Special forces formations and military units (1955–1991). Special forces formations and military units (1955–1991) 5th separate special forces brigade Maryina contacts

The 5th Special Forces from Maryina Gorka is also an elite unit in the sense that they were trusted by the General Staff to check all the latest weapons and special forces uniforms. So the traditions of special forces in Belarus stretch back to Soviet times. Recently, the 5th separate special forces brigade turned 50 years old, on which we congratulate them with pleasure!


  • 5 OBRSPN Maryina Gorka

Flag of the 5th Special Forces Brigade

Special forces are the elite of military forces. People who are weak in body and spirit are not accepted there. Only strong men serve there, ready to cope with adversity and help a comrade in difficult times. And most importantly - who will complete the task.

Frankly speaking, there are not too many special forces units in Belarus. But the most famous of them is 5 separate brigade special forces, which is comfortably located in the small town of Maryina Gorka. Part c great history. Once glorious men, imbued with the spirit of victory, a thirst for fight, and a desire to fulfill their duty to the country, bravely fought together with other GRU special forces units against the Mujahideen. The fighters have accumulated a lot of enemy lives. The 5th Special Forces Brigade emerged from difficult situations with honor and valor. Her appearance immediately calmed the unstable situation in Armenia, when the rebels were ready to rebel and destabilize the situation.

History and emblem of the GRU “Five”

The 5th Special Forces from Maryina Gorka is also an elite unit in the sense that they were trusted by the General Staff to check all the latest weapons and special forces uniforms. So the traditions of special forces in Belarus stretch back to Soviet times. Let the history of the brigade go on for a long time, but honor and praise to the younger generation strong special forces who remember and honor the glorious deeds of veterans, congratulate them and want to be just like them.

A unit was also created in the 5th Maryina Gorka Regional Regiment, for a long time which had no analogues in the Soviet and Russian special forces units of the GRU - a special special forces company consisting of warrant officers and senior officials special forces Without exaggeration, this was a super unit of the highest class and level of training. The special company of the 5th Obrspn even had its own sleeve badge- an exceptional event for the Soviet army! Veterans of the operation in Afghanistan served in the special company; there were also specially trained athletes in various applied combat and hand-to-hand sports.

We also need to talk about the emblem of the 5th Regiment. It consists of several elements: a fox, a directed arrow, as well as the constellation Ursa Major and the North Star. What does this mean: a fox is a cunning, small, but nimble and cautious predator, ready to strike at any moment, devour the victim, and leave the enemy with his nose. The fighters of the 5th Maryina Gorka Regiment are also ready for such tactics. The arrow is a very old symbol of reconnaissance troops; it denotes the intentionality and possibility of going deep into the rear and sabotage there, as well as actions at the forefront. This is how most fighters will act. And the constellation Ursa Major and the bright Polar Star indicate accuracy when attacking, when selecting a possible target for an attack, the ability to see and feel everything even in difficult conditions.

5 OBRSpN today

People in Belarus show genuine interest in the elite special forces unit and constantly shoot videos about it, make reports, and write in newspapers. Video 5 obrspn can be found on various social networks and video storage sites. Be sure to look at the teachings and daily life fighters.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on who you choose, during the years of sovereign Belarus, the fighters of the 5th Regional Regiment have no place to use their combat skills. While their colleagues from the Russian GRU special forces units are fighting in Chechnya, Ingushetia, and South Ossetia, the Maryina Gorka special forces are constantly training in exercises. And it may seem to many that courageous and strong guys have lost their fighting skills and have forgotten what it’s like to be in constant tension, but this is not so. The high command of the military forces of the Republic of Belarus will confirm that the 5th brigade from Maryina Gorka is the best, most prepared formation of all that exists in the Belarusian army. And they confirm this in exercises and demonstration battles. After all, they know how to do special forces in Belarus - and that’s a fact.

It's good to see in social networks that young people want and strive to get into the 5th district of Maryina Gorka. True, of course, not everyone will be accepted there - that’s why they are the elite! - but the best and most promising, those who want to serve for the benefit of the Belarusian army and the Belarusian people, will definitely end up in the 5th separate special forces brigade. And it’s also nice to see that girls are waiting for their soldiers to return from service, and to meet them they move to live and work in Maryina Gorka. This is commendable. And this says that the best young people of Belarus serve there, whose life partners are even the best, most devoted to the spirit of family and duty.

It is boldly worth noting that in 5 obrspn they maintain continuity of spirit, old-timers are always ready to come to the rescue of the young, help them, cheer them up and strengthen them. On August 2, old and young generations of special forces soldiers and veterans gather and congratulate each other on their day, on the day airborne troops. And on this day we see that the traditions of special forces in Belarus are still not forgotten.


If you have forgotten what you should look like a real man, a patriot of your country, strong, courageous and brave - come to Maryina Gorka, look at the veterans of the 5th Special Forces Brigade. All of them are men of exceptional training and exceptional character, as if they were made of steel. Nothing can interrupt or penetrate them.

Annual holiday of the 12th OBRSpN GRU

December 5 12th separate brigade special purpose GRU General Staff celebrates the day of the unit. History of military unit 25642 and service until the disbandment of the “asbestos brigade” in a review from Voenpro.

History of the creation of the 12th OBRSpN

The 12th Special Purpose Brigade was created in 1962 by order of the General Staff on July 10th. The first composition of military unit 25642 was formed from soldiers and intelligence officers of the Transcaucasian Military District. Even in Soviet times the region could not be called calm, so the appearance of special forces in the Caucasus did not surprise anyone. From the first days of its existence, the military formation was preparing to counter the internal and external enemies of the Union.

