Topic: “Union-free complex sentences. The attitude of meteorologists to weather signs


Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Linguistic warm-up.

Find the extra sentence, explain your choice (the signs are not placed):

Group A.

1. They opened the door to the garden and a thin and viscous smell wafted from there.

2. Breathes quietly winter forest sensing the approach of spring and gradually awakens from sleep.

3. As soon as we entered the forest we immediately found ourselves on a path.

Group B.

4. He was glad that he had fun and that everyone was happy.

5. I remember well how we walked along the path and how it gradually began to wind, as I found mushroom place and fell behind my friends.

6. When Narcissus became thirsty, he bent down to a stream in the waters of which he saw his reflection.

Group B.

1. It was already completely dark when we got to the camp to spend the night and move on in the morning.

2. It happens that if you are unlucky in the morning, you are unlucky all day.

3. When I entered the room, I saw a brother who had come from the city.

Group G.

1. There was silence in the midst of which the crying of a child was heard.

2. I didn’t make him wait for a minute, I immediately mounted my horse and we rode out of the gates of the fortress.

3. Having gone through the familiar villages on my fingers, I discovered that they all stood on the river.

3.Explanation of new material.

Teacher's word.

So, already during the warm-up, we built a bridge from the old material to the new. Non-union proposals differ from union ones in their special expressiveness.

-Why? Why is intonation so important in BSP?

Yes, it is the absence of conjunctions and allied words that is compensated by intonation, which expresses semantic relations between parts of a sentence. And punctuation marks depend on this.

Formally, the parts of the BSP are independent, independent, but the parts of the BSP can be both equal and unequal. And, having caught this logical connection between parts of the BSP, having felt the intonation, you can cope with punctuation marks.


The grandmother was angry, the granddaughter did not listen.

The grandmother was angry: her granddaughter did not listen.

The grandmother was angry - her granddaughter did not listen.

(In the first sentence, the intonation is enumerative; it requires a comma.

Second sentence: the colon corresponds to a warning intonation with some lowering of the voice in the first part.

When reading the third sentence, the intonation easily rises in the first part and falls in the second.)

When it is difficult for us to catch intonation, we call on allied sentences for help. Let's try to replace the BSP data with SP.

The grandmother was angry, and the granddaughter did not listen.

The grandmother was angry because her granddaughter did not listen.

The grandmother was angry, but the granddaughter did not listen.

Independent work with the textbook (notes with construction of diagrams and recording of examples).

Row 1 prepares material on the use of commas and semicolons.

Row 2 – colons.

Row 3 – dash.

Student performances.

1.Comma, semicolon.

simultaneity of actions, listing of events

[complication]; [complication]

2. Colon.

: [reason] ( because)

: [explanation] ( namely)

: [ addition ] ( What; and saw that)

[ time ] - ( When)

[ condition ] - ( If)

- [opposition] ( A)

- [conclusion, consequence] ( So)

- [comparison] ( How)

- [fast change of events]

4.Consolidation of the studied material.

1)Orally explain punctuation, indicating semantic connections.

The weather had calmed down, the clouds were clearing, and a plain lay before him. (P.)

It's half December; the surrounding area, covered in an endless shroud of snow, quietly freezes. (S.-Sch.)

The birds were not heard: they do not sing during the hot hours. (T.)

Labor feeds, laziness spoils. (Proverb)

The clouds glowed brightly - it was impossible to look at them.

I went to the window: the snowfall was in full splendor.

Call yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back. (Proverb)

It was decided that we would leave for training camp tomorrow.

2)Write it down by omitting the highlighted conjunctions and turning these sentences into complex non-union ones.

I looked up and saw (e/e)l, What birds were flying high in the sky above the village.

The headman asked him for his document, But the document (not) turned out to be.

Frost is not scary, because the air is dry, there is no wind.

So(?)ntse strongly p(a/o)lit, So In the evening there will (apparently) be a thunderstorm.

3)Warning dictation.

I loved you - you didn’t love me. (I. Turgenev)

Snow is falling in clumps on the windows, a storm is whistling at the gates. (A. Fet)

The light flashed - I closed my eyes.

