trees made them objects of study.

There are many ratings of the most big trees, the oldest, most cold-resistant ... We present a rating of the tallest trees in the world. Historically, the most remarkable specimens grow on the American and Australian continents.

The tallest trees in Australia: legends and reality

Back in the 19th century, there were no measuring instruments that would allow us to name the exact height of a tree - up to a centimeter. Therefore, people who met giant eucalyptus trees in the Australian forests had to take their word for it. In 1872, an Australian resident reported that he had found a eucalyptus 150 meters high in the forest. But, alas, there was no documentary evidence of this.

The tallest tree in Australia, which was measured already in the middle of the 20th century, is a copy of the royal eucalyptus, and its height is significantly inferior to 150 meters. It grows on Mount Bau Bau in Queensland and reaches a height of 99.4 meters. The second comparable tree of the same species is in the valley of the river Styx, which flows in Tasmania. Its height is 98.1 meters, and its name is Centurion.

America's Tallest Trees: Sequoia

Sequoias claim to be the absolute leader - these coniferous giants grow mainly on the West Coast of the United States, off the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Sequoias received a generic name in honor of one of the legendary Indian leaders of the Cherokee tribe.

Moreover, many trees recognized as unique for their big sizes, there are also personal names.

About 150 million years ago, forests made entirely of these giants covered almost the entire American continent. Now their habitat is limited to thirty relatively small groves on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

The ten tallest trees in the world grow in one region of the world - California, USA. The exact location of some of them is kept secret, and it is difficult to find their photos on the Web. This was done on purpose - so that curious tourists would not make pilgrimages to the sequoias and let them grow quietly.

Interestingly, in late XIX century, when sequoia groves were given the status national parks, caretakers began to monitor forest fires and prevent their spread. It would seem that this is a good and right thing to do. However, a few years later it turned out that during this time not a single young sequoia tree appeared in the groves.

The solution looked paradoxical, but it turned out to be correct. It turned out that forest fires are necessary in life cycle sequoias. This is one of the few trees in the world that has managed to adapt to fire.

Under the influence high temperature the sequoia cone opens, the seed falls into the ground and gets a chance to germinate. And a forest fire at this time burns out fallen needles and foliage and allows the earth to “breathe”.

Top 10 tallest trees in the world: sequoias

10. Now the tenth tallest tree in the world is the Mendocino tree, which grows in Montgomery Woods, California, USA. Height - 112.20 meters. The barrel volume is 4.19 meters.

9. In ninth place is a sequoia called Paradox, which grows in Rockefeller Forest. Height - 112.56 meters, trunk volume - 3.90 meters.

7. Sequoia named Lauraline grows in the same county of Humboldt. Its height is estimated at 112.62 meters, diameter - 4.54 meters.

6. The sixth place in the world in height is occupied by a sequoia called Orion. It grows in Redwood National Park in San Mateo County. Height - 112, 63 meters, trunk volume - 4.33 meters.

Five tallest trees in the world

5. Sequoia, named after the National Geographic Society (NGS), is considered to be the property of the surroundings of the Redwood Creek. Height - 112.71 meters. The barrel volume is 4.39 meters.

The editors of the site clarifies: it is easy to see that these trees do not differ much in height and are quite densely adjacent in the rating. The unofficial title of the first among the giants passed from one instance to another several times. For a whole year - from 1994 to 1995 - the NGS sequoia was considered the tallest in the world.

4. The giant of the Stratosphere - a sequoia 113.11 meters high - was discovered in the summer of 2000. Then its size was slightly smaller, but the tree still continues to grow. From 2000 to 2010, the size of the Stratospheric Giant grew by seventy centimeters - from 112.34 meters.

3. The top three tallest trees in the world are closed by a sequoia named Icarus. Height - 113.14 meters, trunk volume - 3.78 meters. Icarus got its name for the sun-scorched, reddened dead top.

2. The second tallest tree in the world is called Helios and grows along one of the tributaries of the Redwood Creek. Its height reaches 114.58 meters. For literally two and a half months - from June to August 2006 - Helios was considered the highest in the world. However, an even more imposing tree was soon discovered on the other side of the river.

