How many children do Kostomarov and Domnina have. Roman Kostomarov: “Oksana and I will not allow children to grow up as majors. Roman Kostomarov. Biography and sports career

First steps in sports

The novel started figure skating V children's theater on ice at the AZLK Sports Palace. He first wore skates in 1986. Later, Kostomarov continued his studies at sports club AZLK, then to MGFSO and MGS "Dynamo". The first coach of the figure skater was Svetlana Alekseeva. Roman Kostomarov found a couple for performances in 1988, he was then 11 years old. Ekaterina Davydova became his partner, however, he skated with her even earlier. In 1996, the couple won the World Junior Championship. By the way, Roman Kostomarov and Ekaterina Davydova were trained by Katya's mother Lidia Karavaeva, Oleg Filippov, Svetlana Alekseeva and Oleg Epshtein. They then led young people to success.

Big sport

In 1995, Roman Kostomarov became a member of the Russian national figure skating. He stayed there until 2006.

And in 1998, the skater changed a pair. He began performing with Tatyana Navka. In addition, at the invitation of Natalia Linichuk, Roman went to train in America. At the same time, a contract was signed with Kostomarov for the Olympic cycle.

But a year later, Natalya Linichuk proposed to make a new dance duet. Figure skater Roman Kostomarov and as a partner Anna Semenovich. This couple existed in the 1999-2000 season. They won a silver medal at the Russian Championship in 2000. However, Semenovich and Kostomarov did not have a chance to dance for a long time. The duet broke up due to psychological and professional differences.

By the way, at that time Roman Kostomarov lived in America and trained in Montclair, New Jersey. It took him about 25-27 hours a week to prepare for the competition. At the same time, Tatyana Navka could not find a new worthy partner for herself, so she left training for a while. At this time, just at Navka and her husband Alexander Zhulin, Alexander's daughter was born.


Roman and Tatyana were well aware that they were suitable for each other as athletes, in terms of aspirations and data. Navka's husband Alexander Zhulin, Honored Coach of Russia, also believed in their couple. Zhulin began to train figure skaters. But since 2002, Elena Chaikovskaya began to advise the couple. And in 2006, while preparing for the Olympic Games, Tatyana Tarasova took up Kostomarov and Navka. Tatyana Druchinina acted as a choreographer.

Well, in 2004, at the World Figure Skating Championships in Dortmund, Germany, the duo Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka took first place for the first time and became world champions in ice dancing. There was another one that same year. significant event in the life of a skater, Roman married his colleague Yulia Lautova. This Russian woman competed in women's singles for Austria. By the way, at the moment the couple is divorced. Roman and Tatyana began to win in various competitions. They constantly went to their main goal - this is victory in Olympic Games. The duo of skaters-dancers Navka-Kostomarov participated in two Olympics.

First, in 2002, the couple performed in Salt Lake City and became the tenth. And four years later, in 2006, a triumphant victory was won in Turin, Italy. Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka presented Russia with a gold medal.

It is worth noting that since 2004, Roman and Tatiana have suffered only one defeat over the course of three seasons. After the games in Turin, Kostomarov and Navka stopped their amateur career and returned to their homeland, to Russia. By the way, here the couple continued to exist. Upon their return, the skaters took part in the most successful ice show on television, Stars on Ice. This is the project of Ilya Averbukh. After that, Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka began to perform in other shows.

In 2007, Roman was on the TV project " glacial period”And became its winner together with actress Chulpan Khamatova. And in the fall of that year, Kostomarov was offered leading role in the TV series "Hot Ice". This is the brainchild of Star Media, which was ordered by Channel One. The series was presented on January 3, 2009. In the spring of 2008, the skater has already appeared in another tape. This time he starred in the crime drama Kill the King? Alexander Atanesyan. Now Roman Kostomarov continues to participate in the best world ice shows. He also appears in various programs and events that are dedicated to the popularization of the Olympic movement and, of course, figure skating, as well as significant events in sports and social life.

Roman Kostomarov on video

In particular, the athlete supported Russia during the choice of the capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Then he performed together with colleagues in commercials for Sochi-2014. In addition, he participated in the action charitable foundation titled "Give Life". By the way, one of the central events of the fund for Lately is a unique charity football match that took place in September 2007 at the Millennium Arena in Battersea Park in London. Then the teams of English and Russian stars took to the field to collect cash in favor of children with leukemia, which the Foundation takes care of.