The sounds of wonderful songs have fallen silent, they cannot be heard again: the singer’s shelter is gloomy and cramped, and there is a seal on his lips. (M. Lermontov)

The whole difference between a smart person and a stupid person is in one thing: the first will always think and rarely say, the second will always say and never think. (V. Klyuchevsky)

The leaf has turned green - the forest has become beautiful. (Proverb)

It was forbidden to light fires - we went to bed without undressing.

The hares' fur has turned white - winter is coming.


1.Indicate the non-union proposal:

A) The moon rose very purple and the gloomy stars also frowned.

B) Khlestakov even managed to deceive the mayor, whose trickery is known throughout the city.

IN) Cold water Baikal looks like liquid glass through it in the spring you can see forty meters deep.

2.What sign should stand in place of the question in a sentence? Grandfather turned out to be right (?) In the evening a thunderstorm came ?

A) comma;

B) colon;

D) semicolon.

3. In which sentence should a colon be inserted in place of the gap?

A) A night watchman is walking along the street (...) a dog is shaking next to him.

B) He tried to move his left hand (...) it did not move.

B) I loved wandering through the forests with him (...) he knew all the paths, all the remote corners of the forest, all the grasses, shrubs.

4. In which sentence should a dash be placed in place of the gap?

A) The weather was completely unfavorable (...) at times there was a light autumn rain and a terrible wind was constantly blowing.

B) The cloud will go (...) the lake will sparkle again, the fields will be covered with gold.

C) We usually help each other (...) one peels the potatoes, the other lights the stove.

5.Which explanation for placing a colon in a sentence is correct?

Objects lost their shape: everything merged into a homogeneous mass.

A) This is a non-union sentence, the second part of which indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

B) This is a sentence with a generalizing word with homogeneous members.

C) This is a non-union sentence with the meaning of opposition.

D) This is a non-union sentence with the meaning of enumeration.

6. What numbers should be replaced by a colon in a sentence?

Opening my eyes slightly, I saw (1) that I found myself in an unfamiliar place (2) a carpet of unprecedented colors was spread around (3) the trees around (4) were entwined with some strange, creeping ivy.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

7. What numbers should be replaced by a colon in a sentence?

The goals of education are the same at all times (1) to awaken in a growing person (2) curiosity about everything (3) that breathes, turns green, blooms, makes sounds, which constitutes the concept of “life.”

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 1, 3

5.Independent work.



The topic, in my opinion, is very controversial. Someone is indifferent to her. Some treat it with humor. And someone is very, very serious. Among my acquaintances, relatives and relatives there are plenty of the first, second, and third. I often have serious disputes and disagreements with some of them, and sometimes even quarrels on this “ground.” Actually, that is why this attempt was made to understand these phenomena of human existence.

I think we need to start with the fact that signs and superstitions are initially different concepts. Relatively recently they began to be mixed and replaced with each other.


Signs (from the word note) are observations of people (mainly farmers) of the relationship between certain weather phenomena for use for practical purposes in agriculture, planning sowing and harvesting work.

Folk signs about the weather - information about the weather that is preserved among the people and passed on from generation to generation various signs, indicating upcoming weather events. People had to be able to navigate weather events then, in order to collect or sow crops in time or begin other agricultural work. For a very long time, people have been guided by folk signs, which are based on human observation of the behavior of animals and plants and their reactions to weather changes. This information has great scientific value and helps predict the weather.

Some examples of weather signs:

Signs in spring:

The larks fly towards the warmth, the chaffinch towards the cold.

Geese fly high - there will be a lot of water, if they fly low - there will be little.

A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer.

Clouds are floating high - good weather.

Sparrows bathing in the sand mean rain.

If a cat sleeps on the floor, it means warmth

Signs in summer:

Before bad weather, birds scream loudly and fly low.

Before the rain, the flowers usually close.

Frogs croak in the pond - for rain

Birds fly low - for rain

Signs in autumn:

Autumn will be warm if pansies, buttercups, daisies, yarrow, and clover bloom until late summer.

A bird landing on the roof means bad weather.

Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.

Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter.

Mosquitoes appeared in late autumn - leading to a harsh winter

Signs in winter:

A crow bathes - to bad weather.

Sparrows scream - a blizzard.

