Bronchial tablets made from honey. The use of honey in the treatment of bronchitis in adults and children: methods and recipes. Tincture of blue cyanosis and thyme

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload.

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much easier than in neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the likelihood of getting bronchitis is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude from everyday circulation Replace all aggressive means with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • The beneficial properties of onions have been known since ancient times. There were no antibiotics, antiseptics, or other medicines. Onions for bronchitis can be used in many folk recipes.

    Many vegetables and fruits, herbs and tree leaves served people as real helpers in the fight against various diseases. Well, the onion has always been considered the king among them. Onion for bronchitis is still used today; it eliminates all symptoms and manifestations of a cold easily and effectively.

    To diseases respiratory system you need to take it very seriously and never ignore the onset of a cough: it almost always indicates the development of bronchitis. If timely treatment is not started, bronchitis can develop into a more complex disease -.

    This vegetable is popularly used in the treatment of bronchitis due to its high content of phytoncides. These substances cope well with many infections and pathogenic bacteria, even kill.

    Useful properties

    TO beneficial properties onions should be attributed to:

    • antiseptic;
    • general strengthening;
    • expectorants;
    • tonic;
    • anthelmintic.

    Bronchitis, this serious illness. If left untreated, it will easily turn from a simple form into an acute or obstructive one. From acute to chronic form. Then you can suffer from cough for life.

    Attention! At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor. There are several types of cough, each of which is treated in a specific way.

    If the diagnosis is confirmed, then depending on the type of cough - dry or wet, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. As for onions, this vegetable is used to treat any type of cough. If onion treatment is started immediately, many serious consequences can be avoided.

    Goals of onion treatment for bronchitis

    The use of onions serves the following purposes:

    1. Stimulating the immune system in the fight against pathogenic infections and viruses.
    2. Preventing the proliferation of viruses on the bronchial mucosa.
    3. Decrease inflammatory process in the bronchi.
    4. Coughing up sputum (see).

    There are a lot of recipes for treating onions. The most popular and effective is onion with honey for bronchitis.

    Instructions for preparing a healing mixture for bronchitis are presented in the table:

    The price of such a mixture is not high, but the efficiency is high. Can be used by both children and adults. For children, you can make the mixture sweeter by adding one more spoon of honey.

    Video in this article:

    If you regularly use onions with food, you can get rid of many chronic diseases, prevent the formation of kidney stones, strengthen your gums and teeth, and forget about menstrual irregularities.

    Advice from pulmonologist Yakovleva G.V.:

    • It is strictly not recommended to self-diagnose or self-medicate. At the very beginning of the disease, a medicinal mixture of onions can prevent further development bronchitis, eliminate the painful manifestations of colds. But if the moment is missed, the cough becomes constant, hysterical, a high temperature rises and aches throughout the body begin, then onions alone will not be enough for treatment. And only a doctor can prescribe the correct effective treatment.

    Tips from our readers:

    • Hello, my name is Kirillova Maria. Every time I got a cold, bronchitis came on quickly. Sometimes it took a month or two to treat him. I had to take a whole bunch of pills. I found out about recipes for onions with honey and decided to try it, as I was suffering from residual manifestations of bronchitis. The very next day I cleared my throat easily and the painful condition went away.

    Tips: For high efficiency To treat bronchitis, you need to choose blue onions, since they contain the most phytoncides. Blue onions also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are important for health, such as ascorbic acid and selenium. Selenium, like vitamin C, perfectly improves health, improves immunity, and rejuvenates the body to the cellular level.

    You can also add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the medicinal mixtures of onions and honey to taste. Medicinal properties will only get stronger.

    One of the main symptoms of bronchitis is a debilitating cough that prevents a person from sleeping. This disease mainly develops after flu and colds. The pathological process first occurs in the upper part respiratory tract, gradually descends and reaches the bronchi. On early stage paroxysmal hacking cough is dry, then sputum is added, which indicates the movement of infection down the respiratory tract and the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi.

    As a rule, the acute form of bronchitis goes away in a short period of time, but only with adequate treatment. Lack of treatment or prescription of incorrect therapy can lead to complications (bronchiolitis, pneumonia) or the disease becoming chronic.

    To avoid such a development of events, you should not postpone contacting a specialist “for later”.

    As a rule, the treatment plan includes traditional drug therapy, which includes the use of a number of effective medications. However, the recommendations of traditional medicine are no less effective. An important place in them is given to recipes in which honey is used to get rid of bronchitis.

    What are the benefits of honey for bronchitis?

    Honey is a natural antibiotic that effectively eliminates inflammation and relieves irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Many of its components have antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory effects. The composition of this unique beekeeping product includes:

    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin C;
    • vitamin PP;
    • vitamin E;
    • minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc, chromium, silicon, copper;
    • fructose;
    • glucose;
    • protein (the amount depends on the specific type of honey);
    • valuable acids: grape, malic, citric;

    When should you not use honey for bronchitis?

    In addition to the obvious benefits to the body, honey in some cases can also cause harm. In particular, it is not recommended for use if you are allergic to the product itself or to pollen.

    Are there any restrictions when treating bronchitis with honey?

    Elderly people should also not overuse honey, especially if there is a deficiency physical activity: high levels of glucose and fructose have a very negative effect on blood vessels and can trigger the development of diabetes mellitus.

    When using honey to treat bronchitis or other diseases, you should strictly adhere to the dosage.

    The best recipes for oral medications

    Recipe 1

    In case of severe bronchitis, prolonged cough, or the threat of the disease progressing to pneumonia, a mixture of aloe and honey helps a lot. It is recommended to use the following composition: honey (linden honey is best) mixed with a glass of finely chopped aloe leaves, the same amount olive oil, linden blossom and birch buds (the last two components are taken 150 grams each).