And in the fall of 2008, Roman Kostomarov was invited to the rather successful project of the First Channel "Ice Age". In February 2007, Roman Kostomarov was awarded the Order of Friendship. In August of the same year, the skater became a laureate of the prestigious Order of the Pride of the Nation, and after that he got Golden medal titled "For Contribution to the Development of Russian Sports". Roman took part in the action called "Healthy Children - Strong Russia". In November 2008, in the fifth stage of the Grand Prix series, at the Megasport sports complex on Khodynka in Moscow, Roman received a commemorative medal, which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first Russian award from the Olympics. Such insignia, by the way, are given only to outstanding figure skaters in Russia.

About tennis

Roman Kostomarov is an Honored Master of Sports in figure skating and ice dancing. Athlete master of sports of international class.

Kostomarov graduated from the Moscow State Academy Physical Culture. The figure skater has 13 gold, 6 silver and 4 bronze medals.

The fact that they would like to give birth to a second child, Roman Kostomarov mentioned in an interview with Antenna and the Woman’s Day website this summer.

“My brother has a son, and I see with what tenderness and love they communicate with Nastya. It doesn’t matter who will be next - a boy, a girl, it is important that Nastya soon have a brother or sister before she grows up a lot. We dream about it,” the Olympic champion said in an interview. And he said nothing that at that moment Oksana was already pregnant!

You can understand the lovers: the press wrote a lot about the trials that the family went through. For many years Oksana and Roman lived in civil marriage, gave birth and raised a daughter, Nastenka. Domnina, in an interview, dismissed all questions about the wedding, saying that the stamp is not the main thing, the main thing is feelings. And then she suddenly left Roman and began to appear at events arm in arm with her Ice Age partner Vladimir Yaglych.

None of the participants in this triangle commented on what was happening. Yes, to hell with the details. It is important that six months later Oksana and Roman were together again and got married.

“Joint life is built on many little things. Everyone chooses their own way out. difficult situations. But I would not advise anyone and would not want such a separation, as was the case in our case, ”Roman said about that time in an interview with Antenna.

The fact that Oksana is pregnant, general public was not known. Back in August, together with her husband, Domnina participated in Ilya Averbukh's show "Carmen" in Sochi. However, the work of Domnina never put in the first place and hinted: “We are thinking about another spiritual delight, which leads to the birth of a child (smiles). Of course, I love my job very much, but children are much more important. In addition, we have a dad, thanks to whom I can safely go on vacation.

The secret of the birth of a son in a couple was revealed by Kostomarov's friend, skater Ilya Skobrev.

“This is how it happens ... Happy birthday to a close friend, and at that moment another son is born! Oksanio & Romario, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your newborn! Health baby and mom!” Ivan wrote.

By the way, the couple's daughter was also born in January, only five years ago. So now in the winter there are two huge reasons for the holiday in the family.

We congratulate the skaters and wish mother and son good nights!

Titled Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. He performed in ice dancing with Tatyana Navka. He became the 2006 Olympic champion, two-time world champion, three-time European champion, won the Grand Prix finals three times, led the Russian championships the same number of times, won the 1996 World Junior Championship.

Roman Kostomarov who succeeded in different time also ride with Ekaterina Davydova and Anna Semenovich, - participant in the show "Stars on Ice", "Ice Age", "Ice and Fire", "Bolero", etc.

Roman Kostomarov. Biography and sports career

Roman Sergeevich Kostomarov was born in Moscow on February 8, 1977. At the age of 9, he began to practice figure skating at the AZLK Ice Palace. His partner for 10 years was the daughter of a coach Lydia Karavaeva- Ekaterina Davydova. In 1998, Roman left for America (Delaware) and came under the wing of a mentor Natalia Linichuk, paired up with Tatyana Navka.

However, the duet was considered unpromising, Roman was given another partner - Anna Semenovich. In 2000, this tandem took the silver of the Russian Championship, but became tenth at the European Championship and thirteenth at the world tournament.

After that, Kostomarov again begins to ride with Navka, already under the guidance of her then husband, Alexander Zhulin. Since 2004, the couple has been leading at every start, focusing on the free program with the Carmen dance, which was also presented at the 2006 Olympics in Turin and brought the duet a gold medal, which was not easy for the skaters.