The tallest tree in the world: Hyperion

1. Now officially the tallest tree in the world is a tree called Hyperion. This is a sequoia that grows on the opposite bank from its fellow, Helios. Hyperion has held the championship in size since August 25, 2006, when it was discovered by two naturalists. The height of Hyperion is 115.61 meters, the girth is 4.84 meters. most high sequoia to lose their status

And the sequoia Helios, which now ranks second in the world ranking, according to environmentalists, grows two inches a year, and in a few years Hyperion may give it the title of the tallest tree in the world.

There are only 30 groves left in the world where sequoias grow. it rare view, and environmentalists are trying to support it - to grow it specially in British Columbia(Canada) and carefully guard nature reserves with sequoias. We invite you to read about endangered species of animals - the populations of the rarest are up to several dozen individuals.
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The flora of our planet is very diverse and rich. It has hundreds of thousands of species of living organisms. The most common plants in our world are gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Some of the plants are truly amazing in size, both in height and in thickness. Their lifespan is hundreds of years and one can only imagine what they have seen in their lifetime. We have prepared for you a list that includes the largest and tallest trees in the world.

All ten of the largest and tallest trees grow in the United States, and they all belong to a single species - the evergreen sequoia.

These trees belong to coniferous trees and are relatives of the common cypress. They grow in one place on the planet - on the Pacific coast of the United States. Sequoias are so amazing and huge that each of the record trees has its own name.

1: Hyperion

The height of this tree is 115.61 meters. It was discovered and measured in 2006, it turned out that this is the tallest plant on the planet. This sequoia also grows in Redwood Park, where exactly it grows is hidden from tourists. It is believed that the age of this giant is 700-800 years.

2: Helios

In second place is another giant, which belongs to the same species. The height of this sequoia is 114.58 meters, and the trunk has a diameter of 4.96 meters. Until 2006, Helios was considered the highest on the planet, but then a tree was found that is higher than it and it is it that is at the first number on our list. Helios is located in Redwood Park, California.

3: Icarus

This is another American sequoia that grows in the same area. The height of this tree is 113.14 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 3.78 meters. This tree was discovered only in 2006. Its location is hidden from tourists.

4: Stratosphere Giant

Fourth place is occupied by the sequoia, which has a very appropriate name - the Giant of the Stratosphere. The height of this tree is 113.11 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 5.18 meters. This plant is located in Humboldt Park.

5: National Geographic Society

In fifth place is the sequoia, which has a rather long name: National Geographic Society. It is native to Redwood Creek. Until 1995, this sequoia was considered the tallest tree in the world. But at the moment, even larger giants have been found.

The height of this tree is 112.71 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 4.39 meters.

6: Orion

This is an evergreen Sequoia (Sequoia sempervirene), which grows in Redwood Park, all in the same California. The height of the tree is 112.63 meters and the diameter of the trunk is 4.33 meters.

7: Lauralyn

8: Rockefeller

This is also a sequoia, which is located in the Humboldt National Park in the USA. Its height is 112.6 meters, and the exact diameter of the trunk, unfortunately, is unknown.

9: Paradox

Sequoia evergreen (Sequoia sempervirene). This plant is also located on west coast USA, California. The height of this tree is 112.56 meters and the diameter is 3.9 meters.

10: Mendocino Tree

Sequoia evergreen (Sequoia sempervirene). This tree is located in California, USA.

The height of this giant is 112.20 meters, and the diameter is 4.19 meters. The exact location of this tree is hidden so that tourists do not harm it.

11: Baobab

We have described to you the tallest trees in the world, in this regard, the sequoia has no competitors. But, if we talk about plant giants, it is worth mentioning the baobab. This is the thickest and most massive tree in the world. Baobabs grow in Africa, their height is small - about 18-25 meters, but the diameter of the trunk can reach 10 meters. Explain such weird look this tree is very simple. The baobab has very porous wood and accumulates water in it during the rainy season. Then uses this stock during a drought. This tree has a huge crown, its diameter can reach forty meters. The wood of the tree is very loose and easily destroyed by fungal diseases. Huge hollows are obtained, which Africans use for their own purposes.

12: Banyan

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Man builds huge skyscrapers out of iron and concrete. People pass by them all their lives without thinking. But at the sight of a huge tree, more than 100 meters high, it takes your breath away. Man is not involved in the creation of this magnificence, it is a creation of nature.