Day 12 of the OBRSpN was set for December 5th. Two years after its formation, the brigade was given the Battle Banner, which was presented by the commander of the Transcaucasian Military District, Army General Andrei Trofimovich Stuchenko himself. In February 1973, the full brigade took part in the large-scale exercise “Snow Pass”. During the inspection, the special forces showed high results, completing all the command tasks in very difficult conditions.

The 12th GRU special forces brigade was stationed in Lagodekhi, a city on the border of the Georgian and Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republics. The relationship between the two Caucasian peoples They were always very warm, so the special forces had no problems with their service, and they could easily undergo combat training. Therefore, the brigade was rightly considered one of the most combat-ready units in the Soviet army.

In 1980, the 173rd separate special forces detachment was introduced into the 12th OBRSpN in Lagodekhi on a special staff. Four years later, the unit was transferred to the Turkestan Military District, where the 40th Combined Arms Army was stationed.

It was this combat unit that fought in the Afghan War, so the special forces were supplemented with experienced officers and sent to Helmand province. The main task of the fighters was to identify militant training camps. The withdrawal from the DRA took place in 1988, but the servicemen did not have a chance to rest for long.

The end of the 80s for the Union was characterized by frequent protests by militants in the Caucasus, who demanded the creation independent states. The 12th GRU special forces brigade was sent to suppress separatist protests and restore legitimate power to the city of Zakatany, Azerbaijan SSR. In 1989, experts carried out a series of successful operations nearby settlements Kirovakan, Leninakan, Pambak, Armenian SSR. During the raids, several training centers militants.

Decay Soviet Union also did not pass peacefully for the Caucasus. Therefore, the 12th OBRSpN GRU had to take part in resolving the South Ossetian conflict, restoring order in Nagorno-Karabakh and a number of other operations.

After the declaration of independence of Georgia, the 12th GRU special forces brigade moved to Asbest, Sverdlovsk region. At the beginning of the 90s it was one of the best military units in the army, so it is not surprising that the government Russian Federation made every effort to redeploy units to its territory.

The combat path of the 12th Special Forces Brigade in the Russian Armed Forces

In most of the videos filmed in Chechnya, it is the 12th OBRSpN that is present. The soldiers went to North Caucasus in 1995 to establish constitutional order there and establish federal power.

The first clashes showed that the army of Ichkeria is much stronger than expected, so it will not be so easy to defeat it. Therefore, the motorized columns were urgently staffed with special forces, who were supposed to provide their protection and conduct reconnaissance in order to avoid being ambushed during the route.

The 12th OBRSpN from Asbest sent the 33rd detachment to the Chechen Republic. During the fighting, thanks to the efforts of special forces, it was eliminated large number field commanders, which significantly undermined the morale of the separatists. And strike and reconnaissance operations made it possible to save the lives of their colleagues from other units, who, thanks to timely identified ambushes, could prepare for battle and fight back, rather than fall into traps.

The 12th OBRSpN in Chechnya lost several fighters, but for each killed special forces soldier the enemies had to pay with the blood of dozens of militants. On March 3, 1995, in the Gudermes area, a reconnaissance detachment was preparing a route for the withdrawal of the forces of the North-Western group of federal troops. Several pre-prepared ambushes were identified and destroyed, but reinforcements came to the terrorists at the sounds of battle, and the special forces found themselves surrounded.

Decisive actions made it possible to capture the dominant height, after which senior lieutenant Vladislav Aleksandrovich Dolonin, wounded in the leg, lay down on it with a machine gun and covered the retreat of his colleagues. Precision fire not only made it possible to recover from losses, but also disrupted the pursuit. The hero himself died a heroic death and for his exceptional courage and self-sacrifice was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999, the 12th separate special forces brigade has taken part in military operations in Dagestan. Here, too, it was not possible to avoid personnel losses. On February 22, 2000, in the Argun Gorge, covering the retreat of a group that was ambushed, captain Mikhail Konstantinovich Churkin and junior sergeant Dmitry Aleksandrovich Shektaev died.

with their own decisive action they were able to pin down the enemy forces and allowed the main group to leave without losses. For their feat, both fighters were posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.

In the summer of 1997, military unit 25642 in Asbest hosted competitions between special forces groups from the Russian Federation, the USA and Slovakia. The Russian team achieved victory, which once again confirmed the highest level of training of the fighters. IN different times they also took part in joint exercises with colleagues from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

If you watch the training video of military unit 25642, you will be surprised at how extraordinary abilities the special forces have. They are trained to conduct combat operations in any conditions, trained to master all types of cold and firearms, hand-to-hand combat techniques and using the environment for your own purposes.

Many soldiers kept tattoos of the 12th OBRSpN to remember their service for the rest of their lives. A stylized image was usually used as drawings bat, which is a symbol of special forces. Also, fighters could add years of service or the names of settlements in which they had the opportunity to engage in battle against illegal armed groups.

On August 29, 2009, the 12th separate special forces brigade in Asbest said goodbye to its Battle Banner and was disbanded. The fighters were distributed among other military units.

How do veterans of the 12th Brigade live?

In 2013, the “Fund for Supporting Veterans of the 12th Special Forces Brigade” was created. The organization took upon itself the responsibility of helping former fighters of the legendary unit. The initiative was put forward by the former brigade commander, Colonel Mikhail Petrovich Masalitin. It is he who heads the fund and takes care of the needs of special forces and their families. In particular, the monument to the fallen heroes, which at one time stood on the territory of the 12th OBRSpN unit in Asbest, was moved.