Having won in Turin, Kostomarov and Navka announced that they were ending their sports career. At the same time, the couple survived and continued to ride, however, already in professional shows.

2004: European Championship gold (Budapest, Hungary) and World Championship (Dortmund, Germany). 2005: Russian Championship gold (Kazan, Russia), European Championship gold (Turin, Italy), World Championship gold (Moscow, Russia). 2006: European Championship gold (Lyon, France), Olympic gold (Turin). 2007: Order "Pride of the Nation"; gold medal "For contribution to the development of Russian sports"; Prize of the Federation of Figure Skating "Crystal Ice" in the nomination "The Most Stylish Couple" (partner - Tatyana Navka).

Roman Kostomarov. Life outside big sport

After leaving the big sport, Roman returned to Russia from the USA and since 2006 has become a regular participant in Channel One projects, produced by Ilya Averbukh. So, in 2006, in the show "Stars on Ice", the skater in a duet with actress Ekaterina Guseva reached the semifinals. From 2007 to 2009, Kostomarov went to the rink for three seasons of the Ice Age. His partners were actresses Chulpan Khamatova (2007, victory) and Alena Babenko (2008, the couple reached the final), as well as singer Yulia Kovalchuk (2009, victory).

Also Roman Kostomarov He also made his debut as an actor, starring in 2008 in the TV series "Hot Ice", where figure skaters Alexei Yagudin, Alexei Tikhonov were involved, Alexander Abt, Povilas Vanagas and others, as well as dramatic actors Ekaterina Guseva, Boris Nevzorov, Anna Bolshova, Lyudmila Artemyeva, Pavel Trubiner and show business stars Katya Lel, Didula, etc.

Then, in the filmography of Kostomarov, in 2010, there appeared the crime drama The Close Enemy with Dmitry Dyuzhev, Andrey Panin, Nelli Uvarova and others, as well as the situation comedy On Treason with Eduard Radzyukevich, Andrey Kaikov, Nonna Grishaeva and other artists.

On October 1, 2016, after a two-year break, the Ice Age show returned to Channel One, in which the ward Roman Kostomarova became the actress Anzhelika Kashirina.

Roman Kostomarov. Personal life

In 2004 Roman Kostomarov married an Austrian figure skater Russian origin Yulia Lautova but divorced three years later. Until 2013, he was in a civil marriage with a figure skater

Today Roman Kostomarova and Oksana Domnina accept congratulations on the addition to the family. Skaters are already raising their daughter Nastya, who recently turned 5 years old. And now another little man has appeared in their life. Recently in category last news, for the first time showed their eight-month-old son Ilya.

Oksana Domnina - biography

Oksana Domnina is a famous Russian figure skater, who has many awards and victories to her credit. But the price of her achievements is the rejection of childhood and other human joys. Oksana was born in 1984 in Kirov. When the girl was 6 years old, her parents first brought her to the rink. A capable girl was noticed immediately, and after 3 months she was selected for dancing at open ice. At the age of 8, the beginning figure skater had her first partner Anton Ryabov. The guys trained under the guidance of Irina Fedorova.

Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin

At the age of 16, the first victory came to the skater. Together with partner Ivan Lobanov, she took 8th place in the adult national championship. The famous coach Alexei Gorshkov, who called her to Odintsovo near Moscow, could not notice the talented athlete. Here she began to work with a new partner, with Maxim Bolotin. With him, she became a bronze medalist at the national junior championship. But, despite the great successes, Domnina and Bolotin parted ways due to constant disagreements. In 2000, she got a new partner Maxim Shabalin. It was with him that Oksana reached those heights that she could not even dream of before. In 2004, the couple won silver at the Russian Championship, in 2007 they were second at the European Championship, and in 2005 they became World Champions. Oksana Domnina left big sport as an Olympic bronze medalist.

Roman Kostomarov - biography

Roman Kostomarov, a world-famous figure skater, was born in 1977 in Moscow. Roman took his first steps in figure skating when he was 9 years old. The boy always dreamed of big sport, but he was not taken to gymnastics due to his age, and he was simply refused to swim. Then a family friend who worked as a doctor at the Ice Palace suggested that Roman try his hand at figure skating. And two years later, coach Lidia Kraeva noticed him.

Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka

After graduating from the Moscow Academy of Physical Education, Roman decides to leave the country. Without financial assistance and acquaintances, then in Delaware he had a hard time. Together with his colleagues, he lived in a rented house and earned $150. The coaches could not see a champion in him, and he constantly had disagreements with his ice partner Anna Semenovich. By the age of 23, Roman was left without a partner, and he leaves for New Jersey, where he begins working with Tatyana Navka. In 2002, their pair became 10th at the tournament in Salt Lake City, in 2004 they became the first at the World Championship. In 2006, Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka were able to achieve their main goal and become Olympic champions in Turin.

Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina

The first chosen one of Kostomarov was the figure skater Yulia Lautova. In 2004, the guys got married, Lautova left the sport and moved in with her husband. But a year later family life the couple broke up. Julia could not live with a person who will always have sports in the first place.

Shortly after the divorce, Roman meets Oksana Domnina and immediately draws attention to a pretty girl. The guys decided to live together, and after 4 years Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina and them latest news was the birth of his daughter Nastya.

Oksana Domnina with her daughter Nastya

In 2013, things were not so smooth in their history. Oksana left Kostomarov due to the fact that even after the birth of her daughter, Roman was in no hurry to legalize relations with her. And in the same year, Oksana broke out in an affair with actor Vladimir Yaglych on the Ice Age show. And, despite the fact that Oksana assured everyone that Vladimir was love at first sight, their relationship ended.

Oksana Domnina and Vladimir Yaglych

To the delight of the fans, Oksana returned to Roman and this time the couple not only played luxury wedding, but even got married in the church of St. Nicholas.

The Olympic champion shared the rules for raising children and plans for the future.

Previously, the main achievements of Roman Kostomarov were associated with a partner on the ice, Tatyana Navka. After the duo of Kostomarov and Navka won the Olympic gold in ice dancing, the couple ended their sports career, but did not part with figure skating - they continue to skate in ice shows. Roman Kostomarov is now preparing for the premiere of the ice performance Romeo and Juliet. But the main concerns of Kostomarov are now connected with children. With his wife, figure skater, world champion Oksana Domnina, Roman brings up his 6-year-old daughter Nastya and one year old son Ilya. Father Roma is already taking care of their future achievements.

"Only sport. There are no other options for my children.”

- Roman, you gave your daughter to tennis. Do you have to force Nastya to go to training?

- Every child wants to play in the yard, swing on a swing, so two years ago, when Nastya started studying, I had to force her. At first, she was interested in just kicking the ball. Then my daughter realized that I would have to do it every day, then it began to work out, and she immediately liked it. Now she goes to tennis four times a week with pleasure. I want to see my children in sports. Only in sports. There are no other options. Regular training hardens character for life, if a child goes in for sports, then I am calm and sure that he will adult life deal with any challenge.

- It turns out that dad has already chosen for Nastya future profession?

- Well, who should choose a profession for her ?! She will be 16 years old, and she will decide on a specialty? It will be too late! You need to choose a profession now, with early childhood. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents. The daughter will be a singer, dancer, musician, athlete or someone else ... To become the best in the profession, you need to prepare for this from childhood. Foreign languages because everyone is learning young years in order to better assimilate and master perfectly. In addition, children have a lot of energy, but Oksana and I know that Nastya does not waste her energy. We directed her energy to tennis lessons, and three times a week the child learns to dance at the school-studio "Todes".

Nastya Kostomarova is a professional tennis player, but she loves support with her dad and practices with early years. Photo:

- What are the predictions of Nastya's coach regarding her sports future?

- It's too early to talk about it. But the daughter is making progress, and she has all the physical data for this. Whether something will come out of this or not is another question. In any case, she has the prerequisites for a successful sports career. And Nastya's father's character is assertive, when I go to her training, I see how stubbornly she strives to win. Yes, and our mother has a character oh-hoo! It is desirable that Nastya and Ilya have more sporting achievements than their parents. Ilya is a year old, so for now his worries are to play and demand the attention of his parents. Can you hear him yelling "Mom!"?

Is Nastya going to first grade this year?

- No, let the child enjoy freedom, life for another year. The main thing is that she will have more free time to train. The school will limit the time for training, but Nastya will still learn to count and write.