    It is better to first put aloe leaves in a cold place (for 5-10 days). You need to melt the honey, add carefully crushed aloe, and then steam thoroughly. Mix linden blossom with birch buds, pour 500 ml boiled water. After infusion for an hour, combine the two parts of the medicinal raw material. After waiting for it to cool, add olive oil. This remedy with honey for bronchitis should be taken three times a day, a tablespoon.

    Recipe 2

    Bronchitis can also be treated with a honey-apple-onion mixture. To prepare it, you need to grate an apple and a medium-sized onion, mix, add 2-3 tablespoons of linden honey - it is the most valuable for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

    The resulting product is taken one tablespoon after meals. It helps to quickly relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and sore throat.

    Recipe 3

    Another recipe for treating bronchitis with honey, which uses onions. In this case, the remedy is prepared in sufficient time large quantities. It should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the cold.

    The medicine is prepared in the following way: honey (50 grams) and finely chopped onion are mixed in a ratio of 1:10, after which they are added to the resulting mass granulated sugar(2 cups) and liter clean water. All ingredients are mixed, then they must be simmered for about 3 hours over low heat, and after cooling, strain. The finished product is taken up to 5-6 times a day. A single dose is a tablespoon.

    Recipe 4

    Recipe 5, including aloe with honey for bronchitis

    Prepare 500 ml of aloe juice and the same amount of badger or pork fat. Mix these two components, add 500 g of grated chocolate and a kilogram of liquid honey. The result is a delicious chocolate spread. It is very convenient to use for treating children: children, without whims, eat this oil with great pleasure. However, you should not abuse it: 1 tablespoon three times a day is enough.

    Honey for bronchitis in the form of compresses

    Recipe 1

    For long-term bronchitis, a remedy based on natural honey and goat fat helps a lot. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. The mixture is used for external use: it is rubbed into the chest area, covered with compress paper, and wrapped on top with a warm woolen or down scarf. The compress should be left for 3 hours.

    Recipe 2

    Another remedy used as a compress to treat bronchitis is prepared using honey and butter in a 1:1 ratio. The components are placed in an enamel bowl and put on fire. For optimal mixing and at the same time maintaining the quality of the original products, it is better to melt the mixture in a water bath: high heat a whole row is lost useful qualities honey After cooling, the finished medicine is used in the form of an ointment. It needs to be rubbed into the chest and back. For greater effectiveness, it is better to leave the compress overnight.

    Treatment of bronchitis with honey in the form of inhalations

    Inhalations for the treatment of respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, have been used for a long time. When used in this way, honey directly affects the mucous membrane of the larynx, nasal cavity, and oral cavity, and enters the pulmonary alveoli, through which valuable substances penetrate into the blood. Thanks to this action, both a bactericidal and a restorative effect is achieved.

    Recipe 1

    To carry out the procedure you will need a kettle. It is filled 1/3 full clean water, boil, then remove from heat and add a tablespoon of honey. For convenience, you can put a rubber tube on the spout and inhale the healing steam emanating from it. Inhalation duration is up to 20 minutes.

    Recipe including propolis for bronchitis

    For inhalations, not only honey is used, but also propolis. It is recommended for the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, chronic rhinitis, and other diseases of the respiratory system.

    For the procedure you will need 50 g of propolis, 30 g of natural wax. The components are placed in a heat-resistant wide container, which is placed in a larger diameter container filled with boiling water. You can also add a small amount of honey solution. The patient's head is covered with a towel and he is allowed to inhale the emanating aroma of propolis. This procedure is also very useful for children.

    An excellent result can be achieved by combining honey inhalations with electrophoresis. Its advantage lies in the possibility of directly introducing medicinal substances into the affected area. To carry out the procedure, a solution of 10-50 percent concentration is used.

    Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi.

    It is classified according to its course into acute and chronic.

    Causes of the disease

    1. Viruses and bacteria.

    2. Accompanies diseases such as tracheitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, measles, influenza, etc.

    Signs of the disease

    Bronchitis is characterized by increased body temperature, weakness, lethargy and decreased ability to work. A dry cough appears, which after a few days becomes wet. The cough may be accompanied by shortness of breath (a feeling of lack of air).

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Diagnosis of the disease is based on the patient’s complaints, examination data and the doctor’s listening to wheezing. And it is confirmed by spirometry and radiography.

    Treatment of the disease

    The patient is prescribed bed rest, warm drinks and complete cessation of smoking. Expectorants and mucolytics (drugs that thin sputum) are indicated. In severe cases, if there is no effect from treatment, antibacterial agents are added.


    With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis for acute bronchitis is favorable.

    Disease prevention

    Prevention of the disease consists of increasing immunity, hardening the body, and timely treatment of the runny nose, sinusitis and tonsillitis. Quitting smoking. Elimination of such harmful factors, such as cooling and industrial dust.

    Inflammatory disease of the bronchi with predominant damage to their mucous membrane.