During operations in Chechnya and Dagestan, the special forces lost 29 comrades killed. More than 50 people were injured of varying degrees of severity in the battles for their homeland. Therefore, the foundation’s activities make it possible to raise funds to purchase the necessary medications for rehabilitation. Nobody forgets the annual holiday of the 12th OBRSpN, so veterans get together every year to remember their fallen comrades and remember the glorious moments of service in special forces.

You can buy the flag of the 12th OBRSpN and other paraphernalia with the symbols of the brigade at the Voentpro military store. The store offers a wide selection of products highest quality, with which you can congratulate veterans on the upcoming holiday and give them a pleasant surprise. It is always very important for soldiers to know that they are remembered and appreciated for their hard work, which is often invisible in peacetime.

You can leave feedback about your service in the “asbestos” special forces brigade or congratulate veterans on the upcoming holiday using the comment form under the article.

5 ObrSpN GRU GSh MO Maryina Gorka

HF: 89417
From the history of the 5th ObrSpN GRU General Staff of the Moscow Region

The professionalism of the brigade's special forces and their success in combat training have been proven in many major military exercises. All exercises were conducted in an environment as close as possible to combat.
The “enemy” of the special forces were the rocket men and the border guards of the air defense troops. The special forces were “attacked” command posts armies, corps, airfields; naval bases, large communications centers. It was allowed to use any methods and means. Special forces teams worked in all major exercises Soviet Army and troops Warsaw Pact. 2-3 well-trained special forces groups were enough to sow panic and confusion and completely paralyze the division’s actions.

From 1967 to 1987, the brigade was annually awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District of the “Best Intelligence Unit”, the Commemorative Anniversary Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District.
The exercises are a school of training in military skills. The exercises are a “field” academy where skills, techniques and methods of special operations are honed.

In 1967, the brigade took part in the Dnepr-67 exercises.
1969 - joint exercises of Special Forces groups with the Border Troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1972 - scientist "Efir-72", district complex TSU.
1975 - Exercises "Spring-75".
1976 - special exercises "Avangard-76".
1981 - Zapad-81 exercises.
1986 - operational-strategic exercises "Dozor-86".
1987 - front-line command and control units.
1988 - operational-strategic exercises "Autumn-88".
1991 - TSUg front-line command and control units.
1999 - TSU with other branches of the military.
2002 - KOTU "Berezina-2002".
2003 - KOU "Clear Sky-2003".
2004 - KOTU “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”.
2005 - two-way control unit.
2006 - TSU within the framework of the command and control unit of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus “Union Shield-2006”, bilateral tactical exercise with the 38th
2007 - Commander of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Brief history 5th separate special forces brigade

The first paratroopers appeared here, in the Belarusian outback, back in 1940. It was the 214th Airborne Troops redeployed from Western Belarus. In March 1941, the brigade was reorganized, and the 4th Airborne Forces was formed on its base, with its location in Maryina Gorka. Then there was a war, all over Belarus partisans fought against the invaders. And again the sky was painted with white domes only in 1963.
Based on Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 dated July 19, 1962, the 5th separate special-purpose brigade began to be formed in the city of Maryina Gorka. Her birthday was January 1, 1963.

The backbone was made up of officers who arrived from one-year courses at the Military Diplomatic Academy and district intelligence units. Soldiers and sergeants who served at least two years in special forces also arrived here. A total of 137 people, including participants of the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts.

The new formation also faced new and unusual tasks. In service probable enemy means of nuclear attack appeared. Ministry of Defense of the USSR and General Staff The Soviet Army developed and implemented the idea of ​​​​creating mobile and effective sabotage and reconnaissance forces. All created brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. In the event of a military conflict, the formations were to strike enemy targets strategic purpose, conduct reconnaissance, deploy partisan movement on enemy territory, to disorganize the command and control of troops and the work of his rear.

Solving such large-scale tasks required intense combat training. Already in May, personnel began to master parachute jumps with fall stabilization for up to five seconds and jumps from An-2, An-12, Li-2 aircraft. Within a few months, the unit was prepared to conduct combat operations in any conditions. The servicemen showed high training at the first inspection.

On November 19, 1964, the chief of staff of the BVO, Lieutenant General N. Ogarkov, later Marshal of the Soviet Union, presented the Battle Banner to the brigade commander, Colonel I. Kovalevsky.
By 1965, the 5th Special Forces Brigade had become a strong combat-ready entity. In subsequent years, it increased its power and improved its organizational and staffing structure. In May 1968, her staff was introduced special company mining. For eight years (1975-1982), the brigade received an “excellent” rating in all inspections and exercises.
The year 1978 became especially memorable for special forces soldiers. 22 squads, 14 groups, 3 companies, 2 detachments received an “excellent” rating at the end of the year. And in the same 1978, the formation received a new name - the 5th separate special-purpose brigade. The title “separate” was recognition of the high skill of the soldiers and officers of the unit.
The history of the brigade is, first of all, about people, their characters, their destinies. Everyone has their own baggage of soul, knowledge and intellect. The names of all are preserved by our grateful memory. The unit’s museum contains materials telling about amazing creative people dedicated to the interests of the service. It was collected and created bit by bit! the material base for the training of reconnaissance soldiers, new facilities were built, and the combat capability of the unit was strengthened. The main thing that brought people together from the first days of the founding of our brigade was hard work, humanity, decency, justice, concern for the common cause, and the desire to complete assigned tasks in the best possible way.