For a long time, two trees competed for the title of the highest in the world - Helios and Hyperion. They overtook each other, confusing the compilers of the book of records. Helios was discovered earlier, for several years it was considered the undisputed leader in growth.

Interesting fact! When Hypereon was discovered, the palm passed to him. Now he is firmly in the lead, overtaking the opponent by ninety centimeters.

Top 5 tallest trees

All of them - coniferous sequoias located in North America. Exact location is kept under the strictest secrecy in order to preserve the champions. They are known to grow along the Pacific coast.

Features of the tallest trees in the world

It is known that all giants belong to the species of evergreen sequoia, which is considered a close relative of the common cypress.

They are amazing in several ways:

  • growth;
  • trunk volume;
  • age;
  • exceptional abilities.

Hypereon, in addition to impressive growth, has an amazing age. He is over 700 years old! He saw so many people, witnessed so many stories and warriors that it's hard to even imagine.

And the most amazing thing: 700 years for them is not a big age. Scientists believe that evergreen sequoias can live up to 4,000 years. Hyperion is considered a green teenager, and its growth and volume will continue to increase.

Interesting fact! Evergreen sequoias are champions not only in terms of growth. These are one of the oldest trees on earth. The first sequoias appeared more than two hundred million years ago. They were named after the leader of one of the Indian tribes - Sequoia.

It is known that redwoods lived on the planet at the time of the dinosaurs. They inhabited the entire northern part of America, as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations. Then they were called "living fossils".

The exceptional features of the evergreen sequoia include the ability to absorb carbon dioxide. They are the best at this task, acting as defenders against ozone holes. Due to the absorption of carbon dioxide in large quantities, they prevent their increase.

Reasons for the secrecy of the location of giant trees

There are very few such giants left in the world. It's all about the person. Due to the constant cutting down of trees, all the giants were surrounded by parks. Tourists can enter there, walk, but no one will say exactly where this or that tree is located. The data is classified even for park workers.

Furniture made from sequoia sells very well.

These benefits make redwoods a target for criminals. When their number was reduced to 500, environmentalists took control of the situation. There was an official ban on felling, they all now grow in a protected park area.

Big trees in Russia

The United States is not the only country in which the green giants have settled. Grows in the Krasnodar Territory distant relative of the tallest trees in the world - Nordman fir. Fir trees reach up to 70 meters in height, yielding to the champions. However, the view of a 70 meter tree will not leave you indifferent.

Much less and their possible age. Nordmann fir is susceptible to pests, their maximum age is only 600 years.

Important! Spruces in the northern part of Russia reach up to 60 meters in height. Such trees live no more than 300 years. At one time, the cedar, 20 meters high, was considered the record holder for growth in Russia.

Other trees growing in Russia are much lower. Birch and ash trees can grow no more than 25 meters. Other species do not reach this growth.

Green giants that do not belong to the coniferous family

The centurion, which has been growing on the island of Tasmania for over 400 years, reaches a height of 101 meters. It is the largest of all deciduous trees in the world.

Tasmania has become the home of several leaf giants. The dream of Icarus, 97 meters tall, grows near the Centurion. A difference of 40 meters makes these giants possible rivals for the championship among the tallest deciduous trees.

Interesting facts about giant trees:

  • Since all the tallest record holders grow in California, the sequoia has become a symbol of the state.
  • Sequoias served as an example for the creation of the world in the movie "Avatar".
  • A long-lived tree is a sequoia, cut down in 1965, its age is 4484 years. Now it has become an architectural monument. Tourists come to admire it in a park located in California.
  • The youngest giant tree - Lauralin, grows in California, its height: 112 meters.
  • If you look at the photo of a sequoia, you can see that its thick branches look like tusks, it is called a mammoth tree.
  • Ecologists suggest that if all deciduous trees on the ground could be replaced by conifers, then the earth would be oversaturated with oxygen.
  • Evergreen sequoias grow only in the USA. Ecologists, in order to preserve the species, are trying to grow these trees in other countries.
  • Sequoia bark is very dense, its thickness can reach up to 30 cm.
  • Sequoias are resistant to fire. Wood saturated with moisture does not burn.
  • Sequoias do not grow higher than 2 kilometers from sea level.
  • Tourists have a belief that green giants are endowed with a soul. They talk to them and ask for advice.

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