    Bronchitis is such a common disease that many people do not pay due attention to it. We often go to the doctor too late, when the lungs are already significantly damaged. In addition, people weakened by bronchitis are susceptible to other types of respiratory diseases, which can ultimately cause heart disease. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi connecting the windpipe With lungs. When the bronchi are inflamed, the passage air flow It becomes difficult to get into and out of your lungs, and you cough up a lot of mucus (phlegm). Acute bronchitis often occurs as a complication after a cold. It is characterized by fever and cough, expectoration, and is often accompanied by sinusitis and hoarseness. Bronchitis of infectious etiology often begins against the background of acute rhinitis or laryngitis. The disease can be caused by influenza viruses, whooping cough, measles and chickenpox, physical and chemical factors(dry, cold, hot air, tobacco smoking, irritant gases) Acute bronchitis can be life-threatening for a child in poor health or an adult with emphysema or heart disease. In other cases, complications are rare. Timely treatment begins significantly reduces the risk of the disease. It rarely lasts longer than a few weeks. Chronic bronchitis is another matter. The chronic nature of the process can be judged by coughing or expectoration, which continues for several months and is repeated every year, intensifying after each winter cold. The cough is usually not strained, thick, often in the mornings and evenings with exacerbations in damp or cold weather. It can be mistakenly classified as a “smoker’s cough,” which is justified, since chronic bronchitis is almost always associated with excessive use of cigarettes. Another common source of irritation is air pollution. Most victims of the disease live in cities where the environmental situation is serious problem. The disease seems to creep up gradually, “approaching on tiptoe.” You often don’t even notice that the amount of sputum and the duration of the cough increase year after year, and, in the end, remission never occurs. If no state changes occur environment, the disease can lead to the development of emphysema. As a complication, bronchial pneumonia occurs, and sometimes a hernia develops. Most often, the disease begins in middle age and progresses over the years without medical help. Men are almost four times more likely than women to suffer from chronic bronchitis. To prevent the disease, you should first quit smoking. If at work you are exposed to dust, fumes, strong odors, fumes, then, on the recommendation of a doctor, it makes sense to change your job or move to another climate zone. But before you finally change your place of residence, live there for several months and check whether the climate change really helps you. Avoid overtiring. Sleep in a warm, draft-free bedroom. Maintain the required humidity in the house. General health promotion measures, including a vitamin-rich diet, moderate daily physical exercise will help increase the body's resistance to infections. Talk to your doctor about flu and pneumonia vaccinations. Beware of colds. Bronchodilators prescribed by your doctor will help ease your breathing during attacks. Antibiotics are effective for bacterial injections and increase airway patency. Here are other ways to combat this disease.

    Here are some treatments for bronchitis recommended by your doctor: P. M. Kurennov.

    Siberian folk remedy for bronchitis and cough

    (also good for the liver and kidneys)

    Grate black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix well a quart of this juice with one pound of liquid honey and drink. Dose: two tablespoons before meals and before bed in the evening.

    A proven remedy for bronchitis and chest pain

    Melt some lard over low heat in a saucepan, mix with French turpentine and drink. Dose: one teaspoon of French turpentine per glass of rendered lard. When taking the medicine, this mixture should be so hot that you can drink without burning yourself. Drink the entire glass without rest at night before bed, and when starting treatment, also in the morning an hour before meals.

    Doctor O. Morozova, which collected the experience of old doctors, traditional healers, healers and healers, recommends such procedures for bronchitis.

    First of all, the patient needs to sweat, to do this, give 3-4 cups of a brew from some diaphoretic herbs, like sage, mint, or broth from dry raspberries, linden color, elderberry or ginger With honey. To relieve sticky mucus, drink the whey warm.

    If the fever and cough intensify, then you need to put a mustard plaster on the chest, closer to the throat, and also on the calves towards the legs and hold them until it starts to burn. If there is no dry mustard, then moisten a rag with turpentine, squeeze it well and place it on the indicated places for about 15 minutes, no more. If there is no turpentine, then replace it with grated horseradish. To lower the temperature, give aspirin 0.3 twice a day. Instead of tea or coffee, drink something hot in the morning milk with honey and a pinch of soda, Only honey must be boiled first, since unboiled honey only worsens the cough.

    In the evening, instead of tea, drink a hot decoction of diaphoretic herbs. When bronchitis takes a chronic form, i.e. there is no fever, but only a cough that torments in the morning, then drinking the herbal infusion makes it very easy horsemint. Drink two cups of tea a day, very hot With honey. First boil the honey and then mix it with the infusion. This happens for a few days, and the most stubborn bronchitis goes away without a trace.

    1 . Juice aloe mixed with other substances: juice aloe— 15 g, pork lard or goose - 100 g, butter

    (unsalted) - 100 g, honey pure (bee) - 100 g, "cocoa(optional, for taste) - 50 g. Take a tablespoon per glass of hot milk 2 times a day.

    2. Grass knotweed, fruit anise, fruit dill, pine buds, grass thyme, finely ground licorice root(total equally). Pour 4 teaspoons of the mixture into 1.5 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 2 hours, put on the stove, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is used with good effect for bronchiectasis, fetid bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia.

    3. Onion(used for cough, bronchitis, whooping cough) with honey. Mix 500 g of chopped onion, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, 1 liter of water, cook for 3 hours over low heat, cool, strain and pour into a bottle. Take a tablespoon 4-6 times a day. Store sealed in a cool and dark place.

    4. Oregano ordinary. Oregano infusion is used for colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, suffocation, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Brew a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

    5. Ledum(grass) - 4 parts, birch buds- part 1, oregano(grass) - 2 parts, stinging nettle(leaves) - 1 part. Grind everything and mix well. 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 g of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, leave, covered, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. Used for chronic bronchitis.

    6. To treat bronchitis and cough, bring 1 cup to a boil in a sealed container. milk, to which 1 tablespoon of finely chopped leaf is added sage After removing from the heat, the milk is filtered and brought to a boil again. This dose is drunk hot before bed and immediately goes to bed.

    7. Hot milk with honey and a pinch soda is one of the most common home remedies for treating bronchitis.

    8. B folk medicine decoctions and infusions from leaves or stems are used raspberries as an expectorant

    remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, and cough: 2 tablespoons of crushed dry raspberry leaves are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk hot for 1-2 hours as a diaphoretic.