Each person left his mark in strengthening the brigade’s combat capability and improving the soldiers’ life. Each was an example of devotion to the Motherland and the army. People served with full dedication of strength and knowledge for the sake of raising worthy successors to veterans. The brigade was always one big family- both on holidays and on weekdays, in joy and in sorrow. The feeling of comradeship and military camaraderie never left the scouts of the 5th ObrSpN. The multinational team was amazingly united in combat skill and mutual assistance. Because special forces are a way of life.
With such commanders, officers and warrant officers, our successes are... combat training were significant. IN recent years The brigade successfully completed its tasks. Eleven times she was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the pennant of the “Best Intelligence Unit of the District.” The pennant was left in the unit forever. Our intelligence officers took part in many exercises - and everywhere they showed themselves to be real fighters, professionals, they coped with any task assigned, and did not lose the honor of the army special forces.
In the 1970-1980s. The Maryinogorsk brigade was test site Soviet troops. All newest types special forces weapons and equipment of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR were tested in the quiet Maryina Gorka.
Much has been done in the brigade to develop intelligence. As part of the 5th Special Forces Brigade, a unique and most elite special forces unit appeared - a special special forces company. It consisted only of officers and warrant officers, well-trained professionals. The company was intended to perform particularly important tasks in the interests of the GRU. The best of the best were selected. Knowledge required foreign languages. The soldiers underwent a light diving training course according to the training program naval special forces, mountain training, trike pilot course and much more.
In 1989, recognizing the characteristics and professionalism of the unit, the USSR Minister of Defense allowed the company to have its own personal sleeve insignia - a black fox and a breastplate. For the Soviet Army this was an extraordinary event. “Afghans” served in the detachment, there were athletes - dischargers and masters of sports in military-applied sports.
Until 1991, the special company reached the highest level training of officers and warrant officers. It corresponded to the level of training of the Vympel special forces detachment of the KGB of the USSR.
But unfortunately, the special forces from Maryina Gorka had to use their knowledge not only during exercises. Afghanistan became a separate unforgettable page in the history of the brigade. Hundreds of reports from officers, warrant officers and soldiers with a request to direct them “across the river” fell on the command table with the beginning Afghan war. And many of them continued to serve in the Jalalabad and Lashkar Gah special forces brigades operating in Afghanistan.

From March 1985 to May 1988, the 334th separate special forces detachment, formed on the basis of the brigade, fought there. He has 250 combat missions to his credit, in which about 3,000 Mujahideen were destroyed and thousands of weapons were captured.

Victories were achieved not only by skill, but also by blood. The memory of one hundred and five was immortalized by a stele erected in the unit in 1986. 124 scouts were seriously wounded, and the war marked 339 soldiers with minor injuries.
Captain Pavel Bekoev, a holder of three orders, a participant in over a hundred military operations, died after leading soldiers to attack. As always, he was in front... Senior Lieutenant Igor Tupik, twice wounded, surrounded by enemies, called fire on himself. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov, seriously wounded, covered the retreat of his subordinates with fire. With the last grenade he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him.
In 1985, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously, his name is forever included in the lists of the unit.
It was the 334th detachment that in 1988 was given the honor of being the first to leave Afghanistan. Subsequently, a training detachment was created on its basis.

Our soldiers, warrant officers and officers were faithful to their military comradeship and oath to the end. Homeland. The memory of them must be passed on from generation to generation, and only then can we look into the future with sovereignty and raise worthy sons of our Motherland. The memory of war should deny war, arouse disgust towards it.
It’s scary and painful to remember, but it’s impossible to forget. We must remember forever!

On August 2, 1999, in memory of those who passed through the heat of Afghanistan, in memory of the fallen soldiers of the 334th Special Forces detachment, a renewed memorial complex was opened.
In 1990, from January 24 to March 3, by order of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, the 5th Separate Special Forces almost in full force (805 special forces) carried out the government task of stabilizing the situation in the Armenian SSR. The brigade was commanded by Colonel V. Borodach.
The early nineties were difficult for the sons of the brigade. Here is the collapse of the USSR, the transfer of many to serve in Russia and Ukraine. They were in demand and went to other power structures. Fate brought some to Transnistria and Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, Angola and Libya. But no matter where the fate of the sons of the 5th Special Forces Brigade took them, they never lost the honor of the special forces, in any place in any position they showed themselves with dignity, fulfilled their official duty to the end, for a special forces warrior is strong character, concentrated will and the ability to take risks, carry out your task to the bitter end. Special forces were born to win.
Despite everything, the brigade has not disintegrated, it lives and improves. On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces soldiers swore allegiance to White Rus'. The 5th ObrSpN became the most elite part Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
Particular mention should be made of the amazing tradition of our brigade. We can safely say that there is no such continuity of generations and so many dynasties as in our brigade anywhere else. The brigade became a small homeland and home for hundreds of people in for many years. Their fathers conveyed to them devotion and loyalty to their Fatherland and special forces.
Getting into the brigade is not so easy today. Conscripts here are subject to strict selection. Only physically strong people can serve in special forces, hardy people, capable of covering tens of kilometers off-road with full combat gear, spending many hours without sleep or rest, when the main thing is to complete the assigned task. Therefore, sports are held in high esteem in the brigade. There are many dischargers and masters among the military personnel. But the main thing that distinguishes a special forces warrior is his moral core, his fortitude. And patriotic, spiritual and moral education and the cultivation of the rich traditions of the brigade help with this.
In 1997, by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus, a non-staff center for patriotic education of youth in the Minsk region was created on the basis of the brigade. In cooperation with local authorities, the regional council of veterans, work is systematically carried out on the patriotic education of the unit’s personnel. Students of Marinogorsk secondary schools and educational institutions Minsk region.
Way of life military service, training in a brigade has a number of features: shoot, blow up, drive, fly, jump - fighters learn all this. The main direction is reconnaissance and sabotage work. The brigade teaches diving and conducts training sessions for hang gliders. Training goes from day to night in classrooms, at shooting ranges, and training grounds. Soldiers are trained to perform extremely important tasks in a combat situation, when units and individual groups must operate in the rear, in isolation from the main forces, and independently make the most unexpected and daring decisions. Therefore, every warrior must become a professional, master weapons perfectly, know subversive techniques, have excellent hand-to-hand combat techniques, be decisive, self-possessed, and quick-witted. A special forces reconnaissance officer must know and love the parachute, be able to jump from an airplane or helicopter at any time of the day, in any weather and on any terrain.
This is a feature of the training of Belarusian special forces. In addition, scouts learn to overcome any obstacles (impassable swamps, water obstacles, forests), quietly and unnoticed to cover a route of 50-70 kilometers, suddenly and skillfully capture the specified object, destroy it.