A crow hides its beak under its wing - to the cold.

The sky above the forest will turn blue, indicating warmth.

Evening dawns quickly fade - towards a thaw.

The trees were covered with frost - a blizzard.

In the old days, omens served as an unwritten body of meteorological knowledge. Weather forecast for folk signs allows you to predict the weather for a relatively small area and for a period of usually no more than a day. For a forecast to be realistic, it must be considered comprehensively (according to many indicators).

The rings around the Moon are towards the wind.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

The snow will soon melt, and the water will run together - towards a wet summer.

The first thunder with a north wind means spring is cold; with an east wind, it’s dry; in the west - wet; in the south - warm.

Crimson dawns - to the winds.

The dawn at sunrise and sunset is golden or light pink - for clear weather.

The moon with its horns downwards means warmth.

If early spring If lightning flashes, but no thunder is heard, the summer will be dry.

Clouds are floating high - good weather.

Blue clouds mean warmth and rain.

The sun sets red - towards the wind.

If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in the spring, the summer will be hot.

A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - for a rainy summer.

When the bird cherry blossoms, it will be cold.

The early arrival of larks means warm weather.

The lark is not heard from dawn - before rain or bad weather.

Crows bathe in early spring - to bring warmth.

Cranes are drawn to the north - to the warmth, fly back - to the cold.

Rowan has a lot of fruits - to severe frosts.

If hares have a lot of fat in the fall, then the winter will be long and cold.

The larger the ant heaps by autumn, the harsher the winter will be.

In the fall, bees seal the entrance with wax, leaving a barely visible hole - on cold winter, leave it (the entrance) open - for a warm winter.

If mice make a nest in the forest, then there will be more snow in winter.

Moles and mice make large reserves for a harsh and snowy winter.

In autumn, birds fly low for a cold winter, high for a warm winter.

The hare's fur has turned white - winter is coming.

The indoor birds are silent - the cold will still remain.

In winter, dogs lie around - there will be a snowstorm.

Ringing in the ears in summer means bad weather, in winter it means snow.

Lots of berries for a cold winter.

If hares do not shed for a long time in the spring, expect prolonged cold weather.

Chickens sit on the roost early - if the winter is harsh, it will be frosty, the higher you go, the stronger the frost will be.

A cat pulls at a wall means bad weather, lies in a ball in the cold.

The tit starts squeaking in the morning - expect frost at night.

In autumn, the leaves will fall soon - expect a cool winter.

October thunder promises a snowless winter.

Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.

The ice is cracking a lot - expect frost.

The glass will begin to sweat with double frames - the frost will intensify.

Geese hide their beaks under their wings in anticipation of frost.

Wolves howl near housing - it means frost.

A cat puts its head under its arm - it means frost.

A cat climbs onto the stove - to the frost.

In which direction the animals lie with their backs, expect the wind from that side.

Appeared on the trees in summer yellow leaves- autumn will be early.

If thunder rumbles for a long time, bad weather will persist for a long time.

A rainbow circle near the Moon - to the wind, to bad weather.

One or two dim reddish circles are visible around the Moon - expect severe frosts.

If there are many stars and are very frequent, it means cold in winter.

Bees returning without honey means bad weather.

Swallows fly low - to bad weather.

In the evening there is no fish - bad weather.

The fog rises up - to bad weather.

Ants closing the passages in anthills means bad weather.

The branches of the spruce droop downwards, and the cones cover their scales - a sign of bad weather.

The coming weather can be judged by the direction and strength of the wind, by the movement and appearance clouds, color of dawn, etc.

For example, a reddening morning dawn indicates high atmospheric humidity, which mandatory will lead to increased cloudiness and, of course, worsening weather conditions.

Swifts and swallows fly low just above the ground, almost touching the surface of the reservoir with their breasts - this means there will be rain, even if there is not a cloud in the sky. The explanation for this is simple - an increase in humidity affected the wings of the midges, they became heavier, as a result of which the midges accumulate below, above the ground, and the birds following them fly so low.

So, before the rain, ants rush to close the entrances to their anthills. To protect the delicate pollen, plants quickly fold the petals of their flowers. Chickens, sensing the approach of rain, bury themselves in the dust.