    9. For acute and chronic bronchitis it is prescribed oregano in combination with other herbs as an expectorant.

    When bronchitis becomes chronic, Traditional medicine recommends:

    1 . Grate black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. It is good to mix a liter of this juice with 400 g of liquid honey and drink two tablespoons before meals and in the evening before bed.

    2. Bronchitis can be successfully treated pork "healthy"(internal fat from the intestines, which looks like a mesh). Place the lard in a bowl and keep it warm, but not hot oven or on very low heat. Drain the melted lard And cool. Place a dessert spoon on a glass of milk and drink. To rub, you need to mix lard with turpentine and rub your chest dry with this mixture.

    3. In a half-liter bottle grape wine put 4 large sheets aloe and leave for four days. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

    4. In the Yaroslavl province, long-term cough and bronchitis were treated aloe. The medicine was prepared as follows: cook 300 g of honey, half a glass of water and a leaf of finely chopped aloe over very low heat for 2 hours. Cool and stir. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The medicine was often prescribed to children.

    5. Honey(preferably linden) - 1300 g, finely chopped aloe leaves- one glass, 200 g olive oil, 150 G birch buds, 50 G linden color. Before cooking, place the aloe leaves, washed in boiled water, in a cold and dark place for 10 days. Melt honey and add crushed aloe leaves to it. Steam the mixture well. Separately from this, brew birch buds and linden blossom in two glasses of water. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Pour the strained and squeezed solution into the cooled honey. Stir and pour into two bottles, adding olive oil. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    6. Coltsfoot (leaves) - 5 g, black elderberry (flowers) - 5 g, asparagus (grass) - 5 g.

    Brew this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Drink as tea 3 times a day. It is used for pneumonia, severe bronchitis and pleurisy.

    7. Pine buds - 1 part, plantain (leaves) - 1 part, coltsfoot (leaves) - 1 part, leave 4 teaspoons of the mixture for 2 hours in a glass cold water.

    Boil for 5 minutes, strain. Take 1 glass during the day in 3 doses. Used for bronchial asthma, whooping cough, bronchiectasis.

    8. Coltsfoot (leaves) - 2 parts, oregano (herb) - 1 part, chamomile - 2 parts, 2 tablespoons of crushed mixture per 500 ml of boiling water. Leave, wrapped, for 5-6 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals, warm. It is used for dry bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.

    9. Ledum (herb) - 4 parts, birch buds - 1 part, oregano (herb) - 2 parts, stinging nettle (leaves) - 1 part. Grind everything, mix well, 21 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 g of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, leave, covered, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. Used for chronic bronchitis.

    10. Coltsfoot (leaves) - 2 parts, birch leaves - 1 part, chamomile - 2 parts, wild rosemary (herb) - 2 parts, oregano (herb) - 1 part.

    Used for chronic pneumonia.

    11. Ephedra (herb) - 40 g, chamomile - 200 g, birch buds - 60 g, wild rosemary (herb) - 200 g.

    Grind everything and mix well. 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 g of boiling water. Leave, wrapped, for 5 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals, warm.

    Used for asthmatic bronchitis.

    12. Balm. Agave - 250 g, vintage Cahors - 0.5 l, uncandied honey - 350 g.

    Do not water the agave for 2 weeks before cutting the leaves. Wipe the leaves of the agave from dust (do not wash), chop finely, put in glass jar. Pour in Cahors and honey. Mix well. Leave for 9 days in a cool place. Possible 14 days. Then strain and squeeze. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for the first 2 days, and then 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Used for all kinds of pulmonary diseases to strengthen the lungs.

    13. For persistent bronchitis, aloe juice is used in a mixture with other substances: aloe juice - 15 g, pork or goose lard - 100 g, butter (unsalted) - 100 g, pure honey (bee) - 100 g, cocoa (optional) , for taste) - 50 g. Take a tablespoon per glass of hot milk 2 times a day.

    Aloe juice is contraindicated during pregnancy, bleeding hemorrhoids, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

    14. Knotweed (knotweed). For respiratory diseases:

    a) pour a tablespoon of chopped herb into a glass of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes in a water bath, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for pulmonary tuberculosis and whooping cough;

    b) knotweed herb, anise fruits, dill fruits, pine buds, thyme herb, finely ground licorice root (equal parts of all).

    Pour 4 teaspoons of the mixture into 1.5 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 2 hours, put on the stove, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is used with good effect for bronchiectasis, fetid bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia;

    c) knotweed grass, coltsfoot leaf, black elderberry flowers (a teaspoon each). Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for 25-30 minutes. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy.

    15. Elecampane high (devyatisil). Infusions of the root are used for bronchitis, cough, whooping cough, dizziness, headaches, diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, hemorrhoids (pour a teaspoon of crushed root into a glass of cold boiled water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals). For respiratory diseases, add honey to taste to the infusion,

    16. Oregano.

    a) Oregano infusion is used for colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, choking, pulmonary tuberculosis (brew a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day).

    b) Oregano herb is included in many preparations, for example: oregano herb - 1 part, marshmallow root - 2 parts, coltsfoot leaf - 2 parts. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals as an expectorant.

    17. Nettle. For respiratory diseases, use this way: brew a pinch of nettle flowers with 4 cups of boiling water. Drink tea as an expectorant.

    18. Bow. For coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough, use with honey (500 v chopped onion, 400 g sugar, 50 g honey, 1 liter of water, mix, cook for 3 hours over low heat, cool, strain and pour into a bottle. Take a tablespoon 4-6 times a day. Store sealed in a cool, dark place.)