During the exercise, groups of reconnaissance officers go for 10 days across rough, unknown terrain. Soldiers really love field trips, where they have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, endurance, and prove to themselves and their commanders in practice what they are capable of and what they have learned. This increases self-esteem and makes you strive to improve your combat skills.
Young officers and soldiers are trained by real masters of military affairs. The brigade has all the conditions for training in the art of war. Young people are given the opportunity to harmonious development personality, acquisition of a civilian specialty. The compound has language classes for learning foreign languages, there is a stadium, a club, exercise equipment, computers... The barracks are cozy and have a decent standard of living. We hold sport in high esteem. Soldiers and officers practice taekwondo, Russian wrestling. There are athletes in taekwondo and rock climbing. Serious educational work is being carried out in state-legal, patriotic and spiritual-moral areas. Everything is being done to ensure that military personnel are physically and morally strong and understand their place and role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus. In July 2001, competitions in tactical and special training were held for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the “partisans” of Maryina Gorka earned high praise. “I would go on reconnaissance with these guys,” Lieutenant General Nikolai Kostenko said about a group of special forces from the Hero of Russia brigade. The fifth brigade has retained all the best and is increasing its professionalism.

In October 2001, an international seminar-competition on sniper training was held at the 5th Brigade. Representatives took part in it special units Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic and Belarus.
2001. State tests of sights for small arms were carried out in the 5th ObrSpN.
The major exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus “Berezina-2002” proved that the professionalism of special forces intelligence officers is growing and acquired through intense military labor. The overall rating for the brigade is “good”.

September 12, 2002 - historical date in the life of the brigade. A long-awaited, joyful, unforgettable day. On this day, the brigade received the President of the country and its Commander-in-Chief A.G. Lukashenko. I
The head of state solemnly presented the brigade commander with the Battle Banner with Belarusian symbols.
But before this solemn moment arrived, the head of state visited a military shooting range, where he got acquainted with the peculiarities of combat training of reconnaissance officers, their professional skills in carrying out special events, and modern weapons.
The President of the Republic of Belarus laid flowers at the monument to internationalist soldiers and met with veterans of the unit.
Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko thanked the brigade personnel and veterans for their military work: “Your professional experience It’s worth a lot, it is needed by today’s generation of Belarusian special forces soldiers. It is in the continuity of generations and traditions that the strength of special forces lies.”
In July 2003, competitions were held on the basis of the 5th Special Forces brigade Intelligence groups Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
All the prizes were taken by the Special Forces teams of the brigade. In the summer of 2003, the brigade's reconnaissance officers took part in competitions between Special Forces reconnaissance groups on the basis of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade of the Leningrad Military District. Careful design of the operation, excellent physical and psychological preparation scouts allowed them to become fourth.

For high professional excellence, courage and perseverance in achieving the goals of the complex operational exercise “Clear Sky-2003”, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel General L. S. Maltsev, encouraged the brigade with a pennant and a certificate.

The personnel of the 5th ObrSpN participated in the exercises: “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”, in September 2005, double-sided command and control command, “Shield of the Union-2006”, 2007 - command and control command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the creation of forces special operations became a big political event. The basis of the MTR is the 5th separate special forces brigade. Today, the brigade, while carrying out its tasks and engaging in combat training, also bears on its shoulders the burden of testing all new weapons, equipment and special equipment for special forces units. The 5th separate special forces brigade is the vanguard of special operations forces and the main base for training and training professionals from other units and structures of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

On August 1, 2007, the 5th Special Operations Brigade was reassigned to the command of the Special Operations Forces.
And today, celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary, the brigade remains faithful to the traditions of courage, heroism, honor and conscience, male friendship, sanctified by heaven and strengthened by battles on earth!