You are a strict dad. Perhaps Oksana is softer in raising children?

- I'm not strict! Oksana and I have approximately the same upbringing methods, since both of us have achieved significant success in sports, therefore we are demanding both on ourselves and on children. It is clear that a woman has maternal instincts, so she is softer and does not ask so harshly. Understand, I insist on playing sports, because I am sure that training will take up the child’s free time and protect him. Children will not walk, drink, hang around doorways, play the guitar. Although I'm not against the guitar! We used to be motivated to train and win by going abroad to buy Coke and gum. Now there are other opportunities: children are more spoiled, but you still need to motivate them with something. I see the interest of my children in getting adrenaline from victories.

- How to raise unspoiled children in a wealthy family?

- Many people who have achieved heights in their field say: "I would never want a child to follow my path and face difficulties." This surprises me. Why? I believe that a child must go through the same difficult path to success as parents, and achieve something himself. And certainly not rest on the laurels of the parents. What is the name of the heirs of rich parents who are burning through life now? Majors? Here they immediately have everything, the meaning of their life is to drive the donated Mercedes to clubs and hang out. I will not allow this!

Oksana Domnina raised her daughter without the help of a nanny. Grandma helped. photo: press service

Computer games, TV viewing is limited at Nastya?

- It doesn’t happen with us that Nastya sits and watches cartoons or plays on the iPad for two hours. We can turn on cartoons for 15 minutes in the morning if we need to feed our daughter before kindergarten. She doesn’t watch TV at all - only sometimes my daughter watches hockey or football with me and gets sick with her dad.

- Are you a fan of which Russian football club?

- I don’t support our football - it’s not interesting. Recently I watched the match between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid - Ronaldo scored three goals: this is interesting football.

- Do you watch series?

- No no. What do you?! Only sports channels national geographic and I like to watch the news.

- Did your daughter watch "", was she at your ice shows? Does she understand that her parents are champions?

- Nastya has not yet seen how her father won the Olympics, and her mother won the world championships, but she watched Ice Age, was at ice shows.

- In your professional opinion, doping scandals, in which ours, what provoked?

- Meldonium is a harmless drug, the scandal was blown out of nowhere because of the political situation. Tomorrow, with the same success, analgin can be declared doping.

Photo: Press service

- Roman, you have also starred in films and TV series: “Hot Ice”, “Close Enemy”, “On Treason”. Why don't you continue your film career? Now it is fashionable for media people to master creative specialties.

I don't plan to continue. I understand that everything needs to be learned from a young age, so that it turns out as cool as possible, everyone should do their own thing.

“Thank God, I can perform in Russia”

— Roman, in transition adolescence who made you train? Have you ever wanted to go out with the boys?

- My family lived in Maryino, my peers went for a walk after class, and I got to the skating rink by bus for an hour and a half. Once I wanted a free life: after school with the guys I went to the Moscow River to swim and bake potatoes. But my mother found out that I didn’t go to training for three days, and I told the coach that I was sick, and gave good lyuli. Quickly returned to the rink.

At what age did you realize that everything was not in vain?

- At first, everything seemed frivolous, despite three workouts a day. Then it began to work out, in 1989 I went to competitions in Riga, then to Czechoslovakia. Finally bought a Coke — my dream came true. Only when I started to win, I realized that everything before that was not in vain. The excitement woke up, I realized: I like that I am a champion.

- 20 years ago, at the insistence of coach Natalia Linichuk, you stopped skating with Tatyana Navka and paired up with Anna Semenovich. Why?

- Our coach thought that Anna would suit me better, but I had to present this to Navka as my own choice.

Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov are Olympic champions in ice dancing in 2006. Two years before the Olympics in Turin, the couple did not lose a single start. Photo: Fedor SAVINTSEV / TASS

- Why didn’t great achievements happen to Semenovich?

- "Candy wrappers" are both beautiful, but the "fillings" are different - Tatyana is more experienced, her technique is better. And Anya was brighter emotionally, but pushed the technical side into the background, and I didn’t like it. I realized that I made a mistake.

- How did you manage to persuade Tatyana to ride with you again?