    19. Radish. Fresh radish juice is drunk for bronchitis, cough, liver diseases, atherosclerosis, urolithiasis(1 tablespoon 3 times a day).

    20. Bran. Boil 1.8 liters of water, put 400 g of any bran there. Boil again and cook for 10 minutes. Sweeten with burnt sugar. This decoction should be drunk throughout the day instead of coffee, tea and any other liquid, but be sure to drink it very hot for bronchitis.

    21. Coltsfoot (leaves, flowers) - 1 part (1 tablespoon), chamomile (flowers) - 1 part, lungwort or lungwort - 2 parts, oregano (herb) - 1/2 part.

    Mix everything, chop, 2 tbsp. pour 300 ml of boiling water over spoons, cover with a porcelain plate and wrap for half an hour to obtain an infusion. Strain, take 150 ml of warm drink. A day you need to take at least five servings before meals and at night with honey.

    22. Coriander, or cilantro (fruits) - 30 g, mistletoe, or “witches' brooms” (branches) - 4 g, yellow chrysanthemum or gold flower (flowers) - 200 g, Tatarian aster (root) - 6 g.

    Grind the dry mixture thoroughly, mix, pour 800 ml of boiling water and add ginger at the tip of a knife. Leave, wrapped, and drink warm, 100 ml every hour, and the last portion at night. The decoction should be taken with honey, halva or candied fruits.

    23. Oregano. 75 g of oregano is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, left for 15-20 minutes, filtered and drunk warm, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. This drink soothes coughs in acute and chronic bronchitis; it is also effective for whooping cough.

    24. Grate black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. (mix 1 liter of this juice with 400 g of liquid honey and drink 2 tablespoons before meals and before bed in the evening.

    25. For chronic cough in adults: lump resins white cherries, the size of a nut, boil in one liter of water. Strain the broth, add 200 g honey, three cloves seed and on the tip of a knife ginger. Take one tablespoon before meals in the morning and evening.

    Propolis inhalation

    The method of propolis inhalation, which can be used at home, is as follows: 60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax must be placed in an aluminum cup with a capacity of 300 ml and placed in another container large size with boiling water. Propolis and wax dissolve under these conditions, propolis phytoncides, together with water vapor, will sublimate.

    Mustard treatment

    Radish - 1 pc., flour - 2 tbsp. spoons, mustard seed powder - 2 tbsp. spoons, sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.

    Grate the radish on a fine grater, add flour, honey, mustard and mix thoroughly, form a flat cake.

    Lubricate your breasts sunflower oil, place a flat cake on it (without touching the heart area), cover it with film or paper on top and wrap it in a woolen scarf. Apply a compress at night. The course of treatment is 7 days.

    Mustard seed powder - 50 g, water - 2.5 cups, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, radish juice - 50 ml.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

    Moisten a towel with the resulting product, wring it lightly and place it on your chest. Cover the top of the towel with film and a woolen scarf. Keep the compress for 30 minutes, then wipe the skin dry and lie under the blanket for 1 hour.

    Mustard seed powder - 50 g, water - 2.5 cups, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, onion - 1 pc.

    Chop the onion, mix with honey, mustard, add hot water.

    Moisten a towel with the resulting product, wring it lightly and place it on your chest. Cover the top of the towel with film and a scarf. Keep the compress for at least 30 minutes, then remove and wipe your chest dry. Use the compress only when normal temperature bodies. The course of treatment is 7 days.

    Mustard seed powder - 0.5 teaspoon, honey - 100 g, butter- 0.5 tbsp. spoons, chopped horseradish root - 1 tbsp. spoon, chopped garlic - 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

    Take 1 teaspoon 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    Wine treatment

    For bronchitis, a recipe using sour wine will help to improve sputum separation.

    Required: 1/2 liter of dry wine (wine can be homemade, but only if no sugar was added to it).

    Method of preparation. Warm the wine slightly.

    Method of application. Drink 1/4 glass of dry wine 2 times a day before and after meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    As a good aid for bronchitis, a combination of sour wine with an infusion of plantain leaves is often used, since they have an expectorant and sputum-thinning effect.

    Required: 1/2 liter of dry wine, 50 g of dry plantain leaves.

    Method of preparation. Place the wine over moderate heat. When the liquid warms up a little, add plantain leaves to it, cover with a lid and bring to a boil while stirring constantly. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, remove it from the heat and heat in a water bath for another 20-30 minutes.

    Method of application. Drink hot 1/2 cup 2 times a day for 15 days.

    Cough remedies

    1. Required: 2-3 tbsp. l. vodka, a piece of gauze or cloth, parchment, cotton wool, bandage, warm shawl or a blanket.

    Method of preparation. Soak gauze or cloth in vodka and place it on your chest, place parchment on top so that it overlaps the top layer. Cover with cotton wool and secure the compress with a bandage.

    Method of application. Perform the procedure at night for 1-2 weeks every other day. Keep the compress for no more than 20-25 minutes.

    2. Required: 250 g of vodka, 1/2 glass of juice from fresh Veronica officinalis.

    Method of preparation. Mix the juice with vodka (1:1) and leave for 10 days, then strain the solution and add the remaining vodka. Pour the solution into a bottle, close tightly and place in a cool place.

    Method of application. Rub at night for several days until complete recovery.

    3. Required: 1/2 cup vodka, 150 g potatoes, 2 tbsp. l. honey

    Method of preparation. Boil the potatoes in their jackets and put them in plastic bag, knead it a little and wrap it in a piece of flannel. Place the bundle on your chest and secure with a bandage. Next, dissolve the honey in vodka.