5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade Formed in 1962 as a reconnaissance airborne unit, it has a high level of combat training and extensive combat experience. Stationed in Maryina Gorka, Pukhovichi district, Minsk region. She took part in hostilities as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, and carried out special events in Transcaucasia during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The appearance of such military units and formations in the Soviet army is caused by the presence of, as it was commonly called, our probable enemy in Europe nuclear weapons tactical purpose. The tasks of the airborne brigades included the destruction of command posts and launchers missiles, fuel and ammunition supply bases, intelligence collection, sabotage of communications, and in the future, the organization of a partisan movement on enemy territory. Special forces were designed to conduct operations deep behind the lines in small groups. All brigades were directly subordinate to the main intelligence agency General Staff. Soon a unique unit appeared - a company consisting only of officers and warrant officers, well-trained professionals. The best of the best were selected, those who had flawlessly mastered different styles martial arts, shooting from all types small arms, including Western samples. Required condition had knowledge of foreign languages. The military personnel also underwent light diving training under the naval special forces program, mountaineering and motor hang glider piloting. The company was intended to carry out particularly important tasks in the interests of the GRU General Staff.

The main direction of training is reconnaissance and sabotage activities. Scouts are taught to overcome swamps and water obstacles. “Field - Soldier Academy” - soldiers spend about seven months a year at the training ground.
In order to complete a task far from the main forces without loss, a special forces soldier must be a universal soldier. His arsenal includes tactics of covert movement, knowledge of engineering, mastery of hand-to-hand combat techniques and first-hand skills. medical care. Distinctive Features- skillful control of all types of army transport and the ability to accurately shoot from various types of small arms, including captured ones.
There are no mountains in Belarus, but there are many high-rise buildings. Therefore, the basis of training is urban mountaineering. Classes are held not only on the territory of the brigade, they are also organized jointly with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB. Diving training classes are also conducted.
Special forces parachute from the sky, and the most in various ways. Landing from high accuracy day and night, in any weather conditions. For this purpose, new parachutes have come into service here, which allow scouts to jump from any height and at any speed. aircraft. In addition to parachutes, special forces also have motorized hang gliders in their arsenal.

The professionalism of the brigade's special forces and their success in combat training have been proven in many major military exercises. All exercises were conducted in an environment as close as possible to combat.
The “enemy” of the special forces were the rocket men and the border guards of the air defense troops. Command posts of armies, corps, and airfields were “attacked” by special forces; naval bases, large communications centers. It was allowed to use any methods and means. Special forces groups worked in all major exercises of the Soviet Army and Warsaw Pact troops. 2-3 well-trained special forces groups were enough to sow panic and confusion and completely paralyze the division’s actions.

From 1967 to 1987, the brigade was annually awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District of the “Best Intelligence Unit”, the Commemorative Anniversary Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District.
The exercises are a school of training in military skills. The exercises are a “field” academy where skills, techniques and methods of special operations are honed.

In 1967, the brigade took part in the Dnepr-67 exercises.
1969 - joint exercises of Special Forces groups with the Border Troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1972 - scientist "Efir-72", district complex TSU.
1975 - exercise "Spring-75".
1976 - special exercises "Avangard-76".
1981 - Zapad-81 exercises.
1986 - operational-strategic exercise "Dozor-86".
1987 - front-line command and control units.
1988 - operational-strategic exercises "Autumn-88".
1991 - TSUg front-line control units.
1999 - TSU with other branches of the military.
2002 - KOTU "Berezina-2002".
2003 - KOU "Clear Sky-2003".
2004 - KOTU “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”.
2005 - two-way control unit.
2006 - TSU within the framework of the command and control unit of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus “Union Shield-2006”, bilateral tactical exercise with the 38th
2007 - Command Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Brief history of the 5th separate special forces brigade

The first paratroopers appeared here, in the Belarusian outback, back in 1940. It was the 214th Airborne Troops redeployed from Western Belarus. In March 1941, the brigade was reorganized, and the 4th Airborne Forces was formed on its base, with its location in Maryina Gorka. Then there was a war, all over Belarus partisans fought against the invaders. And again the sky was painted with white domes only in 1963.
Based on Directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 dated July 19, 1962, the 5th separate special-purpose brigade began to be formed in the city of Maryina Gorka. Her birthday was January 1, 1963.

The backbone was made up of officers who arrived from one-year courses at the Military Diplomatic Academy and district intelligence units. Soldiers and sergeants who served at least two years in special forces also arrived here. A total of 137 people, including participants in the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts.

The new formation also faced new and unusual tasks. Nuclear attack weapons have appeared in the arsenal of the potential enemy. The USSR Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Soviet Army developed and implemented the idea of ​​​​creating mobile and effective sabotage and reconnaissance forces. All created brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. In the event of a military conflict, the formations had to strike at enemy strategic targets, conduct reconnaissance, launch a partisan movement on enemy territory, and disrupt the command and control of troops and the work of its rear.

Solving such large-scale tasks required intense combat training. Already in May, personnel began to master parachute jumps with fall stabilization for up to five seconds and jumps from An-2, An-12, Li-2 aircraft. Within a few months, the unit was prepared to conduct combat operations in any conditions. The servicemen showed high training at the first inspection.

On November 19, 1964, the chief of staff of the BVO, Lieutenant General N. Ogarkov, later Marshal of the Soviet Union, presented the Battle Banner to the brigade commander, Colonel I. Kovalevsky.
By 1965, the 5th Special Forces Brigade had become a strong combat-ready entity. In subsequent years, it increased its power and improved its organizational and staffing structure. In May 1968, a special mining company was introduced into its staff. For eight years (1975-1982), the brigade received an “excellent” rating in all inspections and exercises.
The year 1978 became especially memorable for special forces soldiers. 22 squads, 14 groups, 3 companies, 2 detachments received an “excellent” rating at the end of the year. And in the same 1978, the formation received a new name - the 5th separate special-purpose brigade. The title “separate” was recognition of the high skill of the soldiers and officers of the unit.
The history of the brigade is, first of all, about people, their characters, their destinies. Everyone has their own baggage of soul, knowledge and intellect. The names of all are preserved by our grateful memory. The unit’s museum contains materials telling about amazing creative people dedicated to the interests of the service. It was collected and created bit by bit! the material base for the training of reconnaissance soldiers, new facilities were built, and the combat capability of the unit was strengthened. The main thing that brought people together from the first days of the founding of our brigade was hard work, humanity, decency, justice, concern for the common cause, and the desire to complete assigned tasks in the best possible way.