- I used the gift of eloquence, it was not easy, especially since Tanya had just given birth to a daughter. I think Tanya understood that her husband Sasha Zhulin had made a career, but she had not yet. Just be a wife famous person not in her character. She also wanted to succeed in figure skating, to which she devoted so many years. At the end of the season, I made up my mind: I called, explained the reason why we broke up. And he offered to try everything again. I was then 22 years old, I understood that if you change partners, then there will be no result. Tanya thought for three days, and then agreed.

How are you keeping fit now?

- In general, there are no loads compared to what it was ten years ago. Excitement is present in life due to the fact that we skate in the ice shows of Ilya Averbukh. But not to the same extent as it used to be. I exercise every day because I enjoy being tired after a workout. I work out in a fitness club, run, swim, play hockey, tennis, sometimes I go to boxing. Now, though, I have to pay money to train (laughs). Lying on the couch and waiting for you to go to the next world is not for me. I want to be in shape for a long time to play tennis with my daughter, to stay young longer, to please myself and my wife.

What can you afford right now? financial terms, what could not even dream of 20 years ago?

- For example, I can afford to pay for pleasures that were previously inaccessible to me - for tennis lessons, boxing.

Main sporting achievement Semenovich happened in tandem with Kostomarov. In 2000, Anna and Roman won silver at the Russian Figure Skating Championship. Photo:

- Participating in the show, do you earn more than when you skated?

- I started earning when I started winning: fees, prize money. Then the projects started and everything else. But this is all thanks to the fact that every day for 20 years I plowed for my goal. Any person who gives himself completely to work, then receives dividends from this.

- You will probably be torn off with arms and legs as a coach in America. Have you thought about this kind of work?

“I thought about it a lot, and for more than one year. Oksana and I often visit figure skater friends Katya Gordeeva and Ilya Kulik, they work in Los Angeles. If something doesn't work out here, of course, we always have the opportunity to go abroad and try our hand there. But while we connect our lives with Russia, roots have sprouted here. Although both I and Oksana spent part of their lives in America. We hope that we will work in the Motherland.

- Coaching, ice shows in America and here: what are they fundamental differences?

“We work here for our audience, who knows and loves us, so the emotional return is different. Abroad will be hired thanks to regalia. But for now, Oksana and I, thank God, are earning money - thanks to. Let's keep fit and perform. We will spend the next summer in Sochi: in July we will have the premiere of a new ice show "Romeo and Juliet", in June we will start rehearsals. Therefore, now, after the tour with the Carmen show, we are enjoying a vacation at a dacha in the suburbs with children and grandparents. I flew to Bulgaria for four days, where Maxim Stavisky and I have an apartment, now we are going with Oksana to relax on the sea together for a few days.

Private bussiness

Roman Kostomarov was born on February 8, 1977. He started figure skating at the age of 9 with coach Lidia Karaeva. In 1996, together with her daughter Ekaterina Davydova, he won the World Junior Championship. Since 1998, he has been training under the guidance of Natalia Linichuk in tandem with Tatiana Navka (in Delaware, USA). A year later, Linichuk suggested that Kostomarov change his partner to Anna Semenovich, the couple won the silver medals of the Russian Championship, but they took 13th place at the World Championships. Kostomarov invited Navka to ride together again. Navka's husband Alexander Zhulin became the coach of the couple. Roman Kostomarov in ice dancing became a three-time European champion, a two-time world champion, an Olympic champion.

— Your family will spend the whole summer in Sochi. What do you do in your free time from ice shows?

Sochi is an ideal resort, I feel comfortable there. I don’t like to just lie on the beach, and there are a lot of entertainments in Sochi now: water parks, parks with roller coasters, you can go to the skypark - on the longest suspension bridge in the world, you can ride a ship, go to a performance, which are many in Sochi. They teach driving motorcycles, Formula 1 races are held there ... I love extreme sports, and this is quite enough in Sochi.

- When you had one child, you did without nannies. Grandmother helped Nastya. Do you also manage on your own now with two children?

- With one child, you can do without a nanny, with two - it is already impossible. A nanny helps us, we will also go to Sochi together.

- You said that after the wedding, your wife and moral principles have changed. How did you come to the decision to get married?

- Each person understands this in his own time, when he will be given to understand it.

How has your life with your wife changed? Do you go to church?

- We observed for three years, with Oksana, with children we try to visit the temple at least on holidays. We all walk under God. Some believe in him, others do not. But I know that sooner or later a person will believe anyway.