    Method of application. After applying the compress, drink the prepared composition and lie down. Carry out these procedures at night at the first signs of illness and only if there is no fever. You can leave the compress on all night. For healing, as a rule, 3-4 procedures are enough.

    If you have “weak” bronchi and every now and then you start to cough, you will be helped by such procedures that are best performed regularly.

    Dissolve half a teaspoon in a glass of water sea ​​salt and a teaspoon of baking soda. Gargle with this warm solution every morning immediately after waking up. Try to drink the last two sips.

    Finely crush the sea salt in a mortar, heat it in a frying pan and pour the hot salt dust into a bowl. Leaning low over the bowl, take deep breaths while stirring the salt with a spoon. This dry salt inhalation will help you cope with bronchitis in just a few days (it’s also suitable for a “normal” cough).

    For bronchial asthma and bronchitis, inhalations with saline solution at a concentration of two to three tablespoons of sea salt per liter hot water. You can use crystalline salt with menthol. After the procedure, rest is recommended.

    The effect of these procedures will be enhanced if you combine them with nightly foot salt baths. To prepare the bath, take 5-7 liters of hot water (60°), and dissolve 5 tablespoons of sea salt in it. You need to put your feet in a basin of water and hold them until the water cools. Then wipe dry with a soft towel and put warm woolen socks on your feet with fine sea salt sprinkled there (preferably with sea salt dust). Do not take off your socks until the morning.

    Treatment of bronchitis in a child

    In children, bronchitis is accompanied by severe coughing and wheezing. Even if a severe cough is not accompanied high temperature, you must consult a doctor immediately.

    For coughs in children, a Bulgarian healer Vanga advises: take one hundred grams honey and just as much fresh oils, mix with 0.2 grams vanillin and give the child a teaspoon three times a day.

    For persistent, protracted cough in children Vanga recommends: take one potatoes, head of onion Luke and one apple and cook in a liter of water until the water has evaporated by half. Give the child a teaspoon of the decoction three times a day.

    For old cough in smokers. Advice Wangi: several rhizomes mallow cook in half a liter of milk for 10-15 minutes. Drink the decoction coffee cup several times a day.

    For a very severe cough: four walnuts nut in shell, one tablespoon of flowers elderberries and the same amount of bees honey Boil in half a liter of water. Drink the strained broth one tablespoon three times a day. Or drink a decoction for a week flaxseed.

    The reason in most cases is viral infection. Cough, initially dry, then wet, persistent with sputum. Temperature. Complications are possible (pneumonia, otitis media, etc.).

    Infants have fatal, if not treated in time. If a cough appears, the child should smear lard on his back and chest, as a last resort. vegetable oil, adding a little turpentine to it.

    If the child has a fever, rub it well vodka in half with vinegar(warm), give a little infusion from a spoon daisies, wrap it up well so you can fall asleep and sweat.

    If sputum appears and does not go away, then give 2-3 drops several times a day. almond oil V sugar syrup. The sick person should be placed in a warm room, covered well, and given diaphoretics from time to time: hot tea, raspberries, milk etc.

    If you have a severe cough, depending on your age, you can put mustard plasters, dry jars, warm compresses.

    Useful chest or anise tea, anise drops, infusion birch or pine buds. For persistent coughs, inhalation brings relief turpentine or tar.

    If the child begins to choke or break out in cold sweat, then the best thing is to consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate the onset of at In a child, croup is a serious and almost incurable disease if it is not caught immediately. While there is no doctor, you need to give the child five drops several times camphor alcohol, why put it in sugar powder, pour the powder onto the child’s tongue and wash it down with water from a spoon. This way it is possible to stop the seizure.

    Folk remedies used for bronchitis:

    Boil potato“in uniform”, crush. Add one tablespoon vegetable oil and two or three drops of iodine solution. Stir. Place it on a cloth and apply it to your chest up to your throat. Wrap it on top. Do it at night. Use for bronchitis, catarrh, especially in children.

    Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer Vanga for chest pain, he advises: you need to make a poultice from bread dough, involved in domestic yeast. Add one hundred grams to it vinegar and the same amount of vegetable oils And guilt. Place this dough on your chest, on the sore spot. The pain is often caused by inflammation of the pulmonary lining. After several poultices it goes away.

    Potato compress

    Boil 4-5 large potato tubers in their skins so that they do not crumble. Place several sheets of paper on the chest or back, and on them - potatoes cut in half. Cover with a warm blanket on top. As the potatoes cool, remove the paper. It is advisable to do the compress in the evening.

    Treatment with medicinal plants

    Garlic-honey mixture


    4 tbsp. spoons of flax seeds, 1 tbsp. spoon of anise fruit, 1 tbsp. spoon of ginger, 5 tbsp. spoons of honey, 5 tbsp. spoons of garlic gruel.

    Method of preparation.

    Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Mix the resulting pulp with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Grind dried ginger roots, anise and flax seeds into powder. Add to garlic-honey mixture. Mix thoroughly.

    Method of application.

    Take the resulting remedy for acute bronchitis, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Birch-sugar mixture


    1 liter of birch sap, 200 g of sugar. Method of preparation.

    In the spring, collect 1 liter of birch sap and melt the sugar in a frying pan. Pour birch sap into melted sugar. Method of application.

    Take 1 glass per day without special dosage for cough.

    Sage infusion with milk


    1 tbsp. spoon of dried sage herb, 200 ml of milk. Method of preparation.

    Chop the sage. 1 tbsp. Pour boiling milk over a spoonful of herbs, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Method of application.

    Take the infusion hot before bed for bronchitis or tracheitis.

    Infusion of pine buds


    1 tbsp. spoon of pine buds, 250 ml of water. Method of preparation.

    Pine buds grind, pour boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. Method of application.

    Take 1-2 sips when you feel the urge to cough.

    Elderflower infusion


    1 tbsp. spoon of black elderberry flowers, 500 ml of water. Method of preparation.

    Pour boiling water over dried flowers. Leave for 30-40 minutes, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1-2 glasses warm, but not hot, at night.

    Infusion of licorice root and linden blossom


    2 tbsp. spoons of licorice root, 1 tbsp. spoon of linden flowers, 200 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Chop licorice root and mix with linden flowers. 2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture, keep on fire for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take the infusion 1/2 cup 3 times a day to thin thick, viscous sputum.

    Infusion of elecampane


    1 teaspoon elecampane herb, 250 ml water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the elecampane grass, pour boiled cold water, leave for 10 hours, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Infusion of budra, hoofed grass and agrimony


    1 tbsp. spoon of ivy budra leaves, European hoofed grass leaves, agrimony herb, 750 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix all ingredients, grind into powder. 2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture, leave overnight, strain in the morning.

    Method of application.

    Take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day.

    "Chinese script" for chronic bronchitis


    5 tbsp. spoons of ginseng root, 1 liter of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Wash the ginseng root, dry it and grind it into powder. Fill it with vodka. Leave for 3-4 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Filter the finished tincture.

    Method of application.

    The intake should be carried out according to a clear scheme: on the first day, take 1 drop on a piece of sugar 20-30 minutes before meals. In subsequent days, the number of drops should be increased by 1 per day. After the number of drops reaches the age of the person taking the remedy, their number should be reduced, also by 1 drop per day. After completing the course of treatment, you must take a break for 1 month. After this, continue treatment according to the given scheme.

    Tincture of blue cyanosis and thyme


    1 tbsp. a spoonful of blue cyanosis and thyme herbs, 200 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Dry the herbs, chop and mix (you can use not only dried, but freshly picked herbs), add vodka, leave for a week, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with water before meals.

    A decoction of oregano, coltsfoot and marshmallow root


    1 tbsp. spoon of oregano herb, 2 tbsp. spoons of coltsfoot leaves, marshmallow root, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix all ingredients, chop, 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals as an expectorant.

    Viburnum decoction with honey


    1 cup viburnum berries, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mash viburnum berries and pour hot water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, add honey.

    Method of application. .

    Take 1 glass 2 times a day.

    Broth of coltsfoot


    2-3 leaves of coltsfoot, 500 ml milk, fresh lard on the tip of the knife.

    Method of preparation.

    Boil the leaves in milk for 30 minutes, strain. Add fresh lard to the broth.

    Method of application.

    Take 3 tbsp before bed. spoons for colds.

    Inhalation with chamomile decoction


    1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda, 400 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Pour chamomile flowers into a container, pour boiling water, add honey and soda.

    Method of application.

    Breathe over the vessel, covering your head with a towel, for 10-15 minutes for bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2 times a day.

    Collection No. 1


    1 tbsp. spoon of calamus rhizomes and valerian officinalis roots, elecampane roots, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of anise and dill seeds, lingonberry leaves and berries, yarrow herb, 3 teaspoons each of oregano and St. John's wort, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    4 tbsp. Place spoons of crushed vegetable mixture into a thermos, pour boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain.

    Method of application.

    Collection No. 2


    2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow herb, coltsfoot leaves, 1 tbsp. spoon of cuckoo adonis herb, meadow clover flowers, 2 glasses of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind herbs, mix, 2 tbsp. Pour hot water over tablespoons of the mixture, bring to a boil, leave for 2-3 hours, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Collection No. 3


    1 tbsp. spoon of black elderberry flowers, large plantain leaves, tricolor violet herb, 1 teaspoon of sundew herb, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the ingredients and mix the herbal mixture.

    1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with cold water, leave for

    2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take small sips throughout the day.

    Collection No. 4


    1 tbsp. spoon of mullein flowers, white birch buds, 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberries, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Chop the plants, 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave for 2 hours, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours.

    Collection No. 5


    1 tbsp. spoon of marshmallow root, mallow flowers, thyme herb, 2 tbsp. spoons of licorice root, 1 teaspoon of anise fruit, coltsfoot leaves, mullein flowers, 200 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Chop the plants, mix, 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with cold water, leave for 2 hours. Then bring the infusion to a boil and simmer for 5-6 minutes over low heat, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 2 tbsp. spoons of warm broth 4 times a day.

    Collection No. 6


    1 tbsp. spoon of primrose root, blood-red hawthorn flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of horsetail herb, sage herb, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Dry the plants, chop and mix. 2 tbsp. Pour cold water over spoons of the mixture, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1/4 cup hot 2-3 times a day for chronic bronchitis.

    Collection No. 7


    1 tbsp. spoon of wild rosemary herb, common thyme herb, chamomile flowers, licorice roots, marshmallow roots, 750 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix all ingredients, grind into powder. 2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture, leave for 2-3 hours, strain.

    Method of application.

    Take 1/4 cup hot 3-5 times a day after meals for a dry, persistent cough.

    Collection No. 8


    1 teaspoon of cocklebur herb, 1 tbsp. spoon of budra ivy leaves, hoofweed leaves, 600 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix the above dried herbs, grind into powder, pour boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain.

    Method of application.

    Honey is a bee product, a thick sweet mass produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. This is the sweetest and most useful product. It is rich in microelements, vitamins and glucose. Thanks to its healing properties, honey strengthens the immune system, improves the tone of the cardiovascular system, and helps fight infectious diseases.