Each person left his mark in strengthening the brigade’s combat capability and improving the soldiers’ life. Each was an example of devotion to the Motherland and the army. People served with full dedication of strength and knowledge for the sake of raising worthy successors to veterans. The brigade has always been one big family - on holidays, on weekdays, in joy and in sorrow. The feeling of comradeship and military camaraderie never left the scouts of the 5th ObrSpN. The multinational team was amazingly united in combat skill and mutual assistance. Because special forces are a way of life.
With such commanders, officers and warrant officers, our successes are... combat training were significant. In recent years, the brigade has successfully completed its tasks. Eleven times she was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the pennant of the “Best Intelligence Unit of the District.” The pennant was left in the unit forever. Our intelligence officers took part in many exercises - and everywhere they showed themselves to be real fighters, professionals, they coped with any task assigned, and did not lose the honor of the army special forces.
In the 1970-1980s. The Maryinogorsk brigade was a testing ground for Soviet troops. All the latest types of special forces weapons and equipment were tested by the GRU of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in quiet Maryina Gorka.
Much has been done in the brigade to develop intelligence. As part of the 5th Special Forces Brigade, a unique and most elite special forces unit appeared - a special special forces company. It consisted only of officers and warrant officers, well-trained professionals. The company was intended to perform particularly important tasks in the interests of the GRU. The best of the best were selected. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​was required. The soldiers underwent a light diving training course according to the naval special forces training program, mountain training, a trike pilot course, and much more.
In 1989, recognizing the characteristics and professionalism of the unit, the USSR Minister of Defense allowed the company to have its own personal sleeve insignia - a black fox and a breastplate. For the Soviet Army this was an extraordinary event. “Afghans” served in the detachment, there were athletes - dischargers and masters of sports in military-applied sports.
Until 1991, the special company reached the highest level of training for officers and warrant officers. It corresponded to the level of training of the Vympel special forces detachment of the KGB of the USSR.
But unfortunately, the special forces from Maryina Gorka had to use their knowledge not only during exercises. Afghanistan became a separate unforgettable page in the history of the brigade. Hundreds of reports from officers, warrant officers and soldiers with a request to direct them “across the river” fell on the command table with the beginning of the Afghan war. And many of them continued to serve in the Jalalabad and Lashkar Gah special forces brigades operating in Afghanistan.

From March 1985 to May 1988, the 334th separate special forces detachment, formed on the basis of the brigade, fought there. He has 250 combat missions to his credit, in which about 3,000 Mujahideen were destroyed and thousands of weapons were captured.

Victories were achieved not only by skill, but also by blood. The memory of one hundred and five was immortalized by a stele erected in the unit in 1986. 124 scouts were seriously wounded, and the war marked 339 soldiers with minor injuries.
Captain Pavel Bekoev, a holder of three orders, a participant in over a hundred military operations, died after leading soldiers to attack. As always, he was in front... Senior Lieutenant Igor Tupik, twice wounded, surrounded by enemies, called fire on himself. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov, seriously wounded, covered the retreat of his subordinates with fire. With the last grenade he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him.
In 1985, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously, his name is forever included in the lists of the unit.
It was the 334th detachment that in 1988 was given the honor of being the first to leave Afghanistan. Subsequently, a training detachment was created on its basis.

Our soldiers, warrant officers and officers were faithful to their military comradeship and oath to the end. Homeland. The memory of them must be passed on from generation to generation, and only then can we look into the future with sovereignty and raise worthy sons of our Motherland. The memory of war should deny war, arouse disgust towards it.
It’s scary and painful to remember, but it’s impossible to forget. We must remember forever!