Bees are sensitive to the slightest changes in weather. Professional beekeepers understand by their “weak, lazy” flight that bad weather is approaching.

For an observant person, lake and river gulls can easily replace a barometer. So, by their behavior, you can understand what kind of weather is expected in the near future; during calm and good weather, seagulls, as a rule, sit on the water, but as soon as the fish smell something wrong in the atmosphere, they sink to the bottom of the reservoir and then the seagulls have nothing to do on the water. During this period, since there is nothing to feast on, they walk along the shore.

All alive natural world reacts or responds to any changes that occur in nature. If you learn to observe and recognize these phenomena, then it is quite possible to create a short-term weather forecast.

The attitude of meteorologists to weather signs

Weather prediction is one of the most difficult physics problems. The main method in preparing a weather forecast is to collect and process meteorological information. Weather forecasting in modern conditions is based on a study of data on the development of atmospheric processes and rests on a scientific, solid and technical foundation. Nowadays, normal vigorous activity is completely unthinkable without a forecast. national economy. In everyday life, especially during natural recreation - fishing, hiking and hunting, it can be successfully predicted using folk signs. Meteorologists, as a rule, believe that such signs as the following carry nothing in themselves except humor and folklore: “If dogs sleep a lot and eat little, it will rain,” “Dogs roll on the ground, it will rain or snow.” But such signs as: “The catkins on the maples - this is the beetroot”, “The violet has bloomed - this is the carrot and parsley”, “If the birch leaf unfolds completely - you can plant potatoes” are justified, since plants react to changes in temperature and humidity in the environment environment and behave accordingly: some trees begin to bloom, or a flower opens and begins to emit a stronger smell, and many other signs indicating changes in the weather. According to the Sakhalin Hydrometeorological Service, folk signs have great scientific value and help predict the weather.

Why may folk signs about the weather not come true?

According to one version, when folk signs were created, the climate was completely different. The winters were colder, the summers not so hot, that is, they were created for completely different times, or rather for other climatic eras.

As you can see, signs relate to a purely practical area of ​​​​human activity. Superstitions and prejudices are a completely different matter. These phenomena are in the spiritual and mental realms human life. It is from this position that I propose to consider these phenomena.

Superstitions have existed as long as man himself has lived. And the forms of their manifestation are very diverse, sometimes you may not even notice whether they are superstitions. But what exactly is superstition? Mendeleev once remarked: “Superstition is confidence not based on knowledge.” Well said - short, clear and comprehensive!

But still, let's think about this, let's see how things stand with such prejudices in real life. And here it turns out that all superstitions - and there are a great many of them! - millions of people believe and continue to believe, regardless of the most categorical explanations from outstanding scientists and other sensible, knowledgeable specialists. What is superstition? A difficult-to-explain phenomenon of human consciousness? The desire of other people to make their lives easier by transferring the solution of some life difficulties to the “pointing finger” from above? Mental dead ends and labyrinths of an ignorant mind? Or maybe this is some kind of constant companion of our consciousness? There are many opinions about superstitions. There are known, for example, harsh assessments of superstitions expressed over the centuries by outstanding thinkers. Here are some of them: Plato said that “A person made stupid by superstition is the most despicable of people.” Jean Jacques Rousseau considered superstition “one of the most terrible scourges of the human race.” Emile Zola said this: “Superstition is dangerous, allowing its existence is even a certain cowardice. To be tolerant of it - doesn't this mean forever reconciling with ignorance, reviving the darkness of the Middle Ages? Superstition weakens and makes you stupid.”

The path of our mind to knowledge and mastery of the surrounding world is difficult, extremely complex. To obtain any knowledge about nature or about himself, a person has to wade through the jungle of the incomprehensible, mysterious, and often seeming miraculous. And of course, people were constantly mistaken, expressed incorrect assumptions, and often directly explained any sacrament as a manifestation of illusory supernatural forces. This is essentially the nature of superstition.

Superstitions prophesy to a person grief or joy, worries and pleasures, long or short life... There are so many of these prejudices in the arsenal of human imagination!

For example, the legends of the indigenous inhabitants of the Urals preserve the belief that at the top of the high mountain there is a cave filled with treasures - gold and precious stones. Ancient drawings are often found in caves in the Urals. For example, in the huge Kapova Cave on Southern Urals Images of disappeared animals were discovered - with mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses. Interesting beliefs walked among the Ural miners. Miners believed that it was necessary to establish friendly relations with ore and underground riches. Without sympathy, a miner will never achieve success in his difficult and dangerous business. Disrespect for the underground forces inevitably leads to revenge. The best for that confirmation is the well-known image of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Ancient and modern legends about the underworld were processed and presented to the reader by Pavel Bazhov. Who does not know the underground wonders now: the Great Snake, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Superstitious people are saved from additional daily anxieties and doubts only by the fact that each of them believes only a few signs or fortune-telling and does not pay attention to all the rest. Or he simply doesn't know about them. What if we put them together? Yes, if you put them together, you get a gigantic picture of the darkest delusions of man. There are so many superstitions that it is simply impossible to accurately group or classify them. Only very conditionally can we say about some of the main directions.

Superstition, as a rule, manifests itself at the behavioral level in simplified ritual forms: the use of talismans, tattoos, magical gestures, etc.

The word itself is derived from Old Slavonic word“vanity,” which means in vain (without benefit and without awareness of the reasons) and “faith,” that is, literally “vain belief,” “useless belief.” The concept of “superstition” and the classification of a particular idea or ritual as superstition is largely subjective, and depends both on the person’s worldview, and on the level of education and ethnocultural environment. As a rule, superstitions include ideas that connect objects and phenomena between which it is impossible to establish an objective connection (for example, it is difficult to establish a connection between luck and the number 13, given the conditional nature of any ordinal counting).

The psychological specificity of the exceptional stability of superstitions is due to the fact that cases of their confirmation (which, if sufficiently widespread, can occur simply due to random coincidences) are firmly recorded, and facts of obvious fallacy (which, in fact, are the majority) are repressed. A similar explanation for the emergence of superstitions from a psychological point of view was first proposed by B. F. Skinner.

Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990) was an American psychologist, inventor and writer.

Contributed huge contribution in the development and popularization of behaviorism - a school of psychology that considers human behavior as a result of previous influences environment. Skinner is best known for his theory of operant conditioning, but less so for his fiction and journalism in which he promoted the widespread use of behavior modification techniques (such as programmed training) to improve society and make people happy, as a form of social engineering.

In 1972 American psychological association(which already at that time had about one hundred thousand members) named the most outstanding psychologists of the 20th century. In their almost unanimous opinion, this list of honor was headed by B.F. Skinner, who was still alive at that time, ahead of even Freud (who was named second).

As a result, a person establishes a false connection between his actions and some event independent of them, which he begins to consider as a consequence of his actions. Skinner experimentally modeled the emergence of superstitious behavior and, in addition, showed that superstitious behavior can be characteristic not only of people, but also of animals.

Basic intentions

  • desire to look into the near future
  • avoid unfavorable situations
  • comfort a person
  • desire to tell a person correct behavior: or through fear negative consequences or enticing with positive consequences

These reasons and mental characteristics contribute to the spread of superstitions, especially in extreme circumstances.

Superstitions are beliefs that arise when a person lacks any methodology of cognition and conscious knowledge about the relationships in the universe. And in this case, objectively some mutually influencing processes are taking place, but the personal culture of the bearer of superstitions is such that he is not able to recognize these relationships, and the presence in the culture of society of superstitions already created by someone is used by him as some kind of dead dogma, sometimes even completely not having nothing to do with the place in life where it is used by such a person. That's why black cat Such a person is always to blame for his unsuccessful journey.

Nowadays, the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities have expanded significantly. But, just like hundreds of years ago, life often presents a person with riddles, frightens him with the unknown, and puts him in a difficult situation. And here our consciousness takes a difficult exam for the high title of “homo sapiens.”

And, since superstitions relate to the area of ​​human spiritual life, I could not ignore the opinion of representatives of the church about them, since it positions itself precisely as that place, education, phenomenon (as you like) created and designed to help a person live a correct spiritual life . For clarification, I turned to the local priest - cleric of the Church of St. Maximus the Confessor, Priest Evgeniy Kalashnikov:

What is superstition? It's the belief that various phenomena, encountered in our lives, can influence us and change our lives. People often cannot even explain the meaning of these phenomena, but they believe in them. For example, if you come from the cemetery, wash your hands. For what? That's how it should be! If someone close to you dies, hang up the mirror in your apartment. For what? That's how it should be! A black cat crossed the road - hold the button with your hand. For what? So it is necessary - to still be lucky. Superstitions also include belief in horoscopes, zodiac signs, etc.

What is the reason for such superstition - this is the spiritual ignorance of man and the desire to follow in life the easy way. Because it is much easier to justify your failures, your laziness and disorganization by various external events than to recognize the reasons for these failures in yourself. Then there is no need to think and look for answers to the causes of problems, there is no need to work on yourself and there is no need to improve.

For Christians, superstition is a vain faith, that is, an empty, inauthentic, vain, harmful faith. Christian teaching gives us the knowledge that God is not some faceless cosmic energy, but a living Person. And therefore a person can communicate with God, communicate very closely. It is impossible to love cosmic energy, it is impossible to pray to it, in fact, it is absurd to believe in it. For Christians, God is the Creator of everything visible and invisible world. God not only created this world and determined the laws of its existence and development, but HE is also the Almighty. This means that God is in control, that is, without His will not a single hair will fall from a person’s head. There were philosophers during the Enlightenment who said: “Okay, we agree that God created the world. But He wound it up like a clockwork, gave it all the necessary laws - physical, chemical, biological, even spiritual - and pulled away from the world.” But we Christians know that this is not so. God not only created the world, but also takes care of his creation every moment.

A person’s life is determined by God’s providence, but it also depends on the person himself. Man is the creator of his own destiny in terms of choosing the path of good, i.e. movement towards God or the path of evil, i.e. movement in the opposite direction. A person makes this choice himself of his own free will. And God participates in a person’s life, in accordance with his choice. Therefore, even the most inveterate sinner, if he decides to take the path of correction, then with God’s help his life changes in better side. The Russian language speaks about this interaction between God and man. folk saying: “The Lord saves us, but not without us.”

Therefore, a person’s life is influenced not by some phenomena, but by how the person himself conforms his life to the commandments of God. God is the Creator, and everything else is His creation. We worship and pray to the Creator, not to the creation. Faith and superstition are incompatible.

How to deal with superstitions? Sometimes people say: “Father, but it does come true.” And the famous all-Russian elder John (Krestyankin) answered this like this: “Don’t believe it and it won’t come true.” So we should treat superstitions in a similar way - not believe! And if anyone agreed with this and believed, then this is a sin of lack of faith. And you need to come to Confession and repent of what you have done and not do it again, not take it into your heart. Then superstitions will recede.

In order not to be superstitious, a person must strive to know God, honor God, and live according to God’s commandments. It is necessary to pray to the Lord God, read the Gospel, and begin the sacraments of the Church - Confession, Communion. Then the Christian gains true faith, and with it sobriety of mind and prudence. It must be remembered that at Baptism we are given the name “God”, we are dressed pectoral cross, which protects our soul and body, and we receive the most reliable protection in the person of the Lord God. “The Lord is my protection—of whom will I fear!” - this is what St. Seraphim of Sarov said.

Well, very, in my opinion, convincing and specific. Let's summarize our research. Personally, I come to the following conclusions:

Signs are a useful thing. You can believe in them. And it can even be used for practical purposes. But with intelligence and knowledge of the matter, otherwise you can screw it up.

Superstitions are a harmful thing. It is not advisable to believe in them. Firstly, it is illogical, stupid and funny. Secondly, it is harmful to the psyche and can even lead to partial personality degradation. But for a believer this is completely dangerous and sinful, since it leads him away from the right spiritual path to false.

Anyone who has any objections or just wants to speak out - .

Sergey Grudev

For beekeepers, knowledge of the weather forecast is essential. They decide what work to plan for the working day: in the shelter or in the wild, directly with the bees. A long-term forecast can help the beekeeper build a work plan for the future: when to transport bees, when to feed them and in what quantity, to predict the nature of the main honey flow, etc.

It often happens that a beekeeper does not have the opportunity to listen to the weather forecast on the radio or read the latest newspaper, because he is on a migration with bees or starts his work day early. What to do in this case? We must learn to predict the weather using folk signs that are passed down from generation to generation.

Here are some of them:

The clouds are descending - to bad weather.

Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.

When the sun sets, the sky darkens from the north - towards the wind.

The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - it will be good weather.

Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain.

Thick cumulus clouds move low - to bad weather, high - to a bucket.

If an angry northern wind blows, there will be a cold nearby, a southern wind blows towards warmth, a western one towards wetness, an eastern one towards a bucket.

Before the rain the moon is cloudy or pale, but before the wind it is clear and bright.

The afternoon rain is long.

If it blows snow, there will be more grain, and if the water spills, there will be hay.

Frequent fogs mean mushrooms.

Warm nights mean great honey production.

Heavy dew means a bucket, dry dew means rain.

If the thunder thunders abruptly and briefly, wait for clear weather; continuously - there will be hail; in rainy weather, expect a long cold snap.

Crimson dawns - to the winds.

The snow will soon melt, and the water will run together - towards a wet summer.

The snow melts on the north side of the anthill - summer is warm and long; on the south side it is cold and short.

A lot of acorns on the oak tree - for a cold winter.

A lot of berries on a rowan tree - for a cold winter.

If the leaves fall quickly in the fall, there will be a harsh winter.

A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.

The sun sets into a cloud - towards a snowstorm.

The horns of the moon are sharp and bright - towards the wind, steep - towards the frost.

The month is born: lying down means warmth, standing up means frost.

Lightning in winter means a storm.

Snow falls in large flakes - a sign of bad weather and wetness.

Clear sky means frost.

In winter, the sky becomes clouded - a blizzard.

The stars shine very much - it means frost.

At night the moon is a little reddish - the wind will bring warmth and snow tomorrow.

Sparrows chirp in unison - the thaw.

Crows sit on the tops of trees - to the frost, on the lower branches - to the wind.

A cat scratches the floor - towards the wind and snowstorm.

The hares' fur has turned white - winter is coming.

Hares stay near housing - in case of frost.

Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.

The titmouse squeaks in the morning - expect frost at night.

In winter, flies begin to fly around the room - a thaw.

If the windows fog up in the frost, wait for warmer weather.

Chickens roost early - in anticipation of frost, and the higher you go, the stronger the frost.

The trees were covered with frost - to the warmth.

Dry and light snow - for a dry summer.

If there is frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.

Fog spreads across the water in the morning - to good weather, rises upward - to rain.

Fog that disappears after sunrise portends good weather.

The sun sets behind a cloud - it means rain.

If the sunset is red, it will be clear.

If a rainbow appears, it will rain.

If a rainbow is visible in the evening, the weather will be fine.

The sun comes out from behind the clouds - good weather.

The sun rising from behind a cloud means bad weather.

Smoke in a column means frost and wind.

Smoke from the chimneys falls down and spreads along the ground - wait for a thaw.

A foggy circle near the sun (or moon) means a blizzard.

Firewood burns with a bang - it means frost.

The wood in the stove smokes and does not burn well - leading to a thaw.

Reddish moon - big wind.

Crows in the winter are in the air - before the snow, if after that they descend and sit on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit on the roofs of houses and the tops of trees - there will be frost, if they sit on the lower branches of the trees - there will be wind. If in the evening a flock of crows rise up under the clouds and circle in the air, sometimes falling, sometimes rising, as if unable to find a place to sleep for the night, then there will be a storm, and in winter - a blizzard.

If the oak blossoms before the ash, and the birch before the alder, then this is a sign of a dry summer, and vice versa. Abundant release of sap by birch trees in April days means a rainy summer.

March will bring snow, April will wash away with water.

The April flower breaks the ice.

The bird cherry trees will turn white and bring on cold weather.

If in March the first thunder strikes with a north wind - to cold spring, at east wind- to dry and warm, in the south - to warm.

If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, the summer will be dry.

The oak is unfolding - it’s cold.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

The weather in spring can also be predicted by a rainbow. If the rainbow is high (steep) and appears in the middle of the day, there will be no rain that day.

A low midday rainbow (flat) is a harbinger of heavy rain.

A rainbow after the rain, no matter what it is - steep or flat - the rest of the day will be clear.

The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.

March with water - April with grass.

Thunder in early spring - before the cold.

If steppe harriers build their nests on the cold outskirts of the swamp - there will be a drought.

The hot summer is indicated by the abundance of May beetles that appear in the spring.

The bugs came together in one heap - it was bad weather.

If swallows build nests on the sunny side of the house, it means cold summer.

Before heavy rain, moles get out of their holes. The appearance of earthworms on the surface of the earth means rain.

Pisces sense weather changes well, some of them are real living barometers. Before the onset of bad weather, loach, loach, and tench begin to worry and constantly rise to the surface.

If early in the morning the bees go together to collect honey, it will be a clear day; if they sit on their landing boards, it will be rainy.

In the sky early in the morning, a lark is ringing a bell, swifts and swallows are flying high, masterfully catching insects, a chaffinch is singing melodiously, a kite is soaring majestically, and a seagull has landed on the water - the weather will be good (according to any of these signs).

Golden bee-eaters are hunting for bees in a massive swoop - it will rain.

Before the rain, chickens are carefully plucked, geese and ducks splash for a long time in ponds, squawk and grease their feathers, roosters begin roll call throughout the village in broad daylight. At this time, grasshoppers do not chirp, crickets do not show signs of life, and ants diligently close the entrances and exits in anthills. Swallows quickly fly over the ground, catching insects - it will rain.

If the urticaria butterfly begins to hide in clear, quiet weather in places protected from wind and drafts, and sometimes flies indoors, expect a thunderstorm or heavy rain in 2-3 hours.

The branches of the fir trees rise up, and the scales of the cones fit tightly; the white flowers of meadow heart and celandine will fade, and water lilies, dandelions and bindweeds will “bashfully” cover the flowers - it will rain soon. Before the rain, the flowers of sweet clover, honeysuckle, and adonis smell strongly, mallow flowers curl up and wilt, and maple leaves begin to “shed tears” at the base of the roots.

The arrival of a thunderstorm can be determined even several days in advance by the sky, where thin transparent stripes of cirrus clouds begin to appear high up - a sure sign of close and loud thunderstorms.

The sun before a thunderstorm is always cloudy, hidden behind a veil, the suffocating heat is felt, and a stripe of clouds appears on the horizon, merging into a dark solid mass.

If the fog falls down in the evening and falls on the ground, then there will be no rain tomorrow. If the fog rises up from the ground or water, it will be very hot.

Clouds are floating high - good weather.

It's cold by night, north wind, no dew - bad weather.

Dull thunder means quiet rain, sharp thunder means heavy rain.

On a hot day, rotten spots become wet - a sign of rain.

The evening forest is warmer than the field - for warm, clear weather.

If midges “push the poppy” in the evening (gather in columns in the air) - go to the bucket.

A cricket screams when the weather is good, but is silent when it rains.

A lot of beetles (beetles) means drought.

Smoke trails and billows - to bad weather.

The bindweed closes its corolla before the rain.

When a dandelion squeezes its ball, it is a sign of rain.

Summer is hot - winter is frosty.

If birds stay in their native lands longer than usual, then the cold will not come soon.

Early in autumn there is a lot of snow - by early spring.

If a squirrel builds a nest low, it means a frosty winter; if it builds a nest high, it means a warm one.

Late flowering of rowan - for a long autumn.

When there are few rowan trees in the forest, the autumn will be dry, and when there are many, it will be rainy.

If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it swirls, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

Autumn frost - to the bucket.

October thunder - snowless winter.

If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree in October, expect a severe winter.

Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

In November, warmth and frost are not a decree.

If the duck is still sitting on the water and does not fly away even in cold rain, then the good weather will continue for a long time.

Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.

The larger the ant heaps by autumn, the stronger the winter will be.

If mosquitoes appear in late autumn, the winter will be mild.

Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.

There are a lot of mosquitoes - prepare boxes (of berries). There are a lot of midges - prepare a basket (for mushrooms).

If snow falls in the fall, when the trees have not yet shed their leaves, it will soon melt.