    20 honey recipes for bronchitis

    Treatment using honey has been practiced for a very long time and traditional medicine has many honey recipes for coughs. Using honey for bronchitis is the most popular technique in folk medicine. One-ingredient recipes, simple and complex. Honey with onions, fruits. Honey in tinctures and decoctions. Honey for compresses.

    All the wisdom and experience of our ancestors is collected in recipes that help thin mucus and relieve coughs. Treatment with honey is so pleasant - it is very tasty. Even children will be delighted with such sweet treatments.

    The easiest way to combat cough with bronchitis is honey inhalation. Dissolve honey in 40° water in the ratio: take 1 part honey to 5 parts water. When inhaling, inhale alternately: through the mouth and nose.

    Honey decoctions, mixtures, tinctures and teas

    1. A whole apple, preferably green, and grate a medium onion. Pour 2 tbsp into the resulting porridge. spoons of linden honey. Mix everything well. The finished composition should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon after eating.
    2. Squeeze 0.5 liters of juice from an adult aloe (3-5 years old). Melt badger and pork fat (0.5 l each) and cool to 30 degrees. Finely chop 0.5 kg of chocolate. Mix agave juice, melted fat and chocolate, add 1 kg of honey. Store the resulting homogeneous mass in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon. This will be a very tasty treatment for children with colds.
    3. Squeeze juice from lemon (1 pc.), add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Mix everything and take 5-6 times a day. The last dose of the day is required before bedtime.
    4. Make aloe juice from old agave leaves. Wash and chop the leaves first. Add honey to the resulting juice. The ratio should be: 5 ml of juice - 1 gram of honey. This mixture is taken 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.
    5. Pass a clove of garlic through a garlic press and combine with 1 teaspoon of honey. This mixture should be consumed several times a day.
    6. Combine 500 grams of honey and plantain juice. Boil for 20 minutes over very low heat. Take chilled. Drink 1 tbsp 30 minutes before meals. spoons.
    7. 1 tbsp. steam a spoonful of chopped sage with a glass of milk. Boil and let it brew. Strain, reheat and dissolve 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of honey. Drink milk decoction before bed and only hot.
    8. Finely chop the onion (500 g), add sugar (400 g), add honey (50 g), pour in water (1 liter) and simmer over very low heat for 3 hours. Cool, strain, pour into an airtight container. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tbsp frequently (4-6 times a day). spoon.
    9. Prepare an infusion: marshmallow flowers (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Add honey to the flower tea to taste. Drink 3 times ½ cup.
    10. Chop aloe leaves (1 cup), but before using, keep in a cool place for 10 days. Honey (1.3 kg), preferably linden, melt and combine with aloe. Steam the mixture well. In 2 glasses of water, make a decoction of linden flowers (50 g) and birch buds (150 g). Boil the broth for 3 minutes. Pour the squeezed and strained broth into the honey. Pour the mixed composition into a container. Pour the same amount of olive oil into each bottle (200 ml in total). Keep the finished broth in a cool place. Shake before each use. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
    11. Combine a glass of lingonberry juice with a glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp frequently. spoon, washed down with strawberry tea.
    12. Melt the lard and cool. Mix with soft unsalted butter, buckwheat honey and sugar. Take 500 g of all components. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes and add 3 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, then boil for another 6 minutes. 1 tbsp. Melt a spoonful of the mixture in hot milk (1 glass) and drink on an empty stomach.
    13. Prepare herbal mixture: lungwort, sage, plantain - 1 spoon each, wormwood - 0.5 spoons. Chop the herbs and mix. For infusion, brew 1 tbsp in 200 ml of boiling water. spoon of the mixture and let stand for 2 hours. Sweeten the strained broth with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink 50 ml before meals.
    14. Mix salt (1 pinch) and anise (2 tablespoons) with honey (1 teaspoon). Fill everything with water (1 glass) and boil. Every 2 hours, take 1 teaspoon of strained broth.
    15. Make a hole in the radish and fill 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Let it brew for 3 hours. Take 1 teaspoon of radish juice obtained in this way before meals and before bedtime.
    16. Grate the carrots and squeeze out the juice, mix with honey in equal proportions. Drink this drink 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons.
    17. Pour lemon juice into lightly beaten eggs (2 pcs.) and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Add a glass of boiling water and stir. Take a sip every hour.


    Honey is very good not only for internal use. Warming compresses for bronchitis with honey will warm just as well. Honey applications are a simple cough treatment.

    1. Goat internal fat mix with honey in equal doses. Rub the resulting mass into the body. Place compress paper on top and wrap with a warm scarf.
    2. Melt butter and honey (one to one) in a water bath. Use the warm mixture as an ointment on the chest and back. This compress is done at night.
    3. Flour, honey and mustard powder 1 tbsp. spoon. From the resulting mass, make warm cakes for the chest, instead of mustard plasters.

    Everything is good in moderation

    It’s always nice to be sick “sweetly”. But be that as it may honey treatment delicious, we must not forget about precautions. Honey does not have many contraindications, but they cannot be neglected.

    • Honey recipes are contraindicated for anyone who has an individual tolerance, i.e., an allergy to honey.
    • At diabetes mellitus There should be extremely careful treatment with honey. Before using honey recipes, be sure to consult your doctor.

    Who said that curing bronchitis is difficult?

    • Do you regularly suffer from coughing with phlegm?
    • And also this shortness of breath, malaise and fatigue...
    • Therefore, you are waiting with fear for the approach of the autumn-winter period with its epidemics...
    • With its cold, drafts and dampness...
    • Because inhalations, mustard plasters and medications are not very effective in your case...
    • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity...

    There is an effective remedy for bronchitis. Follow the link and find out how pulmonologist Ekaterina Tolbuzina recommends treating bronchitis...