On August 2, 1999, in memory of those who passed through the heat of Afghanistan, in memory of the fallen soldiers of the 334th Special Forces detachment, a renewed memorial complex was opened.
In 1990, from January 24 to March 3, by order of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, the 5th Separate Special Forces almost in full force (805 special forces) carried out the government task of stabilizing the situation in the Armenian SSR. The brigade was commanded by Colonel V. Borodach.
The early nineties were difficult for the sons of the brigade. Here is the collapse of the USSR, the transfer of many to serve in Russia and Ukraine. They were in demand and went to other power structures. Fate brought some to Transnistria and Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, Angola and Libya. But no matter where the fate of the sons of the 5th Special Forces Brigade took them, they never lost the honor of the special forces, in any place in any position they showed themselves with dignity, fulfilled their official duty to the end, because a special forces warrior is a strong character, concentrated will and the ability to go to risk, carry out your task to the bitter end. Special forces were born to win.
Despite everything, the brigade has not disintegrated, it lives and improves. On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces soldiers swore allegiance to White Rus'. The 5th ObrSpN became the most elite unit of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
Particular mention should be made of the amazing tradition of our brigade. We can safely say that there is no such continuity of generations and so many dynasties as in our brigade anywhere else. The brigade became a small homeland and home for hundreds of people for many years. Their fathers conveyed to them devotion and loyalty to their Fatherland and special forces.
Getting into the brigade is not so easy today. Conscripts here are subject to strict selection. Only physically strong, hardy people can serve in special forces, capable of covering tens of kilometers off-road with full combat gear, spending many hours without sleep or rest, when the main thing is to complete the assigned task. Therefore, sports are held in high esteem in the brigade. There are many dischargers and masters among the military personnel. But the main thing that distinguishes a special forces warrior is his moral core, his fortitude. And patriotic, spiritual and moral education and the cultivation of the rich traditions of the brigade help with this.
In 1997, by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus, a non-staff center for patriotic education of youth in the Minsk region was created on the basis of the brigade. In cooperation with local authorities, the regional council of veterans, work is systematically carried out on the patriotic education of the unit’s personnel. Students of Marinogorsk secondary schools and educational institutions of the Minsk region.
The structure of military service and training in a brigade have a number of features: shoot, blow up, drive, fly, jump - soldiers learn all this. The main direction is reconnaissance and sabotage work. The brigade teaches diving and conducts training sessions for hang gliders. Training goes from day to night in classrooms, at shooting ranges, and training grounds. Soldiers are trained to perform extremely important tasks in a combat situation, when units and individual groups must operate in the rear, in isolation from the main forces, and independently make the most unexpected and daring decisions. Therefore, every warrior must become a professional, master weapons perfectly, know subversive techniques, have excellent hand-to-hand combat techniques, be decisive, self-possessed, and quick-witted. A special forces reconnaissance officer must know and love the parachute, be able to jump from an airplane or helicopter at any time of the day, in any weather and on any terrain.
This is a feature of the training of Belarusian special forces. In addition, scouts learn to overcome any obstacles (impassable swamps, water barriers, forests), quietly and unnoticed to cover a route of 50-70 kilometers, suddenly and skillfully capture a specified object, and destroy it.

During the exercise, groups of reconnaissance officers go for 10 days across rough, unknown terrain. Soldiers really love field trips, where they have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, endurance, and prove to themselves and their commanders in practice what they are capable of and what they have learned. This increases self-esteem and makes you strive to improve your combat skills.
Young officers and soldiers are trained by real masters of military affairs. The brigade has all the conditions for training in the art of war. Young people are given the opportunity for harmonious personal development and acquisition of a civilian profession. The compound has language classes for learning foreign languages, there is a stadium, a club, exercise equipment, computers... The barracks are cozy and have a decent standard of living. We hold sport in high esteem. Soldiers and officers practice taekwondo, Russian wrestling. There are athletes in taekwondo and rock climbing. Serious educational work is being carried out in state-legal, patriotic and spiritual-moral areas. Everything is being done to ensure that military personnel are physically and morally strong and understand their place and role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus. In July 2001, competitions in tactical and special training were held for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the “partisans” of Maryina Gorka earned high praise. “I would go on reconnaissance with these guys,” Lieutenant General Nikolai Kostenko said about a group of special forces from the Hero of Russia brigade. The fifth brigade has retained all the best and is increasing its professionalism.

In October 2001, an international seminar-competition on sniper training was held at the 5th Brigade. Representatives of special units from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Belarus took part in it.
2001. State tests of sights for small arms were carried out in the 5th ObrSpN.
The major exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus “Berezina-2002” proved that the professionalism of special forces intelligence officers is growing and acquired through intense military labor. The overall rating for the brigade is “good”.

September 12, 2002 is a historical date in the life of the brigade. A long-awaited, joyful, unforgettable day. On this day, the brigade received the President of the country and its Commander-in-Chief A.G. Lukashenko. I
The head of state solemnly presented the brigade commander with the Battle Banner with Belarusian symbols.
But before this solemn moment arrived, the head of state visited a military shooting range, where he got acquainted with the peculiarities of combat training of reconnaissance officers, their professional skills in carrying out special events, and modern weapons.
The President of the Republic of Belarus laid flowers at the monument to internationalist soldiers and met with veterans of the unit.
Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko thanked the brigade’s personnel and veterans for their military work: “Your professional experience is worth a lot; today’s generation of Belarusian special forces soldiers needs it. It is in the continuity of generations and traditions that the strength of special forces lies.”
In July 2003, competitions of the Reconnaissance Groups of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus were held on the basis of the 5th Special Forces Brigade.
All the prizes were taken by the Special Forces teams of the brigade. In the summer of 2003, the brigade's reconnaissance officers took part in competitions between Special Forces reconnaissance groups on the basis of the 2nd Special Forces Brigade of the Leningrad Military District. Careful development of the operation, excellent physical and psychological preparation of the scouts allowed them to become fourth.

For high professional skill, courage and perseverance in achieving the goals of the complex operational exercise “Clear Sky-2003”, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel General L. S. Maltsev, encouraged the brigade with a pennant and a certificate.

The personnel of the 5th ObrSpN participated in the exercises: “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”, in September 2005, double-sided command and control command, “Shield of the Union-2006”, 2007 - command and control command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the creation of Special Operations Forces became a major political event. The basis of the MTR is the 5th separate special forces brigade. Today, the brigade, while carrying out its tasks and engaging in combat training, also bears on its shoulders the burden of testing all new weapons, equipment and special equipment for special forces units. The 5th separate special forces brigade is the vanguard of special operations forces and the main base for training and training professionals from other units and structures of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

On August 1, 2007, the 5th Special Operations Brigade was reassigned to the command of the Special Operations Forces.
And today, celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary, the brigade remains faithful to the traditions of courage, heroism, honor and conscience, male friendship, sanctified by heaven and strengthened by battles